Institutional Correction Notes

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The key takeaways are that corrections aims to rehabilitate prisoners while respecting human dignity and rights. It also discusses different concepts in penology and corrections.

The main principles of corrections according to the document are rehabilitation of prisoners, respect for human rights and dignity, and the idea that punishment should be commensurate with the offense.

The main goals of rehabilitation according to the document are to provide counseling, education, work programs and social services to help prisoners reintegrate into society as law-abiding citizens.


CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION 1 ⚫ There is no man who is all bad and there is something good in all men (Art. 1)

⚫ one of the major goals of the government is to establish a more enlightened and humane correctional system
JOPERSON G. PABLO, R.CRIM., REB REA that will promote reformation of offenders and thereby reduce the incidence of recidivism

⚫ study of punishment of crime.
THE CONSTITUTION ⚫ A branch of criminology dealing with prison management, deterrence, and reformation treatment of criminals.
⚫ The state values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human rights. (Sec. 11, Art. ⚫ coined by Francis Lieber
⚫ No person shall be detained solely by reason of his political beliefs and Aspirations (Sec. 18 (1), Art. Ill) Peno - from greek word “piono” and latin word “poena” means pain and suffering.
⚫ No involuntary servitude in any form shall exist except as a punishment for a crime whereof the party shall
have been fully convicted (Sec. 18 (2), ibid.) PENOLOGY and PENITENTIARY SCIENCE
⚫ Excessive shall not be imposed, nor cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment: inflicted. xxx (Sec. 1° (1), ibid. ⚫ Penology – deals with various means of fighting crimes as regards to penalties and other measures of
⚫ The employment of physical, psychological or degrading punishment against any prisoner or detainee or the security.
use of substandard or inadequate penal facilities under subhuman conditions shall be dealt with by law (Sec- ⚫ Penitentiary Science – limited only to the study of penalties dealing with deprivation.
19 '2), (ibid.)
THE REVISED PENAL CODE ⚫ the manner or practice of managing or controlling places of confinement as jails or prisons.
⚫ No felony shall be punishable by any penalty not prescribed by law prior to its commission.
PHILIPPINE CORRECTIONS ⚫ Punishment – an instrument of public justice. Involves pain and suffering; redress that the state takes
⚫ Juridical conditions for a valid penalty: against the offending member
◼ Legal – the consequence must be in accordance with the law. (Art. 21, RPC) ⚫ Penalty – the that is inflicted by the state for the transgression of the law
◼ Correctional – teaches the offender a lesson.
◼ Productive of human suffering – imposition of penalty must produce positive results to society without EARLY CODES and LAWS
affecting the integrity of human dignity. ⚫ Code of Hammurabi
◼ Commensurate with the offense – different offenses must be punished with different penalties. ◼ a well-preserved Babylonian law code, about 1772 BC.
◼ Personal – no person should be made to suffer for the crimes of another. ◼ one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world.
◼ Equal – applies to all persons, rich or poor. ◼ The Code consists of 282 laws, with scaled punishments, adjusting "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a
◼ Certain – no one must escape its effects. tooth" (lex talionis) as graded depending on social status, of slave versus free man.
lex taliones – law on retaliation
RULES FOR THE TREATMENT OF PRISONERS (DOJ, JANUARY 7, 1959) lex salica – law on retaliation through restitution
⚫ The purpose of committing a prisoner is two-fold: ⚫ Justinian Code
◼ To segregate from society a person who by his act has proven himself a danger to a free society; ◼ 6th A.D., Emperor Justinian of Rome wrote his code of law. An effort to match a desirable amount of
◼ To strive at the corrections (rehabilitation) of the prisoner with the hope; that upon his return to society, punishment to all possible crimes.
he shall have the normal, well-adjusted and self-supporting life as good life as a good and law-abiding ◼ The Twelve Tables (XII Tabulae, 451-450 BC) – represented the earliest codification of Roman law
citizen. incorporated into the Justinian Code.

◼ the foundation of all public and private law of the Romans until the time of Justinian. It is also a collection ⚫ Other Laws
of legal principles engraved on metal tablets and set up on the forum. ◼ GENERAL CLASS OF LAWS
◆ LEX EXTERNA (Divine Laws)
Table I Trials, continued ◆ LEX NATURALIS (Natural Laws)
Table II Debt ◆ LEX HUMANA (Human Laws)
Table III Right of father over family (paterfamilias) ◼ ROMAN LAWS
Table IV Legal guardianship and inheritance law ◼ MOHAMEDAN LAWS
Table V Acquisition and possession ◼ ANGLO-AMERICAN LAWS
Table VI Land rights
Table VIII Public law ⚫ Benifit of Clergy - provides an escape from severe punishments as members of the clergy such as ordained
Table IX Sacred law clerks, novices and nuns by subjecting them into the jurisdiction of ecclesiastical court. Ecclesiastical
Table X Supplement I punishments were more lenient because the focus of the church was on penance and salvation of the soul
rather than in the administering of physical punishment for the purpose of deterrence or revenge.
Table XI Supplement II
⚫ Trial by Ordeal - the church's substitute for the trial until the 13th century wherein guilt or innocence was
Table XII
determined by the ability of the accused of being unscratched through dangerous and painful test.
⚫ 13TH Century – Securing Sanctuary
⚫ Burgundian Code
◼ In the 13th century a criminal could avoid punishment by claiming refugee in a church for a period of 40
◼ Introduced the concept of restitution. An offender had to pay specified value in order not to undergo
days, at the end of which time he is compelled to leave the realm by a road or path assigned to him.
physical sufferings as penalty.
⚫ 16th Century
◼ Death penalty awaits slaves who committed murder, assaults on noble or middle class women, and
◼ Transportation of criminals in England was authorized. At the end of the 16th century Russia and other
sexual relations with noble or middle class women, and giving aid and comfort to escape offenders
European countries followed this system. It partially relieved overcrowding of prisons. Transportation
among others.
was abandon in 1826.
⚫ Code of Draco
⚫ 17th Century to late 18th Century – Death penalty became prevalent as a form of punishment.
◼ Greek Code of Draco-in Greece, the Code of Draco, that provides the same punishment for both citizens
⚫ The Holy Inquisition - a general label for succession of Roman Catholic tribunals charged with the detection
and the slaves as it incorporates primitive concepts (Vengeance, Blood Feuds)
and punishment of the heresy. Inquisition proper did not begin until 1215 AD when the lateral council decided
◼ The Greeks were the first society to allow any citizen to prosecute the offender in the name of the injured
that the use of torture was appropriate, which was supplemented by an extensive system of the informers and
detailed records kept of every element in proceedings.
⚫ KING Ur-Nammu Code
⚫ 1ST HOUSE OF CORRECTION – St. Bridget's Well (or Bridewell) 1552 London and England. Used for
◼ The Code of Ur-Nammu is the oldest known law code surviving today.
locking up and employing whipping for beggars; prostitutes and night walkers.
◼ It was written on tablets, in the Sumerian language. 2100 – 2050
⚫ GAOLS – are poorly constructed unsanitary damp, drafty or airless gloomy dungeons, foul smelling places of
◼ It imposed the restitution and fines of execution, mutilation or other savage penalties. It holds the
detention in early 18th Century.
principle that offenders can be punished and at the same time the victims paid by making the offender
⚫ GULAG OF BANAUE - term gulag of Igorot tribes refers to where the refuse is dumped. in simple term, a
reimburse the victim for the value of whatever has taken or suffered by him as a result of the crime.
garbage heap, usually found in the mountain creek or crevice.
⚫ Code of Kalatatiaw
⚫ GULAG OF GERMANY - Gulag Prison of Aleksandr Solzhenisyn where thousands of Jews were slaughtered
◼ promulgated in 1433 by Datu Kalantiao
during the reign of Adolf Hitler.
◼ Oldest code in the Philippines
⚫ GULAG OF RUSSIA - The Russian acronym for corrective labor camp; Considered as the most dreaded and
⚫ Maragtas Code
feared prison at the time of Joseph Stalin between between 1934-1947.
◼ by Datu Sumakwel
⚫ MAMERTIME PRISON - prison built under main sewer of Rome in 64 B.C.

⚫ THE HULKS - or Prison Ships (an alternative to Gaol according to John Howard) is anchored in some English attacked the United States Capitol building in 1954), Mickey Cohen, Arthur R. "Doc" Barker, James
Port used as prisons. "Whitey" Bulger, and Alvin "Creepy" Karpis (who served more time at Alcatraz than any other
⚫ PANOPTICON - or Inspection Prison House designed by JEREMY BENTHAM described as TANK like inmate).
structure. ◼ James V. Benett – director of federal bureau of prisons, who wrote the closing of alcatraz prison.
⚫ 1ST ENGLISH PRISON – was made due to the terrible conditions of Gaols & HuIks. England built the ◼ Fred T. Wilkinson – the last warden of Alcatraz.
MILBANK PENITENTIARY in 1812-1821. ⚫ 18TH CENTURY - a century of change. It is the period of recognizing human dignity. It is the movement of
⚫ WALNUT STATE PRISON - 1st prison in US located in Philadelphia and establishes the principle of reformation.
SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. Walnut Street Jail is the 1st American Penitentiary. ⚫ GOLDEN AGE OF PENOLOGY
⚫ BRIDEWELL – a term for houses of corrections which were used for locking up, employing and whipping ◼ National Prison Association in 1870 in Cincinnati Ohio.
beggars, prostitutes and other misfits; first house of corrections. ◼ First international and penitentiary commission in 1875. HQ in Hague, Netherlands.
⚫ HOSPICIO DE SAN MICHELLE - (Hospital of St. Michael) built by Pope Clement XI in 1703 designed for ◼ Elmira reformatory was established in new york in 1876
incorrigible youths under 20 years of age. ◼ First separate institution for women were established in Indiana and Massachusetts.
⚫ MAISON DE FORCE – founded by Jean Jacques Philippe Villain at Ghent, Belgium in 1773.
⚫ GALLEYS - long, low, narrow, single decked ships propelled by sails, usually rowed by criminals; a type of PERSONALITIES IN THE HISTORY OF CORRECTIONS
ship used for transportation of criminals in the 16th century. ⚫ CHARLEMAGNE - gave powers to bishops to act as Judges on secular matters.
⚫ MILBANK PENITENTIARY - 1812, England, first English prison, established by John Howard and the new ⚫ KING EDWARD 1 - extensively used incarceration or imprisonment.
authorities. ⚫ POPE CLEMENT XI - built Hospicio de San Michelle intended for incorrigible youths below the age of 20.
⚫ NEW GATE PRISON – is not actually a prison but a copper mine located at Simsbury Connecticut where all ⚫ JEAN JACQUES PHILIPPE VILLAIN of Belgium - founded the Maison de Force that categorizes offender
inmate is confined underground. according to status.
⚫ AUBURN AND PENNSYLVANIA SYSTEM – the locking of inmates separately at night but worked together in ⚫ CESARE BECCARIA - published essay on 'Crime and Punishment' that greatly influenced the penal system
enforce silence in congregate at day. in the world; Humanistic goal of law.
⚫ EASTERN PENITENTIARY – was opened in Cherry Hill in Philadelphia in 1829. The prisoners are kept in ⚫ JEREMY BENTHAM – classical reformist who designed Panopticon Prison; Pleasure and Pain Principle.
single cells, where they lived slept read their Bibles and received moral instructions. ⚫ JOHN HOWARD
◼ Note: Pennsylvania System refers to solitary confinement for the whole duration of sentence while ◼ Father of Prison Reform
Auburn System is working and eating in congregation during the day with imposed silence plus solitary ◼ coined the word penitentiary
confinement at night. ◼ Sheriff of Bedfordshire in England in 1773 who discovers the Gaols and other penal institutions who
⚫ NEW YORK HOUSE OF REFUGE - 1st Juvenile Reformatory opened in 1825 in New York City paves way for prison reform.
⚫ MACONOCHIE THE MARK SYSTEM – progenitor of the Good Conduct Time Allowance which was adopted ◼ after visiting hundreds of Penal institutions, he wrote his book “State of Prisons”-published in 1777. This
by the Irish Prison System but carried in different manner. volume detailed horrors and made recommendations for their reform including:
⚫ RULING PRINCIPLE OF THE IRISH PRISON SYSTEM – progenitor of the individual treatment of offenders, ◆ Single cell for sleeping
group work therapy and parole. ◆ Segregation of woman
⚫ ELMIRA AND THE AMERICAN REFORMATORY SYSTEM - constructed like AUBURN opened in 1876 with ◆ Segregation of youth from other offenders
Zebulon R. Brockway as its 1st Superintendent intended for hardened criminal offenders. This system was ◆ Provision of facilities for sanitation
based on grading the performance of the inmate until it reaches the highest grade in order to avail parole: Its ◆ Abolition of the fee system by which jailers obtained money from prisoners of adequate salaries.
legal basis was the indeterminate sentence and good conduct and behavior using the mark system of ◆ Casework methods
Maconochie. This is also the 1st Reformatory Institution of America. ◆ Extensive use of parole, indeterminate sentence.
⚫ ALCATRAZ PRISON ⚫ MANUEL MONTESINOS – Director of Prison in Valencia, Spain who divided into sub-groups that relates to
◼ During the 29 years it was in use, the jail held some of the worst hoodlums America had ever known, classification of prisoners; appointed prisoners as petty officers in charge.
such as Al Capone, Robert Franklin Stroud (the Birdman of Alcatraz), George "Machine Gun" Kelly, ⚫ DOMETZ OF FRANCE - established an agricultural colony in 1839 who provide foster father or patron to
Bumpy Johnson, Rafael Cancel Miranda (a member of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party who young offenders.

⚫ JEAN JACQUES VILLEIN - Father of Penitentiary Science; Pionered the classification to separate FORMS OF PUNISHMENT: Primitive
woman/children from hardened criminals. ⚫ Death Penalty
⚫ ALEXANDER MACONOCHIE – penal colony superintendent who introduces the Marks System (like parole) ◼ Death by Hanging
that gives beneficial liberty to the prisoners. ◼ Death with Dissection
STAGES OF MARK SYSTEM ◼ Asphyxiation or Strangulation
⚫ Strict custody upon admission to penal colony ◼ Boiling to Death
⚫ Work on government crews ◼ Burning
⚫ Limited freedom on the island within a prescribed area ◼ Crucifixion
⚫ Ticket to leave ◼ Beheading
⚫ Full restoration of liberty ◼ Drowning
⚫ SIR WALTER CROFTON – a director of Prison in Irish Prisons in 1845 who introduces the Irish System ◼ Electrocution
where progressive stage system was used as basis for giving benefits and freedom for prisoner. This is a kind ◼ Lethal Injection
of modified Marks System of Maconochie. ◼ Shooting
STAGES OF IRISH SYSTEM ◼ Starvation and Dehydration
⚫ Solitary confinement of prisoners for 9 months, receiving reduced diet and monotony work that gradually ◼ Death Flights
progesses to a better treatment toward the end of the first stage. ◼ Beating
⚫ Assignment to public works in association with other convicts. ◼ Flaying
⚫ Sending to a place which was a sort of preparation for release, where the prisoner worked without ◼ Impaling
custodial supervision and exposing him to ordinary temptations of freedom. ◼ Gas chamber
⚫ Release of the prisoner on supervision under conditions equivalent to parole. ⚫ Iron Maiden
⚫ ZEBULON BROCKWAY – Superintendent of Elmira Reformatory in New York who adopted a grade system ◼ a box-like device with the front half hinged like a door so that a person could be placed inside: when the
for prisoner; forerunner of modern penology; grade system. door was shut, protruding spikes both the back and front entered the body of the victim.
⚫ A new prisoner was classified as as second grade ◼ Killing by way of strangulation, typically with an iron collar or a length of wire or cord.
⚫ Promoted to the first grade after 6 months of good behavior
⚫ Another 6 months of good behavior in the first grade would qualify him for parole. however, he would be ⚫ The Rack
demoted to third grade if he committed misconduct where he was required to show good behavior for 1 ◼ a kind of a device that drags apart the joints in the feet and hands.
month before he would be classified to second grade. ⚫ The Tower of London
⚫ FRANCOIS MARIE AROUET VOLTAIRE - believes that fear of shame was a deterrent to crime; a French ◼ originally built as a fortress for the defense of the city. This is a famous symbol for such a cruel
writer, historian and philosopher famous for his advocacies of civil rights including freedom of religion. punishment.
⚫ WILLIAM PENN – he prescribed imprisonment as a correction treatment for major offenders; responsible for ⚫ Banishment/Exile
the abolition of death penalty and torture as a form of punishment. ◼ sending or putting away of an offender which war carried out either by prohibition against coming into a
⚫ HENRY II – King of Great Britain in 1166 who ordered that all sheriff in his county must established a jail. specified territory such as an island to where the offender has been removed.
The three (3) Reformers Important to Correction: ⚫ Corporal Punishment
⚫ Cesare Beccaria ◼ Flogging
⚫ Jeremy Bentham ◼ Mutilation
⚫ John Howard ◼ Disfiguration
⚫ SIR EVELYN RUGGLES BRISE - he opened the best reformatory institution for youth the BORSTAL PRISON ◼ Maiming
(delinquent male youths aged 16-21).


◼ Use of stocks and pillory - a device made of a wooden or metal framework erected on a post, with holes ⚫ Retribution/Expiation - penalty must be commensurate with the gravity of the felony.
for securing the head and hands, formerly used for punishment by public humiliation and often further ⚫ Social Defense - as shown by its inflexible severity to recidivists and habitual delinquents.
physical abuse, sometimes lethal. ⚫ Correction/Reformation - regulates the execution of penalties consisting in deprivation of liberties.
◼ Shaving of the hair
◼ Branding ⚫ In the Philippines correctional institutions are of two types, the INSTITUTIONAL and NON-INSTITUTIONAL
◆ combined punishment (physically and mentally) CORRECTIONS. Large Correctional Services are primarily the responsibility of the Bureau of Prisons under
◆ Robbers, like runaway slaves, were marked by the Romans with the letter F (fur); and the toilers in the D0J whom are entrusted to:
the mines, and convicts condemned to figure in gladiatorial shows, were branded on the forehead ◼ To segregate from society persons who by their acts have proven themselves dangerous to society; and
for identification ◼ To strive at the correction of prisoners with the hope that when they return to society, they shall be able
⚫ Recent Forms (Before 20th Century) to lead a normal, well-adjusted, self-supporting and useful lives & law abiding citizens.
◼ Imprisonment
◼ Parole ⚫ National Prisons - 8 (DOJ-BuCor)
⚫ Provincial Jails - 82 (Provincial Governor/Warden)
MODERN PUNISHMENT ⚫ City Jails - More than 70 (BJMP City Warden)
⚫ Institutional Corrections ⚫ Municipal Jails - 1,445 (BJMP Municipal Warden)
◼ Death Penalty
◼ Imprisonment (live in or out) PHILIPPINE CORRECTIONS
◼ Rehabilitation and Correction
⚫ Non-Institutional Corrections PRISON
◼ Executive Clemency (partial serving of sentence) ⚫ Greco Roman word presidio: pre - before; sidio - inside. - presidio is synonymous to fence, cave, dungeon.
◼ Probation ⚫ a penitentiary, an institution for the imprisonment (incarceration) of persons convicted of major/serious crimes.
◼ Parole ⚫ a building, usually with cells, or other places established for the purpose of taking safe custody or confinement
◼ Release on Recognizance of criminals.
⚫ a place of confinement for those for those charged with or convicted of offenses against the laws of the land.
⚫ Retribution – carried out in the form of personal vengeance, thus giving rise to “an eye for an eye” philosophy,
putting the law into one’s own hand. PRISONER
⚫ Expiation or Atonement – in the forms of group vengeance. ⚫ a person who is under the custody of lawful authority. A person, who by reason of his criminal sentence or by
⚫ Deterrence/Exemplarity – gives lesson to the offender and would be offenders. a decision issued by a court, may be deprived of his liberty or freedom.
⚫ Protection/Social Defense – placing offenders in correctional institutions/prisons to safeguard the society ⚫ any person detained/confined in jail or prison for the commission of a criminal offense or convicted and
from further criminal depredations. serving in a penal institution.
⚫ Incapacitation - (physical or geographical) putting the offender behind bar is geographically incapacitated of
doing similar offenses; cutting off the limbs of the offender, ex..fingers or hands is physically incapacitating him General Classification of Prisoners
of doing theft or similar offenses. ⚫ Prisoners on safekeeping - includes non-criminal offenders who are detained in order to protect the
⚫ Rehabilitation/Reformation – directed towards helping the prisoners to become a law abiding citizens and to community against their harmful behavior. Ex. Mentally deranged individuals, insane person.
be productive upon the return to the community by requiring them undergo an intensive rehabilitation program. ⚫ Detention Prisoner - detained for investigation, preliminary hearing or awaiting trial. A detainee in a look up
jail. These prisoners are under the custodial jurisdiction of law enforcement agencies.

⚫ Sentenced Prisoners - committed to the jail or prison in order to serve time upon conviction by competent ⚫ ENRICO FERRI
court. They are prisoners under the custodial jurisdiction of penal institutions. ◼ argued that since the cause of crime could be identified and isolated, therefore, it could be controlled
through prevention and that one of the preventive measures is through the reformation of the society so
THE BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS that the breeding ground of crime is eliminated.
⚫ Formerly the Bureau of Prisons. It was renamed to Bureau of Corrections by virtue of EO 292 during the ◼ asserted “The problem of criminality will thus be solved as far as possible, because the gradual
Aquino Administration, as amended by Pres. Proc. 495 on Nov. 22, 1989. transformation of society will eliminate the swamps in which the miasma of crime may form and breed.”
⚫ The head of the bureau of Corrections is the Director of Prisons who is appointed by the President with the Thus means that human behavior is largely a coping mechanism in response to the worsening economic
confirmation of the Commission of Appointments. conditions.
⚫ As a Bureau of the Department of Justice, it has general supervision and control of all national prisons or
penitentiaries. It is charged with the safekeeping of all insular prisoners confined therein or committed to the SAN RAMON PRISON AND PENAL FARM
custody of the Bureau. ⚫ first Penal Farm
⚫ National Bilibid Prisons ( Muntinlupa, Rizal) ⚫ Founded by Ramon Blanco a Spanish captain in the Royal Army in August 21, 1869, constructed near the
⚫ Correctional Institution for Women & Children (Mandaluyong and Davao) southern tip of Zamboanga peninsula, originally intended for the confinement of convicted Moro “Insurrectos”
⚫ The Different Penal Colonies: fighting subjugation by the Spanish conquistadors and Political Offenders.
◼ Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm (Occ. Mindoro) ⚫ 1, 414.68 hectares at San Ramon, Zamboanga City. (Some books said its 1, 246 hectares)
◼ Iwahig Penal Colony and Farm (Palawan) ⚫ Copra production is its main production.
◼ Davao Penal Colony and Farm (Davao)
◼ San Ramon Penal Colony and Farm (Zamboanga) IWAHIG PRISON AND PENAL FARM
◼ Ilo-ilo Penal Colony and Farm (Ilo-Ilo Province) ⚫ established on November 16, 1904 in Puerto Prinsesa City, Palawan on the orders of Governor Forbes,
◼ Leyte Regional Prison (Abuyog, Leyte) the then incumbent Secretary of Commerce and Police during the American Occupation, it was made on the
suggestion of the Governor Luke Wright, designed for incorrigible offenders with an area of 38, 611 (36 000)
OTHER INFAMOUS PRISONS hectares of fertile virgin lands.
⚫ Intramuros Prison – located in Manila. Originally used as a fort by the Spaniards where Dr. Jose Rizal spent ⚫ Today it is considered as the world's most open penal institution.
some of his last days alive before he was shot at Luneta. This was utilized by the Americans and also during ⚫ designated area for persons sentenced to banishment or exile during the Spanish period.
Martial Law as jail for dissidents. ⚫ Originally comprised only of 22 acres or 9 hectares of land
⚫ Fort Bonifacio Prison – located in Makati City. This is a prison exclusive for military mutineers, civilian rebel ⚫ Iwahig was substantially increased with the creation of 4 sub-colonies within it, namely:
leaders and political prisoners. Among its former inmates was Sen. Benigno Aquino. ◼ Central : 14,700 hectares
◼ Sta. Lucia : 9,685 hectares
⚫ CORRECTIONS ◼ Inagawan : 13,000 hectares
◼ the official reaction of community to a convicted offender, whether adult or juvenile.
◼ also called as that branch of the Criminal Justice System charged with the responsibility for the custody, SABLAYAN PRISON AND PENAL FARM
supervision and rehabilitation of a convicted offender. ⚫ built on September 27, 1954 through the proclamation no. 72. The Sablayan Penal Colony was constructed in
a 16, 000 hectares lot located in virgin island of Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro.
◼ opens in 1876, consider as the first penal institution to remodel its penal philosophy away from punitive CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION FOR WOMEN
and retributive practices and veered them towards reformation and treatment. ⚫ Created on November 27, 1929 under Act 3579 (an 18 hectares land in Mandaluyong City, Rizal.)
⚫ 1941. established another prison facility in Muntilupa City. This establishment was constructed by virtue of
Proclamation 414 in 1931, as an enabling order to Commonwealth Act No. 3732. These official edicts were
also the official basis for the opening of the Davao Penal Colony in the Island of Mindanao.


⚫ constructed in 1936 ⚫ As one of the pillars of the Criminal Justice System in the Philippines correction pillar at present has two
⚫ 552 hectares lot atRizal, Muntinlupa City system based approaches. One is the institutional-based and the other is the non-institutional or community
⚫ The NBP compound houses maximum security convicts, outside the compound and within the reservation, based system.
three other satellite prisons are situated, Camp Bukang Liwayway (minimum security) Camp Sampaguita ⚫ Institutional systems - system were inmates (prisoners) are house for their rehabilitation treatment and
(medium security) Reception and Diagnostic Center (receives newly committed prisoners coming mainly from programs.
the jails nationwide except those committed by the courts within Zamboanga provinces.
DAVAO PENAL COLONY ⚫ Department of Justice (DOJ) - takes care of the National inmates (Prisoners)
⚫ Established at almost the same time and under the same authority the NBP was established in January 21, ⚫ Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) - takes care of Municipal, city and provincial Inmates
1932 by virtue of Act 3732 and Proclamation 414, series of 1931. with Retired General Paulino Santos, the (prisoners)
incumbent Director of at the time led the first contingent of prisoners that opened the colony which covers an ⚫ Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) - takes care for the rehabilitation of Child in
area of about 18, 000 hectares. Conflict with Law (formerly known as Juvenile Delinquents)
⚫ In 1942, it was used as a concentration camp for American Prisoners of War ⚫ Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR) - principally tasked for the rehabilitation of national prisoners so they can
⚫ Davao Penal Colony has two (2) sub-colonies: (1) Panabo and (2) kapalong with each under a penal become useful members of society upon completion of their sentence.
supervisor. It has also a settlement site for released prisoners who no longer wish to return to their homes but
choose to remain in Davao as homesteaders. This settlement area is called Tanglaw Settlement. NATIONAL/INSULAR PRISONER
⚫ One whose maximum sentence is more than three (3) years/fine of not more than P 5000.00
LEYTE REGIONAL PRISON ⚫ Violation of Custom Laws
⚫ The youngest prison farm in the country located in Abuyog, Leyte. This was established during Martial Law ⚫ Violation of Immigration Laws
by virtue of PD 28 in 1972. It was intended to be the model penal farm by First Lady Imelda R. Marcos. ⚫ Violation of Election Laws
⚫ established on January 16, 1973 through Proclamation no. 1101 to confine prisoners from Visayas. ⚫ To one sentenced to serve two (2) or more sentence the total of which exceeds three (3) years
⚫ 801.66 hectares.
⚫ Because it was her brainchild, the Cory administration abandoned it and is now considered as among the PROVINCIAL PRISONER
poorest prison farm in the country today. Political vendetta on the part of the Aquino’s prevented the ⚫ Those sentenced to six months and one day up to three years of imprisonment. (6 mos. And 1 day- 3 years).
realization of the LRP as the future prison farm of the Philippines. ⚫ Provincial jails having jurisdiction of their sentence


⚫ LEASE SYSTEM - run by handling over management to a private lease, who in return of the profits gained is ⚫ City Prisoners
responsible with the expenditures at the institution as well as discipline and maintenance. ◼ convicted in city and sentenced to a maximum of three years are sent to serve their sentence in City jails
⚫ CONTRACT SYSTEM - the state retains control and supervision while the contractor pays the state for the ⚫ Municipal Prisoners
labor toiled by the convicts. ◼ offenders sentenced up to six months in imprisonment confined to jail o the municipality where the
⚫ STATE-USE SYSTEM - products made in the state run institution are mainly used by the government. offender is convicted.
⚫ PRICE-PIECE SYSTEM - a private contractor supplies the raw materials and the state charges the cost of
labor based on the output products. JAIL
⚫ PUBLIC ACCOUNT SYSTEM - state is the sole proprietor and sells the products made in prison to open ⚫ a place for confinement of persons who are awaiting trial or investigation of their cases.
market. ⚫ a facility for locking-up of persons who are convicted of minor offenses or felonies who are to serve a short
⚫ PUBLIC WORKS SYSTEM - prisoners are utilized in the construction of roads, bridges, buildings, dams and sentences imposed upon them by the courts.
other similar structures.


⚫ Lock-up – is a secure facility, common to police stations, used for temporary confinement of an individual held ⚫ Jail Director 28
for investigation. ⚫ Jail Chief Superintendent 27
⚫ Ordinary Jail – type of jail commonly used to detain a convicted criminal offender to serve sentence less than ⚫ Jail Senior Superintendent 26
three years. ⚫ Jail Superintendent 25
⚫ Workhouse, Jail Farm or Camp – a facility that houses minimum custody offenders who are serving short ⚫ Jail Chief Inspector 24
sentences or those who are undergoing constructive work programs. It provides full employment of prisoners, ⚫ Jail Senior Inspector 23
remedial services and constructive leisure time activities. ⚫ Jail Inspector 22
⚫ Senior Jail Officer IV 19
Jails as a place of confinement for convicted minor offenders may be: ⚫ Senior Jail Officer III 18
⚫ Provincial Jails ⚫ Senior Jail Officer II 17
⚫ District Jails ⚫ Senior Jail Officer I 16
⚫ City Jails ⚫ Jail Officer III 14
⚫ Municipal Jails ⚫ Jail Officer II 12
They may be administered by provincial governments or by the BJMP. ⚫ Jail Officer I 10

BUREAU OF JAIL MANAGEMENT AND PENOLOGY ADMINISTATIVE GROUPS - take charge of all administrative functions of the jail bureau.
⚫ The BJMP hereinafter referred to as the Jail Bureau, is hereby created initially consisting of officers and ⚫ Personnel Management Branch – assistant of personnel, Procedures of selection, Preparation of personnel
uniformed members of the Jail Management and Penology Service as constituted under PD 765 (Sec. 60, RA reports, Individual record file.
6975). The Jail Bureau shall exercise supervision and control over all city and municipal jails. ⚫ Records & Statistics Branch – keeps and maintains booking sheets and arrest reports, keep an orderly
⚫ The provincial jails shall be supervised and controlled by the provincial government within its jurisdiction, record of fingerprints and photographs, Present/Prepare statistical data of inmates.
whose expenses shall be subsidized by the National Government for not more than 3 years after the effectivity ⚫ Property & Supply Branch – takes charge of the safekeeping of equipment and supplies and materials
of this act. needed for the operation of the jail.
⚫ Budget & Finance Branch – takes charge of all financial matters such as budgeting, financing, accounting,
In line with its mission, the Bureau endeavors to perform the following: ⚫ Mess Service Branch – takes charge of the preparation of the daily menu, prepares and cook the food and
⚫ Formulate policies and guidelines on the administration of all district, city and municipal jails nationwide; serve it to inmates.
⚫ Formulate and implement policies for the programs of correction, rehabilitation and treatment of offenders; ⚫ General Service Branch – responsible for the maintenance of the daily menu, prepares and cook the food
⚫ Plan the program funds for the subsistence allowance of offenders; and serve it to inmates.
⚫ Conduct researches, develop and implement plans and programs for the improvement of jail services ⚫ Mittimus Computing Branch – tasked to receive court decisions and compute the date of the full completion
throughout the country. of the service of sentence of inmates.

 The BJMP is headed by a Chief with the rank of Director, and assisted by a Deputy Chiefs with the Rank of SECURITY GROUPS - provides a system of sound custody, security and control of inmates and their movements
Chief Superintendent. and also responsible to enforce prison or jail discipline.
 The Central Office is the Command and Staff HQ of the Jail Bureau composed of 3 Command Groups, 6 ⚫ Escort Platoon - composed of the (a) Escort Section – to escort inmate upon order of any judicial body; upon
Coordinating Staff divisions, 6 Special Staff Groups and 6 Personal Staff Groups. summon of escort; or transfer to other penal institutions, and (b) Subpoena Section- receives and distribute
court summons, notices, subpoenas, etc.
 Selection System: Same with the Philippine National Police and the Bureau of Fire Protection. ⚫ Security Platoon – a three (3) working platoon shifts responsible for overall security of the jail compound
 Attrition System: Same also with the Philippine National Police and the Bureau of Fire Protection. including gates, guard posts and towers. They are also responsible of the admitting and releasing unit.

REHABILITATION PURPOSES GROUPS - provides services and assistance to prisoners and their families to ADMISSION PROCEDURE
enable them, to solve their individual needs and problems arising from the prisoners’ confinement. Upon admission in the designated cell at the RDC for a minimum of five days during which he shall be administered
⚫ Medical & Health Services Branch – provides medical and physical examinations of inmates upon the following:
confinement, treatment of sick inmates and conduct medical and physical examinations and provide ⚫ Physical and Mental examination to determine fitness (those found to have infectious decease and if sick, are
medicines or recommends for the hospitalization of seriously ill prisoners or inmates. It also conducts brought to the NBP hospital for medical treatment).
psychiatric and psychological examinations. ⚫ Orientation on prison rules that must be observed by the inmates; and
⚫ Work & Education Therapy Services – takes charge of the job and educational programs needed for ⚫ Private interview by a counselor, social worker, psychologist or whoever is available
rehabilitation of inmates by providing them job incentives so they can earn and provide support for their Within two months upon admission at the RDC, the inmate will undergo various test that will serve as the basis for
families while in jail. his individual treatment program. These test are the following:
⚫ Socio-Cultural Services – takes care of the social case work study of the individual prisoners by making ⚫ Psychiatric
interviews, some visits, referral to community resources, free legal services, and liaison works for the inmates. ⚫ Psychological
⚫ Chaplaincy Services – takes charge of the religious and moral upliftment of the inmates through religious ⚫ Sociological
services. This branch caters to all religious sects. ⚫ Vocational
⚫ Guidance & Counseling Services – responsible for the individual and group counseling activities to help ⚫ Educational
inmates solve their individual problems and to help them live a wholesome and constructive life. ⚫ Religious
⚫ IQ test
COURTS AND ENTITIES AUTHORIZE TO COMMIT A PERSON IN JAIL OR PRISON ⚫ and other test necessary to cope up with his treatment program
⚫ Supreme Court
⚫ Regional Trial Courts ⚫ Yes, usually upon admission, the inmate will be issued two regulation uniforms, two t-shirts, one pair of
⚫ Metropolitan /Municipal Trial Courts slippers, a blanket, mat, pillow with case, mosquito and one mess set kit. But this depends on the availability
⚫ Board of transportation of Supply.
⚫ Deportation Board ⚫ If he intends to bring his own personal belongings, he is allowed provided that the volume of his possessions
⚫ COMELEC he will bring in will not compromise safety and the situation of his fellow inmates.
⚫ National Prosecution Service ⚫ Even electric fans, Cassettes, video players maybe allowed to be brought in by the chief of RDC as long as
⚫ Police authorities this will not be exclusively used by the owning inmate but it will be shared with others. Unauthorized items
⚫ Other Administrative bodies as may be authorized by law brought in by the inmates will be placed to the custody of the guard in charge thereof properly receipted to be
return upon release or disposed at later inmate’s request or ordered condemned by the Superintendent after
MITTIMUS - a warrant issued by a court bearing the seal and signature of a judge directing a jail or prison two years.
authorities to receive inmates for custody/service of sentence.
CLASSIFICATION BOARD - tasked to classify inmate as to security status and for privileges entitlement.
⚫ Convicts committed to the BUCOR for confinement are brought before the admission and Reception and Composition of the Classification Board
Diagnostic Center. Inmates accepted by the RDC will be studied and classified. ⚫ Chairman - Penal Superintendent
⚫ The purpose of which is the formulation of an individual treatment program designed to achieve the most ⚫ Vice-chairman - Chief, RDC
successful rehabilitation. ⚫ Members
⚫ Medical Officer
⚫ Chief Education Section
⚫ Agro-industrial Section
⚫ Chief Overseer

SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF PRISONERS ⚫ Multirecidivism/Habitual Delinquent – a period of 10 years from the date of his release or last conviction of
⚫ Super Maximum Security Prisoners the crimes of serious/less serious physical injury, robbery, theft, estafa/falsification is found guilty of any said
◼ a special group of prisoners composed of incorrigible, intractable, and highly dangerous persons who crimes a 3rd time/oftener.
are the source of constant disturbances even in a maximum-security prison. They wear orange color of ⚫ Quasi-recidivism – person who shall commit a felony after having been convicted by final judgement, before
uniform. or while serving the same.
◼ Dangerous to others
◼ Color of uniform: Tangerine GOOD CONDUCT TIME ALLOWANCE - a deduction from a prisoner’s sentence as provided in Article 97 Revised
⚫ Maximum Security Prisoners Penal Code for good conduct in any penal institution.
◼ sentenced to death
◼ 20 years minimum sentence SPECIAL TIME ALLOWANCE FOR LOYALTY - a deduction of 1/5 of the period of his sentence shall be granted to
◼ remand inmates or detainees with 20 years minimum sentence under review by the Supreme Court any prisoner who having evaded the service of his sentence under circumstances mentioned in Art. 158 of the RPC,
◼ sentence under appeal gives himself up to the authorities within 48 hours following the issuance of proclamation announcing the passing
◼ those with pending case away of calamity, catastrophe such as earthquake, conflagration, mutiny, etc.
◼ recidivists, habitual delinquents and escapees
◼ under disciplinary punishment or safekeeping those
◼ criminally insane or with sever personality or emotional disorders and are a danger to others. CLASSIFICATION OF INMATES IN BuCOR
◼ Inmates confined at the RDC are automatically categorized as Maximum Security Inmates ⚫ Detainees - those whose cases are or have pending cases;
◼ Color of uniform: Tangerine ⚫ Third Class Inmates -hose who have been previously committed as a sentenced prisoner for three times or
⚫ Medium Security Prisoners more except cases involving non-payment of fines, or those whose classification were reduced from a higher
◼ less than 20 years sentence class.
◼ remand inmates or detainees below 20 year sentence ⚫ Second Class Inmates - newly arrived inmates committed for the first time or demoted from the higher class
◼ 18 years old and below regardless of case or sentence or promoted from a lower class; and
◼ have 2 or more escape records but have served 8 years since re-commitment ⚫ First Class Inmate - one whose known character and credit for work while still in detention earned
◼ with one record of escape but have served five years since re-commitment classification to this class; or one who was promoted from lower class; and
◼ youth offenders ⚫ Colonist - a classified first class inmate for at least one year immediately preceding his class as such, and
◼ sentenced to life imprisonment who have served at least 10 years as a maximum security and upon the has served with good conduct, at least one fifth of his maximum sentence, or has served seven years in case
recommendation of the Superintendent. of life sentence.
◼ Color of uniform: Blue
⚫ Minimum Security Prisoners COUPLE INMATES
◼ with severe physical handicap as certified by the chief medical prison officer ⚫ Yes, Husband and wife inmates may serve their sentence together in a prison and penal farm as soon as both
◼ 65 years old and above and not on appeal or without pending case as classified as colonists.
◼ have served at least ½ of their minimum sentence or 1/3 of their maximum sentence, excluding Good ⚫ The Superintendent may revoke colonist status for cause with the concurrence of the Director of Prisons.
Conduct and Time Allowance (GCTA) ⚫ Inmates should be grouped according to security classification whenever possible.
◼ with only 6 months to serve before expiration of maximum sentence.
⚫ Inmates who are confirmed to be insane maybe also be transferred to a mental hospital upon
TYPES OF CRIMINAL REPETITION recommendation of the Superintendent and approved by the Director of Corrections.
⚫ Recidivism – who at the time of his trial for a crime shall have previously convicted by final judgment.
⚫ Reiteracion/Habituality – the offender has been previously punished for an offense to which the law attaches TRANSFER OF INMATES TO PRISON/PENAL FARMS
an equal or greater penalty or for 2 or more crimes to which it attaches a lighter penalty

⚫ On the recommendation of the Classification Board and Director of Corrections may allow the transfer of an ⚫ Objectively handled and sanctions executed with firmness and justice
ineligible inmates to prison and penal farms if; ⚫ Due process must be observed before decision is come-up
⚫ Physically and Psychologically fit for the rehabilitation program in the colony; and
⚫ Such assignment is therapeutically beneficial to the inmate. BOARD OF DISCIPLINE
⚫ Established by the Director of BUCOR
Is medical examination, hospitalization outside prison facility and viewing the remains of decease relatives ⚫ Presided by the Assistant Warden as its chairman
⚫ Yes, upon the approval of the Secretary of Justice, the Superintendent may allow an inmate to go out of prison DISCIPLINARY CELL
for medical examination, treatment or or hospitalization in an outside medical clinic or hospital or to view the ⚫ If disciplinary measure proves ineffective, an obstinate may be confined in a disciplinary cell from 1-2 months
remains of deceased relative. The inmate allowed to view the remains of deceased relative should have a depending upon the gravity of the offense. But this punishment can only be imposed if the prison medical
minimum or medium security classification. officer, after examination, certifies that the inmate is fit to undergo said punishment or will not be adversely
affect the inmate’s physical or mental health. The prison medical officer shall visit the inmate in the disciplinary
DECEASED RELATIVES ALLOWED TO BE VIEWED THE REMAINS cell from time to time and shall advise the superintendent if punishment should be terminated on grounds of
⚫ Wife or husband (marriage certificate required) Physical and Mental Health.
⚫ Child (Birth certificate of the child and marriage contract of inmate)
⚫ Brother/Sister (birth certificate of brother/sister and birth certificate of the inmate) Can the Superintendent lessen or suspend the punishment imposed by the Board of Discipline?
⚫ parents (birth certificate of inmate) ⚫ Yes, the superintendent may lessen or suspend the punishment imposed by the board of Discipline if the
⚫ Grandchildren (birth certificate of grandchild and his/her parent related to the deceased); and inmates conduct justifies it and this is the inmate’s first time that he or she is subjected to disciplinary
⚫ Grandparents (birth certificate of the inmate and his/her parent related to the deceased) measure.

 Instrument of restraint shall not be used as punishment except to prevent an inmate from harming himself or
Limitations of the privilege of inmates in viewing the remains of deceased relatives others from destroying property.
⚫ The privilege may be allowed only if the remains is within 30 kilometers radius by road from the confinement  Pregnant inmates or if she is nursing a child shall not be subjected to disciplinary measures if it will adversely
facility and the actual stay distance is more than 30 kilometers, the privilege may still be extended if the inmate affect her unborn or nursing child.
can leave and return to his prison during the same daylight hours of the same day. The visiting inmate shall  The penalty imposed by the Board of Discipline shall form part of the carpeta and prison record of the inmate.
not be allowed to passed any other place in transit, or to join the funeral.
BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS - undertakes rehabilitation and treatment programs to help an inmate lead a
RIGHTS OF INMATES responsible, law abiding, and productive life upon release.
⚫ To receive compensation for labor he performed
⚫ To be deducted Good Conduct and Time Allowance (GCTA) from sentence as long as there are no infractions REHABILITATION AND TREATMENT PROGRAM - shall focus on providing services that will encourage and
warranting non-deduction under the law; enhance the inmate’s self-respect, self-confidence, personal dignity and sense of responsibility.
⚫ To send and receive Correspondence
⚫ To receive authorized visitors on designated time and place ⚫ In the correctional Institution for Women, there shall be special accommodation for pregnant inmates.
⚫ To air grievances through the proper channels Whenever practicable, however arrangements shall be made for the inmate to give birth in the hospital outside
⚫ To receive death benefits and pecuniary aid for injuries prison.
⚫ An infant born to an inmate mother may be allowed to stay with the mother for not more than one year after
DISCIPLINE which, if the mother fails to place the child in a home of her own, the superintendent shall make arrangements
⚫ Discipline as defined is an essential characteristic of a well-adjusted person with the DSWD or any other social welfare agency for the infant’s care. As far as practicable, the CIW shall
⚫ Discipline in prison should be firm to ensure good order have a nursery staffed by qualified personnel.

MEDICAL/MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS OF INMATES ⚫ Educational; and skills training;

⚫ The prison medical officer shall visit all sick inmates daily and attend to their ailment. He shall report to the ⚫ Religious service, guidance and counseling services.
Superintendent whenever he considers than an inmate’s mental or physical health has been or will be ⚫ Recreation, sports and entertainment;
injuriously affected by continued imprisonment or by any condition of confinement. ⚫ Work programs, such as livelihood projects;
⚫ Whenever an inmate is critically ill or dies, the prison medical officer shall report the matter to the ⚫ Visitation service; and
Superintendent who in turn notifies the inmate’s family by the fastest means of communication available. ⚫ Mail service
⚫ An inmate who needs medical treatment or medical examination not available at the prison hospital may
request outside medical facility for the needed examination, treatment or hospitalization. The expenses, BASIC NEEDS OF INMATES/PRISONERS
however, shall be born by the inmate and during the referral a member of the prison medical staff shall ⚫ Food services
accompany him. ⚫ Shelter or living space
⚫ In the case of an NBP or CIW inmate the Director of Corrections shall forward the request for outside medical
request. Unless absolutely necessary, referrals should be to a government facility. Private medical facilities HEALTH SERVICES
will be allowed only when no government facility is practically available. ⚫ The health service shall aim to provide quality health among uniformed personnel, civilian employees, and
their qualified dependence and inmates of various city, district and municipal jails nationwide under the BJMP.
 In Iwahig Penal Prison and Penal Farm, one of its noteworthy features is the privilege extended to colonists ⚫ The health services shall be composed of competent medical, dental nursing and paramedical staff to attend
to bring their families to live with them. Moreover, the government shoulders transportation expenses incurred to the health care needs of the bureau. Personnel and health care demands of its patience having and
in bringing the inmate’s family to his place of confinement. Schools for the inmates’ children, church, sustained by appropriate budget. It must have at least one functional or operational infirmary for every region.
recreation centers, post exchange, hospital and other community resources are available for the inmate and
 Colonist who lives with their family are assigned a piece of land to cultivate, and raise animals to support their OTHER FACTS OF THE PHILIPPINE PRISON SYSTEM
needs, the colony Post Exchange sells then their products. The idea behind this is that it is believe that the ⚫ FORT SANTIAGO - the noted oldest prison in the Philippines. Although almost all seat of Spanish
inmate’s treatment will be more effective. Moreover, allowing the family to live with the inmate will bring justice Government throughout the country has its jail and prison, but the most-known is the FORT SANTIAGO,
and lessen the hurt and ostracism being suffered by theses family members who have nothing to do with this where political prisoner are placed.
crime committed by the inmate. ⚫ PER CAPITA OF THE PRISONER – P40.00
⚫ DEATH PENALTY - Highest forms of Punishment LETHAL INJECTION - Mode of carrying out death penalty
⚫ The CIW offer trainings to prepare the women for a useful and productive life upon release. Some of the ⚫ The Law that re-imposed the Death Penalty
trainings being given are dress making, beauty culture, handicrafts, cloth weaving, slipper making and many ⚫ RA 8177 - Designating Lethal Injection as method of Carrying out death penalty.
others. Inmates released without any improvement in their capabilities as before they were sent to prison will
easily revert back to their old ways and habits that brought to prison in the first place.
⚫ Training builds capability and capability increase self- esteem. OTHER IMPORTANT ITEMS TO REMEMBER IN INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTIONS PROGRAMS
REHABILITATION SERVICES IN JAILS ⚫ Receiving – the new prisoner is received at the RDC, usually from provincial or city jail where he was
Purpose immediately committed upon conviction by the court, and escorted by the escort platoon during his transfer to
⚫ To change inmates pattern of criminal behavior and reform them into law-abiding citizens through the the National Prison.
implementation of rehabilitation programs in Jails. ⚫ Checking of Commitment Papers – the receiving officer checks the commitment papers if they are in order.
Treatment Program That is, if they contain the signature of the judge or the signature of the clerk of court, and the seal of the
⚫ Provisions for basic needs of inmates; court.
⚫ Medical and dental services;

⚫ Identification – the prisoner’s identity is established through the picture and fingerprint appearing in the ⚫ Conducting a group meeting with the members of the center’s staff to explain the purpose of the treatment
commitment order. This is to insure that the person being committed is the same as the person being named programs.
in the commitment order. ⚫ Holding session with the member of the center’s staff to explain the purpose of the RDC and what the inmates
⚫ Searching – this step involves the frisking of the prisoner and searching his personal things. Weapons and should do in order to profit them from experience.
other items classified as contraband are confiscated and deposited to the property custodian. Other properties
are deposited with the trust and officer under recording and receipts. TESTING PROGRAM: Within one to two weeks from arrival, group testing is given in the form of psychiatric
⚫ Briefing and Orientation – the prisoner will be briefed and oriented on the rules and regulations before he examination in order to have an analysis of the inmate’s personality which is very valuable to the rest of the center’s
will be assigned to the RDC or the quarantine unit. staff.

CLASSIFICATION - a method by which diagnosis treatment program is coordinated in the individual case. It is a ACTIVITY PROGRAMS FOR INMATES AFTER QUARANTINE AND ORIENTATION STAGES
process for determination the needs and requirements of those whom correction has been ordered and for ⚫ Work programs and Educational Program
assigning them to programs according to their needs and existing resources. ⚫ Vocational Program
⚫ Physical Training and Recreation
There are four separated but coordinated procedures of classification for inmates. STAFF INTERVIEW
⚫ First, the DIAGNOSIS, the prisoners case history is taken and has personally studied. Through examinations ⚫ Since each staff of the RDC has its own phase of study and responsibility, it is necessary that each of them
and observation, the Reception and Diagnostic Center staff determines the nature and extent of the person should plan his interview on every inmate on whom he is required to report, so that this questions are pointed
criminality and the extent to which he may be rehabilitated. out toward securing the information which will help him analyze the phase of study for which he is responsible.
⚫ Second, TREATMENT, this also performed by the centers staff consist in the formulation of a tentative
treatment program best suited to the needs and interest of an individual prisoner, based on their findings. Both STAFF CONFERENCE
diagnosis and treatment planning take place in the reception center. ⚫ The guidance or case conference where the prisoners after undergoing all the test, interviews and
⚫ Third, EXECUTION OF TREATMENT PROGRAMS, this consist in the application of the treatment program examinations appeared before the Centers staff Conference to plan out which his tentative program of
and policies by classification committee. treatment and training. After every member of the staff has given a report body votes on what program of
⚫ Fourth, RE-CLASSIFICATION, the classification program is kept current with the inmates needs and with the activities the prisoners should undergo including institutional training, recreational, religious program, medical
new analysis, based on any information not available at the time of initial classification committee meeting of and etc.
the inmate’s case, with continues from time to time of first classification until the inmate is released.
ADMISSION SUMMARY - a written report submitted by the center’s staff regarding their findings on the prisoner’s
ADMISSION PROCEDURE IN PRISON as complied, which becomes the nucleus of the cumulative case history of the prisoners.
In prison the procedure in admitting inmates are as follows:
⚫ Checking Commitment Paper ⚫ An account of the legal aspect of the case
⚫ Establishing Identity of Prisoner ⚫ Summary of the Prisoners earlier criminal history
⚫ Searching the Prisoner ⚫ Social History, or the man’s biography as a person
QUARANTINE UNIT/CELL - a unit of the prison or section of the RDC were the new prisoner is given thorough ⚫ Physical Condition
physical examination including blood test, x-ray, inoculation and vaccinations for the purpose of insuring that the ⚫ Vocational interest, competence and experience
prisoner is not suffering from any contagious disease which might be transferred to prison population. ⚫ Educational Status
⚫ Religious background and interest
The orientation procedure takes place the first few days in the center which consist of: ⚫ Recreational Interest
⚫ Giving the prisoner booklet of rules and regulation, or if not available, explaining the rule to them. ⚫ Psychological characteristics
⚫ Behavior at the reception center as reported by the custodial force

⚫ Initial recreation to group psychotherapy or group counseling of the form of treatment. ⚫ However, should he signed a detainee’s Manifestation under RA 6127; he shall be required to work and
treated like any sentenced prisoner. (2) a female prisoner shall be assigned to work on jobs suitable for her
COPIES OF ADMISSION SUMMARY age and physical condition. (3) Any prisoner over sixty years of ages may be excluded from hard work and
⚫ One copy goes with the prisoner whenever he is confined assigned to less strenuous details.
⚫ One copy remains to the central record system of the bureau
⚫ One copy remains with the RDC Is religious service offered to prisoners? How it serves the purpose of rehabilitating prisoners?
⚫ Copies may also be required, sometimes by the classification committee, parole agency, and other institution ⚫ Yes, religious plays an important role in a prison’s life, it is given for the purpose of changing the attitude of the
or (operating) appropriate agencies inmates by inculcating to them the value of religious beliefs.
USE OF ADMISSION SUMMARY ⚫ Sports and Athletics
⚫ Used by the classification committee as a guide in carrying out the rehabilitation program of the prisoner in the ⚫ Individual sports
operating institution ⚫ Dual sports
⚫ Used by the Parole office as guide in parole program planning and parole supervision ⚫ Team sports
⚫ Arts and Crafts like Basketry
VOCATIONAL COURSES OFFERED TO INMATES ⚫ Music such as organizing vocal groups
⚫ Auto mechanics ⚫ Drama and Literacy activities
⚫ Horticulture ⚫ Club activities
⚫ Shoemaker ⚫ Special Activities for special events like new year’s day
⚫ Tailoring
⚫ Hollow block makings Is medical and health services afforded to inmates?
⚫ Radio mechanics ⚫ Yes, these services include mental and physical examination of prisoners, observation, diagnosis and
⚫ Carpentry treatment, immunization and protection of the inmates’ population as well as the staff against health hazards,
⚫ Poultry and Piggery raising visitors of prisoners in segregation section, sanitary inspections, consultation with culinary and other official,
⚫ Electronics participation in training, classification, disciplinary and other programs of the medical officer.


⚫ Labor has frequently been considered as part of the productive treatment program. It affects reformation Counseling - a relationship in which one endeavors to help another understand and solve his problem of
largely, to the extent that it is conductive to changes in associations upon discharge from prison. It also adjustment. Counseling implies mutual consent and is used in working with offenders, encompasses the personal
contributes to the morale of inmates so that they are psychologically better equipped for making such changes and group relationship undertaken by the staff. Its goals are as follows:
in association. ⚫ Immediate solution of specific personal problem
⚫ Solving immediately family and other personal relationships
Are prisoners required to work? ⚫ Explore carefully long ranges problem of social adjustment and assisting the individual towards acceptable
⚫ Convicted able-bodied prisoners may be required to work at least eight hours a day on worthwhile and or solution.
government projects, except on Sundays and holidays. However, in the interest of the service, they may be
fully compensated for the service rendered. CASE WORK - correctional work consists of working with one individual at one time, which include professional
services rendered by the professionally trained personnel in the description and social treatment.
Is there a guideline for work services for prisoners?
⚫ Yes, (1) a detention prisoner shall not be require to work, but he can be required to clean his cell or the jail
area and perform such other labor as may be necessary for hygienic and sanitary reasons.

CLINICAL SERVICES penitentiaries on proper court orders or authority. In certain cases, it also executes punishment order for
Clinical services provide the more intensive diagnostic and treatment activities, which generally include the function persons from court.
of psychiatrist, psychologist, social workers, and particularly to offenders with deep seated emotional problems. ⚫ Subpoena Section - receives, distributes, and or serves subpoena, notices, orders summons and other court
Clinical Services aims: processes, directed to inmates confined in jails. It also makes a compilation of all subpoenas submitting them
⚫ Discovering the cause of individual mal-adjustment to the court section for the prompt delivery of prisoners to court.
⚫ Applying psychiatrist techniques with offenders towards effecting improved behavior ⚫ Security Platoon - three working platoon shifts, which shall be responsible for the overall security of the jail
⚫ Offering guidance and support to another staff member in their management of offender. compound; sees to it that all gates, guards post and towers are properly guarded and that the inmates do not
escape it is responsible for the proper system of security and court procedure of inmates in confinement and
AIMS OF INSTITUTIONAL CUSTODY, SECURITY AND CONTROL the searching of all personnel and visitors catering the jail compound to check and prevent the smuggling of
⚫ Prevention of escape contraband.
⚫ Control contraband ⚫ Admitting and Releasing Unit - a part of the security platoon. It is tasked with receiving of person committed
⚫ Maintenance of good orders to jail and the proper release of prisoners who have served prison sentenced or are on orders of complaints
court and authority.

FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED IN DIVERSIFICATION ⚫ Medical and Health Services Branch - provides the necessary medical and physical examination of inmates
⚫ Ages upon commitment treats the sick prisoners during the confinement and conduct medical and physical
⚫ Sex examination before the released. It is also tasked with the proper psychiatric and recommends for the
⚫ Medical and mental condition hospitalization and further disposition of seriously ill prisoners. It tasked with the inspection and
⚫ Degree of custody recommendation. The dental services treat prisoners of their dental ailments.
⚫ Work and Educational Therapy Services - takes charge of the work job and program needs for the
REASONS OF DETENTION OF INDIVIDUALS rehabilitation of the prisoners. It takes care also of proper job incentives and placement so that prisoners may
⚫ Violent insanity earn and provide material support for their families while serving their sentence.
⚫ Commission of crimes ⚫ Guidance and Counseling - responsible for the individual and group counseling activities to help inmates
⚫ Non-following the terms bail solve their problems to help them lead a wholesome and constructive life after their released.
⚫ Contempt ⚫ Socio-cultural Services - takes care of the social case work study, individual prisoners by making interviews,
home visits referral to community resources free legal services and liaison work, etc., for the inmates it also
Control Concept - involves supervision of prisoners to ensure punctual and orderly movement to and from the assists the prisoners avail parole or pardon because of their good conduct.
dormitories, places of work, charts, hospital, creation facilities, in accordance with daily schedule ⚫ Chaplain Services - takes charge of their religious and upliftment of the inmates through religious services.
This branch caters to all religious sect and denomination.
Preventive Discipline - involves prompt correction of minor deviation before they become serious which may deal
with the reprimand and is used when deviation is: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE
⚫ minor ⚫ a systematic response to wrongdoing that emphasizes healing the wounds of the victims, offenders and
⚫ Due to ignorance communities caused or revealed by crime.
⚫ The result of careless or faulty habits ⚫ an innovative way of dealing with crime.
⚫ rather than focusing on the breaking of a law, the system views anti-social behavior as a breakdown in the
SECURITY GROUP community relationships.
⚫ Escort Section - produces the inmates under proper guards, to the prosecutor’s office, courts, tribunal and ⚫ involves the offender acknowledging the hurt cause and taking responsibility for his actions.
judicial bodies or authority upon proper summon. It is also tasked with the transfer of prisoners to the national ⚫ allows the victim the opportunity to have his say.
◼ Meaning the victim may contribute defining what obligations are placed on the offender.


⚫ identify and take steps to repair harm done
⚫ involve all stakeholders
⚫ transform the traditional relationship between communities and their governments

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