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EE 220: Signals and Systems: S Sirfanhussain @uet - Edu.pk Naveed@uet - Edu.pk

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EE 220: Signals and Systems

(Dr Irfan) Mon, Tues, Wed,

Lecture 9:30-11:30 am Course Type, Fundamental Engineering,
Schedule (Dr Naveed) Thurs, Friday Semester Fourth

Differential Equations and

Credit Hours Three Pre-requisite
Linear Algebra

Dr Syed Shah Irfan Hussain [email protected]

Instructor Contact
Dr Naveed Nawaz [email protected]

First Floor, EE Department Dr Irfan: Wednesdays 1 pm to 3

Office Office Hours

Teaching Laboratory
None None
Assistant Schedule

The objective of the course is two fold: (a) to provide the student with a solid
mathematical foundation in complex variables and common engineering
transforms and (b) to prepare the student for core courses in communication,
control and signal processing by giving the student a thorough working knowledge
of these techniques.

Measurable Learning Outcomes

CLOs Description & Domain

Understand the mathematical foundations of continuous- Cognitive, PLO1,

CLO1 time and discrete-time signals and systems Two Low

Analyze signals and systems via the Fourier and z Cognitive, PLO2,
transforms Four Medium

Evaluate LTI systems using software Cognitive, PLO5,

Five Medium

Signals and Systems by A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky and S. H. Nawab, 2 nd
Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996.
Signals and Systems: Theory and Applications by Fawwaz T. Ulaby and Andrew
E. Yagle, Michigan Publishing, 2018.
Digital Signal Processing – Principles, Algorithms and Applications by J. G.
Proakis and D. G. Manolakis, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006.
DSP First by J. McClellan, R. Schafer and M. Yoder, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2015.
Fundamentals of Signals and Systems by M. J. Roberts, McGraw Hill, 2007.
Linear Systems and Signals by B. P. Lathi, 2nd Edition, Oxford, 2004.
Signals and Systems by S. Haykin and B. Van Veen, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2002.
Signals, Systems, and Transforms by C. L. Phillips, J. M. Parr and E. A. Riskin, 5 th
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2013.
Video Professor Oppenheim’s Lectures:
Lectures https://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-6-007-signals-and-systems-spring-2011/introduction/

Midterm 45% CLO1 & CLO2

Final 55% CLO1 & CLO2

Lecture Plan
Readings &
Days Topics
Signals and Systems (Dr Irfan)
Continuous-time, Discrete-time, Periodic, Even, Odd signals, Chapter 1
3 Complex exponentials and sinusoids in continuous-time and CLO1 & CLO3
discrete-time, Unit step and unit impulse, Example and Basic
LTI Systems (Dr Naveed)
Discrete-time LTI systems, Impulse response, Discrete-time
convolution, Examples and properties of discrete-time Chapter 2
4 convolution, Continuous-time LTI systems, Continuous-time CLO1 & CLO3
convolution, Relationship between system properties and
impulse response, Properties of LTI systems, Differential
equation representations
Midterm on 6th September 2021
Fourier Series (Dr Irfan)
Introduction, Eigenfunction property of complex exponential,
Continuous-time Fourier series, Exponential and Chapter 3
3 Trigonometric forms, Examples, Convergence, Gibbs CLO1 to CLO3
Phenomenon, Properties of Fourier series, Discrete-time
Fourier series, Properties, Examples and Parseval’s
2.5 Continuous Time Fourier Transform (Dr Irfan) Chapter 4
Definition, Frequency response, Properties and Examples CLO1 to CLO3
Discrete Time Fourier Transform (Dr Naveed) Chapter 5
2.5 Definition, Relationship to Fourier series, Examples and CLO1 to CLO3
z-Transform (Dr Irfan) Chapter 10
2.5 Definition, Region-of-Convergence, Properties, Examples CLO1 to CLO3
and Characterization of linear time-invariant systems
Final on 10th September 2021
- Tentative

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