Smart Traffic Control: Divyabharathi.S, Logapriya.V, Karthick.R

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Smart Traffic Control

Divyabharathi.S *¹, Logapriya.V¹, Karthick.R²

Final year, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore
[email protected], ¹[email protected],
Prof. R.S.Sandhyadevi
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore
[email protected]

Abstract — Now-a-days, traffic light systems operate on a 1. PIC MICROCONTROLLER

timing mechanism that changes the lights after a given interval.
Using smart traffic controller systems emergency vehicle driver PIC is a family of Harvard architecture microcontrollers made
will not spend unnecessary time waiting for the traffic lights to
by Microchip Technology, originally developed by General
change. Signals automatically fall green to emergency vehicle by
sending signal from that vehicle to traffic light sensor system
Instrument's Microelectronics Division. The name PIC
initially referred to "Peripheral Interface Controller". PICs
Keywords—PIC 16F887A, Zig-bee transceiver, Remote are popular with developers and hobbyists alike due to their
display unit, Emergency control unit low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive
collection of application notes, availability of low cost or free
development tools, and serial programming (and re-
I. INTRODUCTION programming with flash memory) capability.

In this project, embedded system - PIC 16F887A plays major

role .This project consist of three sections. Those sections are
traffic signal section, emergency vehicle section and remote
display section. Traffic signal section has zigbee transceiver,
level converter, PIC microcontroller, LCD, signal for lane1,
signal for lane 2, signal for lane 3, signal for lane 4, IR sensor
in lane 1,IR sensor in lane 2,IR sensor in lane 3 , IR sensor in
lane 4, Decoder and Receiver (receives signal from emergency
unit) .

Emergency vehicle section consist of transmitter, encoder, and

battery .Third section is Remote display section which consists
of power supply, level converter, zigbee transceiver, Remote
display and PIC microcontroller. Traffic signals are operated
in normal condition. When emergency vehicle transmits the
signal, the signal section receiver receives the signal. The
embedded system intimates to the traffic signal, indication
continuously glows to green as long as the emergency vehicle
is waiting at the traffic lane. After the vehicle crossed the
junction, automatically the traffic signals follow the previous
pattern generation of traffic signals. The IR sensors sense the
density of the road to send the signal to PIC microcontroller,
This system transmits the signal to remote display unit. This is
used to save time in traffic. Transmitted signal is received by
Zigbee transceiver. Remote display displays the density of the Pin-out of PIC16F887A
road traffic through level converter and PIC microcontroller.
II. METHODOLOGY  Separate code and data spaces (Harvard architecture)
 A small number of fixed length instructions
The main hardware components used are as follows.
 Most instructions are single cycle execution (4 clock  Plug and play device.
cycles), with single delay cycles upon branches and  Integrated bit synchronizer.
skips  Integrated IF and data filters.
 A single accumulator (W), the use of which (as  High sensitivity (type -104dBm)
source operand) is implied (i.e. is not encoded in the  Programmable output power -20dBm~1dBm
opcode)  Operation temperature range: -40~+85 deg.
 All RAM locations function as registers as both  Operation voltage: 1.8~3.6 Volts.
source and/or destination of math and other  Available frequency at : 2.4~2.483 GHz
functions.  Digital RSSI
 A hardware stack for storing return addresses
 A fairly small amount of addressable data space
(typically 256 bytes), extended through banking
 Data space mapped CPU, port, and peripheral
 The program counter is also mapped into the data
space and writable (this is used to implement indirect
 Unlike most other CPUs, there is no distinction
between memory space and register space because
the RAM serves the job of both memory and registers
and the RAM is usually just referred to as the register
file or simply as the registers.

2. Zig-bee transceiver

This is an FSK Transceiver module, which is designed using

the Chipcon IC (CC2500). This module is a direct line in Pin-out of CC2500
replacement for serial communication. It requires no extra
hardware and no extra coding. It works in Half Duplex mode Specifications:
i.e. it provides communication in both directions, but only one  Input Voltage - 5Volts DC
direction at same time. It is a true single-chip transceiver and  Baud Rate – 9600
is based on 3 wire digital serial interface and an entire Phase-  RS 232 Interface & TTL Interface
Locked Loop (PLL) for precise local oscillator generation so  Range – Max 30 metres - Line of Sight
the frequency could be setting. It can be used in UART /  Channels - 3 Ch - JP1 & JP2 - Ch 1 On – On
NRZ / Manchester encoding / decoding. It is a high
performance and low cost module. It gives 30 meters range
with onboard antenna. In a typical system, this trans-receiver 3. LCD
will be used together with a microcontroller. It provides
extensive hardware support for packet handling, data A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display,
buffering, burst transmissions, clear channel assessment, link electronic visual display or video display that uses the light
quality indication and wake on radio. It can be used in 2400- modulating properties of liquid crystals (LCs). LCs don’t emit
2483.5 MHz ISM/SRD band systems. Eg: RKE-two way light directly. They are used in a wide range of applications,
Remote Keyless Entry, wireless alarm and security systems, including computer monitors, television, instrument panels,
AMR-automatic Meter Reading, Consumer Electronics, aircraft cockpit displays, signage, etc. They are common in
Industrial monitoring and control, Wireless Game Controllers, consumer devices such as video players, gaming devices,
Wireless Audio/Keyboard/Mouse). It could easily be used to clocks, watches, calculators, and telephones. LCDs have
design product requiring wireless connectivity. It can be used displaced cathode ray tube (CRT) displays in most
on wireless security system or specific remote-control function applications. They are usually more compact, lightweight,
and others wireless system. portable, less expensive, more reliable, and easier on the eyes.
They are available in a wider range of screen sizes than CRT
Features: and plasma displays, and since they do not use phosphors,
 Supports Multiple Baud rates ( 9600 ) they cannot suffer image burn-in.
 Works on ISM band (2.4 GHz)
 No complex wireless connection software or intimate
knowledge of RF is required to connect serial LCD modules can be split into two groups: those that have
devices. built-in controller and driver chips, and those that have only
driver chips. LCD displays that do not have controllers are amplifiers for audio frequency (AF) and radio frequency (RF).
typically used with powerful hardware, such as a laptop The modulator is the device which modulates the signal
computer, where a video controller is available to generate the information onto the carrier frequency, which is then
complex drive signals necessary to run the display. Most broadcasted. Sometimes a device (for example, a cell phone)
colour and large (greater than 320x240) monochrome displays contains both a transmitter and a radio receiver, with the
are of this type. The category of display modules that have combined unit referred to as a transceiver.
built-in controllers can be split again into character LCD
modules and graphic LCD modules. Character modules can In most parts of the world, use of transmitters and receivers is
display only text and perhaps some special symbols, while strictly controlled by laws since the potential for dangerous
graphic modules can display lines, circles, squares, and interference (for example to emergency communications) is
patterns in addition to text. considerable. In consumer electronics, a common device is a
Personal FM transmitter, a very low power transmitter
LCDs are more energy efficient and offer safer disposal than generally designed to take a simple audio source like an iPod,
CRTs. Its low electrical power consumption enables it to be CD player, etc. and transmit it a few feet to a standard FM
used in battery-powered electronic equipment. It is an radio receiver. Most personal FM transmitters In the USA fall
electronically modulated optical device made up of any under Part 15 of the FCC regulations to avoid any user
number of segments filled with liquid crystals and arrayed in licensing requirements. In industrial process control, a
front of a light source (backlight) or reflector to produce transmitter is any device which converts measurements from a
images in color or monochrome. sensor into a signal to be received, usually sent via wires, by
some display or control device located a distance away.


The 2^12 encoders are a series of CMOS LSIs for remote

control system applications. They are capable of encoding
information, which consists of N address bits and 12_N data
bits. Each address/ data input can be set to one of the two logic
states. The programmed addresses/data are transmitted
together with the header bits via an RF or an infrared
transmission medium upon receipt of a trigger signal. The
capability to select a TE trigger on the HT12E or a DATA
trigger on the HT12E further enhances the application
flexibility of the 2^12 series of encoders. The 2^12 series of
encoders begin a 4-word transmission cycle upon receipt of a
transmission enable (TE for the HT12E or D8~D11 for the
HT12A, active low). This cycle will repeat itself as long as the
transmission enable (TE or D8~D11) is held low. Once the
Pin-out of LCD Character transmission enable returns high the encoder output completes
its final cycle and then stops.

The 2^12 decoders are a series of CMOS LSIs for remote

control system applications. They are paired with Holtek_s
4. TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER 2^12 series of encoders. For proper operation, a pair of
encoder/decoder with the same number of addresses and data
A transmitter is an electronic device which, usually with the format should be chosen. The decoders receive serial
aid of an antenna, propagates an electromagnetic signal such addresses and data from a programmed 2^12 series of
as in radio, television, or other telecommunications. A receiver encoders that are transmitted by a carrier using an RF or an IR
is an electronic device that is used to receive electronic signals transmission medium. They compare the serial input data three
with the help of antenna. times continuously with their local addresses. If no error or
unmatched codes are found, the input data codes are decoded
Generally in communication and information processing, a and then transferred to the output pins.
transmitter is any object (source) which sends information to
an observer (receiver). When used in this more general sense, 6. LEVEL CONVERTER
vocal chords may also be considered an example of a
transmitter. In radio electronics and broadcasting, a transmitter Level converters are modules to boost RS-232 is simple,
usually has a power supply, an oscillator, a modulator, and universal, well understood and supportive. The serial port
transmits a '1' as -3 to -25 volts and a '0' as +3 to +25 volts.
Devices which use serial cables for their communication are
split into two categories. These are DCE (Data
Communications Equipment) and DTE (Data Terminal
Equipment.) Data Communications Equipment devices such
as the modem, TA adapter, plotter etc while Data Terminal
Equipment is your Computer or Terminal.

The electrical specifications of the serial port are contained in

the EIA (Electronics Industry Association) RS232C standard.
It states many parameters such as –
1. A "Space" (logic 0) will be between +3 and +25
2. A "Mark" (Logic 1) will be between -3 and -25 Volts.
3. The region between +3 and -3 volts is undefined.
4. An open circuit voltage should never exceed 25 volts. Traffic control unit
(In Reference to GND)
A short circuit current should not exceed 500mA. The driver
should be able to handle this without damage.

Remote control unit


IR Sensor:
IR sensor consists of transmitter and receiver. Transmitter
sends signals (active low) to receiver continuously. When a
vehicle interrupts that signal, it turns to active high and sends
input to microcontroller.

Pin-out of RS-232 PIC Microcontroller:

PIC 16F887 is programmed using MPLAB IDE software.
Crystal oscillator in this controller has a frequency of 4 MHz
III. BLOCK DIAGRAM Two PIC controllers are used, one in controller unit another
one in remote display unit. In controller unit, PIC receives
The following represents the block diagram of the smart traffic input from IR sensors. According to the density on lanes, it
control system. transmits output signal to LEDs and Zig-bee transmitter. In
remote display unit, PIC receives delay timing information of
four lanes from Zig-bee receiver and sends to LCD.


Signals from controller unit are received by the Zig-bee

receiver. These signals are too weak to be displayed on LCD.
Hence, a level converter is used to boost amplitude of the
signal. PIC interfaces between level convertor and LCD.


Emergency unit is fixed to every emergency vehicle. It is

portable. Hence, a battery is used. During emergency
situations, this unit is manually switched on. The transmitter
sends signal of frequency 433 Hz which is received by
receiver in the control unit. Immediately, the signal on the
corresponding lane is turned green.




1. Y M Jagadeesh, G. Merlin Suba, S Karthik, and
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Autonomous Traffic Light Switching by Traffic
Density Measurement through Sensors. 2015
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2. Bilal Ghazal Faculty of Sciences IV Lebanese
F. IMPLEMENTATION OF HARDWARE: University (UL) Zahle, Lebanon
[email protected]. Khaled EIKhatib School of
Engineering Lebanese International University
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Khaled Chahine School of Engineering Lebanese
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[email protected]. Mohamad Kherfan
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[email protected]. Smart Traffic
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3. M. Ashwin Kumaar, G. Akshay Kumar
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