SESSION 2020-2021 Class Iv English: Reading A Passage From The Story The Silver Arrow' and Comprehending It

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SESSION 2020-2021

Book List Publisher

The English Channel Coursebook 4 Indiannica


The English Channel Literature Reader 4 Indiannica


The Grammarite Indiannica


Evaluation- I

April – August

Class Test 1

1. Literature Section
Literature Reader Lesson-2 Tall and Short
Lesson-1 The Picture- Book Giant (Poem)

Course Book: Lesson- 1. The Raindrops

2. Grammar Section: 1. Sentences
3. Subject Enrichment Activity: Read the given story and suggest a suitable title for it. Write
the moral of the story in your own words.

Class Test 2
1. Reading Section: Unseen Passage to Comprehend
2. Writing Section: Completing the story
3. Grammar Section: 1. Nouns
2. Articles

4. Literature Section

Literature Reader Lesson-4 What Misha Heard

Course Book: Lesson-2 Elephant Feast

Lesson-4 The Old Green Door

5.Skills to be Evaluated:

1. Reading Skills: Reading a passage from the story ‘The Silver Arrow’ and
comprehending it.
2. Speaking Skills: i) Reciting a poem-
A. The Giraffe (Course Book)
B. Wind on the Hill (Course Book)
6. Subject Enrichment Activity: Underline the nouns in the given paragraph/poem and
classify them as common and proper nouns.

Evaluation- II
September – December

Class Test 1

1.Literature Section

i) Literature Reader Lesson-3- The Apple Tree (Poem)

ii) Course Book: Lesson- 5 Salted Crabs

Lesson-7 Theme for a Dream

2.Grammar Section: 1. Adjectives

.2. Pronouns

3.Subject Enrichment Activity: Imagine your favourite ice-cream. Use adjectives

to describe its colour, size,smell,taste and feel in your notebook.

Class Test 2
1. Reading Section: Unseen passage to comprehend
2. Writing Section: Paragraph Writing
3. Grammar Section: 1. Verbs
2. Adverbs

4. Literature Section:

Literature Reader Lesson -6 The Tiger’s Trick -1

Lesson-8 The Tiger’s Trick-2
Course Book: Lesson-8 Infant Rescue

5.Skills to be Evaluated:

1. Reading Skills: Reading a passage from the story ‘Sehar goes Stargazing’ and
comprehending it.
2. Speaking Skills: i) Reciting a poem-

A. The Swing (Course Book)

B. Laughing Song (Literature Reader)

6. Subject Enrichment Activity: Read the table given below and write verb forms (v1/v2) to
complete it.

think ------------
V1 V2
go …………….
V1 V2
……………. played
V1 V2
run …………….
V1 V2
……………. read
V1 V2
write …………….
V1 V2
……………. sang
V1 V2
teach …………….
V1 V2
come …………….
V1 V2
……………… told
V1 V2

Evaluation- III

January - March

Class Test 1

1.Literature Section

Literature Reader Poem: A Studious Elf

Course Book: Lesson- 9 The Encounter
Lesson-10 Grandma’s Surprise

2.Grammar Section: 1. Prepositions

2. Punctuations

3. Subject Enrichment Activity: Make any one punctuation sticker and frame five sentences
using that punctuation.

Class Test 2

1. Reading Section: Unseen Passage to Comprehend

2. Writing Section: Formal Letter Writing
3. Grammar Section: 1. Conjunctions
4. Literature Section:
Literature Reader Lesson-10 Trouble in Ratmore Town
Course Book: Lesson 11-The Hornbill Festival

5.Skills to be Evaluated:
1. Reading Skills: Reading a passage from the story ‘Crime Never Pays’
and comprehending it.
2. Speaking Skills: i) Reciting a poem-

A. Grasshopper Green (Course Book)

B. A Child’s Garden (Course Book)

6. Subject Enrichment Activity: Define Homophones and Homonyms and frame five
sentences using them.
ह द
िं ी
कक्षा 4

पाठ्य पुस्तकों के नाम :

अमोली ह द
िं ी पाठमाला फुल मार्क्स प्रा. लल.

कथा मिंजष
ू ा भाग 4 फुल मार्क्स प्रा. लल.

अमोली ह द
िं ी व्याकरण भाग 4 फुल मार्क्स प्रा लल.

्ुन रे अक्षर भाग 6 रकाड़ पब्ललकेशिं्

ू यािंकन -1

( अप्रैल – अगस्त )

्ुन रे अक्षर 2 ्े 14 तक

कक्षा परीक्षा - 1

अमोली ह द
िं ी पाठमाला पाठ -2 भीतरी ताक़त

कथा मिंजूषा क ानी-1 अ्ली कदार

क ानी-2 पेड़ मारे लमत्र

अमोली ह द
िं ी व्याकरण 1. भाषा और व्याकरण

कक्षा परीक्षा 2

अमोली ह द
िं ी पाठमाला पाठ-3 दो फूल

पाठ-4 चाणर्कय का न्याय

कथा मिंजूषा क ानी 3 ईमानदार रामू

क ानी 4 र्गुलले की जड़

अमोली ह द
िं ी व्याकरण 1 ्िंज्ञा

ू यािंककत ककए जाने वाले कौशल :

1.पठन कौशल : अमोली ह द

िं ी पाठमाला के पाठ 5 ‘ मुलला की ्ूझ-बूझ ‘ में ्े हदए गए गदयािंश
के आधार पर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीब्जए l
2. काव्य कौशल : अमोली ह द
िं ी पाठमाला ्े कववता पाठ -1 ‘ मझ
ु को तम
ु अच्छी लगती ो ‘ ्न
ु ी
जाएगी l

ववषय ्िंवधसन गततववधध :

 फूलों के धचत्र बनाकर उ्में रिं गीन कागज के टुकड़े धचपकाएँ व उ् पर कववता ललखिए l
 वगस- प े ली के माध्यम ्े ललिंग एविं वचन को जानेंगे l
 ‘ वक्ष
ृ ों का जीवन में म त्व ‘ बताते ु ए अनुच्छे द ललिें l

मूलयािंकन 2

( ल्तिंबर – नविंबर )

्ुन रे अक्षर पष्ृ ठ 15 ्े 28 तक

कक्षा परीक्षा 1

अमोली ह द
िं ी पाठमाला पाठ 8 ्वु प्रया

कथा मिंजूषा क ानी-5 श जादी के जूते

क ानी-6 घमिंडी ाथी

अमोली ह द
िं ी व्याकरण 1. ्वसनाम

2. ववशेषण

कक्षा परीक्षा 2

अमोली ह द
िं ी पाठमाला पाठ-9 चतुर चरवा

कथा मिंजष
ू ा क ानी-7 गरु
ु नानक दे व

अमोली ह द
िं ी व्याकरण 1. किया तथा काल

2. किया ववशेषण

3. ववराम-धचन्

मूलयािंककत ककए जाने वाले कौशल :

पठन कौशल: अमोली ह द

िं ी पाठमाला के पाठ 7 ‘आनिंद त्यो ार का ‘ तथा पाठ 10 ‘ औरों के ललए
जीओ ‘ में ्े हदए गए गदयािंश के आधार पर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीब्जए l

काव्य कौशल :अमोली ह द

िं ी पाठमाला ्े कववता पाठ -6 ‘ िेल िेल में ‘्ुनी जाएगी l
ववषय ्िंवधसन गततववधध:

 म ात्मा बुद्ध का धचत्र बनाकर, उनके दो उपदे श ललिें l

 प्रश्नोत्तरी के माध्यम ्े किया तथा काल को जानेंगे l
 रोशनी का त्यो ार ‘ दीपावली ‘ ्े ्िंबिंधधत कुछ वार्कय ललिें l

मूलयािंकन 3

( हद्िंबर – माचस )

ु रे अक्षर पष्ृ ठ 29 ्े 40 तक

कक्षा परीक्षा-1

अमोली ह द
िं ी पाठमाला पाठ 12 दादा जी की चौपाल

कथा मिंजूषा क ानी 8 अ्ली धन

क ानी 9 खिचड़ी भाषा

अमोली ह द
िं ी व्याकरण 1. शलद - भिंडार

कक्षा परीक्षा-2

अमोली ह द
िं ी पाठमाला पाठ 14 बिंटी और किंप्यट
ू र

कथा मिंजूषा क ानी 10 गीत का कमाल

अमोली ह द
िं ी व्याकरण 1. अशुद धध - शोधन

2. मु ावरे

मूलयािंककत ककए जाने वाले कौशल :

1.पठन कौशल: अमोली ह द

िं ी पाठमाला ्े पाठ 11 ‘ गुलाबी नगरी ‘ में ्े हदए गए गदयािंश के
आधार पर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीब्जए l

2.काव्य कौशल : अमोली ह द

िं ी पाठमाला ्े कववता पाठ 10 ‘ म भी तो कुछ दे ना ्ीिे ‘ तथा
कववता पाठ 13 ‘ चोट ‘ ्ुनी जाएगी l

ववषय ्िंवधसन गततववधध

 राजस्थान की ्िंस्कृतत ,्भ्यता ,र न-् न ,िान-पान ,वेश-भष

ू ा पर कोलाज तैयार करें l
 किंप्यट
ू र ्े ब ु त ्ा ज्ञान प्राप्त ोता ै पर अधधकता र चीज की बरु ी ै ‘ किंप्यट
ू र के
फायदे और नुक्ान ‘ के ववषय में 5-5 वार्कय ललिें l
 स्वतिंत्रता ्िंग्राम ्े जड़
ु े म ापरु
ु षों और उनके हदए गए नारों को वगस प ेली में ्े ढूँढकर
ललिें l
SESSION – 2021 – 2022




1. Maths Marvel Indiannica Learning Private Limited.

A course in mathematics





Chapter 1 Large Numbers

Chapter 11 Symmetry and Patterns


Chapter 2 Addition and Subtraction

Chapter 3 Multiplication

Chapter 5 Estimation

TABLES: 2 to 12

MENTAL ABILITY: Test will be taken based on all the chapters done in Evaluation-1.

Subject Enrichment Activities:

1. Write all the alphabets with a bold marker on an A-3 size sheet. Draw and write the number of
lines of symmetry possible for each alphabet.
2. To reinforce the multiplication of 3 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers using Lattice Multiplication




Chapter 4 Division

Chapter 12 Measurement


Chapter 7 Fractions

Chapter 8 Introduction to Decimals

Chapter 10 Lines and Shapes

TABLES: 2 to 15

MENTAL ABILITY: Test will be taken based on all the chapters done in Evaluation-2.

Subject Enrichment Activities:

1. A 2-dimensional shape that can be folded to form a 3-dimensional figure is called its net.
Make the cut outs of the nets of a cube and cuboid on an A-4 size sheet and form the 3-dimensional
2. To compare fractions having same numerators using Fraction wall.




Chapter 6 Factors and Multiples

Chapter 9 Money


Chapter 13 Perimeter and Area

Chapter 14 Time and Calendar

Chapter 15 Data Handling

TABLES: 2 to 20

MENTAL ABILITY: Test will be taken based on all the chapters done in Evaluation-3.

Subject Enrichment Activities:

1. Make a 10 X 10 grid and write the numbers from 1 to 100. Identify the Prime Numbers using the
Sieve of Eratosthenes.
2. On a squared sheet, draw –
a) A pair of shapes having the same perimeter but different areas.
b) A pair of shapes having different perimeters but the same area.


1. Galaxy- A Course in Science

Book 4 Indiannica Learning Private


Class Test - 1

Lesson 2 : Eating for Life - Food

Lesson 4 : Clothes

Class Test - 2

Lesson 1 : Plants- the Producers

Lesson 12 : The Solar System

Skills to be Evaluated:

Environmental Sensitivity: Lesson 3:Safety First

Poster Making : Save Plants – Save Life
Subject Enrichment :
a) Activity : Eating Healthy – Making sprout salad.
b) Project : First Aid Box
Prepare a list of the essential items that should be kept in a
First Aid Box.
c) Diagram : Draw a well labelled diagram showing the process of
photosynthesis in plants and write down its equation.
d) Visual Presentation :Solar System

September- December

Class Test - 1

Lesson 6 : Plants – Living and Surviving

Lesson 11 : Air, Water and Weather
Class Test - 2

Lesson 7 : Animals – Living and Surviving

Lesson 8 : Animal Reproduction

Skills to be Evaluated:

Environmental Sensitivity: Lesson 13:The Environment (Pollution- Page 122 to

Poster Making : Global Handwashing Day

Subject Enrichment :
a) Crossword Puzzle : Lesson 7 and Lesson 8
b) Project : Write the adaptations of plants found in mountain and
desert area. Paste their pictures also.
c) Diagram : Water Cycle
d) Visual Presentation : Practicing Handwashing

January - March

Class Test – 1

Lesson 5 : Matter – Solid, Liquid, and Gas

Lesson 9 : Teeth and Digestion ( Topic – Teeth )

Class Test - 2

Lesson 9 : Teeth and Digestion ( Topic – Digestion )

Lesson 10 : Force, Work, and Energy

Skills to be Evaluated:

Environmental Sensitivity: Lesson 13:The Environment ( Waste Disposal, Page


Poster Making : Balanced Diet
Subject Enrichment :
a) Activity : Show the molecular arrangement in different states of
matter using bindis.
b) Demonstration : Proper way of brushing teeth.
c) Diagram : Structure of a tooth
d) Visual Presentation : Digestive System
Class- 4


Time Tales

Book 4 Indiannica Learning Private


Evaluation 1


Class Test 1

Lesson 2 : India-Our Country

Lesson 3: Northern Mountains

Class Test 2

Lesson 5 : Great Indian Desert

Lesson 7:. Coastal Plains and Islands

Skills to be Evaluated:

1.Poster Making : Heritage of India

2. Let's Explore:. Lesson-8 Climate of India

Subject Enrichment Activity: Lesson- 14 Transport and Communication

Write briefly about different types of means of

transport and paste their pictures.



Class Test-1

Lesson 4: Northern Plains

Lesson 9:. Agriculture in India

Lesson 12: Mineral Resources

Class Test 2

Lesson 6 : Southern Plateaus

Lesson13 : Our Forests

Skills to be Evaluated:

1.Poster Making :. Lesson- 11: Water Resources

Save Water-Save Life

2. Let's Explore: Lesson-21: People Who Enriched Our Thoughts

Subject Enrichment Activity: Lesson-1: Solar System and Earth

✓Draw the solar system and name the planets

✓Map Work

Mark the continents and the oceans

on a physical map of the World.


Class Test 1

Lesson 16:. Our Goals,Rights,and Duties

Lesson 18: Human Resources

Class Test 2

Lesson 15: Our Government

Lesson 19: Caring for Public Property

Skills to be Evaluated:-

1.. Poster Making : Lesson-17: Our National Symbols

2. Let's Explore: Lesson- 20: Our Rich Heritage

Subject Enrichment Activity: Lesson-10: Our Soils

 Complete the following table.

Type of soil Any two features Crops grown Any two states
where it is found

 Write different ways to conserve soil and draw or paste pictures related to it.
Session – 2021-2022
Class – IV
General Knowledge

Book List Publishers

1. MIND GAME- General Knowledge-4 Pinnacle India-Educational Publisher

2. Moral Values -4 Pinnacle India-Educational Publisher

Evaluation – 1
(April – August)
Class Test 1

General Knowledge Page No

1. Yoga 3
2. Table Etiquettes 4
3. Cyber Safety 5
4. Social Skills 6
5. Reading Signs 7
6. Parts Of Plants 10
7. Flowering Trees 11

Moral Values

Lesson 1 Trust in God

Lesson 2 Serving God
 Questions based on Current Affairs will be done.

Class Test 2

General Knowledge Page No

1. Desert Plants 13
2. Plant Picture Quiz 15
3. World Of Insects 16
4. Creatures Crossword 17
5. Animals And Their Habitats 19
6. Facts About Animals 21
7. Where do they live? 22
8. Popular Breed of Dogs 24

Moral Values

Lesson 4 The Prodigal Son

Lesson 5 Simple Living
 Questions based on Current Affairs will be done.

Evaluation – ll
(September – December)
Class Test 1

General Knowledge Page No

1. Books Around Us 25
2. Fun With Idioms 26
3. Abbreviations 27
4. Proverbs 28
5. American-British 29
6. Book Stall 30
7. Comic Creators 31
8. New Terminology 33

Moral Values

Lesson 6 The Internet

Lesson 7 Eye on the Goal

 Questions based on Current Affairs will be done.

Class Test 2

General Knowledge Page No

1. Structures And Monuments 35

2. Indian Achievers 36
3. Indian Superlatives 37
4. Foodistan 39
5. Gardens of India 40
6. Famous Lakes In India 42
7. Sobriquets of The World 44

Moral Values

Lesson 8 Three Useful Things

Lesson 9 Be Dignified

 Questions based on Current Affairs will be done.

Evaluation – III
(January – March)
Class Test 1

General Knowledge Page No

1. World Famous Women 45

2. Continents of The World 46
3. Crack the Science Olympiad 52
4. Science Quiz 53
5. Discoveries and Inventions 54
6. Crack the Computer Olympiad 55
7. Mission Space 56

Moral Values

Lesson 10 Care for Our Environment

Lesson 11 Be Brave

 Questions based on Current Affairs will be done.

Class Test 2

General Knowledge Page No

1. Famous Sports Persons 58

2. Game With Difference 59
3. Cups and Trophies 61
4. Art Start 63
5. Odd One Out 64
6. Fun with Puzzles 65
7. Scavenger Hunt 67

Moral Values

Lesson 12 Be Self Dependent

Lesson 13 Our National Flag
 Questions based on Current Affairs will be done.

Book List: Publisher:

Touchpad plus ver1.0
Touchpad Lab Activity Book Orange
Education Pvt Ltd

Evaluation – I
April – August
Class test-1
Chapter – 1 The Computer – An Overview
Chapter – 2 Computer Memory


Class test-2
Chapter – 3 Personalizing Window 7
Chapter –4 Introduction to MS word 2010

Activity- WORD

Evaluation -II
September – November
Class test-1

Chapter – 5 Formatting in MS word 2010

Activity - WORD

Class test-2

Chapter –6 Graphics and Tables in MS Word

Activity- WORD

Evaluation – III

December – March
Class test-1
Chapter – 7 Page Formatting and Mail Merge in MS Word
Activity- WORD

Class test-2

Chapter – 8 Introduction to Internet

Activity- SCTRATCH
Syllabus 2021_22
Art bBook Craft & colours Part 4 ( Pinnacle India Educational Publisher )

Evaluation 1
April_ August
Draw and colour the following
1.A Village Scene
2.A Rainy Day

Bal Sabha Activities

1.Accessory Designing
2.Paper Bag Making
3.Decorating an Earthen Pot
4.Making a Name Plate
5.Creative work using Paper Fans
6.Craft work related to Independence Day celebration
Page No 4,5,7,9,10,11 & 14

Evaluation 2
September _December
Bal Sabha Activities
1.Rangoli Making
2.Making a Table Organiser
3.Creative Work related to Diwali Decoration
4.Making a Butterfly using Paper Fans
5.Decorating a Christmas Tree
Draw and colour the following
1.A Dussehra Scene
2Any Historical Place
Page No 16,17,21,22,24 & 26

Evaluation 3

January March
Draw and colours the following
1.Water fall scenery
2.A Circus Scene
Bal Sabha Activities
1.Banner making
2.Making A Paper wall hanging
Page 27, 29,31& 38

Evaluation I

1) School Prayer – Tu hi Ram hai , Tune hume utpan kiya

2) Action song – Jump, Run and Shout

3) Bhajan – Hey Ram

Evaluation II

1 ) Prayer – Subah savere lekar tera naam

2) Song – Hind desh ke nivasi

3) National Anthem

4) Gandhi Jayanti – Raghupati Raghav

Evaluation III

1) Patriotic song – Taqat watan ki hum se hai

2) Prayer songs – Anand loke mangla loke , Tumhi ho mata

3) Christmas songs – Jingle bell , We wish you a Merry Christmas

Theory :- 1) Definition of Music , Swar , taal

2) What is saptak, mandr saptak, madhya saptak, taar saptak

3) Definition of Aaroh and Avroh

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