Sem Report On Blue Eye Technology1
Sem Report On Blue Eye Technology1
Sem Report On Blue Eye Technology1
the Blue Eyes aims at creating computational devices with the sort of perceptual abilities Employing
most modern video cameras and microphones to identify the users actions through the use of imparted
sensory abilities . The machine can understand what a user wants, where he is looking at, and even
realize his physical or emotional states that people take for granted .Blue eyes is being developed by
the team of Poznan University of Technology& Microsoft. It makes use of the “blue tooth technology”
developed by Ericsson.
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(Fig.1 System Overview)
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the operator. Voice data is transferred using a small headset, interfaced to the
DAU with standard mini-jack plugs.
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Blue Eyes software's main task is to look after working operators' physiological
condition. To assure instant reaction on the operators' condition change the
software performs real time buffering of the incoming data, real-time physiological
data analysis and alarm triggering.
The Blue Eyes software comprises several functional modules System core
facilitates the transfers flow between other system modules (e.g. transfers raw data
from the ConnectionManager to data analyzers, processed data from the data analyzers
to GUI controls, other data analyzers, data logger etc.). The System Core
fundamental are single-producer-multi-consumer thread safe queues. Any number of
consumers can register to receive the data supplied by a producer. Every single
consumer can register at any number of producers, receiving therefore different
types of data. Naturally, every consumer may be a producer for other consumers.
This approach enables high system scalability – new data processing modules (i.e.
filters, data analyzers and loggers) can be easily added by simply registering as a
Connection Manager is responsible for managing the wireless communication
between the mobile Data Acquisition Units and the central system. The Connection
Manager handles:
communication with the CSU hardware
searching for new devices in the covered range
establishing Bluetooth connections
connection authentication
incoming data buffering
sending alers
Data Analysis module performs the analysis of the raw sensor data in order to
obtain information about the operator’s physiological condition.The separately
running Data Analysis module supervises each of the working operators.
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Visualization module provides a user interface for the supervisors. It enables them
to watch each of the working operator’s physiological condition along with a preview
of selected video source and related sound stream. All the incoming alarm messages
are instantly signaled to the supervisor. The Visualization module can be set in an off-
line mode, where all the data is fetched from the database. Watching all the recorded
physiological parameters, alarms, video and audio data the supervisor is able to
reconstruct the course of the selected operator’s duty. The physiological data is
presented using a set of custom-built GUI controls:
Rosalind Picard (1997) describes why emotions are important to the
computing community. There are two aspects of affective computing: giving the computer
the ability to detect emotions and giving the computer the ability to express emotions. Not
only are emotions crucial for rational decision making as Picard describes, but emotion
detection is an important step to an adaptive computer system. An adaptive, smart computer
system has been driving our efforts to detect a person’s emotional state. An important
element of incorporating emotion into computing is for productivity for a computer user.
A study (Dryer & Horowitz, 1997) has shown that people with personalities that are
similar or complement each other collaborate well. Dryer (1999) has also shown that
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people view their computer as having a personality. For these reasons, it is
important to develop computers which can work well with its user.
The data for each subject consisted of scores for four physiological assessments
[GSA, GSR, pulse, and skin temperature, for each of the six emotions (anger, disgust,
fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise)] across the five minute baseline and test
sessions. GSA data was sampled 80 times per second, GSR and temperature were reported
approximately 3-4 times per second and pulse was recorded as a beat was detected,
approximately 1 time per second. To account for individual variance in
physiology, we calculated the difference between the baseline and test scores. Scores that
differed by more than one and a half standard deviations from the mean were treated as
missing. By this criterion, twelve score were removed from the analysis.The results show
the theory behind the Emotion mouse work is fundamentally sound. The physiological
measurements were correlated to emotions using a correlation model. The
correlation model is derived from a calibration process in which a baseline attribute-to
emotion correlation is rendered based on statistical analysis of calibration signals
generated by users having emotions that are measured or otherwise known at
calibration time.
For Voice:
Artificial Inteligence Speech Recognition
3.1 HAND
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(Fig.6 Emotional Mouse)
One proposed, non—invasive method for gaining user information through touch is via a
computer input device, the mouse. This then allows the user to relate the cardiac rhythm, the
body temperature, electrical conductivity of the skin and other physiological attributes with the
mood. This has led to the creation of the “Emotion Mouse”. The device can measure heart
rate,temperature, galvanic skin response and minute bodily movements and matches them with
six emotional states: happiness, surprise, anger, fear, sadness and disgust. The mouse includes a
set of sensors, including infrared detectors and temperature-sensitive chips. These components,
User researchers’ stress, will also be crafted into other commonly used items such as the office
chair, the steering wheel, the keyboard and the phone handle. Integrating the system into the
steering wheel, for instance, could allow an alert to be sounded when a driver becomes
drowsy.Information Obtained From Emotion Mouse
1) Behavior
a. Mouse movements
2) Physiological information
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It is a modified computer mouse that includes a directional pressure sensor for aiding in
recognition of emotional valence (liking/attraction vs. disliking/avoidance).
3.2 EYE
This work explores a new direction in utilizing eye gaze for computer input.
Gaze tracking has long been considered as an alternative or potentially
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greater accuracy and naturalness than traditional gaze pointing, and possibly
faster speed than manual pointing. . We have designed two MAGIC
POINTING techniques, one liberal and the other conservative in terms
of target identification and cursor placement.
( Fig.12 The Liberal MAGIC Pointing technique cursor is placed in the vicinity of a target that
the user fixates on )
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(Fig.13 Bright (left) and Dark (right) pupil images resulting from on and off axis
illumination The glints and corneal reflections , from the on and off axis light sources can
be easily identified as the bright points in the iris.)
When the light source is placed on-axis with the camera optical axis, the camera is able to
detect the light reflected from the interior of the eye, and the image of the pupil
appears bright (see Figure 13). This effect is often seen as the red-eye in flash
photographs when the flash is close to the camera lens. Bright (left) and dark (right) pupil
images resulting from on- and off-axis illumination. The glints, or corneal reflections,
from the on- and off-axis light sources can be easily identified as the bright points in the
iris. The reflection is then used to estimate the user's point of gaze in terms of the
screen coordinates where the user is looking at. The estimation of the user's gaze requires
an initial calibration procedure, similar to that required by commercial eye trackers. Our
system operates at 30 frames per second on a Pentium II 333 MHz machine running
Windows NT. It can work with any PCI frame grabber compatible with Video
for Windows.
Eye tracking data can be acquired simultaneously with MRI scanning using a system that
illuminates the left eye of a subject with an infrared (IR) source, acquires a video image
of that eye, locates the corneal reflection (CR) of the IR source, and in real time
calculates/displays/records the gaze direction and pupil diameter.
It is important to consider the environment in which the speech recognition system has to work.
The grammar used by the speaker and accepted by the system, noise level, noise type, position of
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the microphone, and speed and manner of the user’s speech are some factors that may affect the
quality of speech recognition . A6n automatic call-handling system is used without employing
any telephone operator.
Artificial intelligence (AI) involves two basic ideas. First, it involves studying
the thought processes of human beings. Second, it deals with representing those processes
via machines (like computers, robots, etc). AI is behavior of a machine, which,
if performed by a human being, would be called intelligent. It makes machines smarter and
more useful, and is less expensive than natural intelligence.
The user speaks to the computer through a microphone, which, in used; a simple system may
contain a minimum of three filters. The more the number of filters used, the higher the
probability of accurate recognition. Presently, switched capacitor digital filters are used
because these can be custom-built in integrated circuit form. These are smaller and cheaper
than active filters using operational amplifiers. The filter output is then fed to the ADC to
translate the analogue signal into digital word. The ADC samples the filter outputs
many times a second. Each sample represents different amplitude of the signal .Evenly
spaced vertical lines represent the amplitude of the audio filter output at the instant of
sampling. Each value is then converted to a binary number proportional to the amplitude of
the sample. A central processor unit (CPU) controls the input circuits that are fed by the
ADCS. A large RAM (random access memory) stores all the digital values in a buffer area.
This digital information, representing the spoken word, is now accessed by the CPU to
process it further. The normal speech has a frequency range of 200 Hz to 7 kHz. Recognizing
a telephone call is more difficult as it has bandwidth limitation of 300 Hz to3.3 kHz.
One of the main benefits of speech recognition system is that it lets user do other works
simultaneously. The user can concentrate on observation and manual operations, and still
control the machinery by voice input commands. Another major application of speech
processing is in military operations. Voice control of weapons is an example. With
reliable speech recognition equipment, pilots can give commands and information to the
computers by simply speaking into their microphones—they don’t have to use their
hands for this purpose. Another good example is a radiologist scanning hundreds of X-rays,
ultrasonograms, CT scans and simultaneously dictating conclusions to a speech
recognition system connected to word processors. The radiologist can focus his attention on
the images rather than writing the text. Voice recognition could also be used on
computers for making airline and hotel reservations. A user requires simply to state his
needs, to make reservation, cancel a reservation, or make enquiries about schedule.
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Another application would be in the automobile industry. By simply touching a computer input
device such as a mouse, the computer system is designed to be able to determine a person's
emotional state.
Current interfaces between computers and humans can present information vividly, but have no
sense of whether that information is ever viewed or understood. In contrast, new real-time
computer vision techniques for perceiving people allows us to create "Face-responsive Displays" and
"Perceptive Environments", which can sense and respond to users that are viewing them.
Environments can become aware of how many people are present, what activity is occuring, and
therefore what display or messaging modalities are most appropriate to use in the current situation.
Prevention from dangerous incidents
Minimization of ecological consequences financial loss a threat to a human
BlueEyes system provides technical means for monitoring and recording human-
operator's physiological condition. The key features of the system are:
. The BLUE EYES technology ensures a convenient way of simplifying the life by
providing more delicate and user friendly facilities in computing devices. Instead of
using cumbersome modules to gather information about the user, it will be better to use
smaller and less intrusive units. ordinary household devices -- such as televisions,
refrigerators, and ovens -- may be able to do their jobs when we look at them and speak
to them.
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PRIYANKA (277042)
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