Calibration Sample

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Inspection certificate of Calibration - 2600T: C1 / PxS: CF

2600T Pressure Transmitters Inspection Certificate

Certificato di Taratura

EN 10204 - 3.1

ABB B.V. Industrial Automation
George Hintzenweg 81
3068 AX
Ref - Rif - Referenziert - V/Commande
Customer Item - Item Cliente

Factory - Messieures
ABB S.p.A Industrial Automation
Factory Order Ack - Conf. Ordine Interna - I/Commande recon - n/accusé de réception N.
Internal O/A pos / s.pos
000800 / 000001
Transmitter Information
Serial Number - Nr. Di serie - Ordnungsnummer - No. de série
Product Code Communication Tag no. - Sigla - Messstelle - Repère 3K646621021935
Meas Range - Campo - Messbereich - Etendue de
Diaphragm Seal H Side Message
-100 kPa / 2400 kPa
Adjusted to: - Tarato a: - Angepasst an - Ajustée à
Diaphragm Seal L Side Descriptor
0 / 1590 kPa
Special version nr
SR20732 Linear

Transducer Information Communication Board Information

Serial Number 27026421020223 Serial Number 1114456
Software revision 7.2.2
Hardware revision 0.1.3

Calibration Result - Risultato - Ergebnis - Résultat PASS Max. deviation from characteristic[%]
Massimo errore della caratteristica[%]
Range Applied Pressure Digital Output Output Current Deviation
campo Press. Applicata Uscita Digitale Corr. Uscita Deviazione
Max. Kennlinienabweichung[%]
Déviation max de la caractéristique[%] 0,060
Messpunkt Erreichter Druck Digital Prüfling Ausgangsstrom Abweichung Sensor temperature[°C]
Echelle Pression Appliquée Sortie Numérique Sortie Analogique Écart Temperatura sensore[°C]

% of span kPa kPa mA % of span

0 0,000000 -0,047 4,0000 0,000
25 397,500000 397,276 7,9976 -0,015
50 795,000000 794,862 11,9981 -0,012
75 1192,500000 1192,444 15,9995 -0,003
100 1590,000000 1589,898 19,9989 -0,007
100 1590,000000 1589,994 19,9996 -0,003
75 1192,500000 1192,713 16,0025 0,016
50 795,000000 795,192 12,0020 0,012
25 397,500000 397,554 8,0007 0,004
0 0,000000 -0,043 3,9996 -0,002
Test Equipment Information
Equipment - Apparecchio di test Doc n° 1001135991
Type - Tipo DIPROS::Calibration M28 Test Timer (HH:MM:SS) 00:10:46
Tool n° - Attrezzo n° 3
Operating Mode - Modo operativo Automatic Configuration DiPros2 - v
Multimeter Type Fluke 8845 cesp.10000004354 sn 1518046 [4591]
Pressure Controllers Ruska 7250XI 0 - 25 Bar [2750] Ruska 7250XI 0 - 25 Bar [2750] [0]

The measuring instruments used for calibration are part of the cyclic surveillance system DIN/ISO 9001
Gli strumenti di misura utilizzati per la calibratura fanno parte del sistema ciclico di sorveglianza DIN/ISO 9001
Die verwendeten Messgeräte sind Bestandteil der zyklischen Messmittelüberwachung nach DIN/ISO 9001
Les instruments de mesure utilisés pour le calibrage font partie du système cyclique de surveillance DIN/ISO 9001
We certify that instrument has been tested according to the ABB standard , it is manufactured in compliance with the above mentioned characteristics and with the order.
Si attesta che lo strumento è stato collaudato secondo gli standard ABB , è costruttivamente rispondente alle caratteristiche succitate ed in conformità al vostro ordine.
Wir bestätigen dass die Geräte nach dem ABB standart getested wurden und der oben augeführten Charakteristik entsprechen und esentspricht beider bestellung .
Nous certifions que l'instrument a ètè controlè et responde aux normes ABB , qu'il possède toutes le caractèristique ci-dessus citeè et conformitè a la commande.

Calibration Location/ Date ABB QUALITY TEST CHECK Inspector

ABB S.p.A Industrial Automation
Tremezzina (CO) ITALY
phone: +39 0344 58111
Fax: +39 0344 56728

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