Strengthening of Concrete Beams by External Strengthening of Concrete Beams by External Prestressing

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Strengthening of concrete Beams by External Strengthening of concrete Beams by external prestressing

Conference Paper · January 2009

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3 authors, including:

Kamal Sh. Mahmoud Mohammed Rasheed

Al-Mustansiriya University Al-Mustansiriya University


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Effect of External Prestressing Strands on the Buckling
Stage Behaviour of Steel Beams

Kamal Sh.Mahmoud,phD1;Mohammed M.Rasheed,PhD2;Mustafa A.Yousif,PhD3

1,3 Mustansiriayh University,2 Dhofar University

Abstract Results and Discussion

Seven simply supported steel beams were fabricated and tested to explain Full experimental buckling outcomes of the beams tested are listed in
the influence of external prestressing strands on the buckling stage Table.2.
behavior of steel beams. Steel beams have the same gross sectional area, Buckling load:
clear span length and the strengthened sample was implemented by two During the tests, it was found that the buckling load increased about (8%,
external prestressing strands. 48%, 56%, 84%, 40% and 114% with increasing the eccentricity location
The results show that the maximum buckling load of strengthened tested from (0 to 165) mm, respectively compared with reference steel beam. On
beams increases with the increasing of strand eccentricity and the the other hand, it can be observed that the increasing percentage in
maximum enhancement in buckling load of strengthened tested beams buckling load to ultimate load ratio (𝑃𝑐/𝑃𝑢) increase about (7.439%,
reaches to 114% compared with the reference beam. Also, the maximum 14.228%, 12.83%, 13.763%, 12.587% and 14.465%) with increasing the
percentage increases in buckling to ultimate load ratio ( Pc/Pu ) of eccentricity location from (0 to 165) mm, respectively compared with
strengthened tested beams reaches to 14.465% compared with reference reference steel beam. So, it can be seen that the buckling load and the
beam. increasing percentage in buckling load to ultimate load ratio (𝑃𝑐 /𝑃𝑢)
increase approximately with constant percentage when the eccentricity
location was increased. The buckling load and the percentage increased in
buckling load to ultimate load (Pc /Pu) of tested beams are shown in Table
Introduction .2 and Fig. 2.
Great durability, formability, yielding, tensile strength and thermal Buckling Strain of the Tested Beams:
conductivity, are the generally important properties of steel, so steel is During the tests it was found that the buckling strain positions often don’t
considerably the most important material for constriction with strength of change from top region of the tested beams and the existence of
approximately ten times that of concrete that due to a its high ductility, externally prestressing strand leads to improve the top region and
uniform and homogeneous properties, high strength to weight ratio, high improve the web resistance under applied load, as shown in Table. 3.
elastic modules, high amount of energy absorption in seismic action, can On the other hand, it was found that the increasing percentage in strain in
be easily recycled, quicker to fabricate and erect. Because of the low self- top flange at buckling stage with increasing the eccentricity location from
weigh, the dimension of steel frame can be reducing [1]. Creating (0 to 165 mm) compared with reference steel beam, while the increasing
permanent stress in the steel member in order to develop resistance percentage in strain in bottom flange at buckling stage decreases with
against applied service load is called as prestressing. Prestressing is a increasing the eccentricity location compared with reference steel beam.
method to introduce an internal stress in steel sections to counter balance
stressed caused by external loads so as to improve the performance and
durability of steel members [2, 3]. Table 2. Experimental strain and load results of steel beams at buckling stage.
The main purpose of this work is to inspect and get more info about the Exp. Max. Experimental mid span at buckling
buckling behaviour of steel beams strengthened by external prestressing Maximum
Buckling stages (εc. x 10-6)
No. Sample applied load
strands at different eccentricity location and comparing with reference load, (Pc)
(Pu),(kN) Bottom Top Bottom of
(kN) Top flange
steel beam. flange of web web
Ref. O 287.5 250 -3921 6431 -1500 5166
1 OM000 289 270 -1440 1885 -2566 1707
2 OM101 372.5 370 -16000 2559 -11932 1809
Experimental Program 3 OM112 397.5 390 -15100 5350 -6303 1435
4 OM123 357.5 350 -13060 3610 -4554 2603
The variable parameters involved in this research are concentrated mainly
5 OM234 537.5 535 -12459 5855 -11893 2880
on the presence of external prestressing strands and layout of
6 OM105 465 460 -4052 3002 -16227 1838
prestressing level (i.e. the eccentricity of the external prestressing strand
(e)). Seven simply supported steel beams were fabricated and tested to
explain the influence of external prestressing strands on the buckling
stage behaviour of steel beams. Steel beams have the same gross
sectional area, ends steel plate (25 x 125 x 250 mm), clear span length
(2850 mm) and the strengthened sample was implemented by two
external prestressing strands of (12.7 mm) diameter. Hot rolled steel
section, H248 x 124 with 25.7 kg/m of SS400 is specified in JISG 3101
requirement is used in this study [7, 8 and 9].

All the details of tested specimens are shown in Table .1 and Fig. 1.

(A) Buckling load of tested beams (B) Percentages of increasing Buckling load of tested beams

Figure.2 Buckling and Percentages of increasing in buckling load of tested beams compared with reference steel
Table 1. Tested Beams Details beam

No. Sample Strand Profile Beams Eccentricity of prestressing Table 3. Experimental results of strain in tested beams
Shape strands (𝑒), (mm) Exp. Strain and percentage increase in strain at mid span locations at buckling stages
First buckling segment part

𝑒 1* 𝑒2** 𝑒3***
Bottom of web (εc) ×10 -6
Percentage of increase in

Percentage of increase in

Percentage of increase in

Percentage of increase in
Bottom flange (εc) × 10-6

Ref. O ---- ---- ---- ----

Top of web (εc) ×10-6
Top flange (εc) × 10-6


bottom of web,%
bottom flange, %
top flange, %

1 OM000 Straight 0 0 0
top web,%

2 OM101 Draped 96 0 19.5

O -3921 0 6431 0 -1500 0 5166 -3921 Top of web

3 OM112 Draped 96 20 35.5 OM000 -1440 -63.274 1885 -70.688 -2566 71.066 1707 -1440 Top of flange

OM101 -16000 308.059 2559 -60.208 -11932 695.466 1809 -16000 Top of web

4 OM123 Straight 96 96 96 OM112 -15100 285.105 5350 -16.809 -6303 320.200 1435 -15100 Top of web

OM123 -13060 233.078 3610 -43.865 -4554 203.600 2603 -13060 Top of web
5 OM234 Straight 165 165 165 OM234 -12459 217.750 5855 -8.9566 -11893 692.866 2880 -12459 Top of web

OM105 -4052 3.340 3002 -53.319 -16227 981.800 1838 -4052 Top of web
6 OM105 Sine-wave 96 0 -39
Where: - e1* = Eccentricity of external prestressing strands at middle span, e2** = Eccentricity of external prestressing
strands at end span, e3*** = Eccentricity of external prestressing strands at shear zone. Conclusions
The following conclusions are drawn from the experimental results:
1. The maximum buckling load of strengthened tested beams increases
with the increasing of strand eccentricity at constant applied jacking
stress. The enhancement in maximum buckling load of strengthened
tested beams reaches to 114% in the OM234 sample compared with
the reference beam.
2. The percentage increase in buckling to ultimate load ratio (𝑃𝑐/𝑃𝑢) for
the strengthened tested beams increases with the increasing of strand
eccentricity. The maximum percentage increases in buckling to
ultimate load ratio (𝑃𝑐/𝑃𝑢) of strengthened tested beams reaches to
14.5% in the OM234 sample as compare with the reference beam.
3. The percentage increase in strain in top flange in the buckling stage for
strengthened tested beams increases with the increasing of strand
Figure.1 Prestressing strands profiles of tested beams eccentricity at constant applied jacking stress. While the strain in
bottom flange decreased.

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