s-20ph10 - Electromagnetic Induction Motional and Induced Emf Faraday's Law

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Motional EMF
Electromagnetic Induction

Chapter 10 – Electromagnetic Induction:

Motional and Induced EMF.
Faraday’s Law

UM-SJTU Joint Institute

Physics II (Fall 2020)
Mateusz Krzyzosiak

UM-SJTU Joint Institute Physics II (Fall 2020) Mateusz Krzyzosiak

Chapter 10 – Electromagnetic Induction: Motional and Induced

1 Introduction

2 Motional EMF
Flux Rule For Motional EMF

3 Electromagnetic Induction
Experimental Observations
Faraday’s Law and Lenz’s Rule
Induced Electric Field
Faraday’s Law (Differential Form)
Motional EMF
Electromagnetic Induction


UM-SJTU Joint Institute Physics II (Fall 2020) Mateusz Krzyzosiak

Chapter 10 – Electromagnetic Induction: Motional and Induced

Three experiments

Common effect: Current in the clockwise direction.

Introduction Mechanism
Motional EMF Flux Rule For Motional EMF
Electromagnetic Induction Examples

Motional EMF

UM-SJTU Joint Institute Physics II (Fall 2020) Mateusz Krzyzosiak

Chapter 10 – Electromagnetic Induction: Motional and Induced
Experiment 1

Consider a conducting bar

moving in a uniform mag-
netic field.

After the circuit is closed

(outside the region with
the magnetic field), the
electric current flows.

Compare with a battery

Here, the role of the chemical pro- motional electromotive force

cesses is played by the Lorentz
force. V12 = E
Motional EMF

Elementary work per unit charge (Γ refers to

the loop at an instant of time)
E = (v × B) ◦ dl.

In this case E = vBh (contribution only due

to the bar).

What does work here? A pulling force.

Note. The current flows in the direction as to oppose the pulling force
(magnetic force on the bar acts to the left).
Flux Rule For Motional EMF
Magnetic flux through surface Σ
bounded by Γ
ΦB = B ◦ dA = Bxh.

(orientation of the loop implies n̂ into the page).

As the loop moves, the flux decreases
dΦB dx
= Bh = − |{z}
dt dt

E=− flux rule for motional emf

1 Valid also for non-rectangular loops (the loop may also change its
shape), arbitrary direction of motion, non-uniform magnetic field.
2 Sign of the emf (i.e. current direction)

3 The emf opposes the change of the flux.

Example (a). Slidewire Generator
Consider a metal bar on a metal track.

motional emf — only moving parts (the bar) contribute

flux rule
Work and Power in Slidewire Generator
Force needed to move the bar with con-
stant velocity

F ext = −F B = −I (l × B)
|F ext | = IhB

Let R — resistance of the bar and the U-shaped part of the circuit
(assume it is constant). Then
|E| |E| B 2 h2 v
I = =⇒ Fext = hB = .
B 2 h2 v 2
provided Pext = Fext v = R ,
B 2 h2 v 2 B 2 h2 v 2
dissipated (due to resistance) Pdiss = I 2 R = R2 R= R .
Mechanical energy (work done by external force pulling the bar)
transformed into electrical energy.
Generated current opposes the process of its generation.
Lenz’s Rule.
Example (b). Faraday Disk Dynamo
Metal disk with radius R rotating with constant angular speed ω; placed
in uniform magnetic field.

Force per unit charge at a distance l from the axis

= v × B = ωlB l̂.
Motional emf (no definite path the current flows
along; non–zero contribution from the disk only)
E = ωlB dl = ωBR 2 = const (DC generator)
Example (c). Alternator – AC Generator

Magnetic flux

ΦB = B ◦ A = BA cos ϕ = BA cos ωt

Flux rule
E =− = ωBA sin ωt
Comment. Alternator with a Commutator

E = ωBA| sin ωt|

Experimental Observations
Introduction Faraday’s Law and Lenz’s Rule
Motional EMF Induced Electric Field
Electromagnetic Induction Faraday’s Law (Differential Form)

Electromagnetic Induction

UM-SJTU Joint Institute Physics II (Fall 2020) Mateusz Krzyzosiak

Chapter 10 – Electromagnetic Induction: Motional and Induced
Experiments 2 and 3
The loop is stationary; magnetic field changes.

Experimental observations
[B – uniform; Σ — planar surface bounded by a stationary loop (wire)]
Experimental Observations
Introduction Faraday’s Law and Lenz’s Rule
Motional EMF Induced Electric Field
Electromagnetic Induction Faraday’s Law (Differential Form)

Faraday’s Law

UM-SJTU Joint Institute Physics II (Fall 2020) Mateusz Krzyzosiak

Chapter 10 – Electromagnetic Induction: Motional and Induced
Induced EMF. Faraday’s Law. Lenz’s Rule
The phenomenon of the emf appearing in a stationary loop due to
time–dependent magnetic flux is known as the electromagnetic
induction. The emf generated in this process is called the induced
emf (or transformer emf)
Once again, the generated emf (and the corresponding current)
opposes the process of its generation.

Universal flux rule: The emf

is due to motional emf (moving loop) or/and induced emf
(stationary loop).
Lenz’s Rule

The direction of the generated current (both for the mo-

tional emf and the induced emf) is such as to oppose the
process of its generation.

No perpetuum mobile possible.
Recall Le Chatelier–Braun principle from chemistry: When a settled
system is disturbed, it will adjust to diminish the change that has
been made to it.
Experimental Observations
Introduction Faraday’s Law and Lenz’s Rule
Motional EMF Induced Electric Field
Electromagnetic Induction Faraday’s Law (Differential Form)

Induced Electric Field

UM-SJTU Joint Institute Physics II (Fall 2020) Mateusz Krzyzosiak

Chapter 10 – Electromagnetic Induction: Motional and Induced
Induced Electric Field
Important question: What is driving the charges
flowing along the loop?

(long solenoid; cross-sectional area A; number of turns per unit length n)

Magnetic flux through Σ

ΦB = BA = µ0 nIA,

and − dΦ dI
dt = −µ0 nA dt = E (positive if

dI /dt < 0).

Can it be the magnetic force that drives the charges? No! B = 0 at Γ.

There has to be an induced electric field, and the corresponding force
pushes the charges along the loop Γ.
Conservative vs. Non–Conservative Electric Fields

Conclusion Time–dependent magnetic flux induces (generates)

electric field.

What is the nature of this electric field?

Faraday’s Law (Differential Form)
Compare (here Γ is a stationary loop)
E = E ◦ dl = (∇ × E ) ◦ dA
and Z Z  
dΦB d ∂B
E=− =− B ◦ dA = − ◦ dA.
dt dt ∂t

∇×E =− ,
that is the electric field is non-conservative in general (rot E 6= 0).This is
the differential form of Faraday’s law.

In general (non–stationary loop)

Example (a)
The radius of a circular conducting loop decreases at
constant rate α from an initial value of R0 . The mag-
netic field B, perpendicular to the plane of the circle, is
Find the emf induced in the wire.
= −α =⇒ r (t) = R0 − αt
Magnetic flux dΦB = B ◦ dA = Bπr 2 (t), hence

dΦB dr 2 (t) dr (t)

E = − = −Bπ = −Bπ2r (t)
dt dt dt
= −Bπ2(R0 − αt)(−α) = 2Bπ(R0 − αt)α

(until t = R0 /α).

Since E > 0, the corresponding current flows in the positive (i.e.

counterclockwise) direction [see the orientation of n̂]. This is compatible
with Lenz’s Rule.
Example (b)
A metal bar with mass m and length l and re-
sistance R can slide on a vertical metal frame of
negligible resistance. The magnetic field (per-
pendicular to the frame’s plane) is uniform.

Find the speed of the bar as a function of time.

Assume vx (0) = 0.

bar moves =⇒ flux through the surface defined by the loop changes =⇒ emf

ΦB = ΦB (t + dt) − ΦB (t) =
= Bl(x + dx) − Blx = Bldx

Hence, from Faraday’s law, the emf

dΦB dx
E=− = −Bl = −Blvx < 0.
dt dt
The corresponding current flows in the negative (clockwise, when looking
from behind the slide) direction.
|E| Blvx
The current is time-dependent. Its magnitude I = R = R .
Net force on the bar (gravitation + magnetic force)

B 2 l2
Fx = mg − BI l = mg − vx

Equation of motion

B 2 l2 B 2 l2
dvx dvx mgR
m = mg − vx =⇒ =− vx − 2 2 .
dt R dt Rm B l

Solution (separate variables and integrate)

vZx (t) Zt vx − BmgR

2 2
dvx B l 2 l2 B 2 l2
=− dt =⇒ ln =− t.
vx − BmgR
2 l2
Rm − BmgR

2 l2
0 0

But vx < mgR/B 2 l 2 (the rhs is the terminal speed). Hence

B 2 l 2 − vx B 2 l2 mgR  B 2 l2

ln mgR
=− t =⇒ vx (t) = 2 2
1 − e − Rm t .
B 2 l2
Rm B l

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