50th Wedding

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Dante Oxiña
Ptr. Archie __________________
CION & OYO 50th Anniversary
June 21, 2019 @ BFC Tiwi
The Family of the couple.
Wedding Commentators: Mr. Bert Del Carmen and Gloria Del Carmen
And now with great honor & joy, we present to you the Golden

The Wedding Entourage Anniversary Celebrants, the lovely couple Mr. Gregorio Clarianes
Valenzuela and Mrs. Asuncion Colongay Valenzuela. Let us give
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
them a big round of applause.
Marriage has/had been a dream for most of us. God meant this
The Bridal March
day for a dream come true. And to have reached this far (50 th
Song: Kahit Maputi na ang buhok ko
year) is I believe more than a dream come true. Behind this reality
is our acknowledgment that God Himself instituted marriage for
He first performed the first marriage ever in the Garden of Eden.
The Wedding Rites
Now, according to His plan, He has purposefully made this
moment that we may be gathered in celebration of the renewal of Officiating Minister: Rev. Roberto J. del Carmen Sr.
vows of two individuals so dear to us. That’s why, at this very Opening Prayer: Pastor Darry Malnegro
momentous occasion, with joy and gratitude, we welcome you all Audio-Video Presentation of the Love Story of the
in this 50th wedding ceremony of Mr. Gregorio Clarianes couple.
Valenzuela and Mrs. Asuncion Colongay Valenzuela. Inspirational Message by a Friend/Child of the
And now, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, the
Wedding Ceremony
To legally officiate the renewal of covenant of the couple – Rev. o Opening Words
Rev. Roberto J. del Carmen Sr. o Renewal of Vows Ceremony
o Biblical Meditation
To stand as principal witnesses in solemnizing the couple’s vow:
o Resealing of Vows with the ring
Ptr. Rodel C. Chavez o Pastoral instructions and blessing for the
Ptr. Darry Malnegro couple
Ptr. Rey Mendez o Blessing
Ptr. Nacario Carido
o Pronouncement Reception @ Balinggan’s Residence,
Tigbi, Tiwi, Albay
The Wedding Pictorial
Photographer: ______________________________
A very good evening to everyone and welcome to
The emcees shall remind the singers for their pieces.
Cion and Oyo’s Wedding Reception. We are done with
the solemn part of the celebration and we thank those
1. The Couple with Rev. Roberto J. del Carmen Sr.
people who were with us earlier for the wedding
2. The Couple with the Principal witnesses
ceremony. And for those who just join in, welcome to
3. The Couple with their Children
the reception for our couple in celebration of the
4. The Couple with their Children and their families
reaffirmation of their vows. So sit down, relax and
(per family)
enjoy the rest of the evening.
5. The Couple with their grand children
6. The Couple with their friends I am ROBERT DEL CARMEN/GLORIA DEL CARMEN,
7. The Couple with their church mates adopted son/daughter mama Cion and Papa Oyo, and I
8. Others – special request am your emcee for this event. We thank you all for
gracing this joyful occasion especially to those who
have traveled many miles just to be with us. In behalf of
CION and OYO and their family, we would like to
express their heartfelt gratitude for your presence at
this memorable occasion. It is indeed a pleasure to have
you all tonight.
The promise of love wouldn’t be realized without
the man who stands for making this sacred ceremony
today to make happen and it wouldn’t be made possible
without the woman, whom man considered as the
sharer of this heavenly LOVE from God. Ladies and
gentlemen, it is our great honor & joy to introduce to
CION & OYO RENEWAL OF VOWS you Golden Anniversary Celebrants, Mr. and Mrs.
Gregorio C. Valenzuela. Let us cheer the couple with a The Wedding Cake symbolizes the perfect
round of applause. moment for the couple, where love seized the sweetest
word that the heart can express.
COUPLE DANCE (Faithful Love in the Let me now call on Cion and Oyo to come forward
background) for the slicing of the wedding cake and our groom is
The couple may have danced too much and requested to let the bride to taste it lusciously.
savoured those dances, but what makes their dance
today special and different is of course because as Friends, let us witness how they will be sharing
renewed couple they share it with love and passion the very first sweet food as husband and wife.
being fascinated with joy as they swing their spirit
together. I believe what makes it more wonderful is
This time ladies and gentlemen, let us observe the
when it is danced out of love and joy. Ladies and
tossing of wine by the couple.
gentlemen, let me present to you OYO and CION for
their First Dance after 50 years! Okay everybody may I request you to stand and
please join me in saying this line. We’re wishing both of
WELL WISHES FROM FAMILY AND FRIENDS you good health, happiness, and prosperity. Cheers!!!
At this point let us hear some words of wisdom FOODS
truly experienced by the well-wishers to be instilled in Let us begin our reception by invoking God’s
the minds of the couple. blessings on the food we are all to partake.
Well, let us hear it personally from them. Let us Pastor RODEL C. CHAVEZ will please lead the
first call on any member of the 12 tribes. prayer.
Thank you. You may now enjoy your sumptuous
This time let us take the opportunity to hear meal as we continue with our program. We would like
some words of wisdom also from our Principal to thank the couple and their children, for the
Witnesses. Anyone? Pastors? wonderful accommodation and service that they are
Thank you very much Pastor. providing us here.

Habang nasasatisfy ang ating taste buds sa
merong inihandang slideshow presentation dito where
we can see the evolution of CION and OYO’s love Ladies and gentlemen we have just concluded our
STORY. program but let us first take this opportunity to thank
everyone for gracing this occasion. And again thank you
TABLE HOPPING FOR SOUVENIR PICTURES everybody it has been a great day with you all. God
At this juncture the newlyweds would like to take bless.
this opportunity to thank everyone personally for your
presence. They will be going to each table to personally
thank you and to have a pose for the picture taking.
So there we have it ladies and gentlemen, Let us
once again give them a big round of applause.


This momentous celebration has almost come to
an end but to the couple it signals a renewed life for
them, a renewed hope. May this moment be a moment
of wonderment and happiness as the two, Cion and Oyo
will continue living together as what was ascribed in
what a Christian family expects to manifest. It will not
be complete without listening to words of gratitude
coming from them. So at this juncture let us have the
couple say some words of gratitude.

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