Advanced Lifting Program

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The document outlines an 8-week intermediate fitness workout plan split into push, pull, and leg days with exercises, sets, reps, and progression over the weeks.

The plan is split into two 4-week blocks, with exercises, sets, reps, and rest times listed for each muscle group. Exercises are to be performed with heavy weight until failure.

The main compound lifts covered are squats, bench press, overhead press, bent over rows, chin-ups, and deadlifts.

Color coordination 

Blue- Should Read

Yellow- Must Read

2020 Intermediate Fitness Workout Plan (8 Week Plan) 

The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a
substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the
guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as
you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of
your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the
recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.
By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Patrick
Reynolds, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the
aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and
release any claim which you may have against Patrick Reynolds, or its affiliates as a result of
any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or
misuse of the program. 

Complete Disclaimer: Obviously I won’t be able to workout alongside you as you work out so it
is your responsibility to perform all exercises with correct form and proper technique, I will
provide links to videos of how to properly perform the three major compound movements (squat,
deadlift, and bench press) correctly, all of which I have personally used to develop my form on
these movements. 
Please remember that this program is merely a guideline and feel free to move through this
program as you feel comfortable in conjunction with your personal schedule. 

  SUPERSET - If you see exercise ‘A1’ on line 1, exercise ‘A2’ this denotes a superset:
- Perform set 1 for exercise ‘A1’ - immediately move on to exercise ‘A2’
- Rest for the prescribed duration (for exercise ‘A2’) following the completion of the set - Repeat
this back and forth process until all sets have been completed


REPS -The number of times you raise and lower the resistance/weight The number of times you
repeat the prescribed number of rep
DB- Dumbbell
BB- Barbell
EZ Bar- A slight variation on the regular barbell, shaped with curves and grooves
Pronated Grip- Palms facing the down/ground 
Supinated Grip- Palms facing up/sky
Neutral Grip- Palms facing each other (1 hand pronated/down, 1 hand supinated/up in
whichever way is more comfortable)

WARM-UP: Also before performing any exercise it is recommended that you perform the
exercise listed with half of the weight and half of the reps listed before your first working set and
perform each rep at about half the speed of normal to allow proper blood flow and muscle
warm-up before entering working sets. Do not count this as a first set.

COMPOUND MOVEMENT WARM-UP:  To warm up for each of the compound movements
please take the appropriate amount of time to completely warm up each body part involved in
the lift by using the same instructions provided above, in addition to using a foam roller and
resistance bands where you see fit, please do your personal research for different issue or
discomforts you may need to sort out.  

SETS and REPS: You will see the amount of sets and reps listed after the name of each
exercise in a form of #x# (for example 3x10) where the first number is the number of sets being
performed and the second number is the amount of reps being performed. In this case, you
would perform 3 sets of 10 reps. 

REST TIME: The amount of rest that should be recorded in between each set is listed in )
( before the name of each exercise.  

Recommended to de-load after 8 weeks then

The 8 Weeks Is split into two 4 week blocks,
after you do one block you increase the
weights and start the new block, compare
the first block numbers with the second
block to make sure you are challenging
yourself (example, if in the first block you did 3x10
Incline Dumbbell press with 60’s next time you see Incline
Dumbbell press do 65’s)
Track Weights After each Set to Make
Sure You’re Progressive Overloading
Have your rest day whenever it’s needed
5-3-1 Chart for Compounds (have addition warm up sets before these 3)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Set 1 65%x5 70%x3 80%x1

Set 2 75%x5 80%x3 90%x1

Set 3 85%x5 90%x3 New


% is based on your next 1 Rep Max (Example: Your 1 Rep max is 325LBS and you want to hit
335 in the next Week 3, 85%x 5 = (335x0.85) = 284.75 so your top set is 285x5)
Block 1

Push Day 1

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Bench Press (week 1 Bench Press (week 2 Bench Press( week 3 Bench Press (3x4 83%)
of Chart) Back off set Chart) Back off set Chart) Back off set
75%x5 Pause Reps 82.5%x3 Pause Reps 68%x 8 Pause Reps

Incline Dumbbell 4x8( Incline Dumbbell Incline Dumbbell Incline Dumbbell 3x15(
3x10( 3x12(

Machine Shoulder Machine Shoulder Machine Shoulder Machine Shoulder Press

Press 3x15( Press 3x12( Press 3x10( 3x8(

Incline Chest press Chest press machine Chest press machine Chest press machine
machine 3x8( 3x10( 3x12( 3x15(

Side Lateral machine Side Lateral machine Side Lateral machine Side Lateral machine
raise 3x12( raise 3x15( raise 3x12( raise 3x15(

V push down 4x10( V push down 4x8( V push down 4x12( V push down 4x15(

Leaning Single arm Leaning Single arm Leaning Single arm Leaning Single arm
raise 3x12( raise 3x15( raise 3x12( raise 3x15(

Rope push down Rope push down Rope push down Rope push down 3x12(
3x12( 3x10( 3x15(

Cable fly3x15( Cable fly3x15( Cable fly3x15( Cable fly3x15(

Single behind head Single behind head Single behind head Single behind head
extension 3x12( extension 3x15( extension 3x12( extension 3x15(

Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*Leaning Single arm raise should be leaning away from the weight and every rep should be from dead
stop with no momentum
Pull Day 1

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Reverse chin up Reverse chin up Reverse chin up Reverse chin up weighted

weighted 3x6( weighted 3x8( weighted 3x10( 3x12(

Seated Close grip Seated Close grip cable Seated Close grip Seated Close grip cable
cable row 4x15( row 4x12( cable row 4x10( row 4x8(

TBar Row machine- TBar Row machine- TBar Row TBar Row machine-
4x8( 4x10( machine- 4x12( 4x15(

Lat Pulldown- 3x15( Lat Pulldown- 3x10( Lat Pulldown- 3x8( Lat Pulldown- 3x12(

Face pulls- 2x20( Face pulls- 2x20( Face pulls- 2x20( Face pulls- 2x20(

Rope cable pull ins Rope cable pull ins Rope cable pull ins Rope cable pull ins 3x12(
3x12( 3x12( 3x12(

Bicep incline curls Bicep incline curls Bicep incline curls Bicep incline curls 3x8(
3x15( 3x12( 3x10(

Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl 3x15(
3x8( 3x10( 3x12(

21’s ez bar 2x21( 21’s ez bar 2x21( 21’s ez bar 2x21( 21’s ez bar 2x21(

A1;Wrist curls 3x15( A1;Wrist curls 3x15( A1;Wrist curls A1;Wrist curls 3x15(

A2 reverse fly3x15 A2 reverse fly3x15 A2 reverse fly3x15 A2 reverse fly3x15

Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*Pull ups/chin ups should all be dead hang and full range of motion

*All sets should be failure or very close to, so choose a weight that the desired rep range is failure

*21’s are 7 reps of the bottom half of a curl, 7 reps of the top half of a curl and 7 full reps of a curl
Leg Day 1

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Back Squat (week 1 of Back Squat (week 2 Back Squat( week 3 Back Squat (3x4 83%)
Chart) Back off set Chart) Back off set Chart) Back off set
75%x5 Pause Reps 82.5%x3 Pause Reps 68%x 8 Pause Reps

Machine/Hack Squat Machine/Hack Squat 3x12 Machine/Hack Squat Machine/Hack Squat 3x8
3x10( 3x15

RDL’s 3x10 RDL’s 3x15 RDL’s 4x8 RDL’s 3x12

A1: Leg press 3x12 A1: Leg press 3x12 A1: Leg press 3x12 A1: Leg press 3x12

A2:Seated Calve A2:Seated Calve Raise A2:Seated Calve A2:Seated Calve Raise
Raise 3x15 3x15 Raise 3x15 3x15

B1: Single leg Quad B1: Single leg Quad B1: Single leg B1: Single leg Quad
extensions 4x15( extensions 4x12( Quad extensions extensions 4x12(

B2:Single leg B2:Single leg hamstring B2:Single leg B2:Single leg hamstring
hamstring curl 4x12( curl 4x15( hamstring curl curl 4x15(
Standing Calve Raises Standing Calve Raises Standing Calve Standing Calve Raises 4x12
4x12 4x12 Raises 4x12
Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*Quad and Hamstring Extensions are meant to be done slow and controlled and really focus on the mind
muscle connection with a big squeeze at the top of each rep

*All sets should be failure or very close to, so choose a weight that the desired rep range is failure
Push Day 2

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

BB shoulder press 3x5 BB shoulder press 3x8 BB shoulder press BB shoulder press 3x3

Weighted dips 3x10( Weighted dips 3x6( Weighted dips 3x8( Weighted dips 3x15(

Incline smith 3x15( Incline smith 3x20( Incline smith 3x12( Incline smith 3x15(

Flat Machine press Flat Machine press Flat Machine press Flat Machine press 3x20(
3x12( 3x10( 3x15(

Side delt machine Side delt machine 4x10( Side delt machine Side delt machine 4x12(
4x12( 4x15(

A1:Curly bar push A1:Curly bar push A1:Curly bar push A1:Curly bar push down
down 3x10( down 3x12( down 3x15( 3x8(

A2:Swing lat raise A2:Swing lat raise A2:Swing lat raise A2:Swing lat raise 3x12(
3x15( 3x12( 3x10(

Cable fly3x12( Cable fly3x15( Cable fly3x12( Cable fly3x15(

Triceps kick back Triceps kick back 3x15( Triceps kick back Triceps kick back 3x15(
3x12( 3x12(
Behind Head Rope Behind Head Rope Cable Behind Head Rope Behind Head Rope Cable
Cable Triceps Extension Triceps Extension 3x15 Cable Triceps Triceps Extension 3x15
3x12 Extension 3x12

Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*All sets should be failure or very close to, so choose a weight that the desired rep range is failure

*Behind head Rope extension should be done very slow and feel full stretch at the bottom with each
Pull Day 2

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Weighted Pull ups Weighted Pull ups Weighted Pull ups Weighted Pull ups 4x6(
4x8( 3x10( 3x12(

Lat pull down 3x10( Lat pull down 3x12( Lat pull down Lat pull down 3x20(

Single Dumbbells Single Dumbbells Row Single Dumbbells Single Dumbbells Row
Row 3x12( 3x15( Row 3x10( 3x12(

Close grip Pull Down Close grip Pull Down Close grip Pull Close grip Pull Down
3x15 3x10 Down 3x12 3x15

Bicep Alternating Bicep Alternating Curl Bicep Alternating Bicep Alternating Curl
Curl 3x12 3x10 Curl 3x12 3x10

Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl 3x10
3x10 3x12 3x15

Cable wrist curls3x15 Cable wrist curls3x15 Cable wrist Cable wrist curls3x15
Hammer Curls 3x15 Hammer Curls 3x15 Hammer Curls 3x15 Hammer Curls 3x15

Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*Pull ups/chin ups should all be dead hang and full range of motion

*All sets should be failure or very close to, so choose a weight that the desired rep range is failure
Leg Day 2

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Deadlift Deadlift (Conventional Deadlift Deadlift (Conventional or

(Conventional or or Sumo) (week 2 (Conventional or Sumo) (3x4 83%)
Sumo) (week 1 of Chart) Back off set Sumo) ( week 3
Chart) Back off set 82.5%x3 Pause Reps Chart) Back off set
75%x5 Pause Reps 68%x 8 Pause Reps

Front Squats 3x12 Front Squats 3x10 Front Squats 4x8 Front Squats 3x15

Hip thrust 3x12 Hip thrust 3x10 Hip thrust 4x8 Hip thrust 3x12

Leg press 3x15 Leg press 3x10 Leg press 3x15 Leg press 3x10
Walking Lunges 3x12 Walking Lunges 3x10 Walking Lunges Walking Lunges 3x10 each
each leg each leg 3x10 each leg leg

Standing Calves 3x10 Standing Calves 3x10 Standing Calves Standing Calves 3x10

Rope crunch 3x20( Rope crunch 3x20( Rope crunch 3x20( Rope crunch 3x20(

Oblique cable twist Oblique cable twist Oblique cable twist Oblique cable twist 3x20(
3x20( 3x20( 3x20(
Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*All sets should be failure or very close to, so choose a weight that the desired rep range is failure
Block 2

Push Day 1

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Bench Press (week 1 Bench Press (week 2 Bench Press( week 3 Bench Press (3x4 83%)
of Chart) Back off set Chart) Back off set Chart) Back off set
75%x5 Pause Reps 82.5%x3 Pause Reps 68%x 8 Pause Reps

Incline Dumbbell 4x8( Incline Dumbbell Incline Dumbbell Incline Dumbbell 3x15(
3x10( 3x12(

Machine Shoulder Machine Shoulder Machine Shoulder Machine Shoulder Press

Press 3x15( Press 3x12( Press 3x10( 3x8(

Incline Chest press Chest press machine Chest press machine Chest press machine
machine 3x8( 3x10( 3x12( 3x15(

Side Lateral machine Side Lateral machine Side Lateral machine Side Lateral machine
raise 3x12( raise 3x15( raise 3x12( raise 3x15(

V push down 4x10( V push down 4x8( V push down 4x12( V push down 4x15(

Leaning Single arm Leaning Single arm Leaning Single arm Leaning Single arm
raise 3x12( raise 3x15( raise 3x12( raise 3x15(

Rope push down Rope push down Rope push down Rope push down 3x12(
3x12( 3x10( 3x15(

Cable fly3x15( Cable fly3x15( Cable fly3x15( Cable fly3x15(

Single behind head Single behind head Single behind head Single behind head
extension 3x12( extension 3x15( extension 3x12( extension 3x15(

Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*Leaning Single arm raise should be leaning away from the weight and every rep should be from dead
stop with no momentum
Pull Day 1

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Reverse chin up Reverse chin up Reverse chin up Reverse chin up weighted

weighted 3x6( weighted 3x8( weighted 3x10( 3x12(

Seated Close grip Seated Close grip cable Seated Close grip Seated Close grip cable
cable row 4x15( row 4x12( cable row 4x10( row 4x8(

TBar Row machine- TBar Row machine- TBar Row TBar Row machine-
4x8( 4x10( machine- 4x12( 4x15(

Lat Pulldown- 3x15( Lat Pulldown- 3x10( Lat Pulldown- 3x8( Lat Pulldown- 3x12(

Face pulls- 2x20( Face pulls- 2x20( Face pulls- 2x20( Face pulls- 2x20(

Rope cable pull ins Rope cable pull ins Rope cable pull ins Rope cable pull ins 3x12(
3x12( 3x12( 3x12(

Bicep incline curls Bicep incline curls Bicep incline curls Bicep incline curls 3x8(
3x15( 3x12( 3x10(

Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl 3x15(
3x8( 3x10( 3x12(

21’s ez bar 2x21( 21’s ez bar 2x21( 21’s ez bar 2x21( 21’s ez bar 2x21(

A1;Wrist curls 3x15( A1;Wrist curls 3x15( A1;Wrist curls A1;Wrist curls 3x15(

A2 reverse fly3x15 A2 reverse fly3x15 A2 reverse fly3x15 A2 reverse fly3x15

Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*Pull ups/chin ups should all be dead hang and full range of motion

*All sets should be failure or very close to, so choose a weight that the desired rep range is failure

*21’s are 7 reps of the bottom half of a curl, 7 reps of the top half of a curl and 7 full reps of a curl
Leg Day 1

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Back Squat (week 1 of Back Squat (week 2 Back Squat( week 3 Back Squat (3x4 83%)
Chart) Back off set Chart) Back off set Chart) Back off set
75%x5 Pause Reps 82.5%x3 Pause Reps 68%x 8 Pause Reps

Machine/Hack Squat Machine/Hack Squat 3x12 Machine/Hack Squat Machine/Hack Squat 3x8
3x10( 3x15

RDL’s 3x10 RDL’s 3x15 RDL’s 4x8 RDL’s 3x12

A1: Leg press 3x12 A1: Leg press 3x12 A1: Leg press 3x12 A1: Leg press 3x12

A2:Seated Calve A2:Seated Calve Raise A2:Seated Calve A2:Seated Calve Raise
Raise 3x15 3x15 Raise 3x15 3x15

B1: Single leg Quad B1: Single leg Quad B1: Single leg B1: Single leg Quad
extensions 4x15( extensions 4x12( Quad extensions extensions 4x12(

B2:Single leg B2:Single leg hamstring B2:Single leg B2:Single leg hamstring
hamstring curl 4x12( curl 4x15( hamstring curl curl 4x15(
Standing Calve Raises Standing Calve Raises Standing Calve Standing Calve Raises 4x12
4x12 4x12 Raises 4x12
Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*Quad and Hamstring Extensions are meant to be done slow and controlled and really focus on the mind
muscle connection with a big squeeze at the top of each rep

*All sets should be failure or very close to, so choose a weight that the desired rep range is failure
Push Day 2

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

BB shoulder press 3x5 BB shoulder press 3x8 BB shoulder press BB shoulder press 3x3

Weighted dips 3x10( Weighted dips 3x6( Weighted dips 3x8( Weighted dips 3x15(

Incline smith 3x15( Incline smith 3x20( Incline smith 3x12( Incline smith 3x15(

Flat Machine press Flat Machine press Flat Machine press Flat Machine press 3x20(
3x12( 3x10( 3x15(

Side delt machine Side delt machine 4x10( Side delt machine Side delt machine 4x12(
4x12( 4x15(

A1:Curly bar push A1:Curly bar push A1:Curly bar push A1:Curly bar push down
down 3x10( down 3x12( down 3x15( 3x8(

A2:Swing lat raise A2:Swing lat raise A2:Swing lat raise A2:Swing lat raise 3x12(
3x15( 3x12( 3x10(

Cable fly3x12( Cable fly3x15( Cable fly3x12( Cable fly3x15(

Triceps kick back Triceps kick back 3x15( Triceps kick back Triceps kick back 3x15(
3x12( 3x12(
Behind Head Rope Behind Head Rope Cable Behind Head Rope Behind Head Rope Cable
Cable Triceps Extension Triceps Extension 3x15 Cable Triceps Triceps Extension 3x15
3x12 Extension 3x12

Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*All sets should be failure or very close to, so choose a weight that the desired rep range is failure

*Behind head Rope extension should be done very slow and feel full stretch at the bottom with each
Pull Day 2

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Weighted Pull ups Weighted Pull ups Weighted Pull ups Weighted Pull ups 4x6(
4x8( 3x10( 3x12(

Lat pull down 3x10( Lat pull down 3x12( Lat pull down Lat pull down 3x20(

Single Dumbbells Single Dumbbells Row Single Dumbbells Single Dumbbells Row
Row 3x12( 3x15( Row 3x10( 3x12(

Close grip Pull Down Close grip Pull Down Close grip Pull Close grip Pull Down
3x15 3x10 Down 3x12 3x15

Bicep Alternating Bicep Alternating Curl Bicep Alternating Bicep Alternating Curl
Curl 3x12 3x10 Curl 3x12 3x10

Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl Straight Cable curl 3x10
3x10 3x12 3x15

Cable wrist curls3x15 Cable wrist curls3x15 Cable wrist Cable wrist curls3x15
Hammer Curls 3x15 Hammer Curls 3x15 Hammer Curls 3x15 Hammer Curls 3x15

Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*Pull ups/chin ups should all be dead hang and full range of motion

*All sets should be failure or very close to, so choose a weight that the desired rep range is failure
Leg Day 2

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Deadlift Deadlift (Conventional Deadlift Deadlift (Conventional or

(Conventional or or Sumo) (week 2 (Conventional or Sumo) (3x4 83%)
Sumo) (week 1 of Chart) Back off set Sumo) ( week 3
Chart) Back off set 82.5%x3 Pause Reps Chart) Back off set
75%x5 Pause Reps 68%x 8 Pause Reps

Front Squats 3x12 Front Squats 3x10 Front Squats 4x8 Front Squats 3x15

Hip thrust 3x12 Hip thrust 3x10 Hip thrust 4x8 Hip thrust 3x12

Leg press 3x15 Leg press 3x10 Leg press 3x15 Leg press 3x10
Walking Lunges 3x12 Walking Lunges 3x10 Walking Lunges Walking Lunges 3x10 each
each leg each leg 3x10 each leg leg

Standing Calves 3x10 Standing Calves 3x10 Standing Calves Standing Calves 3x10

Rope crunch 3x20( Rope crunch 3x20( Rope crunch 3x20( Rope crunch 3x20(

Oblique cable twist Oblique cable twist Oblique cable twist Oblique cable twist 3x20(
3x20( 3x20( 3x20(
Notes* Rest times are the same each week

*All sets should be failure or very close to, so choose a weight that the desired rep range is failure

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