Aircel-Save Tiger Campaign

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Principal communication to Chief Ministers

Protecting the tiger, our national animal, and its forests, is crucial to the water, food and economic
security of the state. These forests are life-saving infrastructures which will save lives, and livelihoods as
climate change moves into higher gear.
Enhancing protection for these forests not only consolidates the ecological and economic foundation of
the state, but would also prevents insurrectionists and terrorists, who are in league with the illegal timber and
wildlife trade, from stealing forest wealth, which they are using to buy arms and ammunition and to sustain
their cadres engaged in anti-national activities.
It is possible to offer guaranteed employment to all adults living in communities immediately surrounding
tiger forests.

Immediate Action Points:

1. Protect the Protectors: Fill forest Guard vacancies within six months. Give forest guards
better working conditions, the best leadership, equipment and training and restore foot
2. Consolidate Tiger Reserves: Notify buffer zones, protect corridors, stop large scale
construction, mining, and damaging projects in and around tiger reserves, divert new
highway alignments away from core/critical tiger habitats and restrict traffic from dusk to
dawn in existing ones.
3. Resettle Villages from core/critical tiger habitats: This should be quick, fair and voluntary.
4. Compensate livestock deaths quickly: Work with NTCA-recommended independent NGOs to
certify eligibility. Make quick and fair payments to prevent poisoning of carcases.
5. Crackdown on poaching: Follow up tight patrolling with speedy convictions and levy
punative spot fines and seize vehicles of offenders.
6. Declare tiger reserve buffers as Green Economic Zones (GEZ): All adults
living OUTSIDE, within 10 sq km of critical and core critical tiger habitats to be offered
livelihoods based on the restoration of the habitat.
The Terai landscape in Uttarakhand stretching from Yamuna to Sharda river currently has about 200+ tigers
with Corbett as the main source. This amounts to one-sixth of the current tiger population in India, but the
state has the potential to hold a significantly larger number. Towards this end, at the very least, the following
steps are required to be taken within a period of three years:
• Consolidate Greater Corbett Landscape – with the Ramnagar and Terai forest divisions under the
unified control of the Field Director, Corbett Tiger Reserve.

• Notify and protect corridors along the Terai Arc ie. Kosi river, Gola river corridor to facilitate animal
movement and minimiseconflict. The Terai Arc landscape from Yamuna to Sharda should be one
conservation unit..

• Remove the Sundarkhal encroachment bordering Corbett.

• Ensure the relocation of the Khandgaon village and ammunition Dump from Rajaji. Remove
irrigation colony (Kalagarh).

• Relocate Gujjars from the critical Corbett precincts.

• Set up a Special Tiger Protection Force.

Has a population of about 100 tigers, with Dudhwa as the main source. Consolidating this part of the Terai
landscape is vital for the survival of tigers in UP
• Declare core critical tiger habitat of Dudhwa

• Ensure smooth fund flow to Dudhwa

• Relocate Surma village from Dudhwa’s core

• Pilibhit has been given the in-principle approval by the centre as a tiger reserve, it must be declared
and notified at the earliest. Declare Suhelwa Sanctuary as part of Dudhwa. Secure the fragmented
Pilibhit-Kishanpur-Dudhwa-Katerniaghat-Suhelwa corridor which is one of the most potential tiger
habitats in north India. This will minimize human-animal conflict which is a major concern in U.P.

• A scheme/subsidy to incentivize farmers to shift from sugarcane cultivation to other crops like
mustard etc, as sugarcane fosters conflict. Sugarcane is of the same genre as wild grasses and
offer good camouflage and shelter to tigers, leopards and other wild animals and attracts

• Set up Special Tiger Protection Force

MP had the highest number of tigers in India, at about 300 according to the last estimation. The population
has seen a sharp decline since then, with tigers being wiped out from Panna. M.P. nevertheless, has the
potential to hold a significantly larger number. Towards this end, at the very least, the following steps are
required to be taken within a period of three years:
• Resettle villages from the core of Kanha and Satpura Tiger Reserves.

• Halt widening of the NH7 highway, which cuts through the Kanha-Pench corridor. The best option
will be to re-direct it from outside Pench.

• The Kanha-Pench landscape corridor hosts between 100-120 tigers at present. Improve the forest
cover along the Kanha-Pench corridor to enable easy movement of wildlife and also to improve the
carrying capacity of the entire landscape. With adequate protection just the Pench-Kanha
landscape (20,000) could house close to 250 tigers.

• Accountability of officers, as in the case of Panna, Bandhavgarh (death of tigress by vehicle) and
Pench (burning of a tiger cub carcass) incidents.

• A qualified Resettlement Officer should be appointed by the State Government dedicated to the
task of voluntary shifting of villages.

• Tourism in tiger reserves should be handled by a dedicated ACF-level ‘tourism officer’ and not by
ACF or RFO from the wildlife wing whose responsibility is and should be protection.

• Stop airstrip work near Suktara village near Pench Tiger Reserve (MP)

• NTCA and Madhya Pradesh states should declare Tiger Corridors publicly sothat all other agencies
should stop considering any new projects in the area.

• Issue final notifications of all the PAs which have been part of Tiger Reserves and notify proposed
PAs in corridor on priority basis.( Rukhard in MP)

• Set up Special Tiger Protection Force

The Bandipur-Nagarhole landscape is part of the crucial Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve hosting over 250 tigers,
over 2000 elephants and many other rare species, besides being a source of perennial rivers:

• The easy availability of water after construction of several dams in the landscape has altered the
cropping pattern as farmers have moved from millet (traditional) to sugarcane and other water
intensive crops. Encourage the farmers to move back to millet through subsidies or get into
ecosystem farming to ensure minimal conflict with tigers and elephants and other wild animals.

• Fill vacant forest staff posts immediately - more than 50 per cent posts are vacant at the moment.

• Redirect all public roads that pass through tiger reserves.

• Set up Special Tiger Protection Force

• Establish eco-sensitive zones in the immediate vicinity of tiger reserves to reduce pressure from
haphazard growth in hotels and other construction in vital wildlife corridors.

The disappearance of the tiger from Sariska in 2004 gave a big jolt to Rajasthan’s reputation of being an
important tiger state. Since then, the protection mechanism has improved, however to ensure a rapid and
sustainable recovery the government must:
• Resettle remaining forest villages out of Ranthambhore and Sariska

• Ban heavy vehicles through State Highway13 that passes through Sariska.

• Improve forest cover and protection in Keladevi and Sawai Mansingh sanctuaries to provide space
for more tigers. Ranthambhore currently has about 40 tigers. With better habitat availability the
population can double in five years.

• Fill vacant forest staff posts immediately. Ranthambhore currently has over 50 per cent vacancies
at the field level.

• A qualified Resettlement Officer should be appointed by the State Government dedicated to the
task of voluntary shifting of villages.

• Set up Special Tiger Protection Force

• Notify buffer zones around tiger reserves.

• Declare an eco-sensitive zone around Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve to curb construction of
tourism complexes in existing corridors.

• NH 7 should be re-directed so that it does not cut through Pench. Nearly 9 km of the highway
currently passes through Pench.

• NH 6 also should not be widened. It passes through the corridor between Nagzria Wildlife
Sanctuary and Navegaon National Park.

• The Mansinghdev forest must be notified as a Sanctuary and be made part of the Pench Tiger

• Vacate the Totladoh irrigation department’s settlement that exists inside Pench

• Fill vacant forest staff posts

• Stop the mining projects in Pench(MP)-Satpuda corridor (Maharashtra)

• NTCA and Maharashtra, should declare Tiger Corridors publicly sothat all other agencies should
stop considering any new projects in the area.

• Issue final notifications of all the PAs which have been part of Tiger Reserves and notify proposed
PAs in corridor on priority basis.(Mahendri in Maharashtra)

• Set up Special Tiger Protection Force

• Notify the buffer area of Kalakad-Mundanthurai and also of the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve.

• Declare eco-sensitive zone in the vicinity of the tiger reserves to reduce both tourism pressure and
minimise man-animal conflict.

• A system of speedy and fair compensation for livestock kills and crop damage to prevent retaliatory
killing and win support of local people for wildlife conservation.

• Voluntary relocation of villages/tribal settlements out of core tiger habitats.

• Identify and protect crucial tiger and elephant corridors. The corridor passing close to the Moyar
gorge is the last remaining elephant corridor between Western and Eastern Ghats. No
developmental activities must be allowed in and around this area

• Fill vacant forest staff posts. Currently there is almost 40 per cent staff shortage.

• Set up Set up Special Tiger Protection Force.

Besides having the largest populations of the one horned rhino, Kaziranga enjoys the distinction of
supporting the highest density of tigers in the world. To keep them safe the government must:
• Crack down on poaching in the Kaziranga National Park and also on illegal timber and wildlife
trade, which is also known to finance militant outfits.

• Not widen the NH-37 highway, which cuts through the vital Kaziranga-Karbi Anlong. If possible, the
highway must be redirected so that it does not pass

• Declare Eco-sensitive zone around Kaziranga to reduce human conflict with tiger, rhino and

• Set up the Special Tiger Protection Force in the Manas Tiger Reserve. Insurgency and poaching
have nearly wiped out tigers and rhinos and adversely affected more than 10 endangered
mammals found there.

• Set up a Special Tiger Protection Force.


• Relocation of Villages to prevent encroachment of buffer zones.

• Stopping highway construction through forests.
• Stopping Illegal mining and Timber trade in Forest Areas which lead to erosion of Forest corridors.

• Setting up of a Tiger Protection Force to check poaching.

• Fill up Forest Guard Vacancies for better control and monitoring over the poaching issue.
• Equipment provision & Training to Forest Guards to face challenges and tackle poachers.
• Adequate compensation to villagers to stop revenge killing.

Spread the Word

Let everyone know that our tigers are on the brink of extinction and that they need us. Now. You can start by
joining the Save Our Tigers movement on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, and spreading the word wherever you
go – online or offline.
A short message can go a long way to help save our tigers. Let all your friends know about the movement through
SMS – just type in your message and ask them to visit to join the roar.
Write to Editors
Write a letter or an email to editors of popular newspapers and magazines, asking them to support the cause and
highlight the urgency to save our tigers. The more people we can reach and inform, the louder our roar will be.
Organizations such as WWF and The Corbett Foundation work for tiger conservation and need our active support.
If possible, you can chip in with funds, volunteer for work or donate clothes, etc. for the forest guards by tying up
with such organizations.
Volunteer for Our Tigers
Your time is the most important contribution for our tigers. If you think you have the skills or the commitment to
help the tigers on-site, do contact an NGO working for tiger conservation to volunteer for our tigers.
Preserve our Natural Resources
Loss of habitat is one of our tigers’ biggest problems. We can reduce pressure on forests by avoiding unnecessary
use of forest-derived products, such as paper and timber.
Be a Responsible Tourist
Visit tiger sanctuaries and national parks and discover our country’s natural heritage. But please remember that
the wilderness is to be experienced, not to be polluted by packets of chips, etc

Write a letter or an email to editors of popular newspapers and magazines, asking them to support the
cause and highlight the urgency to save our tigers. The more people we can reach and inform, the stronger
our roar will be.

No matter how big or small, your support can make a difference to save our tigers. There are many credible
organizations working towards tiger conservation in India, and they need your support. WWF-India is one
such organization at the forefront of the effort. Click on the link below to see how you can chip in and help...
every little bit helps.


See it to believe it.

Watch. Share. Participate.

'Stripey' the cub blogs about the issues concerning our national animal.

'Stripey' the cub is on Facebook.

And he needs your support.

Tweet for our Tigers.

Every word counts..


Actions speak louder than words - this is how the movement is gaining

With just 1400 tigers left in the country the next few years are crucial if the national animal is to be saved
from extinction and the time to act is now. Aircel & NDTV have drawn up a Tiger Agenda - urgent measures
that need to be taken to address the rapidly dwindling population of our Tigers. This agenda will be taken to
all the chief ministers of tiger states and they will be asked to act now on the following matters - from filling
all vacancies in the forest department, to notifying buffer zones around tiger parks to taking stringent anti
poaching measures. On 18th July NDTV did a signature campaign across 6 cities to garner support for this
agenda. The signature campaign met with a terrific response with lakhs of people pledging their support for
the cause taking our tally over 6 lakh signatures collected and counting.
MS Dhoni, the Indian Cricket captain has pledged his support to the cause in

Indian cricket captain MS Dhoni has a new role, he is batting for tigers. As part of the NDTV-Aircel Save
Our Tigers Initiative.Dhoni along with NDTV’s Vikram Chandra presented the Uttarakhand Tiger Agenda to
the Chief Minister, Mr Ramesh Pokhriyal. The CM pledged his support to the agenda and appointed Dhoni
as the Brand Ambassador of Uttarakhand Tigers and Honorary Wildlife Warden of Uttarakhand.

People’s opinion
Tigers are facing extinction. It is a serious problem and we all need to look into this. We must take up the
following measures: firstly, poachers must be dealt with severely, appropriate coverage of the same must be
done to let people know of serious consequences - be it the inward villagers, authorities, political parties,
celebrities or anyone else.
Secondly, the government must acknowledge and reward people bringing information on and around the
illegal activities carried out in forest areas.
Thirdly, provision of funds must be made in association with the government and NGOs for rehabilitation of
tigers, with immediate effect.

Tiger tourism must be centralized. An eco-tourism corporation must be created and managed by a
professional board of directors. Safaris in all the tiger reserves across the country must be conducted by this
company alone. They should standardize the vehicles, set a carriage capacity, have trained locals as guides
and the drivers must be employees of this corporation. There should not be any concessions for VIPs in
such tiger reserves. The local forest departments must manage and protect the parks. The income earned
by this corporation must be ploughed back and invested in empowering local communities engaged in
conservation of the animal.

The slogan should, in fact, not only be "Save our Tigers""but also "Multiply the Population of Tigers". My
suggestion is: "Save and Multiply Tigers in India".
Forest conservationists/supervisors must be appropriately armed to face the poachers and take strict actions
against those found poaching and/or killing tigers. The forest officials should be suitably rewarded for
preventing poaching/killing of tigers.
Poachers should be given severe punishment with no provision for bail. A rigorous imprisonment for
minimum 10 years would be a deterrent. Involving and rewarding the local villagers in the vicinity of tiger
parks so they may keep a watchful eye on poachers and killers is also important. Areas must be clearly
demarcated for tigers to move freely – also in a manner where the poachers cannot and must not be allowed
to enter.

Updates from the campaign
Aircel Presents Kids for Tigers (The Sanctuary Tiger Programme: 2010 – 2011)
Aircel has partnered with Sanctuary Magazine on "Kids for Tigers". ‘Kids for Tigers’ is an action based
environmental education programme in 275 schools across 15 cities pan-India. This program has been
running for the last ten years by Sanctuary Asia’seditor, Bittu Sahgal. By using the tiger as a symbol of the
environmental health of our country, explaining how the survival of the tiger in the wild is linked with the
survival of all of the diverse natural richness that India is gifted with along with climate change mitigation.
‘Kids for Tigers’ has been active for the last 10 years and the theme for 2010-2011 is ‘Save Our Tigers’.

Achievements of this campaign

• Two day symposium in Delhi on the " The Future of the Bengal Tiger " where the keynote
addresses were by Dr. Karan Singh, Mr. Jairam Ramesh and other known conservationalists ,
Valmik Thapar and Belinda Wright. This was followed by the Teachers Environmental Leadership
Workshop for all the schools participating in KFT from Delhi.

• Two-day symposium on “The Future of the Bengal Tiger” in Kolkata followed by the Teachers
Environmental Leadership Workshop for all the schools participating in KFT from Kolkata and

• Actor Naseeruddin Shah flagged off the Kids for Tigers' Save Our Tigers rally of 400+ kids from the
Mahadevi Birla Girls Higher Secondary School in Kolkata. Mr.Fateh Singh Rathore, Dr.Samir Sinha
of WWF Traffic India, Mr.Pradeep Vyas the Director of Sundarban Biosphere Reserve and
Dr.Monirul H.Khan (from Bangladesh) too were part of the rally.

• A similar two-day event took place across Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore.

• Eco- friendly Ganesh Festival at Amravati

• KFT Rally at Nirmal High School in Gondia on the occasion of Nag Panchami

• NDTV KFT signature campaign across the four metros: Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and
Kolkata where around 3,47,000 signatures were collected
o Mumbai - 43,789
Delhi - 32,982
Bangalore - 1,27,489
Chennai - 60,360
Kolkatta - 82,440
Total - 3,47,060
o Highest number of signatures : A total of 1,27,489 signatures were collected
by the schools in Bangalore. Vidyaniketan Public school, Ullalupanagar got the
highest number of signatures - 29,009 !

• KFT Tree plantation activity that took place at Govt. Secondary School, Ranwal, Sawai Madhopur
on Aug 8, 2010.

• "Sundarban Chapter" structured a rally on Thursday November 11, 2010 to mark the Wildlife Week
that is being observed throughout the state by the Forest Department. Around 500+ kids from 2
schools of Sonaga walked across the village to pledge support for Bengal Tigers. A few months
earlier a Tiger had entered this particular village & a woman was unfortunately mauled. She
however recovered after a thorough treatment extended by the Forest Department. The Tiger that
was hiding inside a cowshed was cordoned off by members of the local Eco Development
Committee (EDC) & thereafter was tranquilized & rescued by the Forest Department. It was later
released inside the core area of the Sundarban Tiger Reserve, healthy & safe. As part of
conservation initiatives, such rallies boost the morale of both the field staff & local EDC members
who jointly tackle such sensitive situations.

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