Computer Ethics

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Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 9 (4)

September 2011

Computer Ethics: A Slow Fade from Black and

White to Shades of Gray

Theresa A. Kraft
[email protected]

Judith Carlisle
[email protected]

Computer and Information Systems,

University of Michigan – Flint
Flint, MI 48502, USA

The expanded use of teaching case based analysis based on current events and news stories relating
to computer ethics improves student engagement, encourages creativity and fosters an active learning
environment. Professional ethics standards, accreditation standards for computer curriculum, ethics
theories, resources for ethics on the internet, and possible topics for ethical case analyses are
presented. The motivation for teaching Cyber Ethics and a number of success strategies and
recommendations for undergraduate Computer Ethics courses are provided.

Keywords: ABET Accreditation Standards, Computing Curricula 2001(CC2001), Professional Code of

Ethics, Computer Ethics, Cyber Ethics, Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer
Information Systems, Pedagogy, Computers and Society.

1. INTRODUCTION is working or the answer to an equation). Thus,

the teaching of Ethics must broaden the
The Accreditation Board for Engineering and
student’s perspectives and understanding of
Technology (ABET) has nine common outcomes
certain real world scenarios, which have no
which apply to Computer Science (CS),
absolute correct answer but rather multiple
Computer Information Systems (CIS) and
viewpoints and opinions. For example a current
Information Technology Programs (IT).
event topic such as the Chinese Censorship of
Computer Ethics is one of these nine outcomes
Microsoft and Google, has the Chinese
and graduating students must have an
Government attempting to police and control
understanding of professional, ethical, legal,
information provided to the general public,
social issues and responsibilities (Homkes &
which is contradictory to the freedom of the
Strikwerda, 2009).
press and free speech values of American
In additional to satisfying the accreditation Society (Chao, 2010).
standard, an undergraduate CS or CIS course
This paper describes the course format for an
must engage the students and encourage
Undergraduate CS/CIS course taught at the
analytical thinking, creative writing and
University of Michigan Flint. The paper
research. Students in the Engineering and
presents the basic goals and objectives of the
Technology fields are problem solvers who
course, the motivation for teaching such a
typically look for a single solution (i.e. the code
course, the relevant codes of ethics, ethic

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September 2011

theories, overview of topics covered, grading area” or a “CS body of knowledge.” They are
rubrics and additional resources for teaching distributed among the following 10 units:
Computer Ethics. A number of success
x SP1: History of computing
strategies and recommendations for teaching
x SP2: Social context of computing
undergraduate Computer Ethics are also
x SP3: Methods and tools of analysis
x SP4: Professional and ethical
x SP5: Risks and liabilities of safety-
This course introduces students to the ethical
critical systems
issues and controversies that comprise the new
x SP6: Intellectual property
field of Cyber-Ethics. The field of Cyber-Ethics
x SP7: Privacy and civil liberties
refers to the broad spectrum of computing and
x SP8: Computer crime
information technology ranging from hand held
x SP9: Economic issues in computing
devices, stand-alone computers, privately
x SP10: Philosophical frameworks of
owned computer networks and the public
ethics (Tavani, 2002)
internet. Issues addressed examined the moral
responsibility of computer professionals in the Of particular interest to ethics instruction per se
broader context of social and ethical are the methods and tools of analysis (SP3)
applications of information systems and which provides students with instruction on how
computer technology. to make and evaluate ethical arguments, and
then identify and evaluate ethical choices
In this course, students were discussing ethical
(Tavari, 2002). Among the topics
challenges and ethical controversies using
recommended for inclusion in SP 10 are
actual case examples and contentious scenarios
instructions on philosophical frameworks that
to illustrate the various ethical dilemmas and
include deontological and utilitarian theories.
various stakeholder viewpoints. In contrast to
traditional science and engineering, ethical Currently there is a joint committee called
issues and cases do not have clear-cut Computing Curricula 2001 ( CC2001) involving
straightforward solutions. Hence, it is important the Association for Computing Machinery and
to look for strategies, stakeholder interests and the IEEE Computer Society, which is producing
different viewpoints of each stakeholder for curriculum guidance for the broad area of
analyzing these issues. Students must learn to computing. The purpose of CC2001 is to
examine topics from a variety of perspectives evaluate future developments in computer
that sometimes conflict with each other (Dark, engineering in the next ten years (2013) and
et al., 2008). The course was designed to beyond. The CC2001 Task Force was asked to
encourage student creativity, student develop a set of curricular guidelines that would
engagement, research and writing skills. match the latest developments of computing
technologies and endure through the next
Motivation for Teaching Ethics
decade. Principle 10 from the CC2001 Task
The ABET accreditation requirements state that Force states:
the program of study “enables the student to
“The computer engineering curriculum must
achieve, by the time of graduation:
include professional practice as an integral
x An understanding of professional,
component of the undergraduate curriculum.
ethical, legal, security and social issues
These practices encompass a wide range of
and responsibilities.
activities, including management, ethics and
x An ability to analyze the local and global
values, written and oral communication,
impact of computing on individuals,
working as part of a team, and remaining
organizations and society” (Homkes &
current in a rapidly changing discipline”
Strikwerda, 2009).
(McGettrick, et al., 2003, p. 9).
The IEEE-CS/ACM Joint Task Force on
In addition to the requirements of the ABET
Computing Curricula recently mandated the
accreditation standards and those of the IEEE-
inclusion of sixteen core hours of instruction on
CS/ACM, an understanding of ethics is
topics that are social, ethical, and professional
particularly important to Computer and IT
in the curriculum for undergraduate computer
students due to the ubiquitous nature of
science students. These topics, each prefaced
computers, information technology, web
with an SP designation, define one “knowledge
systems and internet applications in our daily

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September 2011

lives. Computer applications and information x Promote management’s understanding

systems are used by people to drive cars, of information processing,
control life preserving and life taking devices,
x Act with honesty and respect,
and affect many daily functions from banking,
shopping, entertainment, education, etc. x Participate to the best of their abilities
Computer and Information Systems are a in the distribution of IT knowledge,
critical component of our society and citizens
and customers do not and cannot be expected x Protect confidential knowledge,
to understand the systems on which they x Uphold the ethical and moral principles
depend for vital life functions (Johnson, 2007). of educational institutions,
Computer professionals must act in a socially x Practice trust to their employers to
responsible and ethical manner to be worthy of guard the employer’s interests and
the public trust. The special talent and
knowledge required for developing and x Respect their countries and the chosen
managing these IT systems leads to a social way of life of those countries
responsibility to use it for the good of society (Brinkman, 09).
(Reddy, 2004). Students need to think about The seven values or key concepts comprising
the consequences of their professional any code of ethics are consistency, respect for
decisions, evaluate their actions in terms of individuals, autonomy for all, integrity, justice,
their social responsibility and the long-range utility and competence (Panye & Landry, 2006).
ethical impact.
Relevant Codes of Ethics
This is a major thought process shift from the
The ACM code of ethics and the IEEE code of traditional software development methodology
ethics are presented in the course to expose of merely writing code and solving problems
students to the broad social consciousness of (Reedy, 2004). It is challenging to have
“Cause No Harm” and in cases where there is undergraduate students understand the
low quality work or potential for dangerous importance of ethics and professional
outcomes, it is your responsibility to act responsibility. Hence, the notion of what is
positively to rectify the situation (Reddy, 2004). professionally acceptable and good in
The original ACM code of Ethics and Professional computing and information systems is best
Conduct stated, “An ACM member shall consider illustrated by examples and case studies. The
the health, privacy and general welfare of the use of major catastrophes such as the European
public in the performance of the members work. Agency Ariane 5 rocket, which crashed on June
An ACM member, when dealing with data 4, 1996, 37 seconds after liftoff and cost about
concerning individuals, shall always consider the $500 million provides an attention grabber that
issue of individual privacy and seek the undergraduate students can understand. The
following: to minimize the data collection; to software flaw was a simple computational error
limit authorized access to data; To provide of converting a 64-bit integer into a 16 bit
proper security for the data; to determine the unsigned integer, without any exceptional
required retention period of the data; to ensure handlers for errors (Jẻzẻquel, Meyer, 1997).
proper disposal of the data” (Landau, 2008).
The current ACM code of ethics is presented and 3. PEDAGOGY
compared to the code of ethics from two The Course CIS/CSC 150 is a one credit course,
different IT professional societies as shown in taught at the undergraduate level over a period
Appendix I. of twelve weeks with class periods held
The institute for Certification of IT Professionals alternating weeks for a total of six class periods.
(ICCP) uses a code of ethics to emphasize high The first two class periods provide lecture
standards of skill and knowledge, the material and discussion material from the
maintenance of confidentiality, and that the IT textbook, to provide ethical theories, definition
professional will recognize the public reliance of terms such as ethics, morality, rules of
upon the standards of conduct and established conduct, moral system, critical thinking skills
practices. The Association of Information and the basic structure and strength of logical
Technology Professionals (AITP) has a code of arguments. The other class periods are devoted
ethics that encourages members to: to student’s discussion of their case study

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September 2011

assignments, current events and news stories fulness measured by the amount of
relating to computer ethics. happines produced (Tavani, 2007).
x Contract-Based theories where individuals
Top Down Teaching Approach
surrender some of their absolute freedom
The division of the course by including both the in return for a system of laws and
theoretical foundation from the textbook and regulations, which are designed to protect
the use of case studies is beneficial since it individuals from being harmed by other
includes both the top down and the bottom up members of society (Tavani, 2007).
approaches for teaching computer ethics. The
Critical thinking skills and criteria for
top down approach to ethical thinking evaluates
determining and differentiating among
a social and/or moral problem by applying the
arguments that are sound vs. unsound, valid vs.
universal principle based upon several
invalid, and inductive vs. fallacious, and a
important ethical theories. These ethical
strategy for evaluating the overall strength of
theories are covered in popular textbooks of
reasoning were also covered.
Basse, Johnson, Quinn, Spinello and Travani
and present theories including Kantianism, Bottom Up Teaching Approach
utilitarianism, rights based theories, social
The second approach used for teaching this
contract theory and virtue ethics (Quinn, 2006).
class is the bottom up methodology utilizing a
The text Ethics and Technology Ethical Issues in case study approach, based upon the student’s
an Age of Information and Communication research and written assignment. Each student
Technology by Travani was utilized by this was instructed to select two cases from the
course to present the different ethical theories textbook and two cases from the own research
and critical thinking skills. Cyber ethics is a sources. The last four class periods were
branch of applied ethics examining practical devoted to student discussion of their four
ethical issues and performing analysis of written assignments.
specific moral problems by the application of
Unfortunately, textbook topics for ethics classes
ethical theories. Ethical theories such as
typically deal with topics that Information
utilitarianism, which provides the greatest good
Technology (IT) and Computer Information
for the greatest number of people are
Systems (CIS) students will not personally
presented. Other ethical theories covered in
experience and cannot relate to such as bribing
class include:
a purchasing agent, insider trading, or illegal
x Character Based Ethical theory or Virtue corporate activities. To engage students in
ethics focuses on decision criteria based ethical discussions, case studies and topics
upon the character development of which students deal with on a daily basis and
individuals and their acquisition of good have personal experience with are more
character traits and habits (Tavani, 2007). interesting and relevant (Sherman, 2007).
x Kantian analysis requires that the actor
All students were presented with the following
treat everyone the same and it requires that
assignment requirements at the first class
the actor would find such treatment
meeting. Students read the Wall Street Journal,
acceptable if visited upon himself. The
Business Week, Information Week and other
action to be undertaken must respect
references cited in the Textbook or IT trade
individuals as valuable, and the person
journal publications and prepared a research
acted upon is due respect. The autonomy
report. The research report was on current
of all persons and their freedom to make
Cyber ethics issues such as privacy, security,
voluntary and informed choices must be
electronic monitoring of employees, collection
recognized. Kantian ethics can be reduced
and use of personal information on consumers,
to something approximating the well known
identity theft or other ethical topics related to
“Golden Rule” (Panye & Landry, 2005).
course material.
x Duty Based or Deontological theories, which
argue that morality must be ultimately Grading Rubrics
grounded in the concept of duty or
obligations that humans have to one The grading rubric for the assignment was
another (Tavani, 2007). based upon the author’s research and was
x Utilitarianism theory, which is based on the adopted from the In-Depth Case Analysis Rubric
principle of social utility or social use- Media file EE_FinalRubric_S06.doc, found on the
web site: Rubrics for Exams and Group Projects

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September 2011

in Ethics, located at the web site interest in identifying and evaluating ethical This professional behavior. His seminars and related
original grading rubric provides an assessment topics can be accessed from
for a final case analysis report that is based on
the Social Impact Statement Analysis described tml Additional relevant web sites for ethics and
by Chuck Huff at related information can be found in Appendix
The actual grading rubric utilized in this course
is a simplified version of the In-Depth Case An interesting approach for navigating across
Analysis. The grading rubric encouraged the different cyber ethic topics is provided by Dr
students to identify the ethically relevant facts Edward F. Gehringer who has posted a
and provide a summary of ethical issues in the geographical site map with active hyperlinks to
case. Stakeholder’s opinions, their different various cyber ethics topics and related issues on
viewpoints and potential conflicts were to be the site The Ethics
identified by students, who also had to justify in Computing Site Map is shown in Figure 1.
their claims using ethical arguments. The
report was also evaluated for how well the
student correctly applied problem categories
(disagreement, & conflict) to classify the ethical
components and uncovered the ethical issues
that are embedded in complex, concrete
situations. The last criteria of the grading rubric
assessed the writing style, format, grammar
and references of the report. The grading rubric
is shown in Appendix II.
There are many academic resources and web
site resources available on the topic of Figure 1 – Ethics in Computing Site Map
computer ethics. The U.S. National Academy of
Engineering (NAE) has a Center for Engineering,
Ethics and Society (CEES, 5. RESEARCH SOURCES which was
Students were initially provided with the
launched in 2007. The CEES also manages the
following potential list of topics for their
Online Ethics Center (OEC) at the NAE
( to provide
x Types of Crime aimed at IT Systems:
students and professionals in engineering and
Viruses, Spyware, Phishing, etc.,
science the required resources for
x Security Measures: How good they are,
understanding and addressing ethical problems
what they cost, how do they protect
that arise in their work and to promote learning
computers, how expensive are they to
and advancements in the understanding of
responsible research and practice (Hollander,
x Electronic monitoring of employees.
x Collection and use of personal information
The site is made on customers/consumers (i.e. Wal-Mart)
possible by a generous grant from the National x Identity Theft.
Science Foundation in response to the American x Wireless Networking Hacking and
COMPETES Act to improve resources for ethics Vulnerability, including detection and
in science and engineering education. The prevention measures.
CEES at the National Academy of Engineering x Unethical uses of email, and internet usage,
and the Ethics Education Library (EEL) at such as spam, chain letters.
the Center for the Study of Ethics in the x Computer viruses include detection and
Professions at the Illinois Institute of prevention measures.
Technology are working together on this x Privacy Laws - Homeland Security, Freedom
project. of Information Act, Family Education Rights
and Privacy Act, HIPPA, etc. List the pros
Charles Huff, Department of Psychology, St. and cons arguments on the legislation, does
Olaf College has a long standing research

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September 2011

it protect national security vs. invade implemented, the purchasing agents could no
personal privacy? longer perform their job function of searching
x European Directive on Protection of Personal for the lowest cost supplier and accessing the
Privacy. supplier web sites.
x Breach of Information - TJ MAX, Bank of
Identity Theft Role Playing
America, Lexis Nexus, DSW Shoe Store
x Cyber Bulling/Cyber Stalking, research the The case of the T. J. Max Credit Card Breach
case of Megan Meiers. was utilized to foster student engagement and
encourage the development of different
Reference articles were also posted on
stakeholder viewpoints. The Article was
Blackboard™ as shown in Appendix II. These
presented to the class stating that in 2005 TJX
topics and articles were used to “jump-start”
reported at least 45.7 million cards were
class discussions, and provided real world,
exposed, while banks' court filings put the
current events for Cyber Ethics. Class
number at more than 100 million, but there has
discussions of these reference articles fostered
been no estimate of the total fraud. In 2007
the idea of critical thinking and identification of
TJX was the subject of a class-action law suit
multiple viewpoints by dividing the class into
seeking "tens of millions of dollars" by The
separate groups and allowing each group to
Massachusetts Bankers Association, which
voice their viewpoint and then understand and
represents 207 financial institutions (Gaudin,
respond to the viewpoints of the opposing
2007), (Shain, 2007).
Students were divided into different groups and
Student Motivation with Music
then asked to voice their viewpoints as the
The initial approach to getting students engaged consumer, the CIO and IT department
and participating in a discussion of ethical managers of T. J. Max, or the Bank Association
issues that student have experienced was to that is suffering financially from the stolen
start by playing the song “It is a slow fade” by credit card losses. The consumer group voiced
Casting Crowns. The music lyrics are (Casting outrage over the negligence of T. J. Max to
Crowns, 2010): allow the security breach to go undetected and
having it continue for such a long period of 18
“It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
months. The T. J. Max CIO and IT department
It's a slow fade when black and white have
managers stated that they had followed all the
turned to gray
correct government rules and regulations and
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will
had standard security practices in place, hence
be paid
they were not liable and should not have to
When you give yourself away
settle the class action suit. The Bank
People never crumble in a day
Association was insistent that financial
compensation be awarded in the class action
The journey from your mind to your hands
suit to compensate for their financial losses.
Is shorter than you're thinking
Be careful if you think you stand The T. J. Max role playing scenario had
You just might be sinking” reasonable arguments on all three sides, the
consumers, the company, and the banking
association. There was no “unarguably right
The song was used to stress the point that
answer”. Students on each side needed to be
ethical dilemmas are not just black and white
able to explain why their side was “correct” and
but have shades of gray since there can be a
how to disagree with the other stakeholders
dichotomy of decisions all of which have rational
(Brinkman, 2009). The role-playing of different
judgments. Students were asked to provide
stakeholders allows the students to actually
examples from the personal experiences of
experience the issues from a real world
ethical challenges. One student shared his
perspective rather than passively receiving it
experiences working for the Department of
(Pollard & Duvall, 2006).
Defense. There was a new security policy
implemented which prevented employees from 6. OVERVIEW OF TOPICS COVERED
accessing the public internet. This was done to
The submitted student’s reports covered a very
minimize the lost productivity and time spent by
diverse number of computer ethics topics and
employees on non-government related work.
Unfortunately, once the new security policy was

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September 2011

were very original and innovative in some of the Megan’s home state of Missouri passed a bill
topics selected. Some of the major topics are: that “updates state laws against harassment by
removing the requirement that the
x Identity Theft
communication be written or over the
x Internet Crimes and Computer Security
telephone.” The new bill now covers
x Cyber Bullying/ Cyber Stalking
harassment from computers, text messages and
x Wireless Hacking
other electronic devices (USA Today, 2008).
x Internet Bandwidth Throttling
The movement to punish Cyber bullying quickly
x RFID Tags
gained momentum and by 2009, 13 states has
x Employee Monitoring
passed similar laws (Surdin, 2009).
x Search Engine Privacy
x Chinese Government Censorship of Remotely Accessed Webcams
Allegations are being made against the
x Customer Relationship Management
Pennsylvania Lower Merion School District that
x Homeland Security/Airport Security
the school was using laptop computers, which
x Internet Music & Intellectual Property
were loaned to students to spy on them. The
x HIPPA Records Electronic Medical Records
spying could be done by covertly and remotely
x Software Piracy
activating the webcams on the laptops. The
x Privacy Rights in Web Based Advertising
school officials claim that the remote activation
Detailed ethical issues regarding these topics of the webcams is a tracking device utilized to
can be found in Appendix V. recover stolen laptops. The installation of the
LANRev Trojan on all the loaned out laptops
allowed the school to run scripts to monitor the
laptop usage, ensure proper operation and to
Cyber Bullying possibly halt what was being accessed.

Cyber bullying is increasingly prevalent in Parents and students learning of the remote
modern youth, and a recent survey has shown activation of webcams followed up with a
that 43% of teens in the United States lawsuit based on the fact that the software was
experienced a form of Cyber bullying in 2008. being utilized without prior consent of the
In contrast, Canadian middle school children parents and students. “As the laptops were
reported that 23% have been bullied by email, routinely used by students and family members
35% in chat rooms and 41% through text while at home, it is believed that many of the
messaging (Wagner, 2008). images captured and intercepted may consist
of images of minors and their parents or friends
One of the most recent and well-publicized in compromising and embarrassing positions,
cases of Cyber bullying is that of Megan Meier, including but not limited to, various stages of
a 13 year old girl from Missouri. An older dress or undress” (Claburn, 2010).
neighbor, Lori Drew, impersonated a teen-age
boy on the social networking site MySpace. The main issue for the students and parents is
Assuming the persona of a teen-age boy friend privacy and their need to be protected from
Mrs. Drew wooed and then rejected Megan. The being spied on while in their homes.
MySpace postings by Mrs. Drew resulted in
Megan committing suicide by hanging herself in
her closet. Student Evaluations
Lori Drew was recently convicted of Students were encouraged to provide
misdemeanor charges (Surdin, 2009); however comments, suggestions and feedback
on July 2, 2009 the U.S. District Judge George anonymously during the last class period. The
Wu acquitted her on the basis “that charges of student’s written feedback and comments
computer hacking are best left up to a website included the following:
owner to determine what is a crime” (Zetter,
“I never realized the ethical aspects of
computers and technology before this class.
Regrettably, no additional charges are able to Now I can distinguish an ethically wrong
be brought against Drew, since this type of situation from a right one.”
harassment was not yet covered by any existing
state laws. Subsequently, in July 2008,

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September 2011

“Class was very interesting. I found that the technical issues, legal issues, economic issues,
subject of ethics is much more involved than I stakeholder interests and ethical principles.
had originally thought”. This paper provided many useful resources such
as an overview of ethical theories, pedagogy,
“I liked the in-class discussions. Good class
research topics, web sites, and grading rubrics.
The Megan Meier case illustrated that legal and
“I learned a lot in this course and enjoyed the
policy systems simply have not kept up with the
discussions and learned more from discussions
changes to technology and latest ethical
than the lectures”.
challenges such as Cyber Bullying. Other
“The course was very beneficial to me in examples where the legal and policy system
understanding the scope of computer ethics, have not kept up with the challenges of
and the course format was good”. misusing technology are illustrated with the
rising problems of identity theft, phishing
“I learned that I can learn a lot from my fellow attacks and other means of defrauding the
students and I appreciate their opinions. I gullible public such as charity web sites, which
learned how to open up in the class discussions are frauds. Students need to understand the
and found that there were other techies like me legal solutions to ethical issues and develop
who like the same subjects.” appreciation for when the legal solutions
“I learned about current events for computer address the ethical problem and where the legal
and technological advancements and what solutions fall short (Dark, et al., 2008).
should be done for control and enforcement of The use of current event case studies provided
it”. students with many realistic situations and
“Great Class, well taught, manageable students can begin to understand the “shades of
workload. I learned a lot about the subject and gray” of an ethical quandary. Some ethical
enjoyed the class discussions”. dilemmas involve principles, while others are
related to consequences, and still others
“Work load of four assignments was reasonable correspond to virtues (Quinn, 2006). Case-
for a one credit course” based analysis allows students to think
“Keep the relaxed nature of the class creatively imagining the features that would
atmosphere. It is a break from the monotonous make a decision or action unambiguously right
text book centered learning”. or wrong. Some of the decisions may be based
on utilitarian principles, duties, rights, or virtues
“I thought the class was great”. (Quinn, 2006).
Other students provided the following The use of ethical current events improved
suggestions for improvements: student engagement and increased student
“I would suggest one group project to help interest, motivation and participation in
people think about ethics problems with more discussions. Additional benefits of including the
dimensions”. current event component are:

“Class meetings every week would be better”. x “The content of the course assignments
remains fresh.
“An improvement would be post more articles
and topic selections.” x The risk of student generated “paper files”
that are recycled every semester are
“Provide more coverage of ethical principles and reduced thereby cheating is also reduced.
x Course material of ethical considerations is
9. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS relevant and directly applicable to current
events with consequences affecting real
Professional practice of Computer Science and
people, and real companies.
Information Technology consists of both
technological knowledge and the skillful x Examples are realistic and a naturally
application of that knowledge guided by ethical occurring case study, with all of its real
standards world messiness is on display.
(Gotterbarn, Miller, 2009). The course utilized
case studies to illustrate the tradeoffs between

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September 2011

x Content is broader and more diverse and Chao, L. (2010, January 26), World News:
can include an international perspective” Beijing Hardens Rebuttal on Internet Policy
(Hare, 2008). --- In Onslaught of Commentaries, State
Media Call the U.S. Hypocritical and Google
The technology will keep evolving and
a Pawn in American 'Ideology War'. Wall
advancing at an ever-increasing pace. “Our
Street Journal (Eastern Edition), p. A.13.
reliance on networks and interconnected
Retrieved May 15, 2010, from ABI/INFORM
systems pose new threats and present new
Global. (Document ID: 1947361361).,
challenges, requiring us to find new ways of
working” (Landau, 2008). Claburn, T., (2010), School Allegedly Spied on
Kids in their Homes, Information Week.
Cyber ethics must be taught with a pedagogical
approach that allows students to examine their Claburn, T., (2010), FBI Investigating Web Spy
personal ethical beliefs, in the broader explicit cam, Information Week.
context of right and wrong. (Dark, et al., 2008).
Dark, M., Harter, N., Morales, L., and Garcia, M.
The course content must address the ever-
A. 2008. An information security ethics
changing environment of existing technical,
education model. J. Comput. Small Coll. 23,
professional, legal and cultural values.
6 (Jun. 2008), 82-88.
Instead of being black or white, global values,
Gaudin, S. (2007), “Estimates put the T. J.
especially those of business and technology, are
MAXX Security Fiasco at $4.5 Billion”,
invariably tainted in complex shades of gray.
Information Week, May 2, 20007.
Computer Ethics is arguably, the only field of
study in which CIS and IT students are Gotterbarn, D. and Miller, K. 2009. Introducing
compelled to formulate and defend their own professional computing issues into the CS
opinions on public issues. “Software developers curriculum ACM committee on professional
in particular potentially wield immense virtual ethics. J. Comput. Small Coll. 25, 1 (Oct.
power and should be mindful of their artifacts’ 2009), 59-60.
long-term consequences and their works’ social
context” (Lenarcic, 2003). Haag, S., Cummings, M., (2009), Information
System Essentials, (3rd. Edition) McGraw-
“If computer experts don’t act in a manner that Hill Higher Education,
garners and maintains public trust, then the
field and its potential to create enormous Hare, B. K. 2008. Implementing a writing-
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Appendix I – Professional Organizations Code of Ethics

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Appendix II – Grading Rubric for Cyber Ethics Report

POINT SCORE: 10 15 20 25
Criteria Basic Proficient Distinguished
Students identify Leaves out Includes facts Includes most Creates an
ethically relevant facts facts that are that are of the ethically excellent
that together provide ethically ethically relevant facts. assignment
a comprehensive relevant. irrelevant or Organization demonstrating
summary of the Organization only marginally and List of high competency.
ethical issues raised in and List of relevant. Ethical Issues is All ethical issues
the literature. Ethical Issues Organization easily are clearly
is Not Easily and List of understood and identified.
Identified. Ethical Issues refined.
Students identify the Stakeholders Only Some Almost all All stakeholders
stakeholders and their viewpoints left stakeholder’s stakeholders are included ,
different viewpoints. out, viewpoints are included , explained, and
They justify their justification of mentioned, explained, and justified. All
claims using ethical claims and justification of justified. Almost stakes and
arguments as well as potential claims and all stakes and potential conflicts
isolate potential conflicts are potential potential are included,
stakeholder conflicts. poorly made. conflicts are conflicts are explained, and
Possible partially made. included, justified.
Conflicts not Possible explained, and
identified. Conflicts are justified.
Student correctly uses Identification of Problem Problem Problem
problem categories problem types classification is classification is, classification is
(disagreement, & employed not directly for the most highly relevant to
conflict) to classify incorrectly, relevant to the part, relevant to the case and
the ethical incompletely, case and the case. insightful.
components. The or in a misses Problem Problem
ability to uncover the confused way. significant classification classification
ethical issues that are Problem ethical covers most of covers
embedded in complex, classification is elements in the the significant comprehensively
concrete situations. not relevant. case ethical elements the ethical
in the case elements in the
Creates document that Does not have Follows the Follows format Follows format
is clearly written and good format format guidelines and guidelines and
generally free of and does not guidelines or creates creates document
grammatical errors. create a creates document that that is clearly
document that document that is clearly written written, well
is clearly is clearly and generally organized, and
written and written and free of completely free of
generally free partially free of grammatical grammatical
of grammatical grammatical errors. errors.
errors. errors.

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Appendix III - Web Resources

Other relevant web sites that have information on the social implications of computer use including
computer crime, ethics, security measures, privacy, employee monitoring, and relevant topics are as
follows (Haag, 2007):

General - a good site for information on various issues of proper
and improper use of computer resources. - the Web site of Computer Professions for Social Responsibility contains links to
information on various aspects of computer usage.

Ethics and Computer Crime – the Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) code of
ethics. – the companion Web site of the TV cable network with information on
computer crime, legislation, privacy issues, and so on. – Federal Trade Commission site that has statistics on complaints from
Web users.

Legislation – a law library that provides information on laws in existence and proposed on
privacy, monitoring, etc. – Health and Human Services department fact sheet on the
new federal law protecting patient’s health information.

Privacy - site has detailed information on privacy issues. – the Electronic Frontier Foundation offers some helpful guidelines on privacy and
discusses some questionable marketing tactics. – the Electronic Privacy Information Center has information on privacy and links to all sorts of
privacy tools that you can use to protect yourself.

Defensive Tools – the Gibson Research Corporation Web site has software that can test your computer’s
vulnerability to outside intrusion. – the Center for Democracy and Technology has information on tracking services
and links to opt-out pages for many Web sites. – the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Web site where you can file a complaint. - the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Web site has lots of information on how to
protect yourself on the Internet and how to file complaints. – the North American Securities Administrators Association site with links to sites in all
50 states that track investment fraud. – Small Business Privacy Tutorial on SpamFilter

Computer Ethics on World Wide Web:

Computer Ethics Institute:
Writting and Analyzing Ethics Cases:

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Appendix IV – Sample References for Cyber Ethics Report

T. J. Max Credit Card Breach

TJMAX1.doc (30.5 Kb)
Second Article On T J Max Credit Card Breach
TJMAX1.doc (30.5 Kb)
Wal-Mart Customer Data
walmart-customer data.pdf (128.541 Kb)
Iron Mountain Missing Data
IronMountain-Missing-Data.pdf (22.948 Kb)
FBI Carnivore Internet Surveillance
FBI-Carnivore-Update.pdf (21.359 Kb)
Power Grid Security
power grid security.pdf (58.895 Kb)
E-Commerce Trust
e-commercetrust.pdf (709.856 Kb)
Chinese Censorship
Chinese-Censorship-Microsoft.pdf (56.456 Kb)
Spyware Phishing Overview
SpyWare-Phishing-Overview-PRINT.pdf (74.013 Kb)
Visa Credit Card Operations
Visa Credit Card Operations.pdf (212.291 Kb)
E- Commerce Security
E-CommerceSecurity.ppt (2.374 Mb)
Gartner E-Commerce Trust
gartner.docx (14.992 Kb)
IBM Copyright infringement
IBMcopyright.doc (28 Kb)
Megan Meier Cyber Stalking
Cyber StalkingMeganMeier.doc (29 Kb)
Cyber Security
cybersecurity.pdf (98.286 Kb)
Email Phishing Example
Emailphisingexample.ppt (478 Kb)
Data Protection
DataProtection.pdf (512.936 Kb)
Washington Post Article on Cyber Attacks

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Appendix V –Cyber Ethics Report Topics

Identity Theft

x Benefits and Risks of E-commerce and Internet Shopping

x Internet Scams / False Charity Sites
x Electronic Data storage of Birth, Marriage, Death Certificates
x Recommendations to Prevent Identity Theft
x Case Examples of Who, When, What Happened
x Laws Against Identity Theft
x Statistics – How Frequent is Identity Theft, Who are the Victims, Victim Profiles
x Size of the Problem, Volume of Crimes, Monetary Value of Crime
x Criminal Prosecuted and Sentenced
x What is legally being done by government?

Internet Crimes/Computer Security

x Viruses/SPAM
x Spyware
x Phishing
x Hacking
x Security of Government Computers and Records
x LDAP Security Risks
x Trojan Horses
x Deep Packet Inspection of Email and Internet Usage
x Bandwidth Throttling
x What are Laws Against It
x What is being done legally by government
x Statistics - How Frequent, Who are the Victims, Size of Problem, Volume of Crimes
x Criminals Prosecuted, Sentenced
x Recommendations to Prevent It
x Government Security Regulations regarding computer usage for Department of Defense

Cyber Bullying/ Cyber Stalking

x Megan Meier Case
x Social Networking Sites
x Internet Dating Sites
x Parental Responsibilities
x Laws Against It
x Prosecution of Mrs. Drew
x Recommendations to Prevent It
x Should Laws Be Changed?
x What security should be on social networking sites
Wireless Hacking
x Recommendations to Prevent It
x Case Example - Who , When, What Happened
x What are Laws Against It
x Statistics - How Frequent, Who are the Victims, Size of Problem, Volume of Crimes

Internet Bandwidth Throttling

x What are the consequences to consumers?
x What are the justifications made by ISPs?
x What are the new laws regarding this?

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x Recommendations about what should be done in the future?

x Consumer Privacy
x Passports
x Inventory Management: Company Policies, Improved Inventory Management, Efficiency Cost

Employee Monitoring
x Computer Usage
x Email Monitoring
x Video Surveillance
x Employer: Productivity, Loss of Information, Provide Safe and Secure Work Environment
x Employee: Invasion of Privacy, Stress, Loss of Motivation
x Case Example - Who , When, What Happened
x Laws Against It
x Recent Court Cases

Search Engine Privacy

x Google/Yahoo/Microsoft
x Google subpoenas Consumer Public Views
x Case Example - Who , When, What Happened
x What are Laws regarding this?
x Record retention periods
x Why do companies do this?
x Recent Court Cases for death of wife

Chinese Government Censorship of Google/Microsoft

x What are positions of Google and Microsoft companies?
x What are positions of Chinese government?
x Is this in conflict with American Standards?
x What is public opinion in America?
x Pros/Cons of censorship
Customer Relationship Management
x Walmart Customer Purchasing History usage of RFID for Inventory
x Usage of Point of Sale Transactions for Data Warehousing and Analytics
x TJ Maxx Security Breach
x Consumer Privacy , Corporate Profitability Inventory Efficiency etc.

Homeland Security/Airport Security

x Full Body Scanners
x Government monitoring of email/phone calls
x Passenger Profiling
x Power Grid Security
x National Security
x Invasion of Privacy/Discrimination
x Health Issues of scanners
x What are the laws?
x Case Example of Government Invasion of Privacy
x Airport & Airline Concerns
Internet Music/Intellectual Property
x Case Examples

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x RIAA vs. Verizon - Digital Millennium Copyright Act DMCA

x Private Bay - Peer to Peer Sharing Swedish Case
x Music Company Point of View
x Consumers Point of View
x Creative Commons and "Jay-z / Beatles Gray Album"
x Napster History

HIPPA Records Electronic Medical Records

x Medical Identity Theft
x Falsified Billing Records by Doctors
x Consumer Privacy
x Company Policy - Improved Accuracy, Efficiency, Cost Savings
x Case Example - Who , When, What Happened
x What are Laws?

Software Piracy
• IBM vs. BGC - Informix Data Base Licenses
• Lost Revenue Facts
• Poorer Economies in Under-developed countries cannot afford full software prices.

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