Silica Low Range - AP-07 - 900

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Silica, Low Range

DR 900 Analytical Procedure AP-07/900

Method: Colorimetric (DR 900)
Range: 0.02 to 1.60 ppm silica (as SiO2)
Testing Time: 10 minutes

Silica and phosphate react with the molybdate ion
in acidic conditions to form yellow silicomolybdic
and phosphomolybdic acid complexes. Addition
of citric acid destroys the phosphate complex
preferentially. An amino acid is then added to
reduce the yellow silicomolybdate to an intense
blue complex that is directly proportional to the
silica concentration.


Order all replacement parts and reagents by their
part numbers. To be sure this product is compatible
with your treatment program, contact your local also available separately
Nalco representative. Items marked with an “*”
are included with the kit or set. To place your Description Size Part No.
order, please contact your local customer service SIL-1 50 mL 460-S0626.71
department. SIH-2/SIL-2, 10mL 100/pkg 460-S0623.87
SIL-3, 10mL 100/pkg 460-S617P.87


Nalco DR 900 Colorimeter 400-P0900.88
Required Parts and Reagents Sample cells, 10-20-25 mL
Description Part No. w/cap, 6/pkg 500-P2555.88
Low Range Silica 10 mL
Reagent Set, 100 tests 460-P3112.88 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
Includes: Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for
SIL-1* 50 mL (2 included) specific reagent personal safety and disposal
SIH-2/SIL-2* 100/pkg (2 included) information.
SIL-3* 100/pkg (2 included)
Collect samples in clean plastic bottles. Analyze The following may interfere when present in
samples as soon as possible after collection. If concentrations exceeding those listed below.
prompt analysis is not possible, store samples
for up to 28 days by cooling to 4°C (39°F) or below. 1 mg/L = 1 ppm
Warm samples to room temperature before analysis. Color Eliminated by zeroing the instrument
with the original sample.
Phosphate Phosphate does not interfere at levels
less than 50 ppm PO4. At 60 ppm PO4,
If you have any questions regarding this procedure, an interference of –2% occurs. At
please contact your Nalco representative. In North 75 ppm PO4 the interference is –11%.
America you can also contact the Equipment
Iron Large amounts of iron interfere.
Help Desk at 630-305-CHEM.
Slow reacting Occasionally a sample contains silica
forms of silica which reacts very slowly with molyb-
date. The nature of these “molybdate-
unreactive” forms is not known. A
pretreatment with sodium bicarbon-
ate, then sulfuric acid will make these
forms reactive to molybdate. A longer
reaction time with the sample and the
molybdate and acid reagents (before
adding citric acid) may help in lieu of
the bicarbonate pretreatment.
Sulfides Interfere at all levels.
Turbidity Eliminated by zeroing the instrument
with the original sample.


1 2 3 4
Start Program 651 Silica LR Fill two sample cells to the Add 15 drops of SIL-1
Start TIMER 1
10 mL line with sample. Reagent to each sample cell.
Swirl to mix. A 4-minute reaction period
will begin.
Note: For greatest
accuracy, hold dropping Note: Reaction time given
bottle vertical. is for samples at 20°C
(68°F). If sample temper-
ature is 10°C (50°F), wait
eight minutes. If at 30°C
(86°F), wait two minutes.

5 6 7 8
After the timer beeps, add Start TIMER 2 After timer beeps, add Start TIMER 3
the contents of one SIH-2/ the contents of one SIL-3
A 1-minute reaction period A 2-minute reaction period
SIL-2 Reagent Powder Reagent Powder Pillow to
will begin. Phosphate will begin.
Pillow to each sample cell. one of the sample cells (the
interference is eliminated
Swirl to mix. prepared sample). Invert to
during this period.

Note: The time given is for Notes: A blue color will

samples at 20°C (68°F). develop if silica is present.
If sample temperature
is 10°C (50°F), wait two The sample cell without the
minutes. If at 30°C (86°F), SIL-3 Reagent is the blank.
wait 30 seconds.
Zero Read

9 10 11 12
After the timer beeps, place Press: ZERO Place the sample into the Press: READ
the blank (solution without cell holder. Tightly cover
SIL-3 Reagent) into the The cursor will move to the the sample cell with the The cursor will move to the
cell holder. Tightly cover right, then the display will instrument cap. right, then the result in mg/L
the sample cell with the show: SiO2 will be displayed.
instrument cap. 0.00 mg/L SiO2

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