FOW Meeting Minutes - December 2010

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DECEMBER 7, 2010
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Walgrove Avenue Elementary School

1630 Walgrove Avenue ∗ Los Angeles, CA 90066
Phone: 310-391-7104 ∗ Fax: 310-391-9809

I. Welcome & Introductions – Sarah Reimers

II. Special Thanks – Sarah Reimers

A. Danielle Seidenglanz Thank you for coordinating the successful Entertainment Books
and Sally Foster fundraising – it is a huge undertaking and one of the most
thankless tasks.
B. Annual Fund Team Thank you for a great Annual Fund Week.
C. Walgroovy Hosts and Coordinators The Wine-Tasting Party was a hit as was the Movie
Night. People are having such a great time at these fundraisers.
D. Families and Teachers Impacted by the Re-Organization after Norm Day Thank you for
your continued patience as we work through the reorganization. It has been a difficult
time for everyone involved.

III. School/Instructional Reports

A. STAR Update The new STAR Director is Hanako Moondance (Sarabanda’s daughter).
She started as a literacy teacher. Contact: [email protected]
1. Galaxy 4 is a grant program with classes in skateboarding, gymnastics, rockstar
band, and science. There are 20 people on the waiting list.
2. Enrichment classes are done/not done depending on the numbers.
3. STAR is in Room 10. Kindergarteners are picked up from their classrooms, but
everyone else walk in on their own.
B. Principal’s Report – Arlene Fortier
1. Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI) is very exciting! This program was
developed by Dr. Judy Elliott (Chief Academic Officer of LAUSD). It is a set of s
strategies for reaching children at their level of learning. Our teachers and aides
are in the training stages here at Walgrove.
2. Council is being used by EVERY teacher at Walgrove in some way. Kate Lipkis has
been a great support person for us.
3. Second Step is a program to teach appropriate social behavior, anger
management, impulse control, and reading social cues.
III. Officer and Council Reports
A. SSC/EVTF: Amy Johnson
The lunch/recess changes are a paradigm shift. Lunch is part of the curriculum not a
“break” from it.
B. Fundraising: Lisa Tauscher and Danielle Seidenglanz
1. Annual Fund: we are at $71K now with 35% of families contributing. We have a
calling campaign this month and our goal is to have over 50% of families
contributing. Without more families contributing, may have to re-consider
budget at the January FOW meeting.
2. Walgroovy Parties: There are still openings for the Gingerbread House Party.
3. Dine-Outs: CPK netted $450, next one will be in March at El Torito.
4. Sally Foster Fundraiser: $2200 raised! Mr. Ziff’s class raised the most, so they have
won a PIZZA PARTY! Feedback from parents was that catalogs were preferred.
This is an ongoing fundraiser, so continue to go online and be sure to enter the
school number and your child’s number so that Walgrove gets the credit.
5. Silent Auction Meeting: January 2011. We will be using a new database for the
Silent Auction as well as the Annual Fund.
6. Walk-A-Thon: June 2011. We will have a party theme with bouncies.
C. Treasurer/Controller: Mark Sim
1. Transferring funds to Chase account shortly. Just closed our first account, which
was $58K.
2. Note that ~$60K will only carry us for about three months. We need more.
3. Tax letters will be coming out in December/January.
D. Room Parents: Julie Dair
Two rooms still have no room parents, so I am room parent pro tem for those rooms.

IV. New Business

A. Beautification Team Report
Composting/Recycling: We are going on a field trip to Beethoven on Thursday,
12/9/10, to study their composting/recycling programs.
B. Outreach/Recruitment Report
1. More banners are up!
2. Tours have been set: 01/25 (Tues) and 02/09 (Wed). Thank you, Michelle Dean,
Lynn Jones, and Warner Takaki.

V. Happenings
A. Community Day: Saturday, December 11, 1pm-4pm.
B. “Race to Nowhere” Screening: Tuesday, December 14.
C. Holiday Program and Bazaar/Boutique: Thursday, December 16, 8am-2pm.
D. Visit from Superintendent’s Office and Local District 3: Week of January 24.
E. Parent Reading Workshop: Friday, January 28, 8:30am-10am, Room 27.
F. School Tours: Tuesday, January 25, and Wednesday, February 09.

VI. Help Wanteds

A. Secretary & Website/Communications Management
B. Team Co-Chairs: Beautification, Physical Education, Lunch & Recess, Grant Writing

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