De Du Doan TS10 - 1

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DE DY DOAN THI TUYEN SINH LOP 10 TRUNG HQC PHO THONG - TPHCM. ‘Mon thi: ANH VAN - Thdi gian: 90 phit (khdng tinh thdi gian giao dé) 1. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (0.5 pt) 1. A. prayed B. divided C. nominated D. erupted, 2. A. space B. planet C. volcano D. state II. Choose the word (A, B, C or Dywhose main stress is placed differently from the others. (0.5 pt) 3.A. power B. solar C. resource D. nuclear 4, A. benefit b, commercial C. encourage D. embroider II]. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. (2.5 pt) 5. WHO passed a to stop the pread of 2019-nCoV virus. A. complaint B. resolution C. notice D. standard 6, Covid-19 is spreading , we should avoid crowds. A.So B. Moreover C. However D. Therefore 7. The boy prides himself his success at school Ain Boof Con Diat 8, Dream can be a rich source of for an artist. A. inspiration B. entertainment C. experience D. convenient 9. Careless driving also the increasing the number of traffic accidents, A. thanks for B. apologizes for C. accounts for ——_D. prepares for 10, Face masks are essential accessories in protecting ourselves and others contracting Covid-19. A.with B. for C. out D. from 11. He 1 very positive contribution to the success of the project, A. made Bdid C. took D. had 12, The Mona Lisa, is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, has caused a lot of disputes. A. who B. that C. whieh D. whom 13, - Student A: “I suggest having a picnic next week.” - Student B: “ 7 A. Why not? B. Absolutely right C. Not at all D. I don’t care 14, - Student A: “Modem technology saves us lots of time.” - Student B: 2 AT think it’s all right! B. OK. That’s all. C.Tean’t agree with you more! —_D. Not completely all. IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, Cor D) for questions 15 and 16. (0.5 pt) 15. What does the sign say? A. We should wear the mask for nothing. SAFETY FIRST B. Itis dangerous to wear masks nowadays. C. Mask doesn’t help to prevent virus disease. ana D. Wearing masks is helpful to prevent coronavirus. STOP CORONAVIRUS ImiTS TRACKS 16, What does the sign say” A. Crossing streets is dangerous. B. The zebra crossing is ahead. C. The piano can be played with fet. . D, Someone is ahead. V. Read the following passage . Decide if the statements from 17 to 20 are True or False, and choose the correct answers (A,B, Cor D) for the questions 21 and 22. (1.5 pts) Canada would remind Norman Bethune, a great Canadian physician doctor, who devoted himself to China during World War II. And now, besides Dr. Bethune, whenever mention of this country with beautiful ‘maples, my Canadian pen pal will come to my mind. T met him in an English-learning forum. I often posted a lot of questions there, and he always voluntarily help me out. And gradually, we got familiar and became friends, For a while, I was rather depressed. He always encourages me to cheer up. Now, I still remember well I got an e-card from him. I lighted up after watching that. He often said, “Keep smiling” at the end of his letter to me He was very tolerant, and I hardly saw he crossed swords against any other forum members there but one time. A woman put up a post, saying, “She would not agree her daughter to marry a black man.” He responded with Martin Luther King’s quote - We must judge people by the content of their character, rather than the colour of their skin!”, This comment of his branded on my mind then at once. Oh, the cool friend of Canada! 17. The writer's pen pal comes from Canada. 18. The writer met his! her pen pal in an English course 19. The writer’s pen pal hardly helped him/her with his English questions. 20. The writer used to receive an e-card from the pen pal when he/she felt depressed. 21. Which is the main idea of the passage? A. How to become pen pals. B. How to post English questions on the forum, C.A good Canadian pen pal D. Canada —a wonderful country. 22, Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The pen pal felt free to help the writer. B. The pen pal has never disagreed with any other forum members. C. The writer was impressed by the quote of Martin Luther King. D. The writer felt better after receiving his/ her pen pal’s e-card, VI. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts) What is coronavirus? The coronavirus is a family of viruses (23) can cause a range of illnesses in humans including common cold and more severe forms like SARS and MERS which are life-threatening, ‘The recent outbreak of coronavirus is believed to have occurred (24) a market for illegal wildlife in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. ‘There some simple and effective actions everyone can take to protect themselves and their wider community: A simple and effective way (25) yourself and others from coronavirus is by making sure you wash ‘your hands frequently with soap and water, or a hand sanitiser if you are out and about. It’s particularly (26) to wash your hands once you get home or arrive at work or before you prepare or eat food If you are unwell it’s vital that you (27) your coughs and sneezes in a tissue, or use your arm if needed, throw the tissues away, then wash your hands. As COVID-19 is now spreading in the community, people with symptoms of coronavirus should self-isolate at home or use (28) service wisely. Do protect myself and others 23. A. who B. whom C..what D. that 24. A. at B.on Cin 25. A. protect, B. to protect C. protecting D. protected 26. A. important _B. pleasant C. interesting D. exciting 27. A. make B. take C. catch D. do 28. A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. healths 2 VIL. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts) 29, are working to improve the quality of our lakes and rivers. (environment) 30, I sometimes have difficulty Spanish from Portuguese. (distinct) 31. Every student is trying their best to make for the special exams, (prepare) 32. , ur environment is more and more polluted. (Disappoint) 33. Many companies realize that customers don’t want products. (efficiency) 34, Many chemicals have a effect on the environment. (disaster) VIL Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt) 35. in many countries / is a joyful / Easter / is celebrated / festival / which /. / — Easter 36. are responsible / Some scientists / mobile phones / some health problems / for / believe that / » Some scientists IX, Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it. (1.0 pt) 37. We haven't traveled abroad for two years. ¢ last time 38, My friend is a hard student. She always does her tests carefully. —+ My friend, whose 39, She can’t contact her old friend because she doesn’t have his phone number. — Ifshe 40, Peter found the visit to the gallery quite depressing. = Peter felt DAOAWETEE LO) stT Dap an 1 | A( phat dm 1 (a!) ; 3 tir cOn lai phat am 1a /id! 2. | B (phat am la /ae/) ; 3 tir cin lai phat am la /ei/ 3. | C (trong dm roi vao am tit thir 2) ; 3 tir cOn lai trong dm roi vio dm tiét thie 1 4 | A (trong dm roi vao am tiét thir 1) ; 3 tir cn lai trong 4m roi vao am tiét thir 2 5 | B (resolution : gidi phap) 6 | D (Therefore : Vi vay) 7 | C (prise oneself om sth : ty hao vé = take pride in = be proud of) 8 | A (source of inspiration : nguén cam hig) 9 | C (account for : 1a nguyén nhén ciia) 10 | D (protect Sb from doing sth : bao vé ai khdi ..) 11 | A (make contribution to : déng g6p cho) 12 | C (chon which vi The Mona Lisa la bite tranh chir khong la ngudi) 13. | A (dép lai loi goi y: Why not? / Yes, let's do that / That's a good idea / That sound great!) 14 | C (dap lai sw dong tinh: I can’t agree with you more: Téi hoan toan dong y) 15 | D (Wearing masks is helpful to prevent corona virus: Deo khau trang rat hitu ich dé ngan ngia vi rat corona.) 16 | B (The zebra crossing is ahead: Phia tric c vach qua during.) 17 | TRUE 18 | FALSE 19 | FALSE 20 | TRUE 21 | C (A good Canadian pen pal) 22 | B (The pen pal has never disagreed with any other forum members) 23 | D (Kién thire Ménh dé quan hé: viruses la vat ta chon that) 24 | C (Kién thite gidi tix chi noi chén : occured im a market : xay ra trong chy 25. | B (way to do sth: céch lam gi) 26 | A (Kién thitc tir vung: important : quan trong) 27 | C (Cum tir cé dinh: catch a cough : ho) 28 | A (Kin thite tir loai : health (n) site khioé) 29 | Dimng trude dong tir to be “are” ta ding dank tir s6 nhiéu + Environmentalists 30. | Sau cau tric “have difficulty + V-ing” — distinguishing 31. | make preparations for : chudn bi cho 32, | Ding truée 1 ménh d@ ta ding trang tir > Disappointingly img truée danh tir “products” ta ding tinh tir, dich nghia cia cdu ta ldy tinh tir tréi nghia 33. | > inefficient : khong higu qua, kém higu qua +h cu: Nhiéu cng ty nhan ra ring khach hang khéng muén cdc sin pham kém higu qua, 34. | Déing true danh tir “effect” ta ding tinh tir disastrous gg Easter joyfl festival which is celebrated in many countries, (L2 Phuc sinh 1a mét 18 héi vui tuoi duge té chite & nhiéu quéc gia.) 436. | Some scientists believe that mobile phones are responsible for some health problems. (Mot s6 nha khoa hoc tin ring dign thoai di dong 1a nguyén nhin gay ra mot sé van dé sire khée.) 37 _| Kim tite chuyén d6i thi HTHT ©» QKD —+ The last time we travelled abroad was two years ago. 5 Kién thire Ménh dé quan hé két hp luén ca cau trac bi dong — My friend, whose tests are always done carefully, is a hard student. > Kién thite cau diéu kign loai 2 (diéu kign khéng c6 that 6 hién tai) = If she had his phone number, she could contact her old friend. a Kién thite vé tinh tir duéi -ing va -ed —+ Peter felt quite depressed by/about the visit to the gallery. Fanpage: 5

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