Date and Time Focus: D - Received Patient On Bed

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10/4/2020 Ineffective breathing pattern D---Received patient on bed,

7am alert afebrile, with IV fluids to
follow was D5NM 1 L, with
occasional cough; normal vital
signs within normal limits
except for tachycardia. Pale
conjunctivae, lips and oral
mucosa, and right lung field
with decreased tactile fremitus.
Presence of dull and decreased
breath sound.
A--Monitored vital signs every 4
hours; Established rapport;
Monitored respiration and
breath sound; Assessed
respiratory status; Noted chest
movement; Evaluated clients
cough and or gag reflex and
swallowing ability
Assisted patient on comfortable
position; thought patient
appropriate deep breathing and
coughing techniques; Promoted
wellness; Demonstrated client in
performing specific airway
clearance; Administered
medication as ordered;
Encourage hydration at least 8
glasses of water; Encourage the
patient to have adequate rest
period; Encourage deep
breathing exercise and coughing
exercise; Advise client to avoid
cold places; Encourage position
of comfort

R---Patient verbalize ease of

breathing; still tachypneic.

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