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Lesson Plan: HITEC University, Taxila Cantt

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HITEC University, Taxila Doc #

Cantt Date of Issue 19 Sep 2017

Course Code BS-103

Lesson Plan
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DEPARTMENT: Mechanical Engineering

COURSE CODE-COURSE NAME: BS-103– Applied Engineering Physics CR: 2-0

COURSE DESCRIPTION: At the end of this course, student will understand the basic concepts
of the core subjects in mechanical engineering.


1. Fundamentals of Physics 8th Edition by Halliday Resnick
1. Engineering Mechanics Statics7e2012 by J.L. Meriam L.G. Craig.


Following PLOs are addressed in the course:
PLO-I: Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and
engineering to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PLO-2: Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature and analyse
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CLO-1: Describe the basic concepts of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and modern physics.
CLO-2: Demonstrate how to find centroid and moment of inertia of an object. (C2-Understand)
CLO-3: Apply the basic concepts and solve the problems in mechanics. (C3-Apply)

This course refreshes basic understanding and introduces some new concept relevant to different
fields. It expands students’ knowledge base in the fields such as Mechanics of Materials,
Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics etc.

Instruction 55%
Discussion 15%
Exercises/Tutorial 30%
HITEC University, Taxila Doc #
Cantt Date of Issue 19 Sep 2017

Course Code BS-103

Lesson Plan
Page# 2 of 4

Module Topic References Week/Lecture

I Introduction: Units in different systems of all terms Text Book 1 1
used in Mechanical Engineering course and their (Chap. 1)
mutual conversions. Dimensionless quantities.

II Mechanics Text Book 1 2-3

Vectors: Components of a vector in space, in (Chap.3)
Cartesian & polar co-ordinates. Scalar & Vector
product with examples. Basic Statics and
dynamics Problems.

III Centroid/Areas/Volumes: Calculating centroids of Ref. Book 1 4-5

different regular shapes normally encountered in (Chap.5)
mechanical engineering. Calculating first and second
moment of areas.

IV Moments of Inertia: Calculating Moments of Text Book 1 6-8

Inertia about different axis and its significance. (Chap. 13)
Significance of polar moment of inertia. Newton’s
laws of Mechanics, Work done, Potential Energy and
Kinetic Energy.

V Simple Harmonic Motion Text Book 1 9-10

(Chap. 15)
Simple Harmonic Motion and its significance in
Mechanical Engineering. Calculating instantaneous
displacement, velocity and acceleration in SHM.
Waves and Oscillation.

VI Fluid Mechanics: Difference between solids and Text Book 1 11

fluids, classifications of fluids, Newton law of fluids, (Chap. 14)
viscosity and surface tension, types of pressure,
specific gravity and basic instruments use for
measurement of fluids properties.
HITEC University, Taxila Doc #
Cantt Date of Issue 19 Sep 2017

Course Code BS-103

Lesson Plan
Page# 3 of 4

VII Thermodynamics: Laws of thermodynamics, Text Book 1 12-13

control volume, point function and path function, (Chap. 18)
system, surrounding and states, intensive and
extensive properties, Heat, Work done, Entropy,
Thermodynamic units

VIII Electrostatic & Magnetism: Coulomb's Law, Text Book 1 14

Gauss’s Law, Electric Field, Magnetic Field & Force (Chap. 21-
in conductors. 26)

IX Modern Physics: Photoelectric Effects, Compton Text Book 1 15-16

Effect, Atomic Spectra, Electronic Microscope & (Chap. 35-
Telescope, Nuclear Forces, Optical Physics, Convex 36)
& Concave Lenses, Fringes, Constructive &
Destructive Interference.

Module # CLO Teaching Assessment Learning PLO’s To
# Methodology Methodology Domain with Target
VI + VII + 1 Lectures + Quiz + final C2 PLO1
VIII+IX Discussions
III + IV 2 Lectures + Quiz + sessional + C2 PLO1
Discussions final
I + II +V 3 Lectures + Quiz + sessional + C3 PLO2
Discussions final

Lectures, Light Discussions, Queries and Problem-Solving Practices
HITEC University, Taxila Doc #
Cantt Date of Issue 19 Sep 2017

Course Code BS-103

Lesson Plan
Page# 4 of 4

The course will include two one-hour tests during the semester. In addition, quizzes at the end of
each module may be set. A comprehensive final examination over the all module, of at least 3
hours duration, will be set at the end of the course. Evaluation will be competency based and
student grades will be based on the following factors.
Quizzes 10%
Assignments 05%
Presentation 05%
Sessional I 20%
Sessional II 20%
Final Exam 40%
Total 100%

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