Science 7 Module 2

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Quarter 1 – Mo dule 2:
Elements Are Like Spices,
When Mixed Together,
They Become Better

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
Characteristics of Elements
1 and Compounds

What’s In

Hello, my dear friend! You are already done in identifying substances such as
homogeneous or heterogeneous mixtures. I know it is hard to distinguish substances
based on their appearances but do not worry! There are many ways to identify them
because these substances may be classified as elements and compounds. Elements
have unique properties and characteristics from the others.

We have a visitor from our central laboratory. She is Professor Elemena, an

expert in all the elements and compounds surrounding us. She knows how to deal with
it especially some lost elements and compounds, but she needs our help in finding
those elements and compounds as soon as possible to avoid leakage. While she is with
us, let’s help her make our campus free from chemical hazards. Let’s go!

Read the poem and pick out all the elements and compounds mentioned in it.


by: Jaypee Kadalem Balera

I think I was lost

My home is too far at any cost
I am tired finding home-made of lead
So that solar radiation will not anymore be spread,
The heat from Sun makes me float
Like Helium inside a balloon that makes it bloat
As I go far, I feel numb and bursting
Like a bullet powder made of Potassium Nitrate that makes us shaking
I hope I can go home now
I feel my lungs did not function somehow
Hope oxygen will fill me completely
Before carbon dioxide will be mine totally
As I walk in the lonely road above the mountains
It is sad to see land mine of gold and copper be broken
This shows how the environment suffered much everyday
Hope my home will be back with me again like a brand-new day
My body is already in pained and drained
With essential elements from water made up of hydrogen and oxygen
I want to quench my thirst soon
To fast track the lost element which is my Home.

What are the elements and compounds stated in the poem?

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
What’s New

In the previous activity we identified different compounds. A compound is

composed of elements.
Can you identify the elements found in the given set of compounds below?
Write the elements in the boxes below.

Carbon Dioxide

Potassium Nitrate

What is It

Elements and Compounds are all around us. Elements are made up of atom
or atoms of the same kind. They are the simplest type of matter and cannot be
broken down into components. Each element is made entirely from one type of
atom. Each element is unique, and no two elements have the same set of
properties. Some are in the same state, but they have different properties. Some
elements are metals like iron, gold, and silver. Others are nonmetals like Nitrogen,
Oxygen and Hydrogen. There are elements that are metalloids like Boron, Silicon
and Germanium. Compounds are combination of two or more elements like water
which is a combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen; salt which is made up of sodium
and chlorine; and rusts formed when an iron reacts with oxygen. Compounds can
be broken down into its components through a chemical process and formed when
two elements are combined. It has unique properties that are different from the
properties of the elements that make them up.

Can you name new metallic elements and set of compounds that is not
found in the selection above? Write it inside the box below.


CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
What’s More

Using the Venn Diagram, describe the characteristics of elements and



What I Have Learned

Directions: Read the paragraph and identify the correct words that fit in the given
sentences inside the box. Write your answer in a separate sheet of

properties metal Elements Compounds

metalloids more non-metal one
properties chemical process components chemical

Elements and Compounds are all around us. (1)__________ are made up
of atom or atoms of the same kind. They are the simplest type of matter and
cannot be broken down into components. Each element is made entirely from
(2)_______ type of atom. Each element is unique and no two elements have the
same set of (3)__________. Some are in the same state but they have
(4)__________ properties. Some elements are (5)________ like iron, gold and silver.
Others are (6)_______ like Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen. There are elements
that are (7)___________ like Boron, Silicon and Germanium.
(8) _________ are combination of (9)__________ or (10)____________
elements like water which is a combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen; salt which
is made up of sodium and chlorine; and rusts formed when an iron reacts with
oxygen. Compounds can be broken down into it’s (11)______ through a
(12)__________ process and formed when two elements are combined together. It
has unique properties that are different from the properties of the elements that
make them up.


Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for
each question. Use a separate sheet for your answers.

1. Which of the following CANNOT be broken down into simple substance?

a. chemical formula
b. compound
c. element
d. mixture
2. Which of the following is NOT an example of element?
a. helium gas
b. hydrogen
c. ice
d. iron

3. Which of the following statements is true about elements and compounds?

a. They are homogenous in nature
b. They are the simplest form of matter.
c. They can be broken down into simpler substances.
d. They are commonly and naturally occurring materials.

4. Which of the following substance is NOT a compound?

a. carbon dioxide
b. hydrogen
c. salt
d. sugar
5. Which of the following describes an element?
a. The simplest substance.
b. It can be broken down into other types of substances.
c. It can be separated through a chemical process.
d. It is composed of two or more types of atoms.
6. Which of the following statements correctly describes a compound?
I. It can be broken down into a simpler type of matter by chemical
II. It has unique properties that are different from the properties of its
individual elements.
III. It is composed of atoms of two or more elements that bond together.
IV. It is composed of atoms of the same kind.

a. I, II, III, IV
b. I, II, III only
c. I, II, IV only
d. II, III, IV only

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
7. What is the resulting compound if Hydrogen gas and oxygen gas combine?
a. hydrogen peroxide
b. salt
c. sugar
d. water
8. What elements made up the compound Carbon Dioxide?
a. carbon and carbon
b. carbon and oxide
c. carbon and oxygen
d. carbon and hydrogen
9. Which of the following is correctly matched?
I. Nitrogen: Element: Nitrous Oxide: Compound
II. Iron: Element: Rust: Compound
III. Mercury: Element: Copper: Compound
IV. Oxygen: Element: Water: Compound
a. I, II, III, IV
b. I, II, III only
c. I, II, IV only
d. I and II only

10. Sodium is a silvery solid that reacts violently with water and chlorine. When
they combine to form the compound sodium chloride known as salt, there is a
fundamental change in the properties. Salt is often added to our food when
cooking and it is safe to eat. Which of the following statements supports the idea
a. True to all compounds, they no longer have the properties of the elements
that makes them up.
b. True to some compounds, it maintains the properties of the elements
that makes them up.
c. True in all elements, it maintains its properties even after it combines
with other elements.
d. True to all elements, they have the properties after they are combined.
11. Which of the following is substance compound?
a. alloy
b. gold
c. iron
d. silver

12. Which of the following is an element?

a. oxygen
b. gun powder
c. salt
d. water

For items 13—15, Tell whether the given substance is element or compound. Write 1
for element and 2 for compound.
_______________13. Calcium Carbonate
_______________14. Nickel
_______________15. Nitrogen

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
Properties of Elements and
2 Compounds

What’s In

Hello! My dear friend! I hope that everything is fine after answering all your
activity. You are already done in describing the characteristics of an element and
compound. I know you feel a little bit hard in identifying the elements in each
compound, but you did it. Elements are composed of one atom while compounds are
composed of two or more elements. Elements have unique properties and
characteristics from the others.

We have a visitor from our central laboratory. He is Professor Purey, an expert in

distinguishing properties of all the elements and compounds surround us. He knows
how to deal with it. He would like to ask help from you regarding the situation of our
laboratory. Everything inside in our school laboratory is in chaos. For you to extend
some hand to him, you must read the poem below and use it as your guide in
organizing things. I know that you are excited. Let us get started!

Mr. Purey’s Lab

by Leah Joy A. Desamparado

Inside the lab, I always do a great job.

Everything is in the right corner and always in order.
I never mixed one that is different from the other.
As you enter the room, all is perfect, not a single clutter.

A red cabinet can be seen on the other side of the corner

Where another pure substance, a compound is placed in there
It can be broken down into simple type of matter,
Composed of atoms of elements two or more bonded together.
It has unique properties different from its individual origins
Chlorine a poisonous gas when combine to sodium.
A shiny metal turn into a table salt
which in cooking food is very fundamental.

Now everything is a mess

Elements and compounds all over the places
Can you help me sort them out?
And organize all of them without any doubt.
I am an Iron, made up of a single atom
Where do I belong?

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
Is it in the blue cabinet or somewhere between rust, salt, and alcohol?
I am a water, made up of hydrogen and oxygen
They say I am a compound
If you agree, in the red cabinet is where I should be.

You just made a good job!

An apprentice I never had
Always bear in mind
There are two types of substance inside my lab
The simplest matter is the element.
And a compound that can be broken down into its components.

Guide Questions: Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

A. What are the two substances mentioned in the poem?

B. What are the properties of an element?
C. What are the properties of a compound?

What’s New

In the previous activity we identified the properties of a compound and

Identify some elements and compounds mentioned in a poem using the
given set of properties? Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.


What is It

Elements and Compounds have different set of properties. Elements are

somehow like people who prefer to be alone. They are composed only of one atom
with same set of properties. Compounds are somewhat celebrities who preferred to
be with their fans. They are made up of elements that are combined chemically and
composed of two or more elements.

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
Element and compound are distinguished in different set of properties such as
on the figures below.

Pure chemical substance made of Contain atoms of different element

the same type of atom. that are chemically combined.

From the knowledge learned about the properties of an element and compound.
Let us transfer all the information gathered from it.

Directions: In the given illustrations, identify which are elements and compounds.
Write your answer in the space below the illustration.

________________ ______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

What’s More

Directions: Complete the table by writing the phrases that correctly describes
an element and a compound. Choose from the pool of phrases given below.

✓ One kind of atom

✓ Two or more kinds of atoms
✓ Cannot be broken into simpler substance
✓ Can be broken into simpler substance by chemical means
✓ Metals, nonmetals and metalloids
✓ Acids, bases and salts

Comparing Elements and Compounds

Element Compound
Matter of Separation

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
What I Have Learned

Directions: Read the paragraph and identify the correct words that fit in the given
sentences in the box below.

fans same two alone metalloid element

salts one more chemical acid non-metals
bases metals chemical process

Elements and Compounds have different set of properties. Elements are

somehow like people who prefer to be (1)________. They are composed only of
(2)_________ atom with (3)_________ set of properties. Some of them are grouped in
(4)_______, (5)__________, (6)___________.
Compounds are somewhat celebrities who preferred to be with their
(7)__________. Compounds are made up of (8)____________ that are joined
(9)___________. They are composed of (10)_________ or (11)__________ elements. Some
of them are grouped in (12)_______, (13)__________, (14)___________.


Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for
each question. Use a separate sheet for your answers.

1. Which of the following substance composed of one type of atom?

a. chemical formula
b. compound
c. element
d. mixture
2. Which of the following is NOT a compound using the given set of properties?
a. helium gas
b. hydrogen
c. ice
d. iron

3, Which of the following statements is true about elements?

a. homogenous in nature
b. group in each state
c. commonly group according with their set of properties
d. commonly group according with their set of characteristics

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
4. Which of the following statements is true about compounds?
a. heterogeneous in nature
b. joined using chemical process
c. commonly group according with their set of properties
d. homogenous in nature

5. Which of the following is a property of an element?

a. It is the simplest substance.
b. It is composed of two or more types of atoms.
c. It can be separated through a chemical process.
d. It is composed of two or more types of substances.

6. Which of the following is a property of a compound?

a. The simplest substance.
b. It is composed of two or more types of atoms.
c. It can be separated through a physical process.
d. It is composed of two or more types of substances.

7. Which of the following is an example of an element?

a. iron
b. hydrogen peroxide
c. salt
d. water

8. What elements made up the compound Potassium Nitrate?

a. potassium and oxide
b. potassium and nitrogen
c. potassium and hydrogen
d. potassium and potassium
9. Which of the following is correctly matched compound?
a. carbon and oxygen (carbon dioxide)
b. sodium and chlorine (sodium chloride)
c. hydrogen and water (hydrogen dioxide)
d. potassium and nitrogen (potassium nitrite)
10. Sodium is a silvery solid that reacts violently with water and chlorine is a
green, poisonous gas. When they combine to form the compound sodium
chloride or we know as salt, there is a fundamental change in the properties.
Salt is often added to our food when cooking and it is safe to eat. Which of
the following statements supports the idea presented?
a. True to all compounds. They no longer have the properties of the
elements that make them up. They have their own properties.
b. True in some compounds. Some compounds maintain the properties of
the elements that make them up.
c. True to all elements. Elements maintain its properties even after it
combines with other elements.
d. True to all elements. Compounds maintain its properties even after it
combines with other elements.

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
Classifying Substances as
3 Elements and Compounds

What’s In

Hello! I hope you learned the differences between the elements and
compounds? Compound can be broken down into simplest forms which are its
constituent elements. In this lesson you will simply classify elements from
compounds. You will focus only on the classification of substances as elements or

What’s New

You entered in your laboratory room for a science class. Your teacher
instructed you to roam around and familiarize what are inside your laboratory
room. To your surprised, you have seen a hanging cabinet full of substances. You
observed for a while on it. Your teacher called the attention of the class to be
seated. She asked any volunteer of what you have observed. After which, she
posted your lesson and it is all about classifying elements and compounds. While
on your seat, you remembered the materials found on the cabinet.

Activity 1
Which are Elements? Which are Compounds?
Directions: Inside the box are the substances that are found in the cabinet.
Identify the elements and compounds by accomplishing the table below.




CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
What is It

The activity above helped you to think your prior knowledge on lesson 1 and
lesson 2. It is easy right? Well, it is important to note that elements are single
substance. You can easily see them in the periodic table. In the list above, iron is
an element because it is a single substance with one atom and is present in the
periodic table. Sodium chloride is a compound because it is a combination of two
elements namely sodium and chlorine with 2 or more atoms. Therefore, an element
cannot be broken anymore while compound it can be broken to its constituent

Q1. Which among the substances are elements?

Q2. Which among the substances are compounds?
Q3. What are your bases of classifying them?

What’s More

Elements and compounds are also present in the food you eat. They can be
seen and read on the food labels known as nutrition facts and ingredients. Take a
look on the sample food labels below.

Can you identify the substances in the food label above?

Yes, it is still easy. Some of these are calcium, monosodium glutamate and
ferrous sulfate. The calcium is the element while the two substances are
compounds. The constituent elements of monosodium glutamate are sodium,
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen while ferrous sulfate is: Iron, sulfur and

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
Let us have another activity to develop your skill on classifying elements and
compounds. Here you go!
Activity 2. Let’s Hunt Elements and Compounds!
Directions: Identify compounds and their corresponding constituent elements
found in the food labels.

Compound Constituent Element

Note: Please add rows as necessary

Q4. The elements iron and zinc are listed in the Nutrition Facts for the cereal drink.
Find out from the Ingredients the source of these elements.
Q5. Name three elements present in the Ingredients of the cereal drink which are
not listed in the Nutrition Facts.
(1)________________ (2) ________________ (3) ________________

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for
each question. Use a separate sheet for your answers.

1. Compounds are formed when two or more _____________ are combined.

a. elements
b. minerals
c. nutrients
d. food products

2. In cereal drink the following elements are present, EXCEPT

a. calcium
b. iron
c. sodium
d. zinc

3. The only compound present in the food label of soy sauce is________
a. iron pyrophosphate
b. monosodium glutamate
c. sodium bicarbonate
d. zinc sulphate

4. Which of the following ingredients is an element?

a. calcium
b. carbohydrate
c. oil
d. protein

5. The following are constituent elements of sodium glutamate, EXCEPT

a. carbon
b. hydrogen
c. iron
d. sodium

6. Which element is NOT found in the chocolate candy?

a. calcium
b. hydrogen
c. iron
d. sodium

7. Which of the following ingredients is a compound?

a. calcium
b. calcium chloride
c. magnesium
d. manganese

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
8. Boron, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are examples of _______________.
a. compounds
b. elements
c. ingredients
d. nutrition facts

9. Carbon dioxide, sodium chloride, sugar and salt are examples of

a. compounds
b. elements
c. ingredients
d. nutrition facts

10. Oxygen and iron are elements (I). Protein and sugar are elements too (II).
a. both statements I and II are TRUE.
b. both statements I and II are FALSE.
c. statement I is FALSE while statement II is TRUE.
d. statement I is TRUE while statement II is FALSE.

CO_Q1_Science 7 Module 2
Assessment What I know
1. A 1. C
2. B 2. D
3. A 3. A
4. D 4. B
5. C 5. B
6. C 6. D
7. B 7. C
8. C 8. B
9. D 9. C
10. A 10. B
11. C 11. C
12. D 12. A
13. B 13. D
14. C 14. A
15. A 15. D
Lesson 3
Assessment Additional What I know Assessment What I
1. C Activities 1.D
1. C know
2. D 2.D
2. COMPOUND 2. C 1. C
3. D 3.D
3. PURE 3. A 2. B
4. D 4. C
5. A 5.B
4. MATTER 5. A 4. B
6. D 5. SALT 6.C 6. C 5. A
7. B 6. HYDROGEN 7.D 7. B 6. D
8. B AND OXYGEN 8.A 8. C 7. D
9. D 7. IRON 9.B 9. C 8. B
10. A 8. ACID 10.D 10. A 9. B
11. A 9. ATOM 11.A 11. A 10. C
12. B 10. RUST 12.ELEMENT 12. D 11. E
13. D 13.ELEMENT 13. C 12. E
14. D 14.COMPOUND 14. E 13. C
15. A 15.COMPOUND 15. E 14. C
15. E
Lesson 2 Lesson 1
Answer Key

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