Grade 8 English Module 1ST Quarter
Grade 8 English Module 1ST Quarter
Grade 8 English Module 1ST Quarter
Unit Objectives
In this unit, you should be able to:
● describe the notable literary genres contributed by African writers;
● identify the distinguishing features of notable African poetry, folktales, and short stories; and
● explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a particular literary
Proverbs and Riddles Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe wrote in Things Fall Apart: “Among the
Igbo… Proverbs are the palm-oil in which words are eaten.” Palm oil is an essential ingredient in
African food and is used and given as presents on special occasions. Referring to proverbs as
palm oil means words for them also sustain life, just like food does. Proverbs or words are
essential to the community. They are used and given in conversation to maintain good
relationships. This proverb implies the value that Africans, particularly the Igbo community, put
in good conversation.
The poem begins with the speaker or persona directly addressing “Africa” as if it
were a human being. Here, the poet effectively uses apostrophe, a figure of speech,
to commend and interrogate “Africa.” The use of personal pronoun in the phrase
“Africa, my Africa” that is slightly repeated in “Africa, tell me Africa” suggests
ownership and belongingness of the persona. The speaker, who may be the poet
himself or any African in diaspora, seems to be distant from the land. The lines
“distant river” and “I have never known you” imply that the persona speaks from
afar. At first, the speaker praises the land for its “proud warriors in ancestral
savannahs,” which recognizes the precolonial culture of Africa.
Since the independence of African nations from the 1950s onward, literature reflects modern
societies or postcolonial problems. Analyzing African Prose Forms
In analyzing prose forms, use the elements of fiction such as characters, setting, mood, conflict,
plot, and theme.
1. Character – a person or animal who does the actions in the literary work. The following
terms are useful for describing characters:
a. A protagonist is the main character in a story.
b. An antagonist is a character who struggles against the main character.
c. A major character is one who plays an important role in a literary work.
d. A minor character is one who plays a lesser role.
2. Setting – the time and place in which a written work of prose happens. In fiction, setting is
often revealed through the description of the landscape, scenery, buildings, furniture, seasons, or
3. Mood or atmosphere – the emotion created in the reader by a piece of writing. Mood is
created through descriptions of the setting, characters, and events.
4. Conflict – a struggle between two or more people, things, or concepts in a literary work. One
side of the central conflict in a work of fiction is usually taken by the protagonist.
The protagonist might struggle against the antagonist (man vs. man),
against the forces of nature (man vs. nature), against a larger group of people (man vs. society),
or against a part of himself or herself (man vs. self).
5. Plot – a series of events related to a central conflict or struggle. A typical plot involves the
following elements:
a. The exposition tells about the setting and introduces the characters.
b. The rising action is the event that introduces the central conflict or struggle.
c. The climax is the point of highest interest and suspense.
d. The falling action is the part in which the story’s loose ends are tied.
e. The resolution and denouement (de-noh-mah) is the point at which the centralconflict, or
struggle, is ended, or in some cases, causes another inciting incident, which leads to another
story. The plot is usually illustrated by the Freytag Pyramid, named after the literary scholar
Gustav Freytag:
UNIT 2 Expository Texts
There are times when we turn to reading materials such as books, magazines, and even the
internet to gather information about topics that interest us. These materials are especially helpful
in providing us not just the facts but also ideas and insights that the writer may have. In this unit,
you will discover how to read, gather, and decipher information from these texts.
Unit Objectives
In this unit, you should be able to:
● scan for logical connectors to determine the text type;
● skim to determine key ideas;
● use the appropriate reading style (scanning, skimming, speed reading, intensive reading etc.)
for one’s purpose;
● read intensively to determine the author’s purpose;
● present ideas using a variety of graphic organizers; and
● organize ideas in one-step word, phrase, and sentence outline forms.
Pair Activity Find a partner. Go to the library and look for a short text from any material that
you believe you can get information from about the asteroid belt. Share this text in class and
explain why you and your partner chose this text.
Quick Writes In three minutes, write one paragraph that answers the writing prompt. Afterward,
share your answer in class.
Reading techniques may be helpful in deciphering information which the reader may find
difficult to understand. These reading techniques are:
a. Skimming - this reading technique looks into the overview of the text to identify the main idea
of the text to be read. You may look at the title, the headings and subheadings, and the first
paragraph to get an idea of the text and its structure.
b. Scanning - this reading technique looks into specific information that the reader will need. The
reader may have an idea of what to look for depending on the information they need such as
names, numbers, phrases, etc.
c. Extensive reading - this reading technique allows readers to enjoy reading for pleasure to gain
a deeper understanding of the text.
d. Intensive reading - this reading technique is often used for readers to understand specific
concepts and information.
e. Speed reading - this reading technique is often a combination of reading strategies that aims to
get as much information as possible in a given time. This involves looking into key sentences
and words which will help readers easily get information about the text.
Since expository texts provide information, there are particular ways in which we can easily
go through to get these facts and understand the text in a deeper way.
Here are some strategies which can help you in reading these kinds of texts:
In the previous lesson, we discussed text structures that are normally used in writing
expository texts. These structures have logical connectors. These logical connectors may be
in the form of subordinating conjunctions, prepositions, transitions and conjunctive adverbs.
Check Your Understanding
Identify the appropriate text structure in the sentences:
1. Everyone deserves to feel appreciated because we are all worth loving.
2. Although there are evidences of extraterrestrial encounters on Earth, scientists have not
gathered concrete proof on their existence.
3. They will give us the money provided that we give up a portion of our share.
4. By the time the Earth celebrates the new year, New Horizons will fly by the Kuiper Belt
5. They will finish the cycle despite the fact that they are tired. Read the following text and
answer the questions that follow:
Traditional Chinese makeup such as their own version of lip tint are from different
ingredients from nature. To create a bright red lip tint, they pound a couple of the outermost
petal of roses with white wine and lemon juice until it forms a paste. Filter the rose petal
paste. Once all the juices are filtered, heat it up until reduced to half. After that, soak pieces
of paper to the reduced juice and transfer it to a mat to dry.
1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. Which sentence gave you an idea about the main idea?
3. What text structure was used in the text?
4. Give three logical connectors that support your answer to #3. 5. How did the reading
strategies help you in understanding this text?
Look at the following words. For two minutes, try to sort these words in a logical manner.
Unit Objectives
In this unit, you should be able to:
● use appropriate cohesive devices in composing an informative speech; ● use parallel
● deliver a self-composed informative speech; and
● use appropriate prosodic features of speech when delivering lines.
● Details Speeches of this type use relevant examples and utilize smooth transitions.
They are delivered in a conversational tone. Providing examples either orally or through
the use of visual aids helps the audience understand the main point.
Check Your Understanding
Identify what is being described in each number.
1. What part of an informative speech includes a summary of the points explained?
2. Which feature of an informative speech refers to the clear and logical order of details?
3. Which category of informative speech refers to the series of activities that end in a result?
4. What is needed in informative listening that requires you to having the right mindset?
5. What kind of disposition in listening is shown when one judges the information immediately
after listeningcarefully
Lesson 2: Writing an Informative Speech
In Lesson 1, you learned about what makes up an informative speech
and what available types there are. You are now ready to write your own
informative speech. This lesson will guide you on how to do it.
As a listener, what do you expect from an informative speaker? What are the things you expect
to see in the manuscript of his/her speech? Write down as many expectations in the spaces
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
Learn About It! An informative speech may explain something most readers would not know. It
can present the recent research on a topic. It may define an intricate word, evaluate a cause and
effect relationship or teach readers how to solve a problem or acquire knowledge to solve a
Check Your Understanding
Identify the cohesive device used in the following sentences:
_________1. Myrna is a studious person. She is known to be very bookish. _________2. The
White House gave a statement this morning.
_________3. My mother thinks it was sweet but my brother said it was sour. _________4. Theo
made an apple pie; however, it was eaten by his sisters. _________5. More heads are needed to
make this project work.
least 10 sentences about your favorite hobby using at least three cohesive devices. Make sure that
your sentences observe parallel structures.
This lesson will guide you on how to ace delivering your informative speech.
Think of an effective informative speaker you heard recently.
What made you listen to his/her speech all throughout?
Share your answers with a seatmate.
● Juncture Disregarding juncture can make your speech hard to understand. If you tell a
carpenter to build a greenhouse, make sure that you don’t end up with a green house or a
house that is green. If you ask someone to give you the night rate, see to it that it does not
sound like nitrate.
● Speech rate Speech rate is calculated in the number of words spoken in a minute. Slow
rate projects calmness, acceptance of others, and formality, while too slow projects an
image of dullness, listlessness, apathy, laziness, and lack of intelligence. A fast rate
projects animation, enthusiasm, excitement, and informality, while too fast suggests
nervousness, tension, anxiety, or a flighty personality.
UNIT 4 Understanding Words and
While reading an article or watching your favorite movie, do you often come
across an unfamiliar word? Do you know that you can understand an
unknown word or expression based on the context of the passage?
Context clues refer to the words or phrases around the unfamiliar word.
Taking note of these words or phrases can hold the key to unlocking the
meaning of unknown words.
Unit Objectives
In this unit, you should be able to:
● determine the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting context clues and
collocations; and
● determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
context clues.
This lesson will make you familiar with common idiomatic expressions and their
figurative meanings.
Draw what you understand of the following sentences with underlined phrases.
1. Jessica hit the sack as she was so tired doing her homework.
2. Michael has to think on his feet to finish his Math problem in 5 minutes.
3. The Math homework is just a piece of cake for Jenna.
4. Joana and Karen are in the same boat having a hard time with the Biology class.
5. This time, Matthew hit the books seriously so he could pass the History exam.
What words usually go with these words?
1. ______________ pain
2. ______________ wine
3. ______________ door
4. walk _____________
5. snake __________
Different culture may have a different vocabulary and other different ways
of expressing their thoughts and emotions. All societies have their own
jargon, slang words, or expressions that are shared within the culture.
Learning such words or expressions is the key not only to understanding the
local culture and language but also to expanding your vocabulary.
Idioms and collocations are words and expressions that reflect local culture.
Collocations There are times when language learners make mistakes called
literal translation. This happens because they are not familiar with the
collocations that exist in the target language for a particular word.
Let’s take a look at the examples below:
Check Your Understanding
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:
Before, women do not choose to become a geisha. They are usually bought by zegens from poor
farming families who could use a few thousand yens for new farming equipment or for feeding
the rest of their family. When the girls sold look beautiful or have talent in dancing or singing,
they were taken to a geisha okaasan to be sold. Once accepted, they live in an okiya together
with 2 or 3 more geisha. These girls would start off as maids who took care of the household
work, run errands for the okaasan, and assist in preparations for their onee-san’s work in the
evening. These girls are expected to respect the okaasan as she is considered as the head of their
household and should be treated like their mother in the house. The younger members of the
okiya should also respect the senior geisha like their older sisters.
When we analyze a poem, it is almost impossible not to examine the history, society, and even
the life of the poet behind each poem.
Poetry is, indeed, considered as one of the best avenues to express emotions, especially if
everyday words cannot fully describe one’s particular view about the world.
Once you probe deeper into the realm of poetry, you will discover the wonderful possibilities
that it has to offer.
Unit Objectives
In this unit, you should be able to:
● use the appropriate prosodic features of speech when reading a poem;
● distinguish between and among verbal, situational, and dramatic types of irony and give
examples for each;
● evaluate the personal significance of a literary text;
● identify the distinguishing features of notable East Asian poems and use appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea development; and
● show appreciation for the aesthetic value of poetry by reading a poem with proper emotions,
diction, and enunciation.
pertains to a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements. It is strongly linked
with stress and intonation, and it is mostly determined by the beats of stressed syllables of certain
words in sentences or phrases. Taken together, stress, rhythm, and intonation are necessary
components to be able to deliver a poem properly.
Learning about these elements can actually be fun, and applying them can make a poem come to
Read the poem “Regret” by Olivia Ward Bush-Banks. Apply the appropriate intonation, rhythm,
and stress as you read it out loud.
1. Based on the given excerpt, what do you think is the poem “The Still Small Voice”
2. What emotion should the reader convey while reading the poem out loud?
3. What do you think is being referred to by the still small voice in the poem?
4. Based on the third stanza, who can hear the still small voice?
5. On a sheet of paper, copy the poem and highlight all the syllables that are supposed to
be stressed.
Lesson 2: Types of Irony
At some points in our lives, we have encountered someone who has said something that
is different from what he or she actually meant, or we have experienced an event that was
quite contrary to what was expected to happen. This kind of occurrence is called irony.
Form six large groups in class and listen to Alanis Morissette’s song “Ironic.” A copy of
the song as well as its lyrics can be found online. Identify the ironies present in the lyrics
of the song and classify each of them as dramatic, situational, or verbal irony.
1. Dramatic irony occurs when the audience is aware of something that the characters
in the story are not aware of. Either one or more of the characters is left in the dark,
having no idea of what is about to come. This type of ironyis very common in films
and plays.
An example of dramatic irony is in the movie, Titanic. The audience is fully aware
that the ship is sinking after it hits the iceberg, but the characters are not aware of it.
2. Situational irony occurs when the exact opposite of what is expected to happen,
happens. This means that both the audience and the characters in the story are
unaware of the consequences of the situation.
An example of situational irony is when a fire station burns down. Anyone would
expect that a fire station is a structure that contains all equipment to extinguish fire
and with firefighters who take all precautions necessary in order to prevent fire from
starting or occurring.
a. The word sarcasm was derived from the French word sarcasmor, as well as from
the Greek word sarkazein, which means “to tear flesh” or “to grind the teeth.”
Sarcasm is a literary and rhetorical device that has an intention to mock or insult
using satirical or ironic remarks.
c. Understatement is a figure of speech employed by writers or speakers to
intentionally make a situation seem less important than it really is. An
understatement usually has an ironic effect given that an equally intense response
is expected in severe situations but the statement in response to it is the opposite
of what was expected. It is less intense but, of course, with an ironic tone.
Here are some guide questions to help you interpret the poem:
1. Based solely on the tile of the poem, what do you think is the poem about?
2. What was the persona trying to do?
3. What are the ways by which the persona tried to accomplish his goal?
4. Was the persona able to accomplish his or her goal? Why or why not?
5. What type(s) of irony is/are used in the poem?
Like the signposts on the road that guide a traveler on his journey, transition words
show the reader the link between ideas. There are different patterns by which the
author’s ideas are developed. In determining the pattern of development in a text,
look for transition words. These words may help us identify the pattern of
development, leading to a better understanding of the meaning of the text.
These two sentences imply that the writer loves reading books because it keeps him or her
awake at night.
To improve the sentence, the transition word because can be used. To change the relationship
between the sentences, however, other transition words can also be used. Transition words and
phrases have the power to show and change the connection between ideas. To show how
transitions guide us, we will use the words even though. I love reading books even though it
keeps me awake at night. In this example, the writer now tells how he loves reading books
despite the fact that it keeps him or her awake at night. Notice how the connection between two
ideas relies heavily on transition words. It gives the reader more information about the writer’s
thoughts, whether the intention of the writer is to show emphasis, addition, comparison or
contrast, illustration, or cause and effect. Transition words can be classified according to the type
of transition it provides. They are classified as follows:
Lesson 5: East and Southeast Asian Poems
“A poem should not mean, but be.“ – Archibald MacLeish on “Ars Poetica” Archibald
MacLeish, a prominent American poet and writer, conveyed his idea on how to criticize a poem
using his poem “Ars Poetica.”
He stated that there is a naked meaning of a poem, as if it is the ultimate expression of the art-
for-art’s-sake principle.
Following the perspective, a poem can defy the “hair splitting analysis of literary criticism,”
which means that poets are allowed to go beyond and violate the grammatical rules of a language
especially when they have to express their thoughts and emotions in a poem.
Form groups of six or seven people each. Each group will look at Matsuo Bashō’s haiku below:
To the old pond A frog leaps in. And the sound of the water. In each group, discuss the following
1) What is the scene being captured in the haiku?
2) Does the haiku create a full picture of the scene being captured?
3) What senses does the haiku trigger in the reader?
4) Is this poetic form able to create enough imagery in the reader? Why or why not?
“The Dead Crow” discusses some of the things that will happen if the environment is destroyed.
The persona in the poem is sad, as more people are becoming ill and having breathing problems
despite the fact that that their country is self-sufficient.
A crow is used as a symbol in this poem. A crow is a strong bird that feeds on rubbish or wastes
and is able to live in a dirty place.
But in this poem, the persona found a dead crow, which died due to a very bad environment.
This symbolizes that the country where the persona lives is badly polluted and can cause even a
tough crow to die.
The poem itself is comparable to the song “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson, wherein the
persona is really praying and hoping for a better place to live in.
UNIT 6: Folktales
Every nation, community, or place has a vast collection of stories that are passed down from one
generation to another.
These stories shared by people can bring closeness to one another, deepen one’s understanding
of himself and the world, and develop appreciation of one’s culture and identity.
A good example of stories in which people may learn a lot about their place are folktales.
Folktales are more than just ancient narratives. They reveal culture, traditions, and customs.
Thus, they carry with them the treasures of the past for us to understand and appreciate where we
are now.
This type of literary selection reflects the shared beliefs, practices, norms, and rules of a certain
group or community. It may either recount ordinary affairs or supernatural events in which moral
lessons are taught.
In this unit, we will learn about folktales and read a story from Chinese literature.
Unit Objectives
In this unit, you should be able to:
● evaluate the personal significance of a literary text through relating content or theme to
previous experiences and background knowledge;
● distinguish between and among verbal, situational, and dramatic types of irony and give
examples each; and
● use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea
development: general to particular, claim and counterclaim, problem-solution, cause-effect, and
Lesson 1: Folktales
In the previous lesson, we learned about the elements of a story and the different
types of prose text. In this unit, we will focus on one literary genre, which is
KWL Chart Answer the first two columns. Then, at the end of the lesson, complete the last
Undoubtedly, literature has the power to shape the beliefs and ways of these nations occupying
Asia. In fact, China at one point made a twenty-fourth century BC song its National Anthem.
Folktales are stories about traditions, beliefs, and practices of common people, which are passed
from one generation to another and preserved by word of mouth.
In Asia, the collection of folktales is comprised of Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and
Filipino. During the early days, our ancestors used made-up stories to explain an occurrence, to
entertain themselves, and sometimes to frighten the children. (Like ungo², sigbin, aswang, chanak
and all)
Characteristics of a Folktale:
1. It displays primary beliefs and customs, such as the value of family and their
community, as well as respect for elders. An example is a story about conflict
between good and evil.
2. It has been handed down from one generation to another by word of mouth.
Therefore, folktales were part of oral tradition until the first people invented
3. It is a made-up story from the distant past.
4. It uses magic as its major theme.
Lesson 2: A Chinese Folktale
China has taken steps in preserving its literature. While preserving literary texts is common in
most cultures, the Chinese value their literature immensely and has maintained both its spoken
and written stories despite the differences in regional dialects within their country. Today, the
Chinese are well-known for writing a wide range of stories including their 104 folktales that
reflect the beliefs and traditions of the Chinese during the ancient times. In this lesson, you’ll
read and learn more about the Chinese folktale.
In this unit, you will learn about some common signal words that will help you in forming a
coherent argument or proposition.
Informal Debate If you were to choose among these three, wealth, beauty or brains, which one
would you choose and why? Write down your thoughts in your notebook. Then, upon your
teacher’s signal, go to the respective area assigned by your teacher representing your choice.
Anyone in your group can speak up and share his or her responses.
Learn About It!
The purpose of an argument is to persuade or convince a person or a group of people about a
certain case or situation. In order to win an argument, one must need to know its parts.
The four parts of an argument are claims, counterclaims, evidence, and reasons.
A claim is what one thinks is true about a topic based on knowledge and research. When you
make a claim, it must be argumentative since you are convincing someone to agree to your
interpretation or understanding of a subject. To establish this, we need evidence backed up by