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Şcoala Gimnaziala

Disciplina: Limba engleză

Aria curriculară: Limbă şi comunicare
Clasa: I
Nr. ore/ săptămână: 1
Manual: Comunicare in limba engleza


ANUL ŞCOLAR 2017-2018

1 – Introduction to English – TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore

Detalieri de conţinut Comptenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
1.1., 1.3., Listening Textbook 2 Oral practice
1 – Introduction to English 2.1., 2.2., Speaking Blackboard Observation
2.3., Notebook Homework
Getting to know the pupils. 3.1. Listen and repeat Individual work
Short revision (greetings, colours, Listen and answer Pair work
numbers 1-10, commands) Listen and look Pictures
Getting to know the characters Greeting games CD-player
Introduce yourself Singing Song
The Alphabet Matching exercises Games
Listen to a story Worksheets
Structures: ”Hello! I'm Alice”/ ”My
name's Alice”, ”Nice to see you!”,
”How are you?”, ”I'm fine, thanks.”
Main skills: listening, speaking.
2 – Lesson 1 (one) Let's Visit My School – TIMP ALOCAT: 1 oră
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
2 – Lesson 1 (one) Let's Visit My 1.1., 1.3., Listening Textbook Oral practice
School 2.1., 2.4., Speaking Blackboard 1 Observation
Act to commands 3.1., 4.1. Notebook Homework
Learn a poem Individual work Portfolio
Listen to a story Listen and repeat Pair work
Plurals Listen and answer Pictures
Vocabulary- school objects Look, point and say Games
(chair, desk, keyboard, monitor, Learn a poem CD-player
mouse, computer, book, pen, Act out a dialogue Worksheets
pencil, eraser, notebook, crayon, Games (Simon says....)
pencil-case, sharpener, ruler), Matching exercise
numbers 11-20 Role play games
Structures: ”What's this? It's Carry out different instructions
a...”, ”Stand up!”, ”Sit down!”,
”Count from 1 to 20!”
Main skills: listening, speaking.
3 – Lesson 2 (two) What's This? – TIMP ALOCAT: 1 ore
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
3 – Lesson 2 (two) What's This? 1.1., 1.2., Listening Textbook 1 Oral practice
Identify toys, colours 2.1., 2.2., Speaking Blackboard Writing
Listen to a story 2.4., Writing Notebook Observation
Adjectives before nouns 3.1., 4.1. Individual work Homework
Here/There Listen and do Pair work Portfolio
A/An Listen, point and say Pictures
Vocabulary – toys (ball, train, Ask and answer Games
car, plane, doll, drum, robot, Look and write the number CD-player
kite, camera, top, truck), colours Ask and answer Toys and realia
(purple, white, red, brown, pink, Games Worksheets
Matching exercise
black, orange, green, yellow,
Role play games
Find and write
Structures: ”Where is/
Carry out different instructions
Where's...?”, ”What's this?”
Main skills: listening, speaking,
4 – Lesson 3 (three) Pet Race– TIMP ALOCAT: 1 oră
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
4 – Lesson 3 (three) Pet Race 1.1., 1.3., Listening Textbook 1 Oral practice
Identifying things on the 2.1., 2.3., Speaking Blackboard Observation
playground 3.1., 4.1. Writing Notebook Homework
Talk about animals Individual work Portfolio
Count and add Look, listen and say Pair work
Listen to a story Look and listen Pictures
Vocabulary: playground objects Look and say Games
(jungle gym, slide, swing, Look, count and write the number CD-player
seesaw), animals (hamster, Matching exercise Worksheets

guinea pig, duck, duckling, fish, Draw and colour
cat, dog), feelings (glad, happy,
sad), ordinal numeral (first –
Structures: ”I'm
happy/sad/glad!”, ”(Two) and
(two) are (four)!”
Main skills: listening, speaking,
5 – Lesson 4 (four) This is My Family – TIMP ALOCAT: 1 oră
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
5 – Lesson 4 (four) 1.1., 1.2., Listening Textbook 1 Oral practice
This is My Family 2.2., 2.4., Speaking Blackboard Observation
Listen to a story 3.1., 4.1. Notebook Homework
Talk about possessing things Look, listen and say Individual work Portfolio
(my, your, his, her, its) Role play games Pair work
This/That Look, read and match Pictures
Vocabulary: family members Point and say Games
(sister, baby sister, brother, Colour CD-player
children, mother, father, Matching exercises Worksheets
grandfather, grandmother,
Structures: ”Is this...?”, ”This is
(her)...”, ”That is (her)...”
Main skills: listening, speaking.
6 – Round-up 1 + Evaluation– TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
1.1. – 4.1. Integration of skills Textbook 2 Oral practice
6 – Round-up 1 Blackboard Writing
Evaluation Look, listen and write Notebook Observation
Identify and write Individual work Homework
Circle Pair work Portfolio
Revision things, people, actions Tick the correct picture Pictures
Evaluation Read and colour CD-player
Matching exercises Worksheets
Games (colours, toys, family members)
7 – Lesson 5 (five) What an Amazing City!– TIMP ALOCAT: 1 ora
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
1.1., 1.3., Listening Textbook 1 Oral practice
7 – Lesson 5 (five) Speaking Blackboard Observation
What an Amazing City! 2.2., 2.3., Reading Notebook Homework
3.1., 4.1. Individual work Portfolio
Talk about location Look and say Pair work
(prepositions: on the left, on the Look and point Pictures
right, behind, in front) Act out a dialogue Realia
Vocabulary: places in town Ask and answer Games
(bank, post office, school, Read and colour CD-player
museum, hospital, supermarket) Circle the odd one out Worksheets
Structures: ”It's on MY left/ on Identify and match
YOUR right.”, ”Let's...”
Carry out different instructions
Main skills: listening, speaking,
8 – Lesson 6 (six) I'm Not Afraid of Witches! – TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
8 – Lesson 6 (six) 1.1., 1.3., Listening Textbook 2 Oral practice
I'm Not Afraid of Witches! 2.2., 2.3., Speaking Blackboard Observation
3.1., 4.1. Reading Notebook Homework
Memory test Individual work Portfolio
Talk about clothes Pair work
Talk about possession Look and listen Pictures
This/These Act out a dialogue Toys and realia
Listen to a story Tick the correct picture Games
Vocabulary: clothes (mask, Matching exercises CD-player
Look read and colour Worksheets
dress, blouse, skirt, shirt, hat,
shorts, trousers, belt, umbrella,
sunglasses, braces, shoes,
sandals, handbag)
Structures: ”Whose...is it/ are
these?”, ”This (is)/These (are)”
Main skills: listening, speaking,
9 – Lesson 7 (seven) I like Christmas Pudding! – TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
9 – Lesson 7 (seven) 1.1., 1.3., Listening Textbook 2 Oral practice
I like Christmas Pudding! 2.1., 2.2., Speaking Blackboard Observation
Listen to a story about Christmas 2.3., Reading Notebook Homework
Identify existing objects 3.1., 4.1. Individual work Portfolio
Talk about abilities Listen, look and say Pair work
Likes and dislikes Look, read and tick the correct answer Pictures
Ask for something/ Give Listen and tick the correct answer CD-player
permission Matching exercises Games
Vocabulary: Christmas tree, Act out a dialogue Worksheets
Christmas pudding, gift, food Ask and answer
items: ice cream, egg, biscuit, Learn a Christmas Carol
cake, sweets, roast turkey,
carrots, salt, pepper, bananas,
cheese, apples, orange
Structures: ”I can
run/sing/hop/ride a bike.”,
”Is/Are there...? Yes, there
is/are./ No, there isn't/aren't.”,
”Do you like...? Yes, I do./ No, I
Main skills: listening, speaking,
10 – Round-Up 2 + Evaluation 2 – TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
10 – Round-Up 2 + Evaluation 1.1., 1.3., Integration of skills Textbook 2 Oral practice
2 2.1., 2.3., Blackboard Writing
Identify objects 3.1., 4.1. Count and say Notebook Observation
Make up dialogues Match and say Individual work Homework
Ask and answer Pair work Portfolio
Listen and draw lines Pictures
Tick the correct sentences CD-player
Look, read and colour Games
Look and write the number

11 – Final Review; Final Evaluation + Reading time – TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore

Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore

11 – Final Review 1.1. – 4.1. Integration of skills Textbook 2 Oral practice
Final Evaluation Blackboard Writing
Reading time Matching exercises Notebook Observation
Circle the right answer Individual work Homework
Revision and evaluation Solve a crossword Pair work Portfolio
Ask questions Pictures
Listen and tick CD-player
Games Games
Listen to a story

12 – Lesson 8 (eight) White Rabbit has Pink Eyes – TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
12 – Lesson 8 (eight) 1.1., 1.2., Listening Textbook 2 Oral practice
White Rabbit has Pink Eyes! 1.3., 2.1., Speaking Blackboard Observation
2.3., Writing Notebook Homework
Talk about body parts 3.1., 4.1. Individual work Portfolio
Describe people (HAVE/HAS) Pair work
Express wonder Circle the correct word Pictures
Do certain actions Match and say CD-player
Learn a short poem by heart Look, point and say Games
Listen to a story Listen, point and say
Join the letters. Colour and write
Vocabulary: body parts (mouth,
Listen and do
hair, eyes, nose, neck, ears, legs,
Learn a poem by heart
head), physical appearance
Games (Simon says)
(curly, straight) Song (Head, shoulders, knees and toes)
Structures: ”I have (pink eyes)”,
”She has...”, ”What (big eyes/ a
big mouth)!”, ”Touch your
nose!”, ”She has curly straight
Main skills: listening, speaking,
13 – Lesson 9 (nine) A Mad Treacle Party – TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
13 – Lesson 9 (nine) 1.1., 1.2., Listening Textbook 2 Oral practice
Speaking Blackboard Writing
A MAD TREACLE PARTY 1.3., 2.1., Reading Notebook Observation
Listen to a story 2.3., Individual work Homework
Talk about objects on the table 3.1., 4.1. Pair work Portfolio
Talk about food Look, listen and say, Pictures
Talk about shapes Look and listen CD-player
Asking for things, offering Ask and answer Games
things Tick the correct sentence
Wh-questions: Where? What? Read and colour
Who? Why? Games
Carry out different instructions
Vocabulary: objects on the table
(fountain, knife, fork, teaspoon,
plate, glass, napkin), food
(biscuits, bottle juice, sandwich,
ice cream), shapes (triangle,
circle, square)
14 – Lesson 10 (ten) A Modern Flat– TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
14 – LESSON 10 (TEN) A 1.1., 1.2., Listening Textbook Oral practice
MODERN FLAT 1.3., 2.1., Speaking Blackboard 2 Observation
2.3., Notebook Homework
Talk about the parts of a house 3.1., 4.1. Look and write the number Individual work Portfolio
Locate objects in the house Listen, look and point Pair work
Prepositions of place (in, on, Circle the odd one out. Draw it Pictures
under) Match and say CD-player
Vocabulary: parts of a house Ask and answer Realia
(bathroom, hall, bedroom, Look, listen and say Games
kitchen, living room), objects in Guessing game (“Where is the mouse?”)
the house (sofa, bathtub, bed, TV
set, washbasin, armchair, table,
cupboard, wardrobe, sink, stairs,
fridge, chair, carpet, cooker)
Structures: ”Where's the...? In
the...”, ”Where do you live?”,
”Where do you come from”,
”What's your address?”
Main skills: listening, speaking.
15 – Lesson 11 (eleven) I Like Playing Cricket – TIMP ALOCAT: 1 oră
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
15 – Lesson 11 (eleven) 1.1., 1.2., Listening Textbook Oral practice
I Like Playing Cricket 1.3., 2.1., Speaking Blackboard 1 Observation
2.3., Notebook Homework
Talk about your favourite 3.1., 4.1. Individual work Portfolio
activities Look, listen and draw lines Pair work
Listen to a story Look, listen and say, Pictures
Structures: ”Do you like...”+ Circle and say T or F CD-player
present participle (ing)?, ”I Ask and answer Games
like...” + present participle (ing), Look, tick if you like it and colour it.
Main skills: listening, speaking.

16 – Round-Up 3 + Evaluation 3 – TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore

Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
16 – Round-Up 3 + Evaluation 1.2., 1.3., Integration of skills Textbook 2 Oral practice
3 2.1., 2.3., Blackboard Writing
3.1., 4.1. Read and tick Notebook Observation
Likes and dislikes, location, Listen and draw lines Individual work Homework
why-questions, possession Listen and circle Pair work Portfolio
Read and write the number Pictures
Look, find and point CD-player
Read and coloour Games
Circle the right word
Look, read and write

17 – Lesson 12 (twelve) Whose Is This Rabbit?– TIMP ALOCAT: 1 ora

Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
17 – Lesson 12 (twelve) 1.1., 1.3., Listening Textbook Oral practice
Whose Is This Rabbit? 2.2., 2.3., Speaking Blackboard 1 Observation
3.1., 4.1. Reading Notebook Homework
Talk about possession Writing Individual work Portfolio
The verb to have Pair work
Listen to a story Look, read and match Pictures
Structures: ”Whose is Listen, point and say CD-player
this/that...?”, ”Whose are Ask and answer Games
Look and match
these/those...?, ”I have.../ She Look and write
has...” Read and write
Main skills: listening, speaking, Games
reading, writing.
18 – Lesson 13 (thirteen) It's So Hot! – TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
18 – Lesson 13 (thirteen) It's So 1.2., 1.3., Listening Textbook 2 Oral practice
Hot! 2.1., 2.4., Speaking Blackboard Writing
3.1., 4.1. Notebook Observation
Talk about seasons and months Individual work Homework
of the year Pair work Portfolio
Talk about the weather Listen and say Pictures
Talk about places Ask and answer CD-player
Prepositions with places: on the Listen, point and write the number Games
beach, in the desert, in the forest, Matching exercises
Learn a short poem by heart
in the mountains
Vocabulary: seasons (spring,
summer, autumn, winter),
months (January, February,
March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October,
November, December), places
(on the beach, in the desert, in
the forest, in the mountains)
Structures: ”What about...” +
ing-Vb, ”It's
windy/hot/cold/warm.”, ”Where
is...? It's in the...”
Main skills: listening, speaking.
19 – Lesson 14 (fourteen) Holidays, Holidays!– TIMP ALOCAT: 1 ora
Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
19 – Lesson 14 (fourteen) 1.1., 1.2., Listening Textbook Oral practice
Holidays, Holidays! 1.3., Speaking Blackboard 1 Observation
2.1., 2.2., Writing Notebook Homework
Tell the time Individual work Portfolio
2.3., Ask and answer Pair work
Talk about activities during the 3.1., 4.1.
week Listen, look and match Pictures
Listen to a story Look, write the number and colour the clock CD-player
Vocabulary: days of the week Look and draw Games
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Look and listen

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Give true answers about you. Tick yes or no
Sunday), activities (wake up, Games
brush your teeth, go to school)
Structures: ”What day is
today?”, ”What's the time,
please?”, ”It's eight o'clock.”
Main skills: listening, speaking,

20 – Round-Up 4 + Evaluation 4 – TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore

Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore
20 – Round-Up 4 + Evaluation 1.1., 1.2., Integration of skills Textbook 2 Oral practice
4 1.3., Blackboard Writing
2.1., 2.2., Look, read and match Notebook Observation
Describe places, people, seasons, 2.3., 2.4., Write the number Individual work Homework
tell the time, ask for things Listen point and match the columns Pair work Portfolio
3.1., 4.1. Match the months with the seasons Pictures
Main skills: listening, speaking.
Look and match the rhyming words CD-player
Games Games

21 - Final Review + Final Evaluation – TIMP ALOCAT: 2 ore

Detalieri de conţinut Competenţe Activităţi de învăţare Resurse Nr. Evaluare
specifice ore

21 - Final Review + Final 1.1., 1.2., Integration of skills Textbook 2 Oral practice
Evaluation 1.3., Blackboard Writing
2.1., 2.2., Read, circle the correct answer and colour Notebook Observation
Progress check. Look, ask and answer Individual work Homework
2.3., 2.4., Read and colour Pair work Portfolio
Oral evaluation. 3.1., 4.1.
Read and circle Pictures
Read and write the correct number CD-player
Games Games
Listen to a story


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