6X The Best V2

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Exercise Focus Exercise Instructional Video

Chest Compounds Flat Dumbbell Bench Press Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
Chest Isolations Clavicular Press Around
Day 1

Triceps Long Rope Tricep Pushdown

Triceps Long Rope Overhead Tricep Extension
Shoulders Rear Delt Fly

Exercise Focus Exercise Instructional Video

Back Parallel Pulldown Parallel Pulldown

Back Seated Cable Row Seated Cable Row
Day 2

Biceps Cable Curl Cable Curl

Day 2
Shoulders Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise
Shoulders Dumbbell Anterior Delt Raise

Exercise Focus Exercise Instructional Video

Quads High Bar Squat High Bar Squat

Quads Bulgarian Split Squat
Day 3

Glutes Barbell Glute Bridge

Hams Stiff-Legged Deadlift Stiff-Legged Deadlift
Hams Lying Cable Leg Curl
Extra Ab Work Cable Crunch

Exercise Focus Exercise Instructional Video

Shoulders Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise

Triceps Long Rope Tricep Pushdown
Day 4

Triceps Unilateral Crossbody Tricep Extension

Chest Compounds Incline Dumbbell Press Incline Dumbbell Press
Chest Isolations Sternal Press Around

Exercise Focus Exercise Instructional Video

Back Thoracic Lat Row

Back Chest Supported Dumbbell Row
Day 5

Shoulders Incline Dumbbell Rear Delt Swing

Shoulders Cable Front Delt Raise
Day 5
Biceps Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Exercise Focus Exercise Instructional Video

Hams Stiff-Legged Deadlift Stiff-Legged Deadlift

Hams Lying Cable Leg Curl
Day 6

Quads High Bar Squat High Bar Squat

Quads Seated Cable Leg Extension
Glutes Barbell Glute Bridge
Extra Ab Work Cable Crunch
Exercise Rating Menu:

Exercis Link

Cable Crunch

Gar Hammer
Exercis Link

Exercis Link

Dumbbell Curl

Incline Dumbbell Curl

Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Cable Preacher Curl

Cable Curl

Faceaway Cable Curl

Cable Hammer Curl

Machine Preacher Curl

Rear Delts
Exercis Link

Rear Delt Fly

Incline Dumbbell Rear Delt Swing

Side Delts
Exercis Link

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Y-Raise

Crossbody Cable Lateral Raise

Crossbody Cable Y-Raise

Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise

Traps Exercis Link

Horizontal Triceps
Exercis Link

Long Rope Tricep Pushdown (Shortened)

Long Rope Tricep Pushdown (Lengthened)

Unilateral Long Rope Tricep Pushdown

Crossbody Cable Tricep Extension

Unilateral Crossbody Tricep Extension

JM Press

Close-Grip Bench Press

Vertical Triceps
Exercis Link

Long Rope Overhead Tricep Extension

Unilateral Overhead Tricep Extension

Horizonal Back
Exercis Link

Chest Supported Row

Chest Supported Dumbbell Row

Chest Supported T-Bar Row

Seated Cable Row

Lumbar Lat Row

Thoracic Lat Row

Vertical Back
Exercis Link

Wide Neutral Grip Pulldown

Close Neutral Grip Pulldown

Iliac Lat Pulldown

Exercis Link
Bulgarian Split Squat

High Bar Squat

Leg Extension

Seated Cable Leg Extension

Hack Squat

Leg Press

Stationary Lunge

GlutesExercis Link

Barbell Glute Bridge

Romanian Deadlift

Bulgarian Split Squat

Stationary Lunge

Glute Medius Kickback

Front Foot Elevated Split Squat

Hamstrings HipExercis
Hinge Link

Romanian Deadlift

Stiff-Legged Deadlift

Hamstrings Isolation
Exercis Link

Lying Leg Curl

Seated Leg Curl

Lying Cable Leg Curl

Chest Isolation
Exercis Link
Clavicular Press Around

Sternal Press Around

Costal Press Around

Horizontal Push
Exercis Link

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

Barbell Bench Press

Machine Chest Press

Incline Push
Exercis Link

Incline Dumbbell Press

Incline Barbell Bench Press

Incline Machine Chest Press

Front Delts
Exercis Link

Dumbbell Anterior Delt Raise

Cable Front Delt Raise

TricepsExercis Link

Long Rope Tricep Pushdown

Unilateral Long Rope Tricep Pushdown

Crossbody Cable Tricep Extension

Unilateral Crossbody Tricep Extension

JM Press

Close-Grip Bench Press

Long Rope Overhead Tricep Extension

Unilateral Overhead Tricep Extension

Exercis Link

Incline Push or Front

Dumbbell Press
Incline Barbell Bench Press
Incline Machine Chest Press
Dumbbell Anterior Delt Raise
Cable Front Delt Raise
Exercis Link

Chest Isolation or
Triceps Press Around
Sternal Press Around
Costal Press Around
Long Rope Tricep Pushdown
Unilateral Long Rope Tricep Pushdown
Crossbody Cable Tricep Extension
Unilateral Crossbody Tricep Extension
JM Press
Close-Grip Bench Press
Long Rope Overhead Tricep Extension
Unilateral Overhead Tricep Extension
Exercis Link

Rear Delts or Side

Delt Fly

Incline Dumbbell Rear Swing

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Y-Raise

Crossbody Cable Lateral Raise

Crossbody Cable Y-Raise

Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise

Exercis Link

Table name Name List

Back_M6 Back_M6[Exercise]

Biceps_M6 Biceps_M6[Exercise]

Calves_M6 Calves_M6[Exercise]

Chest Compounds
Chest_Compound_M6 Chest_Compound_M6[Exercise]

Chest Isolation or Triceps


Chest Isolations
Chest_Isolation_M6 Chest_Isolation_M6[Exercise]

Extra Ab Work
Abs_M6 Abs_M6[Exercise]

Extra Forearm Work

Forearms_M6 Forearms_M6[Exercise]

Extra Trap Work

Traps_M6 Traps_M6[Exercise]
Front Delts
Front_Delts_M6 Front_Delts_M6[Exercise]

Glute Isolation
Glute_Iso_M6 Glute_Iso_M6[Exercise]

Glutes_M6 Glutes_M6[Exercise]

Hamstrings_M6 Hamstrings_M6[Exercise]

Hamstrings Hip Hinge

Hamstrings_Hip_Hinge_M6 Hamstrings_Hip_Hinge_M6[Exercise]

Hamstrings Isolation
Hamstrings_Isolation_M6 Hamstrings_Isolation_M6[Exercise]

Horizontal Back
Horizonal_Back_M6 Horizonal_Back_M6[Exercise]

Horizontal Push
Horizontal_Push_M6 Horizontal_Push_M6[Exercise]

Horizontal Triceps
Horizontal_Triceps_M6 Horizontal_Triceps_M6[Exercise]

Incline Push
Incline_Push_M6 Incline_Push_M6[Exercise]

Incline Push or Front Delts


Quads_M6 Quads_M6[Exercise]

Rear Delts
Rear_Delts_M6 Rear_Delts_M6[Exercise]

Rear or Side Delts

Rear_or_Side_Delts_M6 Rear_or_Side_Delts_M6[Exercise]

Shoulders_M6 Shoulders_M6[Exercise]

Side Delts
Side_Delts_M6 Side_Delts_M6[Exercise]

Triceps_M6 Triceps_M6[Exercise]

Vertical Back
Vertical_Back_M6 Vertical_Back_M6[Exercise]

Vertical Triceps
Vertical_Triceps_M6 Vertical_Triceps_M6[Exercise]

ExercisLink Category
Cable Rope Crunch
https://youtu.be/6GMKPQVER Abs

Hanging Kneehttps://youtu.be/RD_A-Z15ER4Abs

Hanging Straight https://youtu.be/7FwGZ8qY5OAbs

Leg Raise

Machine Crunch

Modified Candlestick
https://youtu.be/T_X5rb3G5lk Abs

Reaching Sit-Up
https://youtu.be/pXg8qppif7I Abs

Slant Board Sit-Up


V-Up https://youtu.be/BIOM5eSsJ_8Abs

2-Arm Dumbbell
Curl Biceps

Alternating Dumbbell
Curl Biceps

Barbell Curl Narrow


Barbell Curl Normal

Grip Biceps

Cable Curl

Cable EZ Barhttps://youtu.be/opFVuRi_3b8
Curl Biceps

Cable EZ Bar Curl https://youtu.be/yuozln3CC94

Wide Grip Biceps

Cable Rope Twist

Close Grip Barbell

Dumbbell Single Arm https://youtu.be/fuK3nFvwgXk

Preacher Curl Biceps

Dumbbell Spider
Curl Biceps

Dummbell Twist
Curl Biceps

EZ Bar Curl Narrow


EZ Bar Curl Wide

EZ Bar Preacher
Curl Biceps

EZ Bar Spiderhttps://youtu.be/WG3vdcq__I0Biceps

EZ Curl https://youtu.be/MCjBeB844rUBiceps

Hammer Curl
https://youtu.be/XOEL4MgekY Biceps

Incline Dumbbell
Curl Biceps

Machine Preacher
Curl Biceps

Calf Machine

Leg Press Calves


Single Leg Stairhttps://youtu.be/_gEx2ijsmNMCalves


Smith Machinehttps://youtu.be/hh5516HCu4kCalves

Stair Calves
https://youtu.be/__qfDhdByM Calves

Cable Bent https://youtu.be/Cj6P91eFXkMChest

Flye Isolation

Cable Flye
https://youtu.be/4mfLHnFL0U Chest Isolation

Cable Underhand
Flye Chest Isolation

Cambered Bar Bench

Press Chest Isolation

Flat Dumbbellhttps://youtu.be/JFm8KbhjibMChest
Flye Isolation

Flat Dumbbell Press

Flye Chest Isolation

High Cable Flye

https://youtu.be/ipoTKasbDyQ Chest Isolation
Incline Dumbbell
Flye Isolation

Incline Dumbbell https://youtu.be/lTfiohnjbyM

Press Flye Chest Isolation

Machine Flye
https://youtu.be/FDay9wFe5uEChest Isolation

Pec Dec Flye

https://youtu.be/O-OBCfyh9FwChest Isolation
Barbell Standing Wrist
Curl Forearms

Cable Wrist https://youtu.be/WVAaKJvToe

Curl Forearms

Dumbbell Bench Wrist


Dumbbell Standinghttps://youtu.be/iQ4JjOK73PE
Wrist Curl Forearms
Barbell Fronthttps://youtu.be/_ikCPws1mbEFront
Raise Delts

Cable Underhand Front

Raise Front Delts

Dumbbell Front
Raise Front Delts

EZ Bar Underhand https://youtu.be/87pZAbYjXc4

Front Raise Front Delts

High Incline Dumbbell

Press Delts

Machine Shoulder
Press Delts

Seated Barbell Shoulder

Press Delts

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder

Press Front Delts

Smith Machine Seated https://youtu.be/OLqZDUUD2bFront

Shoulder Press Delts

Standing Barbell Shoulder

Press Front Delts

Standing Dumbbell Shoulder

Press Delts

Barbell Hip Thrust

https://youtu.be/EF7jXP17DPE Glutes

Barbell Walkinghttps://youtu.be/_meXEWq5
Lunge Glutes

Cable Pull Through


Deadlifthttps://youtu.be/AweC3UaM1 Glutes

Deficit 25's Deadlift

https://youtu.be/kvWcDHH62j Glutes

Deficit Deadlift
https://youtu.be/X-uKkAukJVA Glutes

Dumbbell Reverse
Dumbbell Splithttps://youtu.be/pjAewD4LxXs
Squat Glutes

Dumbbell Walking
Lunge Glutes

Machine Glute Kickback


Single Leg Dumbbellhttps://youtu.be/CSXVj047Ss4

Hip Thrust Glutes

Sumo Deadlift

Sumo Squat

Wide Stance Belt

Squat Glutes

45 Degree Backhttps://youtu.be/5_ejbGfdAQEHamstrings
Raise Hip Hinge

Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlift

https://youtu.be/cYKYGwcg0U Hamstrings Hip Hinge

Glute Ham Raise

https://youtu.be/SBGYSfoqyfU Hamstrings Hip Hinge

High Bar Good Morning

https://youtu.be/dEJ0FTm-CEk Hamstrings Hip Hinge

Low Bar Good Morning

https://youtu.be/mnxn-7SO9KsHamstrings Hip Hinge

Stiff-Legged Deadlift
https://youtu.be/CN_7cz3P-1UHamstrings Hip Hinge

Lying Leg Curl

https://youtu.be/n5WDXD_mpHamstrings Isolation

Seated Leg https://youtu.be/Orxowest56UHamstrings

Curl Isolation

Single-Leg Leghttps://youtu.be/N6FVnaasdq0Hamstrings
Curl Isolation

2-Arm Dumbbell
Row Back

Barbell Bent Over

Row Back

Barbell Row tohttps://youtu.be/UPGuwx7GQ9

Chest Horizonal Back

Chest Supported
Row Horizonal Back

Seated Cablehttps://youtu.be/UCXxvVItLoMHorizonal
Row Back
Single Arm Supported https://youtu.be/DMo3HJoawrHorizonal
Dumbbell Row Back

Underhand EZ Bar
Row Horizonal Back

Cambered Barhttps://youtu.be/jiowkUMoml
Row Horizontal Back

Hammer Highhttps://youtu.be/gg5hwJuv6KI
Row Horizontal Back

Hammer Lowhttps://youtu.be/opjbouBmUWHorizontal
Row Back

Incline Dumbbell
Row Horizontal Back

Inverted Row
https://youtu.be/KOaCM1HM Horizontal Back

Machine Chest Supported

Row Horizontal Back

Seal Rowhttps://youtu.be/4H2ItXwUTp8Horizontal Back

Smith Machine
Row Horizontal Back

T-Bar Row
https://youtu.be/yPis7nlbqdY Horizontal Back

Deficit Push-Up
https://youtu.be/gmNlqsE3OncHorizontal Push

Flat Dumbbell Bench

Press Push

Flat Hammer Machine

Press Push

Hammer Machine Chest

Press Horizontal Push

Machine Chesthttps://youtu.be/NwzUje3z0qYHorizontal
Press Push

Medium Grip Bench

Press Push

Narrow Grip Bench

Press Horizontal Push

Narrow Grip Push-Up

https://youtu.be/Lz1aFtuNvEQ Horizontal Push

Pushuphttps://youtu.be/mm6_WcoCVHorizontal Push

Smith Machine Wide Grip

Bench Press Horizontal Push
Smith Machine Bench
Press Push

Smith Machine Narrow Grip

Bench Press Horizontal Push

Wide Grip Bench

Press Horizontal Push

Assisted Dip
https://youtu.be/yZ83t4mrPrI Horizontal Triceps
Barbell Skullcrusher
https://youtu.be/l3rHYPtMUo8Horizontal Triceps
Cable Triceps Pushdown
https://youtu.be/6Fzep104f0s Horizontal Triceps
Dip https://youtu.be/4LA1kF7yCGoHorizontal Triceps
Dumbbell Skullcrusher
https://youtu.be/jPjhQ2hsAds Horizontal Triceps
Inverted Skullcrusher
https://youtu.be/1lrjpLuXH4w Horizontal Triceps
Cable Rope Pushdown
https://youtu.be/-xa-6cQaZKY Horiztonal Triceps
Cable Single Arm Triceps https://youtu.be/Cp_bShvMY4c
Pushdown Horiztonal Triceps
JM Presshttps://youtu.be/Tih5iHyELsE Horiztonal Triceps
Machine Triceps Pushdown
https://youtu.be/OChuGyCSC7 Horiztonal Triceps
Incline Dumbbell https://youtu.be/5CECBjd7HLQIncline
Press Push
Incline Machine Chesthttps://youtu.be/TrTSvn5-MTk
Press Incline Push
Incline Medium Griphttps://youtu.be/lJ2o89kcnxY
Bench Press Incline Push
Incline Narrow Grip https://youtu.be/Zfi0KcIJi6c
Bench Press Incline Push
Incline Wide Grip Bench
Press Push
Low Incline Dumbbell Press
https://youtu.be/B09ZkYsnKko Incline Push
Smith Machine Wide Grip https://youtu.be/SHL81neluiI
Incline Press Incline Push
Smith Machine Inclinehttps://youtu.be/8urE8Z8AMQ
Press Incline Push
Barbell Split Squat
https://youtu.be/VfsPxffCAd0 Quads
Belt Squathttps://youtu.be/L__-j2v_LPM Quads
Close Stance Feet Forward
Feet Forward Smith https://youtu.be/-eO_VydErV0
Squat Quads
Front Squathttps://youtu.be/HHxNbhP16UQuads
Front Squat (Crosshttps://youtu.be/0DQvn2qsOGQuads
Hack Squat https://youtu.be/rYgNArpwE7EQuads
High Bar Squat
https://youtu.be/i7J5h7BJ07g Quads
Leg Extension
Leg Presshttps://youtu.be/yZmx_Ac3880Quads
Narrow Stancehttps://youtu.be/1IIPcUCKxcE
Squat Quads
Barbell Facepull
https://youtu.be/hPWYuhJMU Rear Delts
Cable Cross Body Benthttps://youtu.be/f0g5NkYiWUYRear
Lateral Raise Delts
Cable Rope Facepull
https://youtu.be/-MODnZdnm Rear Delts
Cable Single Arm Rear https://youtu.be/qz1OLup4W_
Delt Raise Rear Delts
Dumbbell Bent Lateralhttps://youtu.be/34gVHrkaiz0
Raise Rear Delts
Dumbbell Facepull
https://youtu.be/nzTY7j9ocR8 Rear Delts
Incline Dumbbellhttps://youtu.be/90cE3rCLtmo
Facepull Rear Delts
Incline Dumbbell Lateral
Raise Delts
Kneeling Cable Facepull
https://youtu.be/8CGMuud1A Rear Delts
Machine Reverse https://youtu.be/5YK4bgzXDp0Rear
Flye Delts
Barbell Uprighthttps://youtu.be/um3VVzqunP
Row Side Delts
Cable Cross Body Lateral
Raise Delts
Cable Leaning Lateral
Raise Delts
Cable Uprighthttps://youtu.be/qr3ziolhjvQ
Row Side Delts
Dumbbell Lateralhttps://youtu.be/OuG1smZTsQSide
Raise Delts
Dumbbell Uprighthttps://youtu.be/Ub6QruNKfbYSide
Row Delts
Machine Lateral https://youtu.be/0o07iGKUarI
Raise Side Delts
Smith Machine Upright
Row Side Delts
Thumbs Down Lateralhttps://youtu.be/D1f7d1OcobYSide
Raise Delts
Top Hold Lateralhttps://youtu.be/SKf8wHlIFX0
Raise Side Delts
Barbell Bent Overhttps://youtu.be/d9daNDIXtK8
Shrug Traps
Barbell Shrug
https://youtu.be/M_MjF5Nm_ Traps
Cable Bent Over https://youtu.be/nOn_Bz0zrwQ
Shrug Traps
Cable Shrug
https://youtu.be/YykmcX2b-LY Traps
Cable Side Shrug
Cable Single Arm Side
Dumbbell Bent Overhttps://youtu.be/5z7ZtboxbBY
Shrug Traps
Dumbbell Leaning https://youtu.be/GH_l85Ky3vATraps
Dumbbell Shrug
https://youtu.be/_t3lrPI6Ns4 Traps
Seated Dumbbell https://youtu.be/zgToz5FiI-E
Shrug Traps
Assisted Normal Grip
Pullup Back
Assisted Parallelhttps://youtu.be/GdsRZAeeDU
Pullup Vertical Back
Assisted Underhandhttps://youtu.be/L4ChTwrXTjc
Pullup Vertical Back
Assisted Wide Griphttps://youtu.be/0tiC6RUZL8Y
Pullup Vertical Back
Dumbbell Pullover
https://youtu.be/jQjWlIwG4sI Vertical Back
Machine Pullover
https://youtu.be/oxpAl14EYyc Vertical Back
Narrow Grip Pulldown
https://youtu.be/QzjjwxZOVdE Vertical Back
Normal Grip Pulldown
https://youtu.be/EUIri47Epcg Vertical Back
Normal Grip Pullup
https://youtu.be/iWpoegdfgtc Vertical Back
Parallel Grip Pullup
https://youtu.be/XWt6FQAK5 Vertical Back
Parallel Pulldown
https://youtu.be/--utaPT7XYQ Vertical Back
Straight Arm Pulldown
https://youtu.be/G9uNaXGTJ4 Vertical Back
Underhand Pulldown
https://youtu.be/VprlTxpB1rk Vertical Back
Underhand Pullup
https://youtu.be/9JC1EwqezGYVertical Back
Wide Grip Pulldown
https://youtu.be/YCKPD4BSD2EVertical Back
Wide Grip Pullup
https://youtu.be/GRgWPT9XS Vertical Back
Barbell Overhead Triceps
Extension Vertical Triceps
Cable Overhead Tricepshttps://youtu.be/1u18yJELsh0
Extension Vertical Triceps
Cable Rope Overhead Triceps
Extension Vertical Triceps
EZ Bar Overhead Tricephttps://youtu.be/IdZ7HXnatko
Extension Vertical Triceps
Machine Triceps Extension
https://youtu.be/Bx8ga1BLHLE Vertical Triceps
Seated Barbell Overhead https://youtu.be/ktU2H0DDmw
Triceps Extension Vertical Triceps
Seated EZ Bar Overhead Triceps
Extension Vertical Triceps
Week 1

Estimated 10RM Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 2 3/fail

Clavicular Press Around 2 3/fail
Day 1

Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2 3/fail

Long Rope Overhead Tricep Extension 2 3/fail
Rear Delt Fly 3 3/fail
3 3/fail
3 3/fail

Do Day 2 tomorrow. Make sure not to take more than one rest day per we
complete all of your weekly workouts!

Week 1

Estimated 10RM Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal

Parallel Pulldown 2 3/fail

Seated Cable Row 2 3/fail
Day 2

Cable Curl 3 3/fail

Day 2
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 3 3/fail
Dumbbell Anterior Delt Raise 3 3/fail
3 3/fail
3 3/fail

Do Day 3 tomorrow

Week 1

Estimated 10RM Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal

High Bar Squat 2 3/fail

Day 3 Bulgarian Split Squat 2 3/fail
Barbell Glute Bridge 2 3/fail
Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 3/fail
Lying Cable Leg Curl 2 3/fail
Cable Crunch 2 3/fail
3 3/fail

Do Day 4 tomorrow

Week 1

Estimated 10RM Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal

Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 3 3/fail

Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2 3/fail
Day 4

Unilateral Crossbody Tricep Extension 2 3/fail

Incline Dumbbell Press 2 3/fail
Sternal Press Around 2 3/fail
2 3/fail
3 3/fail

Do Day 5 tomorrow

Week 1

Estimated 10RM Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal

Thoracic Lat Row 2 3/fail

Chest Supported Dumbbell Row 2 3/fail
Day 5

Incline Dumbbell Rear Delt Swing 3 3/fail

Cable Front Delt Raise 3 3/fail
Day 5
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3 3/fail
3 3/fail
3 3/fail

Do Day 6 tomorrow

Week 1

Estimated 10RM Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal

Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 3/fail

Lying Cable Leg Curl 2 3/fail
Day 6 High Bar Squat 2 3/fail
Seated Cable Leg Extension 2 3/fail
Barbell Glute Bridge 2 3/fail
Cable Crunch 2 3/fail
3 3/fail

Rest one day and then do next week's Day 1

Week 2
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 2 3/fail
Clavicular Press Around 2 3/fail
Day 1

Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2 3/fail

Long Rope Overhead Tricep Extension 2 3/fail
Rear Delt Fly 3 3/fail
3 3/fail
3 3/fail

han one rest day per week so that you can Do Day 2 tomorrow. Make sure not to take more than one rest day per week so
eekly workouts! complete all of your weekly workouts!

Week 2
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Parallel Pulldown 2 3/fail
Seated Cable Row 2 3/fail
Day 2

Cable Curl 3 3/fail

Day 2
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 3 3/fail
Dumbbell Anterior Delt Raise 3 3/fail
3 3/fail
3 3/fail

orrow Do Day 3 tomorrow

Week 2
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
High Bar Squat 2 3/fail
Bulgarian Split Squat 2 3/fail
Day 3

Barbell Glute Bridge 2 3/fail

Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 3/fail
Lying Cable Leg Curl 2 3/fail
Cable Crunch 2 3/fail
3 3/fail

orrow Do Day 4 tomorrow

Week 2
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 3 3/fail
Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2 3/fail
Day 4

Unilateral Crossbody Tricep Extension 2 3/fail

Incline Dumbbell Press 2 3/fail
Sternal Press Around 2 3/fail
2 3/fail
3 3/fail

orrow Do Day 5 tomorrow

Week 2
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Thoracic Lat Row 2 3/fail
Chest Supported Dumbbell Row 2 3/fail
Day 5

Incline Dumbbell Rear Delt Swing 3 3/fail

Cable Front Delt Raise 3 3/fail
Day 5
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3 3/fail
3 3/fail
3 3/fail

orrow Do Day 6 tomorrow

Week 2
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 3/fail
Lying Cable Leg Curl 2 3/fail
Day 6

High Bar Squat 2 3/fail

Seated Cable Leg Extension 2 3/fail
Barbell Glute Bridge 2 3/fail
Cable Crunch 2 3/fail
3 3/fail

next week's Day 1 Rest one day and then do next week's Day 1
Week 3
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 2 2/fail
Clavicular Press Around 2 2/fail
Day 1

Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2 2/fail

Long Rope Overhead Tricep Extension 2 2/fail
Rear Delt Fly 3 2/fail
3 2/fail
3 2/fail

han one rest day per week so that you can Do Day 2 tomorrow. Make sure not to take more than one rest day per week so
eekly workouts! complete all of your weekly workouts!

Week 3
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Parallel Pulldown 2 2/fail
Seated Cable Row 2 2/fail
Day 2

Cable Curl 3 2/fail

Day 2
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 3 2/fail
Dumbbell Anterior Delt Raise 3 2/fail
3 2/fail
3 2/fail

orrow Do Day 3 tomorrow

Week 3
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
High Bar Squat 2 2/fail
Bulgarian Split Squat 2 2/fail
Day 3

Barbell Glute Bridge 2 2/fail

Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 2/fail
Lying Cable Leg Curl 2 2/fail
Cable Crunch 2 2/fail
3 2/fail

orrow Do Day 4 tomorrow

Week 3
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 3 2/fail
Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2 2/fail
Day 4

Unilateral Crossbody Tricep Extension 2 2/fail

Incline Dumbbell Press 2 2/fail
Sternal Press Around 2 2/fail
2 2/fail
3 2/fail

orrow Do Day 5 tomorrow

Week 3
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Thoracic Lat Row 2 2/fail
Chest Supported Dumbbell Row 2 2/fail
Day 5

Incline Dumbbell Rear Delt Swing 3 2/fail

Cable Front Delt Raise 3 2/fail
Day 5
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3 2/fail
3 2/fail
3 2/fail

orrow Do Day 6 tomorrow

Week 3
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 2/fail
Lying Cable Leg Curl 2 2/fail
Day 6

High Bar Squat 2 2/fail

Seated Cable Leg Extension 2 2/fail
Barbell Glute Bridge 2 2/fail
Cable Crunch 2 2/fail
3 2/fail

next week's Day 1 Rest one day and then do next week's Day 1
Week 4
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 2 2/fail
Clavicular Press Around 2 2/fail
Day 1

Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2 2/fail

Long Rope Overhead Tricep Extension 2 2/fail
Rear Delt Fly 3 2/fail
3 2/fail
3 2/fail

han one rest day per week so that you can Do Day 2 tomorrow. Make sure not to take more than one rest day per week so
eekly workouts! complete all of your weekly workouts!

Week 4
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Parallel Pulldown 2 2/fail
Seated Cable Row 2 2/fail
Day 2

Cable Curl 3 2/fail

Day 2
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 3 2/fail
Dumbbell Anterior Delt Raise 3 2/fail
3 2/fail
3 2/fail

orrow Do Day 3 tomorrow

Week 4
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
High Bar Squat 2 2/fail
Bulgarian Split Squat 2 2/fail
Day 3

Barbell Glute Bridge 2 2/fail

Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 2/fail
Lying Cable Leg Curl 2 2/fail
Cable Crunch 2 2/fail
3 2/fail

orrow Do Day 4 tomorrow

Week 4
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 3 2/fail
Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2 2/fail
Day 4

Unilateral Crossbody Tricep Extension 2 2/fail

Incline Dumbbell Press 2 2/fail
Sternal Press Around 2 2/fail
2 2/fail
3 2/fail

orrow Do Day 5 tomorrow

Week 4
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Thoracic Lat Row 2 2/fail
Chest Supported Dumbbell Row 2 2/fail
Day 5

Incline Dumbbell Rear Delt Swing 3 2/fail

Cable Front Delt Raise 3 2/fail
Day 5
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3 2/fail
3 2/fail
3 2/fail

orrow Do Day 6 tomorrow

Week 4
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 2/fail
Lying Cable Leg Curl 2 2/fail
Day 6

High Bar Squat 2 2/fail

Seated Cable Leg Extension 2 2/fail
Barbell Glute Bridge 2 2/fail
Cable Crunch 2 2/fail
3 2/fail

next week's Day 1 Rest one day and then do next week's Day 1
Week 5
Week 5
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 2 1/fail
Clavicular Press Around 2 1/fail
Day 1

Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2 1/fail

Long Rope Overhead Tricep Extension 2 1/fail
Rear Delt Fly 3 1/fail
3 1/fail
3 1/fail

han one rest day per week so that you can Do Day 2 tomorrow. Make sure not to take more than one rest day per week so
eekly workouts! complete all of your weekly workouts!

Week 5
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Parallel Pulldown 2 1/fail
Seated Cable Row 2 1/fail
Day 2

Cable Curl 3 1/fail

Day 2
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 3 1/fail
Dumbbell Anterior Delt Raise 3 1/fail
3 1/fail
3 1/fail

orrow Do Day 3 tomorrow

Week 5
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
High Bar Squat 2 1/fail
Bulgarian Split Squat 2 1/fail
Day 3

Barbell Glute Bridge 2 1/fail

Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 1/fail
Lying Cable Leg Curl 2 1/fail
Cable Crunch 2 1/fail
3 1/fail

orrow Do Day 4 tomorrow

Week 5
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 3 1/fail
Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2 1/fail
Day 4

Unilateral Crossbody Tricep Extension 2 1/fail

Incline Dumbbell Press 2 1/fail
Sternal Press Around 2 1/fail
2 1/fail
3 1/fail

orrow Do Day 5 tomorrow

Week 5
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Thoracic Lat Row 2 1/fail
Chest Supported Dumbbell Row 2 1/fail
Day 5

Incline Dumbbell Rear Delt Swing 3 1/fail

Cable Front Delt Raise 3 1/fail
Day 5
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3 1/fail
3 1/fail
3 1/fail

orrow Do Day 6 tomorrow

Week 5
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight Rep Goal
Results Rating Rating
Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 1/fail
Lying Cable Leg Curl 2 1/fail
Day 6

High Bar Squat 2 1/fail

Seated Cable Leg Extension 2 1/fail
Barbell Glute Bridge 2 1/fail
Cable Crunch 2 1/fail
3 1/fail

next week's Day 1 Rest one day and then do next week's Day 1
Week 6 - DELOAD
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight
Results Rating Rating
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 2
Clavicular Press Around 2
Day 1

Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2

Long Rope Overhead Tricep Extension 2
Rear Delt Fly 2

han one rest day per week so that you can

eekly workouts!

Week 6 - DELOAD
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight
Results Rating Rating
Parallel Pulldown 2
Seated Cable Row 2
Day 2

Cable Curl 2
Day 2
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 2
Dumbbell Anterior Delt Raise 2


Week 6 - DELOAD
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight
Results Rating Rating
High Bar Squat 2
Bulgarian Split Squat 2
Day 3

Barbell Glute Bridge 2

Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2
Lying Cable Leg Curl 2
Cable Crunch 2


Week 6 - DELOAD
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight
Results Rating Rating
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raise 2
Long Rope Tricep Pushdown 2
Day 4

Unilateral Crossbody Tricep Extension 2

Incline Dumbbell Press 2
Sternal Press Around 2


Week 6 - DELOAD
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight
Results Rating Rating
Thoracic Lat Row 2
Chest Supported Dumbbell Row 2
Day 5

Incline Dumbbell Rear Delt Swing 2

Cable Front Delt Raise 2
Day 5
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 2


Week 6 - DELOAD
Rep Soreness Pump
Exercise Sets Weight
Results Rating Rating
Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2
Lying Cable Leg Curl 2
Day 6

High Bar Squat 2

Seated Cable Leg Extension 2
Barbell Glute Bridge 2
Cable Crunch 2

next week's Day 1

Rep Goal

1/2 reps of Week 1

1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1

Rep Goal

1/2 reps of Week 1

1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1

Rep Goal

1/2 reps of Week 1

1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1

Rep Goal

1/2 reps of Week 1

1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1

Rep Goal

1/2 reps of Week 1

1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1

Rep Goal

1/2 reps of Week 1

1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1
1/2 reps of Week 1

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