Tos-English 1 (q1)

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Department of Education

Region III
Division of City of San Fernando
San Fernando West District
City of San Fernando, Pampanga

First Quarter –English 1

TOPIC Learning Competencies Code No. Percentage No. of Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Total Placement
Items Items
Classifying/ Categorizing sounds 1.Classify/ Categorize sounds heard EN2PA-Ia- 3 7% 2 2 2 1- 2
heard c-1.1
Identifying letters in English that are 2. Identify letters in English that are not EN2AK-Ih- 3 2% 1 2 1 3
not present in Mother Tongue, present in Mother Tongue and Filipino j-2
Filipino and vice versa
3. Identify short and long vowel sounds. EN2PA-Ig- 6 9% 3 2 3 4- 6
Identifying short and long vowel
Recognizing names of persons, 4. Recognize names of persons, animals, EN2G-If-g- 3 18% 5 1 2 1 5 7- 11
animals, things, places and events. things, places and events. 2.1
5. Identifying common nouns and proper EN2G_If- 3 7% 2 1 1 2 12- 13
Identifying common nouns and
nouns. g-2.1
proper nouns.
EN2PA-Ig- 3 7% 2 2 2 14- 15
Recognizing critical consonant b and 6. Recognize critical consonant b and v 2.3
v sound, p and f sound. sound, p and f sound.
7. Recognizing common nouns and EN2G_If- 3 32% 10 2 2 16- 25
Recognizing common nouns and
proper nouns in sentences. g-2.1
proper nouns in sentences.
9. Form the plural nouns by adding s or EN2G-If-g- 3 18% 5 2 5 26-30
Forming the plural nouns by adding s
es, changing y to I and add es, changing 2
or es, changing y to I and add es,
f/fe to v and add es and changing their
changing f/fe to v and add es and
changing their spelling.

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