Sample Exam Question

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Section [ A ]

[Answer all questions of this section]

Q1. [15 marks]

(a) Find the parametric equations describing the portion of parabola y=x +1 from
(1,2) to (−1,2)
(3 marks)

(b) Find the volume of the solid bonded below by the rectangle R :1≤x≤2,1≤ y≤e¿¿ in
xy− plane and above by the surface f (x , y )=x ln y (3

(c) Find and sketch the domain and find the range of the function
−1 2 2
f (x , y )=sin ( x + y )
(3 marks)

(d) Find all second derivatives of the function z=sin(2 xy) (3 marks)

∫ y ds 2
(e) Evaluate the line integral C where C : x=t , y=t , 0≤t≤2 (3 marks)

Q2. [15 marks]

(a) Determine whether the following lines are parallel , skew or intersect;
x=3+t , y =3+3 t , z=4−t and x=2−s, y=1−2 s, z=6+2 s (3

(b) Find the domain and the range of the function f (x , y , z)=z+ √ x 2+ y 2 and sketch
some level surfaces for k=0, 1, 2 . (3

(c) The length and the width of a rectangle are measured as 40 cm and 30 cm, respectively,
with an error in measurement of at most 0.1 cm . Use differentials to estimate the
maximum error in the calculated area of the rectangle. (3 marks)

√ x− √ y +1
(d) Find the indicated limit. ( x , y )→( 4,3) x− y−1 (3 marks)
Engineering Calculus II MTH 1212

⃗F ( x , y , z)= x i⃗ + y ⃗j− 1 k⃗
(e) Find the curl and the divergence of the vector field z z z .
(3 marks)

Q3. [15 marks]

(a) Find the volume of the solid bounded by the cylinder x 2 + y 2 −2 y=0 , on the bottom

by the xy− plane and on the top by the cone z=2 √ x 2 + y 2 . (6


∫ ⃗F ⋅⃗
⃗F ( x , y)= <− y 2 , x 2 >¿ ¿
(b) Evaluate the line integral C where and C is the
path consists of the horizontal line from (−1, 1) to (0, 1) followed by a circle
2 2
x + y =1 from (0, 1) to (1, 0) .
(5 marks)

∂z ∂z
(c) Find ∂ s and ∂t if z=tan ( 2 x + y ) where x=s t
and y=sln t
(4 marks)

Q4. [15 marks]

(a) Find the area of the region inside of both r=1+sin θ and r=1+ cos θ (4

(b) Show that the function a 2 t 2 −x 2 is a solution of the wave equation

utt =a 2 u xx .
6 marks)

Engineering Calculus II MTH 1212

(c) Let f have continuous partial derivatives, and assume that the maximal directional

derivative of f at (0,0) is equal to 100 and is attained in the direction toward

(3,−4) . Find the gradient ∇ f (0,0) .

(5 marks)

Section B [40 marks]

[Answer only two (2) questions from this section]

Q5. [20 marks]

(a) Use the triple integral to find the volume of the solid bounded by y=9−x 2 , z=0
and z= y . Sketch the solid. (7

(b) Find the absolute maximum and absolute minimum of the f (x , y )=1+xy−x− y on
the closed region R bounded by y=x 2 and y=4 . (7

∮ xydx+x 2 y 3 dy
(c) Use Green’s theorem to evaluate the line integral C , where C is
positively oriented curve consisting of the line segment from (−2,0) to (2,0) and
the top half of the circle x 2 + y 2 =4 .
(6 marks)

Q6. [20 marks]

Engineering Calculus II MTH 1212

∭ 6 xydV
(a) Evaluate the triple integral D where D lies under the plane z=1+ x+ y
and above the region in xy− plane bounded by the curves y=√ x , y=0 and
x=1 .
(7 marks)
(b) Find the equation of the plane that passes through the point (−1, 2 ,1) and contains the
line of intersection of the two planes x+ y−z=2 and 2 x − y+3 z=1 .
(7 marks)

(c) Find equations of (a) the tangent plane (b) the normal line to the surface
z+1=xe cos z at the point (1,0,0) .
(6 marks)

Q7. [20 marks]

2 2
(a) Find the first octant point p( x, y ,z ) on the surface x y z=1 closest to the point
Q(0,0,0) . (7 marks)

∫ (2 x sin y )dx+( x 2 cos y−3 y 2 )dy

(b) Show that the line integral C is independent of path
and then evaluate it from p(−1,0) to Q(5,1) . (7
3 2 z ln y

∫∫ ∫ ye− x dxdydz
(c) Compute the following iterated integral 1 0 0 . (6

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