Computer Graphics Solved Mcqs Set 25

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Computer Graphics Solved Mcqs set 25

601. A segment is a __________.

A. small part of the whole scene

B. the complete scene

C. the collection of all pictures of the scene

D. none of these

Answer: A

602. Which of the following attribute of the segment is used to make

changes in image?
o m
A. visibility
B. segment name
C. image transformation
q M
D. segment size
Answer: D M
603. Which of the following is not applied on segment?
A. delete

B. create

C. close

D. search

Answer: D

604. Which of the following operation is valid on Segment?

A. copy

B. search

C. rename

D. update

Answer: C

605. _______ attribute of segment is used to uniquely identify a particular


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Computer Graphics Solved Mcqs set 25

A. segment start

B. segment name

C. segment size

D. visibility

Answer: B

606. We can not have more than one segment open at a time. Statement
true or false
A. true
o m
B. false
C. sometimes
D. none of these

q M
Answer: A
607. The segment name is must be unique. State true or false.
A. true

B. false

C. sometimes

D. none of these

Answer: A

608. For creation of new segment, we have to write ___________.

A. seg_start [seg_name]=next free location in display file

B. seg_start [seg_name]= current location in display file

C. seg_start [seg_start]=next free location in display file

D. seg_start [seg_start]=current location in display file

Answer: A

609. The default value of Visibility attribute is ______.

A. off

B. on

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Computer Graphics Solved Mcqs set 25

C. 0

D. 1

Answer: B

610. A. Set Visibility attribute of that segment as OFF.

A. b. shift all next segments up and overlap the segment to be deleted.

B. . make the size of the segment to be deleted as zero in segment table and update the segment

C. start attribute of next segment.

D. both b & c
o m
Answer: D .c
611. To delete all the segments simultaneusly_______

q M
A. set size of all segments to zero

B. set visibility attribute of all segment as off
C. set segment start of all the segment to one

D. both a & c

Answer: A

612. modification.
A. segment size

B. segment start

C. segment name

D. visibility

Answer: B

613. become_________.
A. segment start of a particular segment - size of segment to be deleted

B. segment start of particular segment - size of segment start of segment to be deleted.

C. segment start of particular segment - size of next segment

D. none of these

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Computer Graphics Solved Mcqs set 25

Answer: A

614. The segment is opened if_______.

A. the segment name is not in sorted order

B. more than two segments are not having same segment name

C. segment name is starting from one

D. none of these

Answer: D

o m
615. Which of the following statement says segment is invalid?
A. if the size of segment is zero.
B. if the segment name is zero
q M
C. if two segment starts from same location.

D. none of these c
Answer: C
616. Double Buffering concept in segments is nothing but_______.
A. maintaing two temporary buffers

B. maintating two images

C. modifying the existing image

D. none of these

Answer: B

617. ______, which posses the portion of overall picture.

A. line

B. pixel

C. segment

D. curves

Answer: C

618. Which is not attribute associated with segment?

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A. segment no

B. segment start

C. segment size

D. length

Answer: D

619. This attribute/field additionaliy used in segment linked list___.

A. colour

B. visibility
o m
C. scalex .c
D. link
Answer: A
q M
ckeep replication of original segment?
620. Which process is used to
A. create segment
B. close segment

C. rename segment

D. delete segment

Answer: C

621. Computer Graphics models are now commonly used for making ?
A. Motion pictures

B. Music Videos

C. Television shows

D. All of above

Answer: D

622. Graphics and image processing technique used to produce a

transformation of one object into another is called ?
A. Animation

B. Morphine

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Computer Graphics Solved Mcqs set 25

C. Half toning

D. None of above

Answer: A

623. Presence of segment allows____________

A. subdivision of the picture

B. visualization of a particular part of a picture

C. scaling, rotation and translation of a particular part of the picture.

D. all of above
o m
Answer: D . c
624. The structure used to organize all tthe information related to segments
is called______________
q M
A. function table
B. segment table M
C. attribute table

D. display file

Answer: B

625. Each row in the segment table represents information of __________

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. ten

Answer: A

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