Information Systems Course Outline BSIT

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Punjab University College of Information Technology (PUCIT)

Management Information System (MIS)

Spring 2017

Program BSIT Course Number IT-301

Instructor Shavez Mushtaq Qureshi E-mail: [email protected]

Course Description
The Role of Information Systems in Business Today, Perspectives on Information Systems,
Business Processes and Information Systems, Types of Business Information Systems, Systems
for Collaboration and Team Work, the Information Systems Function in Business, Organizations
and Information Systems, How Information Systems Impact Organizations and Business Firms,
Using Information Systems to Achieve Competitive Advantage, Understanding

Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems, Ethics in an Information Society, the Moral
Dimensions of Information Systems. IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies: Foundations
of Business Intelligence, Telecommunications, the Internet and Wireless Technology, Securing
Information Systems, Enterprise Systems, Supply Chain Management

Systems, Customer Relationship Management Systems, Enterprise Applications: New

Opportunities and Challenges, E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods, Managing
Knowledge, Decision Making and Information Systems, Business Intelligence in the Enterprise,
Managing Global Systems.
Learning Objectives
• To understand the role of information systems in businesses and management
• To explain the wider issues involved in systems design, in particular interaction of the
system with the environment and the achievement of competitive edge through the use
of IT

• To demonstrate the relevance and necessity of managing the change introduced into
the organization by introduction of a new system

Recommended Text Book

Management Information Systems” Managing the digital firm by Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P.
Laudon, 12th edition

Reference Books

Management Information Systems by James O’Brien & George M. Marakas, 10th Edition
Assessment Methodology & General Guidelines

MID 35%
Quizzes 10
Assignments 05
Project 10

• Quizzes will be mostly announced & rarely unannounced.

• Ask any number of questions you want but don’t talk during the lecture. Maintain
discipline during the lecture.

• If you cannot attend the class due to some reason let me know a day or two before the

• Class Activities will be included as a part of Assignment.

• A total of (m) quizzes shall be taken and (n) number of assignments.

• A quiz may be at the start of the class to evaluate your advance home reading or it may be
at the end of the class to test your attentiveness and understanding of the session concerned
or from past studied material. (If you are absent in a class, it is your duty to cover the topics
before you come to the next lecture).

• There will be no retake of quizzes.

• There will be in-class or take-home assignments.

• Evaluation of assignments is based on completion, timely submission and materials.

• Assignment will incur a penalty of 25% deduction of marks for every day or part of a day
that it remains not submitted.

• Your participation score will reflect my assessment of your attendance/punctuality, your

contributions to class discussions, and your overall positive demeanor during class.

• Only an outline of lecture slides would be provided. I discourage relying on them for
preparation. You should read the relevant material from the recommended textbook also.

Reading suggestions would be made available along with the outline.

Source Recommendations
Week Lecture Topic (Book- for Learning
Chapter No.) Activities
Course Overview, An introduction to
1 Organizations and Management, Globalization A – Ch 1
challenges and opportunities
1 Information Systems in Global Business
Case Study (MIS in
2 The emerging digital firm, strategic business A – Ch 1
your pocket)
objectives of information systems,
Information Systems in Global Business
Case Study (UPS
Today (Cont.):
3 A – Ch 1 competes globally
What is an information systems?, Dimensions of
with IT)
information systems,
2 Information Systems in Global Business
Today (Cont.):
4 Complementary Assets: Organizational capital A – Ch 1
and the right business model
Global E-business and Collaboration: Case Study
5 Business processes, how information A – Ch 2 (America’s Cup
technology improves business processes 2010)
Global E-business and Collaboration (Cont.):
Types of information systems: systems for
6 different management groups, systems for A – Ch 2
linking the enterprise
Global E-business and Collaboration (Cont.): Case Study
7 Systems for Collaboration and Teamwork, the A – Ch 2 (Domino’s sizzles
information systems function in business with pizza tracker)
4 Case Study (Virtual
Class Activity on Collaboration and
8 Teamwork Meetings)

Information Systems, Organizations and

Organizations and information systems, how Case Study (Verizon
9 A – Ch 3 or AT&T)
information systems impact organizations and
5 business firms
Information Systems, Organizations and Case Study (how
Strategy (Cont.): much do credit card
10 Using information systems to achieve A – Ch 3 companies know
competitive advantage about you?)
Information Systems, Organizations and
Strategy (Cont.):
11 Using systems for competitive advantage: A – Ch 3
management issues
6 Ethical and Social Issues in Information
Case Study (You are
12 Understanding ethical and social issues related A – Ch 4
the target)
to systems, ethics in an information society
Ethical and Social Issues in Information
Case Study (the
Systems (Cont.):
13 A – Ch 4 perils of texting)
The moral dimensions of information systems
14 Class Activity on Ethics

Case Study (Bart

15 IT infrastructure and Emerging Technologies A – Ch 5
speeds up)
IT infrastructure and Emerging Technologies
16 A – Ch 5
Case Study (Green computing)
Foundations of Business Intelligence: Case Study (PR
17 Databases and Information Management A – Ch 6 Donnelley tries to
Case Study (Text Mining) master its data)
Telecommunications, the internet and
Case Study
18 wireless technology A – Ch 7 (Hyundai)
Case Study (Monitoring employees on networks)
Securing Information Systems: Case Study (You’re
10 19 A – Ch 8
Case Study (How secure is the cloud?) on Facebook)

Achieving Operational Excellence

and Customer Intimacy:
20 Enterprise systems, supply chain management
systems A – Ch 9
Achieving Operational Excellence and
Customer Intimacy (Cont.):
Customer relationship management systems A – Ch 9
11 Achieving Operational Excellence and
Customer Intimacy (Cont.):
Enterprise applications: New challenges A – Ch 9
E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods:
E-Commerce and the internet, E-Commerce: Case Study
23 (4FOOD)
business and technology A – Ch 10
E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods
Case Study
24 The mobile digital platform and mobile e-
A – Ch 10 (Facebook)
25 Class Activity on E-commerce
13 Managing Knowledge:
26 A– Ch 11
The knowledge management landscape
Managing Knowledge (Cont.):
14 27 Enterprise wide knowledge management
systems, knowledge work systems A– Ch 11
Managing Knowledge (Cont.): Case Study
28 A– Ch 11
Intelligent techniques (the flash crash)
Enhancing Decision Making: Case Study
29 A– Ch 12
Decision Making and information systems (What to sell)
30 Enhancing Decision Making (Cont.): A – Ch 12
Business intelligence in the enterprise
Enhancing Decision Making (Cont.):
31 A – Ch 12
Business intelligence constituencies
32 Class Activity on Decision Making

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