Chapter 4 Customer Buying Behavior

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Chapter 4

Customer Buying
Prepared by:
Ferrer, Krisha Carla
Bautista, Nikilyn
Marmolejo, Christine Mae
Customer Buying Behavior
refers to the actions taken (both on
and offline) by consumers before
buying a product or service. This
process may include consulting
search engines, engaging with
social media posts, or a variety of
other actions.
The Buying Process
1 2 3
Need Recognition Information search about Evaluation of alternatives
channels, stores, for channels stores,
merchandise and merchandise and
services services

4 5
purchase the postpurchase
merchandise of service
Two Types of Needs
Hedonic Needs Utilitarian Needs

emotional responses practical and functional

and fantasies. benefit.

• Stimulation
• Status and power
• Adventure
Information Search

is the stage of buyer decision

process in which the consumer is
aroused to search for more
Sources of Information

Internal External
Internet / Social Media / Mobile
Information search and
price competition

increasing applications for

mobile devices have had a
profound impact on
customers' ability to gather
external information.
Evaluation of Alternatives
During this stage, consumers
evaluate all of their product
and brand options on a scale
of attributes which have the
ability to deliver the benefit
that the customer is seeking.
Purchasing the
Merchandise or
This is the stage when the customers
prefers one, the most promising
band, out of several brands.
Postpurchase Evaluation

In brief, customers will compare

products with their previous
expectations and will be either
satisfied or dissatisfied. Therefore,
these stages are critical in retaining
TypeS of Buying Decisions

Extended Limited Problem Habitual Decision

Problem Solving Solving Making
Extended Problem Solving

a purchase decision
process in which
customers devote
considerable time and
effort to analyze their
Types of Risk in Extended
Problem Solving

▪ Financial Risk

▪ Physical Risk

▪ Social Risk
Limited Problem Solving

A purchase decision process involving a moderate amount of effort

and time.
Habitual Decision Making

purchase decision process involving

little or in conscious effort.
▪ Brand Loyalty

▪ Retailer Loyalty
Social Factor in Buying Process

illustrates how customer buying

decisions are influenced by four
influential social factors.
Types of Social Factors
Influencing the Buying Process
▪ The Economy

▪ Family

▪ Reference Group

▪ Culture
Retail Market Segmentation

a group of customers who

are attracted to the same
retail mix because they
have similar needs.
Criteria for Creating Market
▪ Actionable

▪ Identifiable

▪ Substantial

▪ Reachable
Approaches for Segmenting
▪ Geographic Segmentation

▪ Demographic Segmentation

▪ Psychographic Segmentation
-Self Values
-Self Image
-Self Concept

▪ Buying Situation Segmentation

▪ Benefit Segmentation

▪ Composite Segmentation Approaches

Thank you
Prepared by:
Ferrer, Krisha Carla
Bautista, Nikilyn
Marmolejo, Christine Mae

CREDITS: This presentation
presentation template
templatewas created
was by
Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics
by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and &
infographics & images byFreepik

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