Admission Test Sample Question in KG-II

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Sample Question 2015-2016

Time: 1 hour. Total marks: 60
Name: _______________Mobile No.:Date: __________

1. Write down the name of five colours: 5
1. 

2. 

3. 

4. 

5. 

2. Write the next days name: 5

Sunday  
  

3. Fill in the blanks with a or an : 5

1.  bag.

2.  egg.

3.  dog.

4.  apple.

5.  girl.

D:\Share Folder\Sample Question\KG-II. (2015-16).doc

4. Write the plural of these singular words: 5

Singular Plural
boy 
cat 
doll 
fruit 
eye 


1. Write the missing numbers: 5

23,  25, 
31,   34
46, 47  49

2. Write in words: 5

7 = 

16 = 

24 = 

35 = 

44 = 

D:\Share Folder\Sample Question\KG-II. (2015-16).doc

3. Write number: 5

15 
19 
23 
34 
45 

4. Fill in the blanks with >, < and = sign: 5

6  8
17  12
28  28
31  13
26  38

evsjv 20

1. Lvwj N‡i mwVK eY© emvI: 10

K  M  O
P   S 
U  W  Y
Z   a |

D:\Share Folder\Sample Question\KG-II. (2015-16).doc

2. Qwe †`‡L eY© wjL: 5

  

 

3. Qwei mv‡_ eY© wgj Ki : 5

Qwe eY©

D:\Share Folder\Sample Question\KG-II. (2015-16).doc

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