Health-Optimizing P.E. (H.O.P.E.) 2: Sports: Organizing A Sports Events

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Navarro, City of Gen. Trias, Cavite SECOND SEMESTER: MODULE 7
CS 17-2: Physical Education and Health 2
(046) 402-0725 | 0916-729-5830 Teacher: Mr. Kenneth M. Columna, Mr. Howard H. Ramos
[email protected] SCC Silid Credentials:
SCC Facebook Account Link:

Health-optimizing P.E. (H.O.P.E.) 2: Sports
Think back to your school years and recall
a favorite physical education or physical activity memory.
Does field day, a special field trip, or dance performance
come to mind? Perhaps it’s your first athletic competition
or a final state tournament appearance?
When it comes down to it, students may not
remember daily lessons, but they will remember the
“experiences” and the feeling of being successful at
something in your class or the lack thereof.
In this module, you will know the formula on how to successfully conduct and organize a sports event
and this may serve as one of the experiences you will remember in this Academic Year.


To guide you in this module, below is a simple map of the lessons covered in this module:

Organizing a
Sports Events

Organizing a Sports Event
In this lesson you will learn the following:
Learning target
Lesson No. and Title Essential Question
(Acquisition Make-Meaning Transfer)
Lesson 1 – o How can you be an agent of • I can discuss main target health
Organizing a Sports sports in your community? issue or concern of the sports event
Event – A;
• I can establish a theme that suits
the goals of the sports event – M;
• I can collaborate with the class to
organize a sports event for a target
health issue or concern – T.
Resources/Referen • Gialogo,R.C, and Gialogo,R.C.(2016). Fit for life “The K to 12 Physical
ces Education and Health Textbook. Phoenix Publishing House
Core Values Creativity, Innovativeness, Leadership Skill, Effectiveness and Efficiency
21st Century Skills Critical Thinking, Collaboration, and Communication



a. What do you think is the most crucial part of planning and organizing an


Organizing a Sports Event

Sports events can be the boost your business needs to engage members. Gym events are fun
and emphasize health, fitness, and wellness. Even with the most state-of-the-art facilities, you can still
experience dwindling membership rates. Most marketers believe that event marketing is the single
most-effective marketing channel. Sports events are an effective way to add value and drive

Sports events can bring people together and inspire them to make changes. Events allow
gyms, studios, and health clubs to think of creative ways to engage with members and the
local community. Whether the aim is to boost membership sales, increase the sense of
community, or engage current members, events can help you to meet your goal.

It makes sense that a successful event takes time and planning. When organizing a fitness event,
multiple factors need to be considered from invitations and budget to logistics and location. Event
planning is a task in itself. Here’s a breakdown of the steps you need to take to plan and
organize a sports event.
11 Steps to Plan and Organize a Sports Event

1. Set Your Goals for the Event

▪ Before you start organizing the event, set your goals. The function can have more than one focal point,
but you should have goals in mind that you want to achieve. This will help navigate the planning process.
Consider both objectives for your members as well as business
goals. So, you may want to increase membership sales but also
educate the community on things like fitness and nutrition.
▪ Start by speaking to your members. You want to plan an
event that will land well with the community and be a success.
What better place to start than getting feedback before you
even begin? Ask questions to find out the type of events they
would most like to see from you. If they struggle to eat healthily
out of the gym, then a cooking event that teaches a few healthy
recipes would be very beneficial for your members. At the same time, these sorts of experiences and
events can do wonders for engagement and retention.

2. Determine Your Budget

▪ Your budget is a pretty big factor in the event planning process. After all, it dictates what you can and
can’t afford to do. You will need to cover any extra time your employees need to take to organize and
attend the event. Think about event marketing, and any freebies you want to give away to attendees.
Whether it’s a branded t-shirt or class passes, you need to think
about event funding.
▪ If it’s a paid event, do the ticket sales result in a profit? You
don’t want to be losing money. Think about sponsorship from
local businesses that complement the event. You may want to
team up with a local smoothie bar. The event provides the
partnering business with advertising and foot traffic while your
attendees get to enjoy smoothies. If you’re holding a fitness
event in-house like a fitness challenge, the costs are meager in comparison to say a fitness retreat.

3. Choose the Location

▪ When it comes to location, you have various options. You can
decide to host the event in-house, which is ideal for things like
challenges, competitions, and seminars if you have space. If you want
to take the event outside, you can use local parks for events like an
outdoor obstacle course or group picnic. The location you choose is
dependent on the type of event you’re planning. Of course, if you
want to organize a fitness retreat, you will have to find a location that
accommodates this and provides everything you need.
4. Make a Checklist
▪ Once you’ve chosen the type of event, determined your budget and
location, you now need to pull the whole thing together. Gather your events
team and make a thorough checklist. This should include everything you need
to carry out before, during, and after the event. The list will also include items
that you need to get from gifts for attendees to marketing collateral.
▪ Although this may sound like an obvious part of event planning, it’s easy
to get excited and get ahead of yourself. Your checklist should navigate your
planning process and keep you on track. Lists help to keep you accountable and
know precisely where you are with event planning. Share the checklist with your
team and make sure it’s updated regularly.

5. Set a Realistic Timeline

▪ Your timeline will be dependent on the type of event you’re hosting. While something like a weight loss
challenge may take less time to prepare than a fitness workshop, you still need to set a realistic timeline
no matter the event. Your marketing strategy and budget will be tied to a timeline which you will need
to stick to.
▪ If you can, give yourself at least three months to prepare for an event. If you’re collaborating with other
businesses, everyone involved needs enough time to bring everything together. When you’re strapped
for time, you often rush into things and make snap decisions. This can really affect how successful an
event will be.

6. Plan Marketing Strategies

▪ Your event marketing strategy will play a significant role in spreading the word and getting people
through the door. It doesn’t matter if you’re throwing a massive launch event or a monthly fitness
competition, you should still create a
marketing strategy.
▪ You need to inform your community and
people outside of your gym that your event is
taking place. Tell them why they should go to
your event. Think about using Facebook ads,
word-of-mouth marketing, email, and push
notifications to share the news.

7. Event Insurance Coverage

▪ Make sure to check your insurance coverage for events. If you’re holding a seminar out of your usual
opening hours with 30+ guests, are you still covered by your insurance? This is something you need to
check early on as it could dictate the type of event you can throw on your premises.
▪ Whether you’re holding an event in-house or at another location, check if you
need extra insurance to cover you. Think about public liability insurance for your
event. If your event involves physical activity, you need to be covered for any
accidents or injuries that may occur.
8. Manage Logistics
▪ There’s a lot going on before, during, and after an event
that needs to be taken care of. Manage the logistics so
that there are no issues on the day. Consider parking
arrangements, check-in, or registration on the day, and
make sure your studio is large enough to handle the
number of people. If you have a large number of people
attending, think about the plan for entry and exit to avoid
any chaos on-site during the day.
▪ Remember to arrange social media coverage during the event. Facebook Live and Instagram Stories are
a great place to start to showcase your live event coverage. Your event social media strategy will be a
part of your marketing strategy.

9. Tickets and Invitations

▪ How will you invite guests? Is it a paid event or free for all to come?
These are elements you will have to consider when organizing your
event. If it’s a members-only event, you can send out personalized
invitations via email to all guests.
▪ Give your guests plenty of notice so that they can make
arrangements ahead of time. If you’re holding an open-day style
event and trying to encourage new member sign-ups, you’re more
reliant on your marketing reaching the right people. Set up open Facebook events so you can get an idea
of the number of guests attending.

10. Send a Reminder

▪ You probably sent out tickets and invitations a month or so before the
event. Send out a reminder to all guests so that your event is fresh in their
minds. You may want to send a friendly reminder a week or so before
then again the day before. This may be in the form of a text, email, or
push notification.
▪ Remember to include any special instructions, parking, or directions in
the reminder email the day before the event. This will help reduce any confusion on the day and
hopefully result in a very successful and organized event.

11. Enjoy and Have Fun!

▪ Don’t forget to enjoy yourself and have fun. Event planning can be time-consuming and laborious work,
but it doesn’t come without its rewards. Events are ideal for boosting engagement, retention, and
acquisition. Not to mention the benefits it can give to your members. A weight-loss challenge could be
just what your members need to hit their fitness goals.
▪ It’s a good idea to ask for feedback after every event. No matter how successful they are, you can always
learn and evolve. Try sending out quick feedback forms to all guests the day after. You want to find out
if guests enjoyed their time if they would come again, and what would make them love it more.


Sports events can be marketing magnets. These days, experience is everything. People are
looking for more engagement, community, and interaction. With the right planning and organization,
you can host an event that your members and community will love. All the while, increasing brand
awareness, member engagement, and membership sales.

Did the content and flow of the discussion

achieve the intended learning targets? Submit
your answer to the Google Form sent to your Remarks/
Self-Assessment of Learning
assessments Comments/
Achieved but Recommendations
Achieved NOT Fully Not Achieved
I can discuss main target health
issue or concern of the sports
event – A;
I can establish a theme that suits
the goals of the sports event – M;
I can collaborate with the class
to organize a sports event for a
target health issue or concern –


CS 17-2_S2T1_PT 5. Directions: The class shall create a proposal regarding sports event which
targets a health issue or concern. The template will be sent through GC. (30 pts)


Great job! We are done with Modules 1-7 already. Refer to these modules for your final examination on
Week 8. Congratulations!

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