1 - Linear - Algebra - 1 - Ordinary - Differential - Equations - and - Vector - Calculus 28th July

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Total page:3 BSCMTMMJ201

UG 2nd Semester Examination 2024

Award: B.Sc. (Honours)

Discipline: Mathematics
Course Type: MJC-2(Major)
Course Code: BSCMTMMJ201
Course Name: Linear Algebra-1,Ordinary
Differential Equations and Vector Calculus

Full Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hrs

(The figures in the right-hand margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their
answers in their own words as far as practicable. Notations and symbols have their usual meaning)

1. Answer any five questions 1×5=5

0 −1
(a) Find the characteristics equation of the matrix A = .
1 0
 
1 0 3
(b) Find the rank of the matrix A = 4 −1 5.
2 0 6
(c) Show that the homogeneous system of equations

x1 + 2x2 − x3 = 0
2x1 + x2 − 2x3 = 0
has many solutions.
(d) Prove that the two solutions of y ′′ + 4y = 0 are linearly independent using Wronskian.
d3 y
dy 2 4
(e) Find the order and degree of the differential equation dx 3 = 1 + ( dx ) .
(f) Reduce the equation sin y dx = cos x(2 cos y − sin2 x) to a linear equation.
(g) If α ⃗ ⃗γ be unit vectors satisfying the condition α
⃗ , β, ⃗ + β⃗ + ⃗γ = ⃗0, then show that
⃗ .β⃗ + β.⃗
α ⃗ γ + ⃗γ .⃗
α = − 23 .
(h) If f = x2 y + 2xy + z 2 , then show that curl grad f = ⃗0.

2. Answer any ten questions 2 × 10 = 20

2 2 2
(a) Find the orthogonal trajectories of curves x +y = a ,where a is a variable parameter.
3 3 3

dy 2 dy
(b) Solve xy{( dx ) − 1} = (x2 − y 2 ) dx
(c) Evaluate: D3 +3D2 +2D
(x2 ).
(d) Show that the vector F⃗ = 3y 4 z 2 î + 4x3 z 2 ĵ − 3x2 y 2 k̂ is solenoidal.
 
1 2 3 1
(e) Find all real λ for which the rank of the matrix is 2, A = 2 5 3 λ 
1 1 6 λ+1
(f) If ⃗r = a cos tî + a sin tĵ + at tan αk̂ then show that |⃗r˙ × ⃗r¨| = a2 sec α.
(g) Solve: ddt2x − 3x − 4x = 0
d2 y
+x+y =0
(h) Show that the Pfaffian differential equation

(yx + xyz)dx + (zx + xyz)dy + (xy + xyz)dz = 0

is integrable.
(i) Fibd the rank of the matrix A by reducing it to row reduced echelon form
 
2 1 3
A = 4 7 13 
4 −3 −1

(j) Find a unit normal to the surface 2x2 y + 3xyz = 4 at the point (1,-1,-2).
(k) If f⃗ be a vector point function then prove that div curl f⃗ = 0.
(l) Solve and find complete primitive and singular solution of the differential equation
3y = 2px − 2px .
(m) Solve: dx
+ xy log y = y
(log y)2
d y 2
(n) If y=x is a solution of x2 dx2 + x dx − y = 0 then find its other linearly independent


3. Answer any five questions 5 × 5 = 25

(a) Apply the method of undetermined coefficients to solve the differential equation
y ′′ + 9y = 2 cos 3x.
d y 2 dy
(b) Solve: x2 dx 3
2 − 2x(1 + x) dx + 2(1 + x) = x in terms of known integral.

d y 2 dy
(c) Solve x2 dx 3
2 − x(x + 2) dx + x(x + 2) = x given that y = x, y = xe
are two linearly
independent solutions of the corresponding homogeneous equation.
(d) f⃗ and ⃗g are two vector functions, prove that div(f⃗ × ⃗g ) = ⃗g .curlf⃗ − f⃗.curl⃗g .
x2 y2
(e) Prove that the system of confocal conics a2 +λ
+ b2 +λ
= 1 is self orthogonal.
p⃗.⃗a p⃗.⃗b p⃗.⃗c
(f) Prove that [⃗p ⃗q ⃗r][⃗a ⃗b ⃗c] = ⃗q.⃗a ⃗q.⃗b ⃗q.⃗c
⃗r.⃗a ⃗r.⃗b ⃗r.⃗c
(g) Show that following set of equations is consistent and solve it
2x + 4y + 3z + w = 15, 3x + 7y + 2w = 16, 5x + 3y + 5z + 3w = 21
(h) State Caley Hamilton theorem. Find A100 where
 
1 0 0
A = 1 0 1
0 1 0

4. Answer any two questions 2 × 10 = 20

d2 y dy
(a) i. Solve the differential equation dx2
− 2 dx + 4y = ex cosx
2 3
ii. For the curve ⃗r = 2a cos tî+2a sin tĵ+tk̂ find [ d⃗
rd ⃗rd ⃗r
dt dt2 dt3
]. (6+4)

Page 2
(b) i. For any three vectors ⃗a, ⃗b, ⃗c, show that

⃗a.(⃗b × ⃗c) = (⃗a.⃗c)⃗b − (⃗a.⃗b)⃗c

ii. Reducing the differential equation x2 p2 + py(2x + y) + y 2 = 0 to Clairaut’s form
by the substitutions y = u, xy = v, solve it and prove that y + 4x = 0 is a singular
solution. (4+6)
2 2
(c) i. Solve (2x + 2xy + 2xz + 1)dx + dy + 2zdz = 0
ii. Prove that the eigen values of a real symmetric matrix are all real. (5+5)

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