Anxiety Disorders

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The key takeaways are that anxiety disorders are very common, have a large disease burden, and effective treatments include psychotherapy and medications.

The core features of anxiety disorders include excessive fear and anxiety or avoidance of perceived threats that are persistent and impairing.

Risk for anxiety disorders is influenced by genetic factors, environmental factors, and their epigenetic relations.


Anxiety disorders
Brenda W J H Penninx, Daniel S Pine, Emily A Holmes, Andreas Reif

Lancet 2021; 397: 914–27 Anxiety disorders form the most common group of mental disorders and generally start before or in early adulthood.
Published Online Core features include excessive fear and anxiety or avoidance of perceived threats that are persistent and impairing.
February 11, 2021 Anxiety disorders involve dysfunction in brain circuits that respond to danger. Risk for anxiety disorders is influenced
by genetic factors, environmental factors, and their epigenetic relations. Anxiety disorders are often comorbid
with one another and with other mental disorders, especially depression, as well as with somatic disorders. Such
This online publication has been
corrected. The corrected version comorbidity generally signifies more severe symptoms, greater clinical burden, and greater treatment difficulty.
first appeared at Reducing the large burden of disease from anxiety disorders in individuals and worldwide can be best achieved by
on March 4, 2021 timely, accurate disease detection and adequate treatment administration, scaling up of treatments when needed.
Department of Psychiatry, Evidence-based psychotherapy (particularly cognitive behavioural therapy) and psychoactive medications (particularly
Amsterdam University Medical serotonergic compounds) are both effective, facilitating patients’ choices in therapeutic decisions. Although
Center, Vrije Universiteit,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
promising, no enduring preventive measures are available, and, along with frequent therapy resistance, clinical needs
(Prof B W J H Penninx PhD); remain unaddressed. Ongoing research efforts tackle these problems, and future efforts should seek individualised,
GGZ inGeest, Amsterdam, more effective approaches for treatment with precision medicine.
(Prof B W J H Penninx); Emotion
and Development Branch,
Introduction fears and anxieties represent normative occurrences
National Institute of Mental Anxiety disorders form the most common type of mental in childhood (eg, stranger or performance anxiety) or in
Health, Bethesda, MD, USA illness. Anxiety disorders comprise separation anxiety adulthood (eg, anxiety during life stress or transitions).
(Prof D S Pine MD); Department
and selective mutism (occurring primarily in childhood; Fears and anxieties can require clinical attention
of Psychology, Uppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden between the ages of 4 years and 18 years), specific phobias, when they are disproportionate to a threat, are severe and
(Prof E A Holmes PhD); social anxiety disorder, and generalised anxiety disorder enduring, or disrupt normal functioning. Perceived
Department of Psychiatry, (occurring in childhood as well as in adulthood), as well as threats include environmental stimuli (eg, a social
Psychosomatic Medicine and
panic disorder and agoraphobia (occurring primarily in situation or health risk), signalling to the individual that
Psychotherapy, University
Hospital Frankfurt–Goethe adulthood; from the age of 18 years and older). High they might be in danger. This signalling also includes
University, Frankfurt, Germany prevalence, chronicity, and comorbidity led WHO to rank interoceptive stimuli (eg, palpitations or shortness of
(Prof A Reif MD) anxiety disorders as the ninth most health-related cause breath). The main classification schemes, the fifth
Correspondence to: of disability.1 Worldwide, anxiety disorders heavily affect edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Prof Brenda W J H Penninx,
patients and society, accounting for 3·3% of the global Disorders (DSM-5) and the 11th edition of International
Department of Psychiatry,
Amsterdam University Medical burden of disease and costing approximately €74 billion Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), define anxiety disor­
Center, Vrije Universiteit, for 30 European countries.2 Globally, the use of treatment ders on the basis of similar key symptoms (table 1).
1081 HL Amsterdam, for anxiety disorders is low, which is most problematic Categorical diagnostic criteria are clinically useful, but
in low-income countries but is also an issue in high- boundaries between anxiety disorders and normative
[email protected]
income countries.3 anxiety are often ill-defined. Recognition of distinctions
requires clinical judgement of severity, duration,
Clinical presentation persis­­
tence, and, importantly, degree of distress and
Fear is a conscious feeling evoked by threat or impending impairment. Symptoms can occur without distress and
danger, whereas anxiety involves anticipation of real or impairment, including cases of specific phobias for
imagined future threat or danger. Both fear and anxiety which people never encounter their feared objects
facilitate survival and are often adaptive. As such, many (eg, snakes). In this instance, medical attention is
generally not needed. Conversely, anxiety symptoms
and panic attacks commonly occur in attenuated forms,
Search strategy and selection criteria supporting dimensional over categorical approaches for
We searched articles in PubMed and Cochrane databases diagnoses. For example, isolated panic attacks do not
using major medical subject headings and title or key words meet the criteria (DSM-5 or ICD-11) for a panic disorder;
for “anxiety disorder”, “separation anxiety”, “selective however, these attacks have been shown to impair func­
mutism”, “specific phobia”, “social phobia”, “social anxiety tioning and increase the risk for various other mental
disorder”, “panic disorder”, “agoraphobia”, or “generalized disorders.4 Consequently, panic attacks deserve attention
anxiety disorder” published in English between Jan 1, 2015, as a separate dimension across mental disorders.
and March 1, 2020. From the identified papers, we selectively Symptoms are generally not pathognomonic of
prioritised reviews, meta-analyses, and strong, influential individual anxiety disorders, and anxiety disorder comor­
(experimental) studies within maximum reference criteria. bidity is substantial: 48–68% of adults with one anxiety
We focused on the most recent papers unless evidence was disorder fulfil the criteria for another concurrent anxiety
sparse or if older papers were particularly important. disorder.5 Comorbidity is higher in clinical settings
than in community settings because individuals with

914 Vol 397 March 6, 2021


Selective mutism Separation anxiety Specific phobia Social anxiety disorder Agoraphobia Panic disorder Generalised anxiety
Core emotions Consistent failure to Unrealistic, persistent fear Marked, excessive, Marked, excessive, and Marked, excessive, Recurrent, unexpected Marked,
or cognitions speak in situations or anxiety about and unreasonable fear unreasonable fear or and concerning fear of panic attacks with uncontrollable, and
for which there is an separation from, or loss or anxiety of anxiety of scrutiny or leaving home, sustained mental anxious worry and
expectation to of, attachment figure, circumscribed objects negative judgement by entering closed or (eg, fear, fear of losing fears about everyday
speak, despite or adverse events or situations other people open public places, control, or feeling of events and problems
language occurring to them (eg, animals, natural crowds, or alienation)
competence forces, blood transportation manifestations
injection, or places)
Physical No physical Nightmares and No physical Blushing, fear of No physical Multiple symptoms Restlessness,
symptoms symptoms symptoms of distress symptoms vomiting, urgency or symptoms (eg, palpitations, fatigue, irritability,
fear of micturition or dyspnoea, diaphoresis, difficulty
defaecation chest pain, dizziness, concentrating,
paraesthesia, or nausea) muscle tension,
sleep disturbance,
or autonomic
Behaviour Disturbance Reluctance to leave Avoidance of Avoidance of social Avoidance of fear- Changed behaviour in Disturbance impairs
interferes with attachment figure; circumscribed objects interactions and inducing situations; maladaptive ways social, school, work,
(educational) disturbance impairs or situations; situations; disturbance disturbance impairs related to the attacks; or other functioning
achievement or social, school, or other disturbance impairs impairs social, school, social, school, work, disturbance impairs
social functioning social, school, work, work, or other or other functioning social, school, work or
communication or other functioning functioning other functioning
Required >1 month (beyond >1 month (childhood; >6 months >6 months >6 months >1 month >6 months
symptom first school month) 4–18 years); >6 months
duration (adulthood; 18 years or
Median age of Childhood Childhood Childhood Early adolescence Late adolescence Adulthood Adulthood
onset (<5 years) ( around 6 years) (around 8 years) (around 13 years) (around 20 years) (around 25 years) (around 30 years)
Characteristics and features for anxiety disorders were based on criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fifth edition) and International Classification of Diseases (11th edition).

Table 1: Core diagnostic features and characteristics for anxiety disorders

concomi­tant disorders are more likely to seek treatment. Detection and diagnostic methods
Also, longitudinal diagnostic instability within anxiety Because anxiety disorders are underdiagnosed in all care
disorders is high,6 showing frequent sequential comor­ settings,3 clinicians should monitor their occurrence.
bidity as well as possible shared causes. Monitoring is particularly important because patients
Anxiety disorders, which are the most common type of who have anxiety disorders often present symptoms
mental disorders in children, represent the earliest of all other than clear anxiety symptoms: for instance, patients
forms of mental illness. Mostly due to separation anxiety, who have panic disorder could present in general care
a specific phobia, or social anxiety disorder, the onset of settings or emergency care settings with presumed
any anxiety disorder is usually in childhood, and thus cardiac or respiratory problems. Given that patients who
considerably earlier than, for example, depressive or have anxiety disorders are mostly seen in primary care,
substance use disorders. Generalised anxiety disorder, clinicians should be aware of these conditions to initiate
agoraphobia, and panic disorder exhibit more age-of- proper treatment or refer to a specialist, if needed.
onset heterogeneity and sometimes present later in life. Because no blood, genetic, or imaging biomarkers exist,
Clarification of anxiety-associated cognitions and diagnosis rests on mental-state history and examinations,
behaviours could show prevailing diagnoses. Avoidance which should therefore be sufficiently monitored by
of social interaction could suggest separation anxiety every primary care practitioner. Validated, structured, or
(if the predominant fear is for losing attachment; semi-structured clinical interviews, such as the DSM-5-
figure 1), panic disorder (if fear is for panic attacks), based or ICD-11-based composite international diagnostic
social anxiety disorder (if fear is for scrutiny by others), interview9 or structured clinical interview for DSM
or agoraphobia (if fear is for entrapment). Fulfilling disorders,10 can assist in correct diagnostics. In children,
multiple anxiety disorder diagnoses could partly reflect interviews such as the Kiddie-SADS11 require additional
artefacts of classi­ fication systems, but it also holds assessment of parents or caregivers. To determine the
prognostic importance because people with multiple severity of anxiety disorders and monitor treatment,
disorders have higher severity, disability, and a poorer continuous clinician-rated scales include, for example,
disease course compared with people who have a single the Hamilton Anxiety Scale.12 Validated self-report scales
anxiety disorder.7,8 A full clinical assessment is paramount exist for relevant dimensional anxiety disorder aspects:
as it guides treatment selection. examples include the Beck Anxiety Inventory for panic Vol 397 March 6, 2021 915


in various settings anxiety screening in various settings

has yet to be proven efficacious and cost-effective.

Comorbidity and differential diagnosis

Pathological anxiety occurs in many mental and somatic
disorders along with anxiety disorders. For any patient
presenting with increased pathological anxiety, a
thorough psychiatric and somatic evaluation should con­
sider whether symptoms reflect other health conditions
or effects of substance or medication use. The most
common psychiatric comorbidity is major depressive
disorder: half to two-thirds of adults with anxiety disorders
Medial prefrontal cortex also suffer from this diagnosis.5 Among more than
3 million Danish people, anxiety disorder increased the
incidence of depression by three to five times.18 Anxiety
and depression share clinical symptoms and causes due
to genetic pleiotropy and share psychological, social, and
Fornix neurobiological risk mechanisms. Anxiety and depression
Stria terminalis comorbidity signifies higher disorder severity, burden,
and chronicity compared with individual disorders.19
Amygdala Conse­quently, it is often less a matter of identifying
Caudate nucleus
Amygdala nucleus
(tail) (tail) a differential diagnosis, but rather assigning multiple
Striaa diagnoses and prioritising more intensive management
BNST term
terminalis for the patient with comorbidities. Anxiety disorder also
co-occurs with bipolar disorder or substance dependence
H mpus
Hippocampus disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-
traumatic stress disorder, which in previous, but not
current, ICD and DSM classifications were considered
anxiety disorders (table 2). Anxiety disorder comorbidity
often signals severity. In such patients, anxiety should
be treated in its own right, with the understanding
that additional inter­ventions will be needed to address
the specific comorbidity.
Avoid Patients with diverse somatic illnesses, including
Freeze cardiovascular, respiratory, or musculoskeletal disease,
Figure 1: Visual representation of components of the brain’s threat-responsive circuitry have an increased risk of comorbid anxiety. Because
Threats are classified on the basis of proximity, with the top of the figure showing a threat continuum, including certain symptoms are overlapping between an anxiety
distant predators, an approaching threatening person, or a direct encounter with painful stimuli. Components of and somatic diagnosis, there is a risk of diagnostic
the brain’s circuitry involved in threat responses appear in distinct colours, with the hippocampus in blue, stria confusion and potential under or over diagnosis and
terminalis and its bed nucleus in green, amygdala in red, and frontal regions, including the medial prefrontal
cortex and insula, in purple. These circuitry components interact in unique ways depending on the nature of mismanagement (table 2). The value of distinguishing
threats, thereby generating adaptive defensive responses shown at the bottom of the figure, including avoidance, between primary and secondary anxiety is unclear
freezing, fleeing, and fighting. BNST=bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. because there is growing evidence that the link between
somatic illness and anxiety is bidirectional, and anxiety
symptoms,13 the Fear Questionnaire for phobia symp­ treatment is needed regardless. The presence of anxiety
toms,14 the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for gener­ in cardiac disease,21 cancer,22 or pulmonary disease23 has
alised anxiety disorder symptoms,15 and the Anxiety been shown to negatively affect quality of life, adherence
Sensitivity Index for general fear and arousal-related to treatment, prognosis, and treatment costs. These
sensations.16 Standardised diagnostics and assessments findings indicate that proper detection and management
for outcome monitoring are part of evidence-based care, of anxiety disorder comorbidity is also imperative for
could prevent underdiagnosis, and lead to effective patients with somatic illnesses.
treatments. However, these diagnostics and assessments
are still not widely used in clinical practice. Epidemiology
Screeners comprising only a few items, such as the Due to methodological differences, estimates of anxiety
Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 scale, have adequate disorder prevalence in populations vary widely across
sensitivity and specificity for detecting generalised large-scale studies (table 3).33 At late adolescence and
anxiety disorder but also other anxiety disorders.17 early adulthood (aged 15–25 years), the cumulative
However, structural implementation of anxiety screeners prevalence of all anxiety disorders combined ranges

916 Vol 397 March 6, 2021


Examples of overlapping symptoms Key clinical insights to recognise

Mental disorders
Major depressive disorder Fatigue, anxiety, worry, or agitation Major depressive disorder is the highest comorbidity in anxiety disorder and
associated with higher severity, suicidality, disability and chronicity;19 clinicians
must comprehensively assess because major depressive disorder comorbidity
requires more intensive pharmacological treatment and a different form of
psychotherapy treatment (eg, cognitive behavioural therapy for depression
rather than for anxiety disorder)
Bipolar disorder Agitation, irritability, or racing Anxiety is often present in bipolar disorder and is associated with rapid
thoughts cycling;20 targeting anxiety could aid in mood stabilisation; bipolar disorder
requires focus on mood stabilisation and considerate use of medication,
which could induce mania (especially antidepressants)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder* Extreme worry or inability to relax People who have obsessive-compulsive disorder engage in ritualistic,
repetitive behaviour to deal with their fears, which is absent in anxiety disorder;
these people often realise that their behaviour is irrational and inappropriate
Post-traumatic stress disorder* Avoidance, hyperarousal, or The intense experience of anxiety in post-traumatic stress disorder is
anxiety-laden intrusive memories specifically in response to a psychological trauma (eg, abuse, war, or accident);
specific psychotherapies focused on the trauma associated with the
post-traumatic stress disorder should be used
Health anxiety* (hypochondriasis) Anxiety or worry from bodily Anxiety is specifically related to preoccupation with having or acquiring a
responses serious, undiagnosed medical illness
Substance use (eg, illicit drugs, Tremor, sweating, palpitations, or When suspected, clinicians should conduct a psychiatric interview of
alcohol, or benzodiazepines) disorder panic attacks (during withdrawal or in substance use disorders, with potential breath, urine, or plasma drug
some cases intoxication) screening; comorbidity of alcohol or benzodiazepine abuse with anxiety
disorder is considerable
Somatic disorders
Cardiac disease Chest pain or palpitations (which is Clinical evaluation, including electrocardiogram, assessment of plasma
also common in panic disorder) troponin concentration, or Holter monitoring
Thyroid disease (eg, Palpitations, tremor, panic attacks, Laboratory assessment of plasma thyroid-stimulating hormone
hyperthyroidism) or persistent anxiety
Respiratory disease (eg, asthma) Shortness of breath Clinical evaluation with a pulmonary function test
Phaeochromocytoma or other Panic attacks or bodily sensations Blood pressure monitoring over 24 h or hormone assessment (eg, in blood or
disorders that result in a sudden urine)
blood pressure increase
Epilepsy Anxiety symptoms as part of aura or Clinical evaluation or neurological referral when the causes of symptoms are
start of seizure unclear
*In previous classifications of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and International Classification of Diseases, these disorders were included in the
classification of anxiety disorders. In current classifications (eg, the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the 11th edition of the
International Classification of Diseases), they are integrated in different classifications.

Table 2: Mental and somatic disorders that are frequently comorbid or difficult to distinguish in anxiety disorder

between 20% and 30%.24,25 This finding suggests that diagnostic criteria, or differences in symptom reporting
one out of three to five children and adolescents have is unclear.35 However, stable sociodemo­graphic correlates
an anxiety disorder at some point in their childhood, exist across nations. Importantly, anxiety disorders are
although not always severe or requiring medical attention. 1·3–2·4 times more prevalent in women than in
In adulthood, 10%–14% of the population fulfil the DSM men,26–31,33 which is accentuated during development and
criteria for anxiety disorder within a year (table 3), most evident after adolescence. Anxiety disorders are also
commonly specific phobia, followed by social anxiety more common in people with unmarried status, low edu­
disorder and panic disorder or agoraphobia. The 1-year cation, low income, and those who are unemployed.26–31
prevalence of anxiety disorders is highest in people aged Epidemiological studies show a relatively high ratio
between 18 years and 25 years. The few methodologically of 1 year to lifetime prevalence for anxiety disorders,
sound studies of time trends show no evidence of indicative of a chronic recurrent nature. Prospective
increased anxiety prevalence over the past two decades.32,34 studies,7,19,36 show that patients who have anxiety disorders
However, awareness, seeking of, and provision of could have symptoms for years. Among patients with
treatment has increased,32,34 possibly explaining views of only one anxiety disorder, 2 year remission rates were
the growing effect of anxiety disorders. around 70% for panic disorder without agoraphobia and
In large-scale World Mental Health Surveys done in generalised anxiety disorder, decreasing to 50–55% for
27 countries, anxiety disorder prevalence was highest in social anxiety disorder and panic disorder with
high-income countries.26–29 Whether this finding reflects agoraphobia and 43% for those with multiple anxiety
true regional or cultural differences, problems with disorders.7 A previous study showed that symptoms of Vol 397 March 6, 2021 917


GSMS of children TRAILS of adolescents WMH Surveys of adults (≥18 years; Meta-analysis of adults
followed up (19 years; n=1584)25* n=around 150 000)26–31*† (≥18 years)32‡
through to early
cumulatively over
3 waves (26 years;
1 year Cumulative 1 year Lifetime Prevalence ratio 1 year Prevalence ratio
of female : male of female : male
Selective mutism ··§ ··§ ··§ ··§ ··§ ·· ··§ ··
Separation anxiety 5·0 0·3 3·1 1·0 4·8 1·4 ·· ··
Specific phobia 2·2 9·0 11·5 5·5 7·4 2·0 6·4 2·4
Social anxiety disorder 4·2 7·5 12·4 2·4 4·0 1·3 2·3 2·1
Agoraphobia 6·1 0·7 1·0 1·0 1·5 1·9 2·0 3·1
Panic disorder 4·8 1·3 1·6 1·0 1·7 2·0 1·8 1·8
Generalised anxiety disorder 9·7 1·8 2·9 1·8 3·7 1·8 1·7 2·1
All anxiety disorders 27·0 18·4 28·0 9·8 ·· ·· 14·0 2·1
··=not examined or reported. *Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fifth edition) Composite International Diagnostic Interview. †From 25 countries.
‡Including 12–18 European studies. §Expected prevalence is <1·0%.

Table 3: Prevalence estimates of anxiety disorder in large-scale studies across age groups

anxiety and avoidance improved in only 309 (44%) aggregation of anxiety disorders suggests that thorough
of 703 patients over 6 years.36 recording of family history during the diagnostic process
Beyond the adverse mental health effects, anxiety is required.
disorders can predict unstable relationships, poorer Until 2010, molecular genetic research has focused
functioning, and higher work absenteeism than in on candidate genes, especially genes relevant in mono­
people who do not have these disorders,37,38 with major aminergic neurotransmission or stress axis function.
economic costs and effects on somatic health. Risk of However, a meta-analysis of candidate genes43 only showed
death has been shown to be increased by 1·4 times by an association of panic disorder with TMEM132D gene
natural causes and increased by 2·5 times by unnatural variants and, in subsamples, with HTR2A, NPSR1, and
causes.39 Anxiety has consistently been linked with an MAOA genes.
increased risk of subsequent cardiovascular disease The advent of low-cost genotyping has shifted research
(hazard ratio 1·5),40 with emerging evidence of increased towards genome-wide association studies. The first and
onset risk of other somatic conditions, including stroke, underpowered genome-wide association studies yielded
diabetes, arthritis, and lung disease than in the general none or only few genome-wide significant loci.44–47 When
population.41 Suggested mechanisms of higher comorbid anxiety was examined as a dimension with the use of the
anxiety in persons with somatic illnesses comprise Generalised Anxiety Disorder 2-item scale in 2 million
unhealthy lifestyles, low treatment adherence, and dys­ people,48 only five genome-wide significant loci were
regulations of psychobiological stress systems. Therefore, identified. Another genome-wide association study49
attention to somatic health should be opti­mally integrated used a dimensional agoraphobic symptom score and
early on in the treatment of anxiety disorders. related the top hit, in the gene encoding the potentially
druggable GLRB, to panic disorder and intermediate
Pathophysiology phenotypes. Few studies have examined copy number
Genetics variants (ie, larger parts of the genome that are duplicated
Heritability of anxiety disorders can vary, but heritability or deleted). A recent study in children50 suggested that the
estimates converge to rates of between around 35% for presence of copy number variants associated with a high
generalised anxiety disorder and around 50% for social risk for neurodevelopmental disorders increases the risk
anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and agoraphobia.42 The of anxiety disorders by three times. Overall, no converging
mode of inheritance is complex, with many genetic pathways can yet be derived from these initial genome-
variants of small effect interacting with, or adding to, wide association studies. However, genome-wide asso­
other (presumably non-shared environmental) risk ciation studies showed a high genetic correlation (rG>0·6)
factors. The genetic basis of anxiety disorders overlaps among people with anxiety, depression, and neuroti­
not only within the different disorders but also with the cism,44–46,51 which suggests shared genetic risks and
non-pathological anxiety dimension, suggesting at least a supports the existence of a general genetic risk factor for
partial continuum from normal to pathological anxiety. mental disorders (p factor) that could explain the high
However, the substantial heritability and thus familial comorbidity between most mental disorders.52

918 Vol 397 March 6, 2021


Epigenetic mechanisms involve modification of DNA functional MRI studies connect anxiety-related pertur­
and chromatin regulating gene expression, which might bations at psychological and neurophysiological levels,
mediate gene–environment interactions and could be with effect sizes of typically 0·50–1·00.72 Treatment
modified by intervention. The inacces­sibility of neuronal trials have already extended such translational work
cells poses methodological problems in human studies. in ways that are relevant to clinicians by targeting
Hence, data examining peripheral biomarkers require attention with the goal of reducing the risk and expression
validation via model systems. Hypothesis-driven studies of anxiety disorders.73 Other functional MRI studies
suggest differential methyla­tion of genes like MAOA,53 have isolated responding on threat-learning, extinction,
CRHR1,54 and OXTR55 to be associated with panic and uncontrollable-stress frameworks,57,62,63,65 for which
disorder, social anxiety disorder, and treatment response. anxiety disorder-related hyper-responding was shown to
However, epigenome-wide screenings have also not yet manifest in temporal and prefrontal cortex regions, with
included large enough samples to allow definitive relatively large effects.
conclusions. Taken together, epigenetic and genetic Decision making research finds a robust anxiety
testing cannot yet be recommended for clinical practice; disorder correlate on tasks for which patients make
rather, respective studies might provide mechanistic errors. Such errors, particularly when they are highly
insights and hence avenues for new treatments. salient, evoke a midline encephalography response called
the error-related negativity, which is larger in individuals
Basic neuroscience with anxiety disorders than is in individuals who do not
Basic neuroscience informs attempts to improve have anxiety disorders (Cohen’s d 0·20–0·60).74 Increased
treatment and outcome prediction in people with anxiety error-related negativity could reflect alterations in
disorders. Relative to many mental illnesses, neuro­ decision making, although people with anxiety disorders
science research regarding anxiety appears more show few other consistent signs of altered decision
clinically relevant because there is strong cross-species making. Increased error-related negativity could also be
conservation in the mammalian responses to danger and viewed as a form of threat hypersensitivity, evoked by the
the associated brain circuitry (figure 1).56–62 This research potential adverse consequences of error commission.
suggests that perturbed threat responding in anxiety To study immediate threat responses, other research
disorders involves dysfunction in the circuitry that has examined behavioural, physiological, or psychological
supports core psychological processes, such as attention, responses to danger. Specifically, patients with anxiety
emotion, learning, and memory.59 disorders have been shown to manifest heightened sensi­
Neuroscience research examines how brain circuitry tivity to threats, including attention bias to threat.59,72,75,76
supports learning about threats.56,59,61–63 This learning Such hypersensitivity can manifest in reaction-time,
includes forms of conditioning, extinction, and recon­ ocular, and multiple psychophysiological measures.59
solidation, a memory updating mechanism.64 By defining Other research has focused on prolonged defensive
plasticity-related factors underlying learning, this research stress-system responding. When people are exposed
has already identified promising novel therapies to treat to stressors, such as public speaking, scary pictures, or
anxiety disorders.56,61 Moreover, other research defines painful stimulation, studies generally report increased
molecular processes, through which genetic risk might stress responses in people with anxiety disorders versus
manifest, and environmentally sensitive processes (such controls across many measures.63,70–72,77 These measures
as hippocampal neurogenesis),61 through which stress include peripheral autonomic, neurochemical, and hor­
might increase the risk for anxiety disorders. monal measures, as well as startle response, for which
relevant circuitry has been isolated in basic research.59
Translational research For some measures, including blood inflammatory
Many brain imaging studies have examined the structure indicators, differences between persons with and without
of regions that basic neuroscience implicates in threat anxiety disorders occur even without laboratory stress
responding, showing structural alterations in anxiety tests, suggesting chronically increased responsivity is
disorders within medial temporal, prefrontal cortex, present in normal life.78,79 For peripheral measures, rarely
and cingulate regions.65,66 Because small effect sizes are do effect sizes exceed a Cohen’s d of 0·50, indicating
expected on the basis of data in other mental disorders that these are not useful biomarkers that currently guide
(eg, for depressive or obsessive-compulsive disorders; diagnosis.
pooled Cohen’s d of 0·10–0·30),67–69 structural imaging in
anxiety disorders is minimally clinically relevant. Developmental perspectives
More clinically promising findings are arising in Overall, developmental cascades into chronic anxiety
functional MRI studies when, for example, evoking begin with preclinical signs, followed by (childhood)
threat response. With functional MRI, patients who are anxiety symptoms, culminating in persistent anxiety and
anxious have an altered response in temporal and comorbid conditions.
prefrontal brain regions, which has also been shown in Studies in non-human primates and human infants
functional MRI research regarding attention.65,70,71 Such younger than 4 years have detected develop­ mental risk Vol 397 March 6, 2021 919


markers related to anxiety symptoms.60 Temperaments in improving anxiety symptoms (stan­ dardised mean
linked to anxiety involve heightened emotional sensitivity, difference 0·31);85 however, it is unclear whether this
as well as defensive responding to threat exposure.60 Strong improvement translates into reduced anxiety disorder
findings exist for the temperament of behavioural inhi­ onset. Behavioural lifestyle interventions (eg, stimulating
bition, expressed as reduced movement and vocalisation exercise86 or sleep hygiene87) have shown efficacy in
in the presence of novelty.73 depression prevention, but have barely been tested for
Although unique combinations of genes and anxiety. Supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids in
environmental factors can operate selectively at specific five trials showed no effect in preventing anxiety.88
timepoints across development, others might operate In summary, prevention interventions, mainly concern­
more consistently at many points throughout develop­ ing cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or educational
ment.73 Environmental factors that influence the risk for interventions, or both, have a small benefit for anxiety
anxiety disorders at multiple timepoints include various prevention (standardised mean difference 0·31) when
stressful life experiences and parenting practices, meta-analysed across the entire life span (29 studies,
including childhood trauma, separation from attachment 10 430 people).89 Future well-designed randomised con­
figures, and forms of overprotective parenting that trolled trials (including adequate sample size and active
limit children’s opportunities to encounter frightening comparators) are needed to determine to what extent,
circumstances in ways that facilitate mastery. which components, and under what conditions anxiety
Part of the pathophysiology of anxiety is shared with prevention programmes can be cost-effective, efficacious,
other mental disorders. Heightened stress responsivity and long lasting.
represents a cross-disorder risk that is initially associated
with anxiety in childhood.57,62,65,71,77 Ultimately, research in Clinical management
this area will help clinicians to predict transitions from Globally, anxiety disorders are underdiagnosed and
anxiety disorders to other problems. Other markers, such undertreated.3 Most people who have anxiety disorders
as perturbed memory, reward processing, and executive will present to, and are managed in, primary care.
functioning occur more prominently in conditions However, effective treatments do exist; these treatments
other than anxiety disorders (eg, depressive disorders).57 not only reduce anxiety symptoms but also improve
Conversely, anxiety-specific pathophysiology markers quality of life and functioning. Randomised studies
could include the error-related negativity and certain concerning medication and psychotherapy cannot easily
varieties of attention bias.58,72,74,76 be compared due to methodological reasons, especially
regarding the effect sizes of the respective control
Prevention condition (eg, placebo, sham therapies, or waiting list
Universal, selective, and indicated prevention strategies controls: placebo can also can have an effect on anxiety
for children or young people might prevent the onset reduction90). The most parsimonious current conclusion
of anxiety disorders. A meta-analysis80 of 47 randomised is that medication and psychotherapy produce benefits
controlled trials of prevention in people aged between with similar effect sizes90 when given as a first-line
5 years and 18 years, mainly concerning psychological treatment, such as in primary care. Therefore, potential
strategies, showed reduced risks for internalising side-effects, ecological factors (such as treatment avail­
disorder onset with the use of prevention strategies ability), and patient preference should be discussed in a
versus control. However, only nine studies focused shared decision making process between the clinician
on anxiety onset, and effects do not sustain beyond and patient. Psychoeducation needs to be included as
9 months. In university students, psychoeducation, soon as a diagnosis has been made.
relaxation, or cognitive restructuring programmes have
showed moderate symptom reduction (hedges’ g=0·65),81 Psychotherapy
regardless of delivery format or prevention level. By Evidence-based psychotherapies91 (as pharmacotherapies)
contrast, a network meta-analysis82 of 137 studies among are considered first-line treatments for anxiety disorders.
56 620 participants examining school-based interventions These range from low-intensity interventions incor­
showed a high risk of bias and no clear evidence that porating self-help approaches (eg, bibliotherapy) to high-
interventions might reduce anxiety. Young offspring intensity therapies with a specialised therapist according
(aged 4–25 years) of parents with anxiety disorders form to disorder severity. Most evidence exists for the use of
a group who are at high risk, with a 78% increased risk of CBT as a treatment for anxiety disorders. However, the
anxiety disorders.83 In this group, a brief family-based evidence base is not as strong for the use of other
psychosocial prevention programme has been reported psychotherapies, such as psychodynamic-based, inter­
to reduce the 1 year incidence of anxiety.84 personal-based, or acceptance-based psychotherapies,
In adults, anxiety prevention has been evaluated in a for treating anxiety disorders. CBT is a short-term
few trials of selective or indicated prevention.85–88 eHealth therapy (consisting of eight to 20 sessions) derived
interventions (involving the delivery of psychotherapy from principles of behavioural and cognitive psychology.
through the internet) have been shown to be effective Practical considerations are shown in panel 1. A key CBT

920 Vol 397 March 6, 2021


component for most forms of anxiety disorder involves

exposure to the feared stimuli, either in vivo or imaginal. Panel 1: Practical psychotherapy treatment considerations
Exposure is used to break a vicious circle of avoidance Patients should receive education about what anxiety is and what symptoms belong to
behaviour and enable new, so-called safety learning so their particular anxiety disorder. They should be informed that most anxiety disorders can
that the expected aversive outcome does not occur or is be effectively treated with evidence-based psychotherapy, or by pharmacotherapy,
manageable. Cognitive restructuring can be used for and patient choice should be discussed. Patients should be made aware that not all forms
verbal thoughts or the anxiety-provoking mental imagery of psychotherapy are effective and that most substantial evidence exists for a form called
that is highly common in anxiety disorders.92 Meta- cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT; patients can be signposted to the national CBT
analyses93 have concluded that effect sizes of CBT on association website—eg, Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies , USA and
anxiety are large when the control is waiting list British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, UK). CBT is a short-
placement but small to moderate when the control is term therapy, typically consisting of eight to 20 sessions, and involves setting goals and
care-as-usual or pill placebo (figure 2). Due to the small learning skills to reduce anxiety and perception of threat. Rather than avoiding feared
number of high quality trials, effect esti­mates should be situations or seeking reassurance, patients will learn to approach fearful situations and
considered with caution, and future improvements cope with them, use techniques to stay calmer, and develop skills to maintain gains longer
should be encouraged in psychological treatment trial term. CBT should be delivered by trained therapists who adhere closely to (anxiety
methodology, including active controls and blinding.102 disorder-specific) empirically grounded treatment protocols. Therapists should explain
CBT is an umbrella term. CBT protocols and studies what is being used and why, and work collaboratively with patients (eg, give a rationale for
have largely been specific to disorders and delivered by the use of techniques such as exposure or cognitive restructuring, explain how effective
trained individuals who adhere closely to empirically these can be, and tailor these treatments to the patients’ specific anxiety). What is
grounded treatment protocols. A unified protocol for the important in the treatment is what the patient learns, not the format. Learning can be
transdiagnostic treatment of anxiety disorders has been done either face to face with a therapist or remotely by a therapy delivered via the internet.
developed. Unified protocol treatment has been shown to Patients should be encouraged to attend all therapy sessions to receive adequate
yield equivalent symptom reductions to single-disorder treatment. Long-term management could include booster sessions. Because the presence
protocols for anxiety disorders (eg, panic disorder, of more than one anxiety disorder is common, patients could choose which to target and
generalised anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder), can receive different therapy packages for each anxiety disorder accordingly. Almost per
but also increased session completion.103 Internet-based definition, people with anxiety disorders can have anxiety about starting therapy.
CBT has greatly expanded over the past decade, and Therefore, access to information and encouragement is important, to give patients the
provides an important way to improve access to therapy confidence to start treatment and the optimism that anxiety can be effectively treated,
where services are limited or where geographical location benefiting their lives in terms of improved functioning.
makes it hard to reach a therapist. Compared with face-
to-face CBT, similar effectiveness on anxiety reduction
has been reported for internet-based CBT.95 Another Pharmacotherapy
innovation is CBT via telephone.104 Furthermore, digital Pharmacotherapy is also a first-line treatment for anxiety
technologies (such as virtual reality) are alternative disorders. There are several factors, such as non-response
approaches to provide exposure to avoided stimuli. to psychotherapy, chronic courses or complex conditions,
For example, compared with usual care, use of a virtual and depression comorbidity, that might prioritise
reality display of an avatar alongside a great vertical drop treatment with medication. Different classes of selective
resulted in reduced fear of heights.105 Compared with in- serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin–
vivo exposure, virtual reality exposure to social situations noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have been
with CBT seems an effective treatment for social anxiety shown to be mildly to moderately efficacious in social
disorder.106 Overall, more rigorous, well-controlled studies anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and agoraphobia and
are needed to test alternative forms of CBT delivery. generalised anxiety disorder (effect sizes 0·37–0·44,
There is less evidence about the use of CBT in children figure 2).98–100 Efficacy of SSRIs and SNRIs has also
and adolescents than in adults. More strong evidence in been shown in children and adolescents.96 A placebo-
children and adolescents is needed, given the unknown controlled trial110 of people with mild depression in
risks from the use of medication to treat anxiety primary care showed that the SSRI sertraline improved
disorders in this age group. CBT is considered effective anxious symptoms but not depressive symptoms.
compared with waiting list control, but only mildly so Although approval status can vary by country, in general,
when compared with active control in children and all SSRIs, SNRIs, MAO inhibitors, and the serotonergic
adolescents (figure 2).94 Additionally, CBT has similar tricyclic compound clomipramine are superior to
efficacy from school age (4–12 years) through to adoles­ placebo in reducing anxiety symptoms in adults.
cence (15–25 years). The internet offers a promising However, SSRIs (and, to a lesser extent, SNRIs) are
mode of treatment delivery for young children with preferred due to their favourable risk–benefit ratio at all
anxiety disorders (eg, a parenting programme for the ages, and particularly in children and adolescents
prevention and early intervention of anxiety problems in (panel 2). A network meta-analysis112 of generalised
young children aged 3–6 years).107 Effective innovations anxiety disorder showed superior efficacy of duloxetine,
also include parent-delivered CBT for children.108,109 venlafaxine, escitalopram, pregabalin, and quetiapine, Vol 397 March 6, 2021 921


Treatment effects compared with control conditions

Anxiety (number of studies) Intervention Control Standardised mean difference

Mixed, children (n=4)94 CBT Waiting list 1·55 (–0·10 to 3·20)

GAD (n=3)93 CBT Pill placebo 1·32 (0·83 to 1·81)
Mixed (n=28)95 iCBT Waiting list 1·06 (0·82 to 1·29)
SAD (n=40)93 CBT Waiting list 0·98 (0·83 to 1·14)
PD (n=33)93 CBT Waiting list 0·96 (0·70 to 1·23)
GAD (n=24)93 CBT Waiting list 0·85 (0·72 to 0·99)
Mixed, children (n=10)96 Medication Pill placebo 0·56 (0·40 to 0·72)
SAD (n=101*)97 CBT Psychological placebo 0·56 (0·11 to 1·00)

Mixed, children (n=8)94 CBT Active control 0·50 (–0·09 to 1·09)

SAD (n=5)93 CBT Pill placebo 0·47 (0·24 to 0·70)
GAD (n=4)93 CBT Care-as-usual 0·45 (0·26 to 0·64)
PD (n=15)98 Medication Pill placebo 0·44 (0·30 to 0·58)
SAD (n=101*)97 Medication Pill placebo 0·44 (0·22 to 0·67)
SAD (n=3)93 CBT Care-as-usual 0·44 (0·12 to 0·77)
SAD (n=52)99 Medication Pill placebo 0·41 (0·36 to 0·46)
GAD (n=54)100 Medication Pill placebo 0·37 (0·34 to 0·41)
PD (n=5)93 CBT Pill placebo 0·28 (0·03 to 0·54)
PD (n=3)93 CBT Care-as-usual 0·27 (–0·12 to 0·65)
Mixed, children (n=3)94 CBT Care-as-usual 0·19 (–0·40 to 0·79)

–0·5 0 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·0

Favours control Favours intervention

Comparing various treatments with each other

Anxiety (number of studies) Intervention Control Standardised mean difference

SAD (n=101*) 97
CBT Psychodynamic therapy 0·56 (0·11 to 1·03)
Anxiety (n=20)101 CBT + medication Medication 0·54 (0·25 to 0·82)
Mixed (n=7)95 iCBT CBT 0·06 (–0·25 to 0·37)

–0·5 0 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·0

Favours control Favours intervention

Figure 2: Effect sizes of different treatments in reducing anxiety symptoms based on meta-analytic evidence
CBT=cognitive behavioural therapy. GAD=generalised anxiety disorder. iCBT=therapist-assisted internet cognitive behavioural therapy. PD=panic disorder.
SAD=social anxiety disorder. *Based on network meta-analysis; therefore, sample size reflects all studies included, not just for the specific contrast.

although quetiapine exhib­ited increased discontinuation generalised anxiety disorder, but evidence is insufficient;
rates. Initial disease severity moderates the effect size of these substances should therefore be limited to second-line
drug treatment both in panic disorder and generalised use. An extended release formulation of quetiapine is
anxiety disorder: a meta-analysis113 showed that effect similar to SSRI with regard to response;116 but this drug is
sizes increased from Cohen’s d 0·2 in mild generalised off-label for generalised anxiety disorder and the associated
anxiety disorder to 0·5 in severe generalised anxiety side-effects, such as weight gain and sedation, limit its use.
disorder; similar effects were shown for panic disorder.
These findings call for caution regarding the use of Combination treatment and treatment non-response
medication in patients who are mildly symptomatic. Combination treatments are used by many patients in
Benzodiazepines are anxiolytic and therefore efficacious clinical reality (eg, when there is treatment resistance,
in most anxiety disorders.100,114 However, these drugs only comorbidity, and complicated courses), although research
act acutely, lead to relapse after discontinuation, and are is underdeveloped.102 Meta-analytic evidence101 has shown
associated with dependency. These compounds therefore that combined psychotherapy plus pharma­ cotherapy
require strict monitoring. A few other drugs are used in the outperforms pharmacotherapy alone in stan­dard settings.
treatment of anxiety disorders. Pregabalin, which blocks However, resistance to first-line treatments poses a major
voltage-gated calcium channels, is licensed for generalised clinical challenge. Generally, a patient should only be
anxiety disorder in many countries and shows a moderate considered resistant to treatment if both pharmacotherapy
effect size of Cohen’s d 0·37 and a favourable safety and psychotherapy are ineffec­tive. A systematic review117
profile,115 although cases of misuse of the drug have been on augmentation strategies in patients with SSRI-resistant
reported. Buspirone and opipramol are prescribed for anxiety disorders could identify only six medication

922 Vol 397 March 6, 2021


studies and no psychotherapy augmentation studies.

Although a small positive effect on symptom reduction Panel 2: Practical psychopharmacology treatment
was noted, none of the augmentation strategies resulted considerations
in increased response rate. In terms of efficacy, there is no clear superiority of any
Beyond more conventional designs, experimental selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or serotonin–
research has investigated the use of combinations of noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor compound; therefore,
medication and psychotherapy118 or other neuroscience- medication selection should be based on interactions and
informed treatment combinations. For example, attention side-effect profile. Because the risk–benefit ratio seems best
bias modification might improve outcome over placebo for newer medications, such as venlafaxine, escitalopram,
attention bias modification when added to CBT in or sertraline, these medications should be given as first-line
children who have anxiety disorders (Cohen’s d=0·45).119 treatment. Patients need to be informed about possible side-
Pharmacological manipu­lation of memory reconsolidation effects, the general harmlessness of these side-effects, and the
appears a promising direction that combines exposure and 2–4 week latency of effect. Almost per definition, people with
various pharma­cotherapies, aiming to create integrated anxiety disorders have a greater sensitivity to medication
treatments.120 Finally, a meta-analysis suggests a small side-effects and, therefore, treatment should start at the
effect (Cohen’s d=0·25) for d-cycloserine, a partial lowest dose and only cautiously be increased following the
N-methyl-d-aspartate agonist, when added to augment so-called rule of start low, go slow. As is true for all medication
exposure-based CBT.121 Findings on transcranial brain treatments, comorbid somatic disorders and polypharmacy
stimulation techniques in anxiety disorders are sparse. call especially for cautious treatment initiation and careful
Two ran­domised controlled trials of generalised anxiety evaluation of drug interactions in older patients aged 65 years
disorder122 have shown a positive effect of transcranial or older. On response, drug therapy should be continued for at
brain stimula­ tion, but these trials were not done in least 12 months, given that placebo-controlled studies have
patients who were resistant to treatment and data for other shown an increased risk of relapse on discontinuation.111
anxiety disorders are less conclusive or have not yet been If discontinued, these compounds should be tapered slowly
obtained. Future work should investigate mechanisms over several weeks to avoid withdrawal effects.
to inform the innovation of synergistic combination Benzodiazepines should be given very cautiously and never as
treatments102 and how to improve long-term effects for monotherapy; their use should be limited to the first few
relapse prevention. weeks of specific substances until these treatments start to be
effective. Also, benzodiazepines should be given at a fixed-
Controversies, uncertainties, and outstanding dose regimen but not as needed, to avoid the development of
research questions dependency.
COVID-19: understanding and treating anxiety at scale
under pandemic conditions
This Seminar has been written during the COVID-19 medicine approaches. Such insights would inform new
pandemic—a pandemic associated with sequelae, such approaches to diagnosis and classification with improved
as challenging economic consequences. An outstanding representation of the underlying distur­bances in brain
uncertainty is how to help manage anxiety related to function. Effective anxiety disorder treatments seem to be
the pandemic and to consider how this anxiety will be targeting mechanisms iden­tified through neurobiological
managed from a global mental health perspective.123 studies,125 but insufficient research connects clinical
Repeated media exposure to information about (infec­ outcomes to changes in mecha­nisms. Better cross-level
tious) disease can exacerbate anxieties and associated understanding of the routes to disease and recovery offers
maladaptive behaviours in susceptible populations.124 promising ways to improve existing anxiety treatments,
Strategies to manage anxiety-provoking media consump­ such as with extinction126 or reinforcement learning
tion and to promote successful adherence to health algorithms.127 The integration of detailed cross-level
behavioural advice while minimising anxiety require knowledge of how pathological fear and defensive
research.123 Approaches for investigating population- reactions develop will provide suggestions for best
level interventions will require rapid evaluation and applying existing treatments and identifying novel
modification; for example, testing whether existing ones.128,129 Overall, better theoretical models are needed to
digital interventions (eg, for sleep or stress management) link processes within treatment to those observed in
can be repurposed. Treatments need to be tailored for outcomes or to dismantle the mechanisms of change in
what is possible to deliver under pandemic conditions, more detail (eg, for specific symptoms or treatment
that is, remotely via digital clinics. components).102
Anxiety-changing mechanisms operate across many
levels: from the molecular, neurobiological, and cognitive, Extending treatment opportunities
to the behavioural or social.102 Although knowledge at Effectiveness of currently available treatments vary for
each level is known, cross-level work insufficiently people at different stages of anxiety severity, and a major
connects molecular and system levels to support precision challenge is finding meaningful ways of sequencing and Vol 397 March 6, 2021 923


combining treatments. Particularly, further research of chronic and disabling courses. Such developments call
escalated therapies to treat treatment-resistant anxiety for measurement-based and guided care systems rather
is called for. Given the global prevalence and burden than user-driven service provision. Only a combined
of anxiety disorders, it is surprising that the current effort in which we better prevent, better recognise, and
medication pipeline is rather empty. A 2019 overview130 more effectively treat anxiety disorders can ultimately
has not listed a single compound in the current reduce the burden that anxiety disorders place on our
medication pipeline, although preclinical studies have society.
suggested a wide range of molecular targets beyond Contributors
serotonin and GABA receptors or transporters (eg, This Seminar was jointly written by the authors; all authors contributed
corticotropin-releasing hormone receptors, trans­locator equally. All authors approved the final version for submission.
protein, or the endocannabinoid system). Also gluta­ Declaration of interests
matergic compounds hold future promise; small proof- BWJHP has received unrestricted research funding from Jansen Research
and Boehringer Ingelheim (not related to the contents of this Seminar).
of-concept studies of intravenous ketamine showed DSP received research funding from the National Institute of Mental
beneficial results in generalised anxiety disorder and Health Intramural Research Program through project ZIAMH002781.
social anxiety disorder.131,132 The question of how to EAH has received grants from the OAK Foundation, the Lupina
selectively target neuronal subpopulations that build Foundation, and the Swedish Research Council (not related to the
contents of this Seminar). AR has received honoraria for talks or advisory
pathological defensive responses within the fear network boards from Jansen, Servier, Neuroaxpharm, Medice, Shire (Takeda),
will be the focus of novel therapies in coming years. and SAGE (not related to the contents of this Seminar).
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