Acute Gastroenteritis
Acute Gastroenteritis
Acute Gastroenteritis
Subjective Cues: Risk for Fluid Diarrhea After 8 hours of The patient was able
“Nagsusuka ako at nagtatae ng ilang Volume Deficit ↓ nursing intervention to verbalize
araw tapos bigla akong nilagnat.” related to Diarrhea Fluid loss the patient will be understanding of the
↓ able to: disease and its
Objective Cues: Deplete body’s water possible
● Frequency of tools and electrolyte complications.
● Vomiting reserves Verbalize Patient education aids
● Abdominal pain with a pain ↓ understanding of the Educate on the disease management
scale of 10/10 disease and its possible complication by informing and
failure to replace
● Facial grimace possible and risks of the involving patients in The patient was able
these fluids through
complications. disease if unattended. both the treatment to verbalize relief
oral or intravenous
instructions and from pain with a pain
lifestyle adjustments scale of 4/10 from
↓ required to avoid 10/10.
potentially life- negative
threatening condition consequences.
The patient exhibited
willingness to
improve and modify
Non-pharmacological lifestyle choices.
interventions are to
Verbalize relief from Encourage use of non decrease fear, distress Long Term Goal:
pain with a pain scale pharmacologicalmana and anxiety, and to After 4 weeks of
of 4/10 from 10/10. gement such as reduce pain and nursing intervention
diversional activities provide patients with the patient was able
and repositioning. a sense of control. to:
Verbalize total
absence of pain and
Increased fluid intake return of normal
replaces fluid lost in bowel movements.
Encourage increase the liquid stool. Being
fluid intake of 1.5 to creative in selecting Demonstrate minimal
2.5 liters/24 hours fluid sources can lifestyle
Exhibit willingness to plus 200 ml for each facilitate fluid modifications.
improve and modify loose stool in adults replacement. Oral
lifestyle choices. unless hydrating solutions
contraindicated. can be considered as
Verbalize total
absence of pain and
return of normal
bowel movements.
Demonstrate minimal