Brüel Kjaer Accelerometers Conditioning

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BF 0212 – 17
HEADQUARTERS: DK-2850 Nærum · Denmark · Telephone: +45 4580 0500
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Brüel & Kjær’s Accelerometers & Conditioning COMPANY PROFILE AND MARKET SEGMENT BROCHURES
Catalogue covers our full range of Accelero-
Company Profile – BG 1527
meters, Force Transducers, Impact Hammers,
Impedance Heads, Non-contact Transducers, Automotive – BG 1530

Conditioning Amplifiers, Cables and Accesso- Aerospace & Defence – BG 1533

ion Solutions
Noise and Vibrat
ries. Products are sorted individually into tables Telecom & Audio – BG 1534

listing the most important specifications and

Inspired Partnership – BG 1588
making it easy for you to select the right pro-
duct for your particular measurement needs.

Innovative Solutions

BG1692 - 11
At Brüel & Kjær we are in the employees are world-renowned Aerospace & Defenc

business of innovation. We experts in their respective fields

always have been – from the and are often asked to speak at 04 2008 08:58

first range of measurement seminars, conferences, advise

microphones to the first multi- on new Standards, etc. But our
analyzer and the first Non-sta- expertise doesn’t only come PRODUCT CATALOGUES
tionary STSF system. We’re from within our organisation; it
proud of this tradition and con- also comes from working closely Accelerometers& Accelerometers & Conditioning – BF 0212

tinue to develop and face the with our partners. In this way
PULSE Analyzers & Solutions – BF 0209
challenges posed to us by our we can further our declared
customers. In fact we’re focus- mission – to enhance the envi-
Microphones & Conditioning – BF 0208
ing more and more on our cus- ronment, the quality and the
tomers’ needs and in most joy of life for everyone by
Sound Level Meter Solutions – BF 0213
instances supply whatever they improving sound and reducing

need covering the whole meas- vibration. With all this expertise

BF 0212 – 14
urement chain – from a single we have been able to establish and precision. This requires instruments with the performance and Produ ct Catalo
gue Januar y 2008
transducer to a complete our knowledge centre – the quality to match. All our products are thoroughly tested, often in the
turnkey system. This has, in Brüel & Kjær University – from harshest environmental conditions. Extremely high standards are met Magazines – Twice a Year

part, been made possible by which we can build and spread in all aspects of product and service provision, as reflected in our sta-
strategic alliances that enable sound and vibration related tus as an ISO 9001 certified company. In fact, you’ll find that our
us and our partners to find knowledge worldwide for the products usually come with a service period of 5 years after the end
newer and more efficient ways benefit of our partners, employ- of production, such is their reliability, quality and robustness. And it
Brüel & Kjær
for our customers to improve ees and, not least, our cus- is not only customer demands that need to be satisfied – legislation
their products’ quality and stay tomers. also sets exacting standards. This often means documented results The International Soun
d and Vibration Magaz
ine from Brüel & Kjær No
. 1, 2008

at the cutting edge of competi- that are traceable to known sources, such as a national calibration Advanced NVH Testing at Honda
Optimising Interior Vehicle
tiveness. Technology has no lim- Top Quality laboratory. And it goes without saying that the support customers Noise with Array-based Systems
PULSE Smart Start – See How
its – if our customers can imag- In all aspects of sound and vibra- receive must always be the most reliable they can find. If things go Easy it is to Set Up New Analyses

ine it then we can develop it. tion there are challenges to be wrong, Brüel & Kjær is there.
met. For example, making sure
Wealth of Experience that the car, bus or train that Brüel & Kjær’s Vision
Knowledge and experience go one takes to work each day can Our vision is to be the preferred partner and solution provider to
hand-in-hand and we have withstand the mechanical all leading companies and institutions who care about sound and
accumulated over 65 years’ shocks imposed on it demands vibration, and be the global competence centre for sound and
worth. In fact, many of our measurements of great accuracy vibration. In addition to the above, we have a comprehensive range of high-quality literature including Product Data Sheets, Application Notes, etc.
For on-line versions visit

2 Accelerometer & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Literature Overview Page i Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Selecting the Right Accelerometer .........................................................................................................................1
Charge Type Piezoelectric ..................................................................................................................................1
Accelerometers ...................................................................................................................................................1
IEPE Accelerometers ...........................................................................................................................................1
Piezoresistive Accelerometers ............................................................................................................................1
Popular Uses of Accelerometers ........................................................................................................................2
A Quality Experience ..........................................................................................................................................5
Development and Customisation ......................................................................................................................5
Compliance with Standards ...............................................................................................................................7
Accelerometers ........................................................................................................................................................8
Uniaxial Piezoelectric Charge Accelerometers ..................................................................................................8
Triaxial Piezoelectric Charge Accelerometers .................................................................................................10
Uniaxial DeltaTron®/IEPE/CCLD Accelerometers .............................................................................................11
Triaxial DeltaTron®/IEPE/CCLD Accelerometers ..............................................................................................16
Amplified Piezoresistive Accelerometers ........................................................................................................17
Industrial Accelerometers ................................................................................................................................18
Force Transducers and Impact Hammers ..............................................................................................................20
Force Transducers .............................................................................................................................................20
Force Transducer/Impact Hammer ...................................................................................................................21
Impedance Heads .............................................................................................................................................21
Impact Hammers ...............................................................................................................................................22
Laser Doppler Vibrometers ...................................................................................................................................23
Non-contact Transducers .......................................................................................................................................24
Signal Conditioning ...............................................................................................................................................25
NEXUS Conditioning Amplifiers ......................................................................................................................28
Charge/DeltaTron Amplifiers ...........................................................................................................................31
Charge Amplifiers .............................................................................................................................................33
Converters and Power Supplies .......................................................................................................................36
Cables .....................................................................................................................................................................40
Brüel & Kjær Cables ...........................................................................................................................................40
Mounting Solutions ...............................................................................................................................................50
Mounting Considerations ................................................................................................................................50
Brüel & Kjær Accessories ...................................................................................................................................52
Calibration Products ..............................................................................................................................................61
Reference Accelerometers ...............................................................................................................................61
Calibrators and Calibration Systems ................................................................................................................62
Vibration and Shock Calibration Exciters ........................................................................................................63
Accessories ........................................................................................................................................................63
Brüel & Kjær Service ...............................................................................................................................................64
Service Agreement ...........................................................................................................................................64
Reference Instruments .....................................................................................................................................64
Initial Calibration ..............................................................................................................................................65
Regular Calibration ..........................................................................................................................................65
Accredited Calibration .....................................................................................................................................65
Traceable Calibration .......................................................................................................................................65
About Calibration at Brüel & Kjær ...................................................................................................................65
Glossary of Vibration Terms ..................................................................................................................................66
Sales and Service Worldwide ................................................................................................................................69 i Page ii Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Type Number Index .............................................................................................................................................. 70

Index ...................................................................................................................................................................... 73

ii Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 1 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM


When selecting an accelerometer, it is important to deter- of operating at extreme temperatures, but are constrained
mine which parameters are needed for the measurement. by low output sensitivity (inherent in any spring-mass
The most important is to consider the frequency range transducer design). Because most high-frequency acceler-
needed, especially if measurements to DC are required. ometers are undamped, high-frequency harmonics from
The next most important parameters are the desired meas- the structure can cause ringing of the accelerometer and
urement range, the maximum expected acceleration and overload conditions in downstream electronics. The reso-
the minimum level to be measured. Other factors to con- nance frequency of the accelerometer should, therefore,
sider include special requirements such as specific measure- be sufficiently high that it stays above the high-frequency
ment conditions, environment, regulations and standards signals that are present in the structure.
with which the accelerometer must comply. Finally, in or-
der to select the right accelerometer it is important to
choose one that has a broader measuring range than cov- IEPE Accelerometers
ered by the parameter in question. This ensures optimal
accelerometer performance and the most confident meas- IEPE accelerometers are piezoelectric accelerometers with
urement. integral preamplifiers, which give output signals in the
form of voltage modulation on the power supply line.
Brüel & Kjær offers a broad spectrum of accelerometers, Brüel & Kjær’s IEPE accelerometers are specifically aimed at
which respond to the varying needs and applications with- measuring vibration on small structures (for example, mini-
in motion and vibration measurement. This adaptability is atures). Their high output sensitivity, high signal-to-noise
evident in the range of accelerometers designed for specif- ratio and wide bandwidth make them suitable for both
ic environments, industries, tasks and conditions, as well as general purpose and high-frequency vibration measure-
general purpose instruments that provide a wide opera- ments.
tional range.
These low-cost and lightweight accelerometers are high
However, such versatility and selection may be overwhelming. performance instruments that have higher output sensitivity
Therefore, in order to help you through the selection process, than standard piezoelectric accelerometers (without inte-
this section describes the various technologies behind our gral amplifiers). They are hermetically sealed to protect
accelerometers to give you a deeper insight into design against environmental contamination, have low susceptibil-
objectives and suitable uses. The table under Popular Uses ity to radio frequency electromagnetic radiation and low
of Accelerometers can be used as a quick reference guide impedance output due to the external constant current
categorising each accelerometer according to its relevant power source. Low-impedance output allows you to use
application(s). inexpensive coaxial cables.

IEPE accelerometers are undamped, high-frequency acceler-

Charge Type Piezoelectric ometers, which require measures to be taken to avoid
ringing of the accelerometer and overload conditions.
Piezoelectric accelerometers use a spring-mass system to Piezoresistive Accelerometers
generate a force proportional to the amplitude and fre-
quency of vibration. The force is applied to a piezoelectric Piezoresistive accelerometer strain gauge elements change
element, which produces a charge on its terminals that is electrical resistance in proportion to applied mechanical
proportional to the vibratory motion. The unique design of stress. The accelerometer’s monolithic sensor includes inte-
Brüel & Kjær’s piezoelectric accelerometers allows for high gral mechanical stops and offers outstanding ruggedness,
mounted resonance frequency and ruggedness in the same while still maintaining an excellent signal-to-noise ratio af-
package, making this type of accelerometer suitable for ter the built-in bridge amplifier. This type of accelerometer
general-purpose use. Their exceptional high-frequency is ideal for measuring motion, low-frequency vibration and
characteristics are also ideal for high-frequency vibration shock, and is designed for crash testing, flutter testing,
measurement applications, such as gear noise analysis and rough road testing, measurements of biodynamics and sim-
monitoring of turbine or high-speed rotating machinery. ilar applications that require minimal mass loading and
broad frequency response. They can also be used for shock
Piezoelectric materials are self-generating and therefore, testing of lightweight systems or structures.
do not require an external power source. They are capable Selecting the Right Accelerometer 1 Page 2 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

With a frequency response extending down to DC, or sistive accelerometers have gas damping close to critical,
steady-state acceleration, the accelerometers are ideal for thereby producing no phase shift at low frequency, but
measuring long duration transients as well as short duration large phase shifts at high frequencies. There are, however,
shocks. Gas damping and internal over-range stops enable inherent problems with measurements at low frequency,
the accelerometers to withstand the shocks and acceleration and steps must be taken to overcome these disadvantages.
loads inherent in typical high-g applications. These piezore-

Popular Uses of Accelerometers

Very often several products can fulfill the requirements of For a quick overview, the product types are listed accord-
a specific application. The products marked with • indicate ing to their typical applications in the tables below.
our suggested choice if in doubt. These types are versatile,
widely used, and available from stock or in production for
a guaranteed fast delivery.

Application Charge/Piezoelectric DeltaTron/IEPE/CCLD

General Purpose 4321 4504-A• 4507-B• 4518-001•
Wide frequency
range; Wide 4321-S 4508-B• 4518-002
dynamic range; 4321-V 4513 4518-003
Large temperature
range; Low base 4326-A• 4513-001• 4519
strain sensitivity
4326-A-001• 4513-002 4519-001
4382• 4514 4519-002
4382-S• 4514-001• 4519-03
4382-V• 4514-002 4520•
4383• 4514-004 4524-B-001
4383-S• 4516
4383-V• 4518•
High-temperature 4526 4511-001 8324-G
operation of >300°C
(572°F) for charge
High-temperature 4526-001
operation of >150°C
(302°F) for IEPE
High-sensitivity 4370• 4371-V• 4384-S• 8318-C 4506-B-002 4507-B-005 4508-B-004 8340
For low-level and
low-frequency 4370-S• 4381 4384-V• 4506-B-003 4507-B-006 4513-002
vibration measure- 4370-V• 4381-S 6222-S-100-A 4507-002 4508-002 4514-002
ments, for exam-
ple, seismic, or on 4371• 4381-V 7201-100 4507-B-002 4508-B-002
large structures
4371-S• 4384•

2 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 3 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Application Charge/Piezoelectric DeltaTron/IEPE/CCLD

High-frequency and 4374• 4393• 4505-A 4394• 4518• 8339-002
Small size: 4374-L 4393-S• 4517-C• 4394-S• 4518-001•
≤ 5 grams; Fre- 4374-S• 4393-V• 4517-C-001 4397-A• 4518-002
quency range:
≥ 10 Hz; For mea- 4375• 4517-C-003 4397-S• 4518-003
surements on small
structures 4375-S• 4521-C 4516 4519
4375-V• 4516-001 4519-001
4517• 4519-002
4517-002 4519-003
Human Vibration
ISO 2631 and 4392 4322 4515-B 4516-001 4520-004
ISO 7096
Industrial 4391• 8315 8315-A 4511-001 8341
Exceptionally rug-
ged design for 4391-S• 8315-B 8324-G
extreme handling 4391-V• 8315-C 8325-A
and use
8315-D 8327-B
8315-W-001 8326-B
Up to 400 m depth 5958-A 5958-B 5958-H 5958-V-001
Hermetically sealed

Application Charge/Piezoelectric DeltaTron/IEPE/CCLD Piezoresistive

Structural and 4326-A• 4501-A 4504-A• 4507• 4513-001 4570
High sensitivity/ 4326-A-001• 4507-C 4506• 4507-001• 4513-002 4571
weight ratio 4500-A 4508-C 4506-B• 4507-002 4514-001 4572
Easy mounting 4517-C• 4506-B-002 4507-B• 4514-002 4573
4517-C-001 4506-B-003 4507-B-001 4517• 4574
4517-C-003 4507-B-002 4517-002 4575
4507-B-003 4520•
4507-B-004• 4524
4507-B-005 4524-B•
4507-B-006 4524-B-001
4508• 4520-001
4508-001 4525-B
4508-002 4525-B-001
Shock and 8309 8339
Automotive Crash 8309-S 8339-001
Special Applications 4511-001 8324-G
8341 Selecting the Right Accelerometer 3 Page 4 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Application DeltaTron/IEPE/CCLD Piezoresistive

Aerospace and 4505 8324-G 4570-D
Flight Test 4511-001 8341 4570-D-001
4523 4570-D-002

4 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 5 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

A Quality Experience Brüel & Kjær has a portfolio of non-standard products de-
veloped for special applications. For further details on
Accelerometers have been a core part of Brüel & Kjær’s what we can offer for special applications please contact
business for more than 60 years. The quality of our acceler- your local Brüel & Kjær representative.
ometers is world renowned and is the result of our unique
experience and knowledge, backed up by meticulous test- Prototype Testing and Verification
ing and quality control, which ensures that you get the Following verification of the mathematical model, the next
performance and durability you expect. step in the development of a new transducer is to con-
struct several prototypes. These are hand made in our pro-
To Brüel & Kjær, quality is not only measured by product duction department under the supervision of R&D
performance or durability. We also strive to provide excel- engineering. The parameters of each prototype are thor-
lent support to our customers throughout the relationship, oughly tested and verified against the FEM model and the
from initial enquiry to after sales services. We take pride in requirement specification. In addition, further tests are
providing measurement equipment and analysis tools for made including:
the entire measurement chain. This enables us to provide • Environmental testing – heat, humidity, etc.
technical support not only for the transducer, but also for • EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)
the entire measurement chain. • Base strain
• Destructive testing
engineers Electrostatic
discuss the Discharge
Finite Element Immunity Test
Model of Type as part of the
4511 EMC testing

Development and Customisation Measurement Accuracy

There are many external inputs that can cause measure-
Based on input from our customers, their requirements, ment errors in an accelerometer and thus affect its output
and our own product development plans, we determine and the accuracy of the measurement. Therefore, it is ex-
the specification of a new accelerometer. Initially, a finite tremely important to know how sensitive each type of ac-
element model (FEM) is created electronically and from celerometer is to these external parameters. The sensitivity
this we calculate the expected performance of the new to unwanted external sources can only be accurately deter-
design. Brüel & Kjær maintains a database of transducer mined using advanced testing techniques and Brüel & Kjær
design data. Through verification of the FEM with the tested has developed its own testing equipment for this purpose.
parameters of transducers, the ‘quality’ of mathematical
models continually increases. Pilot Production and Verification
Typical pilot production quantities are from 20 to 50 units
Special measurement situations may require a transducer
and are made without R&D or engineering supervision.
that cannot be met by Brüel & Kjær’s standard range. To
This ensures that production takes place under the normal
effectively meet our customers’ needs, Brüel & Kjær offers
manufacturing routine. At this stage, the accelerometers
customised products. Once again the FEM provides an effi-
are tested to their basic calibration parameters. For a new
cient tool to rapidly model changes and verify perform-
type of accelerometer to be released for production, it
ance, thus avoiding iterations in the prototype
must pass two levels:
• The production department can manufacture the accel-
erometer without incurring problems Selecting the Right Accelerometer 5 Page 6 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

• The pilot production accelerometers fully comply with calibrations can be performed according to ISO 16063-
product specifications 11
In addition, the pilot production batch is placed in quaran-
tine and subjected to a further series of tests including: All calibration test procedures fully comply with ISO 17025.
• Climatic testing After-sales Service and Customer Support
• Base bending Many customers return transducers to us on a regular basis
• Shock, etc. for calibration and either Accredited Calibration (CAF) or
Traceable Calibration (CTF) can be specified. The calibra-
The results of these tests are placed in a verification report tion turnaround time is normally seven working days.
and this is frequently consulted when advising customers.
Our customers demand accelerometers that enable them
If the pilot production quantity is verified according to our to make precise, and totally accurate measurements. It is
exacting standards, then it’s released for normal produc- Brüel & Kjær’s attention to testing and quality control at all
tion. stages of the development and production process, backed
up by our lifetime of experience, that makes all the differ-
Production – Test, Test and Test Again! ence!
Every Brüel & Kjær accelerometer is thoroughly tested dur-
ing its production. Extremely high standards are met in all
levels of production quality and this is reflected in our sta-
tus as an ISO 9001 certified company. Depending on the
type, each accelerometer is subjected to between five and
ten separate test procedures.

Final Calibration
After the production process is completed, every acceler-
ometer is tested to check that its performance is within
the specified parameters. The first tests are carried out in
the production area, followed by an individual calibration
in our calibration laboratory.

Vibration Transducer Calibration System Type 3629 is used

for final calibration. An individual calibration chart is is-
sued and, at this stage, if the accelerometer is a TEDS type,
the TEDS information is programmed into the built-in chip.
If specified at the time of purchase, a new accelerometer
can be supplied with Accredited Initial Calibration (CAI).

Brüel & Kjær’s transducer calibration service provides:

• Calibration of vibration transducers to international
• Calibration to ISO 9000 requirements
• Calibration to ISO 5347 and 16063-21
• Calibrations are traceable to National Institute of
Standards & Technology (NIST), USA, Physikalisch-Tech-
nische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and Danish Laboratory of
Acoustics (DPLA)
• Certificate of calibration specifying all test and instru-
ment details
• At the Danish Laboratory of Acoustics (DPLA), which is
an independent department of Brüel & Kjær, primary

6 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 7 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Accelerometer calibration at the Brüel & Kjær Service Centre

Compliance with Standards

CE-mark indicates compliance with the EMC Directive.
, C-Tick mark indicates compliance with the EMC requirements of Australia and New Zealand.

EN/IEC 61010–1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use.
ANSI/UL 61010–1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use.

EN/IEC 61000–6–3: Generic emission standard for residential, commercial and light industrial environments.
EN/IEC 61000–6–4: Generic emission standard for industrial environments.
EMC Emission
CISPR 22: Radio disturbance characteristics of information technology equipment. Class B Limits.
FCC Rules, Part 15: Complies with the limits for a Class B digital device.

EN/IEC61000–6–1: Generic standards – Immunity for residential, commercial and light industrial environments.
EN/IEC 61000–6–2: Generic standards – Immunity for industrial environments.
EMC Immunity
EN/IEC 61326: Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC requirements.
Note: The above is only guaranteed using accessories listed in this Product Data sheet. Selecting the Right Accelerometer 7 Page 8 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Uniaxial Piezoelectric Charge Accelerometers
A charge-type piezoelectric accelerometer is a lightweight design allows high mounted resonance and ruggedness in
unit designed specifically for high-frequency vibration the same package. This self-generating device requires no
measurement on structures and objects. Its unique sensor external power source for operation.

Model/Type Number 4374 • 4374-L 4374-S • 4392 4517-C • 4517-C-003

Order Number 4374 4374-L 4374-S 4392 4517-C 4517-C-003
Description Side Cable Side Cable Side Cable Hand-arm Set Side Connector Side Connector

Charge Sensitivity @ 159.2 Hz pC/ms–2 0.15 (1.5) 0.11 (1.1) 0.15 (1.5) 0.11 (1.1) 0.18 (1.8) 0.18 (1.8)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 1 to 26000 1 to 26000 1 to 26000 1 to 26000 1 to 10 000 2 to 9000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 85 85 85 85 75 >30
Residual Noise Level* mg 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 0.5 0.5
°C –74 to +250 –74 to +250 –74 to +250 –74 to +250 –51 to +177 –51 to +177
Operating Temperature Range
°F –101 to +482 –101 to +482 –101 to +482 –101 to +482 –60 to +350 –60 to +350
Maximum Sinusoidal Vibration (peak) g 5000 5000 5000 5000 1000 1000
Maximum Operational Shock (± peak) g 25000 25000 25000 25000 5000 5000
Weight gram 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.6 0.85
Connector 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 3 – 56 Thread 3 – 56 Thread
Mounting Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive
Integral Integral Integral
Cable and Accessory Types Included Integral AO-0638 AO-0638
AO-0038 AO-0038 UA-1079
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included JJ-0032 JJ-0032 JJ-0032 Hand-arm Kit None None
• Widely used product * Measured with NEXUS Type 2692-001 in specified frequency range

Model/Type Number 4517-C - 001 4375-S*✝ • 4393-S**✝✝ • 8309 8309-S 4521-C

Order Number 4517-C- 001 4375-S 4393-S 8309 8309-S 4521-C
Description Side Connector Side Cable Side Connector Side Cable Side Cable Side Connector

Charge Sensitivity @ 159.2 Hz pC/ms–2 0.18 (1.8) 0.31 (3.1) 0.31 (3.1) 0.004 (0.04) 0.004 (0.04) 1.02 (10)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 1 to 20 000 0.1 to 16500 0.1 to 16500 1 to 54000 1 to 54000 1 to 9000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 80 55 55 180 180 35
Residual Noise Level*** mg 0.5 0.52 0.52 23 23 0.16
°C –51 to +177 –74 to +250 –74 to +250 –74 to +180 –74 to +180 –51 to +230
Operating Temperature Range
°F –60 to +350 –101 to +482 –101 to +482 –101 to +356 –101 to +356 –60 to +446
Maximum Sinusoidal Vibration (peak) g 1000 5000 5000 15000 15000 1000
Maximum Operational Shock (± peak) g 5000 25000 25000 100000 100000 5000
Weight gram 1 2.4 2.4 3 3 2.7
Connector 3 – 56 Thread 10–32 UNF M3 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF M3
Integral M5 Integral M5 Insulated M2
Mounting Adhesive M3 Stud M3 Stud
Stud Stud Screw
Integral Cable AO-0283 AO-0038
Cable and Accessory Types Included AO-0638 AO-0038 None
UA-0629 UA-0629 UA-0415
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included None M3 Stud M3 Stud None None Screw M2
* Available as Type 4375 excluding Kit UA-0629 *** Measured with NEXUS Type 2692-001 in specified frequency range

** Available as Type 4393 with Cable AO-0283 and excluding Available as non-Unigain Type 4375-V (sensitivity ±15%), excluding Kit UA-0629
Kit UA-0629 ✝✝ Available as non-Unigain Type 4393-V (sensitivity ±15%), excluding Kit UA-0629
• Widely used product

8 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 9 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Model/Type Number 4501-A 4500-A 4507-C 4508-C 4505-A 4371-S*✝ •

Order Number 4501-A 4500-A 4507-C 4508-C 4505-A 4371-S
Description Side Connector Top Connector Side Connector Top Connector Top Connector Side Connector

Charge Sensitivity @ 159.2 Hz pC/ms–2 0.30 (3) 0.30 (3) 0.45 (4.5) 0.45 (4.5) 0.30 (3) 1.02 (10)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 1 to 10 000 1 to 10 000 0.1 to 6000 0.1 to 8000 1 to 12000 0.1 to 12600
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 45 45 18 25 45 42
Residual Noise Level** mg 0.76 0.76 0.17 0.18 0.76 0.24
°C –54 to +175 –54 to +175 –74 to +250 –74 to +250 –54 to +230 –54 to +250
Operating Temperature Range
°F –65 to +347 –65 to +347 –101 to +482 –101 to +482 –65 to +446 –65 to +482
Maximum Sinusoidal Vibration (peak) g 3000 3000 2000 2000 2000 6000
Maximum Operational Shock (± peak) g 3000 3000 5000 5000 3000 20 000
Weight gram 4.1 4.1 4.5 4.5 4.9 11
Connector 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
Mounting Clip Clip Clip Clip 10–32 UNF Stud
10–32 UNF Stud
* * *
Cable and Accessory Types Included AO-0038 AO-0038 AO-0038 AO-0038* AO-0038* UA-0078
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included Mounting Clip Mounting Clip Mounting Clip Mounting Clip None 10–32 UNF Stud
* Optional **Measured with NEXUS Type 2692-001 in specified frequency range

Model/Type Number 4384-S • 4382 -S✝✝** • 4383-S✝*** • 4381-S✝**** 4370-S**✝✝✝ •

Order Number 4384-S 4382-S 4383-S 4381-S 4370-S
Description Top Connector Top Connector Side Connector Side Connector Top Connector

Charge Sensitivity @ 159.2 Hz pC/ms–2 1.02 (10) 3.16 (31) 3.16 (31) 10.2 (100) 10.2 (100)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 0.1 to 12600 0.1 to 8400 0.1 to 8400 0.1 to 4800 0.1 to 4800
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 42 28 28 16 16
Residual Noise Level mg 0.24 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.02
°C –74 to +250 –74 to +250 –74 to +250 –74 to +250 –74 to +250
Operating Temperature Range
°F –101 to +482 –101 to +482 –101 to +482 –101 to +482 –101 to +482
Maximum Sinusoidal Vibration (peak) g 6000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Maximum Operational Shock (± peak) g 20000 5000 5000 2000 2000
Weight gram 11 17 17 43 54
Connector 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
Stud Stud Stud Stud Stud
Cable and Accessory Types Included UA-0078 UA-0078 UA-0078 UA-0078 UA-0078
10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included
Stud Stud Stud Stud Stud
* Available as Type 4371 including Cable AO-0038 and excluding Kit UA-0078
✝ Available as non-Unigain Type 4383-V (sensitivity ±15%), excluding Kit UA-0078
• Widely used product
** Available as Type 4382 including Cable AO-0038 and excluding Kit UA-0078
*** Available as Type 4383 including Cable AO-0038 excluding Kit UA-0078
**** Available as non-Unigain Type 4381-V (sensitivity ±15%), excluding Kit UA-0078
✝✝ Available as non-Unigain Type 4382-V (sensitivity ±15%), excluding Kit UA-0078
✝✝✝ Available as non-Unigain Type 4370-V (sensitivity ±15%), excluding Kit UA-0078 Uniaxial Piezoelectric Charge Accelerometers 9 Page 10 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Triaxial Piezoelectric Charge Accelerometers

Model/Type Number 4326-A • 4326-A-001 • 4321-S✝*

Order Number 4326-A 4326-A-001 4321-S
Description Triaxial Triaxial Triaxial

Charge Sensitivity @ 159.2 Hz pC/ms–2 0.30 (3) 0.30 (3) 1.02 (10)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz X 1 to 9000 1 to 9000 0.1 to 10000
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz Y 1 to 8000 1 to 8000 0.1 to 10000
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz Z 1 to 16000 1 to 16000 0.1 to 10000
X:27, Y: 24, X:27, Y: 24,
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz X, Y, Z: 40
Z: 48 Z: 48
Residual Noise Level** mg 0.30 0.56 0.23
°C –55 to +175 –55 to +230 –74 to +250
Operating Temperature Range
°F –67 to +347 –67 to +446 –101 to +482
Maximum Sinusoidal Vibration (peak) g 2000 2000 500
Maximum Operational Shock (± peak) g 5000 5000 1000
Weight gram 13 17 55
Connector 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
Screw/Clip/ Screw/Clip/
Mounting Stud/M4 Screw
Adhesive Adhesive
Cable and Accessory Types Included None None UA-0146
10–32 UNF
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included Screw/Clip Screw/Clip
✝ Available as Type 4321 with Cable AO-0038, but excluding Kit UA-0146
* Available as non-Unigain Type 4321-V (sensitivity ±15%), excluding Kit UA-0146 and cable
• Widely used product
** Measured with NEXUS Type 2692-001 in specified frequency range

10 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 11 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Uniaxial DeltaTron®/IEPE/CCLD Accelerometers

These accelerometers are designed specifically to make vi- high sensitivity, low impedance output, high signal-to-
bration measurement easy. The accelerometer units are noise ratio, and wide bandwidth.
sealed against environmental contamination. They feature

Model/Type Number 4517 • 4517-002 4516-001 4516 4518 • 4518-001 •

Order Number 4517 4517-002 4516-001 4516 4518 4518-001
Description Side Connector Side Connector Side Cable Side Cable Top Connector Top Connector

Sensitivity mV/ms–2 1.02 (10) 1.02 (10) 0.51 (5) 1.02 (10) 1.02 (10) 10.2 (100)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 1 to 20000 1 to 20000 1 to 20000 1 to 20000 0.5 to 20000 0.5 to 20000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 75 75 60 60 60 60
Residual Noise Level* mg 6 6 12 6 2.0 0.9
°C –51 to +121 –51 to +121 –51 to +121 –51 to +121 –51 to +121 –51 to +100
Operating Temperature Range
°F –60 to +250 –60 to +250 –60 to +250 –60 to +250 –60 to +250 –60 to +212
Measuring Range (±) g 500 500 1000 500 500 50
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
Weight (excluding cable) gram 0.6 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
Connector 3–56 Thread 3–56 thread M3 M3
Female Female
Integral M3 Integral M3
Mounting Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive
Stud Stud
Cable and Accessory Types Included AO-0638 AO-0638 Integral Cable Integral Cable None None
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included QA-0230 QA-0230 None None None None
• Widely used product * Measured in specified frequency range

Model/Type Number 4518-002 4518-003 4519 4519-001 4519-002 4519-003

Order Number 4518-002 4518-003 4519 4519-001 4519-002 4519-003
Description Top Connector Top Connector Side Connector Side Connector Side Connector Side Connector

Sensitivity mV/ms–2 1.02 (10) 10.2 (100) 1.02 (10) 10.2 (100) 1.02 (10) 10.2 (100)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 0.5 to 20000 0.5 to 20000 0.5 to 20000 0.5 to 20000 0.5 to 20000 0.5 to 20000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 60 60 45 45 45 45
Residual Noise Level* mg 2.0 0.9 2.0 0.9 2.0 0.9
°C –51 to +121 –51 to +100 –51 to +121 –51 to +100 –51 to +121 –51 to +100
Operating Temperature Range
°F –60 to +250 –60 to +212 –60 to +250 –60 to +212 –60 to +250 –60 to +212
Measuring Range (±) g 500 50 500 50 500 50
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
Weight gram 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5
Connector M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3
Integral M3 Integral M3
Mounting Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive
Stud Stud
Cable and Accessory Types Included None None None None None None
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included None None None None None None
• Widely used product * Measured in specified frequency range Uniaxial DeltaTron®/IEPE/CCLD Accelerometers 11 Page 12 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Model/Type Number 4397-S*** • 4394-S✝ • 4521 4507 •

Order Number 4397 S 4394-S 4521 4507
Description Side Connector Side Connector Side Connector Side Connector

Sensitivity mV/ms–2 1.02 (10) 1.02 (10) 1.02 (10) 10.2 (100)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 1 to 25000 1 to 25000 1 to 9000 0.3 to 6000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 53 52 35 18
Residual Noise Level** mg 2.6 2.6 7 0.35
°C –50 to +125 –50 to +125 –51 to +121 –54 to +121
Operating Temperature Range
°F –58 to +257 –58 to +257 –60 to +250 –65 to +250
Measuring Range (±) g 765 765 500 70
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 10200 10200 5000 5000
Weight gram 2.4 2.9 2.7 4.8
Connector M3 M3 M3 10–32 UNF
Insulated M2
Mounting M3 Stud M3 Stud Clip/Adhesive
Cable and Accessory Types Included UA-1218 UA-1218 None AO-0531*
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included M3 Stud M3 Stud Screw M2 Clip
•✝ Widely used product
Available as Type 4394 including Cable AO-1381 and excluding Kit UA-0146
* Optional low-cost coaxial cable
** Measured in specified frequency range
*** Available as Type 4397-A excluding Kit UA-1218

Model/Type Number 4507-001 • 4507-002 4507-B • 4507-B-001 4507-B-002 4507-B-003

Order Number 4507-001 4507-002 4507-B 4507-B-001 4507-B-002 4507-B-003
Side Connector Side Connector Side Connector Side Connector
Description Side Connector Side Connector

Sensitivity mV/ms–2 1.02 (10) 102 (1000) 10.2 (100) 1.02 (10) 102 (1000) 10.2 (100)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 0.1 to 6000 0.4 to 6000 0.3 to 6000 0.1 to 6000 0.4 to 6000 0.3 to 6000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 18 18 18 18 18 18
Residual Noise Level** mg 0.8 0.15 0.35 0.8 0.15 0.35
°C –54 to +121 –54 to +100 –54 to +121 –54 to +121 –54 to +100 –54 to +121
Operating Temperature Range
°F –65 to +250 –65 to +212 –65 to +250 –65 to +250 –65 to +212 –65 to +250
Measuring Range (±) g 700 7 70 700 7 70
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
Weight gram 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8
Connector 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
Mounting Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive Adhesive
Cable and Accessory Types Included AO-0531* AO-0531* AO-0531* AO-0531* AO-0531* AO-0531*
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included Clip Clip Clip Clip Clip None
• Widely used product
* Optional low-cost coaxial cable
** Measured in specified frequency range

12 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 13 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Model/Type Number 4507-B-004 • 4507-B-005 4507-B-006 4508 • 4508-001 4508-002

Order Number 4507-B-004 4507-B-005 4507-B-006 4508 4508-001 4508-002
Side Connector Side Connector Side Connector
Description Top Connector Top Connector Top Connector
Sensitivity mV/ms 10.2 (100) 102 (1000) 51 (500) 10.2 (100) 1.02 (10) 102 (1000)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 0.3 to 6000 0.4 to 6000 0.2 to 6000 0.3 to 8000 0.1 to 8000 0.4 to 8000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 18 18 18 25 25 25
Residual Noise Level** mg 0.35 0.15 0.16 0.35 0.8 0.15
°C –54 to +121 –54 to +100 –54 to +100 –54 to +121 –54 to +121 –54 to +100
Operating Temperature Range
°F –65 to +250 –65 to +212 –65 to +212 –65 to +250 –65 to +250 –65 to +212
Measuring Range (±) g 70 7 14 70 700 7
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
Weight gram 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8
Connector 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
Mounting Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive
Cable and Accessory Types Included AO-0531* AO-0531* AO-0531* AO-0531* AO-0531* AO-0531*
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included Clip Clip Clip Clip Clip Clip
• Widely used product
* Optional low-cost coaxial cable
** Measured in specified frequency range

Model/Type Number 4508-B • 4508-B-001 4508-B-002 4508-B-003 4508-B-004 4526

Order Number 4508-B 4508-B-001 4508-B-002 4508-B-003 4508-B-004 4526
Top Connector Top Connector Top Connector Top Connector Top Connector High-temp.

Sensitivity mV/ms–2 10.2 (100) 1.02 (10) 102 (1000) 10.2 (100) 51 (500) 10 (98)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 0.3 to 8000 0.1 to 8000 0.4 to 8000 0.3 to 8000 0.2 to 8000 0.3 to 8000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 25 25 25 25 25 25
Residual Noise Level** mg 0.35 0.8 0.15 0.35 0.16 0.35
°C –54 to +121 –54 to +121 –54 to +100 –54 to +121 –54 to +100 –54 to +180
Operating Temperature Range
°F –65 to +250 –65 to +250 –65 to +212 –65 to +250 –65 to +212 –65 to +356
Measuring Range (±) g 70 700 7 70 14 70
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
Weight gram 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 5
Connector 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10 – 32 UNF
10 – 32 UNF
Mounting Clip Clip Clip Adhesive Clip
Cable and Accessory Types Included AO-0531* AO-0531* AO-0531* AO-0531* AO-0531* None
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included Clip Clip Clip None Clip 10 – 32 Stud
• Widely used product
* Optional
** Measured in specified frequency range Uniaxial DeltaTron®/IEPE/CCLD Accelerometers 13 Page 14 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Model/Type Number 4526-001 8339 8339-001 8339-002 4514-B* • 4514-B-001* •

Order Number 4526-001 8339 8339-001 8339-002 4514-B 4514-B-001
High-temp. Top Connector
Description Top Connector Top Connector Top Connector TEDS
Top Connector TEDS

Sensitivity mV/ms–2 1 (9.8) 0.02 (0.25) 0.01 (0.1) 0.005 (0.05) 1.02 (10) 10.2 (100)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 0.1 to 8000 1 to 20000 1 to 20000 1 to 20000 1 to 10000 1 to 10000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 25 >130 >130 >130 32 32
Residual Noise Level** mg 0.8 150 350 <700 0.8 0.2
°C –54 to +180 –51 to +121 –51 to +121 –51 to +121 –51 to +121 –51 to +100
Operating Temperature Range
°F –65 to +356 –60 to +250 –60 to +250 –60 to +250 –60 to +250 –60 to +212
Measuring Range (±) g 700 20000 50000 80000 500 50
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 5000 80000 80000 80000 5000 5000
Weight gram 5 5.8 5.8 5.8 8.7 8.7
Connector 10 – 32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
10 – 32 UNF Integral 10–32 Integral 10–32 Integral 10–32 10 – 32 UNF- 10 – 32 UNF-
Stud Stud Stud Stud Stud Stud
Cable and Accessory Types Included None None None None None None
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included 10 – 32 Stud Integral Integral Integral 10–32 Stud 10–32 Stud
* Available without TEDS (as Types 4514, 4514-001, 4514-002, 4514-004, 4513, 4513-001 and 4513-002)
** Measured in specified frequency range
• Widely used product

Model/Type Number 4514-B-002* 4514-B-004* 4513-B* • 4513-B-001* • 4513-B-002* 4511 - 001

Order Number 4514-B-002 4514-B-004 4513-B 4513-B-001 4513-B-002 4511 -001
Top Connector Top Connector Side Connector Side Connector Side Connector
Description Side Connector
Sensitivity mV/ms 51 (500) 5.10 (50) 1.02 (10) 10.2 (100) 51 (500) 1.02 (10)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 1 to 10000 1 to 10000 1 to 10000 1 to 10000 1 to 10000 1 to 15000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 32 32 32 32 32 43
Residual Noise Level** mg 0.1 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.1 1
°C –51 to +100 –51 to +121 –51 to +121 –51 to +100 –51 to +100 –51 to +150
Operating Temperature Range
°F –60 to +212 –60 to +250 –60 to +250 –60 to +212 –60 to +212 –60 to +302
Measuring Range (±) g 10 100 500 50 10 500
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
Weight gram 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 35
Connector 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 3-pin
10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
Mounting Centre Bolt
Stud Stud Stud Stud Stud
Cable and Accessory Types Included None None None None None None
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included 10–32 Stud 10–32 Stud 10–32 Stud 10–32 Stud 10–32 Stud M4 Centre Bolt
* Available without TEDS (as Types 4514, 4514-001, 4514-002, 4514-004,4513, 4513-001 and 4513-002)
** Measured in specified frequency range
• Widely used product

14 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 15 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Model/Type Number 5958-A* 5958-H 8340

Order Number 5958-A 5958-H 8340
Description Top Cable Top Cable Top Connector

Sensitivity mV/ms–2 1.02 (10) 1.02 (10) 1020.4 (10000)

Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 0.3 to 11000 0.3 to 11000 0.1 to 1500
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 45 45 7
Residual Noise Level** mg 1.5 1.5 0.025
°C –50 to +100 –50 to +100 –51 to +74
Operating Temperature Range
°F –58 to +212 –58 to +212 –60 to +165
Measuring Range (±) g 500 500 0.5
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 2000 2000 100
Weight gram 44 44 760
Connector BNC Open End
Two-pin TNC
Mounting 1/4″– 28 UNF- Stud
1/4″ – 28 Stud
1/4″–28 UNF-
Cable and Accessory Types Included Integral, 10 m Integral, 10 m
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included None None None
* Available in four versions. Cable lengths 10, 30, 50 and 100 m
** Measured in specified frequency range Uniaxial DeltaTron®/IEPE/CCLD Accelerometers 15 Page 16 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Triaxial DeltaTron®/IEPE/CCLD Accelerometers

Model/Type Number 4520 • 4520-001 4520-004 4524 4524-B • 4524-B-001

Order Number 4520 4520-001 4520-004 4524 4524-B 4524-B-001
Description Triaxial Triaxial Triaxial Triaxial Triaxial – TEDS Triaxial – TEDS

Sensitivity mV/ms–2 1.02 (10) 1.02 (10) 0.1 (1) 10.2 (100) 10.2 (100) 1 (9.8)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz X 2 to 7000 2 to 4000 2 to 4000 0.2 to 5500 0.2 to 5500 0.2 to 5500
Frequency Range, 10% limit HZ Y 2 to 7000 2 to 4000 2 to 4000 0.25 to 3000 0.25 to 3000 0.25 to 3000
Frequency Range, 10% limit HZ Z 2 to 7000 2 to 7000 2 to 7000 0.25 to 3000 0.25 to 3000 0.25 to 3000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz X, Y: 30, Z 40 X: 20, Y: 25, Z: 30 X: 20, Y: 25, Z: 30 X: 18, Y: 9, Z: 9 X: 18, Y: 9, Z: 9 X: 18, Y: 9, Z: 9
Residual Noise Level* mg 7 7 56 < 0.4 < 0.4 <0.9
°C –51 to +121 –51 to +121 –51 to +121 –54 to +100 –54 to +100 –54 to +100
Operating Temperature Range
°F –60 to +250 –60 to +250 –60 to +250 –65 to +212 –65 to +212 –65 to +212
Measuring Range (±) g 500 500 5000 50 50 500
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
Weight gram 2.9 4 4 4.4 4.8 4.8
Connector 4-pin 4-pin 4-pin 4-pin 4-pin 4-pin
Mounting Adhesive M3/Adhesive M3/Adhesive Adhesive/Clip Adhesive/Clip Adhesive/Clip
Cable and Accessory Types Included None None None None None None
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included None M3 Stud M3 Stud Mounting Clip Mounting Clip Mounting Clip
• Widely used product * Measured in specified frequency range

Model/Type Number 4504-A• 4506 • 4506-B • 4506-B-002 4506-B-003 4515-B • ∗∗∗

Order Number 4504-A 4506 4506-B 4506-B-002 4506-B-003 4515-B
Triaxial TEDS
Description Triaxial Triaxial Triaxial – TEDS Triaxial – TEDS Triaxial – TEDS
Seat Pad

Sensitivity mV/ms–2 1.02 (10) 10.2 (100) 10.2 (100) 100 (1000) 51 (500) 10.2 (100)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz x 1 to 11000 0.3 to 5500 0.3 to 5500 0.3 to 3500 0.3 to 4000 0.25 to 900†
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz y 1 to 9000 0.6 to 3500* 0.6 to 3500* 0.3 to 1600 0.3 to 2000 0.25 to 900†
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz z 1 to 18000 0.6 to 3500* 0.6 to 3500* 0.3 to 1600 0.3 to 2000 0.25 to900†
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz X: 26, Y: 23, Z: 44 X: 19, Y, Z: 10 X: 19, Y, Z: 10 X: 12.5, Y, Z: 5.5 X: 14, Y, Z: 7 >2700
Residual Noise Level**** mg 4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.06 0.12 <0.4
°C –50 to +125 –54 to +100 –54 to +100 –54 to +100 –54 to +100 –10 to +70
Operating Temperature Range
°F –58 to +257 –65 to +212 –65 to +212 –65 to +212 –65 to +212 –14 to +158
Measuring Range (±) g 750 70 70 7 14 50
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 3000 5000 5000 1000 2000 5000
Weight gram 15 15 15 21 18 345
Connector 10–32 UNF 4-pin 4-pin 4-pin 4-pin 3 × 10–32 UNF
Mounting Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive Clip/Adhesive Strap
Cable and Accessory Types Included AO-0526** AO-0526** AO-0526** AO-0526** Strap
Clip, Stud, Screw Included Clip Clip Clip Clip Clip Straps
* Typical values: minimum values are 0.6 to 3000 *** Also available as 4515-B-002 with 4-pin LEMO connector • Widely used product
** Optional
**** Measured in specified frequency range

16 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 17 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Amplified Piezoresistive Accelerometers

Amplified piezoresistive accelerometers are accurate and ment of whole body motion immediately after the
highly sensitive transducers designed for measurement of accelerometer is subjected to a shock motion, and in the
relatively low-level accelerations in aerospace and automo- presence of severe vibrational inputs.
tive environments. Typical applications require measure-

Model/Type Number 4570* 4571* 4572* 4573* 4574* 4575*

Order Number 4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 4575
Description Side Cable Side Cable Side Cable Side Cable Side Cable Side Cable

Sensitivity mV/ms–2 0.4 (4) 1 (10) 2 (20) 6.7 (67) 20 (200) 100 (1000)
Frequency Range, ±10% Hz 0 to 1850 0 to 1850 0 to 1850 0 to 850 0 to 500 0 to 300
Residual Noise Level in Spec. Frequency
μV (RMS) 600 650 450 700 350 500
°C –55 to +121 –55 to +121 –55 to +121 –55 to +121 –55 to +121 –55 to +121
Operating Temperature Range
°F –65 to +250 –65 to +250 –65 to +250 –65 to +250 –65 to +250 –65 to +250
Maximum Linear Range (peak) g 500 200 100 30 10 2
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000
Weight gram 8 8 8 8 8 8
Cable/Connector Integral Cable Integral Cable Integral Cable Integral Cable Integral Cable Integral Cable
4–40 or M3 4–40 or M3 4–40 or M3 4–40 or M3 4–40 or M3 4–40 or M3
Screws Screws Screws Screws Screws Screws
Integral Integral Integral Integral Integral Integral
32 AWG 32 AWG 32 AWG 32 AWG 32 AWG 32 AWG
Accessory Included 2 × 4–40 UNC 2 × 4–40 UNC 2 × 4–40 UNC 2 × 4–40 UNC 2 × 4–40 UNC 2 × 4–40 UNC
Clip/Stud/ Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw
Screw QA-0013: Hex QA-0013: Hex QA-0013: Hex QA-0013: Hex QA-0013: Hex QA-0013: Hex
Wrench Wrench Wrench Wrench Wrench Wrench
*Availabe as D version with superior temperature stability; available with 9-pin Sub D termination with suffix -002; available with 7-pin LEMO termination with
suffix -001. Also available with stainless-steel, hermetically-sealed housing and 5-pin connector. Amplified Piezoresistive Accelerometers 17 Page 18 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Industrial Accelerometers
An industrial accelerometer with its rugged design is well excellent for high-temperature measurements. Some of the
suited for extreme handling and use. Charge and Delta- accelerometers can be used for EEX applications.
Tron®/IEPE/CCLD types are both available. Charge types are

Industrial Piezoelectric Charge Accelerometers

Model/Type Number 4391* • 4391-S • 8315 8324

Order Number 4391 4391-S 8315 8324
Description Top Connector Top Connector Side Connector Side Connector

Sensitivity pC/ms–2 1.02 (10) 1.02 (10) 1.02 (10) 1.02 (10)
Frequency Range, 10% limit Hz 0.1 to 10000 0.1 to 10000 1 to 10000 1 to 10 000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 40 40 28 30
Residual Noise Level mg 0.23 0.23 1.86 0.14
°C –55 to +180 –55 to +180 –196 to +260 –196 to +480
Operating Temperature Range
°F –67 to +356 –67 to +356 –321 to +500 –321 to +896
Maximum Sinusoidal Vibration (peak) g 2000 2000 500 1000
Maximum Operational Shock (± peak) g 2000 2000 1000 2000
Weight gram 16 16 62 66
2-pin 7/16– 2-pin 7/16–
Connector TNC TNC
27 UNS 27 UNS
Mounting Stud Stud 3 × M4 Screw 3 × M4 Screw
Cable and Accessory Types Included AO-0231** UA-0844 None None
10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 3 × M4 Allen 3 × M4 Allen
Clip, Stud, Screw Types Included
Stud Stud Screws Screws
* Available as “V” Type without Unigain and excluding cable
** Optional
• Widely used product

18 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 19 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Industrial DeltaTron®/IEPE/CCLD

Model/Type Number 8325-A 8326-B 8327-B 8341 8324-G

Order Number 8325-A 8326-B 8327-B 8341 8324-G
Description Top Connector Safe Top Top Connector Top Connector
Side Connector

Sensitivity mV/ms–2 10.2 (100) 10.2 (100) 1.02 (10) 10.2 (100) 1 (10)
Frequency Range, ±10% Hz 1 to 10000 1 to 10000 1 to 10000 0.5 to 10000 1 to 9000
Mounted Resonance Frequency kHz 25 25 35 27 30
Residual Noise Level mg 0.3 0.3 3 0.04 0.4
°C –53 to +130 –53 to +130 –53 to +130 –50 to +100 –196 to +250
Operating Temperature Range
°F –63 to +266 –63 to +266 –63 to +266 –60 to +212 –321 to +482
Measuring Range (±) g 75 75 750 50 500
Maximum Shock (± peak) g 5000 5000 5000 5000 2000
Weight gram 88 88 78 41 66
Connector MIL–C–5015 MIL–C–5015 MIL–C–5015 MIL-C-5015 BNC
1/4″–28 UNF 1/4″–28 UNF 1/4″–28 UNF 1/4″–28 UNF
Mounting 3 × M4 Screw
Stud Stud Stud Stud
Cable and Accessory Types Included None None None None Integral
Hex Key
1/4″–28 UNF 1/4″–28 UNF 1/4″–28 UNF 1/4″–28 UNF
Clip, Stud, Screw Included 3 × M4 Allen
Stud Stud Stud Stud
Screws Industrial Accelerometers 19 Page 20 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM


Piezoelectric devices such as dynamic force transducers are A convenient and economical means of exciting structures
unable to measure static physical phenomena. The fre- is an instrumented impact hammer fitted with a high-quality
quency range of piezoelectric force transducers is wide. piezoelectric force transducer. Brüel & Kjær offers a com-
plete range of instrumented impact hammers, capable of
Piezoelectric force transducers are designed to measure dy- impacting and accurately measuring the incidental force
namic, short-duration forces in constructions. They are entering the structure under test.
mounted so that the force to be measured is transmitted
through the transducer. Used together with vibration or
modal exciters they can measure and control the applied Force Transducers
force, and can be used for the measurement of Frequency
Response Functions in conjunction with an accelerometer. These transducers are designed specifically for use with vi-
All Brüel & Kjær force transducers are of rugged construc- bration and modal exciters in structural dynamic testing.
tion, with high overall stiffness ensuring that they have a Their very high resonance frequency allows for the meas-
high resonance frequency without changing the mechanical urement of short duration, fast rise time, force transients.
characteristics of the test structure.

ModelType Number 8230-003 8230-002 8230-001 8230 8230-C-003 8231-C

Order Number 8230-003 8230-002 8230-001 8230 8230-C-003 8231-C
Transducer Type IEPE IEPE IEPE IEPE Piezoelectric Piezoelectric
mV/N 0.2 2.2 22 110 –4** –2**
(mV/lbf) (1) (10) (100) (500) –(18) –(9)
N +22000/–2200 +2000/–2200 +220/–220 +44/–44 5000 (22241) 25000 (111205)
Range, Full Scale
(lbf) (+5000/–500) (+5000/–500 (+50/–50 ) (+10/–10) Compression Compression
N +66000 +44000 +4400 +880 +67000 +268000
Maximum Compression
(lbf) (+15000) (+10000) (+1000) (+200) (+15000) (+60000)
Maximum Tension N (lbf) –2200 (–500) –2200 (–500) –2200 (–500) –880 (–200) –2200 (–500) –4448 (–1000)
Weight gram 30 30 30 30 30 452
°C –55 to +125 –55 to +125 –55 to +125 –55 to +125 –73 to +260 –73 to +260
Operating Temperature Range
°F –67 to +257 –67 to +257 –67 to +257 –67 to +257 –100 to +500 –100 to +500
0.75 × 0.625 0.75 × 0.625 0.75 × 0.625 0.75 × 0.625 0.75 × 0.625 2.00 × 1.25
Dimensions (Diameter × Height) * inch (mm)
(19.1 × 15.9) (19.1 × 15.9) (19.1 × 15.9) (19.1 × 15.9) (19.1 × 15.9) (50.8 × 31.8)
Case Material Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Connector, Electrical 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
Top & Bottom: Top & Bottom: Top & Bottom: Top & Bottom: Top & Bottom:
Mounting Provision 3/8″–16
1/4″ – 28 UNF 1/4″ – 28 UNF 1/4″ – 28 UNF 1/4″ – 28 UNF 1/4″ – 28 UNF
Impact Cap Impact Cap Impact Cap Impact Cap Impact Cap
1/4 ″ – 28 UNF 1/4″ – 28 UNF 1/4″ – 28 UNF 1/4″ – 28 UNF 1/4″ – 28 UNF Impact Cap
Cables and Accessory Kits Included Stud Stud Stud Stud Stud 2 × 3/8″ – 16
10 – 32 UNF 10 – 32 UNF 10 – 32 UNF 10 – 32 UNF 10 – 32 UNF UNC Stud
Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert
* All dimensions are approximate and do not include dimensions of electrical connector(s). See relevant product data sheets for precise dimensional data
** pC/N(pC/g)

20 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 21 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Force Transducer/Impact Hammer Impedance Heads

Force Transducer/Impact Hammer Type 8203 is a unique Impedance heads offer a simple approach to the measure-
structural testing kit designed for use with lightweight and ment of point mechanical mobilities and impedances. They
delicate structures. The force transducer measures the can be used on a wide range of structures, including rotor
force applied to the structure. It can be connected to the blades, polymers, the human body, artificial mastoids, fruit,
hammer kit for impact testing or to a small exciter (such as welds, wood and metal panels.
Brüel & Kjær Type 4810) via the stinger kit provided.

Model/Type Number 8203 Model/Type Number 8001

Order Number 8203 Order Number 8001
Transducer Type Piezoelectric Transducer Type Piezoelectric
mV/lbf 16 Sensitivity, Force Gauge (pC/N) 1645 (370)
(mV/N) (3.6) Sensitivity, Accelerometer (pC/g) 133 (30)
lbf 225 (1000)* Maximum Compression lbf (N) 449.6 (2000)
Maximum Compression
(N) 281 (1250)# Maximum Tension lbf (N) 67.4 (300)
Maximum Tension lbf (N) 56 (250) Frequency Range (±10%) kHz 0.001 to 10
Resonance Frequency 21 kHz* lb.
kHz Weight 0.062 (29)
with 5 gram Load 30 kHz# (gram)
Operating Temperature °C –196 to +260
lb. 0.0077 (3.5)*
Head Mass Range °F –321 to +500
(gram) 0.0042 (1.9)#
Dimensions (diameter × inch
lb. 0.0071 (3.2)* 0.71 × 1.26 (18 × 32)
Weight height) (mm)
(gram) 0.0035 (1.6)# Case Material Titanium
Operating Temperature °C –196 to +150 Connector Two 10–32 UNF
Range °F –321 to +302 Top & Bottom:
inch Mounting Provision
Overall Length 4.09 (104) 10–32 UNF
(mm) 2 × AO-0038 Low-noise cable,
Dimensions inch 0.35 × 0.62 1.2 m (4 ft)
(Diameter × Height) (mm) (9 × 15.8) 4 × YQ-2962 Threaded Steel Stud,
Anodised 10–32 UNF
Handle Material 3 × YO-0534 Mica Washer
2 × YP-0150 Insulated Stud,
Case Material Titanium & Steel AISI 303
Accessories Included 10–32 UNF
Connector Coaxial M3 YM-0414 Nut, 10–32 UNF
Top & Bottom: M 3 (with pre- QA-0029 Screw Tap, 10–32 UNF
Mounting Provision QA-0013 Allen Key, 3/32″ for
loading nuts)
AO-0339 Cable studs
DB-3041 Steel Tip 5 × YS-0514 Weakened Stud,
UC-0205 Plastic Tip 10–32 UNF
YS-9202 Tip Mounting Screw
UC-5322 Pre-loading Nut
Cables & Accessory Kits YM-0249 Pre-loading Nut
Included DB-425 M 3/10–32 UNF Adaptor
YQ-2004 M 3 Screw for DB 1425
QA-0041 Tap for M 3 Thread
QA-0186 5 mm Spanner
QA-0042 Allen Key
Complete Stinger Accessory Kit
* With pre-loading nuts
# Without pre-loading nuts Force Transducers and Impact Hammers 21 Page 22 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Impact Hammers
Impact hammer measurements are often conducted in dif-
ficult environments where dust, temperature fluctuations 8210

and high humidity frequently pose severe demands on the

electrical and mechanical integrity of the instrumentation.
All Brüel & Kjær impact hammers have been meticulously
designed to meet the expectations for reliablity in all such
environments. With the ability to excite from the smallest 8206
of structures to various civil engineering structures,
Brüel & Kjær has an impact hammer to suit even the most
demanding application.



Model/Type Number 8204 8206-003 8206-002 8206-001 8206 8207 8208 8210
Order Number 8204 8206-03 8206-002 8206-001 8206 8207 8208 8210
mV/lbf 100 5 10 50 100 1 1 1
(mV/N) (22.7) (1.14) (2.27) (11.4) (22.7) (0.225) (0.225) (0.225)
Range, Full Scale lbf (N) 50 (220) 1000 (4448) 500 (2200) 100 (445) 50 (220) 5000 (22240) 5000 (22240) 5000 (22240)
Maximum Force lbf (N) 200 (890) 2000 1000 1000 1000 8000 (35584) 8000 (35584) 8000 (35584)
Upper Frequency Limit, Typical* kHz 60 10 10 10 10 1.2 1.2 1.2
Head Mass 0.0044 (2) 0.22 (100) 0.22 (100) 0.22 (100) 0.22 (100) 1.0 (454) 3.0 (1362) 12 (5448)
°C –73 to +60 –55 to +125 –55 to +125 –55 to +125 –55 to +125 –73 to +121 –73 to +121 –73 to +121
Operating Temperature Range
°F –100 to +140 –100 to +250 –100 to +250 –100 to +250 –100 to +250 –100 to +250 –100 to +250 –100 to +250
Overall Length 4.8 (122) 8.76 (223) 8.76 (223) 8.76 (223) 8.76 (223) 11.7 (300) 15.2 (390) 35.3 (900)
Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibreglass Fibreglass
Poly Exten-
Handle Material with with with with Hardwood Hardwood Hardwood
Rubber Grip Rubber Grip Rubber Grip Rubber Grip
Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless
Case Material
Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel
Various Tips Various Tips Various Tips Various Tips Various Tips Various Tips Various Tips
Extender &
Accessories Included & Carrying & Carrying & Carrying & Carrying & Carrying & Carrying & Carrying
Case Case Case Case Case Case Case
* Upper frequency limit depends upon structure under test and tip used. Typical values stated above are for a steel tip

22 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 23 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM


Brüel & Kjær’s Laser Doppler Vibrometers (LDVs) are highly Types 8367, 8337 and 8338 are highly suitable in both in-
accurate and versatile non-contact vibration transducers dustrial and laboratory environments. Types 8336 and 8337
for applications where it is impossible or undesirable to have been designed for quality control applications. Type
mount a vibration transducer onto a vibrating object. LDV 8338 specifications have been designed and optimised for
applications typically include: general research, development, test and evaluation
(RDT&E) applications. The high velocity capability (maxi-
• Rotating parts (within the maximum velocity limitations) mum 500 mm/s) makes it an extremely versatile multipur-
• Small, hot and lightweight structures pose laser-based vibration transducer, covering the vast
• Production testing/quality control majority of laser vibrometry applications.
• Measurement through liquids/glass
• When object is not physically accessible (hazardou

8336/8337 8338
Quality Control Hand-held
8336 8337 8338
Decoding Analog Digital
Control Button Software Button
Max. velocity 100 mm/s 500 mm/s
5, 25 mm/s/V 5, 25, 125 mm/s/V
Bandwidth 0.2 – 25 000 Hz 0.2 – 22 000 Hz
Resolution <0.2 μm/s/√Hz ≤ 0.02 μm/s/√Hz
Max. acceleration 16 000 m/s2 69 000 m/s2
Stand-off distance 90 – 3 000 mm 90 – 3000 mm 90 – 3000 mm*
* Depending on object surface Laser Doppler Vibrometers 23 Page 24 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Brüel & Kjær’s non-contact transducers are used to provide some applications, Magnetic Transducer MM-0002 can even
contact-free triggering signals, along with velocity and dis- be used to excite the test structure using the transducer as
placement detection – without loading the structure under a miniature contact-free electromagnetic vibration exciter
test. The transducer signal can be used, for example, to for non-contact vibration excitation. This is used for deter-
trigger stroboscopes, oscilloscopes and tracking filters. In mination of elastic properties of materials.

Model/Type Number MM-0002 MM-0004 MM-0024

Order Number MM-0002 MM-0004 MM-0024
Variable IR Transmitter
Detection Principle mV/ms–1 Reluctance
and Receiver
Frequency Range Hz 0 to 2000 20 to 200000 3.3 to 333.3
RPM Range RPM – – 200 to 200000
Typical Working Distances mm 2 0.5 50 to 800
°C –150 to +250 up to +250 –10 to +50
Operating Temperature Range
°F –238 to +482 up to +482 +14 to +122
Signal Outputs Velocity Displacement Trigger
Dimensions mm 21 × 29.5 21 × 29.5 32 × 165
Weight gram 22 47 171
Connector 10–32 UNF – BNT
1/4″ UNC
Mounting Provision – –
Tapped Hole
Included Accessory (Selected) AO-0038 AO-0054 AO-0158

24 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 25 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Signal Conditioning improves the performance and reliability How to Choose which Kind of Conditioning
of the measurement system with a variety of functions such
to Use
as signal amplification, attenuation, electrical isolation, filter-
The functional requirements depend on the type of trans-
ing, powering of your transducers, overload detection and
ducer used. The main types of conditioning inputs are:
Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) support.
charge, DeltaTron, bridge, differential, intensity and micro-
phone input.

Different Input Types Products Usage

Low-imped- • NEXUS DeltaTron Conditioning Amplifiers

ance • Measuring Amplifier Type 2525
For piezoelectric sensors (low-impedance) with
DeltaTron® • 16-channel DetaTron Conditioning Amplifier
built-in electronics
CCLD Type 2694
IEPE • DeltaTron Power Supply WB-1372

• Charge Amplifiers Types 2634, 2663, and For differential/balanced piezoelectric
2663-B accelerometers

Bridge • Differential Amplifiers Types 2697 and

For piezoresistive bridge accelerometers
DC Response 2697-A

For piezoelectric sensors (high-impedance)
High-imped- • NEXUS Charge Conditioning Amplifiers
such as charge accelerometers, force transduc-
ance • Measuring Amplifier Type 2525
ers, impact hammers, or hydrophones
Piezoelectric Signal Conditioning 25 Page 26 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Different Input Types Products Usage

For intensity probes, either via two 7-pin LEMO

Intensity • NEXUS Microphone Conditioning Amplifier
sockets, or two 7-pin B&K sockets.

• NEXUS Microphone Conditioning Amplifier

• Microphone Power Supply Type 2829 For microphone preamplifiers with seven pin
Microphone • Dual Microphone Supply Type 5935, with sockets, usually a 7-pin LEMO socket and some-
B&K socket times the B&K 7-pin socket.
• 8-channel Acoustic Front-end Type 5966

Optimising your Real-time Measurement

with Response Equalisation Extreme (REq-X)
Response Equalisation is a new techology that flattens and Frequency response of Accelerometer Type 4507 mounted
stretches the frequency response of accelerometers, micro- with a metal clip
phones, and couplers in real-time. This significantly extends
the usable frequency range of Brüel & Kjær transducers. ms2/ms2
REq-X technology corrects the time signal of a transducer 14 Cursor values
X: 12.000 k Hz
by the inverse of its calibrated frequency response. 12 Y: 1.62 ms2/ms2
Y: 1.10 ms2/ms2
TEDS data (that is, individual sensitivity and resonance fre-
quency, Q-factor, upper and lower frequency limit and am- 8 Without
plitude correction/slope parameters) is delivered with each 6
Brüel & Kjær accelerometer, and is used when generating
the response equalisation. These five parameters have 4
been measured and included on every accelerometer’s cali- 2 With
bration chart for the last decade. Furthermore, the param- REq-X
eters are supplied in the Transducer Electronic Data Sheet 2k 4k 6k 8k 10 k 12 k 14 k 16 k 18 k 20 k
(TEDS) of TEDS accelerometers. Hz 070136

By importing these five parameters directly from the TEDS

memory or manually entering them from the calibration
chart into the PULSE analyzer, an inverse function based
on the polynomial is generated and applied real-time to
create the response equalisation.

26 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 27 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

TEDS TEDS Templates

The standard IEEE 1451.4 specifies the Transducer Electronic All standard accelerometers with built-in TEDS contain
Data Sheet (TEDS) for storage of the transducer’s specific TEDS with UTID = 116225.
information, such as the sensitivity, calibration values, man-
ufacturer and other advanced features. Note: UTID = Unique Template Identification, UDID =
Unique Description Identification , TDL = Template Descrip-
The advantages of a system containing TEDS include: tion Language
• Elimination of cabling and connection errors
• Identification and specification using digitial
communication IEEE P1451.4 (TDL V.0.9)
• ‘Plug and play’ technology for acoustic and
vibration testing UTID No. Name Remarks
• Reduction of setup time 116225 Accelerometer, trans- This TEDS template is
• Simplification of database management fer function V0.91 the standard deliv-
ered with all
Brüel & Kjær acceler-

IEEE Std 1451.4™ – 2004 (TDL V1.0)

UDID No. Name Remarks

Accelerometer, trans- This TEDS template is

fer function TDL V1.0 optional

If you would like to have the accelerometers with TEDS to

be used with TDL V1.0, please contact your local sales of-
fice to make sure that the delivery is made with the 1.0
version. It is possible to go from version 0.9 to 1.0, but
remapping of the programmed chip cannot be redone
from version 1.0 to 0.9.

Brüel & Kjær can deliver templates according to customers’

wishes, for example, LMS TEDS templates.

The TEDS device in a Brüel & Kjær transducer will function:

• In a temperature range of at least –40°C to +85°C and
survive in the full operating temperature range of the
• With cable lengths exceeding 30 metres, easily conform-
ing to IEEE P1451.4

Access to the data in a TEDS template is available via Edi-

tor Kits WA-0876, WA-0877, WA-0887 or by control soft-
ware packages for NEXUS™ and Conditioning Amplifier
Type 2694 or by analysis systems such as PULSE™. Signal Conditioning 27 Page 28 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

NEXUS Conditioning Amplifiers

The most flexible and advanced conditioning amplifier auxiliary filters. It is possible to choose between different
from Brüel & Kjær is NEXUS™. NEXUS is flexible in the way standard conditioning amplifiers such as microphone, Del-
it can be configured. It is advanced as it can have both taTron®, charge, and intensity inputs. NEXUS can be con-
acoustic and vibration inputs in the same mainframe. One figured according to your needs. We have preconfigured
NEXUS mainframe can contain up to four independent the most commonly used NEXUS versions for your use.
channels and different filters such as bandpass filters and

NEXUS Physical Dimensions

Height: 90 mm (3.5 ″)
Width: 144 mm (5.7″)
Depth: 230 mm (9.1″)
Weight: 3 kg (6.6 lb.), including battery

• Digital Control Interface. Conforms to EIA/TIA-574 (RS–232)

• One mainframe holds up to four input channels
• External DC power input, complies with ISO 7637–1 (12 V) and
7637–2 (24 V)
• Operating temperature: –10 to 55°C

Back panel

Ch: 1 2 3 4
Battery NEXUS Optional
• Holds an internal battery (not included)
Processor • Any combination of the four input channels is possible
and power
• Optional filters such as low-pass filters, 20 Hz high-pass filters, single/double
Motherboa module
rd integration and A-, B-, C-, and D-weighting filters
Display • Additional options are also constant power and upper limiting frequency
Control pa
to 140 kHz


NEXUS Microphone Conditioning Amplifier

You can have up to 4 microphone channels in a single con-
ditioning amplifier.

Preconfigured NEXUS for Acoustical Measurements

Channels 1 2 4 2 2 4
Type Number 2690-A-0S1 2690-A-0S2 2690-A-0S4 2691-A-0S2 2690-A-0F2 2690-A-0F4
Description 1-channel Micro- 2-channel Micro- 4-channel Micro- 2-channel (single 2-channel Micro- 4-channel Micro-
phone Conditioning phone Conditioning phone Conditioning probe) Intensity Con- phone Conditioning phone Conditioning
Amplifier Amplifier Amplifier ditioning Amplifier Amplifier with A, B, Amplifier with A, B,
C, and D filters C, and D filters

28 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 29 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Common Features of all NEXUS with Microphone Input

• Up to 4 microphone channels in one mainframe • Input range10 to 33 V DC
• Microphone connector is 7-pin LEMO • Polarization voltage V is 0 V or 200 V
• AC input • Peak meter
• DC input • LCD display
• AC output • TEDS support, IEEE 1451.4
• Battery/Charge Adaptor • Manual or computer controlled
• Frequency range (–1dB): 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz • Mountable in a 19-inch rack
• Floating input for maximum EMI* protection • –20 to 60 dB amplifier gain (80 dB with reduced
• Supply voltage can be ±14 or ±40 V specifications)
• Maximum input: 31.6 V (peak) • Implemented CIC#
• Input protection: ≤50 V (peak) • Current overload detection
• Input impedance 1 MΩ || 300 pF (AC coupled) • A-weighting filter type “O” is standard

* EMI – Eletromagnetic Interference # CIC – Charge Injection Calibration

NEXUS DeltaTron Conditioning Amplifiers

Up to four DeltaTron input modules can be fitted for con-
ditioning of input signals from Constant Current Line Drive
based accelerometers, microphone preamplifiers or “direct
voltage” input.

Preconfigured NEXUS for Vibration Measurements

Channels 1 2 4 1 4 4 4 4
Type Number 2693-A-0S1 2693-A-0S2 2693-A-0S4 2693-A-0I1 2693-A-0I4 2693-A-0M4 2693-A-0P4 2693-A-0F4
Description 1-channel 2-channel 4-channel DeltaTron DeltaTron 2-channel DeltaTron DeltaTron
DeltaTron DeltaTron DeltaTron Conditioning Conditioning Charge and 2- Conditioning Conditioning
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Amplifier with Amplifier with channel Delta- with Constant Amplifier with
Amplifier Amplifier Amplifier Integration Filter Single and Tron Condi- Power On A, B, C, and D
Double Inte- tioning Filters
grations Amplifier

Common Features of all NEXUS with DeltaTron Input

• Up to 4 DeltraTron input channels in one mainframe • Tacho probe connection via TNC socket supplied with
• BNT connector, floating or single-ended 8 V DC voltage
• AC input • –20 to 60 dB gain (80 dB with reduced specifications)
• DC input • Peak meter
• AC output • LCD display
• Battery/Charge Adaptor • TEDS support, IEEE 1451.4
• Constant current: 4 to 10 mA with a +28 V voltage • Manual or computer controlled
source • Mountable in a 19-inch rack
• Current overload detection • Input impedance 1 MΩ || 100 pF (AC coupled)
• Frequency range (10%): 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz (gain <60 dB) Signal Conditioning 29 Page 30 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

NEXUS Charge Conditioning Amplifiers

A conditioning charge amplifier can contain up to 4 separate
charge input channels. Each channel has comprehensive
high- and low-pass filtering facilities. Single and double
integration modes are available.

Preconfigured NEXUS for Vibration Measurements

Channels 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 4 4
Type Number 2692-A-0S1 2692-A-0S2 2692-A-0S4 2692-A-0I1 2692-A-0I2 2692-A-0I4 2692-A-0P1 2692-C 2692-D
Description 1-channel 2-channel 4-channel 1-channel 2-channel 4-channel 1-channel 4-channel 4-channel
Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge Conditioning Conditioning
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Amplifier for Amplifier for
Amplifier Amplifier Amplifier Amplifier Amplifier Amplifier with Con- very high lev- very high lev-
with Single with Single with Single stant Power els (100 nC) els (100 nC)
and Double and Double and Double On with Single
Integration Integration Integration and Double

Common Features of all NEXUS with Charge Input

• Up to four separate charge input channels
• TNC connector
• TNC to 10–32 UNF adaptor
• Differential charge: 10 nC (peak)
• Differential charge for 2692-C/D: 100 nC (peak)
• AC output
• AC input
• DC input
• Single ended or floating input
• Both manual and computer control
• Mountable in a 19-inch rack
• Peak meter
• LCD display
• TEDS support, IEEE 1451.4
• Battery/Charge Adaptor
• Calibration functions
• MRT* facilities
• –20 to 60 dB gain (80 dB with reduced specifications)

* MRT – Mounted Resonance Testing

30 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 31 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Charge/DeltaTron Amplifiers
The NEXUS range of conditioning units covers Charge, Del- ditioning Amplifier Brüel & Kjær also offers different
taTron® and microphone conditioning. Besides NEXUS Con- variants within charge conditioning for accelerometers.

Measuring Amplifier Type 2525

This low-noise amplifier has both Charge and DeltaTron inputs.
The product is mainly designed for product and prototype
testing. It includes automatic gain adjustment, level moni-
toring with alarm output, and signal overload indication.

2525 Physical Dimensions

• Height: 132.5 mm (5.22″)
• Width: 139.5 mm (5.49″)
• Depth: 320 mm (12.6″)
• Weight: 3.6 kg (5.8 lb.)

Channels 1

Type Number 2525

Description Measuring Amplifier

Features of Type 2525 • Mountable in rack

• Charge Input: TNC Socket on front-end • LCD display
• Maximum input: 0 to100 kHz: 50 nC peak
• DeltaTron Input: BNC socket on front-end
• AC output
• AC input power
• Peak
• Menu based user-interface
• Both manual and remote control option
• Storage of up to 8 amplifier setups
• Gain adjustment ensures rapid and accurate setup and
ease of interpretation
• Conversion of acceleration signals to velocity and
• Includes a mounted resonance measuring function for
the best mounting of accelerometers
• Built-in filters: high-pass and low-pass
• External filters can be attached via a 15-pin auxiliary
• Operating temperature: 5 to 40ºC (41 to 104ºF) Signal Conditioning 31 Page 32 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

16-channel DeltaTron Conditioning Amplifier Type 2694

This multichannel conditioning amplifier has an analogue designed for larger multichannel applications such as modal
input for accelerometers, microphone preamplifiers, and analysis or array measurements.
tachometers. The amplifier can be stacked and is specially

2694 Physical Dimensions

• Height: 46.3 mm (1.7″)
• Width: 449 mm (17.7″)
• Depth: 254 mm (10″)
• Weight:2.5 kg (5.5 lb.)

Type Number Description

Standard version 16-channel standard DeltaTron Conditioning

• No filters Amplifier

Basic version 16-channel standard DeltaTron Conditioning

• No optional filters available Amplifier

Customised version
2694-C • Optional filters, A-, B-, C- and D-filters, single and double integration filters in 1 to 16 channels, or
single and double integration filters in all 16 channels

2694-D 16-channel standard DeltaTron Conditioning Amplifier with single and double Integration filters

Features of Type 2694

• DeltaTron input, channel 1 to 15: BNC
• Voltage input connector, channel 16; BNT (CCLD, voltage
or tacho)
• AC output
• AC Input Power
• DC Input Power
• DC supply
• Transducer supply: DeltaTron Current: 6 mA ±15%,
DeltaTron Voltage: 25 V ±10%
• Battery/Charge adaptor
• Controlled by Windows®-based software
• Operating temperature: –10 to 55ºC (14 to 131ºF)
• Optional filters, high-pass, A-, B-, C-, D-filter, low-pass filter
• TEDS support, IEEE 1451.4
• Stackable and rack mountable
• Serial Interface: RS–232
• Alarm

32 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 33 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Charge Amplifiers
Charge Amplifier Type 2634
Type 2634 is suitable for both differential and single-ended mainly for vibration measurements in industrial environ-
output charge transducers and features a compact, two- ments where its sturdy construction will permit it to be
stage amplifier which conditions the output signal from sited in conditions alien to normal electronic instrumenta-
piezoelectric transducers before onward transmission to tion.
the measuring/analysis instrumentation. It is intended

2634 Physical Dimensions

• Height: 21 mm (0.83″)
• Width: 34.5 mm (1.35″)
• Length: 100 mm (3.94″) plus 11 mm (0.43 ″) for sockets
• Weight: 112 g (0.24 lb.)

Type Number 2634

Description Charge Amplifier

Robust construction, ideal for use in conditions where the preamplifier must
Application be sited near the transducer, thereby avoiding noise pick-up in long trans-
ducer cables

Features of Type 2634

• Differential charge
• Charge input via 2-pole TNC socket
• Max. charge input ~104 pC
• AC output
• Signal Output via 5-pole LEMO socket
• Max. output: 8 V (8 mA) peak with ±14 V supply
• Lower limiting frequency: 1 Hz (–3 dB limit) with attenu-
ation slope of 40 dB/decade
• Upper limiting frequency: >200 kHz (–3 dB limit)
• For transducers with differential output
• For transducers with single-ended output
• Sensitivity adjustable from 1 to 10 mV/pC
• Optional filters
• Single or dual polarity power supply
• Power supply, dual: ±14 to ±18 V (±6 to ±24 V with re-
duced specifications) 5 to 23 mA
• Power supply, single: +12 to + 28 V (5 to 20 mA)
• Temperature range: –40 to +55 °C (–40 to +131°F) Signal Conditioning 33 Page 34 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Charge Amplifier Type 2635

Charge Amplifier Type 2635 is a popular, versatile and
comprehensively equipped charge conditioning amplifier
for both field and laboratory measurements.

2635 Physical Dimensions

• Height: 132.6 mm (5.2″)
• Width: 69.5 mm (2.7″)
• Depth: 200 mm (7.9″)
• Weight: 1.45 kg (3.2 lb.)

Type Number 2635

Charge Amplifier, a four stage amplifier with one input amplifier, a low-pass
filter-amplifier, an integrator amplifier and an output amplifier

Can be used for vibration measurements and recording in the field as well as
Application in the laboratory. Also suitable for underwater measurements with hydro-
phones as well as for mechanical impedance measurements

Features of Type 2635

• Charge input via 10–32 UNF and BNC coaxial socket
• Max. charge input: ~105 pC
• Max output: 8 V (8 mA) peak
• AC output
• Output impedance: <1Ω
• DC Offset: < ±50 mV
• High-sensitivity from 0.01 mV up to 10 V/pC
• Built-in integrators for displacement and velocity
• Built-in test oscillator
• Overload detection
• AC power
• Power supply: 3 internal batteries (1.5 V)
• Power supply: external source, +6 to +28 V (55 mA) sin-
gle or ±14 V (14 mA) dual polarity DC

34 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 35 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Charge Amplifier Type 2663/2663-B

Preamplifiers Types 2663 and 2663-B are designed for use transducers, the preamplifiers have three, built-in choices
with piezoelectric transducers in airborne applications. of input configuration. They can be used with both single-
Gain and frequency range can be adjusted by exchanging ended grounded and single-ended floating transducers as
appropriate resistors in the preamplifier circuit to meet well as differential types.
user requirements. For operation with different types of

2663 Physical Dimensions

• Height: 31 mm (1.22″)
• Width: 54 mm (2.13″)
• Length: 86 mm (3.46″)
• Weight: 167 g (5.8 oz.)

Type Number 2663 2663-B

Description Charge Amplifier

Application Vibration measurement on aircrafts, in severe environments and vibration monitoring on industrial

Special Features High-pass Filter High-pass Filter

4-pole Butterworth, preadjusted to 0.5 Hz (–3 dB) 2-pole Butterworth preadjusted to 0.5 Hz (–3 dB)
(3 Hz ±5%, re 160 Hz), 2 poles adjustable to give Low-pass Filter
cut-off frequency between 0.5 Hz and 1 kHz 4-pole Butterworth, preadjusted to 100 Hz (–3 dB)
Low-pass Filter
2-pole Butterworth, preadjusted to 33 kHz (–3 dB)
(20 kHz ±5%, re 160 Hz). Adjustable between
250 Hz and 33 kHz (200 kHz with reduced specifica-

Features of Type 2663/2663-B

• Differential Charge
• Optional filters, adjustable high- and low-pass filters
• DC power
• Single or double supply voltage
• Overload detection
• Max. Input signal: 5000 pC peak
• AC output
• Adjustable output bias
• Types 2663 and 2663-B complies to the military stand-
ard MIL-STD 810 D
• Sensitivity adjustable from 1 to 100 mV/pC
• Operating temperature: –55 to +100°C (–67 to +212°F Signal Conditioning 35 Page 36 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Converters and Power Supplies

Dual Gain Charge to DeltaTron Converter Type 2647

2647 Physical Dimensions

• Ø7 × 7.77 mm (Ø0.27 × 3.06″)

2647-A, B, C, D Physical Dimensions

• Ø7 × 37.7 mm (Ø0.27 × 1.48″)

Type Number 2647 2647-A 2647-B 2647-C 2647-D

Charge to DeltaTron Charge to DeltaTron Charge to DeltaTron Charge to DeltaTron Charge to DeltaTron
Description Converter with extra Converter with fixed Converter with fixed Converter with fixed Converter with fixed
functionality sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity sensitivity

Remotely set the sensi-

tivity to 1 mV/pC or
0.1 mV/pC 1 mV/pC
Special Features and 10 mV/pC and turn the
1 mV/pC 10 mV/pC Limited bandwidth Limited bandwidth
Sensitivity unit off.
1 Hz to 10 kHz 1 Hz to 10 kHz
Requires the TEDS Edi-

Features of Type 2647

• Connects charge transducers to DeltaTron inputs
• AC Output
• Supports IEEE 1451.4 with TEDS
• Optional filters
• Active mode with two gain settings
• Coaxial input and output via female10 – 32 UNF
• Up to 4 units can be placed in parallel
• Max. output voltage swing: 14 V Peak to Peak
• Output Impedance: <40Ω

36 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 37 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Charge to DeltaTron Converter Type 2646

2646 Physical Dimensions

• Height: 13.5 mm (0.53″)
• Width: 16 mm (0.64″)
• Weight: 5.3 g (0.19 oz.)

Type Number 2646

Description DeltaTron Charge Converter

Used for direct attachment to an accelerometer that has a top mounting con-
Application nector. Can also be side-by-side mounted with a miniature accelerometer

Features of Type 2646 • Output impedance: <100 Ω

• Input Capacitance: >200 nF • Power supply, constant current: +2 to +20 mA
• Sensitivity: 1 mV/pC ±1% at 25°C (77°F) with a constant • Power supply, unloaded supply voltage: +24 to +30 V
current of 4 mA (minimum: +18 V with reduced specifications)
• Frequency range: 0.3 Hz to 100 kHz (–10% limits) • Temperature range: –50 to +125°C (–59 to +257°F)
• AC output
• Output connector is a 10–32 UNF coaxial cable

In-Line TEDS Memory ZZ-0245

Physical Dimensions
• Ø7 × 37.7 mm (Ø0.27 × 1.48″)

TEDS memory unit with 10 – 32 UNF connectors. Delivered as standard with

Description blank TEDS template. If ordered with transducer, the unit can be supplied
with corresponding transducer values

For use with IEPE/DeltaTron accelerometers without TEDS where TEDS func-
tionality is desired Signal Conditioning 37 Page 38 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

3-channel DeltaTron Power Supply WB-1453

WB-1453 Physical Dimensions

• Height: 31.8 mm (1.25″)
• Width: 79.4 mm (3.125″)
• Depth: 149.2 mm (5.875″)
• Weight: 250 gram (8.8 oz.)

Channels 3

Type Number WB-1453

Description 3-channel DeltaTron Power Supply

Application Battery-powered DeltaTron supply for triaxial accelerometers

Features of WB-4153
• Battery powered
• Indication of transducer or cable fault via bias voltage
• Battery check
• 4-pole Microtech input and output connectors
• Transducer current per input channel is 3 mA ± 20%
• The output impedance is <100 Ω (depending on the
• The unit uses three 9 V standard batteries, that is,

38 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 39 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

DeltaTron Power Supply Type WB-1372

WB-1372 Physical Dimensions

• Height: 39 mm (1.5″)
• Width: 65 mm (2.5″)
• Depth: 120 mm (4.7″)
• Weight: 250 gram (8.8 oz.)

Channels 1

Type Number WB-1372

Description DeltaTron Power Supply

Features of WB-1372
• Powers one DeltaTron transducer
• Input/output BNC sockets
• Transducer current: 3 mA (±20%)
• Displays bias voltage on the meter
• Dynamic Impedance: >100 kΩ
• The unit uses three 9 V standard batteries, that is, 6LR61
• Battery check
• AC output Signal Conditioning 39 Page 40 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Brüel & Kjær Cables
A combination of measurement requirements, physical lim- Maximum Cable Length (DeltaTron)
itations, and environmental conditions usually determines The maximum output voltage of a DeltaTron accelerome-
the best choice of cable type. Brüel & Kjær provides a wide ter when driving long cables depends on the supply cur-
variety of high-quality cables and adaptors to ensure opti- rent at which it is operating, and on the capacitive load
mal electrical connections throughout the measurement due to the connecting cable.
The maximum cable length in metres (for distortion ≤ 1%)
Most cables employ a combination of a PTFE* insulator and is given by:
PFA# jacket, providing advantageous properties such as
low coefficient of friction, mechanical strength, excellent Is – 1
L = 140 000 × -----------------------------
dielectric insulation, wide temperature range, low gas per- f × Vo × Cm
meability, and chemical and flame resistance. where:
Is = supply current (mA)
In addition to the listed cables, Brüel & Kjær supplies cables f = frequency (kHz)
for various extreme temperature and chemical environ- Vo = output voltage (Vpeak)
ments. Please consult your local representative for further Cm = cable capacitance (pF/m)

The Super Low Noise (SLN) and Low Noise (LN) cables fea-
Maximum Cable Length (Charge)
The figure below shows the influence of the input load
ture Brüel & Kjær’s proprietary and unique noise treatment,
capacitance on the high frequency response of a
which has set the industry standard for cables used with
Brüel & Kjær charge amplifier.
charge sensors (high-impedance) to avoid triboelectric
noise. The low-cost cables cover flexible industry standard
coaxial cables only recommended for sensors with integrated
electronics. +1
In addition to the standard cable lengths, which are availa- 0.1 to 1 nF
ble from stock for immediate shipment, Brüel & Kjær offers
cables with custom cable lengths with a ±0.01 m tolerance.
Relative Amplitude

Please follow the guideline below for ordering informa- –3
“0.1” to “10”
mV/Unit Out 10 nF
tion. Switch Settings
–4 20 nF

AO -XXXX -Y-ZZZ where: –5 50 nF

• AO XXXX is the basic cable type –6
100 nF
• Y is length units in D (decimetre 0.1 m) or M (metre)
• ZZZ is the length value
200 500 1k 2k 5k 10 k 20 k 50 k 100 k 200 k
Frequency Hz

* Polytetrafluoroethylene
# Perfluoroalkoxy

40 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 41 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Coaxial Cable Assemblies for Uniaxial Accelerometers

Connectors Standard lengths from stock Description
10–32 UNF to TNC AO-0231-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Super low-noise coaxial cable
AO-0231-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) All-round use, single-screened with
AO-0231-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) special treatment against triboelectric
AO-0231-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) noise
Temperature range: –75 to +250°C
(–103 to +482°F)
Raw cable: AC-0005
10–32 UNF to 10–32 UNF AO-0038-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Super low-noise coaxial cable
AO-0038-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) All-round use, single-screened with
AO-0038-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) special treatment against triboelectric
AO-0038-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) noise
Temperature range: –75 to +250°C
(–103 to +482°F)
Raw cable: AC-0005
AO-0687-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) Super low-noise coaxial cable
AO-0687-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Same cable as AO-0038, but with
extensive connector relief in case of
rough handling
Temperature range: –40 to +120°C
(–40 to +248°F)
Raw cable: AC-0005

AO-0122-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Super low-noise coaxial cable

AO-0122-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) Robust cable with extensive relief at
AO-0122-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) connectors, double-screened and spe-
AO-0122-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) cially treated against triboelectric
Recommended for harsh environments
and rough handling
Temperature range: –75°C to +250°C
(–103 to +482°F)
Raw cable: AC-0200
10–32 UNF to 10–32 UNF AO-0692-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Super low-noise, cable rated IP67 for UNDERWATER
AO-0692-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) temporary underwater submersion.
AO-0692-D-500: 500 m (1640 ft) Fits all accelerometers with 10 – 32 UNF
Temperature range: –40°C to +100°C
(–40 to +212°F)
Raw cable: AC-0005

10–32 UNF to 10–32 UNF AO-1382-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Low-noise coaxial cable
AO-1382-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) Light and flexible double-screened
AO-1382-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) cable
AO-1382-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) Temperature range: –50°C to +200°C
(–58 to +392°F)
Raw cable: AC-0104

AO-1419-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Lightweight, low-noise coaxial cable

AO-1419-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) Very light and flexible single-screen
AO-1419-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) cable recommended for miniature
AO-1419-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) transducers
Temperature range: –75°C to +250°C
(–103 to +482°F)
Raw cable: AC-0066
AO-0463-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Low-cost coaxial cable
AO-0463-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) Single-screen cable. Not recommended
AO-0463-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) for charge transducers
AO-0463-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) Temperature range: –20°C to +70°C
(–4 to +158°F)
Raw cable: AC-0208 Cables 41 Page 42 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Connectors Standard lengths from stock Description

10–32 UNF to 10–32 UNF AO-0704-D-020: 2 m (6.5 ft) Super low-noise, coaxial cable with
low out-gassing properties. Designed
and manufactured for high vacuum
Temperature range: –75 to +250°C
(–103 to +482°F)

10–32 UNF to BNC AO-0406-D-012: 5 m (16.4 ft) Low-cost coaxial cable

AO-0406-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) Light and flexible double-screened
cable. Includes JP-0145 (10–32 to BNC
plug adaptor)
Temperature range: –50 to +200°C
(–58 to +392°F)
Raw cable: AC-0104

AO-0531-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Low-cost coaxial cable

AO-0531-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) Single-screen cable. Not recommended
AO-0531-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) for charge transducers
AO-0531-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) Temperature range: –20 to +70°C
AO-0531-D-150: 15 m (49.2 ft) (–4 to +158°F)
Raw cable AC-0208

10 – 32 UNF to SMB jack AO-0691-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Single-screened coaxial cable. Not rec-
AO-0691-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) ommended for charge transducers.
Temperature range: –20 to +70°C
(–4 to +158°F)
Raw cable: AC-0208

AO-0699-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Super low-noise, single-screened coax-

AO-0699-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) ial cable. All round use.
Temperature range: –75 to +250°C
(–103 to +482°F)
Raw cable: AC-0005

M 3 to 10–32 UNF AO-0283-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Super low-noise coaxial cable
AO-0283-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) All round use, single-screened and
AO-0283-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) treated against triboelectric noise
AO-0283-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) Temperature range: –75 to +250°C
(–103 to +482°F)
Raw cable: AC-0205

AO-0339-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Low-noise coaxial cable

AO-0339-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Extremely lightweight and flexible,
single-screen cable recommended for
miniature transducers
Temperature range: –75 to +250°C
(–103 to +482°F)
Raw cable: AC-0066

AO-1381-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Low-noise coaxial cable

AO-1381-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) Flexible double-screened cable
Temperature range: –50 to +200°C
(–58 to +392°F)
Raw cable AC-0104

42 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 43 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Connectors Standard lengths from stock Description

M 3 to 10–32 UNF AO-0703-D-020: 2 m (6.5 ft) Super low-noise coaxial cable with low
out-gassing properties. Designed and
manufactured for high vacuum envi-
Temperature range: –75 to +250ºC
(–103 to +482°F)

M3 to SMB Jack AO-0698-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Super low-noise single-screened coax-

ial cable
Temperature range: –75 to +250ºC
(–103 to +482°F)
Raw cable: AC-0205

M3 to BNC AO-0641-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Low-cost coaxial cable

Single-screened cable
Temperature range: –20 to +70°C
(–4 to +158°F)
Ø: 1.5 mm
Capacitance: 110pF/m
Weight: 5.7 grams/m

3–56 UNF to 10–32 UNF female AO-0638-D-010: 1 m (3.2 ft) Low-noise coaxial cable
AO-0638-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Light and flexible cable for use with
miniature accelerometers with 3–56
UNF threaded connector
Temperature range: –30 to +200°C
(–22 to +392°F)

3-pin to open end AO-0642-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) 3-wire (twisted) coaxial cable
Electrically and environmentally
robust and durable cable for perma-
nent installations
Temperature range: –190 to +260°C
(–310 to +500°F)

BNC to BNC AO-0087-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Low-noise coaxial cable

AO-0087-D-050: 5.0 m (16.4 ft) For extending cables and from pream-
AO-0087-D-150: 15 m (49.2 ft) plifiers and other condtioning
AO-0087-D-300: 30 m (98.4 ft) Temperature range: –40 to +80°C
(–40 to +176°F)

TNC to TNC AO-0193-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Super low-niose coaxial cable
AO-0193-D-020: 2.0 m (6.5 ft) Robust cable, double screened and
AO-0193-D-090: 9 m (29.5 ft) treated against triboelectric noise.
Recommended for harsh environments
and rough handling
Temperature range: –75 to +250°C
(–103 to +482°F)
Raw cable: AC-0200 Cables 43 Page 44 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Connectors Standard lengths from stock Description

TNC to TNC AO-0268: 1 m (3.2 ft) Super low-noise coaxial cable
Spiralised, flexible cable for quick
mounting and dismounting of acceler-
ometers on structures
Temperature range: –40 to +85°C
(–40 to +185°F)
Raw cable: AC-0080

LEMO 1 B, female to LEMO 1 B, male AO-0414-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Extension cable for DC response accel-
AO-0414-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) erometers with 7-pin LEMO connector
AO-0414-M-100: 100 m (328 ft) PUR jacket
Temperature range: –20 to +80°C
(–4 to +176°F)

LEMO 1 B, female to LEMO 0 B, male AO-0700-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Cable for DC response accelerometers
AO-0700-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) with 7-pin LEMO connector; connects
to Differential Amplifier Type 2697
PUR jacket
Temperature range: –20 to +80°C
(–4 to +176°F)

Coaxial Cable Assemblies for Triaxial Accelerometers

Connectors Standard lengths from stock Description
3 × 10–32 UNF to 3 × 10–32 UNF AO-0688 D-30: 3 m (9.8 ft) 4-wire coaxial cable terminating in
three single-wire, coaxial cables at
each end. Single screened for triaxial
accelerometers with integrated elec-
Temperature range: –75 to +125°C
(–103 to +257°F)
Raw cable: AC-0220

4-pin to 3 × BNC AO-0526-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) Single screened coaxial cable with four
AO-0526-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) wires for triaxial accelerometers with
AO-0526-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) integrated electronics
AO-0526-D-300: 30 m (98.4 ft) Temperature range: –75 to +90°C
(–103 to +194°F)
Raw cable: AC-0220

AO-0534-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Single screened coaxial cable with four

AO-0534-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) wires for triaxial accelerometers with
integrated electronics
Temperature range: –40 to +125°C
(–40 to + 257°F)
Raw cable: AC-0223

4-pin to 3 × 10–32 UNF AO-0527-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Single screened coaxial cable with four
wires for triaxial accelerometers with
integrated electronics
Temperature range: –75to +90°C
(–103 to +194°F)
Raw cable: AC-0220

4-pin to 4-pin AO-0528-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) Single screened coaxial cable with four
wires for triaxial accelerometers with
integrated electronics
Temperature range: –75 to +90°C
(–103 to +194°F)
Raw cable: AC-0220

44 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 45 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

4-pin to 3 × SMB jack AO-0690-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Single-screened coaxial cable for triax-
AO-0690-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) ial accelerometers with integrated
Temperature range: –75 to +90°C
(–103 to +194°F)
Raw cable: AC-0220

4-pin to 4-pin LEMO (M) AO-0693-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) Single-screened coaxial cable for triax-
ial accelerometers
Temperature range: –75 to +90ºC
(–103 to +194°F)
Raw cable: AC-0220

4-pin LEMO (M) to 3 × 10–32 UNF AO-0694-D-012: 1.2 m (3.9 ft) Single-screened coaxial cable for triax-
ial accelerometers
Temperature range: –75 to +90ºC
(–103 to +194°F)
Raw cable: AC-0220

2 × 4-pin to 37-pin D range AO-0536-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) Single screened coaxial cable with four
wires for triaxial accelerometers with
integrated electronics
Temperature range: –75 to +90°C
(–103 to +194°F)
Raw cable: AC-0220 Cables 45 Page 46 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Cable Assemblies for Industrial and Monitoring Applications

Connectors Standard Lengths Description Raw Cable
2-pin TNC to 2-pin TNC AO-0250-D-030: 3 m (9.8 ft) General purpose black coaxial cable AC-0077
AO-0250-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) with 2 wires and double braided
AO-0250-D-100: 10 m (32.8 ft) shielding.Available in blue colour
AO-0250-D-150: 15 m (49.2 ft) (AC 0087) for explosive areas
Temperature range: –55 to +250°C
(–67 to +482°F)
2-pin TNC to Open End AO-0624-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) General purpose blue coaxial cable AC-0087
AO-0624-D-100: 10m (32.8 ft) with 2 wires and double braided
AO-0624-D-150: 15 m (49.2 ft) shielding for explosive area
AO-0624-D-200: 20 m (65.6 ft) Temperature range: –55 to +250°C
(–67 to +482°F)
2-pin MIL-C-5015 to Open End AO-0612-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) General purpose black coaxial cable AC-0141
AO-0612-D-100: 10m (32.8 ft) with 2 wires and double braided
AO-0612-D-150: 15 m (49.2 ft) shielding for accelerometers with inte-
AO-0612-D-200: 20 m (65.6 ft) grated electronics
Temperature range: –40 to +125°C
(–40 to +257°F)
2-pin MIL-C-5015 to BNC AO-0608-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) General purpose black coaxial cable AC-0141
AO-0608-D-100: 10m (32.8 ft) with 2 wires and double braided
AO-0608-D-150: 15 m (49.2 ft) shielding for accelerometers with inte-
AO-0608-D-200: 20 m (65.6 ft) grated electronics
Temperature range: –40°C to +125°C
(–40 to +257°F)
2-pin MIL-C-5015 to Open End AO-0623-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Blue coaxial cable with 2 wires and EL-3000
AO-0623-D-100: 10m (32.8 ft) double braided shielding. For acceler-
AO-0623-D-150: 15 m (49.2 ft) ometers with integrated electronics in
AO-0623-D-200: 20 m (65.6 ft) explosive areas
Temperature range: –40°C to +125°C
(–40 to +257°F)
2-pin MIL-C-5015 to BNC AO-0616-D-050: 5 m (16.4 ft) Blue coaxial cable with 2 wires and EL-3000
AO-0616-D-100: 10m (32.8 ft) double braided shielding. For acceler-
AO-0616-D-150: 15 m (49.2 ft) ometers with integrated electronics in
AO-0616-D-200: 20 m (65.6 ft) explosive areas
Temperature range: –40°C to +125°C
(–40 to +257°F)

Accessory Sets for Repair of Assembled Cables

Order Number Description
QA-0035 Assembly Tool for Mounting Plugs on Accelerometer Cables
UA-0130 25 × JP-0012 Miniature 10–32 UNF Plug for Cables: AC-0005, AC-0066, AC-0104, AC-0205 and AC-0208
UA-0730 25 × JP-0056 Miniature 10–32 UNF plug for Cable AC-0200
UA-1243 3 × 30 Pieces of Red/Green/Yellow Cable Markers for AC-0205 and AC-0104
UA-1244 3 × 30 Pieces of Red/Green/Yellow Cable Markers for AC-0005 and AC-0208

46 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 47 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Connector Thread Order Number Description
Set of 25 extension connectors JJ-
10–32 UNF to 10–32 UNF UA-0186
0032 for cables
TNC to TNC JJ-0175 Extension connector
BNC to 10–32 UNF JP-0145 Plug adaptor UA-0186
JP-0145 JP-0162
Extension connector for acceler-
UA-0641 JJ-0207
10–32 UNF to TNC ometer with top connector
JP-0162 Plug adaptor
Solder Pin 10 – 32 UNF JP-0192 Solder connector adaptor
2-pin TNC to 10–32 UNF JJ-0207 Plug adaptor
2-pin Male TNC to
WA-0214 Plug adaptor (for AO-0250)
10– 32 UNF UA-0641
JJ-0175 JP-0192
Adaptor 10 – 32 UNF , Female to
10–32 UNF to BNC UA-0245
BNC Female JJ-0152
“T” connector, 1 male and 2
BNC to BNC JJ-0152
female connectors

Raw Cables: Coaxial Cables for Piezoelectric and DeltaTron Accelerometers

Insulator/ Number of Diameter Max. Temp Min. Temp Capacitance
Type Number Description Screen
Coating Wires mm inches °C °F °C °F pF/m
Super low noise PTFE/PFA Single 1 2 0.08 +250 +482 –75 –103 106
(Fig. 1)
Low noise PTFE/PFA Single 1 1 0.04 +250 +482 –75 –103 95
(Fig. 2)
Low noise PTFE/PFA Double 1 1.6 0.06 +200 +392 –50 –58 105
(Fig. 3)
Super low noise PTFE/PFA Double 1 3.2 0.13 +250 +482 –75 –103 95
(Fig. 4)
Super low noise PTFE/PFA Single 1 1.5 0.06 +250 +482 –75 –103 100
(Fig. 5)
Flexible PE/PVC Single 1 2 0.08 +70 +158 –20 –4 100
(Fig. 6)
Flexible PTFE/PFA Single 4 2.4 0.09 +90 +194 –75 –103 106
(Fig. 7)
Flexible ETFE/PFE Single 4 2.1 0.09 +125 +257 –40 –40 100
(Fig. 8)
Spiral PTFE/PFA Single 1 14 0.55 +85 +185 –40 –40 100
(Fig. 9)

AC 0005 AC 0066

Noise Supressive Layer

Silver Plated Copper Braid
Silver Plated Copper Braid
PFA Jacket PFA Jacket

Dielectric Layer (PTFE) Noise Suppressive Layer

Noise Supressive Layer Dielectric Layer (PTFE)
Silver Plated Copper (solid) Stainless Steel (solid)

Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Cables 47 Page 48 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

AC 0200
AC 0104 Silver Plated Copper Braid
Silver Plated Copper Braid PFA Inner Jacket
PTFE Tape Silver Plated Copper Braid
Silver Plated Copper Braid PFA Jacket
PFA Jacket

Noise Suppressive Layer

Noise Suppressive Layer Dielectric layer (PTFE)
Dielectric Layer (PTFE) Noise Suppressive Layer
Silver Plated Copper (solid) Silver Plated Copper (solid)

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

AC 0205
AC 0208
Noise Suppressive Layer
Silver Plated Copper Braid Tinned Copper Braid
PFA Jacket PVC Jacket

Dielectric Layer (PTFE)

Dielectric Layer (PE)
Noise Suppressive Layer
Tinned Copper (stranded)
Silver Plated Copper (solid)

Fig. 5 Fig. 6

AC 0220 AC 0223

Tinned Copper Braid Silver Plated Copper Braid

PUR Jacket PFI Jacket

Dielectric Layer (ETFE) Dielectric Layer (ETFE)

Tinned Copper Alloy (stranded) Tinned Copper Alloy (stranded)

Fig. 7 Fig. 8

AC 0080
Noise Suppressive Layer
Silver Plated Copper Braid
Polyurethane Jacket

Dielectric (PTFE)
Noise Suppressive Layer
Silver Plated Copper (solid)

Fig. 9

48 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 49 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Raw Cables: Cables for Conditioning Monitoring Accelerometers

Insulator/ Number of Diameter Max. Temp Min. Temp
Type Number Description Screen
Coating Wires mm inches °C °F °C °F
AC-0077 (Fig. 10) For Charge types; Low noise Double 2 6 0.24 +250 +482 –55 –67
AC-0087 (Fig. 11) For Charge types; Low noise Double 2 6 0.24 +250 +482 –55 –67
AC-0141 (Fig. 12) General purpose Tefzel, Black Double 2 6 0.24 +125 +257 –40 –40
EL-3000 (Fig. 13) General purpose Tefzel, Blue Double 2 6 0.24 +125 +257 –40 –40
AC-0202 (Fig. 14) Hardline Single 2 4 0.16 +800 +1472 –200 –248

AC 0077 AC 0087
Tefzel (extruded) Tefzel (extruded)
Stainless Steel Braid Stainless Steel Braid
Teflon (extruded) Teflon (extruded)

Teflon Teflon
Silver Plated Copper Wire Silver Plated Copper Wire
Teflon with Graphite Layer Teflon with Graphite Layer
Copper Alloy, Silver Platted Copper Alloy, Silver Platted

Fig. 11
Fig. 10

AC 0141 EL 3000
Teflon Teflon
Stainless Steel Braid Stainless Steel Braid
Tefzel Tefzel

Tinned Copper Braid Tinned Copper Braid

Tefzel with Filler Tefzel with Filler
Tinned Copper Wire Tinned Copper Wire

Fig. 12 Fig. 13

AC 0202

Mineral Insulation
Stainless Steel Tube


Fig. 14 Cables 49 Page 50 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Mounting Considerations erometer, beeswax can be used for convenient mounting
and dismounting of the accelerometer. Because beeswax
To measure vibration accurately, one must ensure that the becomes soft at high temperatures, the method is restricted
useful frequency and dynamic range are not limited by to about 40°C.
poor accelerometer mounting. One of the main require-
ments for good accelerometer mounting is for a rigid me- Insulated Mounting
chanical contact between the accelerometer base and the In places where it is desirable to electrically insulate the
surface to which it is to be attached. To achieve this, accelerometer from the test object, an insulated stud and
Brüel & Kjær has a wide variety of highly specialised a mica washer can be used. This could be either because
mounting accessories. However, before choosing any acces- the electrical potential of the test object is different from
sory, you should keep in mind the considerations listed be- the ground potential of the test instrumentation, or be-
low. cause direct stud mounting will create a ground loop,
which could affect the measurement. The latter is the most
Choosing the Right Mounting Method common reason for use of an insulated mounting method.
Special insulated mounting pads made from ceramic and
metal brazed together are also available for use at high
Stud Mounting
Mounting the accelerometer with a steel stud is the best
mounting method because the highest mounted resonance
Mounting with the Aid of a Permanent Magnet
frequency can be achieved. Hence, this mounting method
A convenient method of mounting the accelerometer is by
should be used in all applications whenever possible.
using a permanent magnet, which easily and rapidly can
be shifted from one position to another – especially useful
for surveying a large number of measurement points in
the shortest possible test time. The method is restricted to
use on clean and flat ferromagnetic surfaces and the dy-
namic range is limited due to the limited force of the mag-
net; yet, the method may give good high-frequency
performance, especially on flat surfaces.

Fitting a self-adhesive disc on the magnet will provide

electrical insulation between the accelerometer and the
surface to which it is attached.

Mounting Clips and Swivel Bases

Some accelerometer housings have slots, allowing the use
of mounting clips so that the accelerometer can swiftly be
020094 fitted to the test object. Mounting clips are glued to the
test object using hot glue or fitted with double-sided ad-
Cement Studs hesive tape. A mounting clip with a unique swivel base
In places where it is not feasible or desirable to drill and construction is available, making it easy to align the accel-
tap fixing holes, a cementing stud may provide the opti- erometer in accordance with the defined co-ordinate sys-
mum mounting solution. Such a cementing stud can be tem. A spirit level is available for this purpose. Several
fixed onto the test object with the aid of epoxy or cyano- other mounting clips are available, providing unique bene-
acrylate cement. The frequency response will be nearly as fits in adverse mounting situations, such as a mounting clip
good as that obtained using a plain stud. Soft glues must with a thick base that can be filed down to conform to
be avoided as a significant reduction in coupling stiffness curved mounting surfaces. High-temperature mounting
will greatly reduce the useful frequency range of the accel- clips are also available, along with specially designed clips
erometer. allowing swift accelerometer calibrations. All mounting
clips have undergone extensive testing to ensure the ut-
Mounting with the Aid of Beeswax most quality, reliability and consistency in the measure-
For quick mounting of an accelerometer, for example for ment data.
surveying vibration in various locations with a roving accel-

50 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 51 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Use of a Hand-held Probe Choosing a Mounting Position for the Accel-

A hand-held probe with the accelerometer mounted on
top is very convenient for quick-check survey work and for
accessing confined measurement locations. However, due
to low overall mechanical stiffness and lack of adequate The accelerometer should be mounted so that the desired
contact force to the test object, the mounted resonance measuring direction coincides with the main sensitivity ax-
frequency will typically be very low. With this method, is. Accelerometers are slightly sensitive to vibrations in the
there are potential risks for gross measurement errors. transverse direction, but this can normally be ignored as
the maximum transverse sensitivity is typically only a few
Mounting the Accelerometer on a Long Rod percent of the main axis sensitivity. The reason for con-
For measuring vibration in difficult-to-reach locations, the ducting vibration measurement tests will normally dictate
accelerometer can be mounted at the end of a steel pipe the position of the accelerometer. In the drawing below,
or rod within a rubber ring. A slightly rounded tip must be the purpose is to monitor the condition of the shaft and
mounted onto the mounting surface of the accelerometer bearing. In this instance, the accelerometer should be posi-
to ensure proper mechanical contact with the test object, tioned to maintain a direct path for the vibration from the
even at slightly skewed angles. The response is far superior bearing. Accelerometer ‘A’, thus, detects the vibration sig-
to the hand-held probe method. nal from the bearing predominant over vibrations from
other parts of the machine, but accelerometer ‘B’ receives
Mechanical Filter the bearing vibration modified by transmission through a
The resonance peak on the accelerometer frequency re- joint, mixed with signals from other parts of the machine.
sponse curve can be cut-off or reduced in amplitude with Likewise, accelerometer ‘C’ is positioned in a more direct
the aid of electronic filters in the measurement equip- path than accelerometer ‘D’.
ment. As most electronic filtering is made after the input
stage in the preamplifier, this does not prevent overload- It is very difficult to give general rules about placement of
ing of the input stage or of the accelerometer. With the accelerometers, as the response of mechanical objects to
forced vibrations is a complex phenomenon, so that one

aid of a mechanical filter, mounted in between the acceler-
ometer and the test object, an effective filtering of the can expect, especially at high frequencies, to measure sig-
mechanical vibration signal is obtained, protecting the nificantly different vibration levels and frequency spectra,
whole measurement chain. The mechanical filter also pro- even on adjacent measuring points on the same machine
vides electrical insulation between the accelerometer base element.
and the mounting point.
Accelerometer mounting position when monitoring the

condition of the shaft and bearing

Cemented stud Thin layer of wax
Insulating stud + Mica washer Accelerometer “C”

; ;;
Accelerometer “D”

Mechanical filter Magnet Double sided adhesive disc

Steel stud

Accelerometer “A”

Accelerometer “B” Mounting Solutions 51 Page 52 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Loading the Test Object

When the accelerometer is mounted on the test object it general rule, the accelerometer mass should be no more
will increase the mass of the vibrating system, thereby in- than one-tenth of the ‘local’ dynamic mass of the vibrating
fluencing the mechanical properties of the test object. As a part onto which it is mounted.

Brüel & Kjær Accessories

Clip Mounting
For modal and other applications requiring easy, flexible, removed to or from a number of different test objects.
and fast mounting, Brüel & Kjær has specifically developed With glass reinforced polycarbonate clips, the upper fre-
a line of mounting clips. The housing of some accelerome- quency limit will be reduced depending on the accelerom-
ters has slots that allow the use of mounting clips. The eter. For detailed mounting techniques and specifications,
accelerometer clips are attached to the object with glue or see the individual Product Data Sheets.
double-sided adhesive tape and can be easily fitted and

Order Number Description Used with

UA-1407 Set of 100 small mounting clips
UA-1475 Set of 100 small thick-base clips
UA-1564 Set of 5 small high-temperature clips, insulated with 10 – 32 UNF holes Types 4507, 4508, 4524, 4500-A, 4501-A
UA-1478 Set of 100 small swivel bases
DV-0459 Small calibration clip
UA-1408 Set of 100 big mounting clips
UA-1474 Set of 100 big thick bases
Types 4504, 4506, 4326-A, 4326-A-001, 4573,
UA-1563 Set of 5 big high-temperature clips, insulated with 10 –32 UNF holes
4574, 4575
UA-1473 Set of 100 big swivel bases
DV-0460 Big calibration clip
UA-1480 Spirit level for swivel base All swivel bases
Mounting Clips UA-1407 and UA -1408 – Set of 100 plastic clips for mounting directly on object surface
–54° to +50°C (–65° to +122°F)
Temperature Range
For brief use: < 1 hour: –54° to +80°C (–65° to +176°F)
10 g peak
Maximum Acceleration
Perpendicular to mounting surface: 70 g peak
Material Glass reinforced polycarbonate

Weight UA 1407: 0.4 gram (0.014 oz) UA-1408: 3.9 gram (0.13 oz)

Mounting Clips with Thick Base UA-1475 and UA-1474 – Set of 100 plastic clips with thick base that can be filed down to suit your mounting surface
–54° to +50°C (–65° to +122°F)
Temperature Range
For brief use: < 1 hour: –54° to +80°C (–65° to +176°F)
10 g peak
Maximum Acceleration
Perpendicular to mounting surface: 70 g peak
Material Glass reinforced polycarbonate

Weight UA-1475: 0.7 gram (0.02 oz) UA-1474: 3.9 gram (0.13 oz)

52 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 53 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Mounting Clips with Swivel Base UA-1478 and UA-1473 – Set of 100 plastic clips for mounting on a sloped surface while retaining coordinate system
–54° to +50°C (–65° to +122°F)
Temperature Range
For brief use: < 1 hour: –54° to +80°C (–65° to +176°F)
10 g peak
Maximum Acceleration
Perpendicular to mounting surface: 70 g peak
Material Glass reinforced polycarbonate

UA-1478: 0.8 gram UA-1473: 3.5 gram

(0.028 oz) (0.12 oz)

Spirit Level UA-1480 – For aligning accelerometers in order to retain coordinate system
Maximum Dimensions 85 × 23 × 17 mm (3.3 × 0.9 × 0.6″)

Material Black anodised aluminium

HIgh-temperature Mounting Clip UA-1564 and UA-1563

–55° to +175°C (–67° to +347°F)
Temperature Range
If discolouring is acceptable: up to +250°C ( + 482°F)
50 g peak
Maximum Acceleration (5 gram accelerometer)
Perpendicular to mounting surface: 250 g peak

UA-1564: 5.7 gram (0.20 oz)

UA-1563: 11 gram (0.38 oz)

Calibration Clip DV-0459 and DV-0460 – For mounting accelerometers under calibration
Type DV-0459 DV-0460
Mounting Surface Diameter 21 mm 29 mm
Mounting Thread 10–32 UNF 0–32 UNF
Weight 17 gram (0.59 oz) 44 gram (1.55 oz)
Base Material Hardened stainless steel Hardened stainless steel

Spring Material Stainless steel Stainless steel

Dummy Accelerometers
Order Number Description Used with
UA-1418 Set of 25 dummy accelerometers Small clips
UA-1417 Set of 25 dummy accelerometers Big clips Mounting Solutions 53 Page 54 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Mounting Blocks and Brackets

For specific applications, such as hand-arm and whole body best possible measurement results. The products shown are
vibration, or with relation to specific designs, Brüel & Kjær just some of the solutions developed over the years. So if
offers a range of blocks and brackets developed with cus- your need is not addressed please ask our sales personnel
tomers to ease mounting or dismounting and obtain the for other available options.

Adaptor for Clip-mounting of DC and Response Accelerometers UA-0283

The adaptor includes 5 thin mounting clips
Compatible with: Brüel & Kjær’s Type 4571 – 5 series
Material Black anodised aluminium
Mounting Surface 26 × 15 mm (1 × 0.5″)

Tapped Holes 2 × 4–40 UNC

Triaxial Mounting Block for DC and response accelerometers UA-2079

The adaptor includes a 10–32 UNF mounting stud and 4–40 UNC screws (25 pcs)
Compatible with: Brüel & Kjær’s Type 4571 – 5 series
Material Clear anodised aluminium
Mounting Surface 26 × 26 mm (1 × 1″)

Mounting Provision 10–32 UNF stud, 6–32 UNF, M4 screw, Adhesive

High-temperature Mounting Block (Cooling Unit) UA-3014

This water cooled unit is specifically designed for use on high-temperature surfaces up to 600 ºC (1112ºF), such as exhaust
manifold including lambda probe position.
The cooling water is suspended above the unit and led through the hose by gravity (pumps or similar vibration generat-
ing devices are not recommended)
4326-A-001 (can be used at reduced temperatures with
Compatible with:
4505-A and 4326-A)
1 m hoses (5.5 mm (0.2 in) outer Ø) (2 pcs)
M2 × 10 screws (6 pcs)
Material Stainless steel, AISI 304
Weight <32 g (1.12 oz)

54 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 55 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Hand Adaptor (T-shaped) UA-3015

The hand adaptor is designed to be hand fixed between two fingers and the grip surface. Mounting and dismounting
are easily done by using the clip principle.
Recommended Types 4520-002, 4524-B, 4507-B-001, 4508-B-001
Useful Frequency Range: 0 to >5000 Hz
Max. Acceleration: 2500 m/s2 (~250 g)
Standards ISO 8041, ISO 5349
Material Anodized aluminium

Weight 15 gram (0.5 oz)

Handle Adaptor (L-shaped) UA-3016

The handle adaptor is placed on a tool grip/handle and accommodates accelerometers for clip mounting. The handle
adaptor is specifically recommended for percussive tools with high g-levels.
Recommended Types 4520-002, 4524-B, 4507-B-001, 4508-B-001
Useful Frequency Range: 0 to >5000 Hz
Max. Acceleration: 2500 m/s2 (~250 g)
Standards ISO 8041, ISO 5349
Material Anodized aluminium

Weight 30 gram (1 oz)

Direct Mounting Adaptor UA-3017

This block features accelerometer clip mounting and is fastened to the test object by use of strips. This makes for very
versatile mounting options, including steering wheels, handles, pipes etc.
Recommended Types 4520-002, 4524-B, 4507-B-001, 4508-B-001
Useful Frequency Range: 0 to >5000 Hz
Max. Acceleration: 2500 m/s2 (~250 g)
Standards ISO 8041, ISO 5349
Material Anodized aluminium

Weight 12 gram (0.4 oz)

Hand-arm Transducer Set Type 4392

The Hand-arm Transducer Set includes hand and handle adaptors designed for the included Accelerometer Type 4374.
The accelerometer has a very wide frequency and dynamic range enabling both low level vibration and/or high percus-
sive vibration. See the Product Data Sheet for additional information.
Uses Hand-arm vibration measurements (2 to 1250 Hz)

Standards ISO 5349 Mounting Solutions 55 Page 56 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Human Vibration Analyzer Type 4447

Type 4447 is a complete portable system for acquisition, measurement and evaluation of human vibration and comfort,
and includes a range of adaptors for sensor mounting and appropriate accelerometers. See the Product Data Sheet for
additional information (BP 2147).
• Hand-arm vibration measurements (2 to 1250 Hz)
• Whole-body vibration measurements (1 to 80 Hz)
Uses • Low-frequency, whole-body vibration measurements down
to 0.4 Hz
• Linear mode (0.4 to 1250 Hz) for calibration
• ISO 8041.2005 Technical specification
• ISO 5349.2: 2001 Hand-arm
Standards • ISO2631.1: 1997 Whole-body
• EN 1032.2003: Mechanical vibration
• EUDir. 2002/44/EC

Studs Mechanical Filters

Connector Thread Order Number Description Connector Thread Order Number Description
Set of 10 steel studs; see Fig. Set of 5 mechanical filters –
UA-2063 10–32 UNF stud/ hole UA-0553
15 see Fig. 27
10–32 UNF
Set of 10 steel studs with Mechanical filter – see Fig.
UA-2064 M 3 stud/hole WA-0224
flange; see Fig. 16 28
Set of 10 threaded mount-
ing studs; see Fig. 17
1/4″ – 28 UNF Set of 10 threaded mount- Magnets
UA-2056 ing studs with flange; see
Fig. 18 Connector Thread Order Number Description
Set of 10 mounting studs; Set of 5 mounting magnet
3/8″ – 16 UNF UA-2061
Length: see Fig. 19 10–32 UNF UA-0643 and 2 insulating discs; see
Set of 10 M3 steel studs; see Fig. 29
Fig. 20 Set of 5 mounting magnet
M 3 to M 3
Set of 25 steel studs with M3 UA-1075 and 2 insulating discs; see
UA-1221 Fig. 30
flange; see Fig. 21
Steel stud; Length: 16.0 mm Mounting Magnet – see Fig.
M8 YQ-9335 1/4″– 28 to 10 – 32 UA-1281
(0.60 in) 35

Insulated Studs Adaptors

Connector Thread Order Number Description Connector Thread Order Number Description
10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF YP-0150 Insulated stud; see Fig. 22 10–32 UNF stud to M 3 hole DB-1425 Adaptor; see Fig. 31
Set of 10 insulated studs Set of 10 1/4″ – 28 UNF to
10–32 UNF/10–32 UNF UA-1192 UA-2062 10 – 32 UNF mounting studs
200°C ; see Fig. 23
with flange – see Fig. 32
Set of 10 insulated studs
M 3 to M 3 UA-1193 Set of 10 stud adaptors
200°C ; see Fig. 24
1/4″–28 to 10 – 32 UA-2052 1/4″ – 28 UNF to 10 – 32 UNF
thread – see Fig. 33
Cement Studs Set of 20 bushing adaptors
UA-2054 1/4″ – 28 UNF to 10 – 32 UNF
Connector Thread Order Number Description internal thread – see Fig. 34
Set of 25 cement studs;
10–32 UNF UA-0866
∅ 14 mm (0.55″) – see Fig. 25
Set of 25 cement studs;
M3 UA-0867
∅ 8 mm (0.3″) – see Fig. 26

56 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 57 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

UA-2063 UA-2064 UA-2068 UA-2056

NV 3/32"

ø 5.8

10 − 32 UNF



10 − 32 UNF Thread 1/4 − 28 UNF-2A

2 places
Thread 1/4 − 28 UNF-2A
In mm In mm In mm In mm

Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Fig. 18

UA-2061 UA-2065 NV 1.5 UA-1221 YP-0150



M3 ø 3.5 Plastic

ca. 13


Thread 3/8 − 16 UNC-2A

10 − 32 UNF
In mm In mm In mm In mm

Fig. 19 Fig. 20 Fig. 21 Fig. 22

UA-1192 UA-1193 UA-0866 UA-0867

10 − 32 UNF



ø 14



10 − 32 UNF

10 − 32 UNF
NV 8.5
NV 14



In mm In mm In mm In mm

Fig. 23 Fig. 24 Fig. 25 Fig. 26 Mounting Solutions 57 Page 58 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

UA-0553 WA-0224 UA-0643 UA-1075

10 − 32 UNF-2A

M3 10 − 32 UNF M3




ø 24


ø 10
10 − 32 UNF
NV 8.5

NV 18
In mm In mm In mm In mm

Fig. 27 Fig. 28 Fig. 29 Fig. 30

DB-1425 UA-2062 UA-2052 UA-2054

10 − 32 UNF-2A Thread
ø 9.3 10 − 32 UNF-2A
Tap 10 − 32, UNF-2B, Through



1/4 − 28 UNF-2A



NV 14

10 − 32 UNF-2A 1/4 − 28 UNF-2A

ø 13.5 1/4 − 28 UNF-2A
In mm In mm In mm In mm

Fig. 31 Fig. 32 Fig. 33 Fig. 34


(1/4”–28 UNF)

0.01 ∅ 30

∅ 35

Fig. 35

58 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 59 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Order Number Description Used with
Beeswax for mounting General purpose accelerometers

Tube of cyanoacrylate General purpose accelerometers


25 × Adhesive mounting disc; Diame- Types 4374, 4375, 4393, 4394, 4397-A
ter: 5 mm (0.2 in)

1 × Adhesive mounting disc; Diameter: –

DU-0079 40 mm (1.6 in)

Screws Tools
Order Number Description Used with Order Number Description
Steel screw; M 2; QA-0029 Tap for 10–32 UNF thread
YQ-8941 Types 4326-A, 4326-A-001
Length: 10 mm (0.4″) QA-0231 Tap for 2 – 56 UNF thread
Steel screw; M 4; QA-0041 Tap for M 3 thread
YQ-0093 Types 4321, 4321-V
Length: 16 mm (0.6″)
QA-0068 Tap for M 5 thread
Set of 10 1/4 – 28 mounting
UA-2053 screws; Length: 28.6 mm Type 8342 QA-0141 Tap for M 8 thread
(1.1″) QA-0013 Hexagonal key for 10–32 UNF studs
Set of 10 2 – 56 UNF mount- QA-0042 Hexagonal key for M 3 studs
UA-0255 ing screws; Length: 9.5 mm Types 4521, 4521-C
QA-0038 Hexagonal key for M 4 studs
QA-0121 Hexagonal key for M 8 studs
Set of 25 × 4 – 40 Head Cap
UA-2080 Screws with Washer; Length Types 4570 – 5 QA-0220 Cable connecting/removal tool
11 mm (0.4″) QA-0230 Removal wrench for teardrop type accelerometers

Nuts Impact Tips and Caps

Order Number Description Item Description Used with
Set of 20 10 – 32 UNF UA-2057 Set of four impact tips Type 8207
nuts UA-2058 Set of four impact tips Type 8208
Types 8206, 8206-001, 8206-002,
UA-2067 Set of 20 M 3 nuts UA-2059 Set of three impact tips
UA-2060 Set of four impact tips Type 8216
Types 8230, 8230-001, 8230-002,
DB-3989 Impact cap
Probes 8230-003, 8230-C-003

Order Number Description

YP-0080 Probe with sharp tip, 10–32 UNF; Test pin
DB-0544 Probe with round tip Mounting Solutions 59 Page 60 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Accessory Sets
Used with Used with
Order Number Description Accelerometer Order Number Description Accelerometer
Type Type
1 × Probe with round tip, 10–32 UNF
1 × Cementing Stud 10–32 UNF; Ø14 mm
1 × Plug Adaptor 10–32 UNF to TNC
1 × Hexagonal Key for 10–32 UNF studs 1 × Cementing Stud 10–32 UNF; Ø14 mm
1 × Tap for 10–32 UNF thread (0.55″)
1 × Mounting Magnet and two Insulat- 1 × Hexagonal Key for 10–32 UNF studs
4370, 4371,
ing Discs 1 × Tap for 10–32 UNF thread
UA-0078 4381, 4382, UA-0844 4391
1 × Beeswax for mounting 1 × Mounting Magnet and two Insulat-
4383, 4384
1 × Steel Nut 10–32 UNF ing Discs
1 × Insulating Mica Washer 3 × Steel Stud 0–32 UNF thread; Length:
1 × Probe with sharp tip 12.7 mm (0.5″)
1 × Insulated Stud 10–32 UNF; Length:
12.7 mm (0.5 in)
4 × Steel Stud 0–32 UNF thread; Length:
12.7 mm (0.5″)
1 × Hexagonal Key for 10–32 UNF studs
1 × Tap for 10–32 UNF thread 3 × Extension Connector for cables,
10 × Steel Nut 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF to 10–32 UNF
10 × Insulating Mica Washer 1 × Plug Adaptor 10–32 UNF to TNC
UA-0125 purpose UA-1079 4374
10 × Insulated Stud 10–32 UNF; Length: 1 × Tube of Cyanoacrylate Adhesive
12.7 mm (0.5″) 1 × Beeswax for mounting
10 × Steel Stud 0–32 UNF thread; Length: 1 × Adhesive Mounting Disc
12.7 mm (0.5″)
1 × Cementing Stud 10–32 UNF; Ø14 mm
3 × Plug Adaptor 10–32 UNF to TNC
1 × Hexagonal Key for 10–32 UNF studs
3 × Extension Connector for cables,
1 × Tap for 10–32 UNF thread
10–32 UNF to 10–32 UNF
1 × Hexagonal Key for M 4 screws
1 × Plug Adaptor, BNC to 10–32 UNF
1 × Beeswax for mounting
1 × Tap for M3 thread
UA-0146 1 × Steel Nut 10–32 UNF 4321 UA-1218 4394, 4397
1 × Hexagonal Key for M 3 studs
3 × Insulating Mica Washer
1 × Tube of Cyanoacrylate Adhesive
1 × Insulated Stud 10–32 UNF; Length:
1 × Beeswax for mounting
12.7 mm (0.5″)
1 × Adhesive Mounting Disc
11 × Steel Screw M4 thread; Length:
16 mm (0.6″)
5 × Steel Stud 0–32 UNF thread; Length:
12.7 mm (0.5″)
2 × Cement Stud, M3, Ø 8.0 mm (0.3″)
3 × Extension Connector for cables, 10–
32 UNF to 10–32 UNF
1 × Plug Adaptor 10–32 UNF to TNC
1 × Tap for M3 thread
1 × Hexagonal Key for M 3 studs
1 × Tube of Cyanoacrylate Adhesive
UA-0629 1 × Mounting Magnet M3 thread and 4375, 4393
two Insulating Discs
1 × Beeswax for mounting
1 × M3 Nut
1 × Adhesive Mounting Disc
3 × M3 Steel Stud; Length: 5 mm (0.1″)
2 × M3 threaded Steel Stud; Length:
8 mm (0.3″)

60 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 61 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

The most important parameter for any measurement de-
vice is sensitivity. The sensitivity is the ratio of the output
parameter to the input parameter (the measurand). To de-
termine the sensitivity is to calibrate the device. For vibra-
tion transducers the output is normally charge (pC) or
voltage with acceleration (m/s2 or g) or velocity (m/s or
inch/s) as the input parameter.

Brüel & Kjær offers a range of instruments suited for cali-

bration of shock and vibration transducers. The most com-
monly used are the reference transducers used to make
comparison calibrations according to ISO 16063–21 (former-
ly ISO 5347–3). The automated Vibration Transducer Cali- 8305–001
bration System Type 3629 with different software options
are based on proven Brüel & Kjær PULSE™ Multi-analyzer
technology. It provides fast and accurate magnitude and
phase calibration according to ISO 16063–21. Primary mag-
nitude and phase calibration according to ISO 16063–11
Method 3 is available using commercial laser interferometer.

Reference Accelerometers
Model/Type Number 8305 8305-001 3506 (8305 and 2525)
Order Number 8305 8305-001 3506

Nominal Sensitivity pC/(ms–2) 0.125 0.125 1 mV/ms–2) +30/–20 dB

(pC/g) (1.23) (1.23) (10 mV/g +30/–20 dB)
Frequency Range ± 10% 0.2 to 11500
Hz 0.2 to 10300 0.2 to 10300
limits with 20 g load
Transverse Sensitivity % 2 2 2
Height 29/1.15 22.3/0.88 29/1.15
mm (inch)
Spanner Size 16/0.63 16/0.63 16/0.63
Weight grams 40 26 40
Thread, Top 10–32 UNF None 10–32 UNF
Thread, Bottom 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF 10–32 UNF
DPLA* Primary Laser Calibration at 160 Hz
Calibration Included Uncertainty ±0.5%
Frequency Response Curve
Max. Shock km/s2(g) 10 (1000)
* DPLA is the Danish Primary Laboratory of Acoustics Calibration Products 61 Page 62 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Calibrators and Calibration Systems

Vibration Transducer Calibration System Type 3629
Comparison calibration according to ISO 16063–21
Very low expanded calibration uncertainty
Automated calibration provides ease of use, yet fault-proof results
Frequency Range: 0.1 Hz to 25 kHz (optionally 100 kHz depending on
shaker and reference
Calibrates practically all transducer types – Charge, DeltaTron (constant
current), Piezoresistive, Variable Capacitance, Voltage, Servo and Elec-
Calibrates charge conditioners using reference capacitor
Automated system calibration
Choice of random or sine excitation
Based on proven Brüel & Kjær PULSE technology
Primary calibration according to ISO 16063–11 method 3 using commer-
cial laser interferometer (optional, requires Type 5309 software)
Typical calibration accuracy: 3 – 2000 Hz: 0.6%; 2 – 5 kHz: 0.9%; 5 – 7 kHz:
1.1%; 7 – 10 kHz: 1.6% (one point 0.5% reference calibration and includ-
ing influence from the transducer to be calibrated)
Software control by Vibration Transducer Calibration Software Type
Customer database for handling of data and inventory following
ISO 17025
Uses standard PC/Laptop with Microsoft® Windows® and Office

Calibration Exciter Type 4294

Hand-held calibration exciter with built-in reference accelerometer and
compressor loop
Calibration Level: 10.0 m/s2 rms ±3%; 10.0 mm/s rms ±3%; 10.0 mm
rms ±3%
Calibration Frequency: 159.15 Hz ±0.02%
Maximum Load: 70 gram (2.4 oz)
Mounting Thread:10–32 UNF
Transverse Vibration: <5% of main axis
Distortion: <2% (10 to 70 gram load); <7% (0 to 10 gram load)
Signal Duration: 103 ±1 second with autostop
Battery Life: > 200 calibrations
Temperature Range: +10 to +40°C (50 to 104°F)
Weight: 500 gram, all included
Dimensions: Length: 155 mm (6.1″), Diameter: 52 mm (2.05″)
High load version 4294 WH 2606:3.16 m/s2, 180 gram (6.3 oz) max. load

62 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 63 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Vibration and Shock Calibration Exciters

APS-500 4290

Model/Type Number 4808 4809 APS-500 4290

Order Number 4808 4809 WQ-2347 4290
Frequency Range Hz 5 – 10000 10 – 20000 0.1 – 200 200 – 50000
112 (187 with 44 (60 with air
Max. Sine Force N peak 89 3
air cooling) cooling)
First Axial Resonance kHz 10 20 0.2 55
Moving Element mass gram 160 60 1100 170
Stroke mm-p-p 12.7 8 155 1
Built-in Reference Accelerometer No No No Yes

WA-0567 Calibration Fixture and Adaptor Plates (WS-3104, etc.) for Type 4808
11-0684 1 nF Precision Adaptor (used to calibrate charge amplifiers) Calibration Products 63 Page 64 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM


Service Agreement
With a Service Agreement you can save both time and

The value of a Service Agreement lies in a combination of

the following:
• Assurance that the time your instrument is away for
service is minimised
• Attractive total service price

You can combine a range of services in one agreement

over several years. You get priority at the time you need
service and a predictable maintenance budget. With
planned service your instrument is available at the time
you set up for measurement and you have proof of correct

If a technician, during calibration, detects a need for repair

or replacement, it will be performed immediately, if cov-
ered by the service agreement. This means that you don’t
have to be without your instrument several times, there is
no communication back and forth to decide what should
be done to the instrument, and no large surprises to your

Examples of what a Service Agreement can contain:

• Your instrument can be calibrated and maintained at
the same time
• Multiple calibrations – to give the most favourable
• Priority calibration
• Priority repair – or replacement
• Extension of manufacturer’s warranty

Reference Instruments
You can get two levels of reference calibration from and for organisations in the industry requiring the abso-
Brüel & Kjær – Primary Calibration performed by Danish Pri- lute minimum of variations in sensitivity over time.
mary Laboratory of Acoustics (DPLA) and Secondary Cali-
bration. Which level to choose depends on the level of Secondary Calibration: If your sensitivity requirements are
sensitivity required for your reference instruments. on a step lower than primary calibration, we recommend
that you annually calibrate two or more reference instru-
ments with annual accredited calibration in the ISO 17025
Primary Calibration: DPLA annually performs hundreds of certified laboratory at Brüel & Kjær. This is typically per-
primary calibrations on reference microphones and acceler- formed for industrial companies who have in-house cali-
ometers, for national metrology institutes, test institutes bration.

64 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 65 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Initial Calibration
Sensitivity data is included with the delivery of new
Brüel & Kjær microphones and accelerometers. Most types
are individually measured. To start the measurement histo-
ry from day one – for example if this is required for cus-
tomer audit or quality procedures – you can order
accredited calibration with most new instruments.

Regular Calibration
To minimise the cost of errors due to faulty or inaccurate
measurements, we can arrange for annual calibration in an
ISO 17025 certified laboratory at Brüel & Kjær. This will pro-
vide you with an unbroken history to use as reference for
internal requirements, for audit purposes required by au-
thorities or just as a special request from your customers.
And not least, you can follow the history of sensitivity for
your instruments over a period of time.

You can choose between accredited or traceable calibra- Traceable Calibration

With a traceable calibration at Brüel & Kjær your instru-
ments will be calibrated to the same level and under the
Accredited Calibration same quality requirements as for accredited calibration.

When you have your accelerometers and microphones cali- For unbroken sensitivity history, mostly for company inter-
brated regularly, you will have reliable measurement data, nal use, you can order traceable calibration from
you can compare data over time, and you can provide Brüel & Kjær. The certificate contains measured sensitivity
proof to customers, and fulfil internal or external quality data, and for most types the frequency response curve is
requirements. available.

The accredited certificate contains measured sensitivity da-

ta. For most instruments a frequency response curve is also
About Calibration at Brüel & Kjær
available, although there are a few exceptions. Your instrument will be calibrated in laboratory that has
been thoroughly inspected by an official authority. The
Brüel & Kjær laboratories are ISO 17025 accredited and can methodology, procedures, traceability, technical competen-
perform these different types of accredited calibration: cy and record keeping have been certified.
• DANAK – with English certificate as default if no other
language is specified (International) The certificate can be used across borders because the cali-
• UKAS – with English certificate (UK) bration has been carried out in accordance with interna-
• DKD – with German certificate (Germany) tionally accepted standards (ISO 17025).
• Eichamt – with German certificate (Austria)
This applies to accredited as well as traceable calibration.
• RVA – with Dutch or English certificate (Netherlands)
• ENAC – with Spanish certificate (Spain)
• A2LA – with English certificate (US)
• NATA – with English certificate (Australia)
• COFRAC (microphones) – with French certificate
• Inmetro – with Portuguese certificate (Brazil) Brüel & Kjær Service 65 Page 66 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM


Acceleration related. Differentiation is a mathematical operation that
Acceleration ‘a’ is defined as the change in velocity per allows the conversion from one parameter to another (for
unit of time, mathematically: a = dv/dt. The SI unit is m/s2 example, a displacement signal to a velocity signal, or ve-
(meters per second squared). In the imperial system, the locity signal to an acceleration signal). See also integration,
unit g is used, where 1 g ≈ 9.80665 m/s2. which is the inverse of differentiation.

Accelerometer Displacement
A transducer device, which converts the acceleration of a The distance an object is moved, or displaced when sub-
test object to an electrical signal. The electrical output is jected to a vibrational force. In the English system, dis-
directly proportional to the acceleration. placement is measured in thousandths of an inch (mils). In
the SI system it is measured in millimetres (mm).
The extent of displacement, velocity, or acceleration based Dynamic range
on a mean or ‘at-rest’ value. It is usually expressed in The ratio in dB between the smallest signal level an instru-
terms of peak-to-peak level (displacement), peak level (ve- ment can sense to the largest signal it will accept without
locity), or RMS level (acceleration). an overload occurring. Most vibration analysis instrumenta-
tion has a dynamic range of 70 to 80 dB.
Charge amplifier
An amplifier that conditions the charge output of a piezo- Excitation
electric accelerometer into a proportional low-impedance The force that causes vibration, which makes a test object
voltage signal. respond in some way.
Charge converter
A device that converts a piezoelectric accelerometer’s high-
An electrical circuit that intercepts input signals and blocks
impedance charge output to a low-impedance voltage pro-
those that are above or below a specific frequency band or
portional to the accelerometer’s charge. A charge convert-
a mechanical filter that suppresses vibration amplitude lev-
er typically requires a constant current power supply.
els at certain frequencies.
Also called ‘in-line charge converter’.
Forced vibration
Conditioning The phenomenon wherein vibration/movement of one
The conversion or alteration of an accelerometer signal to structure causes, via direct contact, another to vibrate.
a suitable or desirable level, range or bandwidth. Signal
conditioning includes amplification, filtering, differential Frequency response
applications, isolation, transducer tests and more. The magnitude and phase spectrum of an object under
test when subjected to all frequencies of interest. Frequency
DC response response measurements are used extensively in modal
Accelerometers respond to a fairly wide frequency range, analysis of mechanical systems.
most down to 1 or 2 Hz. Some special accelerometers re-
spond to zero frequency and are, therefore, said to exhibit g
a ‘DC response’. g = acceleration due to gravity (on the earth’s surface).
The average value of g (normally written gn) is 9.80665
DeltaTron power supply metres per second squared (m/s2). This is used as a unit of
Brüel & Kjær’s proprietary name for a constant current acceleration. In the imperial system this corresponds to
power supply for accelerometers with built-in electronics. 32.2 feet per second squared (ft/s2).
Brüel & Kjær also uses the generic name CCLD (Constant
Current Line Drive). It corresponds to IEPE (Integrated Elec- Ground loop
tronics Piezo Electric). Other similar proprietary names are A ground loop most often occurs when an accelerometer’s
ISOTRON®, PIEZOTRON® and ICP®. cable shield acts as a conductor to any electric voltage
present on the test object, especially if the instrument at-
Differentiation tached to the accelerometer is connected to a different
In vibration analysis, the three physical parameters, dis- ground. This adds interference to the measured signal. To
placement, velocity and acceleration, are mathematically avoid ground loops, use an insulating disc between the ac-

66 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 67 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

celerometer and the test object, or use a battery-operated Linear, Linearity

instrument. A system is linear if its output frequency is always the
same as its input frequency; the output signal is not dis-
Harmonics torted. Linearity is, thus, if input A results in output B, and
Harmonics, are integral multiples of a fundamental frequency. input C results in output D, then input A+C results in out-
put B+D.
Hertz (Hz)
The unit of frequency representing cycles per second.
Low-pass filter
An electrical circuit that intercepts input signals and blocks
High-pass filter
those that are above a specific frequency called the ‘cut-
An electrical circuit that intercepts input signals and blocks
off frequency’. An example is the anti-aliasing filter.
those that are below a specific frequency band. Besides
eliminating low-frequency noise, a high-pass filter sepa-
rates a signal alternating components from its direct (DC) Mobility
components. The inverse of mechanical impedance. The ratio between
force being applied at different frequencies and a structural
IEPE and CCLD point’s response to that force. It is a measure of how easily
Integral Electronics Piezoelectric and Constant Current Line a structure is able to move in response to an applied force.
Drive are generic terms for transducers with built-in elec-
tronics. A number of proprietary systems, such as Delta- Modal analysis
Tron®, ISOTRON®, ICP® and PIEZOTRON® exist. See The process of splitting up and determining the compo-
DeltaTron. nent modes of vibration for a mechanical system using fre-
quency response testing. This is usually done by creating a
Impact test computer animated model of the mechanical system and
Impact testing provides a method of determining the fre- manipulating input to determine what the actual system’s
quency response function of a structure. Accelerometers response would be.
are placed on the structure, and an object, such as a spe-
cially constructed impact hammer, is used to hit the struc-
ture. The hammer is instrumented to measure the input Peak
force pulse, while the accelerometers pick up the response A measurement’s maximum instantaneous value (displace-
of the structure. From this vibrational response, it is impor- ment, velocity, acceleration or voltage) in a given period.
tant to be aware of excitation frequencies that coincide Peaks can be both negative and positive in direction.
with the natural frequencies of the structure (resonances),
as these point to dangerous operating levels. Phase
The measurement of the relative time difference between
Impedance, mechanical two signals or two events of the same frequency. Phase is
The ratio between force being applied and a structural measured in angles with an entire signal cycle equalling
point’s velocity response to that force. It is a measure of 360o. A difference between two signals is expressed in de-
how much a structure resists motion. grees (180o difference = a half-cycle difference).

Residual Noise
Integration is the inverse of differentiation. See differenti-
For charge accelerometers, the noise is a function of the
preamplifier and given within the specified frequency
range. The specified noise level is measured with NEXUS
Conditioning Amplifier Type 2692-001. For accelerometers
A decreased tendency to respond to or transmit a sound
with integrated electronics, the noise is given within speci-
through the use of resilient materials and structures.
fied frequency range.
The smearing of spectra caused by an FFT analyzer’s trun- Resonance
cation of the input signal into finite time record blocks. A vibratory condition where a structure’s natural frequency
Leakage can be reduced using time weighting functions and an excitation frequency are the same resulting in large
such as Hanning Window. motion. Glossary of Vibration Terms 67 Page 68 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

RMS (Root Mean Square) Triaxial

The square root of the arithmetic average of a set of Three axes. A triaxial accelerometer is a single instrument
squared instantaneous values. with three sensing elements oriented to measure vibration
in three axes.
When accelerated, a seismic transducer such as a piezoelec-
tric accelerometer or a velocity transducer, uses the inertial Triboelectric Noise
force produced by its seismic mass to generate a signal. Generated by movement in the cable’s components, resulting
in charge or voltage noise signals. Mechanically induced
Sensitivity noise is a critical and frequent concern when using charge
The ratio between the mechanical input and a transducer’s accelerometers.
electrical output signal. For an accelerometer, it is ex-
pressed in millivolts per m/s2 or per g (mV/ms–2 or mV/g) or
picocoulombs per m/s2 or g (pC/ms–2 or pC/g).
An electric impulse that is used as a timing reference, gen-
erally for purposes of initiating a process or measurement.
Enclosure of test equipment and cables to prevent the
occurrence of noise in a signal (such as interference, interaction Unigain
or current leaks). The sensitivity of Unigain accelerometers are guaranteed
within tight tolerances for easy interchangeability without
Shock recalibration. This designation indicates that the measured
A sudden and transient excitation of a structure that usu- accelerometer sensitivity has been adjusted during manu-
ally excites all or most of the structure’s resonances.
facture to within 2% of a convenient value.
Signal Conditioning
Manipulation of a source signal by an instrument prior to Velocity
it being transmitted to the final receiver. Conditioning in- The rate of change of position or displacement in relation
cludes filtering, amplification, attenuation, etc. to time along a specified axis. It is expressed in units of
distance per unit of time – in terms of vibration signals it
Transducer would be inches per second or millimeters per second.
A device that converts particular types of energy, such as
vibration or sound, into an electric signal. Includes acceler-
ometers, eddy current probes, loudspeakers, microphones Vibration
and velocity transducers. The motion of an object, part of an object, medium or
point in alternating directions (called oscillation) from a
Transient position of rest when that rest has been disturbed. Usually
A short-term signal or waveform that usually occurs very an object vibrates in such a way that different parts of it
infrequently. vibrate at different frequencies and amplitudes.

68 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 69 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM


Brüel & Kjaer Australia Brüel & Kjaer France S.A. Brüel&Kjær Iberica Sucursal
Suite 2, 6–10 Talavera Road 46, Rue du Champoreux B.P. 33 em Portugal
PO Box 349 F-91541 Mennecy Cedex Rua Alto do Montijo,
North Ryde Tel: +33 1 69 90 71 00 13-2. floor, Esq
NSW 2113 Fax: +33 1 69 90 02 55 Portela de Carnaxide
Tel: +61 2 9889 8888 e-mail: [email protected] 2790-177 Carnaxide
Fax: +61 2 9889 8866 Tel: +351 21 4169 040
e-mail: [email protected] GERMANY Fax: +351 21 4169 049
Brüel & Kjaer GmbH e-mail: [email protected]
AUSTRIA Linzer Str. 3
Brüel & Kjaer, GmbH D-28359 Bremen SINGAPORE
Zweigniederlassung Tel: +49 421 17 87 0 Brüel & Kjaer
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Lemböckgasse 49 e-mail: [email protected] 460 Alexandra Road
Haus 2/Stg. E/6 # 34-04A PSA Building
A-1230 Wien HUNGARY Singapore 119963
Tel: +43 1 865 7400 Spectris Components Kft. Tel: +65 6 3774512
Fax: +43 1 865 7403 Brüel & Kjaer Division Fax: +65 6 3774502
e-mail: [email protected] Telepy Utca 2/F e-mail: [email protected]
1096 Budapest
BRAZIL Tel: +36 1 215 8305 SPAIN
HBM do Brasil Ltda. Fax: +36 1 215 8202 Brüel & Kjær Ibérica S.A
Rua José de Carvalho No. 55 e-mail: [email protected] C/ Teide, 5
Chácara Santo Antonio 28700 San Sebastian
CEP 04714-020 São Paulo-SP ITALY de los Reyes,
Tel: +55 11 5188 8161 Bruel & Kjaer Italia S.r.l. Madrid
Fax: +55 11 5181 8928 Via Milanofiori Tel: +34 91 659 08 20
e-mail: [email protected] Strada 4 Palazzo Q5 Fax: +34 91 659 08 24
20089 Rozzano e-mail: [email protected]
CANADA Tel: +39 02 5768061
Brüel & Kjaer – Pointe-Claire Fax: +39 02 57604524 SWEDEN
6600 Trans-Canada Hwy, e-mail: [email protected] Brüel&Kjaer Sound & Vibration
Suite 620 Measurement A/S
Pointe Claire JAPAN Göteborgsvägen 99, Hus 5
Quebec H9R 4S2 Brüel & Kjær Japan Tokyo S-504 60 Borås
Tel: +1 514 695 8225 6F Davinchi Shinagawa KY Tel: +46 33 22 56 22
Fax: +1 514 695 4808 Bldg, Fax: +46 33 12 31 40
e-mail: [email protected] 1-8-11 Kita-Shinagawa e-mail: [email protected]
CHINA, P.R. Tokyo 141-0001 TAIWAN
Spectris China Limited Tel: +81 3 5715 1612 Bruel & Kjaer, Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Brüel & Kjær Office Fax: +81 3 5715 1613 5F, No. 8, Dunhua N. Rd
Unit 706, 7/F Miramar Tower e-mail: [email protected] Taipei 105, Taiwan
132 Nathan Road Republic of China
Tsim Sha Tsui, KOREA Tel: +886 2 2711 5987
Kowloon Bruel & Kjaer Korea Ltd. Fax: +886 2 2778 6217
Hong Kong 18th floor, Kangnam Building, e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +852 2548 7486 1321–1Seocho-dong,Seocho-gu
Fax: +852 2858 1168 Seoul 137-070 UNITED KINGDOM
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +82 2 3473 0605 Bruel & Kjaer UK Ltd.
Fax: +82 2 3474 0605 Bedford House
CZECH REPUBLIC e-mail: [email protected] Rutherford Close
Spectris Praha spol. s.r.o. Stevenage
Pocernicka 96 NETHERLANDS Hertfordshire SG1 2ND
108 00 Praha 10 Bruel & Kjaer Nederland B.V. Tel: +44 1438 739 000
Tel: +420 2 6702 1100 Plesmanstraat 62, Postbus 412 Fax: +44 1438 739 099
Fax: +420 2 6702 1120 NL-3900 AK Veenendaal e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: s&[email protected] Tel: +31 318 559290
Fax: +31 318 559299 USA
DENMARK e-mail: [email protected] Bruel & Kjaer
Brüel & Kjær North America Inc.
Sound & Vibration POLAND 2815 Colonnades Court
Measurement A/S Brüel & Kjaer Polska Sp. z.o.o. Norcross,
Skodsborgvej 307 ul. Goraszewska 12 Georgia
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Tel: +45 45 800500 Tel: +48 22 8589392 Tel: +1 770 209 6907
Fax: +45 45 801405 8167556 Fax: +1 770 448 3246
e-mail: [email protected] Fax: +48 22 8588221 e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]

For a full list of worldwide distributors, please visit Sales and Service Worldwide 69 Page 70 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM


11-0684 .................................................... 63 4394 ......................................................... 60 4519-003 .................................................. 11
2525 ......................................... 25, 31, 61 4394-S ...................................................... 12 4520 .......................................................... 16
2634 ......................................................... 33 4397 ......................................................... 60 4520-002 .................................................. 55
2635 ......................................................... 34 4397-S ...................................................... 12 4520-004 .................................................. 16
2646 ......................................................... 37 4447 ......................................................... 56 4521 .......................................................... 12
2647 ......................................................... 36 4500-A ............................................... 9, 52 4521-C ........................................................ 8
2663 ......................................................... 35 4501-A ............................................... 9, 52 4524 ................................................. 16, 52
2663-B ...................................................... 35 4504 ......................................................... 52 4524-B ............................................. 16, 55
2690 ......................................................... 28 4504-A ..................................................... 16 4524-B-001 ............................................... 16
2690-A-0F4 .............................................. 28 4505-A ............................................... 9, 54 4526 .......................................................... 13
2692-A-0I1 ............................................... 30 4506 ................................................. 16, 52 4526-001 .................................................. 14
2692-A-0I2 ............................................... 30 4506-B ..................................................... 16 4570 .......................................................... 17
2692-A-0I4 ............................................... 30 4506-B-002 .............................................. 16 4571 ................................................. 17, 54
2692-A-0P1 .............................................. 30 4506-B-003 .............................................. 16 4572 .......................................................... 17
2692-A-0S1 .............................................. 30 4507 ................................................. 12, 52 4573 .......................................................... 17
2692-A-0S2 .............................................. 30 4507-B ..................................................... 12 4574 .......................................................... 17
2692-A-0S4 .............................................. 30 4507-B-001 .............................................. 55 4575 .......................................................... 17
2692-C ...................................................... 30 4507-B-002 .............................................. 12 4808 .......................................................... 63
2692-D ..................................................... 30 4507-B-003 .............................................. 12 4809 .......................................................... 63
2693-A-0F4 .............................................. 29 4507-B-004 .............................................. 13 5308 .......................................................... 62
2693-A-0I1 ............................................... 29 4507-B-005 .............................................. 13 5935 .......................................................... 26
2693-A-0I4 ............................................... 29 4507-B-006 .............................................. 13 5958-A ...................................................... 15
2693-A-0M4 ............................................. 29 4507-C ....................................................... 9 5958-H ...................................................... 15
2693-A-0P4 .............................................. 29 4508 ................................................. 13, 52 5966 .......................................................... 26
2693-A-0S1 .............................................. 29 4508-001 .................................................. 13 8001 .......................................................... 21
2693-A-0S2 .............................................. 29 4508-002 .................................................. 13 8203 .......................................................... 21
2693-A-0S4 .............................................. 29 4508-B ..................................................... 13 8204 .......................................................... 22
2694 ................................................. 25, 32 4508-B-001 ...................................... 13, 55 8206 ................................................. 22, 59
2829 ......................................................... 26 4508-B-002 .............................................. 13 8206-001 ......................................... 22, 59
3506 ......................................................... 61 4508-B-004 .............................................. 13 8206-002 ......................................... 22, 59
3629 ........................................... 6, 61, 62 4508-B-03 ................................................ 13 8206-003 ......................................... 22, 59
4290 ......................................................... 63 4508-C ....................................................... 9 8206-03 .................................................... 22
4294 ......................................................... 62 4511 ......................................................... 14 8207 ................................................. 22, 59
4321 ......................................................... 60 4511-001 .................................................. 14 8208 ................................................. 22, 59
4326-A ............................................. 10, 52 4513 ......................................................... 14 8210 .......................................................... 22
4326-A-001 .............................. 10, 52, 54 4513-001 .................................................. 14 8216 .......................................................... 59
4370 ......................................................... 60 4513-002 .................................................. 14 8230 ................................................. 20, 59
4370-S ........................................................ 9 4513-B ..................................................... 14 8230-001 ......................................... 20, 59
4371 ......................................................... 60 4513-B-001 .............................................. 14 8230-002 ......................................... 20, 59
4371-S ........................................................ 9 4513-B-002 .............................................. 14 8230-003 ......................................... 20, 59
4374 ................................................... 8, 60 4514 ......................................................... 14 8230-C-003 ...................................... 20, 59
4374-L ........................................................ 8 4514-001 .................................................. 14 8231-C ...................................................... 20
4374-S ........................................................ 8 4514-002 .................................................. 14 8305 .......................................................... 61
4375 ......................................................... 60 4515-B ..................................................... 16 8305-001 .................................................. 61
4375-S ........................................................ 8 4516 ......................................................... 11 8309 ............................................................ 8
4381 ......................................................... 60 4516-001 .................................................. 11 8309-S ......................................................... 8
4381-S ........................................................ 9 4517 ......................................................... 11 8315 .......................................................... 18
4382 ......................................................... 60 4517-002 .................................................. 11 8324 .......................................................... 18
4382-S ........................................................ 9 4517-C ....................................................... 8 8324-G ...................................................... 19
4383 ......................................................... 60 4517-C-001 ................................................ 8 8325-A ...................................................... 19
4383-S ........................................................ 9 4517-C-003 ................................................ 8 8327-B ...................................................... 19
4384 ......................................................... 60 4518 ......................................................... 11 8327-F ....................................................... 19
4384-S ........................................................ 9 4518-001 .................................................. 11 8337 .......................................................... 23
4391 ................................................. 18, 60 4518-002 .................................................. 11 8338 .......................................................... 23
4391-S ...................................................... 18 4518-003 .................................................. 11 8339 .......................................................... 14
4392 ................................................... 8, 55 4519 ......................................................... 11 8339-001 .................................................. 14
4393 ......................................................... 60 4519-001 .................................................. 11 8339-002 .................................................. 14
4393-S ........................................................ 8 4519-002 .................................................. 11 8340 .......................................................... 15

70 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 71 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

8341 .......................................................... 19 AO-1419 .......................................... 16, 41 UA-0186 ................................................... 47

8367 .......................................................... 23 APS-500 .................................................... 63 UA-0245 ................................................... 47
UA-0253 ................................................... 59
UA-0255 ................................................... 59
A D UA-0258 ................................................... 59
AC-0005 ................................... 41, 42, 47 DB-0544 ................................................... 59 UA-0265 ................................................... 56
AC-0066 ................................... 41, 42, 47 DB-1425 .......................................... 21, 56 UA-0283 ................................................... 54
AC-0077 ........................................... 46, 49 DB-3041 ................................................... 21 UA-0415 ..................................................... 8
AC-0080 ........................................... 44, 47 DB-3989 ................................................... 59 UA-0553 ................................................... 56
AC-0087 ........................................... 46, 49 DU-0079 ................................................... 59 UA-0629 ............................................. 8, 60
AC-0104 ................................... 41, 42, 47 DV-0459 .......................................... 52, 53 UA-0641 ................................................... 47
AC-0141 ........................................... 46, 49 DV-0460 .......................................... 52, 53 UA-0643 ................................................... 56
AC-0200 ................................... 41, 43, 47 UA-0730 ................................................... 46
AC-0202 .................................................... 49 UA-0844 ........................................... 18, 60
AC-0205 ........................................... 42, 47 E UA-0866 ................................................... 56
AC-0208 ........................................... 41, 47 EL-3000 ........................................... 46, 49 UA-0867 ................................................... 56
AC-0220 ................................... 44, 45, 47 UA-1075 ................................................... 56
AC-0223 ........................................... 44, 47 UA-1079 ............................................. 8, 60
AO-0038 ................... 8, 10, 21, 24, 41 J UA-1192 ................................................... 56
AO-0054 ................................................... 24 JJ-0152 ..................................................... 47 UA-1193 ................................................... 56
AO-0087 ................................................... 43 JJ-0175 ..................................................... 47 UA-1218 ................................................... 60
AO-0122 ................................................... 41 JJ-0207 ..................................................... 47 UA-1221 ................................................... 56
AO-0158 ................................................... 24 JP-0012 ..................................................... 46 UA-1243 ................................................... 46
AO-0193 ................................................... 43 JP-0056 ..................................................... 46 UA-1244 ................................................... 46
AO-0231 .......................................... 18, 41 JP-0145 ..................................................... 47 UA-1281 ................................................... 56
AO-0250 ................................................... 47 JP-0162 ..................................................... 47 UA-1407 ................................................... 52
AO-0250-F ................................................ 46 JP-0192 ..................................................... 47 UA-1408 ................................................... 52
AO-0268 ................................................... 44 UA-1417 ................................................... 53
AO-0283 ............................................ 8, 42 UA-1418 ................................................... 53
AO-0339 .......................................... 21, 42 M UA-1473 ................................................... 52
AO-0406 ................................................... 42 MM-0002 ................................................. 24 UA-1474 ................................................... 52
AO-0414 ................................................... 44 UA-1475 ................................................... 52
MM-0004 ................................................. 24
AO-0463 .......................................... 41, 42 MM-0024 ................................................. 24
UA-1478 ................................................... 52
AO-0526 .......................................... 16, 44 UA-1480 ........................................... 52, 53
AO-0527 ................................................... 44 UA-1563 ........................................... 52, 53
UA-1564 ........................................... 52, 53
AO-0528 ...................................................
AO-0531 .................................. 12, 13,
Q UA-2052 ................................................... 56
QA-0013 .................................. 17, 21, 59
AO-0534 ................................................... 44 UA-2054 ................................................... 56
QA-0029 .......................................... 21, 59
AO-0608 ................................................... 46 UA-2056 ................................................... 56
QA-0035 ................................................... 46
AO-0612 ................................................... 46 UA-2057 ................................................... 59
QA-0038 ................................................... 59
AO-0616 ................................................... 46 UA-2059 ................................................... 59
QA-0041 .......................................... 21, 59
AO-0623 ................................................... 46 UA-2060 ................................................... 59
QA-0042 .......................................... 21, 59
AO-0624 ................................................... 46 UA-2061 ................................................... 56
QA-0068 ................................................... 59
AO-0638 .................................... 8, 11, 43
QA-0121 ................................................... 59
UA-2062 ................................................... 56
AO-0641 ................................................... 43 UA-2063 ................................................... 56
QA-0141 ................................................... 59
AO-0642 ................................................... 43 UA-2064 ................................................... 56
QA-0186 ................................................... 21
AO-0687 ................................................... 41 UA-2066 ................................................... 59
QA-0220 ................................................... 59
AO-0688 ................................................... 44 UA-2067 ................................................... 59
QA-0230 .......................................... 11, 59
AO-0690 ................................................... 45 UA-2068 ................................................... 56
QA-0231 ................................................... 59
AO-0691 ................................................... 42 UA-2079 ................................................... 54
QS-0007 .................................................... 59
AO-0692 ................................................... 41 UA-2080 ................................................... 59
AO-0693 ................................................... 45 UA-3014 ................................................... 54
AO-0694 ................................................... 45 UA-3015 ................................................... 55
AO-0698 ................................................... 43
U UA-3016 ................................................... 55
UA-0078 ............................................ 9, 60 UA-3017 ................................................... 55
AO-0699 ................................................... 42
UA-0125 ................................................... 60
UC-0205 ................................................... 21
AO-0704 ................................................... 42
UA-0130 ................................................... 46
AO-1381 .......................................... 12, 42 UC-5322 ................................................... 21
UA-0146 .................................. 10, 12, 60
AO-1382 .......................................... 16, 41 Type Number Index 71 Page 72 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

W Y YQ-2962
WA-0214 .................................................. 47 YJ-0216 .................................................... 59
YQ-9335 ................................................... 56
WA-0224 .................................................. 56 YM-0249 .................................................. 21
WA-0567 .................................................. 63 YM-0414 .................................................. 21 YS-0514 .................................................... 21
.......................................... 25, YS-9202 .................................................... 21
WB-1372 39 YO-0073 .................................................. 59
WB-1453 .................................................. 38 YO-0534 .................................................. 21
WQ-2347 ................................................. 63 YP-0080 ................................................... 59
YP-0150 ........................................... 21, 56 Z
YQ-0093 .................................................. 59 ZZ-0245 .................................................... 37
YQ-2004 .................................................. 21

72 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Page 73 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

3-channel DeltaTron Power Supply ........ 38 COFRAC ..................................................... 65
Compliance with Standards ...................... 7
Hand Adaptor .......................................... 55
Conditioning ............................................ 66
Hand-arm Transducer Set ....................... 55
A Conditioning Amplifiers .......................... 25 Hand-held Probe ...................................... 51
A2LA .......................................................... 65 Connectors ................................................ 47
Handle Adaptor ....................................... 55
Acceleration .............................................. 66 Contact-free Triggering Signals .............. 24
Harmonics ................................................. 67
Accelerometer Mass ................................. 52 Converters and Power Supplies .............. 36 Hertz ......................................................... 67
Accelerometers ........................................... 8 Coupling Stiffness .................................... 50 High Humidity .......................................... 22
Accessories ......................................... 52, 63 Crash Testing .............................................. 1
High Output Sensitivity ........................... 11
Accessory Sets ........................................... 60 Curved Mounting Surfaces ..................... 50
High Temperature ..................................... 2
Accessory Sets for Repair of Assembled Ca- Customisation ............................................. 5 High-frequency Application ...................... 3
bles .......................................................... 46 High-frequency Vibration ......................... 8
Accredited Calibration ............................. 65 High-pass Filter ........................................ 67
Accredited Initial Calibration .................... 6 D High-sensitivity Application ...................... 2
Adaptor for Clip-mounting ..................... 54 DANAK ...................................................... 65 High-temperature Mounting Block ........ 54
Adaptors ................................................... 56 Danish Primary Laboratory of Acoustics 64 Human Vibration Analyzer ..................... 56
Adhesive Tape .......................................... 50 DC Response ............................................. 66 Human Vibration Application .................. 3
Adhesives .................................................. 56 DeltaTron Accelerometers ....................... 11 Hz .............................................................. 67
Aerospace ................................................. 17 DeltaTron Power Supply ......................... 66
Amplified Piezoresistive Accelerometers 17 Development .............................................. 5
Amplitude ................................................. 66
Application ................................................. 2
Differentiation ......................................... 66
Direct Mounting Adaptor ....................... 55
IEPE ........................................................... 67
Artificial Mastoids .................................... 21 Displacement ............................................ 66 IEPE Accelerometers .................... 1, 11, 16
Automotive Crash Test .............................. 3 DKD ........................................................... 65
Impact Hammers ............................... 21, 22
DPLA ......................................................... 64
Impact Test ............................................... 67
Dual Gain Charge to DeltaTron Converter Impact Tips and Caps .............................. 59
B 36
Impedance .................................................. 1
Beeswax .................................................... 50 Dummy Accelerometers .......................... 53
Impedance Heads .................................... 21
Biodynamics ................................................ 1 Dynamic Range ........................................ 66
Impedance, Mechanical ........................... 67
Impedances .............................................. 21
Industrial Accelerometers ....................... 18
C E Industrial Application ................................ 3
Cable Assemblies for Industrial and Moni- Eichamt ..................................................... 65 Industrial CCLD Accelerometers ............. 19
toring Applications ................................ 46 Electromagnetic Radiation ........................ 1 Industrial DeltaTron Accelerometers ..... 19
Cables ................................................. 25, 40 Electromagnetic Vibration Exciter .......... 24 Industrial IEPE Accelerometers ............... 19
CAI ............................................................... 6 Electronic Filters ....................................... 51 Initial Calibration ..................................... 65
Calibration .................................................. 6 ENAC ......................................................... 65 In-Line TEDS Memory .............................. 37
Calibration Exciter .................................... 62 Excitation .................................................. 66 Inmetro ..................................................... 65
Calibration Products ................................ 61 Insulated Mounting ................................. 50
Calibrators and Calibration Systems ....... 62 Insulated Mounting Pads ........................ 50
CCLD .......................................................... 67 F Insulated Studs .................................. 50, 56
CCLD Accelerometers ........................ 11, 16 FEM ............................................................. 5 Integral Preamplifiers ................................ 1
Cement Studs .................................... 50, 56 Filters ................................................. 56, 66 Integration ............................................... 67
Charge Accelerometers ....................... 8, 10 Finite Element Model ................................ 5 ISO 16063–11 ..................................... 61, 62
Charge Amplifier .................33, 34, 35, 66 Flutter Testing ............................................ 1 ISO 16063–21 ..................................... 61, 62
Charge Conditioning Amplifiers ............. 28 Force Transducer/Impact Hammer .......... 21 ISO 17025 .......................................... 62, 65
Charge Converter ..................................... 66 Force Transients ....................................... 20 ISO 5347 ..................................................... 6
Charge to DeltaTron Converter .............. 36 Forced Vibration ...................................... 66 ISO 5347–3 ................................................ 61
Charge/DeltaTron Amplifiers .................. 31 Frequency Response ................................ 66 ISO 5349 ................................................... 55
Charge/Piezoelectric Accelerometers ........ 1 ISO 8041 ................................................... 55
Clip Mounting .......................................... 52 ISO 9000 ..................................................... 6
Clips ........................................................... 59 G ISO 9001 ..................................................... 6
Coaxial Cable Assemblies for Triaxial Accel- g ................................................................ 66 Isolation .................................................... 67
erometers ................................................ 44 General Purpose Application .................... 2
Coaxial Cable Assemblies for Uniaxial Ac- Glossary ..................................................... 66
celerometers ........................................... 41 Gravity ...................................................... 66 L
Coaxial Cables ............................................ 1 Ground Loop ..................................... 50, 66 Laser Doppler Vibrometers ..................... 23 Index 73 Page 74 Monday, January 12, 2009 8:44 AM

Leakage .....................................................67 Piezoresistive Accelerometers ...................1 Standards .................................................... 7

Linear .........................................................67 Point Mechanical Mobilities ....................21 Steady-state Acceleration .......................... 2
Linearity ....................................................67 Polymers ....................................................21 Steel Stud .................................................. 50
Local Dynamic Mass .................................52 Popular Uses of Accelerometers ...............2 Strain Gauge ............................................... 1
Long Duration Transients ..........................2 Primary Calibration ..................................64 Structural Application ................................ 3
Long Rod ...................................................51 Probes ........................................................59 Structural Dynamic Testing ..................... 20
Low-pass Filter ..........................................67 Production ..................................................5 Structural Testing Kit ............................... 21
Prototype Testing .......................................5 Stud Mounting ......................................... 50
Studs .......................................................... 56
M Swivel Bases .............................................. 50
Magnets ....................................................56 R
Main Sensitivity Axis ................................51 Raw Cables ................................................47
Maximum Transverse Sensitivity .............51 Reference Accelerometers .......................61 T
Measurements of Biodynamics .................1 Reference Instruments .............................64 TEDS .......................................................... 27
Measuring Amplifier ................................31 Regular Calibration ..................................65 Tools .......................................................... 59
Measuring Direction .................................51 REq-X .........................................................26 Traceable Calibration ............................... 65
Mechanical Filter ......................................51 Residual Noise ..........................................67 Transducer ................................................ 68
Mechanical Filters .....................................56 Resonance ..........................................67, 68 Transient ................................................... 68
Mechanical Impedance ............................67 RMS ...........................................................68 Transverse Direction ................................ 51
Mechanical Properties ..............................52 Root Mean Square ...................................68 Triaxial ...................................................... 68
Mica Washer .............................................50 Rotor Blades .............................................21 Triaxial DeltaTron® Accelerometers ...... 16
Miniatures ...................................................3 Roving Accelerometer ..............................50 Triaxial Mounting Block .......................... 54
Mobility .....................................................67 RVA ............................................................65 Triaxial Piezoelectric Charge Accelerome-
Modal Analysis ..........................................67 ters ........................................................... 10
Modal Application ......................................3 Triboelectric Noise ................................... 68
Monolithic Sensor .......................................1 S Trigger ...................................................... 68
Mounting Blocks and Brackets ................54 Screws ........................................................59
Mounting Clips .........................................50 Secondary Calibration .......................64, 65
Mounting Considerations ........................50 Seismic .......................................................68 U
Mounting Method ....................................50 Self-adhesive Disc .....................................50 UKAS ......................................................... 65
Mounting Position ....................................51 Sensitivity ..................................................68 Underwater Application ............................ 3
Mounting Solutions ..................................50 Service .......................................................64 Uniaxial Accelerometers ............................ 8
Service Agreement ...................................64 Uniaxial IEPE Accelerometers .................. 11
Severe Vibrational Inputs ........................17
N Shielding ...................................................68
NATA .........................................................65 Shock .........................................................68 V
NEXUS ......................................... 25, 28, 30 Signal Conditioning ..........................25, 68 Velocity ..................................................... 68
Non-contact Transducers .........................24 Signal-to-noise Ratio ...........................1, 11 Verification ................................................. 5
Nuts ...........................................................59 Single-channel Differential Remote Charge Vibration ................................................... 68
Converter ................................................36 Vibration and Shock Calibration Exciters ..
Single-channel Vibration Amplifier ........39 63
P Single-channel, Battery-powered ISOTRON Vibration Excitation ................................. 24
PE/ISOTRON® Signal Conditioner ...........31 Conditioner .............................................39 Vibration Transducer Calibration System 6,
Peak ...........................................................67 Soft Glues ..................................................50 ........................................................... 61, 62
Permanent Magnet ..................................50 Space & Flight Application ........................4
Phase .........................................................67 Special Applications ...................................3
Phase Shift ..................................................2 Spirit Level ................................................50 W
Piezoelectric Accelerometers ............. 8, 10 Spring-mass Transducer .............................1 Wide Bandwidth ...................................... 11

74 Accelerometers & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær

bf0212-17_cover_welcome.qxp 09-01-2009 13:05 Side 2


Brüel & Kjær’s Accelerometers & Conditioning COMPANY PROFILE AND MARKET SEGMENT BROCHURES
Catalogue covers our full range of Accelero-
Company Profile – BG 1527
meters, Force Transducers, Impact Hammers,
Impedance Heads, Non-contact Transducers, Automotive – BG 1530

Conditioning Amplifiers, Cables and Accesso- Aerospace & Defence – BG 1533

ion Solutions
Noise and Vibrat
ries. Products are sorted individually into tables Telecom & Audio – BG 1534

listing the most important specifications and

Inspired Partnership – BG 1588
making it easy for you to select the right pro-
duct for your particular measurement needs.

Innovative Solutions

BG1692 - 11
At Brüel & Kjær we are in the employees are world-renowned Aerospace & Defenc

business of innovation. We experts in their respective fields

always have been – from the and are often asked to speak at 04 2008 08:58

first range of measurement seminars, conferences, advise

microphones to the first multi- on new Standards, etc. But our
analyzer and the first Non-sta- expertise doesn’t only come PRODUCT CATALOGUES
tionary STSF system. We’re from within our organisation; it
proud of this tradition and con- also comes from working closely Accelerometers& Accelerometers & Conditioning – BF 0212

tinue to develop and face the with our partners. In this way
PULSE Analyzers & Solutions – BF 0209
challenges posed to us by our we can further our declared
customers. In fact we’re focus- mission – to enhance the envi-
Microphones & Conditioning – BF 0208
ing more and more on our cus- ronment, the quality and the
tomers’ needs and in most joy of life for everyone by
Sound Level Meter Solutions – BF 0213
instances supply whatever they improving sound and reducing

need covering the whole meas- vibration. With all this expertise

BF 0212 – 14
urement chain – from a single we have been able to establish and precision. This requires instruments with the performance and Produ ct Catalo
gue Januar y 2008
transducer to a complete our knowledge centre – the quality to match. All our products are thoroughly tested, often in the
turnkey system. This has, in Brüel & Kjær University – from harshest environmental conditions. Extremely high standards are met Magazines – Twice a Year

part, been made possible by which we can build and spread in all aspects of product and service provision, as reflected in our sta-
strategic alliances that enable sound and vibration related tus as an ISO 9001 certified company. In fact, you’ll find that our
us and our partners to find knowledge worldwide for the products usually come with a service period of 5 years after the end
newer and more efficient ways benefit of our partners, employ- of production, such is their reliability, quality and robustness. And it
Brüel & Kjær
for our customers to improve ees and, not least, our cus- is not only customer demands that need to be satisfied – legislation
their products’ quality and stay tomers. also sets exacting standards. This often means documented results The International Soun
d and Vibration Magaz
ine from Brüel & Kjær No
. 1, 2008

at the cutting edge of competi- that are traceable to known sources, such as a national calibration Advanced NVH Testing at Honda
Optimising Interior Vehicle
tiveness. Technology has no lim- Top Quality laboratory. And it goes without saying that the support customers Noise with Array-based Systems
PULSE Smart Start – See How
its – if our customers can imag- In all aspects of sound and vibra- receive must always be the most reliable they can find. If things go Easy it is to Set Up New Analyses

ine it then we can develop it. tion there are challenges to be wrong, Brüel & Kjær is there.
met. For example, making sure
Wealth of Experience that the car, bus or train that Brüel & Kjær’s Vision
Knowledge and experience go one takes to work each day can Our vision is to be the preferred partner and solution provider to
hand-in-hand and we have withstand the mechanical all leading companies and institutions who care about sound and
accumulated over 65 years’ shocks imposed on it demands vibration, and be the global competence centre for sound and
worth. In fact, many of our measurements of great accuracy vibration. In addition to the above, we have a comprehensive range of high-quality literature including Product Data Sheets, Application Notes, etc.
For on-line versions visit

2 Accelerometer & Conditioning Brüel & Kjær Literature Overview

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