Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) - IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database Module

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Circular Letter No.3827

8 March 2018

To: All IMO Members

Intergovernmental Organizations
Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Status

Subject: Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) – IMO Ship Fuel
Oil Consumption Database Module

1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee at its seventieth session (MEPC 70)
adopted, by resolution MEPC.278(70), the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI related to the
data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships, which entered into force on
1 March 2018.

2 Regulation 22A of MARPOL Annex VI requests the establishment of the IMO Ship
Fuel Oil Consumption Database (hereafter "the Database"), which shall be undertaken and
managed by the Secretary-General of the Organization, pursuant to guidelines to be
developed by the Organization.

3 In this regard, MEPC 71 adopted, by resolution MEPC.293(71), the 2017 Guidelines

for the development and management of the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database
(hereafter "the 2017 Database Guidelines"). The 2017 Database Guidelines, in its
paragraph 1.4, identifies that the Database will be developed as a module within the Global
Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) platform, using the integrated IMO Web
Accounts framework to manage secure access to the module.

4 The Secretary-General has the honour to inform that the Database has been
launched as a new module within the GISIS platform. The new module enables Member States
to transfer the ships' fuel oil consumption data, as required under regulation 22A.9 of MARPOL
Annex VI.

5 User guidance on the module is set out in the annex. The guidance provides,
inter alia, information on how a Member State can, if necessary, allow any organization duly
authorized by it to submit the data on their behalf, as well as information on data submission
using Extensible Markup Language (XML) format.

6 Member Governments are kindly requested to familiarize themselves with the module
and convey, as necessary, the annexed guidance to their recognized organization(s).

Circular Letter No.3827
Page 2

7 Member Governments are also kindly requested to contact the Secretariat via the
following email address for their queries, comments and suggestions on the module:
[email protected].


Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 1





General information on the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database

Appendix 1: Guidance for Parties to MARPOL Annex VI

1 Assignment of a ship fuel oil consumption module manager and user(s) by a

GISIS administrator

2 Log into the Database and designation of a contact person

3 Submission of data and revision of the data already submitted

4 Authorization of a recognized organization for submission of data

5 Export of anonymized dataset

6 Export of non-anonymized dataset of ships flying its flag

7 Data submission via Extensible Markup Language (XML) format

Appendix 2: Guidance for non-Parties to MARPOL Annex VI

1 Assignment of a ship fuel oil consumption module manager and user(s) by a

GISIS administrator

2 Log into the Database and designation of a contact person

3 Submission of data and revision of the data already submitted

4 Authorization of a recognized organization for submission of data

5 Export of anonymized dataset

6 Export of non-anonymized dataset of ships flying its flag

7 Data submission via Extensible Markup Language (XML) format

Appendix 3: Guidance for recognized organizations

1 Log into the Database and designation of a contact point

2 Submission of data on behalf of a Party to MARPOL Annex VI and revision

of the data already submitted

3 Submission of data of non-Party ships and revision of the data already


4 Export of anonymized dataset

5 Export of own non-anonymized dataset

6 Data submission via Extensible Markup Language (XML) format

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 2

General information on the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database

1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee at its seventieth session (MEPC 70)
adopted, by resolution MEPC.278(70), the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI related to the
data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships, which entered into force on
1 March 2018.

2 Regulation 22A of MARPOL Annex VI requests the establishment of the IMO Ship
Fuel Oil Consumption Database (hereafter "the Database"), which shall be undertaken and
managed by the Secretary-General of the Organization, pursuant to guidelines to be
developed by the Organization.

3 In addition, regulation 22A.11 of MARPOL Annex VI stipulates that the

Secretary-General of the Organization shall maintain an anonymized database such that
identification of a specific ship will not be possible and Parties to MARPOL Annex VI shall have
access to the anonymized data strictly for their analysis and consideration.

4 In this regard, MEPC 71 adopted, by resolution MEPC.293(71), the 2017 Guidelines

for the development and management of the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database
(hereafter "the 2017 Database Guidelines"). The 2017 Database Guidelines, in its
paragraph 1.4, identifies that the Database will be developed as a module within the Global
Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) platform, with the integrated IMO Web
Accounts framework to manage secure access to the module.

5 In addition, MEPC 71 approved MEPC.1/Circ.871 on Submission of data to the IMO

data collection system of fuel oil consumption of ships from a State not Party to MARPOL
Annex VI.

6 Taking the above into consideration, the Database has been developed as a new
module in the GISIS platform with the following general functionalities:

.1 designation of a contact person for the purpose of the Database;

.2 submission of data to the Database by Member States and recognized


.3 authorization of a recognized organization for submission of data;

.4 access to non-anonymized data of ships flying its flag and download the
anonymized dataset; and

.5 import of the data submitted by the Extensible Markup Language (XML)


7 This document provides guidance for users on how to log into the Database and what
actions are needed related to paragraphs 7.1 to 7.5 above.

8 Member Governments are invited to note that operative paragraph 4 of resolution

MEPC.278(70) invites Parties to MARPOL Annex VI to consider the application of the
aforementioned amendments to MARPOL Annex VI as soon as possible to ships entitled to fly
their flag.

9 In this context, MEPC 70 agreed that any data submitted under paragraph 8 would
not form part of any analysis, but were intended solely to facilitate preparations for the
implementation of the new requirements.

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 3



1 Assignment of a ship fuel oil consumption module manager and user(s) by a GISIS

In order to enable users to access the Database, GISIS administrator is requested

to assign the following User Role(s):

.1 Ship Fuel Oil Consumption manager (hereafter "the module

manager"); and,
.2 if necessary, Ship Fuel Oil Consumption user(s) (hereafter
"the module user(s)").

The module manager can:

.1 designate a contact person;

.2 submit the data to the Database and edit the data submitted for
ships flying its flag;
.3 authorize recognized organization(s) for submission of data;
.4 access to non-anonymized data of ships flying its flag; and
.5 download the anonymized dataset.

The module user(s) can:

.1 access (read-only) to the information on the contact person, data

submitted, authorized recognized organization(s), non-anonymized
data of ships flying its flag; and
.2 download the anonymized dataset.

2 Log into the Database and designation of a contact person

In order to access the Database, after

logging into GISIS, click on the "Ship Fuel Oil
Consumption" module from the icon shown
on the right.

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 4

When the module manager first logs into the Database, they are requested to
designate a contact person for the purposes of the database who is responsible for
communication with the Secretariat if any matter arises with regard to the
submission of data by the respective Administration.
It is recommended to fill in the contact details of the module manager as a contact

Click "Submit" when done

3 Submission of data and revision of the data already submitted

Click "Consumption Record" and then click "Add new record" to submit the data.

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 5

Input the data of a ship then click "Submit".

Select "Reporting year", "Start date"

and "End date".

Enter the IMO number of the ship,

then click "Populate ship particulars".

Relevant ship particulars will be

populated from the GISIS Ship and
Company Particulars module.

After adding fuel oil consumption data, click

"Add consumption data".
If the ship has two or more fuel oil types, then
add the data one-by-one.

Click "Submit" when done

After the submission, the summary of data submitted is shown on the "Consumption
record" page.
This summary includes not only data submitted by the Administration but also data
submitted by authorized recognized organizations, if applicable.

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 6

4 Authorization of a recognized organization for submission of data

Click "Recognized Organization".

All recognized organizations

registered in the GISIS
Recognized Organizations
module are shown.

Click a recognized organization from the list and click "Authorize Organization".

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 7

Then the authorized recognized organization is shown on the screen.

If you need to terminate the authorization, click the recognized organization and
then click "Deauthorize Organization".

5 Export of anonymized dataset

Click "Consumption Records".

Select the reporting year and then click "Export anonymized data".

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 8

An anonymized dataset (MS Excel spreadsheet) is downloaded.

6 Export of non-anonymized dataset of ships flying its flag

Click "Consumption Records".

Select the reporting year and then click "Export own non-anonymized data".

A non-anonymized dataset of ships flying its flag (MS Excel spreadsheet) is


7 Data submission via Extensible Markup Language (XML) format

In addition to the Database within the GISIS platform, the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
format is developed for bulk data submission from Member States. Member States that need
to use the XML format should contact the Secretariat ([email protected]) for further information.

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 9



As identified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of MEPC.1/Circ.871 on Submission of data to the IMO data

collection system of fuel oil consumption of ships from a State not Party to MARPOL Annex VI,
fuel oil consumption data of ships not flying the flag of a Party to MARPOL Annex VI could be
submitted by: a recognized organization duly authorized by a Party of MARPOL Annex VI; or
by a non-Party to MARPOL Annex VI directly.

This appendix 2 provides a procedure for a non-Party to submit the fuel oil consumption data
and relevant features of the Database.

1 Assignment of a ship fuel oil consumption module manager and user(s) by GISIS

In order to enable users to access the Database, GISIS administrator is requested

to assign the following User Role(s):

.1 Ship Fuel Oil Consumption manager (hereafter "the module

manager"); and,
.2 if necessary, Ship Fuel Oil Consumption user(s) (hereafter "the
module user(s)").

The module manager can:

.1 designate a contact person;

.2 submit the data to the Database and edit the data submitted for
ships flying its flag; and
.3 access to non-anonymized data of ships flying its flag.

The module user(s) can access (read-only) to the information on the contact
person, data submitted, non-anonymized data of ships flying its flag.

2 Log into the Database and designation of a contact person

In order to access the Database, after

logging into GISIS, click on the "Ship Fuel Oil
Consumption" module from the icon shown
on the right.
When the module manager first logs into the Database, they are requested to
designate a contact person for the purposes of the database who is responsible for
communication with the Secretariat if any matter arises with regard to the
submission of data by the respective Administration.
It is recommended to fill in the contact details of the module manager as a contact

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 10

Click "Submit" when done

3 Submission of data and revision of the data already submitted

Click "Consumption Record" and then click "Add new record" to submit the data.

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 11

Input the data of a ship then click "Submit".

Select "Reporting year", "Start date"

and "End date".

Enter the IMO number of the ship,

then click "Populate ship particulars".

Relevant ship particulars will be

populated from the GISIS Ship and
Company Particulars module.

After adding fuel oil consumption data, click

"Add consumption data".
If the ship has two or more fuel oil types,
then add the data one-by-one.
Click "Submit" when done
After the submission, the summary of the data is shown on the "Consumption
record" page.
This summary includes not only data submitted by the Administration but also data
submitted by recognized organization(s) duly authorized by a Party of MARPOL
Annex VI, if applicable.

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 12

4 Authorization of a recognized organization for submission of data

Noting that MEPC.1/Circ.871 on Submission of data to the IMO data collection system of fuel
oil consumption of ships from a State not Party to MARPOL Annex VI allows a recognized
organization duly authorized by a Party of MARPOL Annex VI to submit the fuel oil
consumption data of ships not flying the flag of a Party to MARPOL Annex VI, therefore the
feature to authorize a recognized organization is not available for non-Party users.

5 Export of anonymized dataset

Noting that regulation 22A.11 of MARPOL Annex VI identifies "Parties shall have access to
the anonymized data strictly for their analysis and consideration", access to the anonymized
dataset is not available for non-Party users.

6 Export of non-anonymized dataset of ships flying its flag

Click "Consumption Records".

Select the reporting year and then click "Export own non-anonymized data".

A non-anonymized dataset of ships flying its flag (MS Excel spreadsheet) is


7 Data submission via Extensible Markup Language (XML) format

In addition to the Database within the GISIS platform, the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
format is developed for bulk data submission from Member States. Member States that need
to use the XML format should contact the Secretariat ([email protected]) for further information.

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 13



A recognized organization can access the Database and submit the fuel oil consumption data
only after it has been authorized by a Party to MARPOL Annex VI to submit data on its behalf
via the Database (see section 4 of appendix 1). A recognized organization can also submit
data for non-Party ships.

In order to enable a user of a recognized organization to access the Database, the recognized
organization is requested to contact the Secretariat ([email protected]). The Secretariat will
provide the necessary information on the web accounts (for data submission by GISIS and the
XML format) to it.

1 Log into the Database and designation of a contact point.

Select "Public Users" from "Authority".

Use the given web account and log into the GISIS.

When the user first logs into the GISIS, they are is requested to fill in the personal

Click "Save Details" when done

In order to access the Database, click on the

"Ship Fuel Oil Consumption" module from
the icon shown on the right.

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 14

2 Submission of data on behalf of a Party to MARPOL Annex VI and revision of the data
already submitted

Click "Consumption Record" and then click "Add new record" to submit the data.

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 15

Select "Reporting year", "Start date"

and "End date".

Select the Flag of the ship

Enter the IMO number of the

ship, then click "Populate ship

Relevant ship particulars will

be populated from the GISIS
Ship and Company Particulars

After adding fuel oil consumption data, click

"Add consumption data".
If the ship has two or more fuel oil types, then
add the data one-by-one.
Click "Submit" when done
Input the data of a ship then click "Submit".
After submission, the summary of the data submitted is shown on the "Consumption
record" page.

3 Submission of data of non-Party ships and revision of the data already submitted

In accordance with MEPC.1/Circ.871 on Submission of data to the IMO data collection system
of fuel oil consumption of ships from a State not Party to MARPOL Annex VI, a recognized
organization duly authorized by a Party of MARPOL Annex VI can submit the fuel oil
consumption data of ships not flying the flag of a Party to MARPOL Annex VI via the same
process identified in section 2 of this appendix.

Circular Letter No.3827
Annex, page 16

4 Export of anonymized dataset

Noting that regulation 22A.11 identifies that "Parties shall have access to the anonymized data
strictly for their analysis and consideration", access to the anonymized dataset is not available
for users of recognized organizations.

5 Export of own non-anonymized dataset

Click "Consumption Records".

Select the reporting year and then click "Export own non-anonymized data".

A non-anonymized dataset submitted by the recognized organization (MS Excel

spreadsheet) is downloaded.

6 Data submission via Extensible Markup Language (XML) format

In addition to the Database within the GISIS platform, the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
format is developed for bulk data submission from recognized organizations. Special web
accounts to submit data by the XML format will be provided to recognized organizations that
have been authorized by a Party to MARPOL Annex VI for submission of fuel oil consumption
data. Should further information or assistance be needed, please contact the IMO Secretariat
([email protected]).



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