Litz Design PDFs

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Litz Wire

For optimum performance, the Litz constructions covered

in this section are made with individually insulated
strands. Common magnet wire film insulations such
as: polyvinylformal, polyurethane, polyurethane/nylon;
solderable polyester, solderable polyester/nylon,
polyester/polyamide-imide, and polyimide are normally
used. The outer insulation and the insulation on the
component conductors, in some styles, may be servings From Table 1 and other empirical data the following table
or braids of nylon, cotton, Nomex1, fiberglass or ceramic. of recommended wire gauges vs. frequency for most Litz
Polyester, heat sealed polyester, polyimide and PTFE constructions has been prepared.
tape wraps along with extrusions of most thermoplastics
are also available as outer insulation if the applications
dictate special requirements for voltage breakdown
or environmental protection. Table 2

Litz Design
Typically, the design engineer requiring the use of Litz
knows the operating frequency and RMS current required
for the application. Since the primar y benefit of a Litz
conductor is the reduction of A.C. losses, the first
consideration in any Litz design is the operating
frequency. The operating frequency not only influences
the actual Litz construction, but is also used to
determine the individual wire gauge.

Ratios of alternating-current resistance to direct-current

resistance for an isolated solid round wire (H) in terms
of a value (X) are shown in Table 1.

After the individual wire gauge has been determined and

assuming that the Litz construction has been designed
such that each strand tends to occupy all possible
Table 1 positions in the cable to approximately the same extent,
the ratio of A.C. to D.C. resistance of an isolated Litz
conductor can be determined from the following formula.

The value of X for copper wire is determined by Formula 1.

1 DuPont Registered Trademark
2 See Radio Engineers Handbook - Terman, pp. 30-83.

Where: H = Resistance ratio of individual strands Following is an example of the calculations required to
when isolated (taken from Table 1 or 2) evaluate a Type 2 Litz construction consisting of 450
strands of 40 AWG single-film polyurethane-coated wire
G = Eddy-current
operating at 100 KHZ. This construction, designed with
basis factor
two bunching operations and one cabling operation,
F = Operating frequency in HZ would be written 5x3/30/40 (NEW uses “x” to indicate
a cabling operation and “/” to indicate a bunching oper-
N = Number of strands in the cable ation.)

DI = Diameter of the individual strands over the

1. Calculate the D.C. resistance of the Litz
copper in inches
construction using formula 3.
DO = Diameter of the finished cable over the
strands in inches

K = Constant depending on N, given in the

following table
2. Calculate the A.C. to D.C. resistance ratio
using formula 2.

The D.C. resistance of a Litz conductor is related to the

following parameters:
3. The A.C. resistance is, therefore,
1. AWG of the individual strands.
1.0344 x 2.70 or 2.79 ohms/1000 ft.

2. Number of strands in the cable.

The value of Litz can easily be seen if the above
3. Factors relating to the increased length of example is compared with a solid round wire with
the individual strands per unit length of cable equivalent cross sectional area, 65.8 mils in diameter.
(take-up). For normal Litz constructions a Using the same operating parameters, the D.C.
1.5% increase in D.C. resistance for every resistance is 2.395 ohms/1000 ft. However, the
bunching operation and a 2.5% increase in A.C./D.C. resistance ratio increases to approximately
D.C. resistance for every cabling operation 21.4 making the A.C. resistance 51.3 ohms/1000 ft.
are approximately correct.
The following tables list examples of Litz
The formula derived from these parameters for the D.C. constructions which can be manufactured by
resistance of any Litz construction is: New England Wire Technologies. These are categorized
by operating frequency and by equivalent AWG size.
Round, braided and rectangular Litz conductors
are shown separately to provide the greatest possible
selection for any design application.
Where:RDC = Resistance in Ohms/1000 ft.
RS = Maximum D.C. resistance of the individual
strands (taken from Table 2)
NB = Number of bunching operations
NC = Number of cabling operations
NS = Number of individual strands
Tel: 603.838.6624
© 2005 New England Wire Technologies


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