Department of Education: Learner'S Activity Sheet in Quarter 4, Week 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent


Name: Grade & Section:
School: Teacher:

1. Define and identify relevant promotional tools, namely, advertising,
sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing to
create awareness and persuade the target market to buy the product or
patronize the service.

General Reminders: Use this activity sheet with care. Do not put unnecessary
mark/s on any part of the activity sheet. Use a separate sheet of paper in
answering the exercises. Read the directions carefully before doing each task.
Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with

I. Explore


Direction: Given the different companies below, think and name what
company’s tagline belongs to by just reading the items below.
Example: Metrobank: You’re in Good Hands
1. Mercury Drug ________________________________
2. Globe ________________________________
3. Sprite ________________________________
4. Banco de Oro (BDO) ________________________________
5. Mega Sardines ________________________________
6. M-Lhuillier ________________________________
7. Jollibee ________________________________

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Maharlika Highway, Catbalogan City, Samar

Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
Telefax: (005) 251-3196 | (055) 543-8268
\| Zion Faye R. Fajanilan I SAMAR NATIONAL

8. Nike ________________________________
9. SM Store ________________________________
10. Philippine Airlines ________________________________

II. Learn

Marketing is often equated with advertising. But as you hopefully know by now,
advertising and promotions in general are just part of the marketing mix. In
fact, promotions are the fourth P’s of marketing mix, and covers matters such
as advertising, sales promotions, personal selling, public relations strategies. In
short, these are the most direct communication elements available to a
Advertising and promotions constitute the overt forms of communication for a
product that involve the use of various media to deliver messages to the market
in order to achieve business objectives. Because different kinds of media may be
employed in order to push a message to consumers, the portfolio of media is
referred to as the promotions mix.
Traditionally, the promotions mix was composed of advertising, sales
promotions, public relations, and personal selling. Today, however, the
promotions mix, has been updated in order to reflect new realities in the
communications environment.
Today’s promotions mix consists of above-the-line communications, which refer
to the traditional mass media vehicles of print, radio and television, and below-
the-line communications, which refer to more targeted, smaller scale executions
including the use of social media. Increasingly, many campaigns now combine
the two in what is called through-the-line communications, often involving the
use of mass media to encourage consumers to visit below-the-line channels.
The purpose of promotions is to elicit a change in behavior. Of course, getting
people to buy your product, when previously they did not, constitutes a change
in behavior. But he behavioral objective need not be this abrupt. Often,
consumers first need to be primed in order to allow them to collect positive
feelings toward the product, before finally getting them to actually purchase it.

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Maharlika Highway, Catbalogan City, Samar

Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
Telefax: (005) 251-3196 | (055) 543-8268
\| Zion Faye R. Fajanilan I SAMAR NATIONAL

Promotion- it is an activity or a series of activities that are intended to boost

the sales of a product or service, usually short-term.
Two types of Promotions
1. Trade promotions- are intended for marketing intermediaries such as
retailers. The purpose of trade promotions is to encourage the intermediaries to
increase purchases, to stock a particular product, to accelerate purchases or
payments for purchases, or to extend preference towards a particular brand.
Examples of trade promotions are 10+1 (if a retailer orders ten cases of a
product, the manufacturer delivers 11 case but does not charge for the extra
case), giving retailers free store signages to carry a specific product brand, and
contests among participating retailers. Trade promotions “push” products to the
retailers or trade outlet.
2. Consumer promotions- are intended for consumers. The purpose of
consumer promotions is to induce product trial, encourage brand switching, or
reward consumer patronage.
Advertising- may be defined as any paid form of non-personal presentation and
promotion of ideas, goods, or services, by an identified sponsor.
Brand awareness- is the extent to which consumers are familiar with the
distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services.
Types of Media and Techniques Used in Advertising
1. Radio- a viable advertising vehicle in the Philippines since 1922, radio is the
most accessible media. Philippines radio stations broadcast in either the AM or
FM brands, with AM stations broadcasting mostly talk, news, or opinion
programs. On the other hand, FM stations primarily broadcast music, with each
radio station specializing on a particular type, such as classical, hip-hop, rock,
or pop.
2. Newspapers- newspapers circulating in the Philippines constitute one of the
most viable media for advertising, if the advertiser would like to reach a great
number of urban dwellers and a wide variety of audience. Unlike the other types
of media, a lot of advertising information can be accommodated in a small
newspaper advertising space.
3. Consumer Magazines- are purchased by certain types of buyers depending
on the nature of the magazine. Metro magazine, for instance, are read by young

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Maharlika Highway, Catbalogan City, Samar

Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
Telefax: (005) 251-3196 | (055) 543-8268
\| Zion Faye R. Fajanilan I SAMAR NATIONAL

professionals and those with sufficient income to be able to afford its high-end
Among the advantages of magazines are:
a. It can be passed on to other readers
b. Its low cost of advertising per thousand of prospects reached
c. It reaches a specialized audience.
4. Television- provides a powerful combination of visual and audio effects to
the audience. Just imagine the difference between a live radio broadcast and a
live telecast of a boxing spectacle like that of Manny Pacquiao.
Television’s main disadvantages, however, are the high costs involved, and the
limited information format (a TV ad, like the radio ad must not be longer than
60 seconds).
5. Outdoor Advertising- consists of posters, painted bulletins, and
spectaculars. Posters are the least costly, while spectaculars are the most
expensive. A very important aspect of outdoor advertising is the choice of
location where visibility is a must.
6. Direct Mail- is the most selective of all media forms. It reaches only the
individuals and organizations the advertiser wishes to contact. Direct mail
contains information which may be in the form of postcards, letters, leaflets,
folders, booklets or catalogs. The disadvantage of direct mail is that costs are
high per prospect reached.
7. Cable TV- are those which are attached to subscribers’ homes to the
exclusion of all others. As subscribers belong to a specialized group, cable TV
can be useful in advertising special products. The main drawback of Cable TV,
however, is its limited coverage.
8. Yellow Pages- The yellow pages of directories (like the telephone directory)
are widely used by national and local advertisers. This medium is especially
useful to buyers who have already decided to buy products or services but do
not know where to buy them.
The cost per advertisement page is low compared to other media Its main
disadvantage, however, is that it is a passive form of advertising and the
message is dormant until the prospect lifts the pages of the directory.

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Maharlika Highway, Catbalogan City, Samar

Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
Telefax: (005) 251-3196 | (055) 543-8268
\| Zion Faye R. Fajanilan I SAMAR NATIONAL

9. Transit advertising- consists of those that appear inside and outside of

buses. It is less costly but it is also less discriminating. It can be read by just
any other person, prospects and non-prospects.
10. Point-of-Purchase- refers to those appearing in outlets where goods are
sold. They are most often used by national advertisers for the purpose of selling
their goods through retail outlet. Point-of-purchase advertising is varied in
terms of material, size, construction, and design.
11. Internet- is a global network of networks linking millions of users and as
such, offers many possibilities for the advertiser. Many companies have already
put up their own home pages which serve as a form of advertising that the
audience seeks.
12. Cellphones- are tools of electronic communication using two forms: the
spoken word and the text (or Short Messaging Service). The SMS is currently
used by some firms to advertise their products such as movies and
entertainment. The cellphone is an inexpensive medium for advertising, but it
cannot select its audience.

Public Relations. It is a form of promotion designed to favorably influence

attitudes toward an organization, its products, and its policies. The purpose of
public relations is to build or maintain a favorable image for an organization
with its customers, prospects, stockholders, employees, labor unions, the local
community, and the government.
Public relations consist of two components: publicity and public affairs.
Publicity- is the generation of news about a person, product, or organization
that appears in broadcast or electronic media. It is usually achieved by planting
commercially significant news about the product or service in a published
medium or obtaining favorable presentation of the product or service upon
radio, television, or stage. Publicity is most often used in promoting a film and
its star, or a new record release and its singer.
Forms of Publicity
1. News release- is a brief memo or report containing news information, such
as the announcement of a new product, or change in management. The purpose
of news release is to inform a newspaper, radio station, or other medium, of an
idea for a story.

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Maharlika Highway, Catbalogan City, Samar

Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
Telefax: (005) 251-3196 | (055) 543-8268
\| Zion Faye R. Fajanilan I SAMAR NATIONAL

2. Press agentry- is the planning and staging of an event in order to generate

publicity. The tools of press agentry are:
a. Press kits- which contains information about the event and key information
for publication in news stories. These may include product samples,
background information and product brochures, and other information that will
help the news writer in writing an article about the event or the organization.
b. Speaker’s bureaus- which are actually listing of company officials who will
speak at civic and industry events.
Public Affairs- is that part of public relations that deals with community
Two types of Public Affairs
a. Lobbying- is the attempt to persuade a government official or governing body
to adopt policies, procedures, or legislation in favor of the lobbying group or
b. Community involvement- is that type of public affairs which undertakes
company participation in community activities like sponsoring a sports event, a
musical show, or scholarship programs.
Sales Promotion- is a short-term inducement of value offered to arouse interest
in buying a good or service. It is offered to the middleman or to the final
Sales Promotion Methods
1. Consumer sales promotion- techniques encourage or stimulate consumers
to patronize a specific retailer or to try a new product.
2. Trade sales promotion- stimulates wholesalers and retailers to carry a firm’s
product and to sell it aggressively.

Activity: Matching Type: Match the items in Column A to Column B.

Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the

1. Manila Bulletin a. Radio
2. MOR 101.9 b. Direct mail

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Maharlika Highway, Catbalogan City, Samar

Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
Telefax: (005) 251-3196 | (055) 543-8268
\| Zion Faye R. Fajanilan I SAMAR NATIONAL

3. ABS-CBN c. Publicity
4. Post-card and leaflets d. Yellow pages
5. Press conference of the new e. Television
6. Telephone directory f. Public affairs
7. Posters and painted g. Promotion
8. Lobbying and community h. Outdoor advertising
9. Consumer sales and trade i. Sales promotion
sales promotion
10.P’s of Marketing j. Newspaper

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

III. Engage

Write PROMOTION if the statement is TRUE, and write

ADVERTISING if it is FALSE. Write the correct answer on the
blank provided at the left side of the paper.

1. Advertising is one of the means used to motivate people

to patronize a certain product.
2. Direct-mail consists of those that appears inside and
outside the buses.
3. Public relations consist of two components; publicity
and public affairs.
4. Public affairs is most often used in promoting a film
and its star, or a new record release and its singer.
5. Posters are the least costly, while spectaculars

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Maharlika Highway, Catbalogan City, Samar

Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
Telefax: (005) 251-3196 | (055) 543-8268
\| Zion Faye R. Fajanilan I SAMAR NATIONAL

are the most expensive.

IV. Apply
Directions: Read the following questions carefully.
Your answers will be evaluated using the rubrics shown

1. Give an example of an effective TV ad. From what you

remember, what made it memorable for you?

2. What can print ads do that broadcast ads cannot?

Grading Rubric (25 points)

Criteria 10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points POINTS

Explanation A complete Good solid Explanation is Misses key
response response unclear points
with a with clear
detailed explanation
Demonstrated Shows Shows Response Response
Knowledge complete substantial shows some shows a
understanding understanding understanding complete lack
of the of the of the problem of
questions, problem, understanding
ideas and ideas, and for the
processes processes problem
Requirements Goes beyond Meets the Hardly meets Does not meet
the requirements the the
requirements of the requirements requirements
of the problem problem of the problem of the problem

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Maharlika Highway, Catbalogan City, Samar

Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
Telefax: (005) 251-3196 | (055) 543-8268
\| Zion Faye R. Fajanilan I SAMAR NATIONAL

V. Post Test

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write

the letter that corresponds to your answer on a separate sheet
of paper.

1. It is the most selective of all media forms and it reaches only the
individuals and organizations the advertisers wish to contact.
a. Cable TV
b. Direct mail
c. Radio
d. Television
2. Is a form of promotion designed to favorably influence attitudes
toward an organization, its products, and its policies?
a. Public affairs
b. Publicity
c. Public relations
d. Sales promotion
3. Is a short-term inducement of value offered to arouse interest in
buying a good or service, and it is offered to the middleman or to the
final consumer?
a. Public affairs
b. Publicity
c. Public relations
d. Sales promotion
4. It is the generation of news about a person, product, or organization
that appears in broadcast or electronic media.
a. Public affairs
b. Publicity
c. Public relations
d. Sales promotion
5. It is a brief memo or report containing news information, such as
the announcement of a new product, or change in management.
a. Lobbying
b. News release

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Maharlika Highway, Catbalogan City, Samar

Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
Telefax: (005) 251-3196 | (055) 543-8268
\| Zion Faye R. Fajanilan I SAMAR NATIONAL

c. Public affairs
d. Press agentry
6. One of the methods used in sales promotion, where it is stimulates
wholesalers and retailers to carry a firm’s product and to sell it
a. Consumer sales
b. Lobbying
c. Press agentry
d. Trade sales
7. It is an activity or a series of activities that are intended to boost the
sales of a product or service, usually short-term.
a. Place
b. Product
c. Price
d. Promotion
8. It is defined as any paid and public presentation of products,
services, or ideas by an identified sponsor through a medium.
a. Advertising
b. Personal selling
c. Publicity
d. Public relations
9. Is the extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive
qualities or image of a particular brand or goods or services.
a. Advertising
b. Brand awareness
c. Branding
d. Promotion
10. It is a viable advertising vehicle in the Philippines since 1922, and it
is the most accessible media.
a. Billboard
b. Cinema
c. Print
d. Radio
11. It provides a powerful combination of visual and audio effects to the
a. Direct mail
b. Magazine

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Maharlika Highway, Catbalogan City, Samar

Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
Telefax: (005) 251-3196 | (055) 543-8268
\| Zion Faye R. Fajanilan I SAMAR NATIONAL

c. Newspaper
d. Television
12. It consists of those that appear inside and outside of buses. It is less
costly but it is also less discriminating.
a. Directory advertising
b. E-mail advertising
c. Social networking sites
d. Transit advertising
13. It consists of posters, painted bulletins, and spectaculars and they
are least costly.
a. Directory advertising
b. Outdoor advertising
c. Social networking sites
d. Transit advertising
14. It is the most selective of all media forms and it reaches only the
individuals and organizations the advertisers wish to contact.
a. Cable TV
b. Direct mail
c. Radio
d. Television
15. It is a global network of networks linking millions of users and as
such, offers many possibilities for the advertisers.
a. Cellphones
b. Internet
c. Point-of-Purchase
d. Yellow pages

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Maharlika Highway, Catbalogan City, Samar

Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
Telefax: (005) 251-3196 | (055) 543-8268
\| Zion Faye R. Fajanilan I SAMAR NATIONAL

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