Evaluation 2022 Third Year

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Level: 3rd Year Diagnostic Assessment

Today’s Date:_____________________________________
Last First
Birth Date:______________________________________________ Age at Last Birthday:_______________
Month / Date / Year
1. In your language, are reading and writing easy or difficult for you? ____________________
2. How did you learn to read and write? (Circle one.) school family tutor other
3. Other languages you speak:_________________________
4. Other languages you read or write:_____________________________
5. How long have you studied English?_________________________
6. Describe your ability in English: (Circle the best description.)
Understanding is ... always difficult sometimes difficult never difficult
Speaking is ... always difficult sometimes difficult never difficult
Reading is ... always difficult sometimes difficult never difficult
Writing is ... always difficult sometimes difficult never difficult
1. Read the passage carefully then answer all the questions.

Working for the common good of all

One day, it occurred to the members of the body that they were doing all the
work and the belly was getting all the food. They held a meeting, and after a long
discussion, decided to go on strike until the belly did its proper share of the work. For a
day or two, the hands refused to take the food, the mouth refused to receive it, and the
teeth had no work to do. After a while, the members began to find that they themselves
were not in good condition. The hands could hardly move, the mouth was parched and
1. Why
dry,did thethe
while members
legs wereof the body
unable to decide
on strike?
So, they found that even the belly, in
its quiet way, was doing necessary work for the body, and that all must work together or
the body will not be well. In the same vein, we must all play our individual role in caring for
the planet earth. If everyone plays his or her own part dutifully, by avoiding the things
that could destroy it, all will be well.
2. Did they make the right decision? Justify.



3. Rank the statements below. (very high priority/high priority/middle priority/ low
priority/ very low priority)
a. Spending time with friends.
b. What you will be eating for your next meal.
c. Pollution of the air, land and sea.
d. The results of your favorite sports competition.
e. Endangered animals and loss of animal species.
f. Your future career/job.
g. The amount of plastic in the world’s oceans.
4. How do you intend to play your own part in caring for the planet earth?



5. Find one word from the passage which means the same, or nearly the same, as the words below:

with difficulty
6. Match the underlined examples in the passage with the grammatical terms listed.

time conjunction
reflexive pronoun
model expressing obligation
Prefix + root

7. What is an ideal teacher like for you?


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