Wall Wash Test: 1. Preparation
Wall Wash Test: 1. Preparation
Wall Wash Test: 1. Preparation
- Regent -
a) Pure Methanol (500ml/bottle)
b) Pure Water(Distillated Water)
c) Acetone(500ml/bottle)
d) 2%AgNO3 Solution(500ml/bottle)
e) 20%HNO3 Solution(500ml/bottle)
f) 10ppm(0.01mg/ml)Chlorine Standard Solution(500ml/bottle)
g) 0.02%KMnO4 Solution(500ml/bottle)-Store in dark place and keep cool temperature.
- Instrument -
a) Plastic Bottles(500ml x 2 bottles for Methanol washing / Pure Water Dropping)
b) Nessler - Tube ( 100 ml x 6 pcs )
c) Pipet ( 5 ml x 4pcs for AgNO3 / HNO3 / CL / KMnO4 respectively)
d) Shall x 2pcs ( for testing Non-volatile matters)
e) Disposable Vinyl gloves ( 200 sheets / 1 case )
f) Funnel x 1
g) Shoies Covers
h) A.P.H.A Color Standard ( No.3, 5, 8, 10) for Color Test
i) Black Colored Plate(for testing trubidity of HC/CL)
j) White Colored Plate(for testing turbidity Color)
k) Flash Light
* Test kits for WWT have to be stowed in closed bag or wooden box not to drop test kits into tank when going into
and coming out tank.
* Put the shoes covers and wear vinyl gloves
* Before taking sample,wash Funnel by methanol
* Take samples from four(4)parts of Fore / Aft / Port /Starboard bulkheads and in the area of 1 meter in height x
30cm in width at the position of 1.5meter from the bottom by methanol wash on the wall.
* It is desitable to take sample from reasonable area but don't take sample from nook corner which can not count
as standard value.
* The necessary quantity of sample from each cargo tank is about 250cc for Color/50cc,
HC/50cc, CL/50cc, PTT/50cc.
a) Hydrocarbon Test
- Fill up 50cc of wall wash sample into 100cc Nessler-tube and add 50cc of Distilled water
- The mixture is shaken and allowed to stand for 20 minutes
- For avoiding any observational error or for checking purity of reagent,make a standard solution by pure
methanol 50cc + distilled water 50cc and compare with sample on the black plate.
- The standard solution for each ppm can be made by Methanol / 50cc+ AgNO3 / 2cc+ HNO3 / 2cc+ 10ppm
standard CL / 8cc ( for 2ppm, 4cc for 1 ppm) + Distilled water 38cc (for 2ppm) or 42cc(for 1ppm)
- If the sample is very clear as standard solution of zero ppm, it means zero ppm.
Nearly clear : 0.5 ppm
Little cloudy : 1 ppm
Not cloudy : 5 ppm
Cloudy(milky) : more than 10 ppm
b) Chloride Test
- Fill up Sample / 50cc + 20% HNO3 / 2cc + 2% AgNO3 / 2cc + Distilled water/46cc into 100cc Nessler-tube
- The mixture is shaken and allowed to stand for 10 minutes
- The mixture in the tube is compared with Standard solution on the Black plate
(Standard Solutions for each ppm)
ppm Methanol 20%HNO3 2%AgNO3 10ppm standard CL Distilled water Total
2 ppm 50 cc 2 cc 2 cc 8 cc 38 cc 100 cc
1 ppm 50 cc 2 cc 2 cc 4 cc 42 cc 100 cc
0.5 ppm 50 cc 2 cc 2 cc 2 cc 44 cc 100 cc
0.25 ppm 50 cc 2 cc 2 cc 1 cc 45 cc 100 cc
50cc Pure water 50cc 10ppm CL 8cc
2cc 2% AgNO3 2cc
2cc 20% HNO3 2cc
50cc Methanol 50cc 50cc 50cc
2cc 2cc
50cc Methanol 50cc 50cc 50cc
Result of WWT Tank Cleaning Methods
2ppm>HC Methanol spray
2ppm<HC<3ppm Toluene steaming 3hrs & Methanol spray
3ppm<HC<5ppm Toluene wash Steaming(within LEL) Methanol spray
5ppm<HC Re-cleaning with detergent or solvent depend on tank coating
*Detergent : B-4 , B-2, Caustic Soda
*Solvent : Toluene, PCE, Kerosene
*Others : Phosphoric Acid , Rust remover
Result of WWT Tank Cleaning Methods
2ppm>CL Steaming or Methanol spray
2ppm<CL<5ppm Methanol spray Steaming(within LEL)
5ppm<CL Hand wash or BW by Fresh water Steaming(within LEL) Methanol spray
* Before start Methanol spray, the purity of methanol in drum & Cleanness of Spray equipment have to be
Result of WWT (15°C) Tank Cleaning Methods
30 min < PPT < 50min Methanol spray
15 min < PPT < 30min Methanol Steaming Methanol spray
15 min > PPT Re-cleaning with detergent or solvent depend on tank coating
Result of WWT Tank Cleaning Methods
No. 5 < APHA < No.10 Methanol spray / 1 time
No.10 < APHA < No.15 Steaming & Methanol spray
No.15 < APHA Hot sea Butterworth Methanol spray
* Basically the color results from rusts on surface of cargo coating tank or EDC tank as last cargo