Ansawi G. Malic BS-Criminology: D. Juvenile Delinquency

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Ansawi G.

Malic BS-Criminology

1. It is an anti-social behaviour or act which does not conform with the standards of society.
A. Juvenile C. Juvenile Delinquent
B. Juvenile Emancipation D. Juvenile Delinquency

2. According to the types of delinquency, these are characterized by serious emotional

disturbances within the individual and in some cases, they’re associated with tendencies towards
mental illness.
A. Environmental Delinquents C. Emotionally Maladjusted Delinquents
B. Disturbed Delinquents D. Psychiatric Delinquents

3.It is otherwise known as the law on the use of father’s surname of illegitimate children.
A. R.A. 9231 C. R.A. 9255
B. R.A. 9523 D. R.A. 9208

4. It refers to the youth behaviour which is against the norms and regulations of society which if
left unchecked would give rise to criminality.
A. Juvenile C. Juvenile Delinquent
B. Juvenile Emancipation D. Juvenile Delinquency

5. It is considered as the second home of a child, with teachers as the second parents.
A. Family C. School
B. Environment D. Church

6. It is otherwise known as the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children.

A. R.A. 9231 C. R.A. 9344
B. R.A. 9262 D. R.A. 9255
6. Any Filipino citizen of legal age at least sixteen years older than the adoptee may adopt a
A. The statement is correct. C. The statement is not correct because it
B. The statement is not correct. has to be fifteen years older than the
D. The statements is partially true.

7. Which of the following constitutes a type a juvenile delinquency?

A. Status offense D. A and C only
B. Civil offense E. All of the above
C. Criminal offense

8. A delinquency offense can be defined as:

A. An act committed by a minor, for which C. An act committed by a minor as a result
an adult could not be prosecuted in a of disequilibrium of homeostasis.
criminal court. D. An act committed by a minor with the
B. An act committed by a minor, for absence of any rational motive.
which an adult could be prosecuted in a E. All of the above
criminal court.

9. All of the following are types of juvenile disposition, except:

A. Conditional D. Nominal
B. Operational E. None of the above
C. Custodial

10. Which of the following is not one of the nine stages when processing a delinquency case
through the juvenile justice system.
A. Preadjudication juvenile detention D. Initial contact by law enforcement
B. Juvenile aftercare plan agencies
C. Juvenile intervention plan E. All of the above are part of the nine
11. A child below the age of ____, who commits a crime, is not held morally or criminally
responsible for the act.
A. 5 D. 12
B. 7 E. 14
C. 10

12. Which of the following choices is not a major source of date on delinquency and
A. Longitudinal studies D. Victimization surveys
B. Uniform Crime Reports E. All of the above a major sources
C. Self-report Studies

13. As per the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000 child means a person who at the time
commission of an offence has not attained the age of ____ years.
A. Fourteen years C. Eighteen years
B. Sixteen years D. None of the above

14. A place where child offenders may be detained any given education and training for their
mental, moral and psychological development is called.
A. Juvenile house
B. Juvenile hostel
C. Borstal institution
D. All of the above

14. Section 2 clause (a) of the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000 defines
A. Borstal institutions C. Jails
B. Borstal buses D. None of the above
15. An Ordinance to provide protection of the rights of the children involved in criminal
litigation is called.
A. Juvenile Justice System Ordinance D. None of above
B. Juvenile Justice System Act
C. Minor’s Act

16. A youth is considered a juvenile delinquent:

A. As soon as they break the law. C. When they are processed through the
B. When they are apprehended by the police. court and adjudicated.
D. All of the above

17. Alfred Blumstein estimated that ____% of all male juveniles would probably be arrested
before reaching the age of 18.
A. 27% C. 51%
B. 34% D. 62%

18. Which of the following is not an index crime?

A. Burglary C. Motor vehicle theft
B. Larceny D. Fraud

19. The overwhelming majority of the juvenile crime victims exhibited which one of the
following victimization risk factors?
A. Involvement in gang or group fights D. A and C only
B. Selling drugs E. All of the above
C. Carrying a weapon

20. Between 1973 and 1997, the most common victimization committed by juveniles was:
A. Rape D. Burglary
B. Robbery E. Murder
C. Larceny
21. Unreported delinquent acts, also known as ____________ are difficult to determine.
A. The dark figure of crime C. Smooth criminals’ acts
B. Escapes of crime D. The criminal uncertainty

22._______ is defined as taking an individual into custody for purposes of interviewing or

charging an individual with a delinquency offense.
A. Booking C. Arrest
B. Interrogation D. Indictment

23. The overwhelming majority of juvenile court referrals came from ____ sending the juvenile
to the country or city probation intake unit.
A. School personnel C. Parents
B. Police D. Victims

24. Most _____ indicate that the number of youths who break the law is much greater than
official statistics report.
A. Self-report survey C. Uniform Crime reports
B. Victimization Surveys D. A and B only

25. In 1999, what was the percentage, of all juvenile delinquency cases, which had been disposed
by the courts?
A. 12% C. 41%
B. 29% D. 57%

26. As per Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000 “Code” means

A. Pakistan penal Code, 1860 C. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1989
B. Juvenile Code 2000 D. None of the above

27. It refers to an age which majority commences at the age of eighteen (18) years.
A. Age of Minority C. Adolescence
B. Minor D. Age of Majority
28.It is otherwise known as the Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995.
A. R.A. 8043 C. R.A. 8304
B. R.A. 8403 D. R.A. 8034

29. In categories of children, he is the one who is crippled, deaf-mute, blind, and other conditions
which restrict their means of action or B. Mentally-retarded
communication with others C. Physically-handicapped
A. Mentally-ill D. Physically-disturbed

30. It is one of the theories concerning delinquency that views delinquency as a result of the
faulty perception and analysis of data of an individual.
A. Cognitive Theory C. Behavioral Theory
B. Analysis Theory D. Psychodynamic Theory

Reference: Criminology Board Exam Reviewer 2020 Sociology of Crims, Ethnics and Human
Relation (Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice System)

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