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Case Studies in Construction Materials: Benamar Balegh, Hamid Sellaf, Adda Hadjmostefa

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Case Studies in Construction Materials 13 (2020) e00368

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Case Studies in Construction Materials

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Effect of ceramic waste on mechanical and geotechnical

properties of tuff treated by cement
Benamar Balegha,b,c,* , Hamid Sellafa,b,c , Adda Hadjmostefaa,b,c
Department of Science and Technology, Ahmed Draia Adrar University, Civil Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Sidi Bel Abbes,
01000, Algeria
Civil Engineering and Hydraulic Department, Saida University, Civil Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Sidi Bel Abbes, 20000,
Civil Engineering Department, Relizane University Center, Industrial Engineering and Sustainable Development Laboratory, 48000, Algeria


Article history: Experimental work has been undertaken to study the ceramic waste effect on mechanical
Received 8 May 2019 and geotechnical properties of tuff treated by cement using a mixing ratio. This study aims
Received in revised form 6 August 2019 at improving the tuff used in construction in addition of ceramic powder waste in the
Accepted 22 April 2020
various ratios 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30%. Consistency limits, straight shear, odometer,
compacting, compressive strength, sensitivity to water tests were performed to determine
Keywords: the mixture optimal composition. Then cement content was added to the optimized
ceramic waste
mixture to improve the mechanical characteristics. The results suggest that the mechanical
and geotechnical indexes increase considerably with the ceramic powder content thus the
mechanical ceramic powder can be used as a reinforcing material for tuff modification, but at content
geotechnical that does not significantly affect the compressibility of the mixture.
construction Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://

1. Introduction

In Algeria, tuff covers an area of approximately 300,000 km2. These large volumes of materials can represent a source of
very interesting raw materials, particularly for a consumer sector of aggregates such as civil engineering [1]. They are
generally used in the construction of pavements (basecoats and foundations) for low or medium traffic and in concrete [2,3].
Currently several researchers have directed their studies to the valorization of the tuff and using it in the field of the civil
engineer [4]. Most of the experimental work carried out in recent decades has been focused on mechanical and geotechnical
behavior of tuff [5–7]. Theses researches includes the improvement and treatment of the physical and chemical and thermal
characteristics of the tuff under the effect of additives such as cement and other materials [8].
The ceramic waste is polluting and cumbersome. The construction sector in Algeria consumes 6 million tons per year of
ceramic material and delivers 15% to 30% of the waste generated by the total consumption, as given information, few kinds of
ceramics can also be considered as alternative compositions made by certain kind of tuff [9]. There are several methods of
reusing ceramic waste in different areas such as building materials, cement additives, infiltration, desulphurization
techniques, thermal performance [10–11], also polymer-based composites, clay-based materials, and mortar concrete
additives [12]. Moreover several experimental studies indicate that the workability of materials like concrete with adding
ceramic waste is good and that the strength characteristics are comparable to those of conventional material. [13–15].

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Balegh).

2214-5095/Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
2 B. Balegh et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 13 (2020) e00368

This work has undertaken to study the effect of ceramic powder on the geotechnical property of tuff with different mixing
rates. Two materials were studied (Tuff of Tizi located in quarry of north-western of Algeria and ceramic powder). The
mineralogical, physical and mechanical tests which include the sum of the tests (compaction tests by Proctor and CBR,
consolidation tests shear tests and simple compression tests) were undertaken on tuffs, ceramic powder and their mixtures
with different content (5, 10, 15, 20, and 30%).
In this study, the results show that liquidity limits, wave potentials, mechanical behavior and time to achieve maximum
lift gradually decrease as the ceramic powder content increases, this reduction is important for tuff with the highest content
of ceramic powder. Due to the high compressibility of the ceramic powder, compression and decompression indices decrease
considerably with the ceramic powder content. Also the results show that the ceramic powder can be used to reinforce and
improve material for the tuffs, but with a content that should not affect the compressibility mixture well. The results in terms
of Consistency limits, Straight shear test Odometer, tests compacting, test compressive strength, sensitivity to water
differences were recorded and discussed.

2. Materials

2.1. Materials

Two different materials of different origin and physical properties were chosen. The first one was taken from the region of
Tizi in Mascara in northwestern Algeria. The second sample was ceramic powder resulting from grinding ceramic waste as
shown in Fig. 1. Table 1 shows some physical properties of tuff and ceramic powder, the specific weight of the tuff was 1.92,
while that of the ceramic powder was 2.58. The chemical characteristics of these two materials are summarized in Table 2.
From the granulometric studied, the tuff particles have a maximum diameter (Dmax) of 8 mm with a sandy fraction
(< 2 mm) of the order of 68%. Grains size between 0 and 80 mm is of the order of 22%, these particles are non-clayey fines
(IP = 40). Regarding curve of the ceramic powder, the composition spread over the three corridors (fine sand, silt and clay). It
is a fine soil, because the percentage of fine elements (80 mm) presents more than 50% (99.6%), C2 (43%) which present also
the particles’ percentage < 2 mm.
According to Fig. 2 of XRD patterns, the main components of tuff are calcite (CaCO3), Dolomite (CaMg (CO3)2) and quartz
(SiO2).Ceramic powder consists of quartz (SiO2) and Microcline (KAlSi3O8). The XRD results indicate that the structures of
Ceramic powder and Microcline are regular (crystal).

2.2. Classification of the material according to the GTR (LCPC-SETRA, 2000)

As part of the valorization in road technique, the classification of materials GTR according to the French standardNF-P11-
300 [16,17], makes it possible to place the material of the region of Tizi in class B, that of the clay sand (SA / SC). The particle
size, the blue value and the Atterberg limits direct this material towards the subclass B5 by the class A2 ceramic powder.
From these analyzes, the use of this Tuff in road structures according to the GTR guide requires pretreatment to meet the
demand requirements in terms of lift and deformation [18].

Fig. 1. Photograph showing tuff (i), ceramic powder (ii).

B. Balegh et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 13 (2020) e00368 3

Table 1
Some properties of the investigated tuff and ceramic powder (43%) which present also the percentage of the particles < 2 mm.

Properties Ceramic powder Tuff

Consistency limits : NF: 94051 Liquid limit (%) 22 39
Plastic limit (%) - 23
Plasticity index (%) - 16
Specific weight NF: P 94-054 Specific weight 2.58 1.92
Grains sizes analysis NF: P 94-057 Sand (%) 5 40
Silt (%) 39.60 50
Clay (%) 55.40 10
Maximum dry density: gopm (g/cm3) 1.73 1.96
Compaction NF P 94-093 Volume of blue VB (cm3) 0.12 0.85
Specific surface SST (m2/g) 2.52 17.85

Table 2
Chemical compositions of Tuff and ceramic powder and cement.

Property Ceramic Tuff Cement

SiO2 (%) 66.32 9.56 22,76
Al2O3 (%) 14.01 2.65 5.96
Fe2O3 (%) 3.63 0.58 3,57
CaO (%) 6.73 70.25 63,43
MgO (%) 1.36 2.61 0.21
NaOH (%) 1.90 4.90 0.15
Cl (%) 1.05 0.25 0.25
SiO3 (%) 0.02 1.2 1.95
P.F2 (%) 4.98 7.73 1.72

3. Methods

3.1. Preparation of tuff-ceramic mixtures

According to some relevant studies on tuff enhancement by additions, the percentages studied for sand dunes are
typically 5, 15, 25 and 35% by weight of the parent tuff and calcareous sand 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% by weight of the parent tuff
[19]. For the rubber granulate, the percentages studied are 10, 20, 25 and 50% by total weight of reinforced samples [20]. For
this study, the tuffs were mixed with ceramic powders and the content of the addition was chosen as 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30% by
the total weight of the composite samples. As the additions tend to accumulate, significant care and time have been devoted
to a homogeneous distribution of the additions in the mixtures. The materials used were called T and C for tuff of the region
of Tizi and C for ceramic powder.

3.2. Operating modes and experimental results

In many researches, samples are prepared in accordance with limit liquid. In our study, the specific gravity of ceramic is
less than half of tuffs, and used mixing ratios are greater (up to 30% ceramic powder), the mixtures were prepared with 20% of
water content, then the samples were statically compacted in the Standard Proctor Mold in five layers to ensure uniformity of
dry density. Samples were allowed under heave a 1 kPa seating supplement. After compaction of the soils and their mixtures,
the cylindrical and unreinforced composite samples were extruded from the mold using a hydraulic cylinder. The samples
were wrapped in plastic to prevent water loss.

4. Experimental results and discussion

4.1. Consistency limits

Atterberg limit tests were carried out to determine the limits of the consistency of the values of the soils and their
mixtures according to the AFNOR NF P 94-051 standard. The variation in the Fig. 3 shows the effects of ceramic powders on
the consistency limits of tuff and their mixtures. Liquid limits should gradually decrease as the content of ceramic powder
increases. The low plasticity of the tuff makes the mixtures less sensitive to the ceramic powder. The variation in the
mixtures limits of the consistency may be due to the type of mixture also to the caption exchange capacity and the relative
amount of clay minerals [21–23]. These results are similar to those of fine-grained soil types consistent with medium
plasticity that they investigated sand dunes effect [24].
4 B. Balegh et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 13 (2020) e00368

Fig. 2. XRD patterns and identified phases of tuff and ceramic powder C: Calcite, D: Dolomite, Q: Quartz: Microcline.

Fig. 3. Effect of ceramic powder on the consistency limits of tuff.

4.2. Straight shear test

Casagrande box shear tests were carried out on tuff at different treatments of the ceramic powder dosage. We obtained
the shear box which satisfies Coulomb's law:
t = c + s.tg f (according to standard NF P 94-071-1). (1)
Initially, the objective of this test is the determination of shear strength parameters for the tuff, which are the angle of
internal friction f and the cohesion c; secondly, we were interested to see the effect of the addition of chemical agents
(ceramic powder) on mechanical parameters.
B. Balegh et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 13 (2020) e00368 5

Fig. 4. Effect of ceramic powder on cohesion and angle of internal friction of the tuff soil.

Fig. 4 shows that the tuff alone develops the angle of internal friction. While mixture with a ceramic content of less than
15% develop remarkable cohesions in addition to the significantly lower friction relative to the tuff alone, this explains the
increase in shear strength. Beyond 15% of ceramic, the tuffs are completely embedded in the ceramic powder; the latter plays
the role of a lubricant that substantially reduces the friction between the grains and the cohesion of the mixtures.
From the result presented in Fig. 4, we observe very clearly only the measurements made on the tuff-ceramic powder
mixtures according to the shear test that the values of the cohesions demined according to the percentage of addition of
ceramic powder.

4.3. Odometer Tests

The consolidation tests were carried out according to the AFNOR XP 94-91 standard on all the compacted samples. These
tests were performed in the conventional odometer 50 mm in diameter and 20 mm thick.
It is observed that the ceramic powder is weakly compressible and its density is greater than half the density of tuff
(ceramic density 2.65 and density tuff 1.92). Through the Fig. 5 the compression index (Cc) and the decompression index (Cr)
were increased following increase of ceramic powder content, but the increase of graph are stagnated from the content of

Fig. 5. Effect of the ceramic powder content on compression and recompression indexes of tuff.
6 B. Balegh et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 13 (2020) e00368

Fig. 6. Effect of ceramic powder percentage on Proctor normal parameters mixtures.

ceramic powder exceeded the 15% thus the compressibility of the particles of ceramic powder is considered as important
element with respect to the compressibility of the composite skeleton in calculation, these results are consistent with
references [5,25].

4.4. Compacting tests (Proctor)

The Proctor test is necessary for soils used in road domain [26], it is carried out according to standard NF P 94-093. It is an
attempt to compress a given volume a number of samples at different levels of water and at the same level of energy
From the Proctor curves as shown in Fig. 6, we found that the untreated tuff has a maximum dry density of 1.95 at an
optimum water content of about 11.20%. After ceramic treatment, the Proctor optimum is shifted to a lower maximum
dry density and higher optimum water content. This Proctor optimum seems to be in agreement with the results of
reference [27].

4.5. CBR tests soaked

The samples were prepared according to NF P 94-078 standards. The tuff samples are dried in an oven for 24 hours at a
temperature of 105  C, and then pulverized by crushing with a mallet without breaking Solids. The sample of the tuffs dried
and optionally sieved to a sieve of opening equal to 20 mm is spread in a homogenization tank, then the sample is divided
into two identical parts in each part M = 3.500 Kg, these two parts is moistened to a water content corresponding to the
optimum of the modified Proctor test. For CBR tests a hydraulic press equipped with a torque ring is used to apply a
maximum force of 60 kN with a displacement speed of 1.27 mm / min.
The CBR index is determined immediately just after compaction. Fig. 7 shows the variation of the immediate CBR index
and soaked according to the percentage of ceramic powder. It is shown that the immediate lift increases continuously in the
range of ceramic powder contents (0-15%), resulting in an increase of the immediate bearing index of 10%. On the other hand,
for the impregnated case, and for a ceramic content of less than 10%, the mixtures keep almost the same index immediately.
Beyond 10% addition of ceramic powder, the impregnated CBR index increases by 12% to an optimum value of the order of
15% in the vicinity of 20% substitution of ceramic powder. This result is consistent with lower water levels and dry densities
continue [28].

4.6. Compressive strength

Samples are compacted at the optimum raw Proctor optimum and treated with percentages of ceramic powder 5, 10, 15,
20 and 30%. Subsequently, we determined the mechanical characteristics in simple compression as a function of the dosage
and the storage time of the specimens. The test pieces made were cast in a cylindrical mold of smaller dimensions, diameter
50 mm and height 100 mm. Then we kept the specimens in a room thermo stated at 20C . The shelf life is: 1, 7, 14, 28, and
56 days.
B. Balegh et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 13 (2020) e00368 7

Fig. 7. Effect of the ceramic powder content on the CBR-value.

Fig. 8 shows that mechanical performance increases with shelf life. This growth is in a direct relation with the drying of
the specimens, which is proportional to the shelf life, which explains why each decrease in the water content gives rise to an
increase in the mechanical strength. It is also noted that the treatment with a dosage of 15% of ceramic increases the
compressive strength up to 14 days and then stabilizes. It is seen that from 14 days with a dosage of 15% of ceramic, we find
that the resistance increases considerably, but at 28 days we note that the resistance of the raw tuff is higher in comparison to

Fig. 8. Influence of ceramic powder addition rate on compressive strength.

8 B. Balegh et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 13 (2020) e00368

Fig. 9. Sensitivity to water of test specimens of tuff- ceramic mixtures.

the treated tuff with a dosage of 20 and 30% of ceramic, therefore, there is a negative effect of the ceramic on the
homogeneity of the mixture when it exceeds the threshold of 15%. This compressive strength seems to be in agreement with
the reference [29]. Also at 28 days, this mixture acquires a maximum simple compressive strength of the order of 4.65 MPa.
This mixture is called TSCopt (85% tuff + 15% ceramic powder).

4.7. Sensitivity to water

Sensitivity to soil humidification has implications such as the drought effects on buildings, the behavior of some
embankments or the backfilling of transport infrastructure [30].
As shown in Fig. 9, the specimens were put in water after 15, 25, 35 and 50 minutes of immersion then they were put
instantly out of the water to assess their surface condition. The collapse continues as sample saturation reaches a total
collapse after 50 hours. This confirms the role of suction which vanishes at the total saturation of the test tube. This analysis is
supported by the results that the amount of silt is high (silt, sandy loam, clay loam), and the amount of pebbles is low.

Fig. 10. Effect of cement content on compressive strength of the tuff opt.
B. Balegh et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 13 (2020) e00368 9

Fig. 11. Compression machines, to test cylinders 50*100 mm2.

5. TSC opt with cement treatment

After the results of the various researchers concerning the treatment of the soil with cement [31,32], the optimal mixture
TSC opt was treated with cement according to the deferential 2, 4 and 6% content. The objective is to stabilize a soil with
hydraulic binders form calcium hydrates rapidly.
In the case of cement, it is assumed that after 28 days almost all the cement has reacted. The purpose of this treatment is to
make optimal mix TSC opt usable by the improvement of its mechanical characteristics, we will seek the dosage of the cement
which will give us better mechanical resistance. Then we studied the influence of cement content and shelf life on the simple
compressive strength. Subsequently, we studied the effect of the addition of cement on the mechanical parameters (Wopt, Gopt)
The cement used is a composite Portland cement (CPJ-CEM II / A) 42.5, its chemical characteristics are presented in
Table 2. From Figs. 10 and 11, it can be noted that the addition of cement improves the physical properties and mechanical
performance of the optimal TSC opt mixture. This growth is not proportional to the amount of cement added which proves
that there is a disruption of treatment it is noted for all curves that the Rc values for each cement dosage are almost identical
up to 28 days. But from this conservation time (t = 4 days) there is a rapid evolution of the mechanical characteristics
reaching 3 Mpa for a treatment with 6% of cement (t = 28 days).

5.1. Determination of compaction characteristics

The results obtained from the normal Proctor test for the different cement mixtures with the different dosages are given
by compaction curves in Fig. 12.
10 B. Balegh et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 13 (2020) e00368

Fig. 12. Evolution of Features Proctor for tuff soils and their mixtures.

From Fig. 12, we note that the addition of cement lowers the value of the maximum density reached and shifts the
position of the optimum towards higher water contents. This Proctor optimum seems to be in agreement with references
[32,33], the results show that for optimal TSCopt mixture at different dosage in cement (2, 4 and 6%) has a corresponding
different water content and the relationship is proportional to each mixture

6. Conclusion

Based on the experimental results concerning the effects of ceramic waste on the mechanical and geotechnical properties
of tuff treated by cement, it can be concluded that:
1. Liquidity limits should gradually decrease as the content of ceramic powder increases. Mixtures containing less than
15% of ceramics powder have remarkable cohesions and a much lower friction than that of tuff. The compression index (Cc)
and the decompression index (Cr) are increased with the increase of the ceramic powder content, but this increase is
stagnated from the ceramic powder content 15%. The maximum dry densities increase with the increase of the ceramic
powder in the mixture contrary to the water content of the mixture. the impregnated CBR index increases to an optimum in
the vicinity of 20% substitution of ceramic powder
2. The compressive strength of Tuff with 15% of ceramic powder increases up to 14 days and then it stabilizes. The addition
of cement improves the physical properties and mechanical performance of the optimal TSC opt mixture. It has chosen to
assess cohesion. This cohesion disappears almost completely after saturation of the material.
3. The parameters which are related to the conditions of realization as the water content, the mixing and the compaction
energy. These parameters must remain within an extremely tight range to lead to sufficient densities to avoid permanent
deformations during implementation.
4. It is also noted that the nature and dosage of the treatment used will influence the mechanical behavior of tuff. It is
important to point out, as we have shown in the obtained results, that the effectiveness of the treatment must take into
account the nature of the soil and the binder.
5. The addition of ceramic powder modifies the mechanical and geotechnical properties of tuff treated by cement and
leads the creation of new materials more compact and more resistant.
6. Finally, we conclude that our tuff treated with ceramic powder plus cement has a possibility to be used as backfill
material in comparison to our results with those found in reference [32].

Conflict of interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper titled ‘’ Incorporation of
ceramic waste to enhance the mechanical and geotechnical properties of tuff with treatment by cement ‘’.
B. Balegh et al. / Case Studies in Construction Materials 13 (2020) e00368 11


This work was supported by Civil Engineering and Environmental Laboratory of the University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria.


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