Online Exam System in PHP Using CodeIgniter

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Online Exam System in PHP using

CodeIgniter Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on Thursday, June 16, 2022 - 16:35.


This simple project is an Online Examination System. This is a web-based
application project developed in PHP, CodeIgniter, and MySQL Database. This PHP
CodeIgniter Project provides an Online Examination platform for the students of
certain Colleges or Universities. This web application gives an easy and effective
way for creating and conducting Examinations for the students. This has multiple
relevant features and functionalities for both Students and Lecturers or Faculties. It
has a pleasant user interface with the help of Bootstrap Framework, AdminLTE
Template, and other libraries to give the end-users a better experience while using
the system. It also consists of user-friendly features and functionalities.

About the Online Examination System

This Online Examination System Project was developed with the following:
 XAMPP v3.3.0
 CodeIgniter
 MySQL Database
 JavaScript
 Ajax
 jQuery
 Bootstrap
 Font Awesome
 AdminLTE
 DataTables

The Online Examination System Project in PHP Codeigniter requires valid and

registered users in order to gain access to the system features and functionalities.
This application has 3 different user roles which are
the Administrator, Lecturer/Faculty, and the Student. Each of these roles has
different restrictions and permissions.
The Administrator User has the privilege of accessing and managing all the
administrative or managerial features and functionalities. They can manage also the
list of the system users. Admins are the ones who add the information of the faculty
and students to the system. They are also the ones who can generate user access
for both Lecturers and Students. It also has the privilege to access the Exam Result,
Add Questions for Lecturer, and Clearing all the data on the database.
The Lecturer of Faculty has only limited access to features and functionalities. They
can add questions for the classes or courses he or she is handling. The Lecturer has
the privilege to create or conduct an exam set. He or She can create a new exam
with some relevant information such as the Exam Title and Schedules. The Faculty
can also view and print the Exam Result per Exam Set. They have access to view the
student result information in each exam set.
The Student user has the least features and functionalities of the system. Student
users' main purpose for accessing the system is to Take the Exams created by their
faculties or lecturer. They can only take the examination if it is still up and only once.
Each exam set has a timer set by the Lecturer which only allows them to finish the
exam on a certain time duration. If the countdown or the timer is up and the student
is not yet finished taking the exam, the system will automatically submit the
student's finished answers.

 Dashboard Page
 Display the summary of the list.
 Department Management
 Add New Multiple Department
 List All Departments
 Edit/Update Department Details
 Bulk Deletion of Department
 Import Department
 Print Department
 Export Department
 Copy Department
 Class Management
 Add New Multiple Class
 List All Class
 Edit/Update Class Details
 Bulk Deletion of Class
 Import Class
 Print Class
 Export Class
 Copy Class
 Course Management
 Add New Multiple Course
 List All Courses
 Edit/Update Course Details
 Bulk Deletion of Course
 Import Course
 Print Course
 Export Course
 Copy Course
 Lecturer Management
 Add New Lecturer
 List All Lecturers
 Edit/Update Lecturer Details
 Bulk Deletion of Lecturer
 Generate Lecturer System Credential
 Import Lecturer
 Print Lecturer
 Export Lecturer
 Copy Lecturer
 Student Management
 Add New Student
 List All Students
 Edit/Update Student Details
 Bulk Deletion of Student
 Generate Student System Credential
 Import Student
 Print Student
 Export Student
 Copy Student
 Relation Management
 Setting Multiple Class for Lecturers
 Setting Multiple Departments for Class
 Question Management
 Add New Question
 List All Questions
 Edit/Update Question Details
 Delete Question
 View Question Details
 Add File Per Question
 Add File Per Question Option
 Reports
 List All Exams
 View Exam Results
 Print or Download Exam Result
 User Management
 List All Users
 Edit/Update User Details
 Delete User
 Import User
 Print User
 Export User
 Copy User
 Update Account Details/Credentials
 Clear All Data in the Database (except the admin user)
 Login and Logout

Lecturer or Faculty
 Login
 Add New Exam Set
 List All Exam Set
 Edit Exam Set
 Delete Exam Set
 Re-generate Exam token
 View Exam Result
 Download or Print Exam Result
 Update System Account Credential
 Logout

 Login
 List All Exam Set
 Take Exam
 Mark Question as Doubt for Reviewing Before Submit
 View Exam Result
 Exam Timer
 Exam Countdown
 Update System Account Credential
 Logout

The source code was developed only for educational purposes only. You can
download the source code for free and modify it the way you wanted.

System Snapshots of some Features

Login Page

Admin Dashboard Page

Admin User List Page

Lecturer Exam List Page

Lecturer Exam Result Page

Student Exam List Page

Student Take Exam Page

How to Run ??
 Download and Install any local web server such as XAMPP.
 Download the provided source code zip file. (download button is located

System Installation/Setup

1. Open your XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL.

2. Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
3. Copy the extracted source code folder and paste it into the XAMPP's "htdocs"
4. Browse the PHPMyAdmin in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/phpmyadmin
5. Create a new database naming exam_db.
6. Import the provided SQL file. The file is known as exam_db.sql located inside
the database folder.
7. Browse the Online Examination System in a browser.
i.e. http://localhost/ci_exam/.

Admin Default Access:

Email: [email protected]
Password: admin123

That's it. You can now explore the features and functionalities of this Online
Examination System in PHP using CodeIgniter Framework. I hope this will help you
with what you are looking for and you'll find something useful for your future
Explore more on this website for more Free Source Codes and Tutorials.

Enjoy :)
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