The Learning Environment Observation 1: Getting Acquainted With Cooperating School and Class

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Observation 1: Getting Acquainted with Cooperating School and Class

1. Name, School Logo


2. Mission-Vision

3. Core Values


5. Class Program

As the saying goes “First Impression Lasts”, what is your impression about the class you have
during your first day of observation as a Field Study student?

Observation 2: Facilitative Learning Environment

Grade Level: Subject:


*adapted from Pine and Horn (1990)
Observed Date Remarks (if any)
 encourages learners to be active

 promotes and facilitates the

individual’s discovery of the personal
meaning of idea
 emphasizes the uniquely personal and
subjective nature of learning
 difference is good and desirable

 consistently recognizes people’s right

to make mistakes
 tolerates ambiguity

 evaluation is a cooperative process

with emphasis on self- evaluation
 encourages openness of self rather
than concealment of self
 people are encouraged to trust in
themselves as well as in external
 which people feel they are respected

 people feel they are accepted.

 permits confrontation

 provides conducive learning

environment necessary in the full
development of the cognitive, and
appetitive faculties of the learner.

How did the Cooperating Teacher make the learning environment pleasant and conducive to the


Observation 3: Understanding the Learners

for Secondary Major

Observed Evidence of Cognitive Abilities of Learner

Formal Operational

Grade Level: Subject Area: Time:

Lesson Objective:

Cognitive Abilities Evidence (specific student behavior/action/response or

work sample
Adolescents can "group and classify
symbols, statements and even theories."
Adolescents can "follow and formulate
arguments from premise to
Adolescents can hypothesize thinking
of "what might be" "what if" and the
possibilities that can come out.
Adolescents can "perform mental
operations with symbols which may not
naturally exist in their own world".
Adolescents can "understand,
appreciate, and produce metaphors and
other figures of speech"

Based on your observation, which cognitive abilities were not so observable in these online
classes? Why?
Are all learners capable of performing all cognitive abilities? If not, what are the factors that may
hamper this development?
Other than those observed in your class, what are the other activities which you as a future
teacher can do or introduce to further enhance your learner’s cognitive development? Share one

Grade Level:______________ Subject Area: ____________________


Observation 4: Learner’s Development and Instruction

for Secondary Major

Teaching Formal Operational Learner

Grade Level: Subject Area: Time:

Guidelines Key Events in the Lesson Observed

1. Continue to use concrete Example:

props and visual aids. The teacher showed a globe in introducing a new lesson.
2. Give the students a chance
to work and try instructional
learning objects.
3. Make sure presentations
and readings are brief and
4. Use familiar examples to
explain more complex ideas.
5. Give opportunities to
classify and group objects
and ideas on increasingly
complex levels.
6. Present problems that
require logical, analytical

Were all the teaching guidelines demonstrated in the lesson you observed? Which were clearly
shown? Which guidelines were not observed at all?

What could be the reason/s why the teacher did not have the opportunity to observe the
suggested guidelines for this stage?

How does the teacher manage instruction suited to the level of the learners?

Observation 5: Routines / Transitions/ Curricular Activities

Use this observation form by writing down the routines the cooperating teacher has
exhibited during the whole session.

Grade Level: Subject Area: Date: Time:

Episode Time Routine

Lesson ends

Based on your observation of the class routines, what is the best practice of your cooperating-
teachers that impress you the most? Explain your answer.

Based on your observation of the class routines, how did the cooperating teacher establish a
management plan of routines?

Observation 6: Instructional Materials

Observed and list down the instructional materials utilized by your Cooperating Teacher during
your observation in 2 sessions.

On the third column, identify the purpose of the utilization of each instructional material
identified. (See Purposes of the Utilization notes)

Grade Level: Subject Area:

Date Time Instructional Materials Used Purpose of Utilization

Session 1

Session 2

Based on your observation, how did the instructional material used by your cooperating teacher
helped the learners understand the lesson?


Observation 7: Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives Checklist

*adapted from Corpuz and Salandanan (2015)

Grade Level: Subject Area: Time: Date:

Lesson Objectives:

Observed Not Observed Remarks if any)

Does the lesson have
clearly defined
Are the objectives
shared to the class?
Are the lesson
objectives in 2 or 3
domains- knowledge,
skills and values?
Are the lesson
objectives connected to
our students’ life
Are the lesson
objectives aligned with
the aims of education
of the country?
Do the objectives aim
at the development of
critical and creative
Result-Oriented /
Relevant Time-bound

Based on your observation, are the lesson objective/s met at the end of the session?


Observation 8: Classroom Manager

Teacher’s Management Concerns

Grade Level: Subject Area: Time: Date:

O -Observed
NO -No opportunity to observe
NA -Not applicable
Concern 1: Establishing a teacher presence in the class as a O NO NA
responsible role model
 Show respect to command respect.
 Know every student and respect diversity.
 Master your lessons to act confidently.
 Speak courteously to students at all times.
 Show personal pride on your students.
Concern 2: Establishing a well-organized caring learning environment
 Structure a "welcoming room.
 Arrange the seats according to anticipated learning activities.
 Structure learning centers and bulletin boards that reinforce
 Arrange an area for display of students' works to recognize their
 Maintain positively stated rules that go with learning territories.
Concern 3: Establishing clear set of attainable classroom rules
 Very importantly, model all established school and classroom rules.
 Lead the learners to set attainable classroom rules themselves.
 Direct students to make a plan for observing classroom rules.
 Enforce rules positively
 Constantly review and revise rules if necessary.
Concern 4: Establishing wholesome friendly relationship with and among
 Model respectful treatment of students at all times.
 Listen to students voices and choices.
 Foster honest, wholesome and constructive conversation.
 Reinforce positive behaviors and achievements with deserved praise.
 Exhibit warm and cheerful disposition.
Concern 5: Establishing a management system of routines
 Establish brief, precise routine procedures for organizing learners,
equipment and activities.
 Define various noise levels and limits for different class activities.
 Specify time for classroom activities and movement.
 Provide flexibility even with well-planned routines
 Adopt a consistent and persistent approach to routine implementation.
Concern 6: Establishing a management plan of routines

 Begin and end all class activities on time.
 Plan well ahead to minimize interruptions.
 Use prompts and signals to keep students on task.
 Make sure that all needed resource materials are readily available.
 Allow student volunteers to carry out various tasks as privileges.
Concern 7: Establishing a well-organized instruction
 Provide a well-planned, focused, and logically organized lessons.
 Select varied teaching styles and grouping patterns to suit diverse
 Provide opportunities for productive learning engagement.
 Observe students’ engagement on task behaviors throughout the lesson.
 Maintain smooth transition from one activity to the next.

How did the Cooperating Teacher establish

a) her presence in the classroom as a responsible role model?
b) caring organized learning environment?
c) clear set of classroom rules?
d) a well-organized instruction?

Individual reflection
Why is teacher a classroom manager? How can I be a competent classroom manager?

Observation 9: The Teacher as a Facilitator of Assisted Learning

During your observation, identify the three learning tasks to be performed by the students and the
form of assistance given.

Grade Level: Subject Area: Date: Time:

Learning Tasks of Students Form Assistance Given

Example Repeats explanation
Solving 2-digits Addition Demonstrate steps in doing

What do students derive from assisted learning? How is this related to their cognitive

What have you learned from this observation?


Observation 10: The Teacher as Implementor of Purposeful Assessment

Set appointments for an interview with at a teacher. Use the Interview Form as your guide. Be
sure to study the guide first before you start your interview. Prepare a record sheet for the teacher
you will interview.
Interview Guide Response
Greet the Teacher (T) you are about to interview Date:
and mark the time you start. Time:
Thank him/her for giving you the time to talk with Grade Level and Subject Taught:
Ask how many years T has been teaching and the
grade levels and subjects s/he is teaching.

Inform T of the purpose of the interview.

"I would like to learn how you have been using
assessment in your class."

What assessment methods have you been using as Check all those mentioned by T
a teacher (online and offline)? o Giving short quizzes
o Giving long test at the end of a unit
o Giving quarterly test
o Oral questioning
o Performance testing
o Observation
o Others (Specify)

What do you do when you give short quizzes? Check all that apply.
o Teacher checks the quizzes after class.
o Teacher always records the scores
o Others (Specify)

What do you do with the results? o T notes the common errors by a show of
o T discusses the common errors with class.
o T returns test papers to learners after
o Others:

What about when you give a long test like a unit Check all that apply.
or periodical test? o Teacher checks the quizzes after class.

o Teacher always records the scores
Others (Specify)

What do you do with the results? o T notes the common errors by a show of
o T discusses the common errors with class.
o T returns test papers to learners after
o Others:

Do you let students know about the results of the


What's your purpose for discussing the errors of

the learners?

Other than testing what else do you use Check all those mentioned by T
for grading? o Projects
o Oral Performance
o Written Performance
o Physical Demonstration
o Others (Specify)

Which do you use for arriving at periodical o Check all those mentioned by the Teacher
grades? o Short Quizzes
o Unit Tests
o Quarterly Test
o Oral Test
o Projects
o Others (specify):

Do you find assessment useful to you as a

teacher? How?

(Encourage Teacher to give as many reasons as

s/he can)

Thank the Teacher for the opportunity s/he has

given you.

Given the testing practices you have learned from your interview of the teacher, write down
which practices you will adopt.

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