Unit 1 Week 2 (Updated)

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Week 2 Focus : Listening and speaking Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend

Topic: 1. Our Community Content Standard : 1.3

Learning Standards: 1.3.1(a)
DAY Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
a. listen to and demonstrate understanding by asking and answering questions orally
Thursday, 10th January
Teaching Aids : pictures, text book
CCE/EE: Thinking skills, entrepreneurship
Activities :
a. Pre listening and speaking:
English 1. Teacher writes the word “market”. Teacher gets the pupils to work in groups.
2. Pupils discuss with their friends what they usually see in a market.
3. Pupils write their ideas in bubble map form. Pupils present their work.
b. While listening and speaking:
Class 1. Teacher shows a picture of Nurul and her friends at the market. (TB page 2)
Year 4 Bestari 2. Teacher reads the dialogues, pupils listen and follow.
3. Teacher gets the pupils to describe what they can see in a market by using the sentence patterns
given. Teacher writes the sentence patterns on the board.
4. Teacher practices the sentence patterns with the pupils.
c. Post listening and speaking:
1. Teacher puts up 5 pictures on the board ( stationery shop, hardware store, night market, coffee
shop and post office)
(60 minutes)
2. Pupils work in groups. By using the sentence patterns from previous activity, pupils talk about what
they can see and buy at these places.
3. Pupils take turn to ask and answer questions. Teacher walks around the class to guide the pupils.
4. Teacher randomly calls a few groups to do the speaking activity in front of the class.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to listen to and demonstrate understanding by asking
Absent: and answering questions orally.

Week 2 Focus : Listening and speaking Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend
Topic: 1. Our Community Content Standard : 1.3
Learning Standards: 1.3.1(a)
DAY Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
a. listen to and demonstrate understanding by asking and answering questions orally
Thursday, 10th January
Teaching Aids : pictures, text book
CCE/EE: Thinking skills, entrepreneurship
Activities :
a. Pre listening and speaking:
English 1. Teacher writes the word “market”. Teacher gets the pupils to work in groups.
2. Pupils discuss with their friends what they usually see in a market.
3. Pupils write their ideas in bubble map form. Pupils present their work.
b. While listening and speaking:
Class 1. Teacher shows a picture of Nurul and her friends at the market. (TB page 2)
Year 4 Bestari 2. Teacher reads the dialogues, pupils listen and follow.
3. Teacher gets the pupils to describe what they can see in a market by using the sentence patterns
given. Teacher writes the sentence patterns on the board.
4. Teacher practices the sentence patterns with the pupils.
c. Post listening and speaking:
1. Teacher puts up 5 pictures on the board ( stationery shop, hardware store, night market, coffee
shop and post office)
(60 minutes)
2. Pupils work in groups. By using the sentence patterns from previous activity, pupils talk about what
they can see and buy at these places.
3. Pupils take turn to ask and answer questions. Teacher walks around the class to guide the pupils.
4. Teacher randomly calls a few groups to do the speaking activity in front of the class.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to listen to and demonstrate understanding by asking
Absent: and answering questions orally.

Focus : Reading
Week 2 Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend Topic: 1. Our Community Content Standard : 2.2
Learning Standards: 2.2.2(a), 2.2.4(a)(b)
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
DAY a. read and understand the text by answering correctly at least 3 out of 5 comprehension questions
Friday, 11th January 2019 b. locate words and their meaning in the dictionary
Teaching Aids: text book, pictures, dictionary CCE/EE: Thinking skills, contextualism
Activities :
a. Pre reading:
1. Teacher shows pictures of houses burnt down by fire.
2. Teacher asks pupils what they should do to help the fire victims.
Class 3. Teacher also ask the pupils who can help these people.
Year 4 Bijak b. While reading:
1. Teacher gets the pupils to read the text. (TB page 4)
2. Teacher asks questions orally to check understanding.
Time 3. Teacher gets the pupils to work in pairs. Teacher distributes task sheet.
4. Pupils answer the questions. Teacher checks pupils’ answers.
(60 minutes) c. Post reading:
1. Teacher gets pupils’ attention to the words in bold.
2. Teacher tells the pupils that we can use dictionary to find meanings of words.
3. In pairs, pupils locate and find meanings of these words in the dictionary.
4. Teacher discusses the answers. Pupils do corrections.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of _____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to ad and understand the text by answering correctly
at least 3 out of 5 comprehension questions
Absent: b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to locate words and their meaning in the dictionary

Focus : Reading
Week 2 Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend Topic: 1. Our Community Content Standard : 2.2
Learning Standards: 2.2.2(a), 2.2.4(a)(b)
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
a. read and understand the text by answering correctly at least 3 out of 5 comprehension questions
b. locate words and their meaning in the dictionary
Friday, 11th January 2019
Teaching Aids: text book, pictures, dictionary CCE/EE: Thinking skills, contextualism
Activities :
a. Pre reading:
English 1. Teacher shows pictures of houses burnt down by fire.
2. Teacher asks pupils what they should do to help the fire victims.
Class 3. Teacher also ask the pupils who can help these people.
Year 4 Bestari b. While reading:
1. Teacher gets the pupils to read the text. (TB page 4)
2. Teacher asks questions orally to check understanding.
Time 3. Teacher gets the pupils to work in pairs. Teacher distributes task sheet.
4. Pupils answer the questions. Teacher checks pupils’ answers.
(60 minutes) c. Post reading:
1. Teacher gets pupils’ attention to the words in bold.
2. Teacher tells the pupils that we can use dictionary to find meanings of words.
3. In pairs, pupils locate and find meanings of these words in the dictionary.
4. Teacher discusses the answers. Pupils do corrections.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of _____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to ad and understand the text by answering correctly
at least 3 out of 5 comprehension questions
Absent: b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to locate words and their meaning in the dictionary

Week 3 Focus : Writing Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend Topic: 1. Our Community
Content Standard : 3.1 Learning Standards: 3.1.1(a)
DAY Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
Tuesday, 15th January a. complete the paragraph with the correct words in neat and legible handwriting
2019 Teaching Aids : text book, worksheet, power point slides CCE/EE: Contextualism
Activities :
a. Pre writing:
1. Teacher shows a picture. (TB page 7)
2. Teacher shows word cards with names of fruits and vegetables.
Subject 3. If the fruits and vegetables are in the picture, pupils clap their hands.
English 4. If the fruits and vegetables are not in the picture, pupils put their fingers on their mouth.
5. Teacher relates the activity with today’s topic which is fund-raising fair.
6. Teacher gets the pupils to think what people usually sell in a fund-raising fair. Teacher shows a few
b. While writing:
Year 4 Bestari
1. Teacher gets the pupils to read the dialogue. (refer to TB page 7)
2. Teacher asks questions orally to check understanding.
3. Teacher gets the pupils to work in pairs. Teacher distributes worksheet.
4. Pupils complete the sentences with the correct words. Teacher checks pupils’ answers.
Time c. Post writing:
1. Pupils work in pairs.
(60 minutes) 2. Pupils complete the paragraph with the correct words.
3. Teacher discusses the answers.
4. Pupils rewrite the paragraph with answers in their exercise books.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to complete the paragraph with the correct words in
Absent: neat and legible handwriting.

Week 3 Focus : Writing Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend Topic: 1. Our Community
Content Standard : 3.1 Learning Standards: 3.1.1(a)
DAY Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
Tuesday, 15th January a. complete the paragraph with the correct words in neat and legible handwriting
2019 Teaching Aids : text book, worksheet, power point slides CCE/EE: Contextualism
Activities :
a. Pre writing:
1. Teacher shows a picture. (TB page 7)
2. Teacher shows word cards with names of fruits and vegetables.
3. If the fruits and vegetables are in the picture, pupils clap their hands.
English 4. If the fruits and vegetables are not in the picture, pupils put their fingers on their mouth.
5. Teacher relates the activity with today’s topic which is fund-raising fair.
6. Teacher gets the pupils to think what people usually sell in a fund-raising fair. Teacher shows a few
Class examples.
Year 4 Bijak b. While writing:
1. Teacher gets the pupils to read the dialogue. (refer to TB page 7)
2. Teacher asks questions orally to check understanding.
3. Teacher gets the pupils to work in pairs. Teacher distributes worksheet.
Time 4. Pupils complete the sentences with the correct words. Teacher checks pupils’ answers.
c. Post writing:
1. Pupils work in pairs.
(60 minutes)
2. Pupils complete the paragraph with the correct words.
3. Teacher discusses the answers.
4. Pupils rewrite the paragraph with answers in their exercise books.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to complete the paragraph with the correct words in
Absent: neat and legible handwriting.

Week 3 Focus : Grammar Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend Topic: 1. Our Community
Content Standard : 5.1 Learning Standards: 5.1.1 (b)(c)
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
DAY a. use singular and plural nouns correctly and appropriately
b. write the plural form of nouns
Wednesday 16th January
Teaching Aids: text book, power point slides, task sheet CCE/EE: Thinking skills
Activities :
a. Presentation:
Subject 1. Show pupils pictures of singular nouns and plural nouns.
English Eg: a book, two books, a toy car, three toy cars.
2. Pupils answer a few questions regarding the pictures.
Eg: How many trees are there?
3. Introduce the concept of singular and plural nouns to the pupils. Explain the rules by giving them
some examples and sentences.
Year 4 Bestari
b. Practice:
1. Pupils work in groups. Teacher distributes worksheet.
2. Pupils write plural form of the nouns given.Teacher discusses the answers with pupils.
Time c. Production:
1. Teacher explains to pupils how to do the next activity.
(60 minutes) 2. In pairs, pupils fill in the blanks with the plural form of the words in brackets.
(TB page 9)
3. Teacher discusses the answers with pupils. Pupils write the answers in their exercise books.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to use singular and plural nouns correctly and
Absent: appropriately.

b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to write the plural form of nouns

Week 3 Focus : Grammar Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend Topic: 1. Our Community
Content Standard : 5.1 Learning Standards: 5.1.1 (b)(c)
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
DAY a. use singular and plural nouns correctly and appropriately
b. write the plural form of nouns
Wednesday 16th January
Teaching Aids: text book, power point slides, task sheet CCE/EE: Thinking skills
Activities :
a. Presentation:
1. Show pupils pictures of singular nouns and plural nouns.
Subject Eg: a book, two books, a toy car, three toy cars.
English 2. Pupils answer a few questions regarding the pictures.
Eg: How many trees are there?
3. Introduce the concept of singular and plural nouns to the pupils. Explain the rules by giving them
Class some examples and sentences.
Year 4 Bijak b. Practice:
1. Pupils work in groups. Teacher distributes worksheet.
2. Pupils write plural form of the nouns given.Teacher discusses the answers with pupils.
Time c. Production:
1. Teacher explains to pupils how to do the next activity.
2. In pairs, pupils fill in the blanks with the plural form of the words in brackets.
(60 minutes)
(TB page 9)
3. Teacher discusses the answers with pupils. Pupils write the answers in their exercise books.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to use singular and plural nouns correctly and
Absent: appropriately.

b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to write the plural form of nouns

Week 3 Focus : Language Art Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend Topic: The Jungle Book
Content Standard : 4.2 Learning Standards: 4.2.1
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. talk about the book cover
b. talk about the characters in the story and complete the mind map
Teaching Aids: pictures, worksheet
Thursday, 17th January
CCE/EE: Thinking skills, contextual learning, multiple intelligences (Visual-spatial), i-Think Programme
(Bubble map)
Activities :
Activity 1:
Subject  Teacher shows the book cover. Teacher asks Wh-questions about the cover.
English  Example: What do you think this boy likes to do?
 Teacher gets the pupils to talk about the cover. Teacher asks pupils to predict the story.
 Teacher asks questions to elicit the features generally found on a book cover .
 Pupils work in pairs. Teacher distributes worksheet 1 to pupils for them to complete.
 Teacher discusses the answers with pupils.
Year 4 Bestari
Activity 2:
 Teacher asks pupils what the two main characters in the story are doing
 Teacher asks pupils to skim through the book and find the pages which match the headings
Time of the first and second mind maps.
 Pupils complete the mind maps given in groups. Pupils paste their mind maps around the
(60 minutes) classroom. Teacher conducts gallery walk.
 Pupils walk around the classroom and read their friends’ answers. Teacher checks pupils’
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about the book cover.

Absent: b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about the characters in the story and complete
the mind map.

Week 3 Focus : Language Art Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend Topic: The Jungle Book
Content Standard : 4.2 Learning Standards: 4.2.1
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. talk about the book cover
b. talk about the characters in the story and complete the mind map
Teaching Aids: pictures, worksheet
Thursday, 17th January
CCE/EE: Thinking skills, contextual learning, multiple intelligences (Visual-spatial), i-Think Programme
(Bubble map)
Activities :
Activity 1:
Subject  Teacher shows the book cover. Teacher asks Wh-questions about the cover.
English  Example: What do you think this boy likes to do?
 Teacher gets the pupils to talk about the cover. Teacher asks pupils to predict the story.
 Teacher asks questions to elicit the features generally found on a book cover .
Class  Pupils work in pairs. Teacher distributes worksheet 1 to pupils for them to complete.
Year 4 Bijak  Teacher discusses the answers with pupils.
Activity 2:
 Teacher asks pupils what the two main characters in the story are doing
 Teacher asks pupils to skim through the book and find the pages which match the headings
of the first and second mind maps.
 Pupils complete the mind maps given in groups. Pupils paste their mind maps around the
(60 minutes)
classroom. Teacher conducts gallery walk.
 Pupils walk around the classroom and read their friends’ answers. Teacher checks pupils’
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of ____ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about the book cover.

Absent: b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about the characters in the story and complete
the mind map.

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