RCCG Believers Manual

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Redeemed Christian Church Of God

Believer’s Class Manual




As new born babes desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow
thereby. 1 Peter 2: 2

Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual

The Redeemed Christian Church of God

Our Fundamental Beliefs in the Bible

Our Motto: Heb 13:8. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
We believe in the entirety of the Bible.
We believe that there is only one God and Jesus Christ is his son. Psalm 33:6-9.
We believe in living a Holy life after your repentance. Heb. 12:14
We believe in water baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost Math. 28:19
We believe in Restitution as a sign of true repentance. Acts 24:16
We believe in due reverence to parents and authority. Eph. 6:1-3, Rm. 13:1, Heb 13:17.
We believe Marriage should be between a man and a woman. Lev. 18:22.
We believe in payment of Tithe as 10% of your income. Mal. 3: 8-12
We believe in re-marriage based on the Bible alone. Matt. 5:31-32, 19:9; Mark 10:11-12; Luke 16:18; Rom.
7:2-3; Mall 2:13-16; Gen. 2:18: Matt. 19:4-6.
We believe in children dedication.
We believe in the resurrection and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Math. 24: 40-44.

As new born babes desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby. 1 Peter 2: 2

Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual


Understanding the New Birth

Memory Verse: II Corinthians 5: 17, Acts 4:12
To become a member of a family, you are either born or adopted into it. The new birth is the way you are
both born and adopted into the family of God. It is a spiritual experience that transforms you from the
kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God. It is both a spiritual and moral change. Christ lives in you by
the Holy Spirit. It is so vital an experience that no one can enter into God's Kingdom without it.
John 1:12-13; Gal. 4-5, Eph. 5:30-32

1. Understanding the fall of man through Adam

Adam was the head of the human race. Just as the head of a country can cause his country to fall or
succeed through his leadership, Adam changed the course of human race by falling into sin. Rom. 5:12
Satan deceived Adam Gen: 2:15-20, 3:18

2. Understanding the Consequences of the fall!

a. Loss of communion and fellowship with God Isaiah 59:2, Ehp.2:11-12
b. Spiritual Death: Rom.6:23a; Physical Death: Heb.9:27 Eternal Death: Rev. 20:15
c. Received the nature of sin and debt to sin.Gen.1:27, 5:3
d. Transferred our fatherhood to the devil JOHN 8:44
e. Slavery to Satan. Col.1:13, IITim.2:26
f. Loss of God given authority to the devil JOHN 14:30, Luke 4:5-6, Eph. 6:10-18
g. Loss of Dominion over all of God‟s hand work Gen: 1:28
h. Loss of freedom from disease, sorrow, hardship and sufferings Gen. 3:16-19

3. Undeniable Mercy and Pardon for sin

Some attributes of God: Righteousness 119:137-138, Jer. 23:6 Just: Deut. 32:4 ISA.45:21
Love: John: 3:16, Rom 1:8 Truth: II Sam.7:28, Eternal Life: Rev. 1:8

4. God’s mercy explained: To meet God‟s holy character of justice (for sin) and love (for the sinful
man), the last Adam was sent to break down the barrier between God and Man. Rom. 5:17-19, I
Cor. 15:21-22, 45-47

5. What the New Birth is not:

a. Being religious or churchy - Acts 10: 1-9
b. Keeping the law - Rom. 3:20; Gal. 2:16-21; Acts 13:39
c. Being Self-righteous - Is. 64:6; Phil. 3:8-9
d. Education and culture - I Cor. 1:18-27
e. Water Baptism - Acts 8:36-39

Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual

f. Good works and good morals - Is. 64:6; Acts 10: 1-2, 22

These things are good and important but they will not substitute for the new birth (Matt. 23: 23)

6. What is the New Birth?

1. It is a spiritual birth Jn. 3:1-7. Our spirit, not flesh becomes born again.
2. It is the quickening of our spirit that was dead to sin by the word of God Jn 1:12-13; 1 Peter
3. It is the process of being translated from darkness into light. Col. 1:12-13; Eph. 2:8-10
4. It is the process of substituting the Adamic nature i.e. the sinful nature, to the nature of God

7. Why is the New Birth So Important?

The human nature in any human being will stand against him or her at the gate of heaven if not substituted
or exchanged for a Godly nature
The natural Man is spiritually dead and cannot obey, understand or please God. Rom. 8:6-8; Jer.
17:9; Eph. 2:3
The new birth gives eternal life. John 3:16.
He must be re-born if he is to "see" or "enter" the kingdom of God. 1 John 3: 3-
The natural man is on a sloppy course to destruction Prov. 14:12, 12:15
The new birth guarantee that our name is written in God‟s book of life Rev.20:15
Without the new birth the natural man is the child of the devil. In 8:44; 1 In 3:10
The natural man is corrupt in his affections and perverse in his will. Gal. 5:19; Mk 7:21-23
The new birth affects our taste, habit, opinion, desire, vocabulary appearance and hope etc.
2 Cor. 5:1 7
Through the new birth, we are raised from death of sin to the life of righteousness

8. How Can I be born again?

Acknowledge that you are a sinner - Rom. 3:23; Luke 18:13; Ps. 51
Sincerely repent of your sins - Acts 3:19; Luke 13:3Confess your sins to God - 1 John: 1:19
or turn away from your sins and old ways – Is. 55:7; Prov. 28:13
Believe Him and His substitutionary sacrifice - John 3:16; II Cor. 5:21
Receive Him into your heart by faith and thereafter thank God for saving you -John 1:11-12;
Eph. 2:8

9. What are the Evidences of the New Birth?

The following characteristics will be manifested in the believer who is born again:
Discuss noticeable evidences of the new birth in your life since you openly confessed Jesus Christ
as your Lord and savior
1. A changed life - II Cor 5:17 Col. 3: 1-3
2. A Righteous and Holy life - I John 2:29, 3:7, 5:18 1Peter 1: 14-16
3. Overcoming life - I John 5:4
4. Power to life the Christian life John 1:12

Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual

5. Communion and fellowship with God. 1 John 1:3

6. Godly fear Eccl. 12:13
7. Godly love - I John 4:7
8. Witness of the spirit - Rom 8:16

10. How Can We Live this New Life Successfully?

1. By giving ourselves to the study of the Word I Peter 2:2, Ps. 119:103
2. By giving ourselves to Prayer I Thes. 5: 17
3. We must also submit totally to Christ. James 4: 6-7
4. by fellowshipping constantly with the brethren. Heb 10: 25

A born again Christian must be different from those who are not. This should be evident in the words,
thoughts and actions (what you wear, hear, see or touch) of the believer. Also he or she must let go off old
patterns of sins and do away with every form of destructive relationships and ways.


Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual



Memory Verse: Proverbs 28:13, HEB. 6:1-2
This is the first fundamental doctrine of Christ in the scripture. Nobody can lay claim to being born again
without the step of genuine repentance.

1. What does Repentance mean?

It is a firm conscious personal decision to change from sin (obedience to the devil) to righteousness in
obedience towards God, living holy, it is not an emotion. Heb. 6:1-2 Acts 3:19; 1Thes. 1:5-10

2. Repentance must involve the steps of:

1. Acknowledge the fact that you have sinned. Rom 3:23
2. Confess your sins. I John 1:9
3. Ask God for forgiveness and His mercy. Isa. 55:7 ,
4. Ask for Divine ability to forsake your sins. Prov. 28:13;

3. How important is the subject to us as believers?

Genuine repentance is followed by desirable fruits of love, peace, patience faith etc. Luke 3: 7-9 -
Jesus our Lord and master commanded us to repent and be saved. Mark 6: 12, Luke 24: 46-47 -
Peter commended it Acts 2: 37-38
Paul commended it Acts 17: 30-31
Nobody can say he is born again without genuine repentance.

4. What are the dead works from which we have to repent?

1. Sin Eph 4: 25-31
2. The works of the flesh Phil3: 1-3, Gal.5:19-21
3. Idols IThesl:9
4. Empty religion and all unrighteousness II Tim3:1-9, I Cor. 6:9-11

5. Elements of genuine repentance

1. Conviction - before any sinner can repent, he must be convicted that he has urgent need to
make his way right With God. Ps 3 8: 4; 51: 3; Acts 2: 3 7
2. Godly sorrow: This comes as a consequence of conviction by the Holy Spirit leading to
3. Renunciation: True repentance involves grief and hatred for sin turning from it to God. Is 55:7

Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual

6. Distinguish between genuine repentance and remorse

Leads to salvation REMORSE
Comes from the Spirit Leads to death
Godly sorrow for sin Comes from emotion
Regret for wrong doing
Heartfelt confession and desire to forsake sin
Shallow and transient concern about sin
Physical manifestation of holy life, thoughts and work Turbulent life of sorrow and failure

7. What are the results of genuine repentance; Ps 51: 12-14.

1. Cleansing with the blood of Jesus by faith. I John 1: 7-9
2. Assurance of forgiveness. Rom 5: 1
3. No more condemnation thus ability to have fruitful fellowship with God in prayer. Rm 8:1
4. Justification as if sins never occurred. A new creation. II Cor 5: 17
5. Peace with God and man. Is 30: 15
6. Burden of sin is lifted resulting in a time of refreshing. Acts 3: 19
7. Joy of salvation. Ps 51: 12-14

Remember, God is not mocked Psalm 86:5. The wages of sin is death but, God is ready to forgive if
there is a genuine repentance.


Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual



Memory Verse 1 PETER 2:9
Before Saul had his first encounter with God on the way to Damascus, he was an avowed enemy of the
Lord Jesus Christ. But after the experience on the way to Damascus, he became a different person. He
was commissioned and he started preaching the same Gospel he had persecuted. Acts 9: 1-22. Saul (later
Paul) was a servant or slave of the Law, culture and traditions but was turned to a servant of God in
righteousness. Now that you have, by the Grace of God become a child of God, you must now learn to live
and operate successfully in your new position. This is necessary because the kind of life you were living
before is a sharp contrast to your new life.

1. Knowing who you are

1. You were a servant of sin, a child of the devil that now has been delivered from sin and its
passions. Rom 6: 16-18; Rom 7: 5-6; Jn. 8: 24, 44; I Jn. 3:8.

2. You were taken captive, afflicted and dehumanize at will by the devil, but now have been
delivered totally from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of the Lord Jesus
Christ. II Tim 2: 26; Luke 13: 11-16; Col 1: 12-13

3. You were once no people, alien to the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants
of promise. Now you have been made Son, in fact, joint heir with the Lord Jesus and thereby
made entitled to all divine blessings. Rom 9: 25-26; Eph2: 11-16; Rom8: 17; Eph 1: 3; II Peter
1: 3; II Peter 1: 3-4; Eph 2: 19; I Peter 2: 9-10

4. Satan had rule and authority over you since you lost your first position due to sin. However,
the new you are now restored back to that former position and you now bear rule, power,
dominion and authority over Satan and his cohorts. II Tim 2: 25-26; Luke 4: 6; Col 1: 20-22;
Luke 10: 19; James 4: 7; Luke 9: 1; Luke 10: 1 and 17.

2. How does God see you now?

1. A new person entirely, whose sins have both been washed away and forgotten. II Cor. 5: 17;
Gal. 6: 15; Heb 8: 12; Rev 1: 5; I John 1: 7; Is 43: 25; Is 44: 22. Sins mentioned here include
every manner of sin committed in the past.

2. As being holy and peculiar to Him: He has consequently kept you as the apple of His eye. I
Peter 2: 9; Titus 2: 14: Ex 19: 5-6; Deut 32: 10; Zech 2: 8; Is 54: 15-17

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Believer’s Class Manual

3. The Immediate Things God Expects From You

1. Put off the old man and put on the new man: Eph 4: 20-32; Col 3: 5-10, Matt. 9:15-17.
What are the things to put off? Discuss

2. Break all diplomatic relations with the devil and his kingdom. II Cor 6: 14-18; Eph 5: 11-12;
Gal 4: 4-9; Ps 1, Deut 7: 4-6; I Cor 15: 33.
What kinds of relationships are we to break? Gal 4:4-9 PS.1:1, Deut. 7:3-6, 1 Cor15:33
3. Purify yourself, your thoughts and all you have on a daily basis, in order to retain God there. I
Cor 3: 16-17; Rom 12: 1-2; (Discuss) I Pet 2: 11; James 4: 7; John 17: 17.
How can these be achieved? Ps 119: 11 Thy word has I hid in my heart that I might not sin
against thee.
4. Have regular fellowship and unbroken personal relationship with God. (Discuss) I Jn 1: 1 -3;
James 4: 8, thou wilt keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee (Jesus Christ gave
us a good example) Luke 6: 12
5. Fellowship with other brethren at all times Heb Heb. 10: 25; Acts 2: 42-47; Ps 133: 1-3. Why is
this type of fellowship very important? Ecc. 4: 9-10; Matt 18: 18-20; Deut 32: 30.
6. Do all things in FAITH in order to please God. Gal 3: 11; Rom 1: 17; Heb 11: 6; Mk 11: 23-24;
Discuss -what is Faith? Heb 11: 1
How can we receive the victorious kind of faith? Rom 10: 17
Examples of victorious Faith: Rom. 4: 19-22; Heb 11: 17-19.

4. The Immediate Things You Should Expect From the World

1. The world will hate you. Discuss why? John 15: 18-19; John 17: 14; Man 5: 44-48
2. The world will persecute you, distinguish between persecution and accusation. John 15:
20-21; John 16: 33; II Tim 3:12.
3. The world will want to lure you into doing things of old. James 4: 7; Proverbs 1: 10-15


Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual



Memory Verse: ROMANS 6:4
This very important study will look into three types of baptisms every believer must undergo. These are:
The Baptism into Christ and His body
The Baptism in Water or Water baptism
The Holy Spirit Baptism

1. B aptism Into Christ and His Body

What does it mean to be baptized into Christ?
Being Baptized into Christ church by one spirit, I Cor. 12:13
By putting on Christ Gal. 3:27,
By having one faith in Christ Eph: 4:5;
By being partakers of his body I Cor. 10:17.

2. W ater Baptism
Our Lord Jesus Christ was baptized. Mt. 3:13-17
The first set of converts after the Pentecost was baptized. Acts 2:41, Acts 8:12, 38
As people gave their life to Christ they were immediately baptized. Acts 16:33; Acts 18:8
All of the above gave us the scriptural evidence of water baptism

Why water baptism must be by immersion:

The word baptism in Greek is "Baptizo" which means to submerge or immerse.
It expressed the reality of burial with Christ (Rom. 6:4).
Bible references indicate it being carried out by and in the river. (Mt. 3:6, 13)

The importance and or significance of water baptism:

It is an outward symbol of an inward reality - genuine conversion.
It is a symbol of identification with the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom. 6:3-6)
It is an open declaration of separation from the world.
It is to follow the example of the Lord Jesus Christ in fulfilling all righteousness. Mat. 3: 3-15; I
Pet. 2: 21; John 13:5

In whose name should water baptism be carried out?

We are to be baptized in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
The Minister of God (The Pastor) is the agent of this type of Baptism. Matt. 28:19.

Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual

How appropriate or scriptural is infant baptism? Discuss. (Acts 8: 12)

The scripture demands repentance toward God and faith towards Christ (Acts 20: 21) as basic conditions
for Water Baptism and no child can do this until he or she is matured enough to understand sin and what
to do to be saved.
Water baptism is a command
Water baptism is a command it is not optional, so long as a believer remains alive after conversion.
Mark 16:16

3. Baptism with the Holy Spirits

The regenerating work of the Holy Spirit is different from His work of baptism. In regeneration,
there is impartation of the divine life or nature of God (I Pet. 1:4), but in baptism with the Holy Spirit
there is impartation of divine Power for effective Christian service. Lk.24:49; Acts 1:4-5, 8; 3:1

What is the immediate outward sign of the Holy Spirit Baptism? Acts 2:4; Acts 8:17; Acts 10:44-46;
Acts 19:6-7
It gives power for effective and result oriented Christian service. Acts 1:8; 2:41
It imparts boldness for service. Acts 2: 1-14; Acts 4:31; Prov. 28:1
At regeneration, we have Holy Spirit as "resident" in the believer but at the Holy Spirit baptism, we
have Him as the "President".

Who should receive this baptism and when? Discuss Mark 16:17; Acts 10:44; Lk. 11:9- 13;
Acts 5:32 every obedient child of God.
Who is the agent of baptism in this case? Luke 3:16. The Lord Jesus Christ is the agent of Holy
spirit baptism.


Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual



Memory Verse: I PETER 2:2, Mark 9 29

Quiet time is the time set aside to meet with God. It is the time set aside to communicate with the Father
through the living Word with the assistance of the Holy Spirit. It is also a time to bring, our request to God
in prayer. Through Quiet Time we cultivate a relationship with God. In this study, we shall also discuss how
to have effective quiet time on a daily basis with God. Math 6:34 Says sufficient unto the day is the evil

1. Why the need for quiet time

1. We need Gods power to cope with the daily activities. I Kings 19:7; John 15:5; Is 40:31
2. We pattern our lives after our Lord Jesus Christ's life by following His steps. Mt. 14:23; Mk
1:35; 6:46; I Pet. 2:21
3. To cultivate personal habit of worshipping; the Lord helps our personal devotion. I Pet. 2:2;
Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1: 1-3; Ps. 95:6
4. To create personal adjustment to the teachings of the Bible; i.e. living by the Word, reacting
positively or negatively to the Bible. Jn. 1:21-25; Mt. 4:4; I Pet. 2:2; James 1:21-25
5. For God‟s power to live an overcoming life, helps Create right reaction to trials and
temptations: Substance already imparted in us helps create right reactions to situations and
circumstances. I Pet. 1:3-7; Heb. 12:10-11; James 1:24.

2. Time and place of quiet time

1. Frequency: At least once a day. Dan. 6:10.
2. Period of the day should be an acceptable time, preferably early in the morning. Mk. 1:3 5;
Prov. 8:17; Ps. 5:3; Gen. 19:27

3. Benefits of using the morning

1. Waking thoughts are focused on God.
2. Strength is received to meet the challenges of the day. Eph 6:10-12
3. Place: The place chosen for quiet time should be secluded from noise and distractions.
4. Duration: To be determined by the Believer such that it does not encroach on other activities
for the day.

4. What you require

1. The Holy Bible (it is advisable to have more than one version and a good reference of the
2. Bible at your side).
3. Hymn book/chorus book and dictionary
4. Notebook and pen
5. List of prayer points
6. Aid, Daily Power, Everyday with Jesus etc.

Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual

5. How to observe quiet time

1. Begin with some praise and worship songs. Eph. 5:19, a short prayer. Ps. 119: 18; John 16:
2. Read slowly and meditatively through a predetermined portion of the Bible (Ps. 119:18, 105)
3. Providing answers to the following questions where applicable:
a. What is the main subject of the passage or book?
b. Who are the persons revealed in the passage?
c. Who is speaking? About whom is he speaking?
d. What is the key verse(s) of the passage?
e. Is there any sin for me to confess and forsake? Prov. 28:13
f. Is there any commandment for me to obey?
g. Is there any promise for me to claim?

6. Methods of Bible study during quiet time

1. By chapters,
2. By paragraphs,
3. By verses,
4. By books,
5. By topics,
6. Through biography,
7. Study outlines, e.g. Daily Bread or Everyday with Jesus or Open Heavens.

7. Benefits of quiet time

1. It provides an opportunity for the soul to linger in the presence of God.
2. It creates an atmosphere of God‟s presence
3. It brings about the working knowledge of the Bible.
4. It produces the desire to know God and to do His will.

8. How Does God speak to us?

1. By His Word Ps. 119:105; Heb. 1:1
2. By Dream Joel 2:28; Job 33:14-16; Gen. 31:11; 37:5-7.
3. By Vision Acts 1 0:3; Joel 2:28; Is. 6:1-4.
4. The Still Small Voice I Kings 19:12.
5. Inward Witness Prov. 20:27; I Cor. 2: 11.
6. Audible Voice Acts 10: 13; I Sam. 3:4.
7. Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, e.g. prophecy, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, etc. I
Cor. 14:3-4; II Pet. 1:19-21; Deut.18:20-21.

9. Obstacles to effective quiet time

Discuss possible obstacles to a fruitful quiet time:
Haste, disturbance, bad planning, Laziness, over-eating, monotony due to using one method of
study, Telephone etc. Neh. 13: 1-5, the enemy is revealed, you know people and what to avoid,
generational curses, your oppressor are displaced, and the old king is displaced.

Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual

Prayer can be defined as divine communication with God. It is a dialogue and waiting to hear from
God. 1 Sam1:15, Isa. 26:16.
It is also the pouring out of the heart before God Psalm 62:8

Discuss the model prayer Mathew 6:9-13

1. Types of Prayers:
1. Adoration: i.e. praise and worship of God for who he is (God is good, merciful, kind, powerful,
faithful, just, righteous etc. Psalm 96:6,
2. Confession: repentance from every known sin. Psalm 32:5
3. Thanksgiving Mathew 6: 9-13: i.e. be thankful for anything and everything that God has done,
is doing and will do for you. Phil. 4:6:
4. Supplication: i.e. intercession, requests, petitions and all our desires can now be addressed to
God, in the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. 1 Tim. 2:1
2. Where can I pray?
We can pray anywhere, in the closet, in the church, in the secret, in the open, alone and or with other
people or family members. 1 Tim. 2:8, MT.6:6, Lk.18:10

3. When can I pray?

We can pray in the Morning, at noon, in the evening, during the day and or night, daily and or always.
It is not only when you are on your knees with your eyes closed that you can pray. You can pray as
you drive to work, while at work, while resting; singing praises to God is a form of prayer. Pray without

4. For what am I to pray?

Many people cannot pray long because their prayer is selfish, that is they pray only for themselves
1. Pray for the sick James 5:13-16
2. Pray for your country, and the government
3. Pray for all men: the president, governors, legislators, pastors, church , workers, the pregnant
in the church, ministries etc 1 Tim.2:1-4
4. Pray for every Christian to be made perfect. Col. 1:28
5. Pray for your enemies. Mt.5:38-48
6. Pray for wisdom and understanding. 1 kings 3:5-9
7. Pray for personal safety and that of others, the will of God, forgiveness, guidance, victory over
temptation, Matt. 6:9-13
8. Pray for long, healthy life. Isa. 38:1-5
9. Pray for the second coming of Christ. Matt. 6:9-13
You can see that it is not difficult to pray without ceasing

5. How can I pray effectively?

1. Pray in faith Heb. 11:6 Psalms. 27:13 Mark 11:23,
2. Pray with boldness. Heb.4:16; Isa. 41:21; 43:26,

Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Believer’s Class Manual

3. Pray with Humility. Luke 18:10-12; Isa. 57:15; 11 chro. 7:14

4. Pray with a renew Mind. Jer.3:15; 1Sam. 2:35;
5. Pray persistently Lk. 18:1-8
6. Do not pray or ask God for something that is contrary to his will or that contradict the Bible
Matt. 26:39
7. Forgive others if you want God to answer your prayers Mk. 11:25
8. Be guided by the Holy spirit in praying: rom.8:26-27
9. Pray in Jesus name John 16:24
10. After you have prayed wait on the Lord Isa. 40:31; Prov. 20:22

6. Why are some prayers not answered

There are four major causes of unanswered prayers
1. Unbelief. James 1:6-7
2. An unforgiving spirit. Mk. 11:25
3. Sin. Psalm 66:18
4. Asking against the will of God James 4:3 or asking amiss or with wrong motives.

A fruitful and consistent quiet time brings out a balanced spiritual development in at least three
different areas:
1. Healthy and fruitful Bible Knowledge: Ps. 119:9, 11, 105; Eph. 3: 16; II Tim 2: 15; Ps. 19:8;
Hos. 4:6
2. Fruitful Prayer Life: Pr. 28:9; 15:8,29
3. An enviable Christian character: Mt. 5:16; I Pet. 3:2; Phil. 3:20; I Pet. 3:15-16

Fasting is imperative for Christians. It is essential, among other things, to deal with the flesh, the
human nature that prevents us from prospering in the things of the spirit. Apostle Paul said “But I
keep my body under and bring it into subjection…” (1 Cor. 9:27)

What is Fasting?
Fasting means abstinence and Biblical fasting means abstaining from food and drinks for a period.
Thus fasting is an act of denying our selves of things that give us pleasure with a view to
suppressing the flesh and uplifting the spirit.
Fasts could be divided as follows:
Absolute fast: Abstinence from food and water for a stipulated period of time. After 3 days it is
medically advisable to drink water
Normal fast: A meal is taken after 12 hours; water may be taken in between depending on the
duration of the fast.

1. Who should fast?

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Believer’s Class Manual

A Christian or a Believer; 2 Sam. 12:16; 2 Cor.6:5, 11:17.

A group of Believers; Acts 13:1-3
A whole nation Jonah 3:5-9 Esther 4:15-17

2. Purpose of a fast: Isa. 58:6-9

1. To lose the bands of wickedness, to undo heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, to
break every yoke, to give bread to the hungry, to restore the poor, to clothe the naked.
2. To put down our flesh and increase our spiritual capacity, strength and awareness, “but they
that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength …” Isa. 40; 31, Psalm 35:13
3. To make the purpose of God in your situation clearer as you become more receptive in the
4. To gain and possess keener perception of divine issues and clarity of thought,
5. To help kindle and develop faith; through fasting spiritual fire is kindle and faith operates well.
6. To help break the power of Satan, and bring about deliverance and healing, Mark 9:28-29
7. To help improves your prayer life Luke 11:9-11
8. To enhance continuous flow of Gods anointing;
9. We fast so that our sprit will readily be alive to hear when God speaks. Acts 13:3-4
10. Note: whether you are fasting or not, you are expected to live a practical daily life of holiness 1
Peter: 1:15-16

3. When do we fast?
1. When asking for divine secrets. Dan. 93, 20-22; 10:2-3
2. When in danger; Acts 27:21-25, Jonah 1:17, 2:1
3. When about to take a crucial decision; Esther 4:15-16
4. When sick and in need of deliverance Mark 9:29
5. When preparing for a great task, revival, etc Mathew 4:1-3
6. When asking God for intervention; Nehemiah 1:3-4, 2 Chro. 20:3-10
7. When interceding for others; Daniel 9:3
8. Whenever you need to hear from God; Acts 13:3-4

4. How to operate Biblical fasting

When fasting, you need to be very close to God, seeking his face in prayers and supplication for the
duration of the fast.
If the fast goes beyond 3 days it is not medically advisable to continue without drinking water
Where the person fasting need to undertake some heavy tasks or undertake long distance journeys,
drinking of liquid is advisable
The duration of a fast should be a covenant between you and God, with a clear purpose; else, the fast may
be as waste of time, a hunger strike or dieting
Abstain from sex during fasting as agreed between husband and wife. 1 Cor. 7:5
Be prayerful and continuously meditate on the word of God, listen to hear from the Holy Spirit during the
When you are done fasting, ending the fast should be done with caution and discipline, exercise more self
control so that your health is not impaired.
5. Medical Benefit of fasting? Discuss

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Apostle Paul declared that he fast often 2 Cor. 11:27. Every believer should have a regular period
of fasting every week, month etc. Pray daily. Jesus, David and Paul fasted and prayed. Do nothing
to indicate to people that you are fasting if you desire a reward from it. Mathew 6: 16-18


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Memory Verse PROVERBS 11:30, I COR.9:16
Personal Evangelism is the person to person sharing of the gospel message with the aim of leading the
individual to Christ. There is no greater joy than seeing a soul coming to Christ. Moreover, the Bible says,
"he that wins a soul is wise" (Pro. 11: 30). One of the primary reasons we are still alive after we received
Christ is to be fishers of men (Matt. 4: 19).

1. What is Evangelism? Matt. 28:18-20;

Evangelism is a command given by Jesus Christ to all his disciples to go into all nations and make others
his disciples by telling them about Jesus Christ, baptizing them in the process and teaching them to
observe all his teachings.

2. Why must we win souls? Eze.33:7-9; Mk. 16:15-16; Matt. 28:19-20; Jn. 15: 16; 14:6; 20:21-23
1. The worth of a soul: a soul is worth more that the world and you may be the only one who can
make an impression on that particular soul. Heaven rejoices at the a soul that comes to Christ,
Christ does not want any soul to perish 2 Peter 3:9, 1 tim.2:4
2. The reality of Hell: Hell is real, it is not imaginary. If you truly believe that unsaved souls are
heading for a lost eternity of hell fire, torture, blackness, anguish and pain forever, then you
should do all in your power to persuade them to turn from sin to Jesus Christ.
3. The third reason is the suffering and death of Jesus Christ for the lost soul on the cross for
each sinner so that they can be saved: with a crown of thorn on his head, nails in his hands
and feet, he went through so much agony for the sinners, you do not want the death of Jesus
to be in vain regarding them. Christ suffered and died for their souls.
4. The fourth reason is the vanity of this world. You have discovered that this world is vain, that
the world with its lust is passing away but that those in Christ shall stand forever; it is your duty
to tell your friends the truth. If in Christ you have fond something beautiful and enduring it is
your duty to tell your friends and relations too! The greatest gift you can give anyone is Christ.
Whoever has Christ has all things Ph. 4:19
5. All born again Christians were given a personal command by Jesus Christ to witness to the
lost; therefore, there is a personal responsibility to God Eze.33:7-9; Mk. 16:15-16; Matt.

3. Why is it urgent? Jn. 4:35-38; Matt. 9:36-37

1. The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few, yet we need to preach to all nations
2. The appointed time for a soul is only know by God, yet Jesus does not want any soul perish

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4. How long does it take after new birth to witness? Jn. 1:40-42; 4:25-30, 39
5. How often and where should a Christian witness? Acts 5:42; 2:46-47; 20:20; II Tim. 4:2

6. What are the results of these? Acts 6:7; 19:10; II Cor. 5:15-20

7. What things make for effective Personal Evangelism?

1. You have to be saved yourself and be sure of your salvation or be born again. The blind
cannot lead the blind. A sinner cannot lead another sinner to Christ.
2. Secondly you must be a man of faith; whoever will lead others to Christ must first believe.
3. You must have compassion for the others to be saved just like you, otherwise you will work
with a dead, mechanical, dispassionate concern and sinners (those yet to receive Christ) know
those who are truly concern for them.
4. You need to have an infilling of Holy spirit and depend on the Holy Spirit to do the conversion,
your duty is just to tell them and try to lead them to Christ if they are willing and ready to
5. You need to have at least a fair knowledge of the Bible; you do not need to be an expert.
Psalm 1:1-2, James 1:5; in addition you can also share your own personal testimonies.
6. You must be prayerful, because Satan will not let go easily off those under his bondage that
you are trying to set free, with prayers before setting out obstacles that Satan may have setup
in the lives of the soul to prevent their conversion and liberation can easily be removed
through prayer by the help of the Holy spirit
Acts 20:31, Ps. 126:5-; Matt. 10: 16; I Cor. 13: 1-3;
7. You must be living a Holy or pure life yourself, and not hypocritical. Your life can be a
testimony that will bring others to Christ.

Lk. 9: 5-55; Matt. 8: 5-13; II Cor. 5: 14; Pro. 16.1; I Tim. 2: 1-4; Luke. 24:47; I Tim. 1:15; Rom. 1:16;
1Jn. 4:8; Matt. 8:5-13; Luke. 9:53

Discuss practical problems that are likely to be encountered in Personal Evangelism.

What rewards await a faithful Christian witness? I Thess. 2:19; Dan 12:3; II Tim 4:7-8; Jn. 15:1-2, 7-8


This study is not just a theory; something in anticipation of an examination. It is not the hearer only that will
be justified but the doer of the Word. Start personal evangelism after this study.

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Believer’s Class Manual


Restitution, Moral Issues and Money Matters

Memory Verse ISAIAH 1:19
What is Restitution and how do we restitute?
Restitution involves restoring to the owner all things taken by falsehood, confessing all lies told
and bringing all those we have deceived into the true pictures of things.
Proverbs 6:30-31, 28:13, Acts 24:16, Ezek. 33 :14-16, 2 Sam. 12:1-6, Phil.1, Lev. 6:1-7.
It is being willing to let the Lord expose and then heal painful areas of our past. God commands
that restitution be made.
Restitution leaves behind an indelible testimony with the one whom restitution is made, which
when an unbeliever is involved becomes a means of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
When a delicate restitution is to be made involving a non Christian, undoing wrongs done against
organizations, or those that affect marriage relationships, etc. much prayer and counseling from
men of God may be required.

God‟s standard does not change with time and His views have not change on the following:
What is adultery? Does it belong to the Old Testament period? Exodus 20:14, 1Cor. 6:9-10, 15-16
it involves breaking solemn marriage vows and defiling the conjugal bed. Heb.13:4, Prov. 6:20-35

What is fornication? Is virginity outdated? 1 Cor. 6:13, 18a, Eph. 5:3, Rom.12:2. The fact that
fornication is a common practice does not make it acceptable to God. Keep yourself pure, no sex
before marriage, and no sex with someone you are not married to.

Sexual Perversion:
What does it mean? Lev. 18:22-23, Rom. 1:26-27. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah

Flirting is defined as showing attention or affection without serious intentions or emotional
commitment; love is too serious for play acting. Paul warned Timothy 1Tim. 5:2 don‟t send out the
wrong signals. Rom. 14:16; Eph. 4:27. Be wise; ensure you keep a safe distance from members of
the opposite sex you are not convinced you are going to marry.

Danger of Moral Indecency

God regards it as a waste of resources. Prov. 29:3
As a vow breaker, you are under a curse. Isa. 54:5, Mal.2:14

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It desecrates the blood purchased property of Jesus and attracts destruction. 1 Cor. 6:19-20
It is a sin against one‟s body. 1 Cor. 6:18
It opens doorway for Satan‟s attack. Eccl.10:8b. People may outwardly laugh at you yet inwardly
admire you as a Christian who has the courage to stand up for their moral chastity.
1. Holy Marriage:
God initiated marriage. Gen. 2:18, 24-25.
Marriage should be between a man and a woman. Lev. 18:22-24 homosexuality is an abomination to
God, God detest sexual perversion. Rom. 1:26-28
A Christian should marry only one wife. 1 Tim.3:2, Gen. 2:18, 24-25

2. Why should we marry? We should marry for the following reasons and more: 1Cor.7:1-15
To obey the commandment of God Gen. 1:28
For fellowship and partnership, it takes two to make „one flesh‟ Eccl. 4; 9-11, Gen. 2:18, 24-25.
For the propagation of the human race Gen 9:1
To satisfy creation and sexual desires that are good, holy, and legitimate but it can only be satisfied in
marriage 1Cor.7:1-15

3. What is Courtship?
Courtship is a time for the man and woman of getting better acquainted and ascertaining whether or
not they are prepared for marriage.

4. What is the Bible approved way of getting engaged to be married as a Christian?

1 Sam. 16:7, Gen. 24:1-4, 1Thess. 4:1-7.
Ensure that you and your intending spouse have a common understanding of the key doctrines of
the Bible. Heb. 6: 1-2; Petting, romance, sex, should be strictly avoided during courtship. Prov.
9:17-18, Heb.13:4.

5. Who should we marry?

Can a Christian marry a non Christian?
A Christian should marry a Christian only.
No marriage should be contracted with an unbeliever. 2 Cor. 6; 14-17, Amos 3:3, Deut. 7:3-6. Any
marriage contracted outside of God‟s plan will often give birth to troubles.

6. When should a Christian marry? Discuss

7. Marriage done before becoming a Christian:

If you are already married to an unbeliever God can use you to bless your unbelieving partner.
1Cor. 7:14, 10-17

8. Divorce and Separation:

God initiated marriage. Gen. 2:24. God is against divorce. Mathew 19:6, 5:32, Mal. 2:13-16. Putting
away and remarriage constitute adultery. Mark 10:11-12. Only death should separate a couple. Rom
7:2-3, Love renders divorce irrelevant in marriage. 1 Cor. 13:4-7

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Money Matters:
1. The Bible does not condemn money but gives some safe guidelines on the attitude of a Christian
towards money
2. Do not love money. 1 Tim. 6:6-10. The remedy is contentment with what God has provide you
3. Do not be too preoccupied with searching for money at the expense of God. Mathew 6:33
4. Do not hoard Money. Matthew 6:19-21, 1Tim. 6:17. your financial strength has no bearing in
heaven or hell.
5. Take note of the following. 1 Tim. 5:8, Eccl. 7:12
6. Do not worship money. Mathew 6:24, Prov. 11:28. Money should not be your God. No idolater
shall inherit the kingdom of God.
7. Do not live in debts as a way of life. The only Bible recommended debt is love. Rom. 13:8
8. Remember you have been bought with a price 1 Cor. 6:20, your money is the property of your
master. You are only a custodian 1Cor. 4:2-7, Deut. 8:18
9. Do not put your trust in money. 1Tim. 6:17, Psalm 62:10b
10. Do not be involved in extortion, bribery and corruption. Isa. 33:15.

Biblical Principles of Giving

The following principles of giving should be observed:

Throughout the bible, God encouraged us to bring offerings to Him which is different from the
Tithe. Today we do not bring Sin, Burnt, Guilt offerings because Jesus has done it all for us. However we
Still bring thanksgiving offering.
It is an expression of gratitude to our God. More so, He is honored. Ps 50:23

1. What is offering? Deut. 12:16

They are gift that you give to God in addition to your tithe. Endeavor not to come into God‟s
presences empty handed. Deut. 16:16. Note that offering is mentioned together with tithes. While
tithe opens the windows of heaven, offering determines how wide it should be opened. Luke.6:38.
Your offering should be given prayerfully and systematically

2. Why do you give?

1. To demonstrate God‟s love and follow his example. John 3:16, God is the ultimate giver. Deut.
2. It opens up an opportunity to receive from God. Luke 6:38
3. It is an opportunity to sow a seed of help and bless someone. Prov. 14:21
4. It is more blessed to give than to receive, avoid the trap of stinginess. Acts 20:35 Prov. 11:25-
26, 2Cor. 9.6

3. What do you give?

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You can give your skill, time, prayers, money, etc. Exo. 35:4-35, Acts 3:1-7, Peter and John had
no money but gave healing in the name of Jesus; Peter gave his boat for Jesus to preach in. Luke
5:1-3, nothing is too small, no matter how small it will make a difference. Luke 21:1-4, John 6:1-13

4. To whom do you give?

1. God‟s work, Exo. 35:29, 36:2-7, Ezra 2:69
2. Spiritual Leaders Gal. 6:6, Phil.4:15-19
3. The Less privileged. Prov. 19:17, 21:13
4. Anyone you are in a position to help. Luke 10:25-37
5. Fellow Christians. Rom.12:13, Acts 11:29, 9:36-41

5. How do you give?

1. Freely and cheerfully: Prov. 11:24, 2 Cor. 9:7-8. It attracts Gods favorable attention
2. Give generously: 2 Cor. 9:6
3. In proportion to, at times beyond your means: Acts. 11:29, 2 Cor. 8:13 Mark 12:44.
4. Give without publicity: Mathew. 6:1-4

Should a Christian pay tithes? The answer is yes. There is a huge debate raging among Christians as
to whether tithes should be paid or not. Besides, many Christians give very little and sometimes
nothing at all to support the work of God.

1. What is the tithe?

It is the giving a tenth of one's income as an offering to God.
Abraham was the first man ever recorded in the bible to give tithes to God, Genesis 14: 17-20.
Melchizedek was the priest of the Most High God. The bread and wine he offered to Abraham has
a close resemblance to the Lord's Supper. (Luke 22: 14 -23)
Hebrews 7: 1-22 sheds more light on Melchizedek. He was the priest of the Most High God. He
was the only one qualified to receive tithes from Abraham. All this happened before the law was
established. There is no record of Abraham, who was at this time still called Abram, being told to
give tithes to God, nor is any explanation given.
Jacob gives us the second reference to paying tithes when he made a vow to God. Genesis 28:22
The biggest argument against paying tithes seems to be with its association with the law. Lev 27:
30 - 32 Numbers 18: 21 – 29 says tithes go towards supporting the Levites who in turn give part of
it as an offering to the Lord.

2. Purpose of the Tithe

1. To support the work of God Leviticus 27:30 – 32

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2. To provide for his laborers (the Levites)

3. To support strangers, homeless or disadvantaged the fatherless, and widows. Deut 26:9-12.

Note the term 'first fruits' are mentioned in Deuteronomy. Indeed this is what tithes are. They are
the first portions that we take out of our income and offer in gratitude to God. Give it in the support
of the church and ministry.

3. The first fruits

When God brought Israel into the land of Canaan the first city they took was Jericho. God told
them not to touch any of the spoil. (Joshua 6: 17 - 19) It was the Lord's. It was the first fruits of
battle. It was their tithe. The next city to fall was Ai. Here they were allowed to take as much spoil
as they needed (Joshua 8: 1 - 2). They had paid their first fruits or tithes with Jericho, Hence the
Malachi 3: 3 - 12 gives God's mind with regards to paying tithes
4. But what does the New Testament say about tithes
Not a lot. In fact the only references to tithing in the New Testament are Matthew 23:23, Luke
11:42, Luke 18:12 and Hebrew 7: 5 - 9.
The giving of the law helped to establish the importance of many of the unwritten truths already
known by god-fearing men. But when Jesus brought us faith there is no longer the need for the
supervision of the law. Galatians 3: 23 - 25.
In other words, the law was given to make things clear. Without the law we would not understand
sin. Sin was around before the law but the law exposed it. The giving of tithes was also around
before the law. Again the law helped in the establishing its importance and relevance. The law did
not invent tithing, it only exposed it. We could say the same of sacrifice and obedience.
5. Why do we pay tithes?
Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek, King of Salem, at his return from battle. Gen. 14:20
Jacob also imitated his grandfather's piety. Gen. 28:22
Moses ordained that all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or fruit of the land be
given to God. Lev. 27:30-32.
God commanded us to bring our tithes into His storehouse. Mall 3:10
6. How do we pay our tithes?
A starting place for all of us is one tenth, nothing less than that.
We must bring it into the house of God promptly and cheerfully 2 Corinthians 9: 6 - 8 with all our
hearts and gratefulness to God.
It should be the first fruit. In other words, the first thing you pay, an offering to God is not subject to
other bills and needs you have; remember He owns it all.
Tithing is your act of worship to God. Gen 4:1-5
Pay the tithe to the church where the whole truth is preached, the church where you are being fed
with the word of God.

7. Benefits of tithing
1. God will rebuke the devourer for your sake. Mal. 3:11

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2. God will open the windows of heaven and pour His blessings more than you can
accommodate. Mal. 3:10

Unfaithfulness in the area of tithing can make a believer to lose heaven, because it is stealing from God


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Memory Verse I CORINTHIANS 15:54
Events in the world today are showing more than ever the imminence of the coming of our King
and our Lord (Luke 21:8-11). He is coming again, and we shall soon hear the sound of the
trumpet. However, it is worthy of note that His second coming shall be in two phases. In this study
we shall learn about these, and the various events which shall occur under them.

1. The first phase of His coming

Rev. 18: 4 Under this part, the Lord Jesus Christ will be coming for the saints, to remove them
from the world and take them unto himself so that they will not partake in the "Great Tribulation"
which shall unfold itself immediately after the first phase of His second coming. There are many
events which shall be witnessed within this first phase and they are:
The Lord Jesus shall appear in the sky to take home His own. I Thess. 4:16.
The saints who slept shall be resurrected and the living ones (saints) transformed and translated to
meet the Lord in the sky in an event referred to as "The Rapture". This event also signals the
beginning of the "First Resurrection". I Thess. 4:13-18; I Cor. 15:44, 51-53.
There shall be seven years of great tribulation on earth when the antichrist shall be the head of
government of the world. It is a seven - year period of great deceit, bloody war, violence, crime,
lawlessness and terror There shall not be such times before it, or after it. Matt. 24: 21; 2 Thess. 2:
In the sky, however, the raptured saints who will remain there with Christ for seven years shall be
treated to such events such as The Judgment Seat of Christ, being the period of accountability.
Rom. 14:10; II Cor. 5:10; I Cor. 3:11-15. Also we shall have the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
which will be the marriage between Christ, the Bridegroom, and His bride, which is the Church -
the raptured saints. Rev. 19:7-9
The second death shall have no power over raptured saints. I Cor. 15:54; Rev. 20:6; 2:11
The Church, the undefiled brethren, the saintly saints shall not partake in the Great Tribulation.
Luke 21:34-36

Note: The day is coming, so near, when there shall be bold headlines on pages of the
newspapers concerning millions of people who are missing, who suddenly disappeared. There will
be confusion and for those who have had fore-knowledge but missed the event, it will be sad
news. Where do you want to be on this day, in the air with the Lord, or among the perplexed ones
here on earth?

2. The second phase

At the round-up of events in the air and abler the seven year period as already mentioned, Christ
and His bride shall return to the earth. In other words, at the concluding part of His second coming,
He shall be coming with the saints. Hallelujah! The following events shall unfold at this coming:

3. The battle of Armageddon:

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This is the war that will be fought at the descent of Christ and the saints to the earth. The antichrist
will institute this battle using his confederated army which he would have gathered from all nations.
Rev. 16:13-16; Zech. 14:1-5; Rev. 19:11-19.
That antichrist‟s armies will be defeated and destroyed with the sword that comes out from the
mouth of the glorious Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. 19:20-21

4. The Millennial Reign of Christ:

Rev. 20:4-6. The victory at Armageddon heralds in the one thousand years reign of Christ and His
saints here on earth.
The following shall be the features of this period:
The government of the Millennial period will be a theocratic system of government; that is, God
It is going to be a period of Golden age, that is, a time of lasting peace on earth, no war, no crime,
divine health for all, no infant death and many other wonderful events shall be the order of the day
Is. 2:4; 11:6-9; 60:18; Jer. 30:17; Is. 33:24; 65:20
Jerusalem in Israel shall be the capital of the government in Millennium. Joel 3:16-18
Christ will be manifested to take possession of David's Kingdom according to the covenant made
with David. II Sam. 7:8-16
It is the time of restoration of Israel back to their land and conversion unto their righteous and
rightful King. Jer. 31:10; Amos 9:14-15
Satan shall be held bound in the bottomless pit during the entire period. Rev. 20: 1-3

Brethren, commit yourself to Christ and His coming in all holiness so as to partake in this first
resurrection which shall see death being swallowed up in victory.


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