Caterpillar Dp45k Manual de Operacion

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The document outlines an operations and maintenance manual for forklifts, emphasizing safety procedures and proper use of equipment.

Operators should understand the capabilities and limitations of the forklift, read safety signs and manuals, and receive training before operating. Proper personal protective equipment should also be worn.

The manual describes the main parts of the forklift like the engine, transmission, brakes and steering, as well as controls for driving, lifting and tilting loads.

Operation & Maintenance Manual

GP40K AT29C-00011-20230 DP40K AT19C-00011-20230

AT29C-20231-up AT19C-20231-up
GP40KL AT29C-50011-70230 DP40KL AT19C-50001-70230
AT29C-70231-up AT19C-70231-up
GP45K AT29C-80001-89999 DP45K AT19C-80001-89999
AT29C-R0231-up AT19C-R0231-up
GP50K AT33B-50001-70230 DP50K AT28B-50001-70230
AT33B-70231-up AT28B-70231-up

Keep this manual in your lift truck as a ready reference. 99730-85141

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is now mandating And, most important, a qualified person experienced in lift truck operation
operator training for all lift truck operators. should guide new operators through several driving and load handling opera-
SAFE and EFFICIENT OPERATION of a lift truck depends to a great extent tions before they attempt to operate the lift truck on their own.
on the skill and alertness of the operator. To develop the skill, the operator It is the responsibility of the employer to make sure the operator can see, hear
should: and has the physical and mental ability to operate the lift truck safely.
1. Know the working capabilities and limitations of the lift truck. This manual contains information necessary for the operation and “do-it-your-
2. Know the make-up of the lift truck. self” maintenance of standard lift trucks. Optional equipment is sometimes
3. Read and understand the safe driving and load handling procedures con- installed; it can change some operating characteristics described in this manual.
tained in this manual. Before operating such a lift truck, make sure the necessary instructions are
available and understood.
Lift truck operator training is provided through your Cat lift truck dealer. They
will be glad to help you and answer any questions you may have about operat-
ing your new lift truck. The lift trucks are NOT intended for use on public


i i
The following safety signs and NOTICE are used in this manual to
emphasize important and critical instructions.
Be sure to read these precautionary
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to instructions and all safety related
! potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages decals installed on your truck
that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death. before you operate it.
Indicates a imminently hazardous situation
! DANGER which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
! WARNING which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
! CAUTION moderate injury, or damage to your machine.

Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America Inc. (MCFA) cannot anticipate

every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The
warnings in this publication and on the product are therefore not all
inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating technique not
specifically recommended by MCFA is used, you must satisfy yourself it
is safe for you and others. You should also ensure the product will not be
damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or
repair pro- cedures you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are
on the basis of information available at the time it was written. The 101582C
specifi- cations, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments,
illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service given to the product. Obtain the most complete and
current information from your Cat dealer before starting any job. Cat
dealers have the current information available. Additional manuals are
available from your Cat dealer.
Directional terms:
The directions “left,” “right,” “front” and “rear” are given from the view-
point of the operator facing forward.
In General...............................................................................................1 Safety Rules.........................................................................................10
Warning Decals, Location......................................................................2 Operating Precautions..........................................................................17
Decals for LP-Gas Only.........................................................................4 Working Precautions............................................................................20
Warning Decals, Description..................................................................5 LP-Gas..................................................................................................25


Serial Number and Capacity Plate ....................................................... 26 Fork Stoppers ....................................................................................... 40
Model View .......................................................................................... 27 Changing Forks .................................................................................... 40
Operator’s Compartment...................................................................... 28 Additional Warning Devices ................................................................ 40
Instrument Panel .................................................................................. 30 Drawbar Pin ......................................................................................... 41
OK Monitor (Warning Lights and Indicators) ..................................... 32 Assist Grip ........................................................................................... 41
Driving Interlock System ..................................................................... 33 Hydraulic Tank Oil Level/Filler Hole.................................................. 42
Operator’s Seat..................................................................................... 35 Fuel Filler............................................................................................. 42
Seat Belt ............................................................................................... 36 Fuel Shut-off Valve .............................................................................. 42
Fuses and Lights .................................................................................. 39 Engine Hood ........................................................................................ 43


Know What Lift Truck Stability is............................................................44 Capacity (Weight and Load Center).....................................................45
Center of Gravity (CG).........................................................................44 Capacity Chart......................................................................................46
Stability and Center of Gravity.............................................................44 Do’s and Don’ts to Avoid Tipover.......................................................47
Lift Truck Stability Base......................................................................43 How to Survive in a Tipover................................................................49


Gasoline and Diesel Engine Equipped51 LP-Gas Equipment52

New Lift Truck Break-In......................................................................54
Before Starting Engine.........................................................................54
Starting Gasoline Engine......................................................................57
Starting Diesel Engine..........................................................................58 Starting LP-Gas Engine........................................................................61
Engine Won’t Start...............................................................................59 After Starting Engine............................................................................61
Starting with Jumper Cables.................................................................60 Before Moving Lift Truck....................................................................62
Lift Truck Operation............................................................................63
Stopping Lift Truck..............................................................................67
Parking Lift Truck (After Stopping).....................................................68
Stacking Methods.................................................................................69
Handling Loads Safety.........................................................................70 Traveling with the Load.......................................................................72
Inching Into and Lifting the Load........................................................71 Unloading.............................................................................................73
Working on Grades..............................................................................75
End of Each Shift Storage.78 Long Term Storage.78

Lift Truck Shipping79 Machine Lifting and Tiedown Information79

Care in Cold Weather80 Care in Severe Dust or Lint Conditions81
Care in Hot Weather81
Changing a Tire....................................................................................82 Powershift Transmission Oil Temperature Warning Light Glows........91
Stalled Engine......................................................................................90 Driving Interlock Indicator Light Flickers or Flashes,
Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge Needle and the Truck Stops Moving.............................................................92
Moves Into Red Zone........................................................................91 Trouble with the LP-Gas Equipment....................................................93

MAINTENANCE Every 200 Service Hours or Monthly, Whichever Comes First 117
General.................................................................................................94 Every 400 Service Hours or 2 Months, Whichever Comes First........124
Inspection Precautions..........................................................................95 Every 600 Service Hours or 3 Months, Whichever Comes First........127
Maintenance Schedule..........................................................................96 Every 1200 Service Hours or 6 Months, Whichever Comes First......128
Every 10 Service Hours or Daily (Pre-start), Whichever Comes First.......99 Every 2400 Service Hours or 1 Year, Whichever Comes First...........136
Every 50 Service Hours or Weekly, Whichever Comes First.............114 Parts to be Changed Periodically........................................................137
One Month After Delivery of a New Truck........................................116

Fuel Information.................................................................................138
Coolant Information...........................................................................140 Specifications and Refill Capacities (Standard Models).....................145
Recommended Fuels and Oils............................................................142 Capacity and Truck Weight (Standard Models)..................................146


The Importance of Genuine Parts147 Service Registration149

Instructions for Ordering Parts148 Transfer of Ownership Report150

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| SAFETY RULES FOR LIFT TRUCK OPERATORS |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ In General

The safety rules and regulations in this section Continuing improvement and advancement of
are representative of some, but not all rules product design may have caused changes to
and regulations that apply to lift trucks. Rules your lift truck which are not included in this
are paraphrased without representation they publication. Whenever a question arises
have been reproduced verbatim. regarding your lift truck, or this publication,
Your lift truck was manufactured in accor- please consult your Cat lift truck dealer for the
dance with the National Fire Protection latest available information.
Association (NFPA) No. 505 and the All lift truck users should be familiar with
American National Standards Institute, their Local, Regional, and National
Inc./Industrial Truck Standards Development regulations.
Foundation (ANSI/ITSDF) B56.1, Safety
United States users should be familiar with the
Standard for Low and High Lift Trucks.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Operate this lift truck in accordance with local
(OSHA), and American National Standards
regulations. See web site for
Industrial Forklift Trucks.
more information on the B56.1 Safety
Standard for Low and High Lift Trucks. You should also be familiar with areas of use
of different types of lift trucks as specified in
The most effective way of preventing serious
the National Fire Protection Association
injuries, or even death, to you and others, is
for you to know how to operate the truck
properly. Drive alertly and avoid maneuvers
or condi- tions that can cause accidents. Be
Do not operate a lift truck if it is in need of
maintenance, repair or appears to be unsafe in
any way. Report all unsafe conditions
immedi- ately to your supervisor and contact
your authorized Cat lift truck dealer. Do not
attempt any adjustments or repairs unless you
are trained and authorized to do so.

1 1
◆ Warning Decals, Location

There are several specific warning decals on Be sure you can read all warning and instruc- You must replace a decal if it is damaged,
your lift truck. Their exact location and tion decals. If you cannot, clean or replace missing or cannot be read. If a decal is on a
description of the potential hazard are them. Use a cloth and soap and water to clean part that is replaced, make sure a new decal is
reviewed in this section. Please take the time them. placed on the new part. Contact your Cat lift
to familiar- ize yourself with these decals. truck dealer for new decals.
Hoist Point decal chart
Operator Restraint
System decal

for Handling
E.C.U. decal

Radiator Cap
(Inside of Right Step) Warning decal

No Access with
Engine Running
No One Under
Forks decal

No One On
Forks decal

Engine Coolant
No One decal
Between Mast
and Body

Parking Brake
Adjustment decal
Fuel decal


Deflate Air Before Loosening Nut

2 2
Tire Pressure decal

Survive in Tipover decal

Fasten Seat Belt decal

Operation Warning decal

Back-up Buzzer decal

No Riders decal

Impact Test
Rating decal

Capacity decal

With Backrest
Extension decal Requirement Tires Authorized

Direction Lever

Pinch Point decal

Operator Restraint No Contamination 105364

UL Plate decal
System decal

3 10
◆ Decals for LP-Gas Only

Fuel decal
Location decal L.P.G.

G/LPG Changeover decal

Maintenance decal

Dual Fuel System decal

Fuel Gauge
(For L.P. Gas Only)
◆ Warning Decals, Description
• Parking Brake • Capacity Plate • No Rider


ne (lift truck), apply operation
the parking brake!orThe
maintenance could
parking brake is result in injury or death.
not automatically Do notTo
applied. operate or workinjury,
avoid serious on thedo
truck unless
carry pas-you are properly
sengers. trained. for only one ope
A lift is designed

102506A 102511 103186

Located to the left front of the operator’s seat. Located to the right front of the operator’s Located to the right of the operator’s seat on the
Proper operating force: 250 to 290 N (25 to 30 seat. engine hood.
kgf) [55 to 66 lbf].
Battery(s), Controller, Lift and Tilt
chains, cable and limit switches, brakes,
! WARNING Systems including forks or attachments,
steering mechanism, fuel system, hydraulic
hoses and and
Only trained and authorized personnel may operate this lift truck. For safe oper- ation, read and understand the Operation guards.
Maintenance Manual fur- nished wi
3. Operate the truck only from the designated
operating position. Never place any part of
your body into the mast structure, between the
mast and the truck, or outside the truck. Do not
carry passengers.
4. Do not operate the truck without the over-
head guard.
5. Do not handle loads which are higher than the
load backrest or load backrest exten- sion
unless the load is secured so that no part of it
could fall backward.
6. Do not handle unstable or loosely stacked
loads. Use special care when handling long,
high or wide loads to avoid losing the load,
striking bystanders, or tipping the truck.
7. Do not overload the truck. Check capacity
plate for load weight and load center infor-
103187 8. Start, stop, travel, steer and brake smoothly.
Located to the right side of the operator’s seat Slow down for turns on uneven or slippery
on the engine compartment cover. surfaces that could cause truck to slide or
overturn. Use special care when traveling
FOR SAFETY OBSERVE THE without a load as the risk of over- turning is
9. Elevate forks or other lifting mechanism only
1. Do not operate this truck unless you have to pick up or stack a load. Lift and lower with
been trained and authorized to do so. Read mast vertical or tilted slightly back—NEVER
all warnings and instructions in the opera- FORWARD. Watch out for obstructions,
tor’s manual and on this truck. An especially overhead.
Operation & Maintenance Manual is sup- 10. Operate tilting mechanism slowly and
plied with this truck or available from your smoothly. Do not tilt forward when ele- vated
Cat lift truck dealers. except to pick up or deposit a load. When
2. Do not operate this truck until you have stacking, use only enough backward tilt to
checked its condition. Give special atten- stabilize load.
tion to Tires, Rims, Horns, Light
11. Travel with the load or lifting the lever lock knob, lower the lifting
mechanism as low as possible and tilt mechanism fully, and set the parking
back. Always look in the direction of brake. If leaving the truck unattended,
travel. Keep a clear view, and when shut the power off also.
load interferes with visi- bility, travel
with the load or lifting mech- anism
trailing (except when climbing
12. Use special care when operating on
ramp, travel slowly, and do not angle
or turn. When the truck is loaded,
travel with the load uphill. When the
truck is empty, travel with the lifting
mechanism downhill.
13. Observe applicable traffic regulations.
Yield right of way to pedestrians.
Slow down and sound horn at cross
aisles and wherever vision is
14. When using forks, move them as far
apart as the load will permit. Before
lifting, be sure the load is centered
and the forks are completely under the
15. Do not allow anyone to stand or pass
under the load or lifting mechanism.
16. Do not lift personnel except on a
securely attached, specially designed
Work Platform. Use extreme care
when lifting personnel. Place the mast
in the vertical position, place the truck
controls in neutral and apply the
brakes. Lift and lower smoothly. Be
available to operate controls as long
as personnel are on the Work
Platform. Never transport personnel
on forks or Work Platform.
17. Before getting off the truck, put the
direc- tion lever in neutral engaging
• Cooling System • Overhead Guard

ant level only after the engine has been stopped
Operation and the
without filler
this cap in
device is place
cool enough
may beto touch with
hazardous. your
This hands. guard conforms to ANSI/ITSDF B56.1. This design also passed a v
er cap slowly to relieve pressure.

103937 102513
Located on the radiator cap. Located inside the top frame member of the overhead guard.

• Back-up Buzzer

To avoid serious injury, stay clear of the moving fan. The Back-up Buzzer must sound when operating this vehicle in reverse.

103936 103964
Located on the frame of the cooling fan. Located inside the front frame member of the overhead guard.
• No One Under/On Forks • Load Backrest Extension • Pinch Point


Do not stand or ride on the forks. Operation without this device in place may beDo
not touch, lean on, or reach through the mast or permit others to
Do not stand or ride on a load or pallet on the forks.DO NOT remove the load backrest exten- sion. Hands off!
Do not stand or walk under the forks.

103185 102512 105182

Located on the mast. Located on the load backrest.


Located on the mast.


77 / A 66 11 + 0 // 55 0 0
105180 105181
• Tipover Warnings
TIPOVER WARNINGS actions may exceed the stability or the
1. Side tipover of an unloaded truck can truck.
4. Serious injury or death can occur if the
r can occur if truck is improperly operated. Injury or death could result.occur if the combination of speed and a
sharp turn which exceeds the stability of operator is trapped between the truck and
the truck. the ground.
2. Side tipover can occur if overloaded, or
loaded within capacity and: IN CASE OF TIPOVER
– The load is elevated. 1. The operator should stay with the truck if
– Turning and/or braking when traveling side or forward tipover occurs. The
in reverse. operator should hold on firmly to the
– Turning and/or accelerating when travel- steering wheel, brace feet, lean forward
ing forward. and lean away from the point of impact.
These actions may exceed the stability of 2. If the truck falls off of a loading dock or
the truck. ramp, you should try to stay within the
Backward tilt and/or off-center positioning of con- fines of the operator’s seat area.
the load and/or uneven ground conditions will Should the landing area present a more
further aggravate the above conditions. severe hazard, you may find it prudent to
3. Forward tipover can occur if overloaded or leave the truck.
when loaded within capacity and the load
is elevated in forward tilt, braking in
102514A forward travel, or commencing reverse
Located inside the top frame member of the travel. These
overhead guard.

Located inside the front frame member of the
Located inside the top frame member of the
overhead guard.
overhead guard.
◆ Safety Rules


You may need:

Safety goggles.
Ear protectors.
Hard hat.

100870 100605
Authorized, trained operator only! Be alert!
Thoroughly learn how to operate a lift truck Know how to use a first aid kit and a fire
and the safe areas and surfaces to travel before extin- guisher—and where to get prompt
you drive one. assistance.



DO NOT travel on public roads! Dress properly for the job! 100989

DO NOT wear loose clothing or accessories— NO smoking while refueling!

flapping cuffs, dangling chains, neck ties, DO NOT fuel while the engine is running.
scarves, or rings—that can catch in moving Keep away from flames or spark sources. Turn
parts. off all electrical switches on the truck. Fuel in
a well ventilated area.

101006 100607 100609

Unauthorized addition or modification is Know your lift truck and attachments! Shut down engine before servicing!
prohibited! Know the operating, inspection and mainte- DO NOT service a lift truck while engine is
DO NOT add to or modify the lift truck unless nance instructions in the OPERATION & running unless absolutely necessary to do so.
authorized in writing by the manufacturer to MAINTENANCE MANUAL.
do so. Any change to the lift truck could cause
serious injury or property damage.


100610 100612 101007

Know all signals and traffic rules! Avoid being splashed by scalding hot Exhaust fumes could kill you!
Know who is responsible for signaling. Learn coolant! If you operate a lift truck in an enclosed area,
to tell at a glance what the signal means, and Wait until the engine cools before opening or make sure there is adequate ventilation.
what action you should take. loosening the radiator cap. If you cannot wait,
use a heavy cloth and gloves to protect your-
self. Stand to the side, protect your face, and
slowly loosen cap.

101008 103255 102835

Inspect your lift truck prior to operation! DO NOT remove the overhead guard! Keep the operator’s compartment clean!
At the beginning of each shift, fill out a daily The overhead guard is intended to protect the
inspection sheet. Check for maintenance prob- lift truck operator from overhead obstructions
lems and have repairs made before you operate and falling objects.
the truck.


102517 102520B 102522B

DO NOT operate an unsafe lift truck! Always stay healthy on the job! Know your lift truck is safe!
Inspect a lift truck before you operate it to be Be healthy—and NOT under the influence of DO NOT operate any lift truck that is not safe
sure it is properly maintained and in good drugs or alcohol—when operating the truck. to operate.
working order.
Frequency transducer and ECU for two speed T/M (Electronic control unit)

(Controller for engine)

201317A 103926
LP-gas tank replacement! For handling frequency transducer, ECU
LP-gases are flammable. Do not attempt to and ECM!
change LP-gas tanks unless you are trained 1. Do not directly expose these equipment to
and authorized to do so. Be sure to get a washing water, rain, oil and every other
trained and qualified mechanic to change liq- uid.
them. 2. Do not apply force, open, modify these
equipment nor operate the truck without
! WARNING these equipment.
3. Turn key switch OFF. Disconnect battery
cable and then disconnect these equipment
before following operations:
• Removing these equipment from truck
• Factory approved welding


Alarm must sound when operating this

truck in reverse!
When operating in reverse, ALARM MUST
Failure to maintain a clear view in the direction
of travel could result in injury or death.

101005 101010 101644

Operate only in approved areas! DO NOT operate a damaged or defective lift Be sure the assist grip is properly
Certain areas such as those containing haz- truck! tightened! Face the lift truck when mounting
ardous flammable gases, liquid or other com- A truck will operate effectively and safely and dis- mounting.
bustibles, should be avoided. when it is in proper working order. Maintain a three point contact (one foot and
two hands) with the floor and handholds.
Never get on or off a moving lift truck.
Never jump on or off the lift truck.
DO NOT use the controls or steering wheel as
handholds when entering or leaving the opera-
tor’s compartment.


Start engine safely!

Start the engine only when securely seated in
the operator’s compartment.

101114B 101014A 100976

Adjust the seat before operation! Make sure your lift truck is in safe operat- Fasten the seat belt properly!
DO NOT adjust the seat while the lift truck is ing condition! If you DO NOT, it may not restrain you in an
in motion. This could cause serious injury. Test the brakes and inching pedal while mov- accident.
ing slowly in a safe area. Make sure the mast
moves up and down smoothly.


101023 100635 101025

Always check overhead clearance! Use lights in dark, dim areas! Stay within the confines of the truck!
Serious accidents may be caused by the mast Even with lights on, DO NOT assume people Keep your arms and legs inside the operator’s
and overhead guard hitting pipes, beams or see you and will move out of your way. compartment.
other overhead obstructions. Watch out for
power lines.

101027 101526 101036

Always be aware of floor capacity! Stay under the overhead guard! Be careful of forks that extend beyond the
Make sure the floor will support the weight of DO NOT hold on to the overhead guard. load!
the loaded lift truck. If the forks extend beyond the load, use extra
caution. Make sure the fork tips do not contact
other material.


101035 103444 102146A

Avoid off-center loading! Check fork stoppers for engagement! Check work areas for high risk!
Set the forks as far apart as possible for maxi- If the fork stoppers are not properly engaged, When working on docks, ramps, platforms and
mum support of the pallet or load. Too small a the forks may shift and cause off-centered or other high risk areas, use adequate blocks to
fork spread can cause instability of the load. unstable loads. reduce the risk of the lift truck from falling
◆ Operating Precautions


100998 100662 102518

Stay away from slippery surfaces! Be aware of the stability of an empty lift Position controls correctly for starting!
– Loose or slippery materials such as sand, truck! Make sure the direction lever is in the NEU-
gravel, ice, mud, etc., on your operating An empty lift truck will tip over more easily TRAL position, the lock knob is in the NEU-
surfaces could cause a skid or tipover. than a loaded one in a lowered position. TRAL position and the parking brake lever is
Avoid these conditions or slow down. set properly.
– Keep your operating surfaces clean and
dry at all times. Wet spots could cause a
skid or tipover.
– You need greater stopping distance on wet
surfaces. Apply brakes earlier on slippery
surfaces than on dry surfaces.
– Do not drive into a flooded area whenever

101015 100626
DO NOT allow any riders! If you cannot see where you are going, DO
DO NOT allow anyone to ride on the forks or NOT MOVE!
on any other part of the lift truck—at any time. Travel slowly around corners. Sound the horn
at cross aisles and other areas where you can-
not see clearly or where visibility is restricted.

101016 100873A 101017

DO NOT pass another truck! DO NOT allow anyone to hold loads! Always look in the direction of travel!
DO NOT pass another lift truck traveling in Always be aware of people near your lift truck.
the same direction at intersections, blind spots DO NOT proceed until they are aware of you.
or at other dangerous areas.


101019 101021 101022B

DO NOT engage in stunt driving or horse- Travel in reverse if forward visibility is Obey all traffic rules and warning signs!
play! blocked! Drive carefully, observe traffic rules and be in
Stunt driving and horseplay is dangerous for For better visibility with large loads, travel in full control of the lift truck at all times.
both the lift truck operator and the fellow reverse, but always keep a lookout in the
workers. direc- tion of travel.

101026 102519 101029

Travel safely on grades with a loaded lift Be particularly careful when driving up or Travel safely on grades with an empty lift
truck! down a steep slope! truck!
Keep the load upgrade to maintain control Use extreme care to reduce the risk of the tips Keep the counterweight upgrade when travel-
when traveling up or down a grade with a of forks or the bottom of pallet from touching ing up or down a grade with an empty truck.
heav- ily loaded truck. the ground.


102525B 100667 101013

Start lift truck upgrade carefully! DO NOT turn on a ramp or grade! Move your lift truck safely!
When starting the lift truck upgrade, be sure to Turning on a ramp or grade can cause a lift Sound the horn and be sure no people or
use the parking brake. truck, loaded or unloaded, to tip over. objects are in your path before moving.

101020 101033 101002

Allow for counterweight swing distance! A helper should NOT be near the lift truck! Always be alert for tipovers!
When turning in aisles, especially narrow People should be clear of the lift truck operat- Turning sharply with a raised load, even at a
aisles keep as far away as possible from ing area. slow speed, may result in a tipover. Realize
stock and that the overhead guard is not designed to
racks. Be cautious near people. provide total protection in the event of a
◆ Working Precautions


101031 100924
Danger! Keep out! Be careful of changes in capacity!
DO NOT allow any unauthorized people in the Optional attachments which change the capac-
work area. ity are sometimes installed. Know the capacity
before operating the truck.

101034 100648


Use forks properly! DO NOT allow anyone to walk or stand DO NOT speed when approaching loads! Bring
Fork misuse could cause accidents, serious under raised forks! truck to a full stop in front of a load, then approach
injuries and equipment damage. carefully.

DO NOT pick up unsecured loads that extend

above the backrest extension height!
DO NOT move when someone’s next to
If someone is standing next to your truck, don’t
move until they are out of the way.

Handle only stable loads!

If a load is unstable, it can easily shift and
fall on someone.


101042 101775 101039

DO NOT allow unloading from raised DO NOT use damaged pallets! DO NOT abuse your forks!
loads! Failure to follow this rules could cause Make sure pallets and skids are sturdy and in Fork misuse could cause accidents, serious
serious injury. safe operating conditions. injuries and equipment damage.


101040 102524B 102523B

Drive onto a trailer carefully! DO NOT allow any riders! DO NOT abuse your equipment!
Make sure the trailer brakes are applied and DO NOT permit riders on the forks or pallet. DO NOT use the forks to open or close the
the wheels are blocked while loading or doors on a railroad car or to move a car.

102521B 101787 101043

Stay clear of pinch points! Shift the transmission smoothly! Use only specialized equipment designed to
Keep all parts of your body away from Avoid sudden shifting while the truck is mov- safely raise personnel to high work areas!
moving parts such as the mast, carriage and ing. This could cause damage to the transmis- Do not lift personnel except on a securely
attach- ments. Do not put any part of your sion. attached, specially designed Work Platform.
body between the head guard and the mast. If Use extreme care when lifting personnel.
the mast moves unexpectedly, you could get Place the mast in the vertical position, place
caught between the mast and overhead guard the truck controls in neutral and apply the
and a serious accident could occur. parking brake. Lift and lower smoothly. Be
! WARNING available to oper- ate controls as long as
personnel are on the Work Platform. Never
transport personnel on forks or Work


Always stay within the capacity!

Read the capacity chart to make sure a load is
within the capacity of your lift truck before
you handle the load.

102527B 100658A

Park a disabled machine safely! Park in authorized areas only!

– If the lift mechanism is disabled and the Park a safe distance from access to fire aisles,
forks cannot be lowered, park the truck in stairways and fire equipment.
a non-operating area and attach warning DO NOT park near a flammable material stor-
tags to the forks to alert pedestrians and age area.
– Use barriers to keep anyone from standing
When you leave your truck, or park it:
or passing under the forks. ! WARNING
– Remove the starter switch key and attach – Set the parking brake.
DO NOT OPERATE or similar warning – Put the direction lever in NEUTRAL and
tag to the truck. lock knob in NEUTRAL.
– Lower the forks fully to the floor.
– Tilt the mast forward until the forks are
– Turn the key switch off.


DO NOT park on a grade!

◆ LP-Gas

Only trained, authorized personnel should fill All defective or damaged LP-Gas tanks must The storage and handling of liquid fuels in the
or exchange LP-Gas tanks. be removed from service. U.S.A. should be in accordance with the
Personnel engaged in filling LP-Gas tanks Inspect the LP-Gas fuel lines and fittings with NFPA No. 30, “Flammable and Combustion
should wear protective clothing such as a face a soap solution after filling the tank or when Code.” Outside the U.S.A., store and handle in
shield, long sleeves and gauntlet gloves. looking for leaks. accor- dance with local regulations.
Do not refuel or store LP-Gas powered lift The lift truck should be refueled only at desig-
trucks near underground entrances, elevator nated safe locations. Safe outdoor locations
shafts, or other places where LP-Gas could are preferable to those indoors.
col- lect in a pocket and cause potential danger DO NOT completely fill the tank. The fuel
for an explosion. expands when it gets warm and it may over-
Do not leave the lift truck, for even a short flow. This will create a fire hazard.
time, near equipment that generates high Only trained, authorized personnel should fill
tempera- tures. Ovens and furnaces are or exchange LP-Gas tanks.
examples. The heat may raise the pressure of Do not drop, throw, roll or drag LP-gas tanks.
the fuel and open the relief valve. Do not strike LP-Gas tanks or any associated
Close the service valve on the tank when LP- parts of the tanks or fuel systems.
Gas fueled lift trucks are parked overnight or Check the LP-Gas tank for secure mounting.
stored for long periods indoors with the fuel 100717A
Loose tanks can cause pressure fuel lines to
tank in place. The careless handling of LP-Gas tanks can
leak resulting in serious injury.
result in a serious accident. To reduce the risk
Close the valves on empty tanks.
of damage to tanks, use extreme care when
Examine LP-Gas tanks before filling and transporting them.
before reuse. Look for damage to the valve,
liq- uid gauge, fittings and hand wheels.
Check for dents, scrapes or other damage to
the pressure vessel and for dirt or debris in the
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| KNOW YOUR LIFT TRUCK |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ Serial Number and Capacity Plate

Capacity Plate
For quick reference, record your lift truck’s serial numbers in the spaces provided.

UL Plate

Instruction Plate 103446

UL Plate 103963

Manufacturer Name Plate


Engine Serial Number

Name Plate 101522

Lift Truck Serial Number


Gasoline and LP-Gas engine Diesel engine

models models
26 26
Capacity Plate
For quick reference, record your lift truck’s serial numbers in the spaces provided.

UL Plate

Instruction Plate 103446

UL Plate 103963

Manufacturer Name Plate


Engine Serial Number

Name Plate 101522

Lift Truck Serial Number


◆ Model View

Overhead Guard

Head Light

Mast Operator’s Seat

Rear Combination Light

Lift Chain

Instrument Panel
Operator’s Seat Belt

Lift Cylinder
Fuel tank

Backrest Extension

Rear Wheel


Engine Hood

l and
Tai Sto p Light
Tur Bac
n Signal Light
Tilt Cylinder
103193 kup Light

Front Wheel

Rear Combination Light

27 27
◆ Operator’s Compartment

Parking brake lever Horn switch Turn signal switch (optional) Left turn
Release Push to sound horn
d with a neutral switch. Be sure to put the transmission in NEUTRAL when starting the engine.

ht) Apply

Right turn
101363 102592 100311

Neutral (N)
Attachment control levers
Reverse (R) 101619A

The knob locks the direction lever in the NEUTRAL position. • • •



Brake pedal Accelerator pedal

can move the pedal for inching while maintaining engine speed. Full application of the pedal puts
truck slowly Release Idling brakes.
the transmission in neutral and applies the service
ClutchReleased disengaged
Apply Full throttle

Brake applied
100038 100039

28 28

• Steering Tilt Lever • Lift Control Lever • Tilt Control Lever

Steering tilt lever


103434 100312 100313

Move the lever in arrow direction to unlock Lifting speed is controlled by the speed of the Tilting speed is controlled by the speed of the
the steering wheel. Adjust it to accommodate engine (the position of the accelerator pedal) engine (the position of the accelerator pedal)
operators or to make getting on and off the and the position of the control lever. and the position of the control lever.
truck easier. Lowering speed is controlled by the position The lever will return to the NEUTRAL posi-
Push down the lever to lock the steering wheel. of the control lever regardless of the speed of tion when released.

29 103259 29
engine. The mast will not tilt forward even if the
The lever will return to the NEUTRAL posi- tion when released.

Always adjust the steering wheel tilt angle while stopped at a safe place, as adjustment while driving could lead to accidents.
The mast descends downward if the lift co

29 103259 29
◆ Instrument Panel
Engine coolant temperature gauge Hourmeter Fuel gauge
0.1 hour
(6 minutes)
Empty (red)
Normal (white)

Overheat (red)
Normal (white)

1 hour 102386Engine
The gauge needle is normally in the white zone. IfStarts
the needle
the red zone,
of the
the engine
topic. when the
key switch
is turned
the l (ON)
to amount
fuel in into
red zone.

OK monitor
When any warning light (except glow plug indicator light) glows during operation, stop the truck and take corrective action.


Fuse box 104787

30 32
ulb check
Anti-restart starter switch and key
warning lights should glow when the key switch is turned to the l (ON) position.
go out when the engine is started; if not, the charging system has a defect.
s model)


Optional For Gasoline model

Has a built-in mechanical lockout that
For Diesel model prevents the key switch from being turned
to the (START) position while the engine
the key switch in the l (ON) position, the bulbs have burnt out. Consult your Cat lift truck dealer.
is running. Turn the key switch back to the
(OFF) posi- tion before recranking the engine.
103921 Removes all power from instrument
panel and electrical circuits except
position (OFF)
Light switch 1 2
for horn and lights.
Pull Applies power to all electrical cir-
Instrument panel light
cuits except for starter circuit. In
Tail lights diesel models, power is applied to
Clearance lights l heater plugs for 6 seconds and OK
Position 1 Position 2 monitor indicator glows.
100048A Head lights
NOTICE: The lights may be turned on by
pulling the switch outward
regardless of the starter switch
position. Turn off the lights when the OFF ON
truck is not being operated to prevent 102391
the battery from discharging.
Applies power to the starter motor
to crank the engine. A switch spring
(START returns the key switch to the l (ON)
) position when the key is released.
◆ OK Monitor (Warning Lights and Indicators)

Powershift transmission Air cleaner warning Alternator not LP-Gas residual pressure alarm
oil temperature warning light (optional) charging warning light light (optional)
light (optional) Glows when the air cleaner ele- Glows when the charging system Lights when the residual quantity
Glows when the oil temperature ment is clogged. If the light is out of operation. If the light becomes small.
is high and the danger of glows, clean or replace the glows, check the alternator drive
overheat- ing is present. element. belt for slippage or breakage.
If this light glows, see the topic,
Powershift transmission oil
tem- perature warning light

Engine coolant level warning

light (optional)
Brake fluid level warning light
Glows when the coolant level in
Glows when the fluid level is
the radiator is too low. If the light
lower than the specified level.
Have the brakes checked by your glows, refill the radiator at the
Cat lift truck dealer. reserve tank.

ECM warning light/Frequency

Converter warning light
103239 Glows when ECM (engine control
module) or Frequency Converter
is abnormal.
Engine oil pressure warning light Heater plug indicator
Consult your Cat lift truck dealer.
If this light glows during operation, stop the engine and check the oil level. Add oil as required.(DIESEL)
Glows when the key switch is
turned to l (ON) position and goes
out after heating is completed.
! CAUTION Turn the key switch to the
(START) position after the
hen this light is on. Engine overheating may result. If the light glows when the oil level is nor- indica-
mal, have the gone
tor has engine checked by your Cat lift truck dealer.
◆ Driving Interlock System
1st speed mode/automatic mode selector switch (For 5 Ton Model as standard and others
In normal operation your lift truck will drive in Automatic mode
(1st speed2nd speed)
a creep mode when the direction lever is
placed in the forward or reverse position at
engine idling (not depressing the accelerator
pedal). If the operator then leaves the
1st speed mode
operator’s seat, the operator presence switch of
the seat is activated to shift the forward or
Keep speed mode in 1st speed for operat- ing at the speed-limit area [14 km/h (8.7 mph) at
reverse position into the neutral position
electrically (the lever itself remains in the
forward or reverse position), and cut off the
engine output to stop the lift truck. In this case,
the parking brake does not syn- chronize with
the driving interlock and is not automatically
applied the moment the interlock is activated.
Depending on the condition of the road (grade,
for example), therefore, the lift truck may be ! Driving
CAUTION interlock indicator light
Flickers if the operator leaves the seat with the direction lever in the forward or reverse positi
e to checkaccelerated,
the drivinginstead of being
interlock stopped.
for func- tion.
our hips above the seat for over 2 sec- onds, the driving interlock system will be activated, the same as in case of engine idling.
• mind.
th safety in Operator Presence Switch
riving condition, sit properly in the operator's seat and depress the brake pedal to hold the lift truck. Then, return the direction lever to the neutral posi- tion and then shift it back
e sure to use Cat lift truck genuine seat with operator presence switch. Neutral indicator light
Operator presence switch
Glows when the direction lever is placed in Neutral (N) position

ECM warning light (GASOLINE) (IF EQUIPPED)

Glow when ECM (engine control module) is abnormal.
Consult your Cat lift truck dealer.

This switch is built in the seat.

• Neutral System
The lift truck is provided with a device that
pre- vents the engine from being started when
the direction lever is not in the neutral


Before starting the engine, sit properly in

the operator's seat and make sure that:
• No one is around the lift truck.
• The parking brake is applied.
• The direction lever is in the neutral

34 34
◆ Operator’s Seat
• Adjustment
• How to tip the seat forward



Adjust seat to adjust the

the seat make seat while
before sure it the truck is
starting is in motion.
the prop-
engine. erly
After locked.
adjusting, DO
jiggle the NOT
35 40
M t T pped dir back-
o h o with ec rest.
v e the - To
e s o LPG tio reposition
t e p syste n the seat
h v e m, tip of Reposi
e e n the arr tion
l n seat o the
e p t forwa w, seat by
v o h rd ho pushin
e si e first ld g the
r ti to get th backre
t o e clear e st back
o n n of the le and
t s, g LPG ve then
h a i tank. r push
e n n To tip the in the
l d e seat th
e r ! WARNING forward at
ft restraint
an operator el system.
h Should it become necessary to replace any of the components including the seat assembly for po only be replaced
Theany reason, it must with compon
, e o releas sit
s a o e io
li s d lever n,
d e is an
e t o locat d
t h n ed on tip
h e the th
e le a left e
s v side se
e e t of the at
a r. r seat. for
t u Pull wa
t c this rd
o k lever by
o all pu
n e the shi
e q way ng
o u in the th
f i e
36 40
◆ Seat Belt


100976 100977 100978

The seat belt will help to restrain you in acci- If the seat belt is torn, the pulling motion is Also, replace the seat belt assembly if it was
dents such as a tipover or mast and interrupted during extension of the belt, or the worn during an accident.
attachments collision. If you are unrestrained belt cannot be inserted into the buckle
in a tipover, you can fall outside of the properly. Replace the seat belt assembly.
operator’s compart- ment and be crushed by
the lift truck. If you are unrestrained and the
lift truck comes to a sud- den stop, you will
continue moving forward until you hit a solid The seat belt shall be examined at the regular
object. service intervals. It is recommended that it be ! WARNING
replaced if any of the following conditions are
Wear your seat belt anytime you operate a lift
Seat belts can “jack-knife”
found. drivers— the upper body bends tightly at the waist. If you are pregnant or have suf- fered an abdom
– Cut or frayed strap
– Worn or damaged hardware, including
anchor points
– Buckle or retractor malfunction
– Loose stitching
To Fasten To Release

domen, the belt will dig into your abdomen in an accident and could cause serious internal injuries.

100981 100983
1. Grip the plate (connector) of the belt and Push the button in the buckle to release the
pull the belt from the retractor. Then insert belt. The belt will automatically retract when
NOTICE: It is not necessary to adjust the belt the plate into the slot of the buckle until a released. Hold the plate of the belt and allow
length. snap is heard. the belt to slowly retract.
The belt is designed to fit any body 2. Make sure the belt is not twisted.
Tug on it to confirm a tight fit.

3. Be sure to fasten the belt as low as
possible across your hips, not across your
The following maintenance guidelines detail how to inspect seat belt for "cuts, fraying, extreme or unusual wear of the webbing, etc., and damage to the buckle, retract
Check the web wear at the buckle/latch area. The webbing must be closely examined to deter- mine if there are any cuts, fraying or extreme wear in the webbing. Cuts,
Check buckle and latch for proper operation and to determine if latch plate is worn, deformed, or buckle is damaged or casing broken.
The retractor web storage device, is mounted on the seat. The retractor is the heart of the occu- pant restraint system and can be damaged if abused, even unintention
Hardware for seat belt mounting points should be evaluated for corrosion, all attachment points of system should be checked for tightness of bolts and nuts.
Check web in areas exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun or extreme dust or dirt. If the origi- nal color of the web in these areas is extremely faded, the physical stren

◆ Fuses and Lights

h fuses of the correct amperage.
ately and you cannot locate the cause, have your Cat lift truck dealer make a circuit check.
bulb of the same wattage.
• Lights Won’t Come On
Check for burned-out or “blown-out” Lamp type Gasoline Diesel
fuses first. models (12V) models (24V)
Meter panel lamp 3W (14V) 3W (28V)
Tail/Stop lamp 8W/23W 10W/25W
Headlamp 45W 60W
Check the fuses one by one by Turn signal lamp 27W 25W
operating the light switch and seeing if Back-up lamp 10W 12W
each light comes on.
Working lamp (opt) 45W 60W
Lights are suspected
Gasoline models Diesel models ABCD to have burned out.
Code Capa Capa EFGH
city Circuit city Circuit J

A 10A Direction lever 10A Direction lever 100846

B 15A Instrument panel 10A Instrument panel
(for monitor and (for monitor and
gauge), backup, gauge), turn
stop and turn signal lights (opt)
signal (opt) lights,
ECU (for T/M One light of the circuit fails to light.
frequency 102535A
C All lights of the circuit fail to light.
D 15A Spare power 10A Spare power
source source Puller
15A Instrument panel 15A Instrument panel
(for panel light), (for panel light), Check to see if fuse has been blown out.
tail and working head, tail and
(opt) lights working (opt)
E 15A Head lights 10A Horn
F 10A ECM for engine 10A Spare fuse
G 10A Horn 10A Stop lights,
ECU (for T/M
H 15A Fuel pump 10A Backup lights To remove the fuse or insert a replacement
J 10A Starter 15A Spare fuse 100845
101442in the fuse panel lid.
fuse, use the puller found
◆ Fork Stoppers ◆ Changing Forks Remove a fork from the carriage to replace it or to
• To Remove access other parts of the truck for mainte- nance.
Slide the forks, one at a time, to the

e fork spread, be care- ful not to pinch your hand between forks and lift bracket.
installation/removal truck.
notch on the bottom
car- riage bar. Tilt
the carriage
forward, then lower ! WARNING
it until the hook
fork disengages the DO NOT try to move a fork without a lift- ing device. Each fork can weigh in exces
forks from the
carriage. Use a
lifting device to
move the forks
away from the ◆ Safety Equipment

➀ Carriage Bars – Overhead guard

➁ Hook Fork – Load backrest extension
➂ Blocks
lock pins.
➀ ➁

For load stability, adjust the forks as wide as

possible. 103445
➂ 102791
To adjust the fork spread, move the levers or
twist the knob upward and reposition the forks. • To Install
Spread the forks to fit the load.
Position the forks side-by-side on the floor in a
location where they can be approached from
the rear by the lift truck. Slowly drive the lift
truck, with the carriage fully lowered and fully
! CAUTION tilted forward, to a point just to the rear of the
After adjusting the fork spread, restore the stoppers to forks. Carefully
the original slidetothe
position forks,
lock one at a time,
the forks.
Position each fork the same distance from the center of onto the carriage
the backrest so the top hook of the fork is
placed above the top carriage bar. Raise the
car- riage to engage the top hooks allowing the
bot- tom hooks to pass through the
installation/removal notch. Then carefully
slide each fork on the carriage so both the
upper and lower hooks engage the carriage.
Lock the forks in place by engaging the fork
To reduce the risk from serious injury or
death for you and people around you, DO
NOT use a lift truck without safety
equipment in proper operating order.
◆ Drawbar Pin ◆ Assist Grip


DO NOT use the drawbar pin for towing loads. DO NOT grab the steering wheel or lever.
DO NOT jump on or off the truck.


Precautions for Use of the Drawbar Pin

1. When hitching a cable to the pin, make

sure the pin is inserted safely.
Use the drawbarDrawbar
pin for:
pin103242 2. Take up slack slowly—DO NOT jerk. Grasp the assist grip with the left hand, the
– Pulling the truck out of a drop-off or ditch. Keep the cable taut. If the cable is slack, seat backrest with the right hand, and step up
– Loading the truck on a hauling truck. the sud- den impact of the load can snap it, with the left foot to get on the truck safely.
resulting in an accident.
3. A helper should stand at a safe distance
and watch the pin. Stop pulling with the
truck, relieve tension, and reduce load if
the pin starts to come out.
◆ Hydraulic Tank Oil Level/Filler Hole ◆ Fuel Shut-off Valve



103196 103938

Confirm the engine type before filling the tank with the recommended fuel.

The oil level/filler hole is located on the right The fuel shut-off valve is located near the air
side of the truck inside the engine hood. To cleaner inside the engine hood. In an emer-
check the oil level, use the dipstick located in gency or when performing maintenance, close
the hole. this valve.

◆ Fuel Filler

100989 102538

The fuel filler is located on the left side of the Never fill the tank near an open flame or when After refueling, close the cap tightly and wipe
truck. The cap can be removed by turning it the engine is running. When filling, keep the up spillage.
counterclockwise. funnel or fuel hose nozzle in contact with the
tank’s metal. This reduces the risk of an
electric spark igniting the fuel.
◆ Engine Hood

◆ Back-up Buzzer
When closing the engine hood, be careful not to pinch your hand.


When operating in reverse, ALARM MUST SOUND.
Failure to maintain a clear view in the direction of travel could result in in

The operator is responsible for the
safe operation of this truck.

102539 –
The engine hood swings up to fully expose the
engine compartment 100328
for daily inspection, serv-
icing and lubrication.

Inspection Points Inside Engine Compartment

Engine oil level
Engine coolant level
Hydraulic oil level
Brake fluid level
Air cleaner element
Alternator drive belt
Battery electrolyte level To open
1. Move the lever in103199
the direction of the
arrow while pushing down on the hood.
2. Lift the engine hood and tilt it all the way

To close

1. Push down on the hood until it is securely

||||||||||||||||||||||||||| HOW TO AVOID A TIPOVER; HOW TO SURVIVE ONE |||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ Know What Lift Truck Stability Is ◆ Center of Gravity (CG) ◆ Stability and Center of Gravity

CG Truck Combined CG CG Load


100991 100915 100858

Counterbalanced lift truck design is based on CG is defined as the point of an object where The stability of the lift truck is determined by
the balance of two weights on opposite sides its weight is evenly distributed. If the object is the location of its CG, or if the truck is loaded,
of a fulcrum (the front axle). The load on the uni- form, its geometric center will be the the combined CG. The lift truck has moving
forks must be balanced by the weight of the same as its CG. If it is not uniform, the CG parts and, therefore, has a CG that moves. The
lift truck. The location of the center of gravity could be a point on either side of the normal CG moves forward or backward as the mast is
of both the truck and the load is also a factor. geometric center. When the lift truck picks up tilted forward or backward. The CG moves up
This basic principle is used for picking up a a load, the truck and load have a new, or down as the mast moves up or down. The
load. The abil- ity of the lift truck to handle a combined CG. CG and, therefore, the stability of the loaded
load is discussed in terms of center of gravity lift truck, is affected by a number of factors
and both forward and sideways stabilities. such as:
– The size, weight, shape and position of the
– The height of the lifted load.
– The amount of forward or backward tilt.
– Dynamic forces created when the lift truck
is accelerated, braked or turned.
– Condition and grade of surfaces on which
the lift truck is operated.
– Tire pressure.

47 44
ONE ◆ Lift Truck Stability ◆ Capacity
Base (Weight and Load Center)

CG-Truck will tipover.



These factors the lift truck is an empty lift truck

must be unloaded as will tip over to the
considered when well, because side more easily
48 45
ONE a lift truck In order for the lift The capacity of the further from
carrying a load in the truck to be stable lift truck is shown the top of the
lowered posi- tion. (not tipover forward on the capacity forks than it
or to the side), the chart. It is is from the
CG must stay within determined by the face of the
the area of the lift weight and load backrest. If
truck stability base enter. The load these
—a triangle drawn center is determined conditions do
between the front by the location of not exist, the
wheels and the pivot the CG of the load. operator may
of the rear axle. If The load center have to
the CG moves shown on the reduce the
forward of the front capacity chart is the safe
axle, the lift truck hori- zontal distance operating
will tip over from the front face load because
forward. If the CG of the forks, or the the truck
moves outside of the load face of an stability may
line on either side of attachment, to the be reduced.
the stability base, CG in the load. The The lift truck
the lift truck will tip location of the CG should not be
over to the side. of the vertical operated if its
direction is the same capacity
as the horizontal chart does
dimen- sion. not indicate
Keep in mind that,
unless otherwise
indicated, the
capacity shown on
the capacity chart is
for a standard lift
truck with standard
backrest, forks and
mast, and having no
attachment. In
addition, the
capacity presumes
the load center is no

49 45
◆ Capacity Chart
• For example

103446 103447
The capacity chart shown above is for a 4 ton
! CAUTION model standard lift truck whose capacity is
d to lift trucks sold by MCFA shall not be removed, altered or replaced kg (9000 pounds)
MCFA’s at 600 mm (24 in.)
load center. The chart specifies this lift truck
y for lift trucks placed in service without a valid MCFA capacity chart.
can lift up to 4000 kg (9000 pounds) if the
ecifica- tion, contact your Cat lift truck dealer.
load center is not more than 600 mm (24 in.)
forward from the face of the backrest. Before
attempting to pick up or lift a load, make sure
its weight is within the capacity of the truck at
the load cen- ter involved.
NOTICE: If the load is not uniform, the heav-
iest portion should be placed closer
to the backrest and centered on the
◆ Do’s and Don'ts to Avoid Tipover


100992 100993 100994

DO handle loads only within the capacity DO NOT go over rough terrain! DO avoid fast starts, turns and sudden
shown on the capacity chart! If unavoidable, slow down. stops!
These movements could cause the lift truck to
tip over.


100665 100995 100667

DO watch “tail swing.” DO check surface strengths! DO NOT turn, or angle, on ramps and
Always maintain a safe distance from the edge Stay away from soft ground to avoid tipover. grades, with or without a load!
of docks, ramps and platforms.

100996 100997 100670

DO NOT tilt elevated loads forward! DO NOT elevate tilted loads! DO NOT pick up an off-center load!
This can cause the lift truck to tip over This can also cause the lift truck to tip over. Such a load increases the possibility of a
forward. tipover to the side.


100671 100999
DO NOT attempt to pick up or deposit a DO NOT go over obstacles—curbs, ditches,
DO avoid slippery surfaces! load unless the lift truck is level! ridges and railroad tracks!
Sand, gravel, ice or mud can cause a tipover. If
unavoidable, slow down.

101000 101616 101617

DO NOT travel with forks higher than 15 to DO NOT make fast or sharp turns with a DO NOT turn too sharply, even with an
20cm (6 to 8 in.) above the ground! loaded or unloaded truck! empty raised mast, to avoid a tipover!
The CG moves up increasing the possibility of
a tipover.


103442 100649 100868

DO fasten your seat belt! DO NOT jump off your truck if it starts to DO wear a hard hat!
The belt will keep you from being thrown out tip over! It will help protect your head from serious
of the truck in a tipover. Stay in your seat to reduce the risk of serious injury.
injury or death.
◆ How to Survive in a Tipover


th your seat belt fastened in a tipover are better if you stay in your truck. If your truck starts to tipover:

(1) (2)

(3) (4)


101002 101524
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| REFUELING ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ Gasoline and Diesel Engine Equipped

1. Park the lift truck only at a location desig-

nated safe. Place the transmission in NEU-
esent dur- ing refueling. TRAL, lower the forks to the ground,
reas. engage the parking brake and shut off the
d only at designated safe locations. Safe outdoor locations are preferable to those indoors.
the lift truck during refueling.

NOTICE: DO NOT allow the lift truck to

become low on fuel or completely
run out of fuel. Sediment or other
impurities in the fuel tank could be 2. Open the filler cap.
drawn into the fuel system. This 3. Fill the fuel tank103197
slowly. Close the filler
could result in difficult starting or cap. If spillage occurs, wipe off excess
damage to components. fuel and wash down the area with water.
Fill the fuel tank at the end of each NOTICE: Drain water and sediment from the
day of operation to drive out mois- fuel tank as required by prevailing
ture laden air and to prevent con- conditions. Also, drain water and
densation. DO NOT fill the tank to sediment from the main fuel
the top. Fuel expands when it gets storage tank before it is filled and
warm and may overflow. as a weekly routine. This will help
pre- vent water or sediment being
pumped from the storage tank into
the lift truck fuel tank.

55 51
◆ LP-Gas Equipment

NOTICE: For Standard LP-Gas Tank

1. MOUNT THE TANK PROPERLY. Use 1. Park the lift truck on level ground with the
s tanks. holes in the collar for horizontal mounting parking brake applied, the transmission in
clothing such as face shield, long sleeves and gauntlet gloves. and the slot in the foot ring for vertical NEUTRAL, lock knob in lock position,
d entrances, elevator shafts, or other places where LP-Gas could collect to insure
in a pocket and full usage
cause of the danger
potential fuel. for an explosion.
the forks lowered and the engine running
r damage to the valves, liquid gauge, fittings and hand wheels. 2. Open the valve slowly so the hose and at low idle.
tank pressure can equalize or the valve 2. Close the fuel valve at the LP-Gas tank.
may shut off. Run the engine until it stops, then turn off
3. For proper operation of LP-Gas system, the starter switch.
ansporting them.
use HD-5 LPB fuel. 3. Disconnect the fuel supply line.
4. Loosen the retaining clamps, remove the
pin and tank.

56 52
6. Inspect the replacement tank for damage 10. Connect the fuel supply line.
such as dents, scrapes or gouges and for 11. Turn the fuel valve on by slowly turning it
LP-Gas tank must not extend past the counterweight. leakage at valves or threaded connections. counterclockwise. If the fuel valve is
7. Check for debris in the relief valve and for opened too quickly, a back pressure check
damage to various valves and the liquid valve will shut off the fuel supply. If this
5. Check to be sure the replacement tank is level gauge. happens, close the fuel valve completely,
of the correct type. 8. Inspect the couplings for deterioration, wait five seconds, and then open the fuel
damage or missing flexible seals. valve very slowly.
LOCATION 9. Clamp the tank securely.
33-1/2# tank (A) Use pin (B)
43-1/2# tank (B) Use pin (A)


12. Inspect the LP-Gas fuel lines and fittings
with a soap solution after filling the tank
101618 or when looking for leaks.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| OPERATION ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ New Lift Truck Break-In ◆ Before Starting Engine

Correct break-in is important for operation and

long life of your truck. The first 100 service ! WARNING ! CAUTION
e speedshours
with noof load
operation is the
for about break-in periodthis
5 minutes.
for time, check all the OK Monitor indicator lights. AVOID long periods of idling. This may cause cylinder wall glazing and preve
your truck. Read these
mediately, or the operation is light precautionary
slow, instruc-
break in the truck under of
a simulated working
tions carefully. TORS your safety and the safety fellow workers. BEcondition.
ame speeds as the parts tend to better adjust themselves to other parts if various speeds are used.
s to allow the brake linings to seat against the brake drums.
r speeds than normal.
than normal.
e bolts and nuts. Retighten them as needed.
If the truck cannot be put to work imme- diately, or the operation is light and slow, break in the truck under a simu- lated working condition.
Also, try NOT to make severe brake applications to allow the brake linings to seat against the brake drums.
Operate the truck under a lighter load and lower speeds than normal.
Change oils and relubricate at shorter intervals than normal.
Carefully check on and around the truck for loose bolts and nuts, retightening them, if needed.

If during operation the truck becomes unsafe in any way, the matter shall be reported immediately to the designated authority, and the truck shall not be operated unti

58 54
Before starting the engine, sit properly in the operator’s seat.

• Gasoline/LP-Gas Dual Fuel Type

Fuel selector switch Instruction for changeover of fuel between LP-
Gas and gasoline
1. • To change from LP-Gas to gasoline
Turn the key switch to (OFF) position
Switch and close the valve on the LP-Gas con-
tainer. Leave the fuel selector switch in
LPG position.
• To change from gasoline to LP-Gas
Gasoline Turn the key switch to (OFF) position
103435 and place the fuel selector switch to OFF
103938 position.
Open the fuel shutoff valve. 2. Turn the key switch to (START) posi-
! WARNING tion. The engine should not start.
If themay
The LP-Gas and the gasoline are flam- mable. Leakage of these engine starts,
cause fire.leave it running
Before until
changing theitfuel from
gasoline, be sure to check the fuel line for stops by itself.
deterioration and loose connection in accordance with3.theTurn the keyshown
instruction switchintothis manual.
(OFF) position
and then place the fuel selector switch to
GAS or LPG position. If you select the
LPG position, be sure to open the valve on
the LP-Gas container.
Now the engine can be started using the
selected fuel.

If this truck will be operated with LP-Gas for a long time, check gasoline fuel line in accordance with STORING
Your truck has an operator presence switch (a
switch built in the seat).
The starting mechanism in vehicles with pow-
ershift transmission is disabled until the opera-
tor is seated.
When the key switch is in I (ON) position,
driv- ing interlock indicator light in the switch
box on the overhead guard flickers unless an
opera- tor sits on the seat properly.
59 55
Released Lock



– Pull the parking brake lever. – Be sure the lock knob is in the LOCK
posi- tion and the direction lever is in the
NEU- TRAL position.
– The engine will not start unless the direc-
tion lever is in the NEUTRAL position.
– If the engine stalls, place the direction
lever in the NEUTRAL position; turn the
key switch to the (OFF) position; and
turn it to the (START) position to
start the engine.

Be sure to fasten the seat belt before operating

the truck. 100976
Remember, the belt will not restrain you in an
accident if it is not fastened properly.
◆ Starting Gasoline Engine

Turn the key switch to (OFF)
on when the engine is NOT run- ning. This may cause the battery tothe
run down and damage
(START) posi- the ignition coil.
0 seconds at any one time. This may cause run down the battery. tion to crank the
engine (no more than
10 seconds at a time).


If the engine won’t start:

Release the key when the engine starts. Turn the key switch to (OFF)
the and (OFF) position
recrank the
engine after 30 sec- onds.

100725 100728A

If the engine won’t start, see the topic, Engine

Won’t Start.

Let the engine warm up for about 5 minutes.

◆ Starting Diesel Engine
• Engine Cold in Cool Weather • Engine Warm

Turn the key switch
l (ON) position when the engine is NOT run- ning. This may cause the battery to run down.
more than 10 seconds at any one time. This may cause damage to theto the l (ON)
starter Youposition
and do not
run need to lturn
the key switch to the l (ON) position and preheat the engine or depress the
and wait until the
heater plug indicator
goes out.

ON (12 to 18 seconds) OFF 102071A

Depress the acceler- ator pedal all the way and hold in this position.
If the engine won’t start:

Turn the key switch to

100730 the (OFF) position (OFF)
and wait for about 30
secondsbefore recranking the engine.
Turn the key switch (ON)
to the (START)
position to crank the engine (no more than 10 seconds at a time).
If the engine won’t start, see the topic, If Engine Won’t Start.

Release the key when the engine starts.

Release the accelerator pedal.

◆ Engine Won’t Start

Consult your Cat lift truck dealer if the engine still does not start after you have
Does the starter crank the engine?
attempted several times.

Gasoline Engine Model Diesel Engine Model

Air may be in the fuel system to
cause failure to start. In such a
case, prime the fuel system or
have your Cat lift truck dealer No Yes
make a check.
rn the key switch to the (START) position and crank the
The head lights The head lights do Is the fuel gauge
come ON. not come ON or are showing there is
engine several times. dimmed. fuel in the tank?
NOTICE: The head lights should be Yes
OFF for easier starting.

◆ Starting with Jumper Cables

100703 102388
DO NOT start the engine by pushing or towing the truck. This may cause serious injury and damage to the truck.
DON’T try to start the engine by pushing the truck.
BE SURE to connect the cable end 4 to the ENGINE BODY. If it is connected to the negative (–) terminal of the battery, sparks could ignite the gases.
Consult your Cat lift truck dealer. Refuel. Consult your Cat
lift truck dealer.

Batteries give off flammable vapors which may explode.
To start a truck with a “run-down” battery, use
Keep flames and sparks away from bat- teries. They could cause vapors to explode. Do not allow jumper cable aends to contact
booster batteryeach other orcables
or jumper the liftfrom
Do not smoke when checking battery electrolyte levels. bat- tery of another vehicle.
Electrolyte is an acid and can cause injury if it contacts skin or eyes.
1. Position another vehicle, with its engine
Always wear eye protection when starting a lift truck with jumper cables.
running, within jumper cable distance.
Improper jump start procedures can cause an explosion that can result in injuries.
Turn off all lights and accessories on the stalled lift truck.
Always connect battery positive (+) to battery positive (+) and battery negative (–) to battery negative (–). NOTICE: Use a 12 volt jumper system to
Jump only with a battery source of the same voltage as the stalled lift truck. jump start trucks with a 12 volt
sys- tem. Use a 24 volt jumper
system to jump start the trucks
! CAUTION with a 24 volt system.
This lift truck has a 12 volt starting system or
Connect the jumper cables away from the moving parts in the engine compartment.
a 24 volt starting system. Use only equal
voltage for jump starting. Use of a welder or
higher volt- age will damage the electrical
12 Volt System Turn on (close) the battery switch prior to the
boost connection to prevent damage to electri-
➃ cal components on the stalled lift truck.
➂ Many “dead” batteries can be recharged.
Truck being started
2. Connect the jumper cables in the sequence
DO NOT short across the positive (+) and
➁ ➀ negative (–) terminals.
“Good” Battery
100842 3. After connecting the cables, increase the
speed of the other vehicle’s engine and
24 Volt System
start the engine of the stalled truck with a
➃ “run-down” battery.
➂ 4. After the engine starts, disconnect the
Truck being started
jumper cables in the reverse sequence.

➁ NOTICE: You can buy jumper cables from

your Cat lift truck dealer.
“Good” Battery
➀ 100843
◆ Starting LP-Gas Engine ◆ After Starting Engine

Check the OK monitor and gauges frequently 2. During warm-up, check to see that systems
during operation to be sure all systems are are operating properly.
working properly.
LP-Gas fuel is flammable and can cause injuries and fires.
Inspect LP-Gas fuel lines and fittings for leaks. – Are all the OK monitor warning lights
Inspect tank for secure mounting. ! WARNING OFF?
– Is the engine coolant gauge needle in
If a monitor light comes on, correct the problem before operating thezone?
lift truck.
– Are exhaust noise and smoke color nor-
– No excessive vibration?
1. Run the engine at idle speeds with no load
! CAUTION for about 5 minutes.
osition when the engine is NOT running. This may cause the battery to run down and damage the ignition coil.
seconds at any one time. This may damage the starter and run down the battery. ! CAUTION

BE SURE to warm up the engine regardless of the weather.

Failure to warm up the engine can cause poor lubrication and incomplete fuel combustion resulting in poor engine performance.

1. Turn the tank fuel valve ON by slowly

turn- ing the valve counterclockwise.
Observe the LP-Gas gauge (if equipped).
2. Turn the key switch to the (START)
position. Release it when the engine starts.
3. If the engine does not start, do not press on
the accelerator. Turn the key switch to the
(OFF) position, then repeat step 2.
◆ Before Moving Lift Truck


102473A 101013
1. Turn the 1st speed mode/automatic mode to 8 in.) from the floor.
selector switch to the desired position. 3. Use the tilt control lever to tilt the mast back all the way.
– Selector switch: For 5 ton model as stan-
dard and others as optional.

2. Use the lift control lever to raise the forks
to a safe traveling height of 15 to 20 cm (6
L ound the horn before moving.







◆ Lift Truck Operation




100738B 101622A
1. Depress the inching pedal all the 2. Place the lock knob in the 3. Push the parking brake lever. 4. Gradually depress the accelerator
way. UNLOCK position and move the pedal while releasing the inching
direction lever to the pedal.

DO NOT “ride” the inching pedal during traveling. This produces a partly disengaged
• Changing Speed • Changing Direction


100740 101062A 101013

Use the accelerator pedal to increase NEVER move the direction lever to BE SURE to come to a complete
101431B BE SURE to watch for people or
travel speed. Use the brake pedal to the NEUTRAL position during stop when changing direction. haz- ards in the direction of travel.
slow down. traveling. This causes the engine to

Before operating the speed selec- tor, BE SURE to come to a com- plete stop.

Directional changes faster than stated will cause premature dam- age to the driveline. For greater operator safety and maximu
• Operating Techniques • Steering (Turning)

Car Lift Truck 100745

101726A 100746
Turn the steering wheel with both hands. A lift truck is different from most other vehi- 1. When working in close quarters, drive
When handling loads, stop the truck and move cles because it is steered by the rear wheels. more slowly when making turns.
the tilt and lift control levers with the right This causes an exaggerated tail swing. 2. Start the turn as close to the inside corner
hand. as the tail swing will permit.


101067 101068
Turning at high speeds, with or without a load, Be aware of tail swing distance. Be sure the
Turning with the forks elevated, with or with- can also cause a tipover. tail swing area is clear, before turning, to avoid
out a load, can cause a tipover. injury to pedestrians.
• Inching

100747 100748A
The purpose of the inching pedal is to provide 1. Stop ahead of the load platform, lock the 4. When the left foot is slowly taken off the
precise lift truck inching control at very slow parking brake lever, set the direction lever inching pedal, the fork lift will advance
travel speed and high engine rpm. You can to NEUTRAL, place the mast vertically, slowly.
move your truck slowly while maintaining the and raise the fork to the height of the pallet 5. Insert the fork slowly, taking care it does
engine speed by varying the position of the insertion openings. not hit the pallet.
inching pedal. Use this pedal when approach- 2. Depress the inching pedal all the way, 6. Stop after inserting the fork until the root
ing the load and when loading and unloading. move the direction lever to FORWARD, of the fork comes into light contact with
and release the parking brake. the pallet.
3. Gently depress the accelerator pedal.


DO NOT “ride” the inching pedal during traveling. This produces a partly disengaged condition that will result in premature clutch plate wear.
◆ Stopping Lift Truck



101623A 101070

1. Release the accelerator pedal. 2. Depress the brake pedal. 3. Move the direction lever to the Avoid sudden stops. This can cause
NEUTRAL position, and place the load to fall off the forks or the
the lock knob in the LOCK posi- truck to tip over.
◆ Parking Lift Truck (After Stopping)

l (ON)



1. Move the direction lever to the 2. Pull the parking brake lever all 3. Tilt the mast forward just a little 4. Turn the key switch back to the
position, and place the way. and lower the forks to the floor (OFF) position to stop the
the lock knob in the LOCK posi- until the fork tips touch the floor. engine. When leaving the truck,
tion. BE SURE to remove the key.
5. Block th wheels securely.
6. Return the key to a key rack if
Park safely

lowered to the floor, attach a warning tag to the tip of the fork and position the forks away from pedes- trians.

he above procedure has been followed.

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| OPERATING TECHNIQUES ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ Stacking Methods

Stability of the loads depends upon how well the stack is formed.

• Stacking Loads Differing in Size • Stacking Small Identical Loads • Stacking Large Identical Loads

100892 100893 100894

Be sure larger containers in a load are at the As in brick laying, place layers of containers This is one of the most common patterns for
bottom of the stack and smaller ones at the alternately so each container will stand astride stacking large identical containers. Better load
top; or heavier containers at the bottom and parts of two or more containers in the layer stability is achieved by reversing the end-to-
lighter ones at the top. below. This type of stack is more stable and side direction on each succeeding layer.
less likely to fall down.

74 69
◆ Handling Loads Safely


101075 103446 100761

Handle ONLY stable loads. A load having Handle ONLY loads within the capacity of Set the forks as far apart as possible for maxi-
unstable items can easily shift and fall on your lift truck as shown on the capacity chart. mum support of the load.
someone. DO NOT handle a load if any part of If the combined center of gravity of the truck
it is likely to fall, or if the pallet or skid is and load is located forward of the front axle, or
dam- aged. Neatly stack and band loose or if the load exceeds the capacity, the truck can
unstable loads. tipover forward.

Not every load can be handled using only the
forks. Some loads will require a special attach-

75 70
◆ Inching into and Lifting the Load

(8 to 12 in.) 20 to 30 cm

10 cm
(4 in.)

101076 101077 101078 101079

1. Move the truck slowly and stop Direction lever—NEUTRAL Direction lever—FORWARD Direction lever—NEUTRAL
the truck 20 to 30 cm (8 to 12
2. Tilt the mast forward to the verti- 3. Slowly move the truck forward 4. Carefully lift the load about 10
in.) short of the load. Make sure
cal position, and again make sure and slide the forks into the pallet cm (4 in.) off the other material.
the truck is square with the load
the forks are at the correct until they are fully under the Slowly return the lift control
and the forks are at the correct
height. load. lever to the NEUTRAL position.


101080 100869

76 71
◆ Inching into and Lifting the Load


When you pick up loads that extend Center the weight of the load Avoid approaching the load at high
above the backrest extension height, between the forks. speed.
band them together to reduce the risk
of items from falling.

77 71
◆ Traveling with the Load

20 to 30 cm
(8 to 12 in.)

15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 in.)
101081 101083

1. Make sure the load is centered Direction lever—REVERSE Direction lever—NEUTRAL Direction lever—FORWARD
on the forks. Then tilt the mast
2. Look behind101082
you. 3. Slowly move the truck 20 to 30 4. Look around 101084
to be sure your
all the way back to cradle the
cm (8 to 12 in.) away from the drive area is clear and then move
stack, then stop the truck. the truck into the working zone.
Lower the load to a position 15 to
20 cm (6 to 8 in.) from the


101525 100670

78 72


Slack lift chains means there is a rail DON’T pick up an off-center load. If the load blocks your view, or when
or lift bracket hang up. Raise the Make sure the weight of the load is you travel down a grade with the
mast before you move. centered between the forks. load, drive in reverse. Always look in
When stacking: the direction of travel.
1. Watch your lift chains.
2. If they go slack, stop; raise the
load and lower it again.

79 72
◆ Unloading

20 to 30 cm
(8 to 12 in.)

10 to 15 cm
(4 to 6 in.)

101085 101086
1. Stop the truck 20 to 30 cm (8 to Direction lever—NEUTRAL Direction lever—FORWARD Direction lever—NEUTRAL
12 in.) short of the unloading
2. Lift the load 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 3. Slowly move the truck forward 4. Tilt the mast forward to the verti-
in.) higher than the stack. to position the load just above cal position.
the stack.

80 73
101089 101091 101092
5. Carefully lower the load onto the Direction lever—REVERSE 8. When you disengage the forks, 10. Tilt the mast back (6° or more).
stack. stop the truck. Direction lever—REVERSE
7. Look behind you and carefully
6. Lower the forks just enough to Direction lever—NEUTRAL
back the truck away from the 11. Look around to see that it is safe
disengage them.
load. 9. Lower the forks to a position 15 to drive in your work area.
to 20 cm (6 to 8 in.) from the 12. Drive up to your next position.


EVER travel with the mast tilted forward or with the load in the elevated position. This will increase the possibility of the lift truck tipping over.
EVER tilt the mast with the load in the elevated position.
EVER leave the lift truck with the load in the elevated position.


Be careful not to drag the forks.

◆ Working on Grades The Engine Stalls on a Grade
• Starting on a Grade

(Safe Travel Position)

– Keep the forks or the load at a safe travel
height, which is 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 in.)
from the ground.
– Tilt the mast back more than 6° when the
truck is empty. Tilt it all the way back
when the truck is loaded.

6° Tilt back


1. Apply the parking brake and lower the

forks to the ground.
2. Depress the brake pedal. Place the direc-
tion lever in the NEUTRAL position and
start the engine. 15 to 20 cm
3. Push the direction lever to FORWARD (6 to 8 in.)
direction travel.
4. Raise the forks or load to the safe travel
5. Quickly shift your right foot from the
brake pedal to the accelerator pedal. While
gradually depressing the accelerator pedal,
release the parking brake.

• Traveling on a Grade • Stopping on a Grade

101026 101074
Travel forward up a grade and in reverse down
a grade when the truck is loaded.
brake pedal when you have to bring the truck to a stop on a grade. DO NOT hold the truck by depressing the accelerator pedal. This can cause clutch plate wear or torque conv

use the brake pedal only. This can result in brake failure and an accident.
g pedal when traveling down a grade. This pre- vents the engine from acting as a brake.

When traveling up or down a steep grade:

1. DO NOT stop the engine.
2. DO NOT make any turns.
3. DO NOT travel across the grade.

83 76

• Travelling backward with Back-up buzzer

Lift trucks are used in applications with widely ator of the truck is responsible to safely operate
varying conditions. Conditions such as the the lift truck and keep a clear view of the path
noise level, number of lift trucks in the when travelling backward.
location, space provided for operation, loads to
The alarm devices must also be maintained in
be han- dled, presence of pedestrians, lighting
proper functional condition. Damage from
condi- tions, and many others are very
operation or attempts to disconnect or disable
different from application to application. Our
the alarm devices must be repaired.
manufacture of the lift truck does not have
control over the environment where the lift
truck will be used, or where it may be resold at
a later time.
The user has first-hand knowledge of the
condi- tions at the location of use. The user
shall deter- mine if operating conditions
require the truck to be equipped with
additional sound-producing or visual (such as
lights, blinkers or back-up buzzer) devices, and
be responsible for provid- ing and maintaining
such devices.
Factors such as habituation to the alarm, confu-
sion of multiple alarms, increased noise level,
dependence of the operator on the alarm, and
other may lead to an unsafe condition in the
workplace. Pedestrians and other lift truck
operations in the workplace may become
accus- tomed to hearing the alarm and no
longer pay attention. Then in a situation where
the pedes- trian or other lift truck operator is in
proximity to the lift truck, he may not react to
the alarm devices.
The pedestrians and lift truck operators in the
workplace must be aware of their surroundings
and actively participate in the safety of them-
selves and others, including not placing them-
selves in the path of a moving truck. The oper-
84 77
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| STORING THE LIFT TRUCK ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ End of Each Shift Storage ◆ Long Term Storage separating walls should have a fire resistance
rating of more than one hour. The shelter
should have sprinklers and floor-level
mage. Report all damage or faulty operation immediately. DO NOT operate a lift truck that has a maintenance problem.

1. Park the truck in an authorized area. If your lift truck is to be put in storage for any • Hydraulic System
2. Block the wheels securely. length of time, take the following precautions After positioning your truck for storage, retract all
3. Check under the truck for oil or coolant for safety and to reduce the risk of the hydraulic cylinders to minimize rod exposure.
leaks. deterioration of truck components. This will reduce the risk of rusting of the sliding
4. Clean or wash the truck to keep it free of contact surfaces of the rods.
dirt and oil. This will make it easier to spot • Fuel System To prevent rusting of the cylinder interior and
loose or defective parts. – Gasoline engine trucks rods, and deterioration of the seals, periodically
Gasoline evaporates, leaving a sticky gum operate each cylinder for lift, tilt and the attach-
ment to full stroke.
to rainwater. Take care not to sprinkle water over ECU box when washing your machine.

deposit in the fuel pump and carburetor.

! WARNING Drain the fuel from the tank and run the
engine until the fuel in the lines is used up.
– Diesel
distance may be reduced. In such a case, gently apply brakes several times engine trucks slowly in a safe area until linings have dried out and normal braking action is restored
while driving
Drain the fuel from the tank and run the
engine until the fuel in the lines is used up.
– LP-Gas engine truck
These trucks present a storage problem
due to fire hazards. Store them in an
outdoor shelter or detached garage. If the
shelter is attached to another building, the

85 78
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| STORING THE LIFT TRUCK ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

• Engine Cooling System

Protect the cooling system from freezing
by draining the system or by adding an
antifreeze mixture.

• Engine Cylinders
Over a long storage period, the cylinders
may rust from moisture condensation
within the cylinders. To reduce the risk of
rusting of cylin- der walls, remove the
spark plugs and squirt a small amount of
engine oil into the cylinders. Crank the
engine several times with the starter to
spread the oil uniformly on the cylinder
walls. Replace the spark plugs. Repeat this
pro- cedure prior to starting after storage.

• Battery
Remove the batteries from the truck and
recharge them. Store them in a dry, cool
More precautions may have to be taken
accord- ing to the place of storage, storage
period and season. When you put your
truck in storage, consult your Cat lift truck

• Controller
Moisture is harmful to the controller.
When washing, do not splash water or
steam over the ECM inside the right step
and the frequency transducer and the ECU
inside the dashboard.

86 78
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TRANSPORTATION HINTS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ Lift Truck Shipping ◆ Machine Lifting and Tiedown
Always block the trailer or rail car wheels NOTICE: Improper lifting or tiedowns may
! WARNING before loading the lift truck. cause a load to shift and cause
Position the lift truck on the truck bed or rail injury and/or damage.
Make sure there is adequate clearance if the vehicle being trans-car.
ported is equipped with a high mast or cab.
from the shipping vehicle and loading dock. 1. Weight and instructions given herein apply
Place the direction lever in NEUTRAL, the to lift trucks manufactured by Mitsubishi
lock knob in lock position and apply the park- Caterpillar Forklift America Inc.
ing brake. 2. Use proper rated cables and slings for lift-
Turn the key switch to the (OFF) position ing. Position the crane so the lift truck is
and remove the key. level when lifted.
Block the wheels and secure the lift truck with 3. Spreader bar widths should be sufficient to
tiedowns. prevent contact with the lift truck.
Do not steer the truck after it has been secured 4. Use the tiedown locations provided for lift
on the truck or rail car. truck tiedown.
Check the state and local laws governing
weight, width and length of a load.
Contact your Cat lift truck dealer for shipping
instructions for your lift truck.


87 79
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| SPECIAL SITUATIONS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ Care in Cold Weather
• Fuel Oils and Lube Oils • Battery • Engine Coolant

Electrolyte level

d point should be 6°C (11°F) below the lowest ambient tempera- ture.
engine oil and gear oil to fit the ambient temperature.

Glass tube

NOTICE: For type and concentration of

antifreeze, consult your Cat lift
truck dealer. – Maintain the specific gravity of electrolyte – Antifreeze used in the engine cooling sys-
from 1.26 to 1.28 as corrected to 20°C tem of a new lift truck shipped from the
(68°F). factory provides sufficient freeze protec-
– When you park your truck overnight, leav- tion to -30°C (-22°F).
ing it outside a garage, remove the battery – If ambient temperatures are below -30°C
and keep it warm. (-22°F), add antifreeze.
– The electrolyte of a fully charged battery
will not freeze to -35°C (-31°F). NOTICE: For type and concentration of
antifreeze, consult your Cat lift
truck dealer.

After distilled water has been added to the battery, run the engine for a while. This mixes the added water w
DO NOT attempt to restore a battery’s charge by pouring boiling water over it. This can break the battery cas

88 80
◆ Care in Hot Weather ◆ Care in Severe Dust or Lint
• Fuel Oils and Lube Oils • Engine Coolant Conditions


ry Coolant
Use fuel In hot, rapidly and
oil, dry
the engine
engine oil weathe is likely to
and gear r, get
oil to fit check overheated
the the when the
ambient battery truck is
temperatu cells oper- ated
res. for continuous
proper ly or on a
electro grade.
lyte During
level such an
of fuel
more operation,
often observe the
engine oil
than in engine
and gear
cold coolant
weathe tem-
r. Add perature
your Cat
distille gauge for
lift truck
d water symptoms
whene of
ver the overheatin
level is g.
• Batte
89 81
If the engine coolant temperature gauge needle moves into the red zone, the engine is suspected of getting overheated.
NOTICE: If the
Check and
service the
air cleaner
into the
zone, Recommended inspection
Every 200 service
period hours or monthly, whichever comes fir
see the Check the
topic, radiator core
Engine more
Coolan frequently
t for clogging
Tempe or trash
rature build-up.
Gauge Clean or
Needle wash the
Moves truck as
Into necessary.

90 81
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TROUBLESHOOTING |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ Changing a Tire


101105 101107

Make sure the replacement tire is of the same size, type and load range.
Use the tire recommended by MCFA.

DO NOT attempt to change the tire with the Stop raising the truck when the tire clears the
truck loaded. Injury and/or damage could ground. DO NOT raise the truck more than
result. necessary.

91 82

100832 100833
BE SURE no one is on the truck when raising DO NOT place any part of your body under
the front or rear tires. the truck. SECURELY SUPPORT the truck
with blocks after jacking it up.
Consult your Cat lift truck dealer for proper tire changing procedure.
Changing of tire and adjustment pro- cedure must be made by a trained mechanic
Perform all maintenance in the fac- tory with proper equipment.

92 82

• Single Tire
Wheel nut

100829 100902B To Raise Front Tire

1. Park the truck on level ground with 3. Block the diagonally opposite wheel.
To Remove Tire
parking brake applied, transmission in
neutral, forks lowered and engine stopped. 1. Loosen the wheel nuts about two rotations.
NOTICE: Only loosen the wheel nuts. DO
NOT remove them.
2. Position the jack under the truck at the
specified jacking point.
3. Raise the truck by operating the jack until the
tire just clears the ground.

2. Prepare tools, jack and wheel blocks.

Jack Capacities

7 tons (16000 lbf), minimum

93 83

Position the jack under the frame and raise

the truck until the front tire clears the ground. 101106
Next, place stands or blocks of wood on
both sides under the frame to support it.

Other Method

Tilt forward
Tilt backward



Tilt the mast all the way back, place

blocks under the mast, and tilt the mast

94 83
To Raise Rear Tire 4. Remove the wheel nuts (loosened in
step 1). ➀
5. Firmly grip the wheel with both hands and
remove it from the truck. ➅ ➂

➃ ➄
Wheel nut


Counterbore 2. Lower the truck by operating the jack until

the tire just touches the ground. Then
Position the jack under the counterweight at tighten the wheel nuts in the sequence
the recessed point and raise the truck.
103243 shown, in two or three steps, to the speci-
fied torque.

Tightening Torque
To Install Tire100835A Unit: N•m (kgf•m) [lbf•ft]
1. Install the wheel and tighten the wheel 4 ton Front 403 (41.1) [297]
nuts finger tight until their clamping models Rear 377 (38.5) [278]
surfaces come into full-face contact with
4.5 to 5 Front 551 (56.2) [406]
the coun- terbores in the rim.
NOTICE: Make sure the clamping sur- ton models Rear 377 (38.5) [278]
faces of the wheel nuts and
counterbores are free of dirt.


e careful NOT to strip the bolt threads when removing the wheel.
• Dual Tire

① Extension valve ③ Inner wheel nut 3. Position the jack under the truck at the
② Outer wheel nut specified jacking point.
4. Raise the truck by operating the jack until
To Remove Outer Tire the tire just clears the ground.
1. Remove the outer tire extension valve by 5. Remove the outer wheel nuts by hand.
turning it counterclockwise. 6. Firmly grip the tire with both hands, and
2. Loosen the outer wheel nuts about two remove it from the truck.
NOTICE: DO NOT remove the wheel
nuts. ONLY loosen them. ! CAUTION
When removing the wheel, be careful not to strip the inner wheel nut threads on the edges of the bolt holes in the rim.
When removing the outer wheel nuts, grasp each nut properly to prevent the wrench from slipping off the nut.
wheel nut

101205A 101212

To Remove Inner Tire To Install Inner Tire

1. Lower the truck to the ground. 1. Install the inner tire. Tighten the wheel
2. Loosen the inner wheel nuts about two nuts just enough to hold the tire without
turns. rattling.
3. Raise the truck until the tire just clears the 2. Lower the truck until the tire just touches
ground. the ground.
4. Remove the inner tire nuts by hand. 3. Tighten the inner wheel nuts, in two or
5. Firmly grip the tire with both hands, and three steps, to the specified torque. Each of
remove it from the truck. the steps must follow the tightening
sequence shown above.

, be careful not to strip the wheel bolt threads on the edges of the bolt holes in the rim.

Tightening Torque for Inner Wheel Nuts

Unit: N•m (kgf•m) [lbf•ft]
4 ton models 403 (41.1) [297]
make sure the inner wheel nuts are
4.5 to 5 ton models 551 (56.2) [406] tightened properly.






• Rear Tire
Clamping surface Loosen outer wheel nut.

Tighten inner wheel nut.

Tighten outer wheel nut.



To Install Outer Tire To Remove Tire

1. Again raise the truck until the tire just 1. Loosen the wheel nuts about two turns.
clears theand
heck the tire pressure ground.
adjust it if necessary. NOTICE: DO NOT remove the wheel
2. Install
ive the truck the outer
for a while, wheel. Tighten
and retighten the nuts.
the wheel outer nuts. ONLY loosen them.
case of the dual nuts itjust
wheel, enough to
is common hold the that
experience wheelonly the outer wheel nuts are tightened with the inner wheel nuts left 2. Position theBEjack
untightened. SUREunder the truck
to tighten theatinner
the wheel nuts
without rattling, making sure the clamping specified jacking point.
surface of each nut comes in full-face con- 3. Raise the truck by operating jack until the
tact with the counterbore of the wheel tire just clears the ground.
3. Lower the truck until the tire touches the
4. Tighten the outer wheel nuts in the same
way as the inner wheel nuts.
Install the extension valve.
5. NOTICE: Retighten the wheel nuts at regular
Counterbore of wheel disc

101323 103263 101212

4. Remove the wheel nuts by hand. 2. Lower the truck until the tire touches the
To Install Tire
5. Firmly grip the tire with both hands, and ground. Tighten the wheel nuts, in two or
remove it from the truck. 1. Tighten the wheel nuts just enough to hold three steps, to the specified torque. Each of
the tire without rattling, making sure the the steps must follow the tightening
clamping surface of each nut comes in sequence shown above.
face contact with the counterbore of the
! CAUTION wheel disc. Tightening Torque for Rear Wheel Nuts
, be careful not to strip the wheel bolt threads on the edges of the bolt holes in the rim. Unit: N•m (kgf•m) [lbf•ft]

All models 377 (38.5) [278]

3. Lower the truck, and restore tools and jack.

• How to Determine Tightening Torque • Inspecting Tire Pressure

If your weight is 60 kg (132 lb), for instance:

– Rest your weight on the wrench handle
at a point of 68 cm (26.8 in.) from the
wheel nut to tighten the front wheel
nuts, as expressed by this formula:
403 N•m (41.1 kgf•m) [297 lbf•ft]
= 68 cm (26.8 in.)
60 kg (132 lb)
– Rest your weight on the wrench handle
at a point of 65 cm (25.6 in.) from the
wheel nut to tighten the rear wheel
101334B nuts, as expressed by this formula: 103262
A torque wrench is recommended for tighten- 377 N•m (38.5 kgf•m) [278 lbf•ft] Check the tire pressure and adjust it if neces-
= 65 cm (25.6 in.)
ing the wheel nuts. If a torque wrench is not 60 kg (132 lb) sary. For the tire pressure, see Specifications
available, tighten the nuts with a socket and Refill Capacities.
wrench for wheel nuts by resting the weight of
your body on the handle of the wrench.
NOTICE: The tire pressure is indicated on the
Torque is a turning effort. It is expressed as a nameplate attached to the left side
product of length and force. of the hood and seat assembly.
DO NOT shake yourself when resting your weight on the wrench handle.
DO NOT overtighten the wheel nuts.
Overtightening will strain the bolts or deform the clamping surface of wheel disc.
◆ Stalled Engine

100904 100838


Your lift truck uses high pressure tires. When When adding air to the tire using an air com- If the engine stalls, hydraulic pressure is lost in
adding air, check the rim for damage that pressor, make sure the compressor valve is the power steering system. If this happens,
could permit air to leak from the tire. NEVER cor- rectly set. Failure to follow this precaution stop your truck in a safe area and restart the
over- inflate the tire. can damage the tire. Always maintain correct engine.
When adding air to the tire, or checking tire tire pressure. Before restarting the engine:
pressure, BE SURE to keep your body away – Make sure the fuel tank is NOT empty.
from the side. The use of an inflation cage, or – Correct the cause of engine stalling such
some other safety device, helps reduce the risk as overloading.
of serious injury.
◆ Engine Coolant Temperature ◆ Powershift Transmission Oil
Gauge Needle Moves into Red Zone Temperature Warning Light


101434C 100813 101440F

1. Park the truck in a safe area. – DO NOT attempt to remove the radiator 1. Park the truck in a non-traffic area.
2. Open the engine hood to ventilate the filler cap if the engine is overheated. This 2. Apply the parking brake. Place and lock
engine compartment. could cause injury from scalding hot the direction lever in the NEUTRAL posi-
3. Allow the engine to idle for a while. DO coolant or steam blowing out of the tion.
NOT attempt to stop the engine. radiator. Allow the engine to run at low idle for a
4. Stop the engine after the coolant tempera- – DO NOT add cold water to an overheated while.
ture gauge needle has moved into the engine. This can cause damage to the 3. After the warning light has gone out, oper-
WHITE zone. engine. ate the truck again.
5. Check for: – Immediately stop the engine if the fan belt
– Lack of coolant. is broken.
– Loose or broken fan belt.
– Engine oil level.
– Foreign material build-up in radiator air
passages. If the warning light does not go out, or if it glows often, consult your Cat lift
◆ Driving Interlock Indicator Light Flickers or Flashes, and the Truck Stops Moving

nterlock indicator light starts flickering and the truckAre

seated? Place the direction lever to the neutral position and sit securely.


104577 104579

ving interlock indicator light is OFF but the truck fails to move. Stop working and move the truck to a safe area. Shut down the engine and consult your Cat lift truck


◆ Trouble with the LP-Gas Equipment


If you smell gas or notice something wrong There is a possibility of fire after a collision
with LP-Gas equipment during operation, or when a truck turns over. If this happens,
immediately stop the truck in a safe area, close the LP-Gas fuel valve of the LP-Gas
turn tank as soon as possible.
the key switch to the (OFF) position, close Use a dry-chemical (powder) or carbon diox-
the fuel valve of the LP-Gas tank, and try to ide type extinguisher. Never use water. When
find the cause. (It is advisable to have a test possible, however, have large quantities of
kit on hand for detecting gas leakage.) water poured over the LP-Gas tank to cool it
If the internal pressure of the LP-Gas tank down while the fire is being extinguished.
rises too high and causes the relief valve to
open to let out the excess pressure, sprinkle
water over the tank. At the same time, extin-
guish any fire or flame source (such as a pilot
light) and eliminate the possibility of creating
sparks near the truck. Ventilate the work
When gas leakage is evident, close the fuel
valve as soon as possible. Extinguish the fire
or flame sources nearby to prevent spark
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| MAINTENANCE |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ General

Taking proper care of your lift truck is a vital

part of the overall planned maintenance pro- ! WARNING ! WARNING
service area is safe. Lines, Tubes and Hoses
on a levelYour participation
ground in thisDO
with the forks program
NOT bendwillor
parking brakehigh
strike applied, transmission
pressure lines. DO in NEUTRAL,
NOT the direction
install bent or damagedlever in NEUTRAL,
lines, the lock knob in NEUTRAL, engine stopped and the
tubes or hoses.
an early warning to help identify potential
ommended safety pro- cedures. Repair loose or damaged fuel and oil lines, tubes or hoses. Leaks can cause fires. Contact your dealer for repair or replacement.
ght tools maintenance
for the job. problems. Check lines, tubes and hoses carefully. DO NOT use your bare hands to check for leaks, use a board or cardboard. Tighten connections to the re
Do-it-yourself maintenance does not
End fittings includeor leaking.
repairs. If your truck requires any repairs,
Outer covering chafedcon- or cut and wire reinforcing exposed.
sult your Cat lift truck dealer. The dealer’s lift
Outer covering ballooning locally.
truck mechanics are well trained and know
Evidence of kinked or crushed hose.
how to safely make repairs.MetalService
embedded Manuals
in the outer cover.
are also available from your Cat lift truck
End fittings displaced.
Make sure all clamps, guards and heat shields are installed correctly to reduce the risk of vibration, rubbing against other parts, and excessive

Follow these rules to help save you from injury
and to service your truck properly.

or in any way unsafe, or contribute to an unsafe condition, the matter shall be reported immediately to the designated authority, and the truck shall not be oper- ated until it has

The fuel shut off valve is located near the air

cleaner inside the engine hood. To avoid an
accident, close this valve when performing

10 94
◆ Inspection Precautions

! WARNING ! CAUTION A daily (Pre-Start) inspection is the key to

TWO cases different brands
WORKERS—one, of lubricants
the opera- tor, at are
the not compatible
controls and thewith each
other othering
check- and deteri-
within oratecontact
visual when mixed. Itsafety.
is bestAt
of the operator. to the
stickbeginning of each
with the same shift,
brand check
at successive serv
ng, clean filler holes. After filling, clean up spills. your lift truck to make sure it is in safe operat-
ing condition.
Always inspect your truck under the following



– Lift truck level

– Mast in vertical position
– Fork tips on ground
– Engine stopped
– Control levers in neutral
– Wheels blocked



10 95
r N
u O
c T
r P
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q R
u A
i T
r E
e ”
a r
y s
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e i
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a a
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, w
a r
t n
t i
a n
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D t
O o
10 95
t m
h o
e v
t t
e h
e e
i k
n e
g y

w f
h r
e o
e m
o h
r e

o s
t t
h a
e r
r t
c r
n s
t w
r i
o t
l c
, h
10 95
◆ Maintenance Schedule
• Every 10 Service Hours or Daily (Pre-Start),
As the operator, you are responsible for the performance of daily pre-start Whichever Comes First, continued
inspection. You are also responsible for those items listed under Every 50
Service Hours or Weekly, Whichever Comes First to keep your lift truck Item
Item Service
Service Page
in proper working condition. Damaged or pedal
Accelerator faulty operation found Check 100
For periodic inspection and periodic change of rubber parts, however, rely the day before Check 99
on the expert knowledge of the factory-trained servicemen, and the service Brake pedal Check 100
facilities at your Cat lift truck dealer’s workshop. Oil, fuel or coolant leaks Check 99
Inching pedal Check 101
Lights Check 99
One month after delivery of a new truck Parking brake lever Check 101
Every 200 service hours or monthly, whichever comes first Load backrest extension Check 99
Every 400 service hours or 2 months, whichever comes first Seat belt Check 101
Every 600 service hours or 3 months, whichever comes first Tilt cylinder socket bolts Check 100
Seat adjustment Check 101
Every 1200 service hours or 6 months, whichever comes first Overhead guard Check 100
Every 2400 service hours or 1 year, whichever comes first Horn Check 102
Periodic inspection time intervals Assist grip Check 100
Steering wheel Check 102
• Every 10 Service Hours or Daily (Pre-Start), movement
Whichever Comes First Amount of fuel (truck level) Check 102
Stop lights Check 102
OK monitor Check 102
Lift chains Check/adjust 103
Engine Check 104
Service brakes Check 104
Back-up lights Check 104
Engine crankcase Check oil level 105
Engine coolant Check 106
coolant level
Hydraulic oil Check 109
oil level

11 100
• Every 10 Service Hours or Daily (Pre-start), • Every 200 Service Hours or Monthly, Whichever Comes First
Whichever Comes First, continued
Item Service Page
Item Service Page
Wheel nuts Retighten 117
Brake fluid Check level 110
Differential Check oil level 117
Wheel nuts Check 111
Powershift transmission Check oil level 118
Tires and rims Check 111
Alternator drive belt – Gasoline Check/adjust 119
Mast and forks Check 112
Spark plug Check **
Battery Check electrolyte 113
level Vaporizer – LP-Gas Check tar **
Piping and piping joints – LP-Gas Check damage/ 119
gas leakage
• Every 50 Service Hours or Weekly, Whichever Comes First
Engine crankcase – Gasoline and LP-Gas Change oil 120
Item Service Page Engine crankcase – Diesel Change oil 121
Air cleaner element Clean/inspect 114 and filter

Alternator drive belt – Diesel Check/adjust 115 The change intervals for engine oil and filter are depend on the percent-
Mast supports Lubricate 116 age of sulfur in the diesel fuel. Check the following:

Sulfur percentage Oil grade spec. Change interval

• One Month After Delivery of a New Truck 0 to 0.2 % CF or higher 500 hrs. or 3 months*
0.2 to 0.5 % CF or higher 300 hrs. or 3 months*
Item Service Page
Over 0.5 % CF or higher 200 hrs. or 3 months*
Hydraulic tank return oil filter Change 116
*Whichever comes first
Engine crankcase – Gasoline and LP-Gas Change filter 116 Whenever the engine oil is changed, the filter must be replaced at the
Fuel filter – Diesel Change 116 same time with a genuine MCF oil filter.
Fuel filter – LP-Gas Change **
NOTICE: For the description of ** marked items, refer to the TB45 gaso- line
engine service manual.
• Every 200 Service Hours or Monthly, Whichever Comes First, • Every 1200 Service Hours or 6 Months,
continued Whichever Comes First
Item Service Page Item Service Page
Mast strip roller surfaces Lubricate 122 Powershift transmission Change oil/ 128
Lift bracket side rollers Lubricate 122 wash strainer

Lift chains Lubricate/ 122 Hydraulic system Change return 129

inspect oil filter/wash
Tilt socket pins Lubricate 122
Differential Change oil 130
Brake pedal Lubricate 122
Air cleaner element Change 130
Rear axle center pins Lubricate 123 element
Tie rod pins Lubricate 123 Fuel filter – Diesel Change 131
Universal joint with grease nipple Lubricate 123 Engine coolant – Diesel Change 133

• Every 400 Service Hours or 2 Months, Whichever Comes First • Every 2400 Service Hours or 1 Year, Whichever Comes First
Item Service Page
Item Service Page
Engine coolant – Gasoline Change 124
Hydraulic oil Change 136
Brake fluid Change 136
• Every 600 Service Hours or 3 Months, Whichever Comes First
Fuel filter – LP-Gas Change **
Item Service Page
Intake/exhaust valve clearance – Gasoline Adjust ** NOTICE: For the description of ** marked items, refer to the TB45 gaso-
line engine service manual.
Injection nozzle – Gasoline and LP-Gas Inspect **
PCV valve and hose – Gasoline Inspect **
LP-Gas filter Clean **
Engine crankcase – Gasoline and LP-Gas Change filter 127
◆ Every 10 Service Hours or Daily (Pre-Start), Whichever Comes First

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in this manual before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

• Damage or Faulty Operation Found • Oil, Fuel or Coolant Leaks • Load Backrest Extension
the Day Before
– Have repairs been made properly?
Check the daily inspection sheet.


Check on the floor for oil, fuel or coolant – Is the backrest extension free of distortion,
leaks. 102840 cracks and other101400A
defects? Shake the back-
rest to check for excessive rattle.
• Lights
– Are all the lights in safe working condi-
100678A tion?
Fill out a daily inspection sheet. Remember, – Are their lenses clean and not defective?
the complete performance of a daily – Do the tail and head lights come ON prop-
inspection is the best protection against injury erly when you switch them on.
and prop- erty damage.
• Tilt Cylinder Socket Bolts • Overhead Guard • Accelerator Pedal
– Can you depress the accelerator pedal
smoothly without any sign of rubbing?

– Are the bolts tightened properly? 1. Check the front and rear overhead guard
mounting bolts on each side. Tighten bolts
Use a wrench.
to 14.5 N•m (1.5 kgf•m) [10.7 lbf•ft]. 100699
NOTICE: After retightening the bolt, put a 2. Inspect overhead guard for bent or
mark across the bolt and tilt cylin- cracked sections. Contact your Cat lift • Brake Pedal
der socket. This permits you to eas- truck dealer if repairs are needed. – Do you have sufficient pedal travel?
ily notice loosening of the bolt. – Is the free-play adjusted properly?
Tightening Torque for the Bolt • Assist Grip
Correct Free Play:
262 ± 13 N•m (27 ± 1.4 kgf•m) th
[193 ± 9.6 lbf•ft] e

Inspect, and if necessary, tighten the screws of
Unit: mm (in.)
4 ton models 4 to 15 (0.2 to 0.6)
4.5 to 5 ton models 5 to 18 (0.2 to 0.7)
• Inching Pedal • Parking Brake Lever • Seat Belt
– Can you pull the lever all the way with – Is the seat belt in safe condition?
rea- sonable effort? Replace the belt assembly if the belt is
– Can you hold your truck on a grade by torn, cut, or if the plate and/or buckle is
pulling the brake lever? defective.
– Lever operating effort:
250 to 290 N (25 to 30 kgf) [55 to 66 lbf]
• Seat Adjustment
Turn the knob clockwise to increase the
lever’s tension; counterclockwise to decrease
– Is the free play correct? it. Adjustment is correct when the lever
100700 effort of 250 to 290 Apply
requires anRelease N (25 to 30 100977
Correct Free Play kgf) [55 to 66 lbf] to snap it over center.
Unit: mm (in.)
All models 5 (0.2)

– Can you depress 101050

the pedals all the way?
NOTICE: See the topic, Adjustment under
Operator’s Seat.
• Horn • Amount of Fuel (Truck level) • OK Monitor

102591 102394 103268

– Does the horn sound properly when you – Is the amount of fuel in the tank enough – Do all the warning lamps glow when the
push the switch? for the day’s work? key switch is in the l (ON) position?

NOTICE: When a lamp does not light with

the key switch in the l (ON) posi-
tion, the bulb may be burned out.
Contact your Cat lift truck dealer if
• Steering Wheel • Stop Lights repairs are needed.

101726B 103193
– Is the free play 15 to 30 mm (0.6 to 1.2 wheel by rotating the wheel in both direc- tions.
in.)? Check the play at the rim of the – Is wheel installation loose? Check by shaking the wheel up and down.
– D en you depress the brake pedal?







• Lift Chains
Check and To Adjust

if they are still in usable condition.
or seized link pins.
se accidents. If some- thing is wrong with the chains, con- sult your Cat lift truck dealer for repair or replacement.

th ne if it
e is still
fol in
- usable
lo conditi
wi on.
1. Chec ng
k the ch Lift Chain
lift art Elongation
chain to Limit:(/20
s for de links)
wear. ter
Use mi
11 105
2. L ht eq justed. 1. L t
i o ua o ③
f n l o to
t th te s adj
t e ns e ust
h ca io n ten
t sio
e rr n.
h n.
f ia 4. If
e 2. Ho
o g th ld
r e e l
o the
k a ch nut
s n c
ai ③
h d ns and
i c ar tig
g h e t hte
h ai lo ① n
e ns os a the
n . e n nut
o 3. C or d ②
u h th t to
h tor
g ec e
e que
h k te
n A.
t to ns Ho
o b io u
t ld
p e n the
u su is ②
. nut
t re no ③
t th t and
h e eq e tig
e lif ua n hte
i t l, t n
r c ha u the
f h ve r loc
u ai th n kn
ll ns e t ut

w h ch h to
e a ai e
i v ns n que
g e ad u
12 105
B ht or
. e qu
ni e:
T n Unit: N•m
i g (kgf•m) [lbf•ft]
g T 4 ton A
49 5 36
models B 147 0
(15 ) [108
0 0
4 ton models 518 mm (20.4 in.) 4.5 to 5 A
49 5 36
ton models B 176 0
(18 ) [130
0 0
4.5 to 5 ton models 648 mm (25.5 in.)


12 105
• Engine • Service Brakes • Back-up Lights
– Do the brakes apply and stop the truck
! WARNING properly—without dragging, chattering or
closed area, make sure there is adequate ventila- tion. squealing?
n the engine compartment. Know the location of all emergency devices (such as fire extinguisher, first aid kit, etc.) and how to use them.

When you move the direction lever into

REVERSE position: 103193
– Do all back-up lights come ON?
– Does the back-up buzzer sound?

– Is exhaust smoke normal?
– Listen for abnormal noise or excessive
• Engine Crankcase
Check Oil Level Adding Engine Oil
3. Maintain the correct level range on the dip
stick. ! CAUTION
could cause seri- ous injury. Do not allow hot oil or com- ponents to contact your skin. Perform the work on level ground.
Gasoline Clean the filler hole to prevent dirt from dropping into the eng
DO NOT overfill.
Correct level range Clean up spillage.
Park the lift truck with the forks lowered,
park- ing brake applied, transmission in
NEUTRAL, engine stopped and the wheels
blocked. The engine must be cooled down. 1. Remove the oil filler cap.
1. Raise the hood.
2. Remove the dipstick and wipe it clean,
then insert it all the way. Diesel

Correct level range



4. Close and secure the hood. Diesel




2. Add engine oil as required. 4. Close and tighten the filler cap.
For engine oil, see the topic,
Recommended Fuels and Oils.

Gasoline Gasoline

Correct level range

103929 103919
Diesel Diesel

Correct level range

101671 101304

3. After adding oil, make sure the level is in

the correct range on the dipstick.
• Engine Coolant
Check Coolant Level Adding Coolant
At operating temperature, the engine coolant is hot and under pressure.
Steam could cause injuries. DO NOT let it contact your skin and eyes.
To avoid having scalding coolant or steam blow out of the radiator, do not remove the radiator cap unless the engine is cold. Muffle the cap in a thick cloth and turn

Antifreeze/summer coolant (ASC) con- tains rust inhibitors. It is not necessary to add other chemicals.
Recommended concentration range of ASC is 30% to 60% by volume. ASC of less than 30% concentration does not provide sufficient corrosion protecti
Avoid mixing different brands of coolant.
Select an ASC suitable for use in engines using aluminum alloy parts.
Select an ASC which contains silicate of less than 0.2% by weight.
Keep fire away from undiluted antifreeze as it is FLAMMABLE.

e antifreeze/summer coolant protection and adversely affects the engine. Be sure to pre- mix antifreeze/summer coolant with tap water (soft water). See the topic, Engine Coolin
ave your Cat lift truck dealer check the cooling system.
The lift truck must be level, the forks lowered,
the parking brake applied, the transmission in
NEUTRAL, engine stopped and the wheels
blocked. The engine must be cooled down.
1. Raise the hood.
2. Maintain the coolant level between the
FULL and LOW marks on the reserve

Correct level range

3. Close and secure the hood.
1. Remove the reserve tank cap and add
coolant to the FULL mark. ! WARNING
2. When adding coolant, maintain the same
concentration of antifreeze solution.


Antifreeze solution is TOXIC. In case of con-

tact with your skin, FLUSH IMMEDIATELY
WITH WATER. Have your Cat lift truck
NOTICE: The engine cooling system is pro- dealer discard antifreeze solution drained from
tected to101299A
–30°C (22°F) with 50% the engine.
concentration of antifreeze/summer
coolant (ASC) when shipped from
the factory.
3. Put the reserve tank cap back on.
• Hydraulic Oil
Check Oil Level Adding Hydraulic Oil
4. Add oil needed to raise it to the correct
! WARNING level range on the dipstick. ! CAUTION
se serious injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to contact your skin. When adding hydraulic oil:
ap only after the engine has been stopped and the cap is cool enough to remove with your hands. Perform the work on level ground.
ap slowly to relieve pressure. Clean the filler hole to prevent dirt from dropping into the tan
DO NOT overfill.
Clean up spillage.

1. Remove the hydraulic tank filler cap.

2. Add oil to the hydraulic tank.
1. Operate the lift truck for a few minutes to 100695A For Hydraulic Oil, see the topic,
warm the oil. Recommended Fuel and Oils.
2. Park the lift truck on a level surface, with
the forks lowered, mast tilted back,
parking brake applied, transmission in
NEUTRAL, engine stopped and the
wheels blocked.
3. Remove the hydraulic tank filler cap by
turning it counterclockwise.

5. Put the hydraulic tank filler cap back on.

6. Check for oil leaks.
7. Close and secure the hood.

3. After adding oil, make sure the level is in

the correct range on the dipstick.
4. Insert the dipstick into the filler port and
install the hydraulic tank filler cap

securely. 5. Close and secure the hood.
• Brake Fluid
Check Level

2. Maintain the brake fluid level between the

! WARNING MAX and MIN marks on the reservoir.
ake fluid in the reservoir decreases rapidly, the brake system is leaking.
Adding Brake Fluid
ur Cat lift truck dealer check the system.
1. Remove the reservoir cap.
2. Add brake fluid to the reservoir.
3. Put the reservoir cap back on.

Before refilling the reservoirs, clean the ports to reduce the risk of dirt from getting inside the reservoirs.

Park the lift truck with the forks lowered,

park- ing brake applied, transmission in
NEUTRAL, the engine stopped and the
wheels blocked.

1. Check the brake fluid level at the reservoir.

Correct level range

• Wheel Nuts • Tires and Rims
Check – Tighten, when required Check

– Wheel nuts should be visually inspected Limit:

5 mm
everyday. Any loose nuts should be tight- (0.2 in.)
ened and any missing or damaged nuts
should be replaced.
– Always stand behind the tread of the tire,
NOT in front of the rim.
– Tighten the nuts evenly and in a diagonal
sequence to the specified torque.

– Is the tread area 101048

thickness more than serv-
ice limit?
If the thickness is less than service limit,
the tire must be replaced. Do not replace
the tire yourself. Consult your Cat lift
truck dealer for tire replacement.
– Are all the rims free of distortion or

– Are the wheel nuts tightened properly?

Use a torque wrench.
100681A ! WARNING
Make sure the replacement tire is of the same size, type and load range.
Tightening Torque
Unit: N•m (kgf•m) [lbf•ft]

4 ton models 403 (41.1) [297]

4.5 to 5
ton models 551 (56.2) [406]
4 to 5
Rear ton models 377 (38.5) [278]
• Mast and Forks


101064 101628 101629

– Does the mast move up and down – Are the forks free of distortion and cracks? If the truck is being used to carry maximum
smoothly when you operate the lift control Are the welds of the hangers free of capacity loads, the forks should be checked daily.
lever? cracks? 1. Carefully inspect the forks for cracks. Special
– Does the mast tilt forward and back attention should be given to the heel section A,
smoothly when you operate the tilt control all weld areas and mount- ing brackets B.
lever? Forks with cracks should be removed from
– Are there any oil leaks from the cylinders service.
and hydraulic lines? “Wet Test” magnetic particle inspection is gen-
erally preferred due to its sensitivity and the ease
of interpreting the results. Portable equip- ment is
usually recommended so it can be moved to the
lift truck.
Contact your Cat lift truck dealer for further

– Are the stoppers properly engaged?
2. Check the difference in height of one support of the load and cause Replace one or both forks when the difference
fork tip to the other when mounted problems when entering loads. in fork tip height exceeds the maximum allow-
on the fork carrier. A difference in The maximum allowable difference in fork tip able difference.
fork tip height can result in uneven elevation C is 5 mm (0.2 in.) for pallet forks.
• Battery
Check Electrolyte Level

Correct level range 3. Using a battery hydrometer, check the spe-

cific gravity of the battery cells. Take the
reading at eye level.

Specific gravity
corrected to Battery condition
101630 20°C (68°F)
1.260 to 1.280 Fully charged
3. Check the fork blade D. The fork should 1. If the electrolyte level is low, remove the
1.220 to 1.260 Three-fourths charged (to be
be withdrawn from service if the thickness filler caps and add distilled water to the
is reduced to less than the tolerant thick- cells. Before removing the caps, clean the
101403 recharged)
ness. top of the battery. Below 1.220 Completely discharged (to be
Fork blade length may also be reduced by 2. After adding the water, tighten the caps recharged and retested)
wear, especially on tapered forks and platens. securely.
Remove the forks from service when the blade
length is no longer adequate for the intended
loads. ! WARNING
Unit: mm (in.) If distilled water has to be often added, have your Cat lift truck dealer check
Tolerant thickness Std. Limit
4 ton models 50 (2.0) 43 (1.7)
4.5 ton model 50 (2.0) 46 (1.8)
5 ton models 60 (2.4) 48 (1.9)
◆ Every 50 Service Hours or Weekly, Whichever Comes First

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in this manual before performing any operating or maintenance procedures.

• Air Cleaner Element

Clean and Inspect ! CAUTION
Install the dust pan with its arrow mark up.

! WARNING 1. Raise the hood.

Wing nut Dust pan

6. Direct air inside the element along the

length of the pleats, and lightly tap it.


2. Remove the dust pan by releasing the clean the inside of the pan by removing dust.
latches at three places. 5. Clean the inside of the air cleaner housing.
3. Unscrew the wing nut, and remove the ele-
ment by pulling it.
Never service the air cleaner with the engine
Do not clean the elements by striking them
against another object.
Always inspect the element before and after
cleaning. Use a light inside the element. 101199
Do not use elements with damaged pleats, gas-
kets or seals.
Park the lift truck on a level surface, with the Cover
forks lowered, the parking brake applied, the
transmission in NEUTRAL, engine stopped
and the wheels blocked. 101198
4. Remove the cover from the dust pan, and
7. Insert a light inside a clean, dry
element and check. Discard the
element if tears or rips are found.
8. Put the element back in place.
9. Reinstall the dust cap.
10. Close the hood.
• Alternator Drive Belt – Diesel correct range, readjust the belt.
Check and Adjust Also, check the belt to make sure that
it is not worn, frayed, or has separated
! CAUTION piles.

nd adjust the rotating part.

racket bolt securely.
resses are placed on the alternator bearing and belt. Such stresses will shorten the service life of both.
o reduce the risk of slipping.

1. Raise the hood.

2. Push the belt downward with about 98 N
NOTICE: If it is difficult to adjust or replace (10 kgf) [22 lbf] pressure midway
the belts, consult your Cat lift truck between the pulleys as shown.
11 to 13 mm
Deflection (0.4 to 0.5 in.)
Park the lift truck on a level surface, with the
forks lowered, the parking brake applied, the
transmission in NEUTRAL, engine stopped Deflection
and the wheels blocked.

NOTICE: If the deflection is out of the
3. Loosen the alternator bracket bolts move the alternator out or in.
(indi- cated by the black arrows), and 4. Close and secure the hood.

• Mast Supports


You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in this manual before performing
any operation or maintenance procedure.

• Hydraulic Tank Return Oil

Filter Change • Fuel Filter – Diesel
– Filter should be changed.
– Filter should be changed.
See Hydraulic System, Change Return Oil
Filter in the Every 1200 Service Hours. See Fuel Filter – Diesel, Change in the Every
1200 Service Hours.

Lubricate 1 fitting on each support for a total • Engine Crankcase – Gasoline and
of 2 fittings. 102771A LP-Gas
Change filter
– Filter should be changed.

See Engine Crankcase – Gasoline and

LP-Gas, Change Filter in the Every 600
Service Hours.
◆ Every 200 Service Hours or Monthly, Whichever Comes First

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in this manual before performing any operation or maintenance procedure.

• Wheel Nuts • Differential

Retighten Check Oil Level
– Nuts should be retightened. Park the lift truck on a level surface, parking 3. Remove the level/fill plug. Maintain lubri-
brake applied, transmission in NEUTRAL, cant level to the bottom of the plug brake
See Wheel Nuts, Check – Tighten, when engine stopped and the wheels blocked. operating.
required. 1. Raise the lift bracket high enough to gain 4. Clean the level/fill plug and put it back in
access to the level/fill plug. place.
2. Use blocking under the inner mast to 5. Remove the blocking. Lower the lift
secure the lift bracket in this position. bracket.

Adding Oil
See the topic, Differential, Change Oil under
Every 1200 Service Hours or 6 Months,
Whichever Comes First.


• Powershift Transmission
Check Oil Level Adding Oil

! WARNING 4. Remove the dipstick. Check the oil level. See the topic, Powershift Transmission,
ents could cause injury. Do not allow hot oil or compo- nents to contact your skin. Change the Oil under Every 1200 Service
Hours or 6 Months, Whichever Comes

1. Operate the lift truck a few minutes to

warm the oil.
2. Park the lift truck on a level surface with
the forks lowered, parking brake applied,
transmission in NEUTRAL, engine
stopped and the wheels blocked. 103275
3. Remove the floor plate.
5. Maintain the correct level range indicated
on the dipstick.

Correct level range

102566 101631
• Alternator Drive Belt – Gasoline correct range, readjust the belt.
Check and Adjust Also, check the belt to make sure that
it is not worn, frayed, or has separated
nd adjust the rotating part.
racket bolt securely.
resses are placed on the alternator bearing and belt. Such stresses will shorten the service life of both.
o reduce the risk of slipping.

1. Raise the hood.

2. Push the belt downward with about 98 N
NOTICE: If it is difficult to adjust or replace (10 kgf) [22 lbf] pressure midway
the belts, consult your Cat lift truck between the pulleys as shown.
13 to 15 mm
Deflection (0.5 to 0.6 in.)
Park the lift truck on a level surface, with the
forks lowered, the parking brake applied, the
transmission in NEUTRAL, engine stopped Deflection
and the wheels blocked.

NOTICE: If the deflection is out of the

13 119
3. Loosen the alternator bracket bolts
(indi- cated by the black arrows), and
move the alternator out or in.
4. Close and secure the hood.

• Piping and Piping joints – LP-

Gas Check Damage and Gas
– Inspect damage to piping and piping joints.
– Inspect gas leakage from them.

14 119

• Engine Crankcase – Gasoline and LP-Gas

Change Oil

6. Start the engine and allow the oil to fill the
filter and passages.
ents could cause serious injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to contact skin.
7. Check for oil leaks.
8. Stop the engine and measure the oil level.
Maintain the correct level range on the
dip- stick.
1. Operate the lift truck a few minutes to
5. Fill the crankcase. See Refill Capacities
warm the oil.
and Lubrication Specifications charts.
2. Park the lift truck on a level surface with
the forks lowered, parking brake applied,
transmission in NEUTRAL, engine
stopped and the wheels blocked.
3. Raise the hood.
4. Remove the drain plug at the side of the
engine oil pan. Allow the oil to drain.
Clean and put the drain plug back in place. 103918


14 120

9. Close and secure the hood.

14 120
• Engine Crankcase – Diesel
Change Oil and Filter
Whenever the engine oil is changed, the filter must be replaced at the same time with a genuine MCF oil
ents could cause serious injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to contact skin.
7. Apply a small amount of clean engine oil 10. Check for oil leaks.
to the oil filter element gasket. Install the 11. Stop the engine and measure the oil level.
new filter element. Maintain the correct level range on the
dip- stick.
1. Operate the lift truck a few minutes to
warm the oil.
2. Park the lift truck on a level surface with
the forks lowered, parking brake applied,
transmission in NEUTRAL, engine
stopped and the wheels blocked.
3. Raise the hood.
4. Remove the drain plug at the side of the
engine oil pan. Allow the oil to drain.
Clean and put the drain plug back in place.

8. Fill the crankcase. See Refill Capacities 101669
and Lubrication Specifications charts.

101674 101670

Correct level range

5. Remove and discard the oil filter element. 9. Start the engine and allow the oil to fill the
6. Wipe the sealing surface of the oil filter filter and passages. 12. Close and secure the hood.
element mounting base.
• Mast Strip Roller Surfaces • Lift Chains • Tilt Socket Pins
Lubricate Lubricate and Inspect Lubricate

102570 102713 103202

Lubricate 1 fitting on each side of the inner Lubricate each chain on the left and right of Lubricate 1 fitting on each pin for a total of 2
mast for a total of 2 fittings. the mast. fittings.

• Lift Bracket Side Rollers total of 2 fittings. 1. Brush a film of engine oil onto the chain links,
Lubricate or spray with chain and cable lubri- cant.
2. Raise and lower the lift bracket a few times to
Lubricate 1 fitting on each side roller for a work lubricant into the chain links. NOTICE:
Lubricate chains more fre-
quently than normal where the
atmosphere can cause corrosion of
components or when the truck must
work in rapid lift cycles.
3. Inspect the chain anchors and individual links
for wear, loose pins or cracked leaves.

• Brake

Lubricate 1

• Rear Axle Center Pins • Universal Joint – with Grease Nipple
Lubricate Lubricate

102576 103933
Lubricate 1 fitting on each pin for a total of 2 Lubricate 2 fittings.

• Tie Rod Pins


Lubricate 1 fitting on each pin for a total of 4
◆ Every 400 Service Hours or 2 Months, Whichever Comes First

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in this manual before performing any operation or maintenance procedure.

• Engine Coolant – Gasoline

See the topic, Engine Coolant, Check Level 1. Loosen the radiator cover retaining knob.
under Every 10 Service Hours or Daily, Lift and remove the radiator cover.
whichever comes first.
erating temperature, the!engine coolant is hot and under pressure.
could cause severe burns.
he lift truck in an authorized refu- eling area, with the forks lowered, park- ing brake applied, transmission in NEU- TRAL, engine stopped and the wheels blocked.
the coolant level only after the engine has been stopped and the filler cap is cool enough to touch with your bare hand.
ve the filler cap slowly to relieve pressure.
g system conditioner contains alkali. Avoid contact with your skin and eyes to reduce the risk of burns and other injuries. Allow cooling system compo- nents to cool before dr
l cleaning solutions with care. Antifreeze is TOXIC. In case of contact with your skin, FLUSH IMMEDIATELY
WATER.For disposal of the
eeze coolant drained from the engine, consult your Cat lift truck dealer.
Antifreeze solution is TOXIC. In case of con-
tact with your skin, FLUSH IMMEDIATELY 2. Turn the radiator filler cap slowly to
WITH WATER. Have your Cat lift truck relieve the pressure, then remove the cap.
dealer discard antifreeze solution drained from
the engine.

3. Open radiator drain valve. Allow the 6. Fill the cooling system with 1 kg (2 lb) 14. Close the drain valve.
coolant to drain. sodium bisulfate per 40 liters (10 gallons) 15. Mix a coolant solution of water and
of water. Most commercial cooling system antifreeze.
cleaners can be used. 16. Fill the cooling system. See Refill
7. Start and run the engine for 30 minutes. Capacities. To avoid air locks, add the
8. Stop the engine and drain the cleaning coolant slowly.
9. Flush the system with clean water until
the draining water is clear.
10. Close the drain valve. Fill the system with
neutralizing solution, 250 g (1/2 lb)
sodium carbonate per 40 liters (10
gallons) of water.
103216 11. Start and run the engine for 10 minutes.
12. Stop the engine and drain the neutralizing
4. Drain the reserve tank.
13. Flush the system with clean water until
draining water is clear.
17. Start and run the engine until the coolant
level is stabilized.
18. Stop the engine.
19. Add coolant, if necessary, to maintain the
level to below the bottom of the filler

5. Close the radiator drain valve.


20. Put the radiator filler cap back on.
21. Remove the reserve tank filler cap.
22. Keep the coolant level at the FULL line
on the reserve tank.



23. Put the reserve tank filler cap back on.

◆ Every 600 Service Hours or 3 Months, Whichever Comes First

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in this manual before performing any operation or maintenance procedure.

• Engine Crankcase – Gasoline and LP-Gas

Change Filter

10. Stop the engine and measure the oil level.

Maintain the correct level range on the
ents could cause serious injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to contact skin. dip- stick.

1. Operate the lift truck a few minutes to

warm the oil.
2. Park the lift truck on a level surface with
the forks lowered, parking brake applied, 7. Fill the crankcase if required.
Crankshaft pulley side See Refill
transmission in NEUTRAL, engine Capacities and Lubrication
stopped and the wheels blocked. Specifications charts. 103930
3. Raise the hood.
4. Remove and discard the oil filter element.
5. Wipe the sealing surface of the oil filter 103918
element mounting base.
6. Apply a small amount of clean engine oil
to the oil filter element gasket. Install the
new filter element.

103924 11. Close and secure the hood.

8. Start the engine and allow the oil to fill the
filter and passages.
9. Check for oil leaks.

15 127
◆ Every 1200 Service Hours or 6 Months, Whichever Comes First

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in this manual before performing any operation or maintenance procedure.

• Powershift Transmission
Change Oil and Wash Strainer

3. Remove the floor plate.

4. Remove the filler cap ➂. Fill the
s could cause serious injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to contact your skin. transmission with oil. See Refill
Capacities. Put the filler cap ➂ back in
5. Start the engine.
6. Run the engine at low idle.
7. Stop the engine.
1. Remove the drain plug ➀. Allow the oil to 8. Remove the dipstick ➃. Check the oil level.
Park the lift truck on a level surface with the drain. Remove the cover ➁, the O-ring
9. Add oil, if needed, to reach the correct
forks lowered, parking brake applied, seal and the strainer.
➀ level range on the dipstick ➃.
transmis- sion in NEUTRAL, engine stopped ➁ 10. Check for oil leaks at the strainer and
and the wheels blocked. drain plug.
11. Put the floor plate back in place.

2. Wash the strainer and the plug in clean,

nonflammable solvent. Dry the strainer
and the plug. Wipe off the O-ring seal,
check and replace if necessary. Install the
strainer, the O-ring seal, and the cover. Put Correct level range
the drain plug back in place.



15 128
• Hydraulic System
Change Return Oil Filter and Wash Strainer

3. Remove the hose. 8. Wash the strainer in clean, nonflammable

Hot oil components can cause personal injury. Do not allow hot oil or compo- nents to contact your skin. 9. Inspect the gasket and replace it, if neces-
At operating temperature, the hydraulic tank is hot and can be under pressure. sary.
10. Put the strainer, gasket, cover and battery
back in place.
➀ 11. Remove the filler cap. Check the oil level.
➁ 12. Add oil, if needed, to reach the correct
level range on the dipstick.

Park the lift truck with the forks lowered on a
level surface, parking brake applied, transmis-
sion in NEUTRAL, engine stopped and the 4. Remove the gasket and strainer ➀.
wheels blocked. 5. Remove the gasket and return oil filter ➁.
1. Raise the hood. Discard the filter element.
2. Remove the battery and tank cover.



6. Clean the filter parts and replace the seal

103212 and gasket, if necessary. Install a new
filter element. 13. Put the dipstick and filler cap back in place.
7. Put the filter body assembly back in place 14. Check for oil leaks.
and tighten the retaining bolts. 15. Close and secure the hood.
• Differential • Air Cleaner Element
Change Oil Change
Park the lift truck on a level surface, parking 3. Remove the drain plug ➀ and the Cat Lift Trucks strongly recommends that the
brake applied, transmission in NEUTRAL, level/fill plug ➁. air cleaner element be changed if it is dirty. If
forks lowered, lubricant warm, engine stopped 4. Allow the oil to drain. Clean and reinstall you attempt to clean the element, handle it
and the wheels blocked. the drain plug. carefully.
1. Raise the lift bracket high enough to gain 5. Fill with oil to the bottom of the level/fill
access to the level/fill plug ➁. hole.
Recommended change intervals
2. Use blocking under inner mast to secure 6. Put the level/fill plug back in place.
the lift bracket in this position. 7. Remove blocking. Lower the lift bracket. Every 1200 service hours
Normal conditions or 6 months,
whichever comes first
Every 200 service hours
Severe dust or
or monthly,
lint conditions
whichever comes first

Care in Severe Dust or Lint Conditions

Check the radiator core frequently for clogging
or dirt accumulation. Clean or wash the truck
as needed.
See the topic, Air Cleaner Element, Clean
202983 and Inspect under Every 50 Hours or
Weekly, whichever comes first.

➀ 102580
• Fuel Filter – Diesel


t surfaces or electrical components can cause a fire. Clean up any spillage of fuel. Know the
ices (such as
s, etc.) and how to use them.
changing fuel filters.

3. Use filter wrench to remove filter element.
4. Clean sealing surface of filter base.
5. Apply
zed refueling area, with the forks low- ered, parking brake applied, a light coat
trans- mission of engine oil
in NEUTRAL, to thestopped
engine gas- and the wheels blocked.
ket of the new filter element.

6. Install the new filter element by hand until
the gasket contacts the filter base.
7. Start the engine and check for fuel leaks.
101743 8. Stop the engine.
9. Close and secure the hood.
How to Prime the Diesel Fuel System

NOTICE: If the engine runs out of fuel, it

can- not be started even if the fuel
tank is filled. In such a case, prime
the fuel system as follows:

Make sure no fuel leaks from the air vent plug.
Clean up spillage.
1. Loosen the air vent plug ➀ on the fuel fil-
ter about 1.5 turns with a wrench.
2. Unlock priming pump plunger ➁ by turn-
ing it counterclockwise. Operate the prim-
ing pump until the fuel flows free of bub-
bles from the vent.
3. Tighten air vent plug ➀.
• Engine Coolant – Diesel
See the topic, Engine Coolant, Check Level 2. Turn the radiator filler cap slowly to
under Every 10 Service Hours or Daily, ! WARNING relieve the pressure, then remove the cap.
whichever comes first.

r pressure.

orks lowered, park- ing brake applied, transmission in NEU- TRAL, engine stopped and the wheels blocked.
d and the filler cap is cool enough to touch with your bare hand.
h your skin and eyes to reduce the risk of burns and other injuries. Allow cooling system compo- nents to cool before draining.
Antifreeze solution is TOXIC. In case of con- ta
ase of contact with your skin, FLUSH IMMEDIATELY

ift truck dealer. 103214

ct with your skin, FLUSH IMMEDIATELY
WITH WATER. Have your Cat lift truck
dealer discard antifreeze solution drained from For diesel engine model, also remove the
the engine. engine block drain plug.
1. Loosen the radiator cover retaining knob.
Lift and remove the radiator cover.


3. Open radiator drain valve. Allow the 6. Fill the cooling system with 1 kg (2 lb) 14. Close the drain valve.
coolant to drain. sodium bisulfate per 40 liters (10 gallons) 15. Mix a coolant solution of water and
of water. Most commercial cooling system antifreeze.
cleaners can be used. 16. Fill the cooling system. See Refill
7. Start and run the engine for 30 minutes. Capacities. To avoid air locks, add the
8. Stop the engine and drain the cleaning coolant slowly.
9. Flush the system with clean water until
the draining water is clear.
10. Close the drain valve. Fill the system with
neutralizing solution, 250 g (1/2 lb)
sodium carbonate per 40 liters (10
gallons) of water.
103216 11. Start and run the engine for 10 minutes.
12. Stop the engine and drain the neutralizing
4. Drain the reserve tank.
13. Flush the system with clean water until
draining water is clear.
17. Start and run the engine until the coolant
level is stabilized.
18. Stop the engine.
19. Add coolant, if necessary, to maintain the
level to below the bottom of the filler

5. Close the radiator drain valve.


20. Put the radiator filler cap back on.
21. Remove the reserve tank filler cap.
22. Keep the coolant level at the FULL line
on the reserve tank.



23. Put the reserve tank filler cap back on.

◆ Every 2400 Service Hours or 1 Year, Whichever Comes First

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in this manual before performing any operation or maintenance procedure.

• Hydraulic Oil
Change 4. Remove the hydraulic tank drain plug.
Allow the oil to drain. Clean and put the
! WARNING plug back in place.

Hot oil and components could cause

serious injury. Do not allow hot oil or
components to contact your skin.
The engine has been stopped and the Correct level range
filler cap is cool enough to remove with
your bare hand.
Remove the filler cap slowly to relieve

Park the lift truck with the forks lowered on a

5. Fill the hydraulic tank. See Refill 9. Put the dipstick and the filler cap back in
level surface parking brake applied, transmis-
Capacities. Put the filler cap back on.
102586 place.
sion in NEUTRAL, engine stopped and the 100698
6. Start the engine and operate the hydraulic
wheels blocked.
controls and the steering system through a
1. Operate the lift truck to warm the oil. few cycles to fill the filters and lines.
2. Park the lift truck with forks lowered, • Brake Fluid
7. Retract all hydraulic cylinders and stop the Change
park- ing brake applied, transmission in engine.
NEU- TRAL, and engine stopped. 8. Remove the filler cap and the dipstick. NOTICE: When changing fluid consult with
3. Remove the filler cap. Keep the oil level at the HIGH mark on your Cat lift truck dealer.
the dipstick.
100814 100695A 103246
◆ Parts to be Changed Periodically

The following parts should be periodically

changed as noted below.
These parts are made of materials which will
deteriorate as time goes by. Further, it is diffi-
cult to determine visually whether or not they
are still in good condition. Changing at proper
intervals will reduce the risk of injury to the
operator and damage to the truck.
Parts to be changed Interval
LP-Gas repair kit 2400 service hours or 1 year,
(Converter and fuel lock filter) whichever comes first
Cups and dust seals of the 2400 service hours or 1 year,
2 8
wheel cylinders whichever comes first
Cup and dust seal of the 2400 service hours or 1 year, 8
master cylinder whichever comes first
4800 service hours or 2 years,
4 Power steering hoses
whichever comes first
Fuel hoses 4800 to 9600 service hours or 2 to 4
5 2
(Include LP-Gas) years, whichever comes first
Inner rubber parts of the 4800 service hours or 2 years, 5
6 34
power steering cylinders whichever comes first
4800 to 9600 service hours or 2 to 4 8 4
7 Lift chains
years, whichever comes first
Hydraulic hoses on and 2400 to 4800 service hours or 1 to 2
around mast years, whichever comes first
NOTICE: Periodic changes of these parts are not covered by Warranty.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| SERVICE DATA ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
◆ Fuel Information
Use only fuel recommended in this section.

• Gasoline (Gas) Specification

Your lift truck must use unleaded gasoline only.
Oxygenated Gasoline
Some gasoline sold at service stations contains oxygenates such as ethanol, methanol, and MTBE
(Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether), although it may not be so identified. The use of fuels containing
oxygenates is not recommended.
Ethanol (Gasohol)
A mixture of 10% ethanol (grain alcohol) and 90% unleaded gasoline may be used in your lift truck pro-
vided the octane rating is at least as high as that recommended for unleaded gasoline.
Do not operate your lift truck on gasoline containing methanol (wood alcohol). The use of this type of
alcohol can result in lift truck performance problems and could damage critical fuel system parts.
MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether)
A mixture of 15% or less MTBE and unleaded gasoline may be used in your lift truck provided the octane
rating is at least as high as that recommended for unleaded gasoline.
NOTICE: If you experience driving problems which you suspect are fuel related, try switching to a
different fuel.

138 138
• Gasoline (Gas) Specification
Your lift truck must use unleaded gasoline only.
Oxygenated Gasoline
Some gasoline sold at service stations contains oxygenates such as ethanol, methanol, and MTBE
(Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether), although it may not be so identified. The use of fuels containing
oxygenates is not recommended.
Ethanol (Gasohol)
A mixture of 10% ethanol (grain alcohol) and 90% unleaded gasoline may be used in your lift truck pro-
vided the octane rating is at least as high as that recommended for unleaded gasoline.
Do not operate your lift truck on gasoline containing methanol (wood alcohol). The use of this type of
alcohol can result in lift truck performance problems and could damage critical fuel system parts.
MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether)
A mixture of 15% or less MTBE and unleaded gasoline may be used in your lift truck provided the octane
rating is at least as high as that recommended for unleaded gasoline.
NOTICE: If you experience driving problems which you suspect are fuel related, try switching to a
different fuel.

• Diesel Fuel Specifications • Liquefied Petroleum (LP-

Gas) Specifications
– Types of Fuel Use grade HD5 LPB. LP-Gas is a highly
The preferred fuels provide maximum engine volatile fuel with an octane rating of 100 to
service life and performance. They are distil- 140. Follow local ordinances regarding storage
late fuels. They are commonly called diesel and/or filling of LP-Gas tanks.
fuel, furnace oil, gas oil or kerosene (for cold
weather operation).
Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America Inc.
strongly encourages the use of fuels that meet
the Preferred Fuels specification.

– Fuel Sulfur Content

The percentage of sulfur in the fuel will affect
the engine oil recommendations. Fuel sulfur is
chemically changed during combustion to
form both sulfurous and sulfuric acid. These
acids chemically attack metal surfaces and
cause corrosive wear.
Any API classification performance of oil
should have sufficient TBN for fuels with less
than 0.5% sulfur. For fuels with 0.5% to 1.5%
sulfur by weight, engine oil must have a TBN
of 20 times the percentage of fuel sulfur as
measured by the ASTM (American Society of
Testing Materials) D-2896 method. (ASTM
D- 2896 can normally be found at your local
tech- nological society, library or college.)

13 139
◆ Coolant Information

NOTICE: Clean the cooling system if it is contaminated, The tendency of silicates and phosphates to
Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America Inc. the engine overheats or foaming is observed in precipitate out-of-solution increases with
recommends that the coolant mix contain 50% the radiator. increasing water hardness. Hard water, or
commercially available automotive antifreeze, Old coolant should be drained, the system water with high levels of calcium and magne-
and 50% water. cleaned and new coolant added – as recom- sium ions, encourages the formation of insolu-
To reduce the risk of damage to your engine, mended – using a commercially available ble chemicals, especially after a number of
never add coolant to an overheated engine. auto- motive antifreeze. heating and cooling cycles.
Allow the engine to cool first. Filling at over 20 liters (5 U.S. gallons) per Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America Inc.
Dowtherm 209 full-fill coolant will lower the minute can cause air pockets in the cooling prefers the use of distilled water or deionized
water pump cavitation temperature and system. water to reduce the potential and severity of
cooling boiling point. These lowered After draining and refilling the cooling chemical insolubility.
temperatures will cause overheating at a lower system, run the engine with the radiator cap
ambient tempera- ture than an ethylene glycol off. Run it until the coolant reaches its normal Acceptable Water
and water mix. If Dowtherm is used, follow operating temperatures and the coolant level Water content Limits ppm
the instructions pro- vided and use only the stabilizes. Add coolant as necessary to fill the Chlorides (Cl) 50 maximum
inhibitor package rec- ommended by the system to the proper level. Sulfates (SO4) 50 maximum
Total hardness 80mg/l
supplier. Operate with a thermostat in the cooling sys- Total solids 250 maximum
If the lift truck is to be stored in, or shipped to, tem all year-round. Cooling system problems pH 6.0 to 8.0
an area with freezing temperatures, the cooling can arise without a thermostat.
system must be protected to the lowest ppm = parts per million
expected outside (ambient) temperature. • Coolant Water Using water that meets the minimum accept-
The engine cooling system is protected with a Hard water, or water with high levels of cal- able water requirement may not prevent
commercially available automotive antifreeze cium and magnesium ions, encourages the for- dropout of these chemical compounds com-
when shipped from the factory. mation of insoluble chemical compounds by pletely but should control the dropout rate at
In cold weather, check the specific gravity of combining with cooling system additives such acceptable levels.
the coolant frequently to ensure adequate pro- as silicates and phosphates.
• Antifreeze
NOTICE: Make Proper Antifreeze Additions.
Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America Inc.
Do not add pure (100%) antifreeze to the cool-
recommends that the coolant mix contain 50%
ing system. Add antifreeze mixed with water
commercially available automotive antifreeze,
using the same freeze protection ratio that is in
or equivalent, and acceptable water to maintain
your cooling system.
an adequate water pump cavitation temperature
for efficient water pump performance.
Premix the coolant solution to provide protec-
tion to the lowest expected outside (ambient)
temperature. Pure undiluted antifreeze will
freeze at -23°C (-10°F).
Use a greater concentration (above 50%) of
commercially available automotive antifreeze
only as needed for anticipated outside (ambi-
ent) temperatures. Do not exceed the coolant-
to-water mix ratio recommendations provided
with the commercially available automotive

Most commercial antifreezes are formulated

for gasoline engine applications and will,
there- fore, have high silicate content.
◆ Recommended Fuels and Oils

Recommendation for ambient temperatures °C (°F)

Fuel or oil Recommendation -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
(-22) (-4) (14) (32) (50) (68) (86)
Fuel Consult your local Cat lift truck dealer
Gasoline models API service classification SJ, min. SAE10W-30
Engine oil
Diesel models API service classification CD, SAE10W SAE30
API service classification
Gear oil SAE80W SAE90
multipurpose type GL-4 or GL-5
Transmission oil Dexron II Consult your local Cat lift truck dealer
Hydraulic oil ISO VG32
Brake fluid F.M.V.S.S. No. 116–DOT3 or DOT4 (SAE J1703)
Wheel bearings NLGI No. 2 grade multipurpose type (lithium base), consistency: 265 - 295
Chassis NLGI No. 1 grade multipurpose type (lithium base), consistency: 310 - 340

Ambient temperature, °C (°F) -45 (-49) -39 (-38) -30 (-22) -25 (-13) -20 (-4) -15 (5) -10 (14)
Antifreeze solution
Concentration (%) 60 55 50 45 40 35 30

NOTICE: Avoid mixing lubricants. In some cases, different brands of lubricants are not compatible with each other and deteriorate when
mixed. It is best to stick with the same brand at successive service intervals.
For refill capacities and measurements, see Specifications in this section.
Below oils are reference only.

• Engine Oils (Gasoline) • Transmission Oils

API service classification SJ Dexron
Manufacturer SAE10W-30 —
Mobil Mobil 1 10W-30 Mobil ATF
Shell Shell Fleet 10W-30 Shell Donax TC
Exxon XD-3 10W-30 Exxtrans
Castrol Castrol GTX 10W-30 Castrol Dexron ® III/Mercon ®

• Engine Oils (Diesel) • Brake Fluids/

Clutch Oil
API service classification CD or MIL-L-2104E equivalents —
Manufacturer SAE10W SAE30 SAEJ1703
Mobil Mobil Delvac 1210 Mobil Delvac 1230 Mobil Universal Brake Fluid
Shell Shell Rotella T 10W Shell Rotella T 30 Shell Advance Brake Fluid
Exxon XD-3 10W XD-3 30 Brake Fluid DOT-3
Castrol Castrol Syntec 10W-30 Castrol GT LMA Brake Fluid

• Antifreeze/Summer
• Gear Oils • Greases
API service classification GL-4 or GL- NLGI No. 1 NLGI No. 2
5 Full Force
SAE80W SAE90 Consistency 310 - 340 Consistency 265 - 295
USI Chemical
Mobil Mobilube HD 80W-90 Mobilux EP 1 Mobilux EP 2
Shell Shell Spirax HD 80W-90 Retinax HD NLGI 1 Retinax HD NLGI 2
Exxon Gear Oil GX80W-90 Ronex Extra Duty 1 Ronex Extra Duty 2 Peak

Castrol Castrol Hypoy 80W-90 Castrol EPL1 Castrol EPL2

• Hydraulic oils

Manufacturer ISO VG32

Mobil Mobiltrans HD 10W
Shell Tellus T-32
Exxon Nuto H32
Castrol Castrol Hyspin AWH-M32

Brands of oil are subject to change without notice. When you buy oil, check
specification. (For example: API service classification CD, SAE10W)
◆ Specifications and Refill Capacities (Standard Models)

Truck model
Item GP40K GP40KL GP45K GP50K DP40K DP40KL DP45K DP50K

Alternator drive belt deflection - when pushed 13 to 15 11 to 13

with 98 N (10 kgf) [22 lbf] pressure, mm (0.5 to 0.6) (0.4 to 0.5)
Gap, mm (in.) 1.24 (0.049) —
Spark plugs
Type – NGK BPR4ES —
Engine idling speed, rpm 650 to 700
Steering wheel free-play - when measured 15 to 30
at rim with engine idling, mm (in.) (0.6 to 1.2)
Inching pedal free play, mm (in.) 5 (0.2)
Brake pedal free-play, mm (in.) 4 to 15 (0.2 to 0.6) 5 to 18 (0.2 to 0.7) 4 to 15 (0.2 to 0.6) 5 to 18 (0.2 to 0.7)
Parking brake lever effort, N (kgf) [lbf] 250 to 290 (25 to 30) [55 to 66]
8.25 - 15 - 300 - 15 - 8.25 - 15 - 300 - 15 -
Single 14 PR(I) 20 PR(I) 14 PR(I) 20 PR(I)
Tire size
Dual 7.50 - 16 - 12 PR(I)
Rear 7.00 - 12 - 12 PR(I)
Tire pressure, Front single 800 (8.0) [114]
kPa (kgf/cm ) [psi] Front dual 700 (7.0) [100]

(Pneumatic) Rear 700 (7.0) [100] 850 (8.5) [120] 700 (7.0) [100] 850 (8.5) [120]
Tightening torque for Front 403 (41.1) [297] 551 (56.2) [406] 403 (41.1) [297] 551 (56.2) [406]
wheel nuts, N•m (kgf•m) Rear 377 (38.5) [278]
Lift chain elongation limit,
518 (20.4) 648 (25.5) 518 (20.4) 648 (25.5)
mm (in.)/20 links
Truck model
Item GP40K GP40KL GP45K GP50K DP40K DP40KL DP45K DP50K

Fuel tank 115 (30)

Engine cooling system —
0.65 litre (1.4 pt) reserve tank included 11.2 (3.0) 14.7 (3.9)
gal.) (approximate), litre (U.S.

Crankcase 7.3 (1.9) 11 (2.9)

Engine oil Oil filter 0.3 (0.08) 1 (0.3)
Total 7.6 (2.0) 12 (3.2)
Transmission 14 (3.7) 15 (4.0) 14 (3.7) 15 (4.0)
Differential (P/T) 9.1 (2.4)
Hydraulic tank 64.5 (17.0)
Brake fluid reservoir, cc (cu in.) 150 (9.2)
Refill capacities

Battery electrolyte specific gravity

corrected to 20° C (68° F) 1.28

◆ Capacity and Truck Weight (Standard Models)

Truck model
Item GP40K GP40KL GP45K GP50K DP40K DP40KL DP45K DP50K

600 mm (24 in.) — 4000 (9000) 4500 (10000) 5000 (11000) — 4000 (9000) 4500 (10000) 5000 (11000)
Capacity, kg (lb)
500 mm (24 in.) 4000 (8000) — — — 4000 (8000) — — —
Truck weight, Single drive tires 5570 (12300) 5970 (13150) 6530 (14400) 7050 (15500) 5710 (12600) 6120 (13500) 6680 (14750) 7160 (15800)
unloaded kg Dual drive tires 5700 (12550) 6050 (13350) 6610 (14550) 7130 (15700) 5900 (13000) 6250 (13750) 6820 (15050) 7320 (16150)
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| TO THE CAT LIFT TRUCK OWNER |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

◆ The Importance of Genuine Parts

The dealers and the owners are urged to use
ONLY Genuine Parts to maintain lift trucks in
a safe and efficient operating condition.
Safe and efficient operation of your lift truck
could be endangered by the use of Made in
inferior parts. In most cases, imitations sold as
cheap parts invariably could mean short life
and high cost. 104830C

Genuine parts give safe and reliable


genuine parts could cause damage not covered by your Cat lift trucks warranty.

14 147
◆ Instructions for Ordering Parts

When ordering parts, or when asking your lift

truck dealer to have your truck repaired, be
sure to provide the TRUCK SERIAL NUM-

Manufacturer’s Name Plate


Each lift truck has a name plate. It tells you the:

Truck serial number.
Truck model designation.

Engine Serial Number

Gasoline and LP-Gas engine models Diesel engine models

14 148

Truck model, Serial No. Engine model, Serial No.

Mast model, Serial No. Attachment model, Serial No.

Delivering Name

Delivery date

Fill out this sheet for your ready reference.

◆ Transfer of Ownership Report for Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America Inc. Customers Only




Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America Inc.
2121 W. Sam Houston Parkway N.
Houston, TX 77043-2305
Fax: (713) 365-1414
Attn: Marketing Services






( ) ( )

Copies distributed to:

❑ Dealer Sales Department
❑ Dealer Service Department/Warranty
❑ MCFA Marketing Services [FAX (713) 365-1414]

15 150
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| INDEX ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Accelerator Pedal.......................................................................................28 Capacities, Truck Weight.........................................................................146
Accelerator Pedal, Check (Every 10 Service Hrs.)...................................100 Capacity Chart............................................................................................45
Adding Engine Coolant....................................................................107–108 Capacity, (Weight and Load Center)..........................................................45
Adding Engine Oil............................................................................105–106 Capacity, Changes In..................................................................................20
Adding Hydraulic Oil...............................................................................109 Capacity, Stay Within.................................................................................23
After Starting Engine..................................................................................61 Center of Gravity........................................................................................44
Air Cleaner Warning Light.........................................................................32 Changing Direction....................................................................................64
Air Cleaner, Care in Severe Dust and Lint Conditions...............................81 Changing LP-Gas Tank..............................................................................52
Air Cleaner, Change Element (Every 1200 Service Hrs.)........................130 Changing Speed..........................................................................................64
Air Cleaner, Clean/Inspect (Every 50 Service Hrs.).................................114 Compartment, Operator’s, Cleanliness of...................................................12
Alternator Not Charging Warning Light....................................................32 Controls, Position Correctly.......................................................................24
Alternator, Drive Belt – Diesel, Check-Adjust (Every 50 Service Hrs.)...115 Coolant Information.................................................................................140
Alternator, Drive Belt – Gasoline, Check-Adjust Coolant, Adding Water.............................................................................107
(Every 200 Service Hrs.).....................................................................119 Coolant, Adding................................................................................107–108
Antifreeze Coolant, Recommended..........................................................143 Coolant, Engine Temperature Gauge..........................................................30
Anti-Restart Starter Switch.........................................................................31 Coolant, Engine, Care of in Cold Weather.................................................80
Assist Grip..................................................................................................41 Coolant, Engine, Care of in Hot Weather...................................................81
Assist Grip, Check (Every 10 Service Hrs.).............................................100 Coolant, Engine, Safety While Checking...................................................11
Counterweight, Allowing for Swing Distance............................................18
Back-up Buzzer..........................................................................................43 D
Back-up Lights, Check (Every 10 Service Hrs.).......................................104 Damage or Faulty, Operation Found (Every 10 Service Hrs.)....................99
Battery, Check Electrolyte Level..............................................................113 Decals, LP-Gas.............................................................................................4
Before Moving Lift Truck..........................................................................62 Decals, Warning.......................................................................................2–9
Before Starting Engine.........................................................................54–56 Diesel Engine.............................................................................................51
Brake Fluid Level Warning Light...............................................................32 Differential, Change Oil (Every 1200 Service Hrs.).................................130
Brake Fluid, Recommended.............................................................142–143 Differential, Check Oil Level (Every 200 Service Hrs.)...........................117
Brake Pedal................................................................................................28 Direction Lever...........................................................................................28
Brake Pedal, Check (Every 10 Service Hrs.)............................................100 Direction of Travel, Always Look In..........................................................18
Brake Pedal, Lubricate (Every 200 Service Hrs.).....................................122 Disabled Machine, Park Safely..................................................................24
Brake, Service, Change Fluid (Every 2400 Service Hrs.).........................136 Do-It-Yourself Maintenance.......................................................................94
Brakes, Service, Adding Brake Fluid (Every 10 Service Hrs.).................110 Drawbar Pin................................................................................................41
Brakes, Service, Check (Every 10 Service Hrs.)......................................113 Dress, Proper..............................................................................................10
Brakes, Service, Check Fluid Level (Every 10 Service Hrs.)...................110 Driving Interlock Indicator Light...............................................................92
Driving Interlock System......................................................................33–34

15 151
Dual Fuel Type, Gasoline/LP-Gas..............................................................55

15 151
INDEX (continued)

E Forks, Extending Beyond Load..................................................................16

ECM Warning Light...................................................................................32 Fuel Amount, Check (Every 10 Service Hrs.)..........................................102
Empty Lift Truck, Stability of....................................................................17 Fuel Filler...................................................................................................42
Engine Coolant Adding....................................................................107–108 Fuel Filter, Diesel Change (1 Month After Delivery and
Engine Coolant Level Warning Light.........................................................32 Every 1200 Service Hrs.)............................................................116, 131
Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge...........................................................30 Fuel Gauge.................................................................................................30
Engine Coolant, Temperature Gauge Needle Moves Into Red Zone..........91 Fuel Shut-off Valve....................................................................................42
Engine Crankcase, Check Oil Level (Every 10 Service Hrs.)...................105 Fuels and Oils, Recommended.................................................................142
Engine Hood...............................................................................................43 Fuels Oils, Care in Cold Weather...............................................................80
Engine Oil Pressure Warning Light............................................................32 Fuels Oils, Care in Hot Weather.................................................................81
Engine Oil, Recommended...............................................................142–143 Fuse Box.....................................................................................................30
Engine, Adding Oil (Every 10 Service Hrs.)............................................105 Fuses and Lights.........................................................................................39
Engine, After Starting.................................................................................61
Engine, Before Starting..............................................................................54 G
Engine, Check (Every 10 Service Hrs.)....................................................104 Gasoline Engine.........................................................................................51
Engine, Check Coolant Level (Every 10 Service Hrs.).............................107 Gear Oils, Recommended.................................................................142–143
Engine, Coolant, Change (Every 1200 Service Hrs.)........................133–135 Genuine Parts, Importance Of..................................................................147
Engine, Diesel, Change Oil and Filter (Every 200 Service Hrs.)..............121 Grease, Chassis.........................................................................................142
Engine, Gasoline and LP Gas Change Oil (Every 200 Service Hrs.)........120 Greases, Recommended....................................................................142–143
Engine, Inspection Points...........................................................................43
Engine, Stalls..............................................................................................90 H
Engine, Starting with Jumper Cables..........................................................60 Handling Loads Safely.........................................................................21, 70
Engine, Starting, Diesel..............................................................................58 Healthy, Always Stay on the Job................................................................12
Engine, Starting, Gasoline..........................................................................57 Hood, Engine..............................................................................................43
Engine, Starting, LP-Gas............................................................................61 Horn Switch................................................................................................28
Engine, Won’t Start....................................................................................59 Horn, Check (Every 10 Service Hrs.).......................................................102
Equipment for Risk Reduction...................................................................40 Horseplay and Stuntdriving, Refrain From.................................................18
Exhaust Fumes, Dangers of........................................................................11 Hoses, Lines, Tubes....................................................................................94
F How To Use This Manual............................................................................ii
Floor Capacity, Be Aware of......................................................................16 Hydraulic Oils, Recommended.........................................................132, 144
Foreword.......................................................................................................i Hydraulic System, Adding Oil (Every 10 Service Hrs.)...........................109
Fork Adjustment.........................................................................................40 Hydraulic System, Change Oil (Every 2400 Service Hrs.).......................136
Fork Stoppers.............................................................................................40 Hydraulic System, Change Return Oil Filler and Wash Strainer
Forks, Changing.........................................................................................40 (1 Month After Delivery and Every 1200 Service Hrs.)..............116, 129
Forks, Checking Stopper Engagement........................................................16 Hydraulic System, Check Oil Level (Every 10 Service Hrs.)...................109
Forks, Do Not Abuse............................................................................21, 22 Hydraulic Tank, Oil Level/Filler Hole.......................................................42
15 152
INDEX (continued)
I Lift Truck, Operation............................................................................
Inching Pedal..............................................................................................
Lift Truck, Parking (After
Inching Pedal, Check (Every 10 Light Switch...............................................................................................
Stopping).................................................................................................... Maintenance Schedule (Every 10
Service Hrs.).............................................................................................
Lift Truck, Safety On Grades Lights, Check (Every 10 Service Service Hrs.).............................................
When Empty...............................................................................................
Inching........................................................................................................ Maintenance Schedule (Every 1200
Lift Truck, Safety On Grades
Index................................................................................................. Service Hrs.).............................................
Lights, When To Use..................................................................................
When Loaded.............................................................................................
Inspection Precautions................................................................................ Maintenance Schedule (Every 200
Lights, Won’t Come On.............................................................................
Lift Truck, Safety When Passing Lines, Tubes and Service Hrs.).............................................
Instrument Panel.........................................................................................
Load Backrest, Check (Every
.................................................................................................................... 10 Maintenance Schedule (Every 2400
Interlock System, Driving.....................................................................
Service Hrs.).............................................
Service Hrs.)...............................................................................................
Lift Truck, Shipping...................................................................................
L Maintenance Schedule (Every 400
Load, Handling Safely..........................................................................
Lift Truck, Stability..............................................................................
Leaks, Oil, Fuel or Coolant, Load, Inching Into and
Lift Truck, Stopping................................................................................... Service Hrs.).............................................
Check (Every 10 Service Hrs.) Load, Stacking Maintenance Schedule (Every 50
Lift Truck, Storage.....................................................................................
.................................................................................................................... Service Hrs.).............................................
Load, Traveling With...........................................................................
Lift Truck, Unloading...........................................................................
Lift Bracket Side Rollers, Maintenance Schedule (Every 600
Loading, Avoid Off-Center...................................................................
Lubricate (Every 200 Service Loads, Approaching at Safe Speed Service Hrs.).............................................
Hrs.).......................................................................................................... Maintenance..............................................
Lift Chains, Adjust................................................................................... Loads, Do Not Allow Others to Mast and Forks, Check (Every 10
Lift Chains, Lubricate–Inspect Service Hrs.).............................................
Hold, on Truck...........................................................................................
(Every 200 Service Hrs.).......................................................................... Mast Strip Roller Surfaces, Lubricate
Loads, Handling...................................................................................
Lift Control Lever...................................................................................... (Every 200 Service Hrs.)...........................
LP-Gas Equipment, Trouble.......................................................................
Lift Truck Stability Base............................................................................ Mast Supports, Lubricate (Every 50
LP-Gas Tank Replacement.............................................................
Lift Truck, Before Moving......................................................................... 52 Service Hrs.).............................................
Lift Truck, Break-In New........................................................................... Model View..............................................
Lift Truck, Care of in Cold M
Weather...................................................................................................... Maintenance Schedule (1 Month N
Lift Truck, Care of in Hot Name Plate, Manufacturer’s......................
After Delivery)...........................................................................................
Weather...................................................................................................... Neutral System..........................................
Lift Truck, Care of in Severe OK Monitor, Check (Every 10
Dust or Lint Conditions.............................................................................. Service Hrs.).............................................
Lift Truck, Damaged, Defective O OK Monitor, Warning Lights and
or Unsafe.............................................................................................. Oil and Fuel, Care in Cold Indicators...................................................
Lift Truck, Do Not Modify......................................................................... Weather......................................................................................................
Operating Controls....................................
Lift Truck, Inching..................................................................................... Oil and Fuel, Care in Hot Weather Operating Techniques...............................
Lift Truck, Keeping People ....................................................................................................................
Clear..................................................................................................... Oil, Fuel or Coolant Leaks, Check Operator Be Alert......................................
Lift Truck, Know Your................................................................... (Every 10 Service Hrs.)..............................................................................
Operator Presence Switch.........................
43 Oil, Hydraulic, Change (Every Operator, Authorized, Trained...................
Lift Truck, Move Safely............................................................................. 2400 Service Hrs.)....................................................................................
Operator’s Compartment...........................
OK Monitor Bulb Check............................................................................
15 152
INDEX (continued)
Operator’s Seat, (Adjustment).................................................................... 146 Starting LP-Gas Engine............................
Overhead Clearance.................................................................................... Speed Selector Switch................................................................................
Steep Slope, Driving On...........................
Overhead Guard, Check (Every Pre-Start Inspection Items....................................................................
Stability and Center of Gravity.................................................................
Steering (Turning).....................................
Pre-Start Inspection............................................................................
10 Service Hrs.)........................................................................................ 45 Steering Tilt Lever....................................
Starting Diesel Engine................................................................................
Steering Wheel, Check (Every 10
P R Starting Gasoline Engine............................................................................
Service Hrs.).............................................
Pallets, Damaged, Do Not Use Rear Axle Center Pins, Lubricate
(Every 200 Service Hrs.)..........................................................................
Stop Lights, Check (Every 10
Parking Brake Lever................................................................................... ..................................................................
Parking Brake Lever, Check Service Hrs.).............................................................................................
Refueling, No Smoking During............................................................ Transmission, Powershift, Check Oil
(Every 10 Service Hrs.)............................................................................ Storage........................................................................................................
Level (Every 200 Service Hrs.).................
Reverse, Travel...........................................................................................
Parking, Lift Truck..................................................................................... Traveling on a Grade.................................
Riders, Do Not T
Parking, In Authorized Areas..................................................................... Traveling, See Where You Are Going
Parking, On a Grade................................................................................... ..................................................................
Table of Contents...................................................................................
Parts To be Changed S Tail Troubleshooting........................................
Safe, Know Your Lift Truck
Periodically............................................................................................... Tightening
Is................................................................... Tubes, Lines and Hoses............................
Safety Rules for Lift Truck
Parts, Ordering Instructions...................................................................... Turning......................................................
Tilt Control Lever.......................................................................................
Pedestrians, Watch Out for at Operators................................................................................................
Tilt Cylinder Socket Bolts, Check
Safety Rules, LP (Every 10 Service Hrs.)............................................................................
All Times.............................................................................................. U
People, Unauthorized, Do Not Safety Rules, Tilt Socket Pins, Lubricate
Warnings........................................................................ (Every Unsafe Lift Truck, Do Not Operate...........
200 Service Hrs.)......................................................................................
Safety, Ant-restart.......................................................................................
Allow.......................................................................................................... Upgrade, Start Lift Truck Carefully
Plate, Serial Number, Seat Tipover, Avoid On a Grade
Belt............................................................................................... or ..................................................................
Seat Belt, Check (Every 10
Instruction, and Manufacturer.................................................................... Ramp..........................................................................................................
Powershift Transmission Oil Tipover, Avoid, Do’s and Don’t
Service Hrs.)............................................................................................. W
Seat Belt, How to Fasten, Release
Temperature Warning Light....................................................................... ..............................................................................................................
Warning Decals, Description....................
Powershift Transmission Oil, Tipovers, Be Alert for.................................................................................
.................................................................................................................... Warning Decals, Location.........................
Seat, Adjust Before
Recommended.................................................................................. Tipovers, How to
Operation...................................................... Avoid, Survive
Powershift Transmission, 35, 101 ..............................................................................................................
Serial Number and Capacity Plate
Adding Oil................................................................................................ Tipovers, How to Survive...........................................................................
Powershift Transmission, Tire, Changing......................................................................................
Change Oil (Every 1200 Service Service Tire, Check (Every 10 Service
Service Registration Hrs.)..........................................................................................................
Powershift Transmission, Check Signals and Traffic Rules, Know Tire, Jack Capacities...................................................................................
Oil Level (Every 200 Service Tire, Jacking Method............................................................................
Slippery Surface, Stay Away
Hrs.).......................................................................................................... From Trailer, Driving Onto..................................................................................
Transmission Oil, Powershift,
Special Situations.................................................................................
Specifications and Refill Transmission, Powershift, Change
Oil, etc (Every 1200 Service Hrs.)
Capacities (Standard Models).................................................................
15 152
INDEX (continued)
Wheel Nuts, Check-Tighten
(Every 10 Service Hrs.)............................................................................
Wheel Nuts, Retighten (Every
200 Service Hrs.)......................................................................................
Working on Grades...............................................................................

15 152

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