Syllabus Example

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Class: Nursery

Yearly Syllabus

No. Subject June/July August

1 English Rhymes/Poems The Alphabet Song,Teddy Bear, Chubby London Bridge,I’m a
Cheeks…… Little Tea Pot, Hickory
dickory dock……
2 English Reading Pete the Cat…. Biscuits
3 English Language Phonics sound (A-E) Colors
4 Pre-writing Skills Concept of standing line, sleeping line Concept of curve
and vertical line line,zigzag line
5 Science Animal farms/Parts of the body Parts of the flower
6 P.E Standing,Sitting,Clapping,hop,skip,dance Gross motor skills
7 Arts Pasting, stamping, Paintings, Drawing Crafts
8 Good manners/Daily To wash our hands before and after Toilet training, Thank
Activities meal, Greetings you,sorry…
9 Safety Classroom Safety Play safely

Class: Nursery

Yearly Syllabus

No. Subject September October

1 English Rhymes/Poems ABC’S Song,Color’s song,Itsy Bitsy London Bridge,I’m a
Spider,Rain rain go away,Peek a Little Tea Pot, Hickory
boo,Twist Right and Left,The Finger dickory dock……

2 English Reading The giving Tree, I care about Others I can read
3 English Language Phonics sound (F-J) Left-Right,Top-Bottom,
Things with sound/no
4 Pre-writing Skills Practicing standing line, sleeping line Practicing Slanting
(T,I,L,H,E) Line(F,A,V,W,X)
5 Science Parts of the body Fruits and Vegetables
6 P.E Standing,Sitting,Clapping,hop,skip,dance Gross motor skills
7 Arts Pasting, stamping, Paintings, Drawing Crafts
8 Good manners/Daily Use polite greetings and courteous May I come in, May I
Activities expressions in appropriate situations go out

1.1 Good Morning/Afternoon

1.2 Thank You/You’re Welcome
1.3 Excuse Me/I’m Sorry
1.4 Please…./May I…..
9 Safety Classroom Safety Play safely
Class: Nursery

Yearly Syllabus

No. Subject November December

1 English Rhymes/Poems My Teddy Bear,Mary Had a Little A little Seed,Johny
Lamb,Old McDonald had a farm,The Johny Yes
Ducks on the farm say Quack Papa,Twinkle twinkle
Little star

2 English Reading The very hungry Caterpillar Biscuits

3 English Language Phonics sound (K-O) Talk about family
members, pets, toys,
foods, or members
of the community
using various
descriptive words

4 Pre-writing Skills Practising standing line, sleeping line Practising standing

(Y,Z,N) line, sleeping line
5 Science How to take care of pet animal How to take care of
6 P.E Throwing, Catching Basketball
7 Arts Pasting, stamping, Paintings, Drawing Crafts
8 Good manners/Daily Use polite greetings and courteous Sharing
Activities expressions in appropriate situations

1.1 Good Morning/Afternoon

1.2 Thank You/You’re Welcome
1.3 Excuse Me/I’m Sorry
1.4 Please…./May I…..
9 Safety Classroom Safety Play safely
Class: Nursery

Yearly Syllabus

No. Subject January February

1 English Rhymes/Poems Humpy Dumpty ,The Itsy Bitsy Spider,I’m ABC Dance,DEF
a Little tea Pot,Hickory dickory dock,Baa Dance,GHI Dance,JKL
baa black sheep,Jack and Jill Dance

2 English Reading Pete the Cat…. Biscuits

3 English Language Phonics sound (Q-T) Recognition of sound
and letters
Describe common
objects/things in the
environment based on

color, shape, size, and

4 Pre-writing Skills Practising half circle and cirle Practising half circle
(BCDF) and cirle
5 Science Homes animals Seasons
6 P.E Yoga, Gymnastics Gross motor skills
7 Arts Pasting, stamping, Paintings, Drawing Crafts
8 Good manners/Daily Cleaning classroom Helping teacher and
Activities classmate
9 Safety Classroom Safety Play safely
Class: Nursery

Yearly Syllabus

No. Subject March April

1 English Rhymes/Poems Phonics Song,London Bridge is Falling London Bridge,I’m a
down,What do you like to do?,Mary had Little Tea Pot,
a little lamb,Do you like lasagne?Down Hickory dickory
by the Bay

2 English Reading Pete the Cat…. Biscuits

3 English Language Phonics sound (U-Z) Express one’s
idea/self freely
through creative
ways (drawing,
illustration, body
movement, singing,
dancing) based on
story listened to

4 Pre-writing Skills Practising half circle and cirle Concept of curve

(U,G,S) line,zigzag line
5 Science Use the senses to observe and perform Identify one’s basic
simple experiments in classifying objects needs and ways to
( e.g., texture – soft/hard, smooth/rough; care for one’s body
taste – salty, sweet, sour)

6 P.E Games Gross motor skills

7 Arts Pasting, stamping, Paintings, Drawing Crafts
8 Good manners/Daily
9 Safety Classroom Safety Play safely

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