8.2 Periodic Trends Questions

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emus 82 1. Identify the elements in the following set that are transition metals: Mo, Sn, Y, Be, Sb, V, Au, Os, Cs. 2. Identify the elements in the following set that are (a) lanthanides (b) actinides: Er, Lr, Ce, Pu, Np, Fr, Ag, Dy. 3, Recall a characteristic property of the elements in the following groups or series. (a) Group Il (b) Group VI (©) Group VII (d) Actinides 4, Describe the trend in the following properties across a period and down a group. (a) Valency (b) Ionisation energy (0) Electronegativity (4) Electrical conductivity 5. Element A is a member of group VI. It forms an ionic salt with calcium with the formula CaA. It forms a covalent compound with chlorine with the formula ACI,. It also forms two molecular oxides with formulae AO, and AO,, (a) Identity the valency of A in each of the compounds described. (b) Explain which elements of group VI would have the properties exhibited by element A. 6. Explain why the melting points of the halogens increase down the group. 7. Figure 8.20 shows the relationship between property P and atomic number for the elements of period 3. a Figure 8.20 Relationship between property P and atomic number 10, 12, Identify which of the following properties could correspond with P. A Melting point B Electrical conductivity G Yalency of the most common ion D_ Electronegativity Sketch a graph showing the number of valence shell electrons versus atomic number for the first 20 elements of the periodic table. Consider the following data for successive ionisation energies (MJ/mol) for elements P, Qand R Use these data to identify the periodic group to which each element belon 050 437 692 9.55 13.86 16.62 20.12 25.50 101 226 387 457 702 850 27.11 31.68 0.79 158 3.24 4.36 16.10 19,8 23.79 29.26 The first ionisation energies (MJ/mol) for four consecutive elements (B, GD, E) of the periodic table are: B, 1.257; G, 1.527; D, 0.425; K, 0.596. Identify the periodic groups to which each element belongs Justify your answer ‘The following data was collected for the first four elements (D, E, Fand G) of a group of the periodic table. * All elements are diatomic. * D, isa pale, yellow-green gas. + Bis a green-yellow gas. * fy isa red-brown, fuming liquid. G, has black-violet, shiny crystal. E reacts with sodium to form white crystals with the formula Na&, (a) Identify the periodic group to which these clements belong. (b) Use the correct symbol for element Eto write a balanced chemical equation for its reaction with sodium, The following compounds are formed by the elements of group V: NayN, HyN, PCl,, HyAsO,, SbF;, BiBry. Determine the valencies exhibited by the group V elements in these compounds. ‘The numerical values of a physical property X of the first six elements of period 3 are 98, 650, 660, 1410, 44 and 113. Identify a physical property that shows such a trend. Justify your answer ANALYSIS 8. 2 DATAR=e< ANALYSIS! COMPUTER GRAPHING: PERIODIC TRENDS Part A: Trend in electronegativity across a period ‘The following data and information is provided for the elements of period 3. 1. Open a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel, 2. Copy the following headings and data into the first two columns, i 3 ‘www jaconline.com.au/ictme to construct an XY graph and draw a smooth line through the data points. 4, Describe the trend in electronegativity across period 3 5. Explain the trend in electronegativity across period 8 6. Explain why electronegativity data was not provided for element 18. Part B: Trend in density down selected groups ‘The following density data is provided for the elements of groups T and IV. 1. Open a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel 2. Copy the following headings and data into the fist four columns. ee a Densi Cue een 3 058 226 u 097 “ 238 19 0.86 22 5.2 37 1.58 50 7.30 55 187 82 ua 3, Use the instructions at: ‘wwijaconline.com.au/ic-me to construct an XY graph of these two data 4. Describe the trend in density down (a) group Land (b) group IV. Identify any anomalies in these trends for cither group. 6. Compare the densities of group I elements with group IV elements. .

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