Lab Design and Analysis of Active CS and Cascode Amplifier
Lab Design and Analysis of Active CS and Cascode Amplifier
Lab Design and Analysis of Active CS and Cascode Amplifier
Part II:
Cascode common source amplifier:
- Vdd=2.5V
- Output cap load CL=1pF
• • Spec: IDS<1mA , Gain ~ 50dB, output signal Swing ≥ 1.2 V
• Tasks: o DC, AC, Vin vs. Vout , Gain, Frequency Response.
Report Format: The report should include the following steps for each Part (50 points per part and total points
of 100). Note:
1. Objective of the lab
o Goal, objective, and the required spec for the amp.
o Draw the circuit diagrams.
• 2. Design &Analysis (10) 2.1. Design Steps: Explain design process step by step - From DC
parameter, the operating point, AC parameters, picking W/L, IDS, etc. (5) o Pick Veff ~ 0.1-0.2V to start
• o Identify the gain dependency to Vov and IDS. You can start with small Biasing current such as
10uA but you can pick any current biasing value below 1mA.
• o Choose W/L for the above values. Keep L at 2×minimum length.
• 2.2. AC Model and Parameters (5) o Find small signal parameters.
• o AC Parameters: Calculate AC parameters, device gm, device rds, gain.
• 3. Simulation (35) 3.1. DC signal at operating point Q (10): (Note: You will need to apply a DC
voltage at the input to properly bias Q1/M1 in addition to any AC or transient voltage.) Hint: The gain of
these amplifiers are high and the output DC is highly sensitive to the to the gate bias of the common
source devices. You can identify the proper value by sweeping the gate votage. In real circuits a common
mode feedback sets the output DC value, we will learn it later in the class. o Find the DC
• o Capture snapshots of the circuit with DC parameters.
• o Plot Vout vs. Vin and Vin vs. Vin in the same plot.
• 3.2. Apply AC input signal amplitude =1 mV at 1kHz (15): o AC: Plot Gain vs.
Frequency and Phase vs. Frequency.
• o Trans: Plot transient response vout;
• 3.3. Maximum Input / Output Signal Swing (Trans) (5): o Increase the input signal and roughly find
the maximum input signal amplitude resulting in the non-distortion output; (output signal peaks saturate
after certain input signal)
• o Plot transient response vin and vout;
• 3.4. Distortion: Increase input voltage above maximum input and examine the distortion / harmonics
(Trans) (5): o Plot transient response vin and vout;
• o Using FFT calculator, plot the spectrum of the input and output
• o Discuss the output distortion.