Department of Education: Empowerment Technologies Quarter 1, Week 3.1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent


Name: Grade & Section:
School: Teacher:

1. Uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced
application techniques.

2. General Reminders: Use this activity sheet with care. Do not put
unnecessary mark/s on any part of the activity sheet. Use a separate sheet
of paper in answering the exercises. Read the directions carefully before
doing each task. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once
you are through with it.
I. Explore
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. A spreadsheet program used to organize and perform calculations on data.

a. Microsoft Excel
b. Microsoft Word
c. Microsoft Publisher
d. Microsoft OneNote
2. A function that adds a range of cells
a. ADD
c. SUM
3. A function that gets the average of a range of cells.
b. SUM
4. Which among the following is not part of the syntax for AVERAGEIF?
a. Average range
b. Range
c. Logical test
d. Criteria
5. A function used to add a certain range of cells if a condition is met.
II. Learn

Advanced Techniques
3.1 using Microsoft Excel
In our previous lesson, we have discussed Microsoft Word as one of the powerful
applications of Microsoft Office Suites. Microsoft Word has become widely used
because of its features which people use to perform various tasks. One of its
features is Mail Merge which enables users to efficiently create documents with the
same content but may have different recipients. With mail merge, users were able
to create documents like letters, e-mail messages, envelopes, labels, and directory.

Besides Mail Merge, another feature of Microsoft Word is its ability to insert
different kinds of materials such as pictures, clipart, shapes, SmartArt, chart, and
screenshot that help enhance a word document. With these materials, users were
able to create a layout based on their likings.

What is a spreadsheet?
It is a software application that enables a user to save, sort and manage data in an
arranged form of rows and columns.

Beyond arithmetic operations, spreadsheets provide invaluable tools such as

functions that are very useful in calculating data. As a result, spreadsheets have
become one of the widely used software programs, and MS Excel is the most
commonly used spreadsheet tool. Spreadsheets can be used to determine statistical
analysis, compute student’s grades, keep track business accounts and inventories,
and manage databases. Spreadsheets are made up of the following:

 Columns – identified with alphabetic headings

 Rows - identified with numeric headings
 Cells – are the intersection of rows and columns
 Cell Reference – also known as cell address that identifies a cell
on a worksheet.

- B2 and D4 are examples of cell references

- Use cell reference when creating formulas in Excel to ensure

that your formulas are accurate. Take a look at the table
below, instead of using the actual values which are 5, 10, and
20 use the cell references A1, A2, and A3.

The formula in cell A4 refers to the value in cell A1 which is 5 multiplied by the value in cell A2 which is 10 plus the value

The formula calculates and displays the answer to the equation A1 multiplied by A2 plus A3 is 70.
The automatically recalculates

when the
value of a referenced cell is changed.
 Active Cell – the currently selected cell in a spreadsheet and
is indicated by a bold outline that surrounds the cell

- B5 is the active cell

 Texts or labels – It identifies the purpose of a cell, it can be a brief
instruction, a title or caption.
 Number data or constant – a value that doesn’t change and is directly
inserted into a cell.
 Formula (mathematical equations) – an expression that calculates the
value of a cell.
 Mathematical Operators – MS Excel uses standard operators for

 Functions- These are pre-defined formulas that are already available

in MS Excel.

Examples of Formula

This formula used

the SUM function to
add the numbers
Note: A formula always begin with an equal (=) sign.

Commonly Used Excel Functions

SUM – Adds all the numbers in a range of cells.

COUNT - Counts the number of cells that contain numbers.

MIN - Returns the smallest number in a set of values.

MAX - Returns the largest value in a set of values.

AVERAGE - Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments.

SUMIF – Adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria. SUMIF
function has the following syntax:
SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range)

 Range - The range of cells that you want to evaluate based

on a given criteria.
 Criteria – It determines which cells will be added.
 Sum_Range – These are the cells containing numeric values
and the cells to add if the condition is met.

For example, you want to find the total ratings of the teachers in terms of
the product’s quality. The formula to use to get the total ratings of the
teachers is shown below.

Sometimes the use of sum_range is optional just like in the example below.
The formula in the following example will add the total scores of the students
which are higher than 10. Students with scores lower than ten will not be

AVERAGEIF - Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all the cells in a
range that meet a given criteria. AVERAGEIF function has the following

AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, average_range)

 Range - The range of cells that you want to apply

the criteria.
 Criteria – It determines which cells to average.
 Average_Range – These are the cells containing
numeric values and the actual set of cells to average.

For example, you want to get the average of the students’ ratings in terms of
the product’s quality. The formula to use to get the average rating of the
students is shown below.

COUNTIF - Counts the number of cells within a range that meet a single
criterion that you specify. COUNTIF function has the following syntax:
COUNTIF(range, criteria)

 Range – The range of cells to count.

 Criteria – The criteria that determines which cells to
be counted.
The formula =COUNTIF(I3:I7,”YES”) will count the number of respondents
that voted for “Yes”.

If you want to count the number of students who got grades of 90 and above
in the first quarter you can use the formula below.

The example below shows the formula on how to count the number of
students who got grades of 85 and above from the first to the second
IF – This function is one of the most popular functions in Excel. It can
perform a logical test and returns one value if TRUE, and another value if
FALSE. The following is the syntax of IF function:

IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

 Logical Test - A value or logical expression that can

be evaluated as True or False.
 Value if True – The value to return if the logical test or
logical expression evaluates to TRUE.
 Value if False – The value to return if the logical test or
logical expression evaluates to FALSE.

The table below shows the formula to display “Passed” if the student’s
average is 75 and above, and “Failed” if the average is below 75. Since the
cell reference H2 has the value of 73.6, “Failed” will be displayed. But not in
the case of cell references H3 and H4, since their values are higher than
75 “Passed” will be displayed.

n Advance Techniques in
Animation and Timing in PowerPoint
Animation is the process of making the illusion of motion and the
illusion of change by means of the rapid succession of sequential images
that minimally differ from each other.
Microsoft PowerPoint provides several animation styles in different
categories, namely, Entrance, Emphasis, Exit and Motion Paths.
Animations make your presentation more dynamic.
If you want to put animations in your presentation, all you have to
do is go to the Animations Tab and click Add Animations. From there,
you can find various animations types for entrance, emphasis, exit and
motion paths.


A hyperlink which is frequently stated as “links” is a text or image

on the screen that you can click on to jump to another file or within the
existing file. When you hover your pointer over a hyperlink, either it is
text or an image, the arrow changes into a small pointing hand, called
hyperlink cursor. It is usually activated by clicking on the text or image.
Text hyperlinks are usually in color blue and underlined.

Hyperlinks in PowerPoint allow you to another slide in the current

presentation, another slide in a different presentation, another file or
webpage, or email address.

1. To insert a Hyperlink, click the word or the image then click
the Insert tab and look for Hyperlink or Link in other
versions of MS PowerPoint. Click on the choices on where
you will link the image or the word. After that, click OK.

II. Engage
Direction: Using the tables below create the formula that will solve the given
problems. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Use the table below to answer numbers 1 and 2.

Count the number of products

where price is less than 500.
Display “Within the Budget” if the
total amount is less than 1,500.
Otherwise “Over the Budget” will
be displayed.

Use the table below to answer number 3.

1. Show the total sales for the month of August.

Use the table below to answer
numbers 4, 5, and 6.

2. Count the number of

orders delivered in Lake
3. Count the number
of television orders.
4. Count the number
of items that are less than

Use the table below to answer numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10.

6. Count the number of respondents.

7. Show how many respondents are having glucose level of more than 90.
8. Compute the average of glucose level.
9. Count the number of respondents whose age is older than 50.


15 story and create a storyboard

DIRECTIONS: Adapt a Filipino legend
using PowerPoint presentation. Place pictures and animations in your
story. Place texts as descriptions for the storyboard or dialogue cloud for
the conversation of characters. Save you’re your using this file name:
the rubrics on how you will be graded. Send your work through your
teacher’s email address.

Color Color choice Artwork Color Ideas could
and application exhibits good choice and have been
enhances the choice. Color application expressed
idea being is effective in shows better with
expressed. expressing some other color
The use of the idea. knowledge choices and
color is of color better
attractive and theory and application.
appealing. relationships.

IV. Apply

In this lesson we have learned that a spreadsheet is an application that enables a

user to save, sort and manage data in an arranged form of rows and columns.
Spreadsheet can be used to calculate students’ grades, track inventories, and even
manage databases. One of the widely used spreadsheet programs is the Microsoft
Excel. MS Excel allows users to organize, format and calculate data using formulas
and functions.

With Excel formulas and functions, many operations and tasks are performed
automatically. Users can type numbers or value directly into the formula or use cell
references, so the formula can use any data found in the referenced cells. Some of
the many functions of MS Excel are SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN, MAX, SUMIF,
AVERAGEIF, COUNTIF, and IF. These functions are pre-defined, it means that
these functions are already available in MS Excel.

Answer the following questions and write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the importance of using Microsoft Excel?

2. Determine other instances where you can use the COUNTIF, SUMIF, and
AVERAGEIF functions.

3. How does Excel interpret data?

V. Post Test
Modified True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is
false, change the underlined word or phrase to make the whole statement correct.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Microsoft Excel can perform mathematical equations.

2. Range, criteria, and logical test are part of the


3. Excel formulas always begin with a sign.

4. Excel can be used to create a database.

5. Column J and row 9 is also referred to as cell 9J.

6. AVERAGE function used to get the average of a certain

range of cells if a condition is met.

7. SUMIF function adds all the numeric values in a range

of cells, ignoring those which are not numeric, and place
the result in a different cell.

8. Both IF and AVERAGEIF can perform a logical test.

9. Asterisk (*) symbol is used to multiply items in Excel.

10. SUMIF function adds values that meet a given criteria.

11. IF function can have two results.

12. Functions are mathematical equations that calculates the

value of a cell.

13. The intersection of rows and columns is called cell


14. AVERAGEIF function returns the arithmetic mean of all

the cells in a range that meet a given criteria.

15. In Excel, the active cell is indicated by an underline.

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