Andales DTP
Andales DTP
Andales DTP
For and on-behalf of Andales Barangay Council, this Barangay Devolution Transition Plan is the
manifestation of our desire to deliver the promised services for the general welfare of barangay
residents of Andales. This plan is a roadmap to ensure strategic, systematic and coherent actions
towards the full implementation of functions, services and facilities to be fully devolved by national
government agencies concerned, starting in Fiscal Year 2022. We further believe that the intention of
this plan is that living condition of barangay residents of Andales will be comfortable in the near future.
Furthermore, we humbly request that your untiring support shall be extended to us because
strong collaboration between and among barangay officials as well as residents are very vital in the
realization of our dream which is “Comfortable life for all of us.”
Punong Barangay
WHEREAS, Section 25, Article II of the Constitution provides that the State shall ensure the autonomy of
local governments;
WHEREAS, Section 6, Article X of the Constitution provides that local government units (LGUs) shall have
a just share, as determine by law, in the national taxes which shall be automatically released to them;
WHEREAS, Section 2 (a) of the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991 (Republic Act provides that the
State shall provide for a more responsive and accountable local government structure instituted through
a system of decentralization whereby local government units (LGUs) shall be given more powers,
authority, responsibilities, and resources. The process of decentralization shall proceed from the
national government (NG) to the local government units LGUs;
WHEREAS, Section 3 (d) of the LGC further provides that “the vesting of duty, responsibility, and
accountability in local government units shall be accompanied with provision for reasonably adequate
resources to discharge their powers and effectively carry out their functions; hence, they shall have the
power to create and broaden their own sources of revenue and the right to a just share in national taxes
and an equitable share in the proceeds of the utilization and development of the national wealth within
their respective areas;”
WHEREAS, the Supreme Court (SC) decision in the consolidated cases of Congressman Hermilando I.
Mandanas, et al. vs. Executive Secretary Paquito N. Ochoa, Jr. et al. and Honorable Enrique T. Garcia, Jr.
vs. Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa, et al. clarifies the basis for the computation of local government
shares and ordered the national government to include all collections of national taxes in the
computation of the base amount for the just share of LGUs;
WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 138 orders the full devolution of functions, services, and facilities by the
national government (NG) to local governments (LGUs) no later than the end of FY 2024. These shall
include those devolved responsibilities indicated in Section 17 of RA 7160 and in other existing laws
which subsequently devolved functions of the NG to LGUs. These fully devolved responsibilities shall be
funded from the share of the LGUs in the proceeds of the national taxes and other local revenues;
WHEREAS, Section 10 of Executive Order No. 138 orders all local governments to prepare their
Devolution Transition Plans (DTPs) in close coordination with the NGAs concerned especially with regard
to devolved functions and services that are critical to them;
WHEREAS, the DILG-DBM Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 1 dated _______ 2021 by the requires
all provincial, city and municipal governments to prepare their DTPs to ensure a strategic perspective
and systematic and coherent actions towards their full assumption of devolved functions and services
starting in FY 2022;
BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to approve the Devolution Transition Plan providing the
Provincial/City/Municipal/Barangay Government with a roadmap to ensure strategic, systematic, and
coherent actions towards the full implementation of functions, services, and facilities to be fully devolve
by national government agencies concerned starting in FY 2022;
RESOLVED further, that copies of this Resolution be furnish to the Honorable ________________, the
members of the Devolution Transition Committee, NGAs concerned and the local office of DILG.
Barangay Secretary
HON. _______________________
Punong Barangay/Presiding Officer
Table shown below depicts the various functions, services, and facilities delivered by barangay
Andales based on Section 17 of RA 7160 and RA 9344. Except for the establishment of information and
reading center as stated in Section 17 (b)(1)(vii) of RA 7160, some nine (9) devolved functions have
already been fully assumed.
Existing? Responsible
Legal Basis Functions/Services/ Facilities Programs/Projects/Activities Complement/
(Y/N) Person/s
No. of
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
PB &
Agricultural support services which Procurement for seedlings Committee 40
include planting materials,
Sec. Chair on Agri
distribution system and operation Yes
17(b)(1)(i) of farm produce collection and PB &
Procurement of vaccine for
buying stations. Committee 30
Chair on Agri
Health and Nutrition Services PB 9
Health and social welfare services Senior Citizen & PWD Welfare
PB 99
Sec. which include the maintenance of Services
Yes Maintenance of Barangay Health
17(b)(1)(ii) barangay health and day care
PB 9
centers Center
Maintenance of Day Care Center &
PB 1
Day Care Services
Services and facilities related to PB &
Sec. Construction of Material Recovery
beautification, and solid waste Yes Committee 1
17(b)(1)(iii) Facility
collection. Chair on Infra
Sec. Maintenance of Katarungang Katarungang Pambarangay Training,
Yes PB 10
17(b)(1)(iv) Pambarangay Katarungang Pambarangay Services
Maintenance of Farm to Market
Maintenance of barangay roads Road
and bridges, and water supply Yes PB &
17(b)(1)(v) system Maintenance of Water Supply
Committee 4
Chair on Infra
PB &
Construction of covered court with
Committee 4
perimeter fence
Chair on Infra
Infrastructure facilities such as PB &
Sec. multi-purpose hall, multi-purpose
Yes Construction of Play Ground Committee 4
17(b)(1)(vi) pavement, plaza, sports center,
Chair on Infra
and other similar facilities
PB &
Construction of Multipurpose
Committee 4
Chair on Infra
Information and reading center. No
PB &
Sec. Satellite or public market were
Yes Improvement of public market Committee 1
17(b)(1)(viii) viable.
Chair on Infra
Table shown below illustrates the phasing of full assumption of devolved functions, services, and
facilities to be delivered by barangay Andales based on Section 17 of RA 7160 and RA 9344. The
Devolution Transition Committee has identified some 17 programs/projects/activities and 13 training
programs to capacitate the concerned barangay officials.
Resource Requirements
Functions/Services/ Programs/Projects/ Timeline for
Responsible Personnel/Staffing Capacity Development Funding
Facilities to be Activities for Full
Person/s FY FY FY
Assumed Implementation Assumption FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024
2022 2023 2024
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Training on On-
Line Posting of
Invitation to Bid Training on
35,000.00 35,000.00
and Preparation RA 9184
Agricultural support of Bidding
Procurement of farm PB, Comm.
services which include documents
inputs including 2022 - 2023 Chair. on
planting materials, Training on
training Agriculture
distribution system and proper
operation of farm marketing and
produce collection and 5,000.00
buying stations. system of farm
Training for
PB, Agri.
Livestock deworming 2022 proper 15,000.00
Com. Chair
Training Training for
Health & Nutrition PB, Chair on Training for
2022 - 2024 for BWH & BWH & 52,000.00 52,000.00 52,000.00
Services Health BWH & BNS
PB, Chair on
Services for the
Senior Citizens & 2022-2024 22,000.00 22,000.00 22,000.00
Health and social Services
welfare services which Committee
include the maintenance Training of
of barangay health and Maintenance of Health 2022 - 2024
PB, Chair on Simplified
15,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
day care centers Center Infra POW
PB, Chair on Training for Training Training for
Early Childhood Care
2022-2024 Social ECCD for ECCD ECCD 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00
and Develolment
Services Worker Worker Worker
Maintenance of Day PB, Chair on
2022 - 2024 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
Care Center Infra
Orientation on
Services and facilities Purchase for materials PB, Chair on RA 9003 for
2022 - 2024 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
related to of sanitary toilet Infra Committee on
beautification, and solid Environment
waste collection. PB, Chair on and Barangay
Construction of MRF 2022 - 2024 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
Infra Solid Waste
Maintenance of Katarungang
Punong Training on Training on Training on
Katarungang Pambarangay 2022-2024 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00
Barangay KP Laws KP Laws KP Laws
Pambarangay Services
Maintenance dor Farm PB, Chair on
2022-2024 Training on 96,000.00 96,000.00 96,000.00
Maintenance of to Market Road Infra
barangay roads and
Rehab Construction of Implementation
bridges, and water PB, Chair on
Water system 2022-2024 and 155,000.00 155,000.00 155,000.00
supply system Infra
P1,P2,P3, & P4 Management
Implementation Details
Priority Capacity Target Barangay
Functions/ Expected Funding Requirements Source of
Development Official/ Funding
Services Output Timeframe Technical
Intervention Personnel Source
2022 2023 2024 Support
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]