Anime Overflow

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Stack Overflow


This is simple backend architecture to provide design for Stack Over flow website. Stack
Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It is created in
2008 by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky. It features questions and answers on a wide range of topics
in computer programming.

II. Functionality.

• Any Member and Non-Member (Guest) can search and view any question.
• Authorized Member can post New question.
• Only Authorized Member can answer active question.
• Only Member can upvote answer or question.
• Member can report question answer for moderator attention
• Moderator can delete or restore already deleted question.

III. Service-Oriented Architecture.

This section gives detailed approach used to design each section of backend of
stackoverflow. The service provide RESTfull API that is used to communicate between frontend
and backend of stackoverflow.

First we will autheticate User using JWT token to see if User is Authorized member or not,
and based on Authorization we will provide respective power to User to use website. Authorized
Member can View Question, Create Question, Answer Question, upvote Answer and Question.
Guest Member (UnAuthorized Member) can view question only.

Created Question, Answer and rest of detailes regarding question will be stored in central
Data Base. User detailes can be stored in Central Data Base (In different Table) or in different
DataBase specific to user. For user data security it is prefered to user to seprate DataBase. All
Request and Response from frontend to backend and vise versa will be done using RESTfull API.

Moderator will check all Questions and Answers that are being reported from User in
DataBase and if Moderator found any Inappropriate Question or Answer then it will take down that
Question and Answer.
IV. System Architecture.

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